V' I PAGE SIX FRIDAY, 6EC. 10, 1937.


imutimiiiiiiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiv ? THE FORUM Children Taking Music Lessons Under the Federal Music Project of the W PA

i if rf f Member of the Forum Newspaper rr C Syndicate Published every Friday by By FLOYD J. CALVIN world. Prof. James Weldon John­ (Only Column in Press the Forum Publishing Company. son, author of several books of the listed by Editor A Publisher) better type, and Miss Zora Neale * »l» » »•»•»*******« »*•****»'*• tee?"" fr-v-frS'/h * * * Hurston, rising writer of light fic­ Publication Office—414 W. 6th St, Woman Senator tion about her group and racial folk Dayton, O. It looks like a "southern fire-eat- lore, each addressed the literary S3 er" has come into the Senate in the public. person of a woman—Mrs. Dixie The tendency to include represent Entered as second class matter, July Graves. She is a lady of strong and tatives of the Negro group in all 4, 1913, at the Post Office at Dayton, positive personality—she says what symposiums on the growth and de­ she thinks and in unmistakable lan­ under the act of Congress, March &• velopment of any and all important guage. phases of our national life is to be 1876. The feminine solon has ripped oat commended, and it is hoped the gggg^piflflf j"#fdr# if ifiri"'***** mmm against the Anti-Lynching bill evi­ idea will grow and grow until it is Subscription R»t*» dently thinking this would be the a definite part of the procedure for popular course, since for so many American thinkers, planners, and Three Months 50 years men from her section have re­ administrators. Six Month flOO mained in power by kicking again One year $2.0P and again the helpless Negro. But Senator Dixie Graves drew sharp re­ Columbus to Select a torts from her own sex. It seems Candidate for 1939 AN OPEN LETTER that some enlightened white women do not share the senator's view­ point on mob law; and they have said so regardless of what the wom­ COLUMBUb—year the Na­ tional Association for the Advance­ To the Editor of The Forum: an senator may think. It is a healthy sign for American ment of Colored i'eople presents the Spingarn Medal and Award of $1000 The Columbus Dispatch for Sun­ life when women, who have been downtrodden in governmental affairs to some note worthy and deserving day, December 5, 15*37, devoted a for centuries, can rise above sex and Negro. In past years this award, page and a half of the sport section take a stand for fairness and justice, named for its doner, has gone to Dr. to the listing of the basketball even against one of their own and in Hope of Atlanta University, J ernes schedules for each Dayton High So important a post as senator, when WeluOn Johnson, Mary McLeod Be— School, except one, appeared in this the situation warrants. thune of Bethune Cookman College, Senator Dixie Graves, successor to Max Yergen, Walter White, W- £• list. Dunbar was omitted. Whether Ku Kluxer Hugo Black, who now B. DuBois, and many others. this omission is a result of an over­ awaits a chance to say as Justice It is the belief of the board of sight or whether it was done inten­ Black of the Supreme Court whether Directors of the Columbus Branch tionally, is a matter which should be he thinks the bill he fought in the of the NAACP that Ohio's Capitol investigated. Senate is constitutional, is not so City, too, has produced people of If the schenule of Dunbar was in­ popular, in spite of the fine publicity equal right to the fame and honor tentionally omitted, the way is being build—up she got at the start of her this medal affords and to that end paved for greater inroads—probab­ senatorial career. There are women a committee of five has been ap­ ly it has already been paved— and left in the country who know right pointed "to survey the records of soon we will lind the school being from wrong, and who are not afraid men of accomplishment in Ohio's omitted from more important ac­ For children who cannot afford to take music lessons from boards. At right is an cntir^ class learning the scales in this to condemn wrong, even if wrong Capitol City." tivities. private teachers, the Federal Music Project of the WPA is fashion. Below are pictured a violin class and a group en­ be advocated by the "flower of The committee is composed of the southern womanhood.'' following: L. M. Shaw, Mrs. Velma conducting classes in many sections of the country. Teacher.' gaged in the study of advanced music theory. For example (quoting an editorial, These and many other activities of the Federal Music • * • Davis, Miss Floence Thomas, Prof. are accomplished musicians selected from local relief rolls on Pro­ "The Chickens Come Home to Roost,' ject are designed to provide "an opportunity for the Negro's Book Fair J. A. Mitchell, the Rev. Sandy Ray. When the committee has chosen one which appears in the Crisis for De­ the basis of their adaptability and experience. expression in music which will make for the development of The second annual New York whom it believes to be most entitled cember, 1937): Above, left, a teacher is instructing two young pupils in a richer American civilization," according to Dr. Nikolai Times National Book Fair in Radio "Not very many years ago the elementary piano technique through the use of dummy key­ Sokoloff, national director of the project. —WPA Photos. City brought an opportunity for two to our support the organizations ef­ colored citizens of Indianapolis lis­ of our better known authors to forts will be trained toward securing tened to the persuasive arguments of speak in company with distinguished his (or her) selection by the Nation­ BARBEE Wm. DURHAM, the school segregationists, both white schools. This question ranks with emplo,mcnt. For this reason the tion must be combated with intelli­ authors of the nation and of the al Committee of final selection. The Columbus NAACP and and black, and the result was the the right to protection from mobs, spread of segregation, discrimina­ gence, vigor and persistence." (End of Editorial from the Crisis). Ohio State NAACP. erection of the Attucks High School the right to vote, and the right to tion and inequalities in public educa­ (for Negro children). Ilardly had the new $900,000 plant been opened when Negro parents discovered to $mr-% their dismay that some fifteen cour­ VISIT THE ses available to studeats in other U)€'&€ BUIL high schools of the city were not to be offered at Attucks. "Now comes a suit against the VSfty .e* board of education, the superintend­ ent of schools and others, seeking a writ of mandamus to compel the ad­ mission of a Negru student to Tech­ v LEGAL RATES LOAN OFFICE nical high school where a course in physiography is offered. The suit was filed by K. Louis Moors, chair­ man of the legal committee of the V M <' ^ Indianapolis branch of the NAACP, for the parents of the prospective student. 607 Central Ave. Cincinnati, O. "In discussing the suit editorially, /Q / w~ —^ the declares: "•With the filing of a suit against the school hoard, attention is fo­ cused again on the evils of a separ­ Lskristmas ate system highly colored with wil­ 1463 Harrison Ave. 1712 Vine St. ful neglect.' \| "The Recorder then recites that WAba$h 1481 PArkway 8872 the Indiana school law permits sep­ arate schools in the discretion of CM(essag school boards, but specifies the fa­ I PPM cilities and training must be equal. 171? ¥\r It contends that Negro children have !Efi been so neglected in the separate rp school system of the city that they CLEANING PLANT cannot be said to be receiving equal X HE colorful exterior and interior decorations, treatment. 1602 Freeman Ave. PArkway 9202 "The Crisis cannot permit this the entire store filled with most attractive gifts, wide-open invitation to say "we told you so' pass by, because the oftener the smiling faces of salespeople • » . all pro­ the lesson is hammered home the better. The history of education in this country shows that separate claim that It's Christmastime at Rike's. Rare and schools for Negroes are NEVER SE IE! equal to those for whites. Always unusual gifts have been individually collected there develops 'wilful neglect.* Ac­ cording to our information there are only two city separate systems where from the four corners of the world. Yet you WHEREAS, Past President W. S. Hornsby the Negro schools ALMOST equal the in his annual address before the 17th annual convention in Augusta, Ga., recommended white, and those are Washington. will find it easy to choose gifts at prices within D.C., and St. Louis, Mo. The State that the member companies of the NATIONAL of Kansas has its own peculiar sys­ NEGRO INSURANCE ASSOCIATION cooper­ tem (as Kansas would) where Ne­ your Christmas budget. Even the most inexpen­ atively sponsor a NATIONAL NEGRO COL­ gro elementary schools are separate LECTION MONTH; and all others are mixed, except in sive gift carries with it the idea that *'a gift from IV: '.v •; •; THEREFORE, I, G. D. Rogers, President the city of Kansas City, Kans. Under of the NATIONAL NEGRO INSURANCE this system the Negro children re­ ASSOCIATION, publicly proclaim the Month ceive approximately but not abso­ Rike's means more" . . . Why not do all your of DECEMBER, 1937, as NATIONAL COL­ lute equality. LECTION MONTH, and urge THE PUBLIC to "The moral is that colored folk in Christmas shopping conveniently in one store PLEASE COOPERATE in making this first states which do not have mandatory Nation-wide collection drive a huge success. separate school systems either must and enjoy service in the Rike-Kumler manner? resist segregated schools by every i v %!' means in their power or become re­ signed to inferior education for their children. And this does not mean that Negro teachers and administra­ INSURANCE ASSOCIATION / tors are inferior, but that the whole TAMPA, FLORIDA system of administration is such that 8 I I tiii CompCDty the children are denied their birth­ G. D. ROGERS, President right. ft € H f There is no more important sub­ National Negro Insurance Ass'n ject before Negroes in this country than proper and adequate education On to Cleveland, June 8-10, 1938 for their children in the public DAYTON i OHIO