y Y t I II yr If i I vJ jf < y > r I t 1u 4 t 4il fr It d iA 4 I 1 I < I jII I I > t r JIo < l4- I 1 i o < 1 I J I t I VI II A I i i I T ifTij iaii I > X tN d fJtqL- utFiOOAS fGHT DEATH rxsitr 108f- Mkt YoddgloTet noutoq who tnn BHHBZH ORMEI MEET I l tt JEW + r- t Mfl11EESA UNttedglateeaityedareiCOaptltgetrt jail smite ttbo it t1iow U nde lloula I It IleMaaaget1V = bo ye pose r p t Wrecked ilpl Organ of VakI ci ltyFJnrli- manage their husbands stn better 4- 1- A Washtgtpn spacial e < we dtS Didive Do 1V r tiftBQ VhkZ hktDA- DIOnUILDIri COVRSE- 0 plostonandA OI3 tEctlEfipUlISlly SSrtiOYV < r Ir satlttAI- 1 13rgok I atternditii i they aveattfnpolittsba i Xe AltAlIS Itdl tinpatlon- i Oroon ghib led by tho wife of State onter walls just east of the point a The now tivostoryWondorland then tN whero thod fon p arr 1JUf ooaan Morritt put Jnt- The lk hUbowdri4JntU J3oDRwr havo donned calico dreeeos- aero rAlof8eYIl1e8paID w- building 1ncour of erection at Do- io liulgea out nearly two wino clth s inches juwteston fq OSaturdily morning f and begun work pooling tomatoes at- troit Miohi collapaod Saturday antI Inall parts of the building wore ElUciteoarYtowellWttIt ° o conk a bucketful They do this blown out locked doors for eappllos She porte4ho lose of Caddy 0atherttd eoraeodattpattasCrefI t4r cloven > lives yroro sacrificed Shortly irero IQe 3c Itof1tlIatldrugglblaretau tuoaey- r eot an oample Ito many girls of the forcMfro nt hhiDgsqt1itl 150 fort the cruiser Afarla Teresaraisod by f before a oclook while somo thirty Obennmbor tbttudperitiqh Aetralla PI wlio1oed olaployruant but are- from the cene ot it Constructor Hobso11f rooently oft San five mon were at work in various parts- so- xko followed the Salvador Bahamas NGYemlier 1r in tlop to ocnstdorpbtylesa thaw intotborw tooprouitt4sock tin a oann4agfac- of the half inlahed a portion gttipkiyaatobe practically simnltano Iolin l UI theater the mIdst faurloU1 storm Tory o ti BW J tbo- b of the strdcturo thereof fell in with thi The explonionshoojc h Tho cruidor loft Ca1n itora Cuba J out a spcondawarning Nearly every nonHostrnctur to Ita1 a1 An interc6Ung loyolopmont of- and was hoard several squares from ontho morning of october 130 In tow CatarrhCuredho- w was carried down Into ti alviliaationInmid MrieauddorBritlsb- rktl lti the the eapltol ItpoQurred Ip n small for Norfojk Sheliadalready passea thoator alit room s ngrloul- tightly iuolosed by heavy stone t ruloIli the bolding of a lino Cape Mayst and started northeast Purlf1edyI4oOdvirapr- I I Tho top gallery wasorashal1 ownup wahs in tiwal fair You will find the subterranean basement at Inlue not on thelotvor gallery forming ahill immodlately below the mainonlranoo around tho l3ahamas A uTiona storm odlllw and palth bQeodI- tbatplace onnnyordinarymap bunt- also down which lid the capitol building In thin warning ot whioh had already wastroubloditoralbagtimeittu en- girders planks Umbers foellagIn my 4tiad Jj per is UOUar frohthe famous Murohisou- brick and room uas a a001fgbtgas motor which sont out ovortook her road In her con tsuli anda bad a ot taking and did t a1alid tllo River great quantity cqmonl from the Yas tod by B maid Very gin llo9dfttlarsaparlllay st on Shre in that clition she was unable to weather the I roof and carrying along a struggling jittlo gas isunoil in that part of the urea world of good eufertags from region south of Lake Nytss which rents 1 company of men into the pit bolaw- building but at the ttmo 07 the oxplo gale The strain opened in her efarr are oyor aodlinyhealttila fCdW eras tl1e soon ot Llvingatonos early of cB npod The- + Mrs A4AtO1bbyPownali voryfew whom Bfo the gliB hail not been turned 4- Lull which had been pntcbedtoenabla gains labors Tllo show Is roiiortod tobo front wall of the building romainod4 at the motor The meter itself was her to make the journey and she be pr oUcBUy intact the aide wail yarns f particularly