HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 22, 1973 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon

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HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 22, 1973 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon January 22,"1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD·- HOUSE 1745 high office. I believe that history will President Truman refused to be bul­ just as it will live on in millions of homes judge him, after the 50 years' interim pe­ lied about by political opponents at where stories of unusual men are retold. riod he requested, as one of the greatest home or abroad and effected more My repertory of Harry Truman stories and strongest leaders of our time. At this than any other person, the reconstruc­ is extensive and illustrative of all that point, 20 years past his departure from tion of Europe and saved them from ex­ is good about the American political sys­ office, as a very amateur American pol­ ternal domination. tem. I am proud, indeed, of having been itician, I place him among the all-time The name of Harry Truman will not alive to watch the formation of the Tru­ great American Presidents. be forgotten in the Owens' household, man heritage. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 22, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Leo Allen served 14 distinguished terms legislator and parliamentalian came to The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, in the House of Representatives embel­ the forefront. DD., offered the following prayer: lished particularly on two occasions by As Representative of the 16th District his service as chairman of the House of Illinois, Leo Allen consistently and The Lord is good, a stronghold in the Committee on Rules in the 80th and 83d vigorously fought for the philosophy and day of trouble; and He knoweth them Congresses. In the 28 years he served the that trust ·in him.-Nahum 1: 7. ideals in which he believed. In all ways, residents of northwestern Illinois as their Leo served his constituency and his Na­ Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, Representative to the Congress, he tion with dedication and purpose. Forgive our foolish ways; achieved a record of consistency and de­ Leo and I were friends socially as well Reclothe us in our rightful minds votion to the principle of government in as colleagues on Rules Committee. Both In purer lives Thy service find, which he served. of us stayed at the University Club for a In deeper reverence, praise. I often had occasion to talk with him period. Leo was a very entertaining host Drop Thy still dews of quietness, during those years after he left the Con­ and a thoroughly enjoyable person to be Till all our strivings cease; gress. He continued to remain deeply around. Take from our souls the strain and stress, interested in the affairs of government I join my colleagues in their expression And let our ordered lives confess and of the Republican Party. Leo's wife of bereavement. Mrs. O'Neill joins me in The beauty of Thy peace. preceded him in death but he leaves five expressing our condolences to Leo Allen's children, each of whom, I am sure, is family and friends. In all the discussions of these days imbued with the stamp of his strong per­ Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I join and the decisions we will be called upon sonality, high character, and unblem­ my colleagues this afternoon in paying to make keep our minds clear, our mo­ ished principles, a legacy matched only tribute to Leo Allen, one of the truly tives clean, our hearts confident, our by Leo Allen's superlative record and sig­ great Representatives which the people deeds constructive, and our consciences nificant place in the history of this body. of the State of Illinois have sent to this unashamed and unafraid. Leo Allen will long be remembered as body. God bless America. Stand beside her a faithful legislator and outstanding As a freshman Member, I benefited and guide her through the trying tribu­ American. Mrs. Anderson and I join from the wise counsel and leadership­ lations of these troubled times. And bless Leo's thousands of friends in extending that Leo Allen provided. I will long re­ our astronauts as they open new doors our condolences and deepest sympathy to member his sage advice and the princi­ of knowledge to us this day. the members of the Allen family. ples of government and politics for In the spirit of the Pioneer of Life we I am pleased to yield to my distin­ which he so courageously stood. Those of pray. Amen. guished colleague from Illinois, the mi­ us who remember him from his service nority whip (Mr. ARENDS). here recognize that he was a champion Mr. ARENDS. Mr. Speaker, I, too, was THE JOURNAL of the taxpayer, a firm believer in the saddened with the notice of the death of limitation of the powers of the Govern­ The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ our former colleague, Leo Allen. He was ment, and a man who very effectively amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ a Member of Congress when I first came understood and served the people of his ceedings and announces to the House his here, and I had the privilege of serving district. approval thereof. with him for 24 years. We became fast Leo Allen was a great American and Without objection, the Journal stands and warm friends during our tenure to­ the kind of man that has made the approved. gether in Congress. As a freshman Mem­ House of Representatives the great insti­ There was no objection. ber here I often went to him for counsel tution that it is. and advice. I had the greatest respect Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I was and admiration for Leo. Truly he was a deeply saddened to learn of the passing ANNOUNCEMENT great American, a dedicated public serv­ of our distinguished former colleague, the The SPEAKER. The Chc.iJ: would like ant, and one who contributed so much Honorable Leo E. Allen of Dlinois. to make a statement. The Chair is only to this House dU1ing the time he was It was my privilege to have known Leo going to recognize under the 1-minute privileged to serve here. as a friend for many years. Having rule a colleague to announce the death of I extend to his wonderful family my worked closely with him during our joint a former distinguished Member. The deepest and sincerest sympathy in this service on the Committee on Rules, I Chair will, after the astronauts have ap­ their time of bereavement. knew him as a completely honest and peared, take 1-minute speeches. Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Speak­ forthright legislator, and a man deeply The Chair !low recognizes the gentle­ er, I am pleased to yield to the distin­ devoted to the best interest of the Nation. man from Illinois <Mr. ANDERSON). guished majority leader <Mr. O'NEILL). While we disagreed on a number of is­ Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker, I join my sues, I always yielded to his sincerity of distinguished colleagues in the House in purpose. TRIBUTE TO LEO ALLEN rising to pay tribute to an eminent Mem­ Leo served with distinction in the <Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois asked and ber of this Chamber, Leo Allen. Army's field artillery in World War I. was given permission to revise and ex­ Though Leo came to Congress before Shortly thereafter, he graduated from tend his remarks.) I did, I had the distinct pleasure of serv­ the University of Michigan. After teach­ Mr. ANDERSON of Illinois. Mr. Speak­ ing with him on the Rules Committee ing school for several years, he developed er, it is with a deep sense of personal loss following my assignment to that com­ an interest in law and politics. Following that I take these minutes to inform my mittee in 1955. completion of his legal studies, he was colleagues of the passing of former Con­ As chairman of the Rules Committee admitted to the bar in 1930, and began gressman Leo Allen on Friday, January when the Republicans had control of the the practice of law in his hometown of 19. His funeral will be held in the First House during the 83d Congress, and later Galena, Dl. Presbyterian Church, Galena, Ill., on to­ as ranking minority member of that Plior to coming to Congress in 1933, morrow, January 23, 1973, at 11 a.m. committee, Leo Allen's great talents as a Leo had twice been elected to the posi- 1746 C0NORESSiONAt RECORD '~ HO~SE • January 22, 1973 tion of clerk of the county circuit court Apollo 17-Captain Eugene A. Cernan, I think one of the greatest things per­ in his area. U.S. Navy; Captain Ronald E. Evans, sonally and one of the greatest personal During his tenure in the House, Con­ U.S. Navy; and Dr. Harrison H. achievements I could ever have would be gressman Allen became senior Republi­ Schmitt-who last month achieved the to share that history and share those can member of the Committee on Rules, sixth manned lunar landing and carried accomplishments and share my feelings and served for a time as chairman of that out their scientific assignments on the with the people throughout this coun­ panel when his party was in the majority. lunar surface and in space with such try, with the people who really deserve to He was also a member of the Committee precision, courage, and skill. know what happened throughout the en­ on Committees, and the joint Republican I now have the honor of presenting to tire program. steering committee. the House the distinguished commander We have heard of the accomplish­ I will always cherish my friendship and of that historic flight, Captain Eugene A.
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