February 5, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 3205 HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 5, 1973 the House Met at 12 O'clock Noon
February 5, 1973 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 3205 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, February 5, 1973 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The message also announced that the sponsors in the creation, cancellation, or The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, Vice President, pursuant to Public Law continuation of certain legislative pro D.D., offered the following prayer: 90-259, appointed Mr. STEVENS to the Na grams, but let us commence to exercise The steps of a good man are ordered tional Commission on Fire Prevention control in connection with "Dear Col by the Lord; and he delighteth in his and Control in lieu of Mr. Boggs, retired. league" correspondence. way.-Psalms 37: 23. The message also announced that the I conclude that if we truly want to Almighty God, in fear of whom is the Vice President, pursuant to Public Law curtail costs, we should come home and beginning of wisdom and in love for 84-944, appointed Mr. JOHNSTON and Mr. closely examine the costliness of Con whom is the beginning of life, we come to HATHAWAY to the Senate Office Building gress. Thee knowing that in losing ourselves Commission in lieu of Mr. Jordan of Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will my dear in Thee we find ourselves and we dis North Carolina and Mr. Gambrell, re colleague yield? cover that we find our brother also. One tired. Mr. CARTER. I am happy to yield to in Thee makes us one with our fellow the distinguished gentleman from Iowa. men across all barriers of race, color, AMERICANS MISSING IN LAOS Mr.
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