strong exhibits of oRUlo but ivreokod rind the gas pouring from the gan to fill rapidly Hoods arilla bulged threateningly main caught aAmo ae0reaccModtctne l elr for 8 poultry horsos wheat and oats nnil flro took Captain iIarrfs Thowork of rescuing the The Merritt oft o tsl- country le ldgltly proa- The flames oriinatod from the ox Hood PIIIecuroatiLlvoaIllsZ fruitTho and taking out of the dead was rushed plosion darted up the shaft of the ele- and the crew from tlu sinking ship p > orons and salubrUy and Iltneas- t its withspod progress until 6t6 when vator which had boon cotnplatelydo- and oho soon wont down No tivc Caper Sauce Capers oolohization os- portion of tho east wnll foil for by lauropoane are nplf stroyedby the force of the explosion wore lostas known There wore TUo caper famlilanIn caper attco- 1 a shower of bricks striking around thee faras tabUshod beyond dispute It ioby ahd communicated with the record 114 and used as agnrnisl1lfor salads is im- ro4 crowd of laborers officers and nOWQ of tho2oresa9 crow oflloera and niesug improbable that the early room of the supreme court the office- ported frown Spain nud Fcaneo Cap Bo men landed fnObMJcaJon and I paper men extinguishing tho tempo of + the mnrsbnlol the coud anti the many thank hnlf naicdd persaro grQwn tn naly nano i6- oftl1 see the rar elootrio UgbJsiuel causing a stain supremo while of wore court library Before the they wore as happy andjolly lmpovtcd from there Into this couiW theasinofamboeltliosaatofn- pedo for the strc t No ono of those flames could be subdued the priceless apart 9 nlS 0110 could wish to see was try populoua empiro- struck by the second downfall was documents in rocord room had There rho l1u enormous crowd gathered the ffapnra are sortetintowt imslz0a of- seriously injured boon almost totally destroyed and sa lknowni coma 1 and wblelu the smnllest are Mnybttry Qm Central wharf wben r Mayor and other city dons damage had boon dotto io the merclally riS nonpareils they Tho roCarn of tho Chicago and At- clams tho peoplo of the oily did everything ad uevt were ou soononnd thereupon marshals oUetrandsomeminor rooms- power larger n9 surgaesi Tu noxt iantatoaerylcomarke tbo socomplieh- decided not to further imj3rilllfo iu intheir for the ehpwrocked- in the immediate vicinity mitrinors larger In ljrengl enpora ca- mcntof ttvory Interesting stop In navy order to save dead bodies and work ti The library of the court pncluea una tUoy largsst eanote f1 wrolot- was suspended until Sunday Whon supreme Commnuder I E Harris Uultotl makj11 enye the Now York Coin located tmplodlatolybeloty the full JlO next largest and t1 largest the second occurred two ntoroo States navy at onoomade n report tot t merclalAdvortiaor Thooowiththe- courtroom badly damaged by fire fo the department fhQ disaster ot Spanish ct pers are knowgrespectl- Ii bodies wore vielblo in the debris de- Smoke 5111 water wat r practically vely os capotos iso anti No 2- I lostonwore theflret oruiaors inthe- Three moro victims woro dug from officers anti men remained In Oharlos 8hoying tho feat colleotlolloflaw Thp smallest C p ts arQtliont do- okw navy They have boon so onr thorl1iu Sunday morning snaking ton throughout the day At oclock sl reforonce books Tholibrary contains Saturday afternoon the entire party 81rnblo and bring the-h most monoy massed by tho newer oruisors that in the death list so far about 20000 volumes and aBusod French capers age lmportCtll almost All the injured at the are started north ton years from their completion they not only by the justices df the supromo is said nt the navy department wholly In built In kegs pt fftoenor six- r report el on the ImproVo excepting OfCODgrOR It obnoleto 1Qow court but by members teen Innonsj and barrelsofl woro they have been Edward Pincher who Is oxpoctod to that provision was made by which the about and lawyora practicing boforo the au or- forty gallonaIa