Motors for the FINEST CHOKE (ADS for Less MOTORSK at Avalon Motors 3 MCQCU&Y COM6T* Lfncoln- LINCOLN Cqntfncntal - ENGLISH F=Ort> 60 M.G.A

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Motors for the FINEST CHOKE (ADS for Less MOTORSK at Avalon Motors 3 MCQCU&Y COM6T* Lfncoln- LINCOLN Cqntfncntal - ENGLISH F=Ort> 60 M.G.A Wednesday, July 12, 1961 HE PRESS Page D-7 200 Automobiles for Sale 900 Automobile! for Sale MO Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale 200 j|« for Sale 200 Automobiles for Sale f YOU WANT ECONOMY AS] Frontier Motors WBU. AS POWER. GO sei <, for the CHOKE (ADS FINEST For Less MOTORSK At Avalon Motors 3 MCQCU&Y COM6T* LfNCOLN- LINCOLN CQNTfNCNTAL - ENGLISH f=ORt> Fer Better Than Ordinary New '61 Buick Trade-ins JULY 60 M.G.A. .......... $99 Delivers FLIPS ITS ANNUAL full tonnaau 1400 sarias. RAH, *Me curtain*, Liberal Trades EASIEST cover, w.w tires. Exceptionally low mileage Good Selection CALIFORNIA'S car, rum like new. »*) monlh. TRADER CAN PUT '56 OLDS SUPER 88 $99 Delivers Low GMAC Terms RODEO YOU IN A NEW 4 Door. Auto., R&H, p.s., p. brake',, w.w Comet fires. Nice family car. $39.(M mont\ See Jack Dalton or Jimmy Turner '56 FORD ......... .$99 Delivers 'rN "««Ml Up Tonight Feirlane 2 dr Trlfone finish, w.w. tires, RAH, A 31 Day B"A''R'>G'A> p. brakes. Truly a gem of '60 Chev. V-8 $1895 '59 Ford V-8.. $1895 Be Vacation Sofa With auto., p. steer., a car. 13J.85 month. 4 Door with powerglide. A real fresh, Oalaxla Hardtop. Power steering, ear. Hard 16 tell ttilt '56 CHRYSLER .... .$99 Delivers low mileage Fordomatlc, radio, etc. Immaculate. gftfoiCCo- Safe New Yorker 4 dr. 2-ton* paint, w.w tires, on* from brand n«w. To Promote auto., RAH, power steering, power brakes, power windows, power saats. Immaculate, a '57 Buick . $1295 real buy. 144.77 month. '57 Chev. $1395 Extremely nice on* Special Rlvlora station wagon. Sharp VACATION TRAVEL . .$99 Delivers Rel-AIr Hardtop. MOTORS '56 CHEVROLET with powtr steering and brakes, pow­ blue and whit* finish, matching In­ Hardtop c CHI PC. < cyl., stick shift with radio, heater, continental kit. terior. Fully equipped and ready to leSO t. PACIFIC AVC. tires. $44.27 erglide/ o'drlve, RAH, 2 ton* paint, w.w All whit* with tlack trim. iAN PBDRO month. ___________ TE 9-U77 _________ 100% FINANCING AVAILABLE Frontier Motors Immediate Delivery THESE SIX CARS 23660 Hawthorne ARE READY Fabulous New FINANCE Blvd. On Buick's TO TAKE OFF ON YOUR ANYONE '« Mil* VACATION Norm of FR 8-6261 Fac. Coasf SKYLARK '61 MERCURY '57 CHEV. Get e reliable car. We don't cart '61 COMET If you canft have credit elsewhere, Choice of Colors our credit' terms are available to 2 DOOR SEDAN 2 DOOR SEDAN V-8 9-PASS. WAGON anyone who has a steady lob and '57 Olds '88' . $1295 good character. '57 Buick . $1295 heater. Equipped FOR Bulck's finest Riviera sedan. Air con­ Holiday 4 Door Hardtop. Outstand­ Including radio, heater. Including radio, Fully ditioned, every power accessory, In­ ing car with powar steering and Try Us cluding Mats and windows. Take brakas. hydramatic, radio, haatar, your trip In cool comfort. othar axtrat. Wa do everything w« say wt will. COURTEOUS In addition/ we have the finest, cleanest, cart In Southern Cali­ '57 Pontiac . $1095 '57 Ford ... $1095 . absolutely guaranteed Falrlane "500" convertible. Another '695 fornia . Catallnn series. Here Is a bright, lo­ *695 with a 1-we«k trial exchange priv­ SERVICE cal, low mileage, one owner car. local sporty llttl* car. Fordomatlc, '1595 ilege. No red tape no side loans- Hydramatic, radio, heater, white radio, h*at*r. Excellent In *v*ry da- no crfdit nPCP5*ary. All you np«?d walls. tall. .'59 RENAULT '57 VOLVO la steady lob and good character. '60 CORVAIR If you have $50 to $100 Oown and FAST 4 DOOR SEDAN DAUPHINE SEDAN SWEDISH SPTS. SEDAN can afford $10 