18A bus time schedule & line map

18A - Ashford View In Website Mode

The 18A bus line (Canterbury - Ashford) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Ashford: 4:15 PM (2) Canterbury: 6:57 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 18A bus station near you and nd out when is the next 18A bus arriving.

Direction: Ashford 18A bus Time Schedule 54 stops Ashford Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 4:15 PM Bus Station, Canterbury St George's Lane, Canterbury Tuesday 4:15 PM

Health Centre, Canterbury Wednesday 4:15 PM

Ethelbert Road, Canterbury Thursday 4:15 PM Friday 4:15 PM Cowdrey Place, Canterbury Saturday Not Operational Cricket Ground, Canterbury Old Dover Road, Canterbury

The Gap, Nackington 18A bus Info Simon Langton Boys' School Grounds, Direction: Ashford Nackington Stops: 54 Trip Duration: 85 min Merton Lane, Nackington Line Summary: Bus Station, Canterbury, Health Centre, Canterbury, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, War Memorial, Nackington Cowdrey Place, Canterbury, Kent Cricket Ground, Canterbury, The Gap, Nackington, Simon Langton The Granville, Street End Boys' School Grounds, Nackington, Merton Lane, Nackington, War Memorial, Nackington, The Granville, Street End, Phone Box, , The Phone Box, Lower Hardres Hop Pocket, , Homeside Farm, Bossingham, Split Lane, , Bower Farm The Hop Pocket, Bossingham House, Stelling Minnis, Post Oce, Stelling Minnis, The Street, Six Mile Garage, Lymbridge Green, Tumulus Farm, Stowting, Roundwood Hall, Stowting, Farthing Homeside Farm, Bossingham Common, Stowting, Hempton Hill Bottom, Monks Homeside Farm, Upper Hardres Civil Parish Horton, Stone Street Junction, Stanford, Stone Street, , Belcaire Close, , Harman Split Lane, Stelling Minnis Avenue, Lympne, The County Members, Lympne, Lympne Place, Lympne, Reach Road, Lympne, Bower Farm House, Stelling Minnis Industrial Estate, Lympne, Barrow Hill Farm, , Meadow Grove, Sellindge, Swan Lane, Post Oce, Stelling Minnis Sellindge, Dukes Head, Sellindge, Harringe Lane, Sellindge, Cooper's Lane, Sellindge, Andrews' Garage, Six Mile Garage, Lymbridge Green Brabourne Lees, Pound Lane, Brabourne Lees, Ramstone Close, Brabourne Lees, Bridge Road, Tumulus Farm, Stowting Brabourne Lees, The Woolpack, Brabourne Lees, Ridgeway Terrace, Smeeth, Joe Farm, Smeeth, Hatch Roundwood Hall, Stowting Park, Smeeth, Mersham Turn, Mersham, Bockham Lane, Mersham, Tesco Crooksfoot, Willesborough, Farthing Common, Stowting Church Road, Willesborough, Waterside, Willesborough, Hythe Road the New Fox Inn, Hempton Hill Bottom, Willesborough, The Norton Knatchbull School, Ashford, Mabledon Avenue, Ashford, Star Road, Ashford, East Hill, Ashford, Park Street, Ashford Stone Street Junction, Stanford

Stone Street, Newingreen

Belcaire Close, Lympne

Harman Avenue, Lympne

The County Members, Lympne The Street, Lympne Civil Parish

Lympne Place, Lympne

Reach Road, Lympne

Industrial Estate, Lympne

Barrow Hill Farm, Sellindge Barrow Hill, Sellindge Civil Parish

Meadow Grove, Sellindge A20, Sellindge Civil Parish

Swan Lane, Sellindge

Dukes Head, Sellindge

Harringe Lane, Sellindge

Cooper's Lane, Sellindge

Andrews' Garage, Brabourne Lees

Pound Lane, Brabourne Lees

Ramstone Close, Brabourne Lees Ramstone Close, Smeeth Civil Parish

Bridge Road, Brabourne Lees

The Woolpack, Brabourne Lees The Chestnuts, Brabourne Civil Parish

Ridgeway Terrace, Smeeth

Joe Farm, Smeeth

Hatch Park, Smeeth

Mersham Turn, Mersham Bockham Lane, Mersham Hythe Road, Mersham Civil Parish

Tesco Crooksfoot, Willesborough

Church Road, Willesborough

Waterside, Willesborough

Hythe Road the New Fox Inn, Willesborough

The Norton Knatchbull School, Ashford

Mabledon Avenue, Ashford

Star Road, Ashford 76 Hythe Road, Ashford

East Hill, Ashford Mace Lane, Ashford

Park Street, Ashford Direction: Canterbury 18A bus Time Schedule 51 stops Canterbury Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 6:57 AM Park Street, Ashford Tuesday 6:57 AM East Hill, Ashford Wednesday 6:57 AM Star Road, Ashford Thursday 6:57 AM