brine or vinegar A eoxomodellodthat they liro new again i tile A mass meeting of present Teresa could have weathered l promo court few capers site imported Inglnss Uut t their armament increased military ntive citizens was hold lit noon at the dinary storm A rough wooden dock Mr Justice Hrtrlan saM that the had boon n aiJulov or her upper works they are moatlyptlt up in thtacountrr in- mayore office md over 11000 wa9- of- masts Rdelod and now onglnoa put library was vary valuable Many IIor hull wnsthou hand honvy Capers grow on It buih New fork subsoribed for tho benefit of the fami- r V ilc ibo 1i ofghtoon instead of- tho works it eontnnod would ho Bun sivo lies of those who were killed The chains were wound nronoel her so as to Lltoon spood Is Aret- thought bo difficult to replace bold knots This the her together far front V- ldna of property waR estimated for the O WOMEN rl loxamplo of modern navies of bringing first timo is believed that 20000- seaworthy ah that was oxpooted was THE ILLS It STRONG POINT ion SrIIN- afloat r entirely cover it- that tho cruiser might be kept an old up to dato It vill country had The cause of the catastrophe has not Jt until docked in this Sho Anti Mrs Pinkhamr the saplothing can bo dOno with Ansver to 1lmerIe ins n1ltetlRrhtL- boon stripped all How Holt 8 yet boon sottlod It seems to rest Oirnl Document of guns and waluablos it Y UiWUl tmproy greatly the save big turret guns Ovoroomehem- however bQtwoen too much weight on A Washington special says The re- the clooninoh 4ilfoionoy 01 ttavy Englapd before starting so that it Is believed < tlfo has the roofand faulty atoel used- ports the state department has roc- k bams will bo no loan oft that account omo ttvonty bnHleshipswhoa 1ow- in its construction eivod from the peace commissioners there MrsMAnrpo ittNOE nOl Mariano It is the opinion of the navydo I laiaoL tiitii armor npl1 muzzle- Tqo workers in the building say in Paris indicate that that body has st Chicago Ilt to drs Pinlcham- p hass I that there was n warning iv proceeded Inexactly the rtwont that the governlnont Iltayo been troubled for 4loading guns make thoni almost use mof Unoautlci lost be idea the value of the ship the collapse the lIrRtthing heard be consequently tho of Fri- ber two years with falling Hof thotvomb- In pombat against the ships vhlo- self only the I Iola lug B ClASh aaF the roof fall Tho day was no adisoppoiutmentIt was theamount ot dJc- loucorrhma pains over my cy nation Is building mofS8Qport1aj through tho winking h8q groat now lower balaonybohl firm which doubt- 1hnttl1o SlJanishcom- headaches backache nervousness and I cl1rledon It- lives of of miBslonors make of the vossol booauso the contract wcalcnesso tried doctors hco bipsnt the less saved the a number the would ondeavot to delivery I auitvar1eus workmen who wore under It The In tortns than tboso offered the nppcnrsto bBvorcqnirod the remedies withoutrellcf mlralty list as ofpotivo but are ad better by by the wrecking company ftc1tnIdn1f j slant the crash occurred the fire bolls American commissioners thevessol tWo bottles of your Vcgctl lDJ Cow mittuiUy1o1iodupCinforolas defense navy yard nt Norfolk Vn wore tolled and the fireman rescued a is freely Washington attho pound the relict I obtained was truly will interesting if Yankoo- It admitted The wrecking of tho owing to oaty It bb number of those who had fallen on that the the Spanish ship Wonderful IhavoJ16Wtnka Bov rnt presentation the onginooring diffioultios presented inyonUveness 11a11 teaoh Europcat1 top oUhe wreckage objections to the last American propo- moro bottles ofyour famous medicine o icll B good deal of time so to rebuild obsoloto battleahips sal admlrablo in many respects ct that and can say hat1 am cntholy cured nations was while the vessel wjL9rnise on Soptoin CtNAI- and evidenced the possession ot keen Mrs nE aitYpolItNo8061 indleyst i and make their paper