1950-09-21, [P ]
Thursday, September 21, 1950 EAST CLEVELAND LEADER Page Nine I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 FORD tudor, radio, heater, spot- 1948 OLDS ”98** convertible; radio, 1939 PLYMOUTH, deluxe coupe, good 1*557^ Mercury UiQtor» $300. IV. heater; extras: black, white side Your Northeast condition. REd. 1-4671. HSMALL BUSINESS” ji tAKnj walls; $1850. 1122 East 176th after 1949 FORD, 6 cylinder, tudor sedan, STEARNS MOTORS . A name X&47 CHEVROLET, four door sedan; 7 p. m. very good condition. One owner. By C. WILSON HARDtt you will hear often whenever, Willys Overland Dealer K Elim qrel-8855._________________ DE SOTO radio, healer, many extras; A-l con* 1940 CHEVROLET dump truck. 20740 the purchase of a reliable; Vl’i^O?® taX’ *4312 D°Ver aVe< Naumann ave. Sale* Service Parts 1935 CHEVIE truck, pick-up, U ton, PLYMOUTH 1941 NASH, clufe coupe; good condi OPEN EVENINGS good tires, good shape, running con- Used Car is discussed. dition, S85._ K Enmore 1 -1420.______ North and South, Republican They shudder and hope much 1946 PACKARD, 4 door; not an ordi tion; overhauled motor: radio, heater. 1947~ PACKARD’ No reasonable offer nary used car, in marvelous condi Best offer over $200. Wickliffe 3-1273. and Democrat, have been suc will never be published in news tion; low mileage; loaded with extras; HENRY AUTO refused. MUlberry 1-8525. _____ cessful in getting passed in the papers read by tax-conscious private; must sell. LI. 1-2340. 1948 JEEP panel delivery; good condi Sales and Service, Inc, f6rd~1936, good body and running tion; reasonable.
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