CURRICULUM VITAE JESSICA GORDON NEMBHARD, PH.D. Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development Department of Africana Studies, John Jay College, City University of NY 524 West 59th St. Room 9.63.06, New York, NY 10019 Department phone: 212 237-8764; FAX: 212-237-8099 Direct Office: 646-557-4658; Cell: 202-236-2588 EMAIL:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Education PH.D., Economics, September 1992 University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Amherst, MA 01003). M.A., Economics, February 1989; University of Massachusetts. M.A.T., Elementary Curriculum and Teaching, 1982; Howard University, School of Education (Washington, D.C. 20059). B.A., double major: Literature and Afro-American Studies, 1978, Magna Cum Laude and Distinction in the Major (A-AS); Yale University (New Haven, CT 06511). Current Employment 09/14 – Present Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development, Department of Africana Studies, John Jay College 09/09 – 08/14 Associate Professor of Community Justice and Social Economic Development, Department of Africana Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of NY 09/11 – Present Director, Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program John Jay College, CUNY Past Employment 07/09 Visiting Master Teacher, Summer Institute for Research on Race and Wealth, Howard University Center on Race and Wealth 08/08 – 06/09 Visiting Scholar, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada 08/08 – 07/09 Visiting Assistant Professor,