(East Cleveland, Ohio), 1950-12-21
Thursday, December 21, 1950 CLEVELAND Lx-.' WANTED TO BUY AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOUND Holiday Greetings from 1949 CHRYSLER, 4 door sedan; 18,000 1940 PLYMOUTH, club coupe: radio, ONE black Cocker Spaniel, full grown, USED 22 or 24 Inch hot air furnace, miles; will finance at low cost. GL. heater, very good condition. RE. vicinity East 222nd and Lake Shore blower and air compressor. Write 1-1056. 1-7817. blvd. Call IV. 1-2143. Box 64, Madison, Ohio. Your Northeast WILLYS DEALER see STEWART WE buy scrap iron, brass, copper, rags. 1941 Plymouth, good condition; radio a nd heater, $200._PO._ 1 -1166. gaper, etc.; we pay $1.25 for scrap Merry Christmas LOST atteries: 75c for full size cotton mat HENRY AUTO Sales-Service, Inc. NOW! TODAY! and a 1940 PLYMOUTH business coupe, good tresses. For pick-up call SW. 1-7630, body, running condition, $125. IV. CAT. white and striped, long hair, 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. 15000 Aspinwall Avenue POtomae 1-1670 Happy New Year 1-6312._____________________________ near East 236th and Lake Shore blvd., DODGE 4 door deluxe, 1938, $150. reward. 140 Luikart dr. RE. 1-2315. Antiques Wanted Henry Auto Wickliffe 3-2910.___________________ COLLIE, December 4th; 10 months old, Tremendous 1941 STUDEBAKER commander, good sable and white; name Robin; Lon- Furniture, china, old dolls, old glassware. Sales and Service. Inc. condition, radio and heater, $225. PO. don rd. IV. 1 -6949. •Id guns, jewelry, cuckoo clocks, old 1-1166. ________________________ vases, old pictures, old buttons, .tc. 15000 Aspinwall PO.
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