Thursday, December 21, 1950 CLEVELAND Lx-.' WANTED TO BUY AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE FOUND Holiday Greetings from 1949 CHRYSLER, 4 door sedan; 18,000 1940 PLYMOUTH, club coupe: radio, ONE black Cocker Spaniel, full grown, USED 22 or 24 Inch hot air furnace, miles; will finance at low cost. GL. heater, very good condition. RE. vicinity East 222nd and Lake Shore blower and air compressor. Write 1-1056. 1-7817. blvd. Call IV. 1-2143. Box 64, Madison, Ohio. Your Northeast WILLYS DEALER see STEWART WE buy scrap iron, brass, copper, rags. 1941 Plymouth, good condition; radio a nd heater, $200._PO._ 1 -1166. gaper, etc.; we pay $1.25 for scrap Merry Christmas LOST atteries: 75c for full size cotton mat­ HENRY AUTO Sales-Service, Inc. NOW! TODAY! and a 1940 PLYMOUTH business coupe, good tresses. For pick-up call SW. 1-7630, body, running condition, $125. IV. CAT. white and striped, long hair, 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. 15000 Aspinwall Avenue POtomae 1-1670 Happy New Year 1-6312._____________________________ near East 236th and Lake Shore blvd., DODGE 4 door deluxe, 1938, $150. reward. 140 Luikart dr. RE. 1-2315. Antiques Wanted Henry Auto Wickliffe 3-2910.___________________ COLLIE, December 4th; 10 months old, Tremendous 1941 STUDEBAKER commander, good sable and white; name Robin; Lon- Furniture, china, old dolls, old glassware. Sales and Service. Inc. condition, radio and heater, $225. PO. don rd. IV. 1 -6949. •Id guns, jewelry, cuckoo clocks, old 1-1166. ________________________ vases, old pictures, old buttons, .tc. 15000 Aspinwall PO. 1-1670 LADY'S brown Corde wallet, between 1941 DODGE; new motor, new paint. A and P and Bo Peep Shoppe, on Call the Old Reliable 19615 Pawnee ave. East 185th st. RE. 1-8193. BILL GREENBAUM AUTOMOBILES FOB SALE SW 1-3583 - No Answor call MU.1-8791 SAVINGS °n VETERAN will buy paper, rags, cotton, scrap iron, all metals; old furnaces bought; I will buy used sinks, bath­ Regardless Of all claims . Remember tubs, toilet outfits: prompt pick-up service. Call ER. 1-1068, Bo OTHERS "TALK” GOOD DEALS but r Nash Values WILL pay highest prices for salvage; STEARNS MOTORS MAKES THEM! paper, rags, steel, iron casts, copper L 1950 Statesman sedan $1595 and furnaces; prompt pick-up serv­ 1950 BUICKS Before you buy ... ice anywhere. GL. 1-3667. On this joyous Christmas we wish 1S&1 Rambler convertible, low E COMPARE and YOU’LL SA VEl mileage $1795 Supers - Specials 1949 Ambassador sedan $1495 WANTED TO RENT to extend our heartfelt thanks to oil 1948 Ambassador club coupe $1195 H.ASS1HEI) ADVEKTTSIiso BY 1947 "600” sedan 5895 PHONE — 75c MINIMUM, CASH of our patrons and business associ­ IMTH ADVERTISEMENT — 60c ’I'Siiiiifns' iwmsjj x Cars on display at Both Addresses THREE adults want five or six room ates for their friendship — their co­ Roadmasters house. Call after 5 p. m. LI. 1-6127. 3 BEDROOM house. Call after 6 p. m. SU^l-7849 operation — their loyalty during the AND. WE MEAN SAVINGS! East End Nash RESPONSIBLE couple w’ith child, would like 4 or 5 rooms. LI. 1-5379. past year. A Merry Christmas and CLEVELAND'S VOLUME 5-6 ROOMS, unfurnished, prefer first floor for minister of music. First Happy New Year to everyone. NASH DEALER _Church_of the Nazarene. GL. 1-8626. Ralph Stewart Buick 13829 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5300 DESPERATELY need 5-6 rooms, 2 school age children, up to $65. IV. 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-5309 _1 - 188L____________ OPEN EVENINGS WANT 7 or 8 room house with yard, fARR MOTORS Inc reasonable rent; no children or pets. STUDEBAKER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BY RA. 1-2805. St. Clcsir Ave. at E. 125th (Sha w Ave.) PHONE — 75c MINIMUM, CASH WITH ADVERTISEMENT — 60c INSURANCE salesman, wife and 800 East 152nd Street MINIMUM. MIST BE IN OVR daughter, need 5-6 rooms. GA. 1-5236. OFFICE BEFORE NOON WED- 3 ADULTS, 2 working, desire 5 rooms. N E S1) A Y. East Cleveland, furnish best of ref­ UVlSHING YOU (OLDSMOBILE, 1947, 98. two door se­ erences. MU. 1-8202. Qu ! dan; 2 tone gray, white side walls, 2 OR 3 furnished or unfurnished rooms radio. heater. KE. 1-1861. in Euclid, for mother and daughter. rMERR.Y CHRISTMAS 1942 PLYMOUTH, club coupe; very RE. 1-7080, good mechanically, needs some body work, reasonable. MU. 1-4131. .-.'BRIGHT WITH MANY Your Northeast ! Season's 2 GOOD THINGS. Willys Overland Dealer Sales Service Parts Eastway Motors OPEN EVENINGS Greetings HENRY AUTO [smsom Your Neighborhood Authorised Hudson Dealer Sales and Service, Inc. « 15000 Aspinwall PO. 1-1670 AL'S S0H10 486 East 185th KE. 1-2875 1949 CHEVROLET, two door; perfect condition, low mileage, sacrifice. MU. SERVICE _1 -4261._____________________ _______ 1949 FORD. 4 door; low mileage, must 16703 Euclid Avenue sell quick to best offer, no tax. Phone Wickliffe 3-0011. evenings. _ BUICK, 1937. 4 door; overhauled re­ cently. $135. 320 East 241st st. RE. 1-5778, EXPERT When Christmas comes, with all its joy AUTO BODY and beauty it is a pleasure to express GENUINE AND our whole-hearted greetings! REDUCTIONS FENDER It is in this spirit that we extend our sincere REPAIRS 1950 Nash Statesman sedan — $1595 wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Hoppy 1950 Ford custom sedan ... $1595 ,. and may all the pleasure and 1950 Plymouth special de luxe New Year to our many friends.. •• sedan __ ---------------------—J51595 AUTO happiness of the Yuletide abound 1947 Chrysler Windsor sedan ....$895 1949 Buick Roadmaster sedanette, PAINTING $11 throughout the New Year. dynailow —-----------------$1695 To All Our Friends— EUCLID FORD CO 1942 Cadillac ”62" sedan 5795 Chrysler and Plymouth Owners w- 1949 Nash Ambassador sedgn „..S1495 495 East 185th Street 1949 Lincoln custom sedan $1495 GABRIEL KEnmore 1-3443 1948 Nash Ambassador club coupe .. --------- 51195 LACKNER THE P. R* WARD CO. 1947 Nash "600" sedan $895 1630b Euclid Ave. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH 1941 Nash "600" club coupe S395 970 t 152nd St, Auto Dealer for 36 Year* MU. 1-7(06 1943 Chevrolet de luxe 2-door 51195 Cleveland's Oldest Hudson Deafer 1947 Chevrolet station wagon---- $895 1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Aero ——JS1095 1947 Crosley 2-door ....-- 5295 1 1949 Dodge Coronet sedan —$1495 1948 Dodge custom sedan--- — $995 1946 Dodge de luxe sedan --------- $795 & 1941 Dodge de luxesedan $395 I % 1939 Dodge 2-doof . $195 1940 Dodge sedab ——.------—■ $145 1938 Ford sedan —— $145 1941 Ford de luxe Tudor-----------$295 'i<* Finest 1949 Ford club coupe ,--------------$1095 1947 Kaiser sedan 5795 1949 Mercury sport sedan —$1395 CWwUU- message 1947 Olds "78" sedanette —$1035 in 23 Years EAST END NASH 1946 Olds club sedan S895 13829 Euclid Avenue 1949 Olds "76" sedan $1595 I To c..nd/ ail ] 1947 Pontiac de luxe 2-door —^__ $895 1949 Plymouth special de luxe club coupe -------------------11195 May the sound of Christmas bells 1947 Plymouth de luxe sedan . .$895 1949Plymouth...................................... special de lux* And the cheer of Christmas spread sedan --------------------------- —- $795 1949 Studebaker Landcruiser Gladness and real happiness sedan ___ $139$ 1940 Studebaker Champion Through the holidays ahead! club coup* — ----------------$195 A Choice of 100 other makes and models ob display al both addresses. East End Nash From The CLEVELAND'S VOLUME Sales, Service and Parts Personnel of Tli e Sili er A at 11 Iversar v NASH DEALER DORNER CHEVROLET CO A* 13829 Euclid Ave, LL 1-5300 Von 4 iac I 16229 Euclid Ave. LL 1-530S For 29 years Pontiac has built an unequalled reputation for outstanding value—but never BUICK before has this value been more pronounced than in the gorgeous new Silver Anniversary blessings to you. Pontiacs now on display. Come in and sea TRADE-INS GEORGE L. CORNER, President Are Better Used Cars them at your first opportunity. THOMAS A. DORNER, Vice President 1946 Pontiac JOSEPH T. O'BRIEN, Gen. Mgr. Streamliner Sedanette , yOvW OFFICE STAFF SERVICE DEPT n It's Pontiac's 25th Anniversary Elizabeth Carter, Bus. Mgr. Edwin Hughes, Service Mgr. Alene Jamison Halle J. Webb, Ass't. Service Mgr 1947 Chevrolet CQ7C and It's Our Jean Dowd George Ursich Fleetline Sed. yw I v Mary Grace Markovitz Cecelia Sbrocco Joseph Murray 23 Ih Anniversary Sam Ward 1947 Olds "78" &QQC SALES DEPT. Willis Mason IMn Sedanette Adolph G. Fox, New Cars Joseph Ke In er Anthony LoPrestL New Cars Harold Rowan Hugh R. Daniels, New Cars Earl Williams 1947 Buick John C. Mott. New Cars NEWMAN Sp. Sedanette $v vV Robert Novak, New Cars Takumi Ogino Frank Tercek, New Cars Harold Walther Dave R. Fox. Used Car Mgr. Fred Colombo PONTIAC Frank De MelL Used Cars Ambrose Brady 1948 Buick C1QQK Super Convert. $ I Vwv FARTS DEPT. Alonzo Watts Robert McGee Homer Eldred, Parts Mgr. Your Wm. T. Johnson Robert McKee, Ass't. Parts Mgr. Neighborhood 1949 Buick C1£Q£ Kenneth Hornsby Sup. Sedanette yl Uvv Edward F. Parsons Wilbert Jackson Pontiac Factory Buy With Confidence Dealer In This Community 25 Years Pledged To Serve You Well 11628 Euclid Ave. RA. 1-9493 Ijlarkad Motor Co. RALPH Come In To See the New 1951 Pontiac and "Ford Service At Its Best" STEWART k|3CIB?NIIEES^ Ask M. J. NEWMAN To Appraise Your Carl "Automobile Corner" ® ■■B wNI ■ % Jl^i Hhh wl BUICK 1411 ST. CLAIR AVE. I4H5 ST. CLAIR AVE. j/k 5 Christmas Jo -AU 13219 Superior at EucliA UL« |>2400 A SAtn PLACE BUY St. Clair at East 12 Sth , sa <4^ -At. i jfiSifvi... t-. .... • ’ G'■..i-w.VMi-i..
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