A PATH FORWARD Identifying Least-Conflict Solar PV Development in California’S San Joaquin Valley MAY 2016
A PATH FORWARD Identifying Least-Conflict Solar PV Development in California’s San Joaquin Valley MAY 2016 Authorship The primary authors of this report are: Dustin Pearce, Conservation Biology Institute, Goleta, CA James Strittholt, Conservation Biology Institute, Corvallis, OR Terry Watt, Terrell Watt Planning Consultants, San Francisco, CA Ethan N. Elkind, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE), University of California, UC Berkeley School of Law, CA Additional contributions were provided by Jim Bartridge (Senior Transmission Program Specialist, California Energy Commission), Thomas Gates (Supervisor, Cultural Resources, California Energy Commission), Gabriel Roark (Energy Analyst, Cultural Resources, California Energy Commission), Jeffrey Billinton (Manager, Regional Transmission-North, California Independent System Operator [CAISO]), Steve Chung (Navy Region Southwest [NRSW] Regional Community Plans Liaison Officer [CPLO]), Daniel Gergely Szabo (Researcher, UC Berkeley School of Law) and Patrick Mealoy (Strategic Resource Advisors LLC). Acknowledgements The authors and organizers are grateful to both the Energy Foundation and Hewlett Foundation for their support for the convenings and policy paper. We would specifically like to thank Katie McCormack for her commitment to this work. Generous donations and grants from Granville Homes, Maricopa Orchards, Westlands Solar Park LLC, Duke-American Transmission Co., Pacific Gas and Electric Company, The Nature Conservancy, Natural Resources Defense Council (Ralph Cavanagh and Carl Zichella), and Southern California Edison matched this foundation support. We are also grateful for the in-kind assistance from the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research, California Energy Commission, and California Independent System Operator, as well as project development help from Steve Black. Report design by Claire Hermann. Photos are courtesy of Green Energy Futures, David Dodge, Samuel Huckins, Mike Trimble, Daniel Arndt, Steve Sullivan, brotherlywalks, Morning Calm Weekly Newspaper Installation, and Jared Zimmerman.
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