![1950-09-21, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, September 21, 1950 EAST CLEVELAND LEADER Page Nine I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 FORD tudor, radio, heater, spot- 1948 OLDS ”98** convertible; radio, 1939 PLYMOUTH, deluxe coupe, good 1*557^ Mercury UiQtor» $300. IV. heater; extras: black, white side­ Your Northeast condition. REd. 1-4671. HSMALL BUSINESS” ji tAKnj walls; $1850. 1122 East 176th after 1949 FORD, 6 cylinder, tudor sedan, STEARNS MOTORS . A name X&47 CHEVROLET, four door sedan; 7 p. m. very good condition. One owner. By C. WILSON HARDtt you will hear often whenever, Willys Overland Dealer K Elim qrel-8855._________________ DE SOTO radio, healer, many extras; A-l con* 1940 CHEVROLET dump truck. 20740 the purchase of a reliable; Vl’i^O?® taX’ *4312 D°Ver aVe< Naumann ave. Sale* Service Parts 1935 CHEVIE truck, pick-up, U ton, PLYMOUTH 1941 NASH, clufe coupe; good condi­ OPEN EVENINGS good tires, good shape, running con- Used Car is discussed. dition, S85._ K Enmore 1 -1420.______ North and South, Republican They shudder and hope much 1946 PACKARD, 4 door; not an ordi­ tion; overhauled motor: radio, heater. 1947~ PACKARD’ No reasonable offer nary used car, in marvelous condi­ Best offer over $200. Wickliffe 3-1273. and Democrat, have been suc­ will never be published in news­ tion; low mileage; loaded with extras; HENRY AUTO refused. MUlberry 1-8525. _____ cessful in getting passed in the papers read by tax-conscious private; must sell. LI. 1-2340. 1948 JEEP panel delivery; good condi­ Sales and Service, Inc, f6rd~1936, good body and running tion; reasonable. Call IV. 1-0622._ condition. Phone REdwood 1-4319. Senate what is known as the constituents. WALTER H. STEARNS MOTORS, INC. 1939 DE SOTO; excellent condition; 15QC0 Asp.uwail I'O. 1-1870 1947 CHEVROLET 5 passenger coupe; DODGE, 1936, two-door, good tires Wherry amendment. That, as Direct Factory De Soto-Plymouth Dealer radio, heater, overdrive, spotlight; radio, heater; original owner; A-l and new paint, $145. KEnmore part of the Defense Production For example, the current re­ low mileage. LI. 1-2705. condition. UL. l-0722_or EV. 1-8624. 1938 NASH 4 door, radio, heater; very lease from the Office of Informa­ 13805 EUCLID AVENUE AT EDDY ROAD 1941 MERCURY. 4 door sedan; new clean, $280. GL. 1-7478 after 6;15 _ 1 -4810._____________________________ Act, should result in a fair dis­ 1940 PONTIAC 2 door sedan; heater, 1939 PLYMOUTH coupe, good condi- tribution of available civilian tion, Economic Cooperation Ad­ inotor; good paint: excellent condi- radio; very good running condition. p. m.______________________ _ OjMN £vomngs Until 9 U 1-9000 SitarSayt Unfit 0 Lon; no tax. 82l_East 143rd st.__ 1946 DODGE, 4 door sedam custom tion. 1489 East 252nd st. goods. ministration, commonly known GL. 1-8316. 1940 BUJCK, Super Sedan. 1948 motor, as the Marshall Plan, tells how 1934 CHEVROLET coune; radio and 1946 FORD, 4 door sedan, 16102 Park­ built; heater, radio, spotlight; A-l heater. Call RE. 1-2090. inside and out; low mileage; no tax. excellent tires, perfect body, radio And as Senators Wherry (R., American tax dollars are being grove ave. Call between 4-5:30 p. m. UL. 1-1729. ______________________ _and heater^UL.^L-SOOT. Good 1935 Dodge sedan; heater; 1947 CROSLEY $145. good“body; new Neb.) and Sparkman (D., Ala.) used to modernize hotels in Eu­ priced for quick sale. KE. 1-4222. 1937 CHEVROLET coupe, good tires; 1941 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan, radio pushed for passage, they were rope, including such nations as inotor: GL. 1-9118 or LI. 1-5708. good running condition, $75. 24049 and heater, good tires, perfect body. Euclid ave. UL. 1-5097.________________________ supported by organized inde­ Portugal, Ireland, Luxemberg, HILLMAN, 1949, 4-door sedan, one pendent business ... inspired Sweden, Turkey, etc. ; LOWIST PRICES - : J--— owner, excellent condition, leather silently by the reproachful ghosts 1936 Oldsmobile upholstery, heater, 38 miles to gal­ of 5.15,000 small businesses that With brash pride ECA Release lon. GL. 1-7466, 8 to 430, GL. 1-0622 No. 1660 tells how Marshall Plan after 4:30. _ needlessly perished in World EVERY DAY. 4 Door; Fair Condition. War II. dollars have installed more bath­ BRAKES— 1938 CHEVROLET, radio and heater; A-l body and motor, exceptional rooms. changed rooms from dou­ With Electric Brahe Tester $65.00 buy. MU. 1-0383 after 6, This new bill will require that ble beds to twin beds, air-condi­ tioned ballrooms, made other IQEO F°r<i Crestliner 2-door; I Lincoln custom club rmme PLYMOUTH 4-door special deluxe, small independent businesses dis­ Front £nd Specialist fully equipped; 1100 ac­ I .oaded with » I 13911 Woodworth M. U. 1-5177 A-l running condition, 1941, REd. tributing civilian goods be given changes in these hotels. Thus tual miles; must be seen extras. V ■«***> 1-1179. a fair share of the available sup­ American dollars voted to stop 1939 STt’bfcBAKfiil 4 door sedan; new 1946 OLDSMOBILE, 76 two-door, ra­ ply, based on a representative starvation are used to create to be appreciated. Save. tires; new carburator; 84,000 original dio. heater, A-l condition, $1025. KE. 1-5240, 8:30-5 p. m. period before June 24. 