per week payments '55 Olds '88' : . $795 '55 Buick . $595 you can drive out In a fine car. Shop the Annual Super Holiday Hardtop Sedan. Hydra- Special Rlvl*ra Coup*. Dynaflow, ra­ Here's real economy. Radio and heater. Radio «iui heater. matte, radio, heater, many other e» dio, haatar/ 2 too*. Our special for RESULTS Bargain Round-up tras. See to appreciate. Mill WMk. Thrifty Lad Selections Displayed 1311 Caabrlllo By California's TOftftANCE FA 0-2404 TORRANCE CALIFORNIA'S EASIEST TRADER Easiest Trader SACRIFICE Avalon Motor Co. 51 HUDSON PRESS Auto, radio, heater. Call Tax, Buick and Opel Headquarters FA 8-1500 MOTORS 900 WEST ANAHEIM I960 FORD, « cyl. Rum good, look* WANT ADS good. After 3:30 p.m. call FA 1-7104 MOTORS Direct Factory Dealer NFEO READY CASH? Householrf TE 4-6580 5-1515 1IM S. PACIFIC AVB. WILMINGTON furnishings are always In demand. DA CALIF. -pt**«t, TERMINAL 3-3577 Presa SAN PEDRO Sundays 1850 s. SAN PEDRO, Stll them with a Torrane* TB 3-3577 Open Evenings and classified ad. DA 5-1515. Now Is Your Opportunity To Make a Good Car Buy During This PRE VACATION SELL-A-THON Outstanding Money-Saving Values on Brand New Cars or Guaranteed Used Cars BE A HAPPY DRIVER ... CHECK THESE SUPER CAR BUYS TODAY! 1959 PLYMOUTH VACATION SPECIALS! In Style with , . for Ease V-8 4-DOOR BELVEDERE '57 FORD 4-DOOR ......... $1195 TROPICANA of Travel Country Sedan 4 Passenger. Tuton* blue and white, R«VH, auto transmis­ HARDTOP sion, good tires. Immaculate throughout. Special this week only. the '59 THUNDERBIRDS, your choice $2795 TROPICANA CAMPER" Automatic, radio, heater, white sidewall tires, air eon* the AlasVan High­ beauties. Best' is especially built to w..;.stand 3 to choose from, i Baby Blue, i All White, 1 Bronte. All way and mtulated for extreme climates. The ditioned. Beige. buys In town. See these now. "Tropicana" is ideal for «ftort or long trips. Extend weekend trips by leaving a day earlier stop whenever you're tired. The "Trop" to $2895 completely operation*) traveling en the hl«hwav. '58 CADILLAC «r Mta air con­ There are no restrictions on children Coupe De VIII* RAH, automatic, powtr steering, powtr brakas, riding in me rear. The family can ear, OVER 200 MILES PER GALLON FOR $ ditioning. Jet black, whltewall tires, beautiful Interior. nnrt relax In tbo camper while It's moving. 1333 '56 VOLKSWAGEN .....,.,........................-_. .$69S WIN A CAMPER . UNDER $250 rcojstor! Radio, heater. Olive groan. Oood tires. FREE! all yov do It b* given away Sept. 11 100% FINANCING WEAVER To BEACH CITIES MOTORS BB CAR SALES 234 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY TROPICANA CAMPER SALES CONTINENTAL IMPORTS 1409 PACIFIC COAST HWY. AT PIER AVE. REDONDO BEACH FR 9-4347 SCO Pacific Co«t Hwy.. HtrmoKt.lMch «. 4-1 MI 2l05,Redondo Beech Blvd. FR 4-6403 1961 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE Executive Car RAMBLERS-WE HAVE 'EM Bacon Ford Will Beat Any Legitimate Deal Fully Equipped, Including Air Conditioning in Town from $100 to $250 '59, '60 and '61 Sedans and Wagons VILLAGE LARK- It Your Authorized Dealer for the Harbor Area WILL $19 HA .... .. .. ....$1775 For the Complete Line of 1961 FALCON as $1295 Fulf Prict DISCOUNT I£UU Low LARK - HAWK - STUDEBAKER TRUCKS Fully Factory Equipped We Will Bend Over Backwards to Give You the HUNT RAMBLER SALES Best* Possible Deal in Southern California FRANK REIMAN BACON FORD 402-500 West Anaheim Wilmington VILLAGE LARK PONTIAC CENTER 11 Acres of Cars Pacific Coast Hwy. Herfnosa Btach TE 5-6646 TE 4-6383 1860 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach 412 West Anaheim Wilmington 1100 FR 4-8991 Open Evenings and Sunday (Between 101 and Willow) GA 7-9927 Open Evenings and Sunday S-A-L-E ON Vi TO 2-TON '57 FORD Convertible No Down! No Monthly Pymts. TRUCKS! CASH PRICKS '53 CHEVROLET AND FORD Auto., R&H, power steering ................. '1095 STAKES, FLAT BEDS, DUMPS 1957 FORD V-8 '55 BUICK Century Riviera Coupe $387 Pull »ow«r, new llrtt. '60 METROPOLITAN HARDTOP CfflQtt Pu " '59 FORD Skyline Rectractble Hardtop. Two to 2-DOOR FAIRLANE 500 Radio and heater, whitawall* .... 