Torrance Herald

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Torrance Herald MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOBILES 11* I AUTOMOBILES Tnieki, etc. Truckn, etc. ELECTRIC SHAVER REPAIRS All M«kc» -- All Model) OSCAR MAPLES FORD Tr»a« In Vour Old dhi»eT Ai PARRISH STATIONERS Hit MAIICEUNA AVE. CLEARANCE SALE FAIrflx I-8074 LIQUIDATION bALE Ml! RELEASED from itor«M. Flvi PAUL'S CHEVROLET roomi. hitiutltul furnltur*. RUrlgsrMw, d«lux« rt nr«. iOO Used Cars dirome dlneit», compl«t« Tir­ We Must Move ing room. a-h*drooml. ill mw, toUl nrle« S49S, Tl\ II we«k. -jniB. SOB t. L«n» Come In and Name Your Own Deal Bttch Alvil. (n>«r Olltn it . Compton J We Are RETAILING All of Our Cars at 1BONINO Boi Hi-Loir. P_.. TERRIFIC BARGAINS 18. OS 8-S788 PRICES ——. _.—.rle Fortllilt. Oeod WHOLESALE iondition, »JS. Phon« ON OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF "OK" GUARANTEED Termini] t-Utt 100% Financing IOY'8 38" bicycle. Newly p«tm- No Down Plan «d. tit, FA J-38B3 (On Approved Credit) UECTR1C Will Hlitei 30" »as he»t«r. Uk« » TERRIFIC CARS «ch. 1008 Port«!«. i MANY GOOD BUYS MODEL A Ford .„„,.». NEW . t i-uudUlf.n. O'Kttlt fr.i iwrrlll Rang.. I (not rflrlMr- On PRICES SLASHED - PROFITS FORGOTTEN ||ir Botli («od eendltlAn '55 FORDS LATE MODEL »* t AOE Wlhriii.'Mer Model AND 14 USED CARS EVERY USED CAR IN STOCK MUST BE SOLD - NOW! Demonstrators NO LOOK AT THESE SAMPLE BUYS Down Plan 954 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR 1954 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR t«l Air Model. Too new to call used. A beauty. $1695 Bel Air Model. 2-tone brown finish. Radio and heater. $1695 BOXER PllpplM. AKC r*glil«r- Factory Says Only 12,000 actual milei. Like brand new. »d. Show poMlbllllics. ITAIflix 8-41,10. 164* Writ 232nd Street. LxUMt IIN 1754 CHEVROLET CLUB COUF 1954 FORD ."6" CUSTOMLINE TREE Klttcn» In jnnd hnnlM. 0*1 Rey "210" Series. Beautiful blue finnh. $1595 Pin. 1'fn.lnn 1«J( WMI JSOth SELL 'EM And Radio, healer, overdrive and white walli. A black $1495 StfMI. KAIrfnx R-8f)76. beauty. LIVESTOCK Iflfl Let Us Prove It 1953 FORD V8 COUNTRY SOI Radio, heater, automatic drive. Mult it* to «f $1795 1954 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR GOLDEN Palflinlno m t r «. 8 > COME IN y««ra old. Whltr. t«ll Ind Belvadere Model with Hy-Orlve, heater, etc. 2-ton« m«n«. Dnlntv liulld. ( » n ( I $1395 III) chlldrfn. »U6. PLymmith In Many Cases Payments 1953 MERCURY SPORT COUPE yellow and white finish. 4 52U afti>r » p.m. or «-«k $1.495 NAME"YOUR Are Less Than Bus Fare! Radio and heater. Try It- You'll buy it. 1953 PONTIAC "8" 4-DOOR TRAIIJtaS 111 Hydra-Malic, radio, heater, beautiful green finith. A $1395 For Sale or Trade 1954 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR local car. OWN DEAL IN "1 JO" Series. Ideal family car. See It today. $1295 195S PAN Amcricnn W two bud- COME mom. Kull nwnltiB. Mr »«00 1953 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE fqn'tv-lnr llfirio cnlh. HlUilrf Glide, new tires. 2-tone blue S3niX) «r Ir'B'lo for hou» nt «nu«l COME IN 1953 FORD V8 FORDOR Radio, heater, Power $1495 Cuitomlln* aquippcd with radio, heater, ov* $1195 finish. And See The TODAY 1944 ALMA 31 Foot houictrtll- 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE tr Interior «trlpp«d J1SB. 7«l For the 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Extras include radio and heater. Ready to go. Test 3Sth Manhattan Belch mont- Fabulous $1095 i-r !)-a.lf< A-l from bumpir to bumper. A car you'll like $1295 drive it. 31733 W»»t«ri, Av«. BEST DEAL 4 DOOR 1952 FORD TUDOR 1953 CHEVROLET '56 FORD On the Bal Air Model with radio, etc. A-l ln«ids (ind out. $1395 11 FOOT Tr«ll»r fnr i«l», J350 Cuitornline S«dan, With radio, heater, Fordon $945 1870 Purlflf OnA.-t Hwv. A- S With the 202 H.P. Horhn, r-iT, |, A i;-i<yi"2 1952 FORD "6" MAINLINE iOr Jliil.| 1 '. :» ' M.i.ur'yrSM Thunderbird Engine FINEST CARS Il7n-, " i ''Ml,. Spiirf 1952 NASH COUNTRY CLUB Has raaio, etc. Real economical to operate. Plenty of $795 10. T . ' .1 Popular Rambler Model. Rad o, heater, overd $795 power. new. jTlbuaK nni'on. Soil I3(i6-S400 OSCAR MAPLES 1953 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR to ill »"k rAlrftx 8-1944. "210" Series. Equipped with Power Glide and heater. $1295 AUTOMOBILES 112 YOUR FRIENDLY ' FORD DEALER 1950 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Trucks, etc. 1420 CABRILLO A VE. TORRANCE Radio, heater, tun viior, nice green finish. Hi $595 1951 DODGE 4-DOOR thli one, In top-notch condition. $795 NEW CAR DEPARTMENT USED CAR DEPARTMENT Here's a top-notch car Harbor Motor Co. FAirfax 8-5014 FAirfax 8-4744 1949 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR 1950 FORD V8 FORDOR Oldsmobile $595 Custom Sedan. Radio, heater, 2-tone finish. $595 San Pedro Fleetline Deluxe. Radio and heater. Motor pe 1953 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN Custom Statesman, equip­ 1953 OLDSMOBILE SUPER "88" 4-DOOR SEDAN ped with radio, heater, HARBOR PONTIAC hydramatic, white walls, Only one In town with a "stick." Out It goes. bed rnitl reclining seats. A beautiful car. SALE! SALEI ONLY( $1695 FULL PRICE ONLY $1295 230-300 West Anahelm JUBt 2 blk« W«»t o( Avilon $269339 RJLL PRICE Wilminqton TRANSPORTATIONTRANS BARGAIN BUYS TErmlnnl 4-1168 TKrnilm.l 4-11B7 NEW 1955 PONTIAC 1948 CHEVROLET STATION W i 1949 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE New tires, heater, black finish. Real nice. $245 CLOSED Sl'NUATS A dandy. Exceptional Inside and out. $495 Star Chief Custom Catalina 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELI ! 