1950. luxury abroad. Wheels Aligned end Balanced miles: A-l. $350, Private, IV. 1-8366. • 1 DA Q Chevrolet club coupe, IP1? DODGE. 4-door deluxe, radio, 1 thSSl Plymouth Club Coupe, A-l 1949 PLYMOUTH, special deluxe club Tf the House passes this meas­ As everyone knows, a lot of 1 DtI V condition, low | ■ A-l condition, J coupe; like new; low mileage; full heater, fog lights, body and motor milenqe. ’V “ Lv'a of extras. PO. 1-4000. good, $165 down. KE. 1-0439. ure, it will correct one of the improvements are needed in Clutches Spring Shocks 1941 OLDSMOBILE, two door sedan, glaring oversights of tbe past American hotels. first $200 takes it. MU. 1-6724, 676 when monopoly owned or con­ Overhauled Service Replaced | 0 A Dodge Custom deluxe club i Ford Statesman converti- _East 160th up. BECAUSE trolled outlets received the avail­ But after taxes American ho­ 1 W‘*1V coupe, radio, heater ble, radio, heater, electric 1039 OLDSMOBILE, good condition: tels don’t have the funds. And 1 I deluxe sedan; radio, heater; best IVo Need able supplies, and independent windows, a business was left on a limb. while Europe’s hotels get free SI 089 f flOfi offer takes. UL. 1-2631. American dollars, American bargain. 1 UOU 1940 PLYMOUTH sedan7“good condi­ Evans Brake Service tion, solid body, radio, heater, reas- This one victory has far-reach­ owners often can’t get low cost onable, 934 Nathaniel rd. PO. 1-1166. USED CARS ing reverberations. Prior to this, loans. Phone: GLenville 1-9115 1931 FORD, Victoria, club coupe, ex­ the talk was entirely of volun­ 13628 St. Clair Ave. 1132 Hayden Ave. cellent condition $100. IV. 1-3295 We Hre Paying' Things like this are worrying UNIVERSAL • 13705 EUCLID tary allocations, tied in with sus­ Congressmen. Serving N. E. Cleveland For 18 Years 1946 MERCURY, four door, radio, heat­ pension of anti-trust laws. In er, S850.IV 1-3255.________________ TOP DOLLAR other words, Congressmen were They feel this type of informa­ : CORNER EUCLID and EDDY . Ulster 1-3660 1940 OLDSMOBILE sedan, good condi­ FOB ANY MAKE — ANY MODEL tion. solid body, radio, heater, reas­ told “the situation can be handled tion, if read by tax-ridden vot­ onable. 934 Nathaniel rd., PO. 1-1166. TAKE ADVANTAGE by ‘gentlemen’s agreements’.” ers, will be reflected in Novem­ OF OUR ber voting. There may be some But Senators privately say grounds for their fears. 1950 they are becoming wary of these CARS PAINTEDj 2S VEARS “gentlemen’s agreements” • • • Many Washingtonians are quot­ Of SQUARE DEALING would like to be sure of what ing Nicolai Lenin, founder of the BUICK ' BRING YOUR TITLE TO “gentlemen” are involved in Soviet Union. Special Dynailow such agreements. Many feel that AT USED CARS JACK'S MOTOR they, like little Red Riding Hood, He wrote: “Germany will arm Sedanefte found out just in the nick, of lime itself out of existence.” fHas We Have A Large Selection of Clean, Late Model Beautiful Olympic Blue Finish; radio, MART, IHC. that grandma was a wolf. happened, they say.) “Bri.ain will expand itself out of exist­ heater, other extras; traded in on a Your Neighborhood Dealer Your Choice Used Cars — PRICED RITE! 800 EAST 185th STREET Congressmen, eyeing Novem­ ence.” (Has happened, they larger model. Driven 6620 miles. say.) “America will spend itself KE. 1-4550 ber elections, are aghast at some An opportunity to buy a practically press releases sent out by gov­ out of existence.” (Is it happen­ Of ernment-hired press agents. ing, they ask.) 1949 Ford Tudor 1949 Chevrolet new car at a great saving. ©National Federation of Independent Busi less orro COLORS Super deluxe, radio, heater, equip­ Deluxe Aero Sedan. This one Is S20S5 faiktu ped with overdrive. really clean and lots of extra*. Friendship Club Monday, October 23th. ■Candidates did medical and nursing attention $1395 $1395 for various offices at the Novem­ they accorded my wife during her INFRA - RED Opens Year With ber election will be presented. recent stay at this grand institu­ RALPH STEWART Those who attend will be assured tion. OVEN • BAKED $57.00 1948 Chevrolet 1947 Mercury of hearing both sides of every ques­ I also am deeply appreciative of Same As Original Factory Finish Budget If Desired Stub Coupe.
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