aOuadron o11c- FVORADliETO tier 22d and the work was prosecuted legal lont by the Spanish Ye CIncinnati to Mrs Phtidiam i ctivo vigorit was BOth I Conuululnnera Will UoeowlnfllulIt Con the objections and points made were with notuntil October For a long ttmQiI sufferedtvlthi atruction All Feasible ProJect that showns ablo to start away from chronic onllodth not now inflaminatlonn QttJ o womb JWhnts UAUO of the The Nicaragua canal commission strongest point made by the Oaimnnotn nodeI her own steam bound pain in abdomen anti benrlngpojyn The for Norfolk She was acoompauiod- Swadish educatibnat gymnastfos has appointed by the president under au Spanish sldo too the taking of feeling Was vorynerv ttlm sI1Dd- relates on the startbytheropalrship Vulcan boon in tine intlroBoston primary anti- act of congress dirboting a oomplotb Manila two days after the signinof i weak I wu hardly able to donny the collier Leopidas add the rnlser thing igrammiiriohoole alnoo 1891 It has inquiry Into this with the protocol In Washington on which WB8U bjcc to headaches also I Inr reference to pracUoabtlityand- Cincinnati but the latterleft tho other pupils Its they bnsetheir assumption that the troubled with leucorrho After plonsettbothtcaobersrmd and cost has completed its work ships nt Cape Maysi mtmy m roD about United States vns not in possfon of toringol nthwtth dla r this year nn advance will be mndoto and the report will be handed to Sea of PhilippInes ot During the prog eR8 fra fngtho physicians and ggttingnorellel any part the outside ship a great deal matter I has c thohighor oourco such as has boon rotary Hay In about o month Tho the insignificant tlon at OBvite at oJ valuable givon uP all hope of being welL t recovered by the wreckers Just theO c r used in rho sohools tit wooden and- commission uudorthe dlrectionof the time hostilities oeased and wcro again when I read of Admiral Walker chairman with a extending what this amounts to Is not positively VegetabloCom- o VTlo mor tbBntbirty yelra Its estopped legally from our Pinlthama s force of thirtyslxcomputore drafts possession kuowu but it inchuled oxpenelvo pound WM doing Ideel4ml imnied- introduction is oxpoohcl to place Dos mon guns torpedoes and much matter of engineers oto Isntworkon But this contention it can- iatelytogive it a trial Theresult was a ifJ expressod that °tonschools at tho head in the matter the report and the mass of technical be shown by tho Americans that rot the simply past bcll tnldDgf r t with what material was raised from lMtcr j frpbysloal training One of the matter will accompany it mak of exaot date of tho sur- bottles of Vegotabie Compound and gardless the the Butt thee lug In all the moslaboratoprosonta- Admiral Dowoy Teresa other ships which usinKt1 rc l1ckngcsofSnrintlveWash prominout parts of the now order is render of Manila have been operated upon so t tioa of the rnUonptcd aOo boforo rtho I can SnylfcclJUcQ a now woman that it introduces into the sohools a ttay for two months th9 navy department will bo able J Admiral Walker biSal most of tho tim Unito- toreim com it my duty to announce the tact games bean- oongres wbilo for the my sohedulo of with balls sod the before datatostfoopsWor08s110rncar tho itself fully for of to follow s11llcr rsthntiLi4iat 800 per diem the contractors- r Bags otc intondod to doyolop a quick sfounl committee that the cost would Sp Bul positions and that the town E Plnkhama Vcgc t tblo havo The loss of the ship was a hitter dis- tied ronponsivo miuil Teitininntoso be within 126000000 and this is might have been taken tlt any moment entirely cured moof all my pains and appointment to the people itt Norfolk suffering have to the forenoon session will be devoted understood to hifJoplnlon tiu daring that poriod I her alone thank I extensive arrangements had The report Uio understood will ho rostraluing Influence was whore for my recovery t for which I am