(Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio), 1953-07-23
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2—THE RECORD, CHARDON, OHIO, JULY 23, 1953 carried the checkered flag in was a recent visitor in the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Reiter the fourth heat. Les McGurer, Sanborn home. entertained the Chapman Re car 32, of Chardon placed se Mrs. Della Ashcraft, Mrs. union at their home on Wilson- NEWS, from HUNTSBURG Mills Rd., Sunday. Fifty-three Frank Spackman, cond in the Feature, he also Mabie Gates and Mrs. Evelyn placed first in the semi-feature. News by Victoria Dietz Friday was rained out. Heights, race .x Donny is the Blair spent Thursday with members were present. Next Tom Gelvin of Cleveland plac Wednesday guests of the W. god-child of Mr. Schvorob. The Miss Blanch Warner in Paines year they will meet with Vern Les McGurer ed fourth in the Feature and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wade J. Schvorb’s were Mr. and Mrs. Schvorobs spent the weekend ville. on Chapman, Jr., in Mentor. took first in the third heat, ran entertained on Sunday. Their Jerry Matyka and daughter, with the Millers. Mrs. Baumhardt, a former Mr. and Mrs. Lee Parpart of Geauga off with the Helmet Dash, grab guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Clar Linda. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kessler Munson resident, now of East Chardon visited Mr. and Mrs. Win at Ziegler’s bed up the Australian Pursuit ence Ryder of Lakewood, Miss The W. J. Schvorobs and and sons, Jay and Leonard, and Cleveland, visited Mrs. E. A. James Ruch Saturday evening. and was the track’s fastest Dorothy Ryder of Lakewood, daughter, Pat, and Phyllis spent Mr. and Mrs. James Dietz and Summers the past week. Frank Spackman in Car No. Mrs. Catherine Morrison of THEATRE 7 took the Feature in fine qualifier. Tom was driving car the day, Sunday, at Geneva- daughter, Shelly Anne, were Leo Stage of Waverly, Ohio, Geauga's Popular Theatre no. 10. Lakewood and Mr. and Mrs. on-the-Lake. guests of the John Ditez’ on passed away July 10. Mr. Stage James Reef on Honor Roll style. Frank also placed first Pete Haupkorn of Lakeline, The Geauga is Air Conditioned in the second heat race and Hank Rood in 11A placed Betty Anne Kilko is back Sunday. was born and grew up in Mun James Reef, son of Mr. and seconnd in the Semi-Feature. Ohio. Mrs. Wade is coming home after a week’s stay in son. He was a brother of Hu for your comfort along nicely in spite of the Mrs. Clarence Reef, 118 Tilden John Nolan, No. 18 placed Willoughby. bert Stage, who is now making avenue, CharJon, has been third in the Semi-Feature and leg injury she suffered a couple Mrs. F. A. Vyner spent the his home in Florida. Hubert Thur*., Fri., Sat. July 23-24-25 weeks back. named to the honor roll at second in the second heat. Mel day in Cleveland last Thurs Munson was unable to attend his broth Muskingum College for the sec Ray Milland - Arlene Dahl vin Dodge, car 47, carried the A birthday party for Miss day visiting friends and rela er’s funeral due to poor health. Helen Loza was given by Mrs. News by Mrs. James Ruch ond time of the 1952-53 school checkered flag in the first heat tives. Mr. and Mrs. Vyner’s Telephone Chardon 5-4222 Mr. and MTs. Roy Joiner Hazelwood and Al Walters of Montville, Mike Loza on Sunday. Guests are spending ten day s in Can year. To achieve this honor a guests on Sunday were Mr. and Following the Mid - week JAMAICA RUN car 16, placed second. participating in the celebration Mrs. John Kancies, Mr. and ada. student must obtain a rate av in Technicolor were: Mrs. Lewis Toth and prayer meeting will be choir Don Pulsifer in 707 came in Mrs. Andrew Theus, Mr. and practice. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bigam erage of 3.2 or better. • second in the third heat and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Glenn Mrs. Albert Theus, and Mr. and Drive-In Reed, Mrs. Walter Parnby and Mrs. A. D. Miller, Mr. and spent Sunday with friends in Reef, a sophomore, is a mem Lyle Britton of Williamsfield, Mrs. John Herman. Mrs. L. E. Miller and Mr. and ROUTE 322 and ROUTE 44 O., car 505 placed second in children, Mrs. Hubert Parnby, ber of the Sphinx social club. SAFARI DRUMS Chardon, Ohio Mr. and Mrs. John Loza and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Laing, Mrs. James Ruch spent Sun with "Bomba” and Chita the fourth heat. on Sunday, entertained many day with relatives in South ♦ ♦ * family, Miss Clara Steffeny Karasiewicz and friend Ina, friends. They were Mr. and Euclid. Fri. & Sat. July 24-25 SATURDAY, JULY 18 Miss Anne Petorak, and Mrs. Mrs. Lewis Baldwin of