1947'CHEVROLET AERO 2-DOOR Sandy Neill $395 I Has radio and heater. Ideal trantportatlon. $245 * 200 H.P. * Whitewalls Radio, heater, black finish, A local car. Studebaker-Packard * Back-Up Lights * Tinted Glass 1949 FORD V8 CLUB COUPE 1946 BUICK 4-DOOR SALES - SERVICE $445 Super Sedan. Equipped with radio and healer. $195 530 W. 6lh St. TE 2- II 65 * PL-!! Flow Oil Fi!^r * Directional? Radio, heater, overdrive and 2-tone finish. USED CAR LOT * Hydra-Matic * Foam Cushions 505 S. Pacific Ave. * Radio * 2-Tone Finish SAN PEDRO * Heater-Defroster * Oil Bath Air Cleaner TS49~FORD tor »!'. Boy l«»- J7,M'I86> TRUCK VALUES kne for icrvlcf. Muit urn. IU- dlB. hrtt*r. n»»- .lrt«««ll llr... - Twin plp'«. «:»0 » "> m' e'k: '53 Ford l/2 -Tsn Pick-Up.....,..$l 195 '53 Chevrolet I-Ton Stake......$ 1195 &,yA '!4Jrto' >W^ nffi.h'8n,d No Car So Big No Price So Low '53 Chevrolet 3/4 -T.Pck-Up$ 109! '51 Chevrolet l/2-T. Pick-Up $ 845 '51 Dodge l/2 -Ton Pick-Up......$ 745 BV1ICKr.;Wt!s.Wn«.w-M.ii'.s? 19S3 SpfcUl 4-Donr 8«- NO DEAL SO RIGHT '51 Ford 1/2-Ton Panel...............$ 74< till.;. Murt if 11. PhMi« BAvli ALSO SEE THESE U SED CAR SPECIALS '50 Chevrolet % -Ton....... ..........$ 645 | '50 Chevrolet %-T. Pick-Up $ 795 8-3663. Her 4:30 or Suur'tty '52 Intern Val '/j-T- Pick-Up $ 845 '51 PONTIAC "8" 'S3 FORD ZEPHYR 1948 Chevrolet /2-Ton Pick-L .,..'........$595 | 1949 Chevrolet l/2 -Ton Pick-Up.........,....$745 ^C^SJr?Sl".V'«».'-l«i "6" 4-DOOR . $695 4-DOOR . $795 W'^r^- H"bor On, ownir or with rials, Vtry icnnnmlcll. Btit buy In better Ind hydrimntlr Prlcid town Kit in mlliiif. low (or todiv'l ipiclll OVER 75 OTHERS. TO CHOOSE FROM '5? PONTIAC "t" OVER 75 'SI PLYMOUTH . $995 RESULTS 4-DOOR . $495 2-DOOR ALL PRICED EXTREMELY LOW FOR THIS SPECIAL LIQUIDATION SALE Chlefllln dllui* vlth r«l«, ALL PRICED EXT Tou juit etn't (Ind bttttr, hvrlrimitle Viry eltu Hurry lor thli nn«. S ARE MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHAT HURRY! COME IN TODAY! TO YOU SPECIAL NOTE HARBOR PONTIAC ' GET DISCOUNTSDIS OF UP TO 20% MIS. Pacific Ave. SAN PEDRO TE 3-2484 WHEN ^.."ftSHSiS..'^.,0.^. AUTUMN SALE ii'rttunt h «o'nilluon Ihrouifc 'IS rHBVROLET '* TON PICKUP ............. .HIM Full FrlM YOU out 1711 Anilr«o Avenui. Onl); s<0° m""'- rA|rlil_ 1 _30« _ . MUKCUBT MONTKRIY .. ................. .MOM full »WI1 ' PAUL'SPAL CHEVROLET nlvi, g.Jltl) '11 LINCOLN C AI'BI COUPI . ................. .HIM fvll ftta USE IMrcilEVllora'f'.-IMO motor, Fully ewlpp d. A nil biritln YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR FUTURE BUSINESS r'rt.r.l"ui'hh J n.'*«vK° ££?} ' *°*»> rol'N TRT SUDAN ...... ....... M4I B»w« YOUR IT"' laTw « "' li" :,,^; »""". "'" >nd rordomitlr. Unuiuilly elitn HERALD ICTORIA ................. .... .. M4I Bown (I4"7 >ONTl AC 1 t rrllndfr. two '|1 FORD VI V 2 LC TO SERVE YOU m,Vt CLASSIFIED .no1 . MM. 1»IMI4 P Yukon. 1640 Cabrillo Ave. f 2172 Pac. Coast Hwy. DA 6-1185 FA 8-1647 (Corner of Narbonne) NE 6"2077 ADS -»LSSrr KAZAN MOTORS (AcroH From Bus Station) < '^SH^' 'M" g' w»"RN OA.DB.A. P^ M'".
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