gratc fo inatruotion Svvodish movo- rh oily been made to bring ionsfrOni nIl ful biay int unanimous as the commissioners arc n desire to make sure bolorQtalung heaven bless hor r the adont anti luring about oil ininntes- agreed on all the ossential features of points to the nay yards there to look nt- possession that the lives t property ship and recon aolt afternoon tho pupils t1U have the cost rout d oto city s1iouldbo Jbo famous rotho r of nt of the struotion of the vossol would at use pt thoBo looltooms for m the onlydlfforeitoosbeingthtaetural safeguarded the utmost and in halo lchiu- to a year Q nhadca of opinion ns u of wore as forded at least and halfs > gau1IQfsntUosQlcousotbyards reality the Amorlcan forces work ton large body of mochanios and cost oil some of thobraucMof the much ossi n of the place than 111 be for ttio and nposl laborers lir work w aspo a- HdiiktTebeIs 7 gamosoxorotsoswhonthat inmore con 4 tCASOAnETS and the are the tIN WERE oBSTkNATIr- modieiae we have ever bad in the venlo the past the eeroiec- 4FOURTI QIIIO IN WASHINUTON- TURKS week ieeLoot r POSTOFFIJEONWIIEELS wttewu mnUoUhlaollefot v tIn f odaJaW oi 5eury1BCABETS Jlrwo beon the same for girls IS for leh and then the ea f Itoglmeat IeReylowod anti Given a Be They CIlhVJtIEt Luthorltp In laJ1 r now order provides for GOY rnmtrit Ieauiaratea Noel Zxpert + 1uedlatlly yebotbreootamet40eNateY t JjysbuHho ceptloaIJy r stjent Candle Crete AL SnnBJVB moat State or Dlarylaad pP- f alight tifforonoo In thte respect A In Ohio infantry whiob Advicen from Candia Island of- Pk burg sate t4 Cc tMMbar6 ° The Fourth < The post9mcO department has or lurthot pau under consideration Is to passed thr4gh Washington Saturday- Jrete state that on Saturday Bear I dared au innovation postaisor et British CAN01- i install 1n the grammar schools a sot o- the en route m Porto Rico to Colum- Admiral Gerard IIenryN vice by the experimental est blhJh paid the usual oonfplimontoff- commander in these waters ordored CATHA1ffIC1 rl Swodisli apparatus such gs a stMlbar- bus was mont of a Upostoffice on to the white house Turkish troops eulbarka 4s + wheels a reception at the a boom i or h rltontal bar a balance was delayed by au cutler from operate iii the vicinity ofWestmin The regiment first inrbvIow tion >z board When these are installed Md mnusion after Constantinople kon R Brit etc atur before the executive ton1bat TiAn11 lAK p11riiRtO t- BUll toady for nso the physical traiu- The service which is to begin whi hjho soldiers filed through the lab transport f- r + onUs d on- proooe 1 obey but k r lug will ho practically the same as It shortly for the use of a postal main doorsmbved tothe1 eoldiorr lto fj wagon to travel over a dsignated torod the east room Marching in the urki lh officer 1tk ommnutl stop a < I r d 3e iu tbah school for Ruls- eroupon tba- IGlIUIDa PoMtil r x ik route in rural districts Mail boxes soldiera s e the pod the ombarkt nn Good ra lyeis Do t single fllothe teroreteyqW 1E handss- barrack kcnorOgppOo 480- F li a can be planed at soma point qn the who cordially shook Dritish admiral cansod the ffl l t tl KccI qbzcnstoftll sUrrlng 2+ tinf Turks- ItIPAION i route for armor living within a one At 1290 And dtot red the 0Ifte xikiay w su- 1 > IIllb8crlb71U fofr Jwnui lgalcr ovorf witlt each oclock the surrounded OII 6 ltwl miloYortwo of the proposed route Iud the west lba prisoners atad threat Sea o tta t yr peprtcq Hi nmCand you cannot regiment loft for Aver re aoldao4 t thong teoiuhprk- co Ynn lJW- i 4 It mall wiilkbo collootodtherelrorn r lU1tlOb o railroadi- force to otjnpcl date a uford ao bo tVillOut J tr 1 1 Ii =r > 4 LF h < 4- A 1 ioWol B I J J ay1 4+ J Jr f141- c W Y- 0j W htt Y < vn to 1 x 1 Y fCtiro- k s r Ji r oct 11 a 1 J yL it l w V wti f J k 1 Yil n VI s iIi 1 t v- r- M 1 t 4 rr I W 1 J f 1 1 art J l f < t + ifl JII s > fr 1 I < A d f Sr4 t v I 1 f 9J lh1o- i i > tt it + w t