Chardon, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Arnold Sun, Mon., Tues . July 26-27-28 Les (Chardon Hillbilly) Me Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Laing and of Burbank, Medina, visited Mr. Our BIG Family nite! Gurer had bad luck with his Max Loza, Sr. John Derek - John Hodial An error appeared in this children of Perry, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold Sanborn, Sun Abbott & Costello fast no. 32, in fact, he didn’t Paul Laing and daughter of finish a race in it. But he sure column last week. The birthday day, and attended the Grange Stock Car Races Concord, and Mr. and Mrs. party given by Mrs. George picnic at Thompson Ledges a AMBUSH AT JACK AND THE had no. V9 rolling to take the Pilarczyk was not for a Patrice Mike Schinowski and daugh 20 lap feature race. no. V9 Pilarczyk but for her niece, ters of Chardon. Sunday afternoon. driven by Gene Majeski also Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Schvorob Leslie Sanborn is in training TOMAHAWK carried the checkered flag in Patrice Reese, daughter of Mr. at ^Burton Speedway BEANSTALK and Mrs. Harry Reese, who took in the soap box derby in at the R. O. T. C. training In Color the fourth heat and placed se celebrated her sixth birthday. Garfield Heights last weekend base in Rome, New York. He cond in the second heat race, where they watched Donny GAP Kartoon Kamival (8 cartoons) race. Patrice’s sisters, Diane and De will be there a month. BURTON, OHIO Ronald Krejci of Hambden, lores Reese, also attended the Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs.’ Fred Montgomery event along with the other William Miller, of Garfield Howard Arnold of Medina Victor McLaglen in car M3 did some fine driv Sun., Mon.. Tues July 26-27-28 ing. He placed second in the small fry. Virginia Mayo - Dennis Morgan Feature race, captured the se The Little League farm team FAIR WIND TO cond heat race, placed second will meet the Burton Dodgers RABBIT RUN THEATRE SUNDAY, JULY 26th in the fourth heat and carried on Monday at Huntsburg. The Chapel Road Madison. Ohio PAINTING THE the checkered flag in the Major League will play Burton JAVA Crack-the-Whip race. Ronald on July 29 at Burton. At last Starting at 2:30 P.M. _ Both pictures in color Friday’s meeting, elected for rtfr “Lo and Behold” w also was the tracks fastest CLOUDS WITH qualifier. Fred Wilder of Char captain of the Braves* team, . /o'/- Tues, thru Sun. jR&jt July 21 through July 26 Wed. (One night only) July 29 don in his no. 10 came in third was Jackie Youshak and cap in the Feature and took charge tain for tfie farm team was * Curtain 8:45 John Payne - Jan Sterling SUNSHINE of the Semi-Feature. That’s Stevie Horvath. Practice for George Montgomery where Dick Waldmueller really aSok. /« Seats $1*75 *Sat 52 flipped Rode’s no. 11 in the 9th LEGAL NOTICE C Yl Phone Madison 2981 THE lap. Bob McMasters of Paines Arthur C. Spaulding, whose place ’rickets — Carlisle-Allen and Studio Inn . CRIPPLE CREEK ville, driving 00 placed fourth of residence is unknown win take in Painesville * , Both in Technicolor! notice that Jeanette Spaulding, R. VANQUISHED in the Feature and carried the D. 2, Madison. Ohio has filed her heat race. Dick Waldmueller of petition for divorce against him in. Technicolor in the Geauga County Common Wed. & Thurs. July 29-30 Cleveland in car 11 placed se Pleas Court, being entitled Cause Ken Murray - Preston Foster cond in the Semi-Feature and No. 11472. Praying for divorce on FULL COURSE Gary Cooper Al Hicks, no. 62 placed third the grounds of gross neglect of duty. Said cause will be on for in the Semi-Feature and sec hearing on or after the 20th day THE ond in the first heat. of August, 1953. SPRINGFIELD Jeanette Spaulding, by and Chicken and Steak Dinners Ray Bergoin of Brecksville, through her attorney. MARSHALL'S O., placed second in the third 6c34 Richard O. Colgrove RIFLE hpat. Ray was driving his no. SPECIAL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING In Technicolor 45. ON THE GEAUGA COUNT! DAUGHTER BUDGET Chicken Dinners . $2.00 Casserole Dish Gen'l Code, See. 5625-22 12 noon til 7 p.m. at Fri. & Sat. July 31 - Aug. 1 Notice is hereby given that on Every Wednesday & Saturday Evenings Thur*., Fri., Sat., July 30-31 Carrots can be baked in a casse the 17th day of August. 1953 at I 10 o’clock A. M., a public hearing ' Ann Baxter - Dale Robertson role with a small amount of water; August 1 will be held on the Budget pre Time Trials 7:30 p. tn. or, if small, they can be roasted pared by the County Commissioners Paul Henreid - Pat Medina alongside a cut of meat of Geauga County Ohio, for the next succeeding fiscal year ending DIECKOW’S Races Start 8:30 p.