0 I IKJvpHce choose from, 1 with air conditoning. '46 MERCURY Club Coupe .;....__.$ 99 '59 CHEVROLET V-8 PARKWOOD O I QQC Full HARDTOP WAGON, powar «taaring, 2-tona ...... V * «*»wp r |ce CO OH Oown '57 CHEV. 4 Dr. Sedan. Light stick shift $149 '60 FALCON 2 DOOR DELUXE Auto, radio, Heater, white sidewall tires, wheel discs. '52 FORD Victoria, Radio, Haatar ..................... blue with matching interior ................... '55 T-BIRD. pi..., auto, RAH Oown See to appreciate. Black in color. Completely recon­ '55 FORD Customline 2- Door $345 4-way «*at. Black ..... $395 '60 FALCON 2-Dr. Sedan. ditioned motor, interior and paint. Pordomatlc, RAH, wtilte sidewalk. '59 FORD STATION WAGON. Auto., ? MQK haater, all whit*. Low milaao.*. Sacrifice V 199 R&H, deluxe trim '1695 __ $170 «n«in«. '52 FORD Station Wagon with w.w. tirat, naw Surfer 59 CADILAC Convtrtibl*. Lew mileage, CCQC Down '58 FORD 8 Fairlane 500 4-Dr. ............. VW5J Full power R&H, Fordo., p.s. '49 PONTIAC 4-Door ....... $79 '60 CORVAIR 700 Deluxe C I CftC Full Sed. *1295 1045 Auto., RAH ................. VlW**5lpr Je» 100% FINANCING '53 PONTIAC 2 Door. C I OR Fu " '54 CHEVROLET 2-Door $296 Auto., RAH. ......................... 0 I OW Price O.M C. engine. HOI WM. Inc. NOTHING DOWN ON APPROVED CREDIT "Garden* Ford Dealer" BEACH CITIES MOTORS 234 PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY TROPHY MOTORS 161 ft end Vermont DA 9-1184 FA 1-0434 4575 REDONDO BEACH BLVD. LAWNDALE KAZAN MOTORS REDONDO BEACH Open Evenings and Sunday FR 4-7084 4-9913 15019 S. Western, Gardcna DA LESS FROM LES" Arny inrl Opornlrjr ',«m»» location tor IS Ye«r» "BUY FOR Advertise with the Leader in Auto Ads—The Torrance Press.
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    •s Thursday, September 27, 1956_____________________________________________________ RBTBINBIIES FOB SUE RUTBHMUB FOB SHE MUTOWBILES FOB SUE NT0M0BHES FOB SUE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUE AUTOMOBttES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUE AUTOMOBILES FOB SUE O'BRIEN'S FALL ANTIC Pre-Model SALE! SPECIALS (j IU N0 REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED 1955 Chevrolet $1365 Del Rey coupe. Jet black over India ivory. This one has a clean "bip 1954 DODGE 2-DOORS AND 4-DOORS; 1953 KAISER MANHATTANS BIG SAVINGS! of health”. Full leather interior in fully equipped; harmonizing black and white. 4-Doors and 2-Doors each 3695 Equinped for your comfort and driving pleasure. Act now while choice of 4 $950 our bargains are at the best. 1952 DODGES, all body styles 1953 FORD CUSTOMLINE *'8*' and models each 3525 ALL MODELS ROADMASTERS OFFICIALS' TUDOR with FordoBnatic . 3745 1951 Cadillac . $1245 1952 CHEVROLETS, FORDS AND CARS and ”62” 4-door sedan. Wedgewood 1953 STUDEBAKERS, all body and COLORS SUPERS green, offset by gleaming, perfect PLYMOUTHS; choice 3395 whitewalls. Boost your moral with styles, choice of 5 3595 this sporty model. Radio, heater. to CHOOSE From SPECIALS Demonstrators Hydramatic. This car shows the 1953 PLYMOUTHS, some with 1951 CARS, all mahes and models; stamp of quality. Hi-Drive, choice of 5 3745 15 to choose from 3250 LONG TERM CENTURYS Used Very *52 Rover, British $865 1953 DODGES, 2-DOORS, 4-DOORS; 1950 CARS, all mahes and models; Join the royal family of car own­ ers with thia classic beauty. Fin­ just 3 left; your choice 3795 10 to choose from 3150 FINANCING WARRANTED CAREFULLY ished in cool green and offset by gleaming whitewalls.
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