Mabledon Avenue, Ashford Friday 6:57 AM

The Norton Knatchbull School, Ashford Saturday Not Operational

Hythe Road the New Fox Inn, Willesborough Clive Dennis Court, Ashford

Waterside, Willesborough 18A bus Info Direction: Canterbury Church Road, Willesborough Stops: 51 Trip Duration: 88 min Tesco Crooksfoot, Willesborough Line Summary: Park Street, Ashford, East Hill, Ashford, Star Road, Ashford, Mabledon Avenue, Ashford, The Norton Knatchbull School, Ashford, Mersham Turn, Mersham Hythe Road the New Fox Inn, Willesborough, Waterside, Willesborough, Church Road, Joe Farm, Smeeth Willesborough, Tesco Crooksfoot, Willesborough, Mersham Turn, Mersham, Joe Farm, Smeeth, Ridgeway Terrace, Smeeth Ridgeway Terrace, Smeeth, The Woolpack, Brabourne Lees, Bridge Road, Brabourne Lees, The Woolpack, Brabourne Lees Ramstone Close, Brabourne Lees, Pound Lane, The Chestnuts, Brabourne Civil Parish Brabourne Lees, Andrews' Garage, Brabourne Lees, Cooper's Lane, Sellindge, Harringe Lane, Sellindge, Bridge Road, Brabourne Lees Dukes Head, Sellindge, Swan Lane, Sellindge, Manse Field, Brabourne Civil Parish Meadow Grove, Sellindge, Barrow Hill Farm, Sellindge, Industrial Estate, Lympne, Reach Road, Ramstone Close, Brabourne Lees Lympne, Lympne Place, Lympne, The County Ramstone Close, Smeeth Civil Parish Members, Lympne, Harman Avenue, Lympne, Belcaire Close, Lympne, Stone Street, Newingreen, Pound Lane, Brabourne Lees Stone Street Junction, Stanford, Hempton Hill Bottom, Monks Horton, Farthing Common, Stowting, Andrews' Garage, Brabourne Lees Roundwood Hall, Stowting, Tumulus Farm, Stowting, Six Mile Garage, Lymbridge Green, Bower Farm Cooper's Lane, Sellindge House, Stelling Minnis, Split Lane, Stelling Minnis, Homeside Farm, Bossingham, The Hop Pocket, Harringe Lane, Sellindge Bossingham, Phone Box, Lower Hardres, The Granville, Street End, War Memorial, Nackington, Dukes Head, Sellindge Merton Lane, Nackington, Simon Langton Boys' School, Nackington, The Gap, Nackington, Kent Swan Lane, Sellindge Cricket Ground, Canterbury, Cowdrey Place, Canterbury, Ethelbert Road, Canterbury, Health Centre, Canterbury, Bus Station, Canterbury Meadow Grove, Sellindge A20, Sellindge Civil Parish

Barrow Hill Farm, Sellindge Barrow Hill, Sellindge Civil Parish Industrial Estate, Lympne

Reach Road, Lympne

Lympne Place, Lympne

The County Members, Lympne The Street, Lympne Civil Parish

Harman Avenue, Lympne

Belcaire Close, Lympne

Stone Street, Newingreen

Stone Street Junction, Stanford

Hempton Hill Bottom, Monks Horton

Farthing Common, Stowting

Roundwood Hall, Stowting

Tumulus Farm, Stowting

Six Mile Garage, Lymbridge Green

Bower Farm House, Stelling Minnis

Split Lane, Stelling Minnis

Homeside Farm, Bossingham Homeside Farm, Upper Hardres Civil Parish

The Hop Pocket, Bossingham The Street, Upper Hardres Civil Parish

Phone Box, Lower Hardres

The Granville, Street End Street End, Lower Hardres Civil Parish

War Memorial, Nackington

Merton Lane, Nackington B2068, Lower Hardres Civil Parish

Simon Langton Boys' School, Nackington

The Gap, Nackington

Kent Cricket Ground, Canterbury Old Dover Road, Canterbury

Cowdrey Place, Canterbury

Ethelbert Road, Canterbury

Health Centre, Canterbury 24 Oaten Hill, Canterbury Bus Station, Canterbury Watling Street, Canterbury 18A bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in London. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved