Strengthening the oversight role of the Kosovo Assembly oces Mission in Kosovo ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 2 NEWSLETTERasi Editorial Editorial 2 Kosovo has a new political leadership. Within one Mr. Kolë Berisha’s speech on the occasion –˜—‘ǰȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—ǰȱ—Ž ȱ™›’–Žȱ–’—’œŽ›ȱŠ—ȱ of assuming the Assembly Presidency 3 —Ž ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜˜”ȱ˜ĜŒŽǯȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ succeeded the late President Ibrahim President Fatmir Sejdiu talks to BBC 6 Rugova. Former TMK Commander Agim Ceku succeeded as prime minister. Mr. “There is no full freedom in Kosovo Kole Berisha succeeded as president unless all of Kosovo’s citizens can enjoy it” 7 ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǯȱž‹œŽšžŽ—•¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŽ•ŽŠ’˜—ȱ˜›ȱŠžœȱŠ•”œȱ ‘ŠœȱŠȱ—Ž ȱŒ˜–™˜œ’’˜—ǯȱ—ȱŘŚȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŘŖŖŜǰȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱŒ˜—žŒŽȱ Kosovo Serb Leaders Meet Premier Çeku, Š—ȱŽ¡Ž—œ’ŸŽȱŽ‹ŠŽȱ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱœŠžœȱŠ•”œȱŠ—ȱ’—ȱ™Š›’Œž•Š›ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ ˜ȱ Consider Joining Government 9 rounds of talks on decentralization. Recent Developments in the Assembly 10 Žȱ‘˜™Žȱ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱŽ‹ŠŽȱ’—›˜žŒŽœȱŠȱ™ŠĴŽ›—ȱ˜ȱ–˜›Žȱ›Žž•Š›ȱ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱ sessions in the Assembly on various policy issues. The new president Let’s learn to hear the voice of the citizen 12 ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ›ǯȱ ˜•ŽȱŽ›’œ‘Šǰȱ’—Ž—œȱ˜ȱ‹›’—ȱ’—˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ a new democratic atmosphere and to strengthen co-operation with Presidency of the Assembly 14 international institutions. Transparency and full adherence to Rules Why we asked for a new dynamic in of Procedure are high on his agenda. Assembly’s Work 16 In light of the current changes at the Assembly one can hope that this ’••ȱŽ—Š‹•Žǰȱ’—ȱ™Š›’Œž•Š›ȱ‘Žȱ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ›˜ž™œȱŠ—ȱ˜––’ĴŽŽœǰȱ Our Vision of an Independent Kosovo 17 to further enhance their role in overseeing the work of the government Š—ȱ Ž¡Ž›Œ’œ’—ȱ ꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ ˜ŸŽ›œ’‘ȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ œ™Ž—’—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ Pay off Time 18 Consolidated Budget (KCB). These are key issues to come closer to Strengthening the oversight role of the œŠ—Š›œȱ ˜ȱ ˜˜ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—Š—ŒŽǯȱ ’’˜—Š••¢ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ Š›Žȱ Œ‘Š••Ž—Žœȱ Šȱ ‘Žȱ •ŽŸŽ•ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ Š–’—’œ›Š’˜—ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—ȱ Š—ȱ Kosovo Assembly 19 ˜™™˜›ž—’¢ȱ˜ȱ›ŽŠĜ›–ȱ‘Žȱž••ȱŠ‘Ž›Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱŽ¡’œ’—ȱ›Žž•Š’˜—œǯ Challenges and Improvements of the ‘’œȱ Ž’’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ  ȱ Ž œ•ŽĴŽ›ȱ ’—›˜žŒŽœȱ ‘Žȱ —Ž ȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ work of Kosovo Assembly 20 •ŽŠŽ›œ‘’™ȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱŠ—ȱ˜ŒžœŽœȱ˜—ȱœ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ•ŽŠ•ȱŠ—ȱ™˜•’Œ¢ȱ’—Ž›Žœȱ areas that have been presented mainly in the form of a review. Kosovo’s Journey Toward EU Integration 22 —ȱ‘’œȱŠ›’Œ•Žǰȱ›ǯȱŠŸ’ȱŠ¢—Žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŠ’˜—Š•ȱŽ–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ —œ’žŽȱ Reviewing the Draft Law on Veterans: (NDI) shares his views on the importance of a “question time” for OSCE Provides Support 23 ministers in parliament. Some questions have been initiated in the œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ Š•‘˜ž‘ȱ ’ȱ ŒŠ—ȱ ‹Žȱ ž›‘Ž›ȱ Ž—‘Š—ŒŽǯȱ —ȱ ‘’œȱ The Basics of “Question Period” 24 Š›’Œ•Žȱ›ǯȱŽ›’ȱŠ—’ǰȱ‘ŽŠȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ—Ž ȱ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ›˜ž™ȱȃ˜›ȱ —Ž›Š’˜—ǰȄȱŽ•Š‹˜›ŠŽœȱ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŒ›ŽŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ–ž•’Ȭ™Š›¢ȱŠ—ȱ–ž•’Ȭ New OSCE field presence 25 ethnic group which intends to play an active role in the legislative ˜›”ȱ ˜ȱ ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽœǯȱ œǯȱ ¢•—Š£Žȱ ¢•Šǰȱ ‘ŽŠȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ Translation/Interpretation: ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ••’Š—ŒŽȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱžž›Žȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱǻ Ǽǰȱ Keeping the Meaning the Same 26 ‹›’—œȱŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ’—’’Š’ŸŽȱ˜ȱŽœŠ‹•’œ‘ȱŠȱŒ˜—œ’žŽ—Œ¢ȱ›Ž•Š’˜—œȱ ˜ĜŒŽȱ’—ȱ˜—Žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŒ’’Žœȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǯ ‘ŽœŽȱ ‘›ŽŽȱ Š›’Œ•Žœȱ ›ŽĚŽŒȱ ‘›ŽŽȱ ”Ž¢ȱ ž—Œ’˜—œȱ ˜ȱ ™Š›•’Š–Ž—DZȱ ˜ŸŽ›œŽŽ’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱŠ˜™’—ȱ•Ž’œ•Š’˜—ȱŠ—ȱŒ˜––ž—’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ with voters. At a time when Kosovo is entering its most important ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ™Ž›’˜ǰȱ‘ŽȱŒž››Ž—ȱŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—œȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱŽœŽ›ŸŽȱ ‘Ž’‘Ž—Žȱ ŠĴŽ—’˜—ǯȱ ˜ ȱ ’œȱ ‘Žȱ ’–Žȱ ˜›ȱ Š••ȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ ›˜ž™œȱ ˜ȱ promote co-operation while dealing with substantial issues for ‘Žȱ žž›Žǯȱ —ȱ ‘’œȱ “˜’—ȱ ›˜Šǰȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ Š—ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ ™Š›—Ž›œȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ “Assembly Support Initiative” are willing to give their contribution. ŽȱŠ›Žȱœž›Žȱ‘’œȱŽ œ•ŽĴŽ›ȱ’ŸŽœȱŠ—ȱ’—’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ’ǯ

Franklin De Vrieze, “Assembly Support Initiative” Coordinator. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 3 Mr. Kolë Berisha’s speech on the occasion of assuming the Assembly Presidency Assembly of Kosovo, 10 March 2006 Honourable Assembly mem- —ž–‹Ž›ǰȱ Š›Žȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ œ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ ‹Ž›ȱŒ˜••ŽŠžŽœǰ and precious times; this is the time when we should move I am fully aware that by expres- ‹Ž¢˜—ȱ ™Š›¢ǰȱ ™Ž›œ˜—ǰȱ ›˜ž™ǰȱ œ’—ȱ¢˜ž›ȱŒ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ’—ȱ–Žȱ˜ȱ ›Ž•’’˜—ǰȱ Ž—Ž›ȱ ’—Ž›ŽœœDzȱ ˜›Š—’£Žǰȱ ˜ŸŽ›œŽŽǰȱ Œ˜˜›’—ŠŽȱ it is the time of our general and chair the work and other cause (question)–Kosovo an ŠŒ’Ÿ’’Žœȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ ’—ȱ independent and sovereign ŠŒȱ¢˜žǰȱ ’‘ȱ¢˜ž›ȱŸ˜Žǰȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ state; it is the present and the ’ŸŽ—ȱ–ŽȱŠȱ‘žŽȱ˜‹•’Š’˜—ǰȱ¢˜žȱ future of our children and of ‘ŠŸŽȱ ’ŸŽ—ȱ –Žȱ Šȱ ž¢ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ our grandchildren. ›Žšž’›Žœȱ Žě˜›ǰȱ ›Žœ™˜—œ’‹’•’¢ȱ Š—ȱœŠŒ›’ęŒŽǯ Rest assured that I will do my best for this sacred house— Kosovo is now facing its cru- from which the acts that Œ’Š•ȱ–˜—‘œǰȱŠ¢œǰȱŠ—ȱ ȱ ˜ž•ȱ will determine and sanction even say even its crucial ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ǰȱ “ž›’’ŒŠ•ǰȱ ŽŒ˜—˜–’Œȱ hours. and other areas of life in a This is certainly a historical Kosovo state will continue phase for Kosovo and its to come out—to become a ’—œ’ž’˜—œǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ Ž›ŽȱŸ˜Žȱ temple of free speech for all in by the free vote of its citizens Assembly members; to be a Š—ȱ ™Ž˜™•Žǰȱ ‘˜œŽȱ ’••ǰȱ Žȱ strong voice of both position along with the understanding Š—ȱ ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ǰȱ ˜ȱ –Š“˜›’¢ȱ Š—ȱ œž™™˜›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ›’Ž—œǰȱ Š—ȱ –’—˜›’¢ǯȱ Ž—ŒŽǰȱ ‘Žȱ led by the USA and other EU œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ’••ȱ ‹Žȱ Šȱ ™•ŠŒŽǰȱ Œ˜ž—›’Žœǰȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ’–™•Ž–Ž—ȱ which promotes equal rights till the end—until we build an ˜›ȱ Š••ȱ Œ’’£Ž—œȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ independent and sovereign ›ŽŠ›•Žœœȱ ˜ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ Ž‘—’Œǰȱ state that will serve as an ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ǰȱŽ—Ž›ǰȱ›Ž•’’˜—ǯȱȱȱ example for South-eastern I will do my utmost for the Europe; a state which will Assembly members to feel have perpetual friendly re- themselves (at home) as real lations with the USA–our heads of this household. I will ›ŽŠŽœȱŠ••¢ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ˜ȱ’–Žœǰȱ certainly need your support. only within one century stood And I assure you that you will next to us. have mine. Ž˜›Žȱ ‘’œȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ Šœȱ ˜—Žȱ Ž’—ȱ‘ŽȱꛜȱŠ–˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŽšžŠ•ȱ of the greatest mechanisms –Ž–‹Ž›œȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ ‘˜žœŽǰȱ Š™Š›ȱ of making Kosovo an inde- ›˜–ȱ –¢ȱ Œ˜—’—ž˜žœȱ Žě˜›œȱ ™Ž—Ž—ȱ Š—ȱ œ˜ŸŽ›Ž’—ȱ œŠŽǰȱ ˜›ȱ Œ›ŽŠ’—ȱ ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ Œ˜—’’˜—œȱ a lot of responsibilities and to conduct normal work and duties lay ahead. to tackle eventual individual ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’–Žœȱ Žȱ Š›Žȱ problems of each Assembly ˜’—ȱ ‘›˜ž‘ǰȱ —˜ȱ ˜—•¢ȱ member but of all common –¢ȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ ™Š›¢ǰȱ ‹žȱ ¢˜ž›ȱ ™›˜‹•Ž–œȱ˜˜ȱǻ—ŽŽ•Žœœȱ˜ȱœŠ¢ǰȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ™Š›’ŽœȱŠœȱ Ž••ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ as much as the circumstances are more or less smaller in ™Ž›–’ȱ žœǼǰȱ ȱ ’••ȱ Š•œ˜ȱ ˜ȱ –y Assembly President Kolë Berisha ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 4 NEWSLETTERasi utmost to enable the best Š—ȱ Œ˜—›’‹ž’˜—ǰȱ Œ‘Š’›’—ȱ possible co-operation in the this temple of democracy du- President Fatmir Sejdiu ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ ring very critical moments ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ›˜ž™œǰȱ Œ˜–Ȭ for Kosovo and its people. I –’ĴŽŽœȱ Š—ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ would also like to thank my talks to BBC œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ‹˜’Žœǰȱ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ‘’œȱ party—the Democratic League In an interview with BBC, spoke about the is the only way to progress. ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȯ˜›ȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ challenges in his new post, the future of his country and how much given to me. I think that the best way to ‘Šœȱ‘ŽȱŒ‘Š—ŽȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ˜˜”ȱ˜ŸŽ›ǯȱȱ˜››Žœ™˜—Ž—ȱž‘Š››Ž–ȱ achieve all these and other ob- ˜ ǰȱ Žȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ˜ȱŠ”Žȱ’ȱ›˜–ȱ ’Š“ȱ’—Ž›Ÿ’Ž Žȱ›ǯȱŠ–’›ȱŽ“’žȱ’—ȱ›’œ‘’—ŠDZ jectives is by respecting and here and move on. It will implementing faithfully the —˜ȱ ‹Žȱ ŽŠœ¢ǰȱ ‹žȱ ˜Ž‘Ž›ȱ Žȱ BBC: Was the election of the of Kosovo independence. ˜—œ’ž’˜—ǰȱ •Š œȱ Š—ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ ŒŠ—ȱ –Š”Žȱ ’ǰȱ ȱ Š–ȱ Œ˜—ꍮ—ȱ President, with such a speedy ‘’œȱ Šœȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ Œ‘Š••Ž—Žȱ œž‹Ȭ•ŽŠ•ȱ ŠŒœǰȱ ’—Œ•ž’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ‘Šȱ ˜ž›ȱ ›’Ž—œȱ ꛜȱ ˜ȱ Š••ȱ consensus a result of political and the second important is- Assembly Rules of Procedure. –Ž›’ŒŠ—œȱ Š—ȱ ž›˜™ŽŠ—œǰȱ maturity of the political sue in this process is how to Civilized nations are governed will continue to provide their structures and entities of create a strong cohesion of Ko- ‹¢ȱ ›’ĴŽ—ȱ —˜›–œǯȱ —ȱ Žȱ œž™™˜›ǰȱ Šœȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ˜—Žȱ Kosovo, or is it rather a result œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’—œ’ž’˜—œǰȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ should be able to prove that thus far. America and Europe of pressure put from outside? we are indeed a civilized are here to help us become government as well as ensure nation. part of western civilisation. Sejdiu: I think that the most Œ˜Ȭ˜™Ž›Š’˜—ȱŠȱ‘Žȱ•˜ŒŠ•ȱ•ŽŸŽ•ǰȱ Rest assured my friends that ’–™˜›Š—ȱ ‘’—ȱ ’œȱ ˜ȱ ŠĴŽ–™ȱ ’—ȱž•ę••’—ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ—Š›œȱŠ—ȱ I would like to use this oppor- this is our real objective. ˜ȱŒ˜—œ˜•’ŠŽȱ‘Žȱ’—œ’ž’˜—œǰȱ ˜ȱ ‘Šȱ ™Š›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜‹•’Š’˜—œǰȱ tunity to thank— on my and ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ‘’œȱ ›ŽĚŽŒœȱ Š—ȱ which has to do with serving your behalf— Academician Once again, thank you for your proves the political culture ŠœȱŠ—ȱ˜ĜŒ’Š•ȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’ŸŽȱŠȱ Nexhat Daci for his job done Œ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽǷȱȱ‘Š—”ȱ¢˜žǷȱ of Kosovo institutions and state functions. political parties. Let me also Biodata of Kolë Berisha remind you that we have gone BBC: President Sejdiu, since ˜•ºȱŽ›’œ‘Šȱ Šœȱ‹˜›—ȱ˜—ȱŘŜȱŒ˜‹Ž›ȱŗşŚŝȱ’—ȱ˜‹º›˜•ǰȱ •’—Šȱ through such challenges even you mentioned the changes –ž—’Œ’™Š•’¢ǯȱ ŽȱŒ˜–™•ŽŽȱ™›’–Š›¢ȱœŒ‘˜˜•ȱ’—ȱ“–’›ºǯȱЎ›ȱ during earlier periods. in Kosovo government, how ꗒœ‘’—ȱ ‘’‘ȱ œŒ‘˜˜•ȱ ’—ȱ “Š”˜ŸŠȦŠ”˜Ÿ’ŒŠǰȱ ‘Žȱ ˜›”Žȱ  ˜ȱ I always make mention of four much do you think these ¢ŽŠ›œȱŠœȱŠȱŽŠŒ‘Ž›ȱ’—ȱ“–’›ºȱŠ—ȱ ••Š›ŽŸºȱ˜ȱ •’—Šȱ–ž—’Œ’™Š•- Ž•ŽŒ’˜—œȱ‘Ž•ȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ Œ‘Š—Žœȱ ’••ȱ›ŽĚŽŒȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ ’¢ǰȱ ‘Ž›ŽŠœǰȱ œ’—ŒŽȱ Š›Œ‘ȱ ŗşŝřȱ ‘Žȱ ˜›”Žȱ Šœȱ Šȱ œŽŒ›ŽŠ›¢ȱ ˜ȱȱ were evaluated as the best ever overall processes in Kosovo? ȃž’“ȱ ž›Š”žš’Ȅȱ‘’‘ȱœŒ‘˜˜•ȱ’—ȱ •’—Šǯȱ Žȱ›ŠžŠŽȱ’—ȱŠ ȱ elections held in South-eastern Were they really necessary at ›˜–ȱ›’œ’—Šȱ—’ŸŽ›œ’¢ǯȱ—ȱŘŞȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŗşŞşǰȱ‘Žȱ ŠœȱŠ››ŽœŽȱ Europe and this proves that this time? Š—ȱŠ”Ž—ȱ˜ȱŠȱ™›’œ˜—ȱ’—ȱŽ•›ŠŽȱŠ—ȱŽ“ºȦŽŒǯȱ‘›ŽŽȱ–˜—‘œȱ the people are fully aware of •ŠŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ Šœȱ›Ž•ŽŠœŽǰȱ‹žȱ’œ–’œœŽȱ›˜–ȱ‘’œȱ“˜‹ǯȱ Sejdiu:ȱ Ž›Š’—•¢ǰȱŠœȱ ’–Žœȱ ˜ȱ the times (periods) they are ‹¢ȱ Žȱ ’••ȱŠŒŽȱ—Ž ȱŒ‘Š••Ž—Žœǰȱ Following the establishment of the Democratic League of ˜’—ȱ ‘›˜ž‘ǯȱ Š–Ž•¢ǰȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ‹ŽŒŠ–Žȱ Šȱ –Ž–‹Ž›ȱ Š—ȱ ž›’—ȱ  ˜ȱ Œ˜—œŽŒž’ŸŽȱ I especially appreciate the Š›ŽȱŽĴ’—ȱžœŽȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ—Ž ȱ ›’–Žȱ –’—’œŽ›Ȃœȱ Žě˜›œȱ ˜ȱ ˜ȱ mandates he was a member of the presidency of the LDK democracy. ‹›Š—Œ‘ȱ’—ȱ •’—ºǰȱŠ—ȱŒ‘Š’›™Ž›œ˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜––’œœ’˜—ȱ˜›ȱ›ŽŒ- Š—ȱ ’—Ž›—Š•ȱ œŠěȱ ŽŸŠ•žŠ’˜—ǯȱ ˜—Œ’•’—ȱ‘˜œ’•ŽȱŠ–’•’Žœǯȱ’—ŒŽȱŠ›Œ‘ȱȱ˜ȱŗşşŞȱ‘Žȱ‘ŠȱœŽ›ŸŽȱ The second issue is the need to The Assembly voted him in as vice president of the LDK. He was a member of the Transi- have an international coope- ˜ȱ œŽŽȱ ’ȱ ‘Žȱ ’••ǰȱ ’‘’—ȱ ŗŖŖȱ tional Council in post-war Kosovo; a member of the Political ›Š’˜—ǯȱŽȱŽę—’Ž•¢ȱ—ŽŽȱ‘Žȱ Š¢œǰȱ ‹Žȱ Š‹•Žȱ ˜ȱ ’–™›˜ŸŽȱ ˜›ž–ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŽœŠ‹•’œ‘Žȱ‹¢ȱ ȱ ŽœœŽ—ȬŽŽ›œŽ—DzȱŠ—ȱ international support in the the performance of the go- ‘ŽȂœȱ—˜ ȱŠȱ–Ž–‹Ž›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ›ŠŽ’Œȱ ›˜ž™ȱ˜›ȱžž›Žȱ upcoming periods. ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ ‹¢ȱ ŽŸŠ•žŠ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ status negotiations. This is his second mandate as a member performance of all govern- ment ministers and other high of the Kosovo Assembly. BBC: Which are the ˜ĜŒ’Š•œȱ Š—ȱ ˜ȱ –Š”Žȱ ‘ŽŠȬ challenges the President of ›ǯȱŽ›’œ‘Šȱ‘Šœȱ™ž‹•’œ‘Žȱ ˜ȱ‹˜˜”œDZȱȃ’Š›¢ȱ˜ȱŠ—ȱ œ˜•ŠŽȱ Š¢ǰȱ ŽŸŽ—ȱ ’ȱ ‘Žȱ ‘Šœȱ ˜ȱ –Š”Žȱ Ž›œ˜—ȄȱŠ—ȱȱȃ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱŠ—ȱ™Ž—ȱ˜ž—Ȅǯȱ Žȱ ›’Žœȱ™›˜œŽȱŠ—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ‘Šȱ˜ȱŠŒŽȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ changes. ™˜Ž›¢ǯȱ —ȱŗşŞřǰȱ’—ȱŠȱ•’Ž›Š›¢ȱŒ˜–™Ž’’˜—ȱ˜›Š—’œŽȱ‹¢ȱ•’Ž›Š›¢ȱ month of his service? –ŠŠ£’—Žȱȃ ˜‘ŠȄȱ˜ȱ˜˜›’ŒŠǰȱ‘Žȱ ŠœȱŠ Š›Žȱ‘ŽȱœŽŒ˜—ȱ Sejdiu: Many of them. I think BBC: President Sejdiu, you ™›’ŒŽȱ˜›ȱŠȱœ˜›¢ȱ’•ŽDZȱȃ’–™•Žȱ˜›¢ǯȄȱ›˜–ȱ’–Žȱ˜ȱ’–Žȱ‘Žȱ this is because of the times we have succeeded a person, writes articles on current political developments. He is mar- Š›Žȱ ˜’—ȱ ‘›˜ž‘ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ Žȱ ried and a father of two. who was considered perhaps aim at concluding the process one of the most successful ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 5 and popular politicians in Sejdiu: The state of Kosovo the new Kosovo, among the exists De facto. You also are ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ™Ž˜™•Žǵȱ ˜ ȱ’ĜŒž•ȱ Š Š›Žȱ Š‹˜žȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ ’ĜŒž•ȱ it is for you to be in this post, phases of occupancy that I would say under the shadow people of Kosovo have gone of such a great President? ‘›˜ž‘ǰȱ Žȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ™žȱ’—ȱ–˜’˜—ȱ –ŽŒ‘Š—’œ–œǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ˜›ǰȱŽ—Ÿ’Žȱ Sejdiu:ȱ Žœǰȱ ȱ ž••¢ȱ Œ˜—Œž›ȱ us even states of advanced with your assessment. He was ŽœŽ›—ȱŽ–˜Œ›ŠŒ¢ǰȱ–Ž›Ž•¢ȱ˜—ȱ indeed a unique personality. that how we achieved to walk This is also a good chance for through an incredibly long us to use Rugova’s legacy. hard journey and keep abreast citizen’s verve. ž›’—ȱ ‘’œȱ ™Ž›’˜ǰȱ ȱ ŒŠ—ȱ œŠ¢ȱ —ȱ‘’œȱ™‘ŠœŽǰȱ˜ȱŒ˜ž›œŽǰȱ Žȱ ˜Ȭ that it was an honour and a uld like to encompass the ideal privilege for me and people ˜ȱ–Š—¢ȱŽ™Š›ŽȱŒ˜‘˜›œǰȱŠ—ȱ of my generation to work ȱ ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽȱ ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ ¢ŽŠ›ȱ ŘŖŖŜǰȱ with him and also to learn- shall be an encompassment from him from the get go- and of this process for Kosovo to ‹Žȱ ™Š›ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ ’ĜŒž•ȱ get adhered to the range of path that Kosova has gone countries recognized interna- through. tionally. ˜ȱ˜ž‹ǰȱ ȱ‘Šȱ˜ȱŠŒŽȱŠ••ȱ‘ŽœŽȱ challenges simultaneously DZȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ’–Žȱ‹Ž’—ǰȱ plus miss the physical prese- it is believed that maybe nce of his personality. in the whole process of ȱ ’••ȱ˜ȱ–¢ȱ‹ŽœǰȱŠ”’—ȱ’—˜ȱ determination of the political ŠŒŒ˜ž—ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ™Šœȱ “˜’—ȱ Žě˜›œȱ future of the country, position of the Serbian and experiences- gained over minority in Kosovo is the a decade and a half along with –˜œȱ™›˜‹•Ž–Š’Œȱ™Š›ǯȱ‘Šȱ other colleagues- to keep the would Institutions of Kosovo same cohesion and to orientate provide to them, in order (direct) this energies based on that they become a part of those principles. the process of determination ŽŒ˜—•¢ǰȱ ’ȱ ˜Žœȱ ’‘˜žȱ of the political future of the saying that I will do my utmost country, that as you state it to give my contribution in the ˜ž•ȱ‹Žȱ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ŒŽǯȱȱ ongoing processes through Sejdiu: I might look at it in a both my engagement in our ’쎛Ž—ȱ Š¢ǰȱ ȱ ˜ž•—Ȃȱ •’”Žȱ “˜’—ȱŽě˜›œȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱ‹žȱ to make a problematic issue through my studies as well. ˜žȱ ˜ȱ –’—˜›’’Žœȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ but I would like merely to BBC: President Sejdiu, when succeed implementing our assigned to this duty, you vision for position of all the have stated that you will citizens of Kosovo including carry on running the project minorities in this concept. of the late President Rugova Ž›‘Š™œǰȱ ’ȱ –’‘ȱ ‹Žȱ Šȱ Œ˜—œȬ ˜›ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ˜ȱ‹ŽŒ˜–ŽȱŠȱœŠŽǯȱ trained approach for us so- How will you proceed in this –Ž’–Žœǰȱ Šœȱ ‘Ž•ȱ ›Žœ™˜—œ’‹•Žȱ process now, since it is in its majority assuring more se- President Fatmir Sejdiu ꗊ•ȱ™‘ŠœŽǵ curity or guarantee related to ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 6 NEWSLETTERasi the presence of minorities in ˜ž—Œ’•ǰȱ‘Šȱ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ accelerated approach in this in the normal track of that Kosovo. Kosovo is inevitable as it was direction. Š™™›˜ŠŒ‘ǰȱ ȱ ‘˜ž‘ȱ ’ȱ ’œȱ šž’Žȱ discussed some days ago in the ’ĜŒž•ȱ˜ȱœ’Œ”ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜›–Ž›ȱ ˜—Ž‘Ž•Žœœǰȱ ȱ ŽŽ•ȱ ‘Šȱ ˜Ȭ Our task is to contribute in meeting of the Ministers for approach which I used to œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ‘Šœȱ ™›˜Ÿ’Žȱ ŠĝžŽ—ȱ ‘’œȱ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱ™•Š¢Ž›œȱŠ—ȱ ˜›Ž’—ȱ 슒›œȱ ˜ȱ ž›˜™ŽŠ—ȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ™›ŽŸ’˜žœȱ ™‘ŠœŽœǰȱ ŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱž™ȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ™‘ŠœŽǰȱ‘Šȱ express our dignity of state Union in Salzburg. notwithstanding I still look at ŠĜ›–Š’ŸŽȱŒ’›Œ•Žœȱ‘Šȱ Žȱ‘Šȱ like mechanism that would be the world with the same eyes to integrate and activate in all In this phase of our develop- appreciated in this direction. as I used to do it previously. the processes have denoted ment we have provided You are aware about statements their outcomes. There are The most important thing œžĜŒ’Ž—ȱ ŽŸ’Ž—ŒŽȱ ‘Šȱ Žȱ made also in the Security ‘Žœ’Š’˜—œǰȱ žœžŠ••¢ȱ Œ˜–’—ȱ for me is to adapt myself in could live with dignity as an Council that this process ›˜–ȱ Ž›‹’Š—ȱ –’—˜›’¢ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ circumstances of the day and ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ȱ œŠŽǰȱ ‹¢ȱ ‘ŠŸ’—ȱ ’••ȱ Š”Žȱ ’–Žǰȱ ’••ȱ ˜ȱ ™Šœȱ in continuity becomes a prey accountability required from ˜ž›ȱ˜ —ȱ˜‹“ŽŒ’ŸŽǰȱŠ—ȱŠ™™›˜ŠŒ‘ȱ ŘŖȱ ¢ŽŠ›œȱ ˜ȱ ŠŒ‘’ŽŸŽȱ ž•’–ŠŽȱ even of numerous reckonings me. ˜›ȱ˜˜ȱ—Ž’‘‹˜ž›‘˜˜ǰȱŠ—ȱ national emancipation or made by Belgrade’s policy to- general stable situation in the formal statehood legally Ž›Š’—•¢ǰȱȱ‘Ž›ŽȱŠ›Žȱ˜£Ž—œȱ˜ȱ wards them. region. ›ŽŒ˜—’œŽȱ‹¢ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱŒ˜ž—›’Žœǰȱ changes in a part of my pri- ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ Žȱ Œ˜ž•ȱ œŠ¢ȱ ‘Šȱ ˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ ’••ȱ ’œȱ ’–™ŠœœŠ‹•Žǰȱ or Internationally recognized ŸŠŽȱ •’Žǰȱ ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ¢—Š–’Œœȱ for us it is very important and it is constitutional and Kosovo. and activities performed here not to go back to history. We ’—Ž›—Š’˜—Š•ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ —˜‹˜¢ȱ and the role that I am assigned should not achieve that what could step over this will. BBC: During all those years in this Institution require ‘Šœȱ‘Š™™Ž—Žȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ‹žȱ people were addressing to avoidance and leaving aside You could look at motion of course that our project goal you with professor Sejdiu, a portion of my obligations ˜ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ ™Ž˜™•Žǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ ’œȱ˜ȱ–˜ŸŽȱ˜› Š›ǰȱ‘ŠŸ’—ȱ’—ȱ now they address to you with towards my private and family independence or national mind a treatment of minorities ›Žœ’Ž—ȱŽ“’žǯȱ‘’Œ‘ȱ˜ȱ life. based on highest international emancipation. I could give ‘ŽœŽȱ˜ȱ¢˜žȱ™›ŽŽ›ȱ–˜œȱ›ǯȱ What I miss most is simply œŠ—Š›œȱ ˜›ȱ ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ •’Žȱ Š—ȱ dozens of examples of in- Sejdiu? what I used to have and what integration of all citizens. dependence statements of powerful states recently esta- Sejdiu:ȱ ȱ ›Ž–Š’—ȱ ›’Ž—ǰȱ ™›˜Ȭ ȱ Š• Š¢œȱ •’”Žȱ Š—ȱ ™›ŽŽ››Žǰȱ ȱ ŽŽ•ȱ ‘Šȱ –Š¢‹Žǰȱ ‘’œȱ ’œȱ ‘Žȱ blished. Žœœ˜›ǰȱŠ—ȱ‘’œȱ’œȱ ‘Šȱ ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ Šȱ Š•”ȱ ›˜–ȱ –¢ȱ ˜ĜŒŽȱ ˜ȱ –¢ȱ ‹˜Ĵ˜–ȱ •’—Žȱ ˜ȱ Š••ȱ ˜ȱ ’ȱ ‘Šȱ achieved simply with my ‘˜žœŽǰȱ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ‘’œȱ—Ž ȱœ¢•Žȱ would bring other outcomes BBC: Do you believe that at ˜ —ȱ Žě˜›œȱ Šȱ ‘Žȱ •ŽŸŽ•œȱ ˜ȱ of life could perhaps have ŠĞŽ› Š›œǯȱ ‘ŽȱŽ—ȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ¢ŽŠ›ǰȱŠ–’›ȱ education and nurturing and consequences for my health. ŽȂ••ȱœŽŽǰȱ–Š¢‹Žȱ ȱ ’••ȱ‹ŽȱŠ‹•Žȱ We won’t engage ourselves in Sejdiu will be the President ŽžŒŠ’˜—ȱŠ—ȱœŒ’Ž—’ęŒȱ ˜›”ȱ to get back to my old way of Š—¢ȱ ŒŠœŽǰȱ —Ž’‘Ž›ȱ –¢œŽ•ȱ —˜›ȱ of Independent Kosovo at University. living. Kosovo Institutions to create formally? ȱ’œȱ—˜ȱŠȱ’•Žǰȱ˜›ȱ’ȱ’œȱ—˜ȱŠȱŒŠ••ȱ positions which produce SejdiuDZȱŽœǯȱ ȱ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽȱ‘ŠȱŠ••ȱ˜ȱ that I hesitate being called. parallel life. Ž›Š’—•¢ǰȱ ȱ Š–ȱ Šœ˜—’œ‘’—•¢ȱ DZȱ Šœȱ¢˜ž›ȱŠĴ’žŽȱ us as a generation will enjoy pleased always to get emb- towards the media and œžŒ‘ȱŠȱ™‘ŠœŽȱŠ—ȱ ȱ˜ĞŽ—ȱ‘’—”ȱ raced with it and that role journalists changed? BBC: Do you believe that Š‹˜žȱ‘ŽȱŽ•Ž›•¢ȱŽ—Ž›Š’˜—œǰȱ ›Ž–Š’—œȱ–’—ŽǰȱŠŒžŠ•ȱ™˜œ’’˜—ȱ there exists an international hoping they’ll live to see the Sejdiu:ȱ˜ǰȱ’ȱ‘Šœ—Ȃǯȱ ȱŠ–ȱ‘Žȱ is an institutional position consensus on the issue of Kosovo resolved. same person and I will stick independence of Kosovo? and accountability assigned to it. I believe that we should ‘žœǰȱ ™›ŠŒ’ŒŠ••¢ȱ œžŒ‘ȱ ¢—ŠȬ by Assembly of Kosovo and have regular communication Sejdiu: Perpetual statements mics on the go this year and political entities’ support. since I think that you are a coming separately from senior ŒŽ›Š’—•¢ȱ Šȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ Œ•ŽŠ›ȱ –ŠĴŽ›ȱ very powerful instrument of ˜ĜŒ’Š•œȱ ˜ȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ Œ˜ž—›’Žœȱ of the course of Mr. Ahtisari BBC: How much has this presentation (information) and and developed debates in vis-à-vis our expressed desire complicated your personal of share a common vision. higher international levels that this takes place as soon as life, private and family life? plainly justify further ope- I am looking forward to our possible. —’—ǰȱ ˜›ȱ ‘˜œŽȱ Š›Žȱ ’›ŽŒ•¢ȱ ’—ȱ Sejdiu: There are dozens of mutual and correct (truthful) ŠŒŒ˜›Š—ŒŽȱ ’‘ȱ ˜ž›ȱ Ÿ’œ’˜—ǰȱ It will be November time when changes. The only change cooperation. that independence of Kosovo his mandate or contract signed not applied to my approach is a real option having been with shall towards problems and pe- discussed in the Security expire. This implies simply an ople is that I try to remain Published: 18 March 2006 ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 7 “There is no full freedom in Kosovo unless all of Kosovo’s citizens can enjoy it” Endorsement speech of Kosovo Prime Minister Agim Çeku, 10 March 2006 ŽŠ›ȱ›ǯȱ ŽœœŽ—ȬŽŽ›œŽ—ǰ ’ŒŠ•ȱ œŠ‹’•’¢ȱ Š—ȱ œŠŽ¢ǰȱ ŽŠ›ȱ›ǯȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ improving of governance and Kosovo, ‘Žȱ •ŽŠ•ȱ ›Š–Ž ˜›”ǰȱ Šœȱ Ž••ȱ as increasing the dynamics ŽŠ›ȱ›ǯȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ of work on standards imp- Assembly, •Ž–Ž—Š’˜—ǰȱ Š’–’—ȱ ‘žœȱ ‘Žȱ Dear deputies, creation of more convenient Distinguished present guests, circumstances for recognition of Kosovo’s independence in I have just been given your the shortest time possible. Œ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—ȱ ‘Žȱ country and this I appreciate. Even though we are going Today I also take the enormous through the main stage of obligation of heading the the process in the creation of ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ’—ȱ˜›Ž›ȱ˜ȱž•ę••ȱ Šȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ œŠŽǰȱ ˜ž›ȱ Š’–œȱ ˜ȱ the duties towards Kosovo’s —˜ȱꗒœ‘ȱŠȱ‘Šȱ™˜’—ǯȱ‘Ž›Žȱ citizens and I am honored is still more to be done in the with this obligation. Today realization of our aspirations. I have taken the mandate to We want a tolerant and de- ‘ŽŠȱ‘Žȱ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ™Ž›‘Š™œȱ –˜Œ›Š’Œȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ’—Ž›ŠŽȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ –˜œȱ ’ĜŒž•ȱ Š—ȱ in the European Union and most decisive of moments. NATO structures. We want a ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ȱŠ–ȱ›ŽŠ¢ǯ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’œȱ Šȱ œ˜ž›ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ In this crucial moment for stability in the region and a ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ Š—ȱ ’œȱ ™Ž˜™•Žǰȱ ¢˜ž›ȱ catalyst for positive change given trust will be a supporting in this part of Europe. The point for my work in heading creation of a Kosovo state is Kosovo’s government. By the will of the Kosovo people Š”’—ȱ ‘’œȱ ›Žœ™˜—œ’‹’•’¢ǰȱ and Kosovo government. we say to you and Kosovo’s This aim obliges us to carry out citizens that our governance our responsibilities towards will be based on the welfare of this process with accuracy. The Prime Minister Agim Çeku ˜œ˜Ÿ˜Ȃœȱ Œ’’£Ž—œǰȱ ›ŽŠ›•Žœœȱ state of Kosovo is the common ˜ȱ Ž‘’ŒŠ•ǰȱ ›Ž•’’˜žœȱ Š—ȱ great objective of us all. But at front of this parliament and in Ladies and Gentlemen, ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ’쎛Ž—ŒŽœǯȱŽȱœ‘Š••ȱ ‘ŽȱœŠ–Žȱ’–Žǰȱ Ž•Š›ŽǰȱœŠŽ¢ȱ front of Kosovo’s citizens. We will work in building brid- realize our common goals in and economic perspective are We will create a responsible Žœȱ˜ȱŒ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ ˜Ȭ co-operation with you all and responsibilities that belong Š—ȱ ŽěŽŒ’ŸŽȱ ˜ŸŽ›—’—ȱ ‘Šȱ sovo’s people and manage to our international friends. ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ Šœȱ will address the needs of turn interethnic diversities The principles of the gover- such would not be ignored in Kosovo’s citizens. In Kosovo’s into genuine values of our —–Ž—ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’••ȱ‹Žȱ‘ŽŠŽȱ any way or for any purpose. government there will be no society. The Kosovo gover- nment will cultivate the cli- ‹¢ȱ–Žǰȱ˜›’’—ŠŽȱ›˜–ȱ‘Žȱ˜Ȭ Kosovo’s citizens will be at the room for those who will not –ŠŽȱ ˜ȱ Œ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ Š—ȱ –žȬȱ vernment programme. We center of our work and actions. serve as good examples of žŠ•ȱŒ˜˜™Ž›Š’˜—ǰȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ‹Žœȱ will remain focused in the œȱ Šȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ Žȱ ’••ȱ ‹Žȱ ’•’Ž—ǰȱ ŠŒŒ˜ž—Š‹•Žǰȱ Œ˜–Ȭ intention of Kosovo being further strengthening of our ˜™Ž—ȱ ˜›ȱ Š••ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ˜‹•’Š’˜—œǰȱ –’ĴŽȱŠ—ȱ‘˜—Žœȱ™˜•’’Œ’Š—œǯȱ home to all its citizens. ’—œ’ž’˜—œǰȱŽ–™•˜¢–Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ facing the challenges of go- I commit myself to give my enhancement of economic verning while keeping in very best in order to justify ȱ’–Žȱ˜ȱ‘Š›Žǰȱ’œŒ›’–’—ŠȬ conditions for Kosovo’s ci- mind that we will be held the mandate and your trust ’˜—ȱŠ—ȱœžěŽ›’—ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜Ȃœȱ ’£Ž—œǰȱ œ›Ž—‘Ž—’—ȱ poli- accountable for our work in given to me today. citizens should belong to the ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 8 NEWSLETTERasi past. Time has come for inter- steam engine that speeds up economy. Unemployment is —’Žȱ ŠŽœȱ ˜ȱ –Ž›’ŒŠǰȱ Ž‘—’Œȱ ›ŽŒ˜—Œ’•’Š’˜—ǰȱ ˜ŸŽ›Š••ȱ ‘’œȱ ™›˜ŒŽœœDzȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ turning into a chronic disease ǰȱ ž›˜™ŽŠ—ȱ —’˜—ǰȱ integrations and prosperity. increase of dynamics in the of our society. United Nations and all of standards implementation our friends who have helped One thing remains clear to The power supply remains will play a crucial role in our žœȱž›’—ȱ˜ž›ȱ’ĜŒž•ȱ’–Žœǯȱ all of us. There is no full free- Šȱ ‹’ȱ ™›˜‹•Ž–ǰȱ Žœ™’Žȱ Šȱ governing agenda. We aim to continue building dom in Kosovo unless all of huge investment. Kosovo’s our political and economic Kosovo’s citizens can enjoy it. In the coming days we will be- infrastructure still lacks qua- capacities as well as to work gin our activities for standards lity; education and healthcare Kosovo’s majority population on building a secure environ- implementation. And this is are in a state requiring serious should realize that to achieve ment for all in order to self not because the international examination from us all. We their aims they must respect govern our country so that community set it as a condi- should restore the dignity the rights and welfare of the our citizens and international ’˜—ȱ ˜›ȱ žœǰȱ ‹žȱ ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ’‘ȱ ˜ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ™Ž—œ’˜—Ž›œǰȱ ŽŠŒ‘Ž›œǰȱ –’—˜›’¢ǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ŒŠ›’—ȱ friends take pride on. ˜Œ˜›œǰȱ œ˜•’Ž›œȱ Š—ȱ ™˜•’ŒŽȱ for the minorities is in the their implementation we ˜ĜŒŽ›œǯ ›˜–ȱ ‘Ž›Žǰȱ ›˜–ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ interest of the majority. The ‘Ž•™ȱ˜ž›œŽ•ŸŽœǯȱ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ Žȱ Ž–™‘Šœ’£Žȱ ˜ž›ȱ minority communities in Ko- assure you that assessments We do not promise a solution duty to continue cooperation sovo should believe that their made by both the international ˜ȱŠ••ȱ™›˜‹•Ž–œǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’‘ȱ ›ǯȱ ‘’œŠŠ›’ǰȱ ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ interests would be enhanced community and the citizens ’œȱŠŒ’—ȱ˜Š¢ǯȱžǰȱ˜—ȱ‹Ž‘Š•ȱ —Ÿ˜¢ȱ ˜›ȱ ‘Žȱ ꗊ•ȱ œŠžœȱ and protected in the Kosovo ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’••ȱ ›ŽĚŽŒȱ ˜ž›ȱ ˜ȱ‘Žȱ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ ȱ ’••ȱ‘ŽŠǰȱ and members of the Contact ‘Šȱ Žȱ Š›Žȱ ‹ž’•’—ȱ ˜Š¢ǰȱ Œ˜––’–Ž—ǰȱ˜ž›ȱŠŒ’˜—œȱŠ—ȱ I commit myself that we will ›˜ž™ȱ˜ȱ›Žœ˜•ŸŽȱ‘ŽȱœŠžœȱ˜ȱ therefore their close and ŠœȱœžŒ‘ǰȱ‘Ž¢ȱ ’••ȱ‹Žȱ™˜œ’’ŸŽǯ ˜›”ȱ ˜—ȱ ‘ŽœŽȱ –ŠĴŽ›œȱ œ˜ȱ constructive co-operation will that they are given greater Kosovo. We strongly believe Standards implementation ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ œŠŽȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ accelerate this important pro- will be the strongest argument ŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ Ž’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ cess for the future of Kosovo. during our daily activities. which will be created by the in the negotiation process Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱ ’••ȱ ‹Žȱ concerning Kosovo’s status. The Kosovo Serbian com- The government will intro- a democratic state that will The government will play a munity should believe that duce adequate economic poli- become a beloved homeland constructive role in this pro- we are building a society that cies and needed legislation to all of its citizens.” will be based on the highest ŒŽœœǰȱ Œ˜—œ’Ž›’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ’œœžŽȱ ˜ȱ ˜›ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒ’—ȱ ’—ŸŽœ–Ž—œȱ human principles of tolerance œŠžœȱ’œȱŠȱŒ˜––˜—ȱŒŠžœŽǰȱ—˜ȱ ’—˜ȱ ’—žœ›¢ǰȱ ‹žœ’—Žœœȱ Š—ȱ Ladies and Gentlemen, Š—ȱ Œ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ȱ ˜—•¢ȱ Šȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—Š•ȱ –ŠĴŽ›ǰȱ education of people according Regardless that there will be ꗍȱ ’ȱ ’–™˜›Š—ȱ ˜ȱ Š›Žœœȱ doing thus everything that is to the country’s economic a NATO presence in a post- ‘Ž–ȱ’—ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ–˜‘Ž›ȱ˜—žŽDZ needed to maintain the unity needs. We should make use œŠžœȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’œȱ ‘Žȱ of the full political spectrum of our geographic position ȃ —ȱ Šȱ Ž–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ’œ‘ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȂœȱŒ’’£Ž—œǰȱ Žȱ involved in this process. and of our own natural and •’”Žȱ Š••ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜Ȃœȱ Œ’’£Ž—œǰȱ will work with dedication human resources by providing you too will have a future. In order to express our stance toward building our own ŠĴ›ŠŒ’ŸŽȱ ˜™™˜›ž—’’Žœȱ ˜›ȱ Kosovo belongs to all of in regard to negotiation pro- œ¢œŽ–ȱ ˜ȱ œŽŒž›’¢ǰȱ ’—Œ•ž’—ȱ foreign investors. us and together we will ŒŽœœǰȱ•Žȱ–Žȱšž˜Žȱ‘Žȱ˜›–Ž›ȱ a protection force for Kosovo. create a society that will ȱ ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ ǯǯȱ Ž——Ž¢DZȱ The government will support We will achieve this in full žŠ›Š—ŽŽȱ ›ŽŽ˜–ǰȱ ŽšžŠ•’¢ȱ “We shall never negotiate and assist in the process of partnership with NATO and and economic prosperity for ›˜–ȱŽŠ›ǰȱ‹žȱ Žȱœ‘Š••ȱ—ŽŸŽ›ȱ ™›’ŸŠ’£Š’˜—ǰȱŠ—ȱ’ȱ ’••ȱ ˜›”ȱ other international friends. fear to negotiate.” everybody regardless of their ’—Ž—œ’ŸŽ•¢ȱ ˜ȱ ŠĴ›ŠŒȱ –˜›Žȱ Kosovo will develop defense ethnicity. You should believe I invite you to stick together investment to assist Kosovo’s and security policies aimed in it. In order to achieve this ’‘ȱ‘’œȱ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱž—’ŽȱŠ—ȱ economy. We should look at creating a safe and secure ”’—ȱ˜ȱŠȱœ˜Œ’Ž¢ǰȱ¢˜žȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ steadfast. We dare not allow beyond existing framework environment for all. Kosovo ꐑȱ ˜›ȱ ¢˜ž›ȱ ›’‘œȱ ˜Ž‘Ž›ȱ division among us. There is no and create a new vision for a should be transformed from with all other citizens of œžœŠ’—Š‹•ŽȱŽŒ˜—˜–¢ǰȱŽ—Š‹•’—ȱ room for mistakes and there is a security consuming country ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‹¢ȱ Š”’—ȱ ™Š›ȱ ’—ȱ thus a brighter future to our no time to correct them. into a country that produces ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ children and our youth. Š—ȱ ›ŽĚŽŒœȱ œŠŽ¢ǯȱ ž›ȱ institutions and everyday life Ladies and Gentlemen, concept of security will be in Kosovo.” Ladies and Gentlemen, ŽŸŽ—ȱ ¢ŽŠ›œȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ based on co-operation with Allow me now to say a few For the creation of a democratic Š›ǰȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŒ˜—’—žŽœȱ˜ȱŠŒŽȱ NATO and our neighboring words in English to the inter- Š—ȱ™›˜œ™Ž›˜žœȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱœŠŽǰȱ a wide range of crises that have countries. We will struggle —Š’˜—Š•ȱŒ˜––ž—’¢DZ the implementation of stan- a direct impact on the lives to make Kosovo the largest dards is like an important of citizens and the country’s “We are very grateful to the contributor of peace and sa- ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 6 asiNEWSLETTER 9 fety in the region. Œ˜ž—›¢ǯȱ ǰȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ›ŽšžŽœȱ ¢˜ž›ȱœž™™˜›ȱ›˜–ȱŠ••ȱ˜ȱ¢˜žǰȱ Žȱ ’••ȱ ™Š¢ȱ œ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ ŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱ Kosovo Serb Leaders Meet promising real success that to the preservation and pro- ŒŠ—ȱ ‹Žȱ Ž•ȱ Š—ȱ ˜žŒ‘Žǰȱ Šœȱ motion of the core values of Premier Çeku, Consider the war. Not for a single mo- a reward for this support to ment shall I forget where I your country—Kosovo. Joining Government ŒŠ–Žȱ ›˜–ǰȱ œ’—ŒŽȱ ˜—Žȱ ‘˜ȱ I call on you to continue being does not know where he critical in a democratic manner The list of ministers and deputy he noted that their return is comes from; he does not know ˜ Š›œȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ ministers that was presented important. “I think it we’ll where he goes to. I am proud to stress and to prove every to the Assembly of Kosovo be back in the institutions to- ˜ȱ‹Ž’—ȱŠȱ ȱǻ ǼȱꐑŽ›ȱ potential irregularity during for endorsement by Prime morrow as that’s a very short and soldier of the legendary ˜ž›ȱ˜ŸŽ›—Š—ŒŽǯȱ¢ȱ˜’—ȱœ˜ǰȱ Minister Agim Çeku did not deadline and it’s hard for us Œ˜––Š—Ž›ȱ Ž–ȱ Šœ‘Š›’ǯȱ ¢˜žȱ ’••ȱ ž•ę••ȱ ¢˜ž›ȱ ž’Žœȱ include the names designated ˜ȱ –Š”Žȱ œžŒ‘ȱ Šȱ –˜ŸŽǰȄȱ œŠ’ȱ Every single day of my work towards your citizens and you by the Serbian List for Kosovo ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ǯȱ ŒŒ˜›’—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘’–ǰȱ as a prime minister will begin will assist the government in Š—ȱŽ˜‘ħŠȱǻ Ǽǯȱž›’—ȱ there’s no doubt that the SLKM with having in mind those ™Ž›˜›–’—ȱ’œȱ“˜‹ȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ǯ the consultative meetings that should be a part of Kosovo’s ŸŠ•žŽœǰȱœŠŒ›Žȱ˜ȱŠ••ȱŒ’’£Ž—œȱ˜ȱ Çeku had with the leader of institutions. He added that I would like to stress in the Kosovo. ‘Žȱ  ǰȱ •’ŸŽ›ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ǰȱ only through institutions end that the government no concrete agreement had can they defend the Serb I will be engaged in the care headed by me does not begin been reached for the return community in Kosovo. Çeku for the groups which emerged anything from the outset. of Kosovo Serbs to Kosovo promised that concerns of ›˜–ȱ ‘Žȱ Š›DZȱ –Š›¢›œȂȱ Š–’Ȭ We will carry on the work of institutions. One day prior to minorities will be a priority •’Žœǰȱ Š›ȱ’—ŸŠ•’œȱŠ—ȱŸŽŽ›Š—œǯȱ previous governments and we We owe a great deal to these the endorsement of the Çeku ˜›ȱ‘’œȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǯȱ ’••ȱœ›’ŸŽȱ ’‘ȱŠ••ȱ˜ž›ȱŽě˜›œȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ›˜ž™œǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ŽœŽ›ŸŽȱ –žŒ‘ȱ On the other hand the minister to make this government ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ,Ž”žȱ œŠ’ȱ ‘Šȱ more from all of us. The closer of returns and communities more dynamic and more Š•”œȱ ’‘ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ȱ Š’•Žȱ ˜ȱ Žȱ Žȱ ˜ȱ ꗊ•ȱ œŠžœǰȱ ‘Žȱ and the only representative ŽĜŒ’Ž—ǯȱ ȱ ˜ž•ȱ •’”Žȱ ˜ȱ reach a conclusion. “We have greater our debt becomes to of the Serb community in the express my gratitude to the to talk continuously and the them. ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ •ŠŸ’ñŠȱ previous prime ministers who doors are open to the SLKM Ž”˜Ÿ’°ǰȱ œŠ’ȱ ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ž•ȱ Soon Kosovo will be given ‘ŠŸŽȱ œŽ›ŸŽȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ Ž›–œDZȱ ›ǯȱ and I hope this entity will join not refuse to be a part of the the possibility of participating Š“›Š–ȱŽ¡‘Ž™’ǰȱ›ǯȱŠ–žœ‘ȱ ˜ž›ȱŽŠ–ǰȄȱœŠ’ȱ,Ž”žǯ in international cultural and Haradinaj and Mr. Bajram new cabinet. The Assembly œ™˜›œȱ ŽŸŽ—œǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ Žȱ ˜œž–’ǰȱ ‹žȱ Š•œ˜ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ •ŠŽȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ȱŽ¡Œ•žŽȱ‘Žȱ™˜œœ’‹’Ȭ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’—Œ•žŽœȱ ’••ȱ ™Š¢ȱ œ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ ŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ™›Žœ’Ž—ȱ ž˜ŸŠǰȱ ‘˜ȱ Š••ȱ lity that Kosovo Serbs might ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’ŸŽœȱ ˜ȱ Ž”˜Ÿ’°Ȃœȱ Œž•ž›Žȱ Š—ȱ œ™˜›œǯȱ•œ˜ǰȱ ˜ž›ȱ laid good fundaments for return to Kosovo institutions ™Š›¢ǰȱŽ—˜›œŽȱ ‘Žȱ ,Ž”žȱ ˜Ȭ Diaspora will occupy a deser- ˜ŸŽ›—’—ǰȱ˜—ȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ȱŒŠ—ȱ›Ž•¢ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ —ŽŠ›ȱ žž›Žǰȱ ‘˜ž‘ȱ ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ˜—ȱŗŖȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŘŖŖŜǯ ved place in our govern-me- during my coming work. ntal programmes. We are the luckiest generation ŽŠ›ȱ›ǯȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰ in Kosovo’s history. History ŽŠ›ȱ›ǯȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ has chosen us to bring freedom Assembly, ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ˜Ž‘Ž›ȱ ’‘ȱ ˜ž›ȱ friends. There is nothing here Dear Special Representative ’ŸŽ—ȱ Šœȱ Šȱ ’Ğǰȱ ŽŸŽ›¢‘’—ȱ of the Secretary General, has been achieved with the Honored members of œŠŒ›’ęŒŽȱ˜ȱ–Š—¢ȱŽ—Ž›Š’˜—œǯȱ parliament, Žȱ Š›Žȱ —ŽŠ›ȱ ˜ȱ ꗊ•ȱ Ÿ’Œ˜›¢ǯȱ I promise to you today one ˜••˜ ’—ȱ œŠŒ›’ęŒŽǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ more time that we will not is nothing more unavailing spare ourselves in our work. ‘Š—ȱ ‘Š—”Ž›’—ȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ ˜ȱ ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ–Žȱ’–Žǰȱ¢˜ž›ȱœž™™˜›ȱ claim victory. Victory goes of the Kosovo government will ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ’œȱ ™Ž˜™•Žȱ Š—ȱ ’œȱ be an additional guarantee citizens. that much brighter days are ahead of our people and our ‘Š—”ȱ¢˜žǷ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 10 NEWSLETTERasi 7 Recent Developments in the Assembly Franklin De Vrieze, OSCE Mission in Kosovo Assembly elects new Kosovo President Minister Tërmkolli refuses to respond —ȱŗŖȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ȱŘŖŖŜȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŽ•ŽŒŽȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ to interpellation ™›Žœ’Ž—ǰȱ›ǯȱŠ–’›ȱŽ“’žȱǻ ǼǰȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ™Šœœ’—ȱŠ Š¢ȱ O —ȱŘśȱŒ˜‹Ž›ȱŘŖŖśǰȱ ȱœž‹–’- ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽŸ’˜žœȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ›ǯȱ ‹›Š‘’–ȱž˜ŸŠȱ˜—ȱŘŗȱ Oted a motion calling on Minister Š—žŠ›¢ȱŘŖŖŜǯȱ••ȱŸ˜’—ȱ ŠœȱŒŠ››’Žȱ˜žȱ’—ȱž••ȱŒ˜–™•’Š—ŒŽȱ ’‘ȱ of Public Services Melihate Tërmkolli ‘Žȱ˜—œ’ž’˜—Š•ȱ›Š–Ž ˜›”ǯȱ —ȱ‘Žȱ‘’›ȱ›˜ž—ȱ˜ȱŸ˜’—ǰȱ›ǯȱ (LDK) to respond to allegations that Ž“’žȱ ŠœȱŽ•ŽŒŽȱ‹¢ȱŞŖȱŸ˜Žœȱ’—ȱŠŸ˜ž›ȱǻ˜žȱ˜ȱŠȱ˜Š•ȱ˜ȱŗŘŖȱ she violated the Law on Public Finan- œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ–Ž–‹Ž›œǼǯȱ —ȱ‘’œȱ‹›’Žȱ’—Šžž›Š•ȱŠ›Žœœǰȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ Œ’Š•ȱŠ—ŠŽ–Ž—ǰȱ‘ŽȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱž‹•’Œȱ Sejdiu emphasized that his primary engagement will be to lead ›˜Œž›Ž–Ž—ǰȱ Š—ȱ  ȱ Žž•Š- the work of the negotiating team of Kosovo and that close co- ’˜—ȱ ŘŖŖŗȦřŜȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’Ÿ’•ȱ operation with the UN Status Envoy for Kosovo Maarti Ahtis- Ž›Ÿ’ŒŽǯȱ —ȱ ŘŞȱ ŽŒŽ–‹Ž›ȱ ŘŖŖśǰȱ ‘Žȱ sari will be of special importance. President Sejdiu paid tribute minister sent to the presidency of the to President Rugova and emphasized his duty as president to Assembly a response to the interpel- foster political and interethnic unity. •Š’˜—ǰȱŒ•Š’–’—ȱ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ Šœȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱŽ—Ž›Š•ǰȱ‘Šȱȱ—˜ȱ‹Šœ’œȱ˜›ȱ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱ and therefore “must be refused.” Assembly debates Administrative Protocol Although the response of Minister Tërmkolli was included Center in Germia ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱŠŽ—Šȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŗŚȬŗśȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ȱ ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱœŽœœ’˜—ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ —ȱ ŗŚȱ Ž‹›žŠ›¢ȱ ŘŖŖŜȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ Œ˜—žŒŽȱ Šȱ ‘ŽŠŽȱ –’—’œŽ›ȱ Šœȱ™›ŽœŽ—ȱ ‘Ž—ȱ‘Žȱ’œœžŽȱ Šœȱ’œŒžœœŽǰȱ—˜ȱŽ‹ŠŽȱ OŽ‹ŠŽȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ–’—’œ›Š’ŸŽȱ›˜˜Œ˜•ȱŽ—Ž›ȱ’—ȱ Ž›–’Šǰȱ took place. Representatives of the opposition protested as the in response to a request of parliamentary group ORA submit- Rules of Procedure of the Assembly stipulate that the minister Žȱ ˜—ȱ ŝȱ ˜ŸŽ–‹Ž›ȱ ŘŖŖśǯȱ ȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ Ž–‹Ž›ȱ Š£–Ž—ȱ to whom the interpellation is addressed is obliged to address ž‘Š¡‘Ž›’ȱšžŽœ’˜—Žȱ‘ŽȱŽŒ’œ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‹ž’•ȱ‘ŽȱŽ—Ž›ǰȱ ˜›‘ȱ the government regarding the issue raised and that Assembly œŽŸŽ›Š•ȱ–’••’˜—ȱž›˜ǰȱ ’‘˜žȱ‘Žȱ™Ž›–’œœ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ members may debate the issue raised in accordance with the ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ǯȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱŽŒ›ŽŠ›¢ǰȱ œžȱŽ–Š“ǰȱŽŽ—Žȱ‘Žȱ rules. decision and assessed ORA’s actions as politically motivated endeavors against Assembly President Daci. The parliamentary Assembly adopts new legislation group leaders of ORA and PDK requested the establishment ž›’—ȱ‘ŽȱŘřȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ȱŘŖŖŜȱ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱœŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ˜ȱ Š—ȱ ȁŠȬ‘˜ŒȂȱ Œ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ ‘Šȱ ˜ž•ȱ Œ˜—žŒȱ ’—ŸŽœ’Š’˜—œȱ Š˜™Žȱ ’—ȱ œŽŒ˜—ȱ ›ŽŠ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ Š ȱ ˜—ȱ ˜ŒŠ’˜—Š•ȱ on possible abuse of Assembly funds. Following a debate of D žŒŠ’˜—ȱŠ—ȱ›Š’—’—ǰȱ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ‹•’œ‘–Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ œŽŸŽ›Š•ȱ‘˜ž›œǰȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱŽŒ’Žȱ˜ȱ›ŽœŽ—ȱ‘Žȱ’œœžŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ž’Œ’Š•ȱ —œ’žŽǰȱ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱ–Ž›Ž—Œ¢ȱ ŽŠ•‘ȱŠ›Žǰȱ presidency for further review. ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱ›ŠŽ–Š›”œǰȱ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ’‘œȱ˜ȱ ȱŠ›ȱ ŽŽ›Š—œǰȱŠ›¢›œȂȱŠ–’•’ŽœǰȱŠ—ȱ’Ÿ’•ȱ’Œ’–œȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŠ›ǯȱ‘Žȱ Assembly allocates public funds to œœŽ–‹•¢ȱŠ™™›˜ŸŽȱ’—ȱŠȱꛜȱ›ŽŠ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱž‹- political parties •’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŒ‘˜˜•ȱŽ¡‹˜˜”œǰȱžŒŠ’˜—Š•ȱŽŠŒ‘’—ȱŽœ˜ž›ŒŽœǰȱ ŽŠ’—ȱ ŠŽ›’Š•œǰȱ Š—ȱ ŽŠ˜’ŒŠ•ȱ ˜Œž–Ž—Š’˜—ǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ —ȱşȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ȱŘŖŖŜȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱŠ˜™Žȱ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱŠž›Š•ȱ’œŠœŽ›œȱŠ—ȱ‘Ž›ȱ’œŠœŽ›œǯȱ Osame amount as in previous year for the distribution of the Democratic Support Fund. The Fund is intended to provide PM Kosumi resigns, LDK calls for resignation of ™ž‹•’Œȱž—œȱ˜ȱŠ••ȱ™Š›’Žœȱ’—ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱŽ—œž›Žȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ support from non-private sources. The Assembly presidency Speaker ›Ž“ŽŒŽȱ‘Žȱ˜›–ž•Šȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱ˜—ȱŜȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱŒ‘Š’›™Ž›- —ȱŗȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŘŖŖŜǰȱ›’–Žȱ’—’œŽ›ȱŠ“›Š–ȱ ˜œž–’ȱŠ——˜ž—ŒŽȱ œ˜—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱžŽȱ˜––’ĴŽŽǰȱŠœŽ›ȱœ–Š—’ǰȱ‘Šȱ ˜ž•ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ Ohis resignation. Local media reported that Mr. Kosumi ’ŸŽ—ȱŠȱ•Š›Ž›ȱœ‘Š›Žȱ˜ȱ™ž‹•’Œȱꗊ—Œ’—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ‹’Žœȱ™Š›’Žœǯȱ •˜œȱ‘ŽȱŒ˜—ꍮ—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱ™Š›¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ••’Š—ŒŽȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱžž›Žȱ˜ȱ The president of the Assembly of Kosovo had requested the ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱǻ Ǽǰȱ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ˜ȱ—˜ȱ‹Ž’—ȱŠ‹•Žȱ˜ȱ’–™•Ž–Ž—ȱ’—Ž›—Š- expertise of OSCE to assess Osmani’s proposal. The OSCE had ’˜—Š•ȱœŠ—Š›œȱǻȱ ȱ ˜ęȱ——Š—ȱŽ•’ŸŽ›ŽȱŠȱŒ›’’ŒŠ•ȱ›Ž™˜›ȱ expressed the opinion that the new proposal was discrimina- to the UN Security Council on standards implementation on tory and would not be consistent with the existing legal frame- Řśȱ Š—žŠ›¢ȱ ŘŖŖŜǼȱ Š—ȱ œž™™˜œŽ•¢ȱ ‹Ž’—ȱ ž—•˜¢Š•ȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ ™Š›¢ǯȱ work and the Standards for Kosovo. —ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ–ŽȱŠ¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱŽ–˜Œ›Š’ŒȱŽŠžŽȱ˜ȱ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 11 Kosovo (LDK) called for the resignation of the President of the œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŽ¡‘ŠȱŠŒ’ǯȱž›’—ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ–Žȱ–ŽŽ’—ǰȱ Deputy PM Haziri reports to Assembly ‘Žȱ  ȱ ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ ™›˜™˜œŽȱ ™Š›¢ȱ Ÿ’ŒŽȬ™›Žœ’Ž—ǰȱ ›ȱ ˜•ºȱ on Vienna talks Ž›’œ‘Šǰȱ˜ȱ›Ž™•ŠŒŽȱ‘’–ǯȱ‘Žȱ ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱŠœœŽœœŽȱ‘ŠȱŠ™Š›ȱ —ȱ ŘŚȱ Š›Œ‘ȱ ŘŖŖŜǰȱ ˜••˜ ’—ȱ Š—ȱ ˜ĜŒ’Š•ȱ ›ŽšžŽœȱ ‹¢ȱ ‘Žȱ from the allegations of mismanagement and misuse of public œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ǰȱŽ™ž¢ȱ™›’–Žȱ–’—’œŽ›ȱŠ—ȱ–’—- ž—œǰȱ’ȱ Šœȱ˜ȱŒ›žŒ’Š•ȱ’–™˜›Š—ŒŽȱ˜ȱŽ—œž›Žȱ™›˜™Ž›ȱž—Œ’˜—- O ’œŽ›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜ŒŠ•ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—Š—ŒŽǰȱ ›ǯȱ žĞ’ȱ Š£’›’ǰȱ ›Ž™˜›Žȱ ’—ȱ Š—ȱ ing of the Assembly in the process of determining the future extraordinary session on the Negotiation Talks on the future œŠžœȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǯȱȱꎛŒŽȱŽ‹ŠŽȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ™›Žœœȱ˜••˜ ŽǰȱŠ—ȱŠĞŽ›ȱ œŠžœȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ‘Ž•ȱ ’—ȱ ’Ž——Šȱ ˜—ȱ ŘŖȬŘŗȱ Ž‹›žŠ›¢ȱ Š—ȱ ŗŝȱ an intense and long discussion at an extended session of the Š›Œ‘ǯȱ —ȱ‘’œȱ˜™Ž—’—ȱœ™ŽŽŒ‘ǰȱ›ǯȱ Š£’›’ȱœ›ŽœœŽȱ‘Šȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ  ȱŠ›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ›˜ž™ȱ˜—ȱşȱŠ›Œ‘ǰȱŽ¡‘ŠȱŠŒ’ȱ›Žœ’—Žȱ was dedicated towards implementing a decentralization pro- as president of the Assembly. cess which would bring the decision-making into the hands of the people. He also reiterated that in order for the talks to be Kosovo Assembly elects new government œžŒŒŽœœž•ǰȱ’ȱ Šœȱ—ŽŒŽœœŠ›¢ȱ˜ȱ’œœ˜•ŸŽȱ‘Žȱ™Š›Š••Ž•ȱœ›žŒž›Žœȱ because they endanger Kosovo’s territorial integrity. Haziri —ȱŗŖȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŘŖŖŜǰȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŽ•ŽŒŽȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ stated that the Kosovo delegation would not sign any ‘spe- O˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœ’—Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱ›’–Žȱ’—’œŽ›ȱŠ“›Š–ȱ Œ’Š•ȂȱŠ›ŽŽ–Ž—ȱ˜—ȱŽŒŽ—›Š•’£Š’˜—ȱž—’•ȱŠȱꗊ•ȱœŽĴ•Ž–Ž—ȱ˜›ȱ ˜œž–’ǯȱ —ȱ Řȱ Š›Œ‘ǰȱ ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ Š–’›ȱ Ž“’žȱ Š—Ȭ independence is reached. Commenting on the possibilities of nounced that he had nominated the commander of the Kosovo funding from Belgrade for the Serb dominated municipali- ›˜ŽŒ’˜—ȱ˜›™œȱǻ Ǽǰȱ Ž—Ž›Š•ȱ’–ȱ,Ž”žǰȱŠœȱ‘Žȱ—Ž¡ȱ™›’–Žȱ ’Žœǰȱ›ǯȱ Š£’›’ȱœŠŽȱ‘Šȱȃ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ’œȱ˜™Ž—ȱ˜ȱ’—Ž›—Š’˜—Š•ȱ –’—’œŽ›ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǯȱ‘˜›•¢ȱ‘Ž›ŽŠĞŽ›ǰȱ Ž—Ž›Š•ȱ,Ž”žȱ˜ĜŒ’Š••¢ȱ ˜—˜›œȱŠ•œ˜ȱ›˜–ȱ—Ž’‘‹˜›’—ȱŒ˜ž—›’Žœǰȱ’—Œ•ž’—ȱŽ›‹’Šǯȱ••ȱ “˜’—Žȱ ȱŠ—ȱ˜—ȱŗŖȱŠ›Œ‘ǰȱž›’—ȱŠȱ‹›ŽŠ”ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱœŽœ- ‘Žȱ˜—Š’˜—œȱ–žœȱ˜ȱ‘›˜ž‘ȱ‘ŽȱŒŽ—›Š•ȱ›ŽŠœž›Žǰȱ‹Žȱ˜™Ž—ȱ œ’˜—ǰȱ‘ŽȱŽ—›žœŽȱ‘Žȱž’Žœȱ˜ȱ ȱ˜––Š—Ž›ȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱœžŒŒŽœ- Š—ȱ›Š—œ™Š›Ž—ǰȱŠ—ȱŠ™™•¢ȱ ’‘ȱ‘ŽȱŽ—Ž›Š•ȱ›ž•Žœȱ˜ȱŠž’- œ˜›ǰȱ›ǯȱ¢•Ž“–Š—ȱŽ•’–’ǰȱŠȱŠ—ȱ˜ĜŒ’Š•ȱ‘Š—˜ŸŽ›ȱŒŽ›Ž–˜—¢ǯȱ‘Žȱ ing.” œœŽ–‹•¢ȱŽ•ŽŒŽȱ›ǯȱ,Ž”žȱ˜Ž‘Ž›ȱ ’‘ȱ‘’œȱ™›˜™˜œŽȱŒŠ‹’—Žǰȱ ˜••˜ ’—ȱ‘’œȱ™›ŽœŽ—Š’˜—ǰȱ‘Žȱ̘˜›ȱ Šœȱ˜™Ž—Žȱ˜›ȱŽ‹ŠŽǰȱ which contained very few changes from the previous one. Mr. FŽ—Š‹•’—ȱŘśȱ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›’Š—œȱ›˜–ȱŠ••ȱ›˜ž™œȱ˜ȱŽ¡™›Žœœȱ was replaced as deputy prime minister by Mr. their views. Comments and critics focused on how the nego- žęȱ Š£’›’ǰȱ ‘˜ȱŠ•œ˜ȱ”ŽŽ™œȱ‘’œȱ™˜œȱŠœȱ–’—’œŽ›ȱ˜ȱ˜ŒŠ•ȱ ˜Ÿ- tiation should be handled. Non-Serb Minority representa- ernance Reform. Mr. Fatmir Rexhepi (LDK) became Minister of tives took this opportunity to express their concerns about —Ž›—Š•ȱ슒›œȱŠ—ȱ›ǯȱ ˜—ž£ȱŠ•’‘Š“ȱǻ Ǽȱ‹ŽŒŠ–Žȱ’—’œŽ›ȱ the low level of consultation with the Negotiation Team pre- ˜ȱ žœ’ŒŽǯ venting them from contributing to the negotiation talks. Mr. ȱ‘ŽȱœŠ–Žȱ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱœŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱŽ—˜›œŽȱŠȱ—Ž ȱ Š‹›’ȱ Š–’’ǰȱŠȱ–Ž–‹Ž›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ›˜ž™ȱŠ—ȱ A™›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ›ǯȱ ˜•ºȱŽ›’œ‘Šȱǻ Ǽǰȱ›Ž™•ŠŒ- ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ǰȱŒ˜—œ’Ž›Žȱ›ǯȱ Š£’›’Ȃœȱœ™ŽŽŒ‘ȱ˜ȱ ’—ȱ›ǯȱŽ¡‘ŠȱŠŒ’ǰȱ ‘˜ȱ‘ŠȱœŽ›ŸŽȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ™˜œ’’˜—ȱœ’—ŒŽȱ‘Žȱ ‹Žȱȃ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱŠ—ȱ—˜ȱȱœž‹œŠ—’ŸŽǰȄȱ ‘’•Žȱ‘Žȱ‘ŽŠȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ŠœȱŽœŠ‹•’œ‘Žȱ’—ȱŽŒŽ–‹Ž›ȱŘŖŖŗǯȱ˜›–Ž›ȱ ›˜ž™ȱ Š”ž™ȱ ›Šœ—’š’ȱ œŠ’ȱ ‘Žȱ ›Ž™˜›ȱ Šœȱ ȁ’œ˜›ŽǯȂȱ ‘Žȱ –Ž–‹Ž›ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ǰȱ›ǯȱŠ–’›ȱŽ“’žȱǻ Ǽǰȱ  ȱœž™™˜›Žȱ‘Žȱ ˜›”ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŽ•ŽŠ’˜—ǰȱœ›Žœœ’—ȱ ‘˜ȱ ˜—ȱ ŗŖȱ Ž‹›žŠ›¢ȱ ‹ŽŒŠ–Žȱ ™›Žœ’Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ Šœȱ •’”Ž- ‘Šȱ‘ŽȱŽ›‹ȱŒ˜––ž—’¢ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ‹Žȱ˜ěŽ›Žȱȁœ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ›’‘œȂȱ’—ȱ wise replaced on the Assembly presidency by Mr. Sabri Hamiti ȁœ™ŽŒ’Š•ȂȱŠ›ŽŠœȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱŽžŒŠ’˜—ǰȱŒž•ž›ŽȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ǯȱ—ȱȱ (LDK). member insisted that the reform of the local government should be the same across the whole territory of Kosovo. Auditor General meets Assembly President —ȱŘŝȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŘŖŖŜǰȱ‘Žȱȱ’œœ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŠŒ’•’ŠŽȱ Oan introductory meeting between the Kosovo auditor gen- Ž›Š•ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ™›Žœ’Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǯȱ—ȱŝȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ˜ĜŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ Šž’˜›ȱ Ž—Ž›Š•ȱ ǻ Ǽȱ ‘Šȱ œŽ—ȱ Šȱ •ŽĴŽ›ȱ ˜ȱ ‘ŽȱœœŽ–- bly informing of its intent to begin an external review on the ꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ–Š—ŠŽ–Ž—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ•Ž’œ•Š’ŸŽȱ‹˜¢ȱŠœȱ™Š›ȱ‘Žȱ›Žž•Š›ȱ KCB audit. The start of the audit was delayed due to changes ’—ȱ‘Žȱ•ŽŠŽ›œ‘’™ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ‹žȱ‘Žȱ ȱŠ—ȱ‘Žȱ‘ŽŠȱ of the OSCE Mission discussed the audit with the president just ŠĞŽ›ȱ‘’œȱŽ•ŽŒ’˜—ǯȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ ˜•ºȱŽ›’œ‘ŠȱŽ¡™›ŽœœŽȱ—˜ȱ›ŽœŽ›ŸŠ- ’˜—œȱ›ŽŠ›’—ȱ‘Žȱ›ŽŸ’Ž ǰȱœŠ¢’—ȱ‘Šȱ’ȱ Šœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ’—Ž›Žœȱ˜ȱ ‘Žȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ›Š—œ™Š›Ž—Œ¢ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱŠ—ȱ™›˜–’œ’—ȱ‘Žȱ  ȱŠŒŒŽœœȱ˜ȱŠ••ȱ›ŽšžŽœŽȱ˜Œž–Ž—œǯ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 12 NEWSLETTERasi Let’s learn to hear the voice of the citizen Gjylnaze Syla, Chairperson of AAK Parliamentary Group, Alliance for Future of Kosovo

We are living at a time when From whom then can we democracy is expanding all learn? I believe that we ought over the world. For Kosovo to start learning from citizens. ‘’œȱ ’œȱ Šȱ ŸŽ›¢ȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ Š—ȱ œ’Ȭ As elected representatives we —’ęŒŠ—ȱ ™Ž›’˜ȱ Šœȱ Žȱ Š›Žȱ have to learn to listen to what now in the process of building citizens have to say and hence Šȱ Ž–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ œŠŽǰȱ ’‘ȱ ŽȬ acknowledge that they play a mocratic institutions. We ha- paramount role in the overall ve managed to successfully es- processes and developments tablish democratic governing in Kosovo. structures. If we want to be a society ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ Žȱ Š›Žȱ —˜ ȱ ˜’—ȱ where both women and men through a new process of de- can voice their concerns on ŸŽ•˜™–Ž—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ‘›’Ÿ’—ȱ ˜ȱ public issues and strive to which requires the strengthe- ’–™›˜ŸŽȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ •’ŸŽœǰȱ ‘Ž—ȱ ’ȱ ’œȱ ning of democratic institu- our duty and responsibility ’˜—œȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ’—Œ•ž’—ȱ‘Žȱ ˜ȱ œž™™˜›ȱ ‘Ž–ȱ ’—ȱ ŠĴŠ’—’—ȱ Assembly. these objectives. Can the strengthening of in- ˜›Ž˜ŸŽ›ǰȱ ’ȱ ‘Žȱ Ÿ˜’ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ stitutions alone be possible Œ’’£Ž—œǰȱ ‘˜ȱ Š›Žȱ ’›ŽŒ•¢ȱ ŠȬ ’‘˜žȱ ꛜȱ ’—Œ›ŽŠœ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ fected by the government capacities of its citizens? In ™˜•’Œ’Žœǰȱ ’œȱ —˜ȱ ‘ŽŠ›ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ democratic states the go- policymaking process then vernment serves the people; these policies will not be Gjylnaze Syla the people do not serve the œ˜ȱ œžŒŒŽœœž•ǯȱ Ў›ȱ Š••ǰȱ Œ’’Ȭ problems and helping citizens and represent their interests ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǯȱ Š–Ž•¢ǰȱ ™Ž˜™•Žȱ zens can communicate their will prove that parliamentary when the government policies are citizens of a democratic concerns by visiting the lo- democracy has a tangible are unfavorable for them. œŠŽǰȱ ‹žȱ —˜ȱ ’œȱ œž‹“ŽŒȱ ŒŠ•ȱ ˜ĜŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ impact in their life. ǻœŽ›ŸŠ—œǼǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ –Ž–‹Ž›ǯȱ‘’œȱ Š¢ǰȱŽ–˜Œ›ŠŒ¢ȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ further strengthening of the ŠĴŠ’—œȱ’œȱ™›Š–Š’ŒȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›ȱ 쎌’ŸŽȱ ›Ž•Š’˜—œȱ ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ member should represent Assembly in performing its Š—ȱ‘Žȱ–Ž–‹Ž›ȱŽ¡Ž›Œ’œŽœȱ‘’œȦ members and citizens con- constituency interests. And responsibilities in a more ef- her representative function. tribute to democracy by this can be achieved only ꌒŽ—ȱ Š¢ǰȱ—˜ȱ˜—•¢ȱ˜Š¢ȱ‹žȱ The citizens have to feel that strengthening the relations if one knows exactly who ’—ȱ‘Žȱžž›Žȱ˜˜ǰȱ’œȱŠȱ–žœǯȱȱ they are being treated fairly by between the citizens and the ‘’œȦ‘Ž›ȱ Ÿ˜Ž›œȱ Š›Žǰȱ ›Žž•Š›•¢ȱ government and by giving cooperates with them and if The job of an Assembly me- those who have elected them the “real estimation” as to ‘ŽȦœ‘Žȱ ž—Ž›œŠ—œȱ ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ mber is very complex and and that their representatives how government policies are future political career of the Œ‘Š••Ž—’—ǰȱ ‹žȱ ’Ȃœȱ Š•œ˜ȱ ›ŽȬ are taking into consideration implemented. œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ –Ž–‹Ž›ȱ ™›ŽĴ¢ȱ warding. The question is how their needs and protecting much depends on establishing can you become a successful ‘Ž’›ȱ’—Ž›Žœœǯȱ‘Žȱ•˜ŒŠ•ȱ˜ĜŒŽœȱ Assembly members who are and preserving the support of Assembly member? A medical should serve as a sort of “mini- –˜›Žȱ ŠĴŠŒ‘Žȱ ˜ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ Œ˜—œȬ ‘’œȦ‘Ž›ȱŽ•ŽŒ˜›ŠŽǯȱȱȱȱ doctor learns about medicine Assembly” (a small Assembly) ’žŽ—Œ¢ǰȱ‘ŠŸŽȱŠȱ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱŒ‘Š—ŒŽȱ ’—ȱ Šȱ –Ž’ŒŠ•ȱ œŒ‘˜˜•ǰȱ Šȱ •Š ¢Ž›ȱ in the respective zone. to be re-elected and to advance This is the case of societies with learns about law in a law school Listening to peoples’ opinions in their political career. ŠŸŠ—ŒŽȱ Ž–˜Œ›ŠŒ’Žœǯȱ žǰȱ and a piano player learns and bringing them up to the —ȱ Ÿ˜Ž›œȱ ‹Ž—Žęȱ ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ what’s the situation in Kosovo? Š‹˜žȱ–žœ’Œȱ’—ȱŠȱ–žœ’ŒȱœŒ‘˜˜•ǰȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ Žȱ Š›Žȱ ›¢’—ȱ ˜ȱ their opinions and concerns The Assembly has very limited but an Assembly member does enable the development of are heard in the process of ›Žœ˜ž›ŒŽœȱ ˜ȱ ˜™Ž—ȱ ˜ĜŒŽœȱ ’—ȱ not have a special school to policies based on the real ™˜•’Œ¢–Š”’—ǯȱ Š–Ž•¢ǰȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ –ž—’Œ’™Š•’’Žœǰȱ ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ȱ ‘’œȱ ŠĴŽ—ȱ ’—ȱ ˜›Ž›ȱ ˜ȱ ‹ŽŒ˜–Žȱ Š—ȱ needs of the people. Becoming have their representative at should not prevent us from Assembly member. more responsive to the local ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ ‘˜ȱ ŠŸ˜ŒŠŽȱ exercising our responsibility ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 13 to represent the people. ŗǼȱ ˜ȱ Š›Žœœȱ ‘Žȱ ŒŠœŽȱ Š—ȱ ’£Ž—œȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ‹Žȱ ˜™Ž—ǰȱ ’—ȱ members’ capacities and at ™Ž—’—ȱ Š—ȱ ˜ĜŒŽȱ ˜Žœȱ —˜ȱ ‘Ž—ȱœŽ—ȦȱŽ•ŽŠŽȱ’ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ places where they can easily the same time enable them to require huge sums of money œŠěDz ‹ŽȱŠŒŒŽœœŽǰȱŠ—ȱ‘Ž’›ȱ™›’ŸŠŒ¢ȱ ŽĜŒ’Ž—•¢ȱŽ¡Ž›Œ’œŽȱ‘Ž’›ȱž’Žœǰȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ‹ŽȱŽ—œž›Žǯȱ˜›Ž˜ŸŽ›ǰȱ and consequently increase and nor an abundance of human ŘǼȱ ˜ȱ›ŽžœŽȱ‘ŽȱŒŠœŽDzȱŠ—ǰȱ ›Žœ˜ž›ŒŽœǯȱ Ž—ŒŽǰȱ›’ŸŽ—ȱ‹¢ȱ–¢ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ĜŒŽȱ œŠěȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ‹Žȱ strengthen the Assembly’s own feeling of responsibility- řǼȱ ˜ȱ™Ž›œ˜—Š••¢ȱŽŠ•ȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ very professional and able to capacities in performing its to be closer to the citizen- case. empathize with citizen’s con- ž—Œ’˜—œǰȱ ˜ĜŒŽœȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ‹Žȱ cerns. and aided by the US-based The last option being smarter open to all members. National Democratic Institute and nobler. ‘’›DZȱ‘Žȱœ¢œŽ–ȱ˜ȱŒ˜––žȬ The decision and the success (NDI) for International Af- nication between the Assembly regarding these activities Despite my desire to personally Š’›œǰȱ ȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ž—Ž›Š”Ž—ȱ ‘Žȱ member and the citizen should Žȱ ’—Ÿ˜•ŸŽǰȱ ˜ĞŽ—’–Žœǰȱ ȱ depends solely on and from initiative to open such an become a routine. Com- no one else. We shouldn’t have not been able to help ˜ĜŒŽȱ ˜ȱ Œ˜––ž—’ŒŠŽȱ ’‘ȱ munication is essential in stre- focus on only lawmaking and ‘Ž–ȱ œ˜ȱ –žŒ‘ǯȱ ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ȱ ‘Žȱ Œ’’£Ž—œȱ ˜ȱ Ž“ŠȦŽŒǯȱ ȱ ngthening public’s acknow- overseeing responsibilities. have learned that it is very followed the geographical ledgment for the work done Š‘Ž›ǰȱ Žȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ™Ž›˜›–ȱ important to listen to their ™›’—Œ’™•ŽDzȱ —Š–Ž•¢ǰȱ ȱ Š–ȱ ›˜–ȱ by Assembly members and our role as representatives by concerns carefully and try to Ž“ŠȦŽŒǰȱ ȱ ”—˜ ȱ ’œȱ Œ’’£Ž—œȱ moreover it is a tool to ensure treating citizens as real partners help. This is how I learned Š—ȱ‘Ž¢ȱ”—˜ ȱ–Žȱ™›ŽĴ¢ȱ Ž••ǯȱ its legitimacy. in our endeavors. This can be ‘Žȱ‘’›ȱ•Žœœ˜—DZȱ˜ȱ‹Žȱ›ŽŠ•’œ’Œǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ȱŒ˜—œ’Ž›ȱ–¢œŽ•ȱ˜ȱ Although the initiative for accomplished by gathering Although I can not solve all be their representative. ˜™Ž—’—ȱ ˜ȱ Š—ȱ ˜ĜŒŽȱ ˜›ȱ Œ˜–Ȭ ’—˜›–Š’˜—ȱ ›˜–ȱ Œ’’£Ž—œǰȱ ™›˜‹•Ž–œǰȱ ȱŒŠ—ȱœ’••ȱ™›’˜›’’£Žȱ I believe that this initiative is munication with citizens is by creating instruments for them. Sometimes I have to a serious endeavor towards ™Š›Š–˜ž—ǰȱ’ȱ’œȱœ’••ȱ—˜ȱœžĜŒȬ ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ Œ˜––ž—’ŒŠ’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ ‹¢ȱ ꗍȱ Šȱ Œ˜–™›˜–’œŽȱ ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ building our own system of ient. To increase the Assembly learning from them. ‘Žȱ Œ’’£Ž—œȂȱ ›Žšž’›Ž–Ž—œǰȱ Ž–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ˜ŸŽ›—Š—ŒŽǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ my capacities and requested will also pave the ground for services. OSCE Chairman meets Assembly presidency our citizens to practically engage in the governing and And the fourth lesson has to do nȱ ŗŜȱ Ž‹›žŠ›¢ȱ ŘŖŖŜȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ‘Š’›–Š—Ȭ’—ȬĜŒŽȱ other processes and develop- with challenges I have faced. Oǻ’Ǽǰȱ Ž•’Š—ȱ ˜›Ž’—ȱ ’—’œŽ›ȱ Š›Ž•ȱ Žȱ žŒ‘ǰȱ Ÿ’œ- ments taking place in Kosovo. Most of the citizens expected ’Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ‘Žȱ‘Ž•ȱ–ŽŽ’—œȱ ’‘ȱ›Žœ’Ž—ȱŠ–’›ȱ My aim is to give my humble my direct and immediate help. Ž“’žǰȱ›’—Œ’™Š•ȱŽ™ž¢ȱ ȱŠ››¢ȱ˜œœ’—ǰȱ‘Žȱ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ contribution to increasing The main challenge was the of the Assembly of Kosovo and a delegation of Kosovo Serb Ž“ŠȦŽŒȱ Œ’’£Ž—ȱ ŒŠ™ŠŒ’’Žœǰȱ œ˜ȱ time constraint to deal with all representatives. The CiO also visited a returns site in Svin- as they could tackle their own ›Žšž’›Ž–Ž—œǰȱœ˜ȱ ȱ‘Šȱ˜ȱ‹ŽȱŠœȱ “Š›ºȦŸ’—“Š›ŽȱŠ—ȱ–ŽȱŠȱŒ˜—’—Ž—ȱ˜ȱŽ•’Š—ȱ ȱ’—ȱ’›˜- problems. ŽĜŒ’Ž—ȱŠœȱ ȱ™˜œœ’‹•¢ȱŒ˜ž•ǯȱ —ȱ Ÿ’ŒºȦ’›˜Ÿ’ŒŠǯȱ ž›’—ȱ ‘Žȱ Ÿ’œ’ǰȱ ›ǯȱ Žȱ žŒ‘ȱ Ž–™‘Šœ’œŽȱ •‘˜ž‘ȱ ‘’œȱ ’œȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ Š—ȱ ‘’œȱ Œ˜—Ž¡ǰȱ ȱ ‹Ž•’ŽŸŽȱ ‘Šȱ ’—ȱ the need for progress on standards implementation during Šȱ —Ž ȱ Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜›ȱ –Žǰȱ order to create good relations ‘ŽȱœŠžœȱ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱŠ—ȱœ›ŽœœŽȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱȱ’œœ’˜—ȱœŠ—œȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ •Žœœ˜—ȱ ‘Šȱ ȱ Š—ȱ –¢ȱ with the constituency the ›ŽŠ¢ȱ˜ȱŠœœ’œȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱ™›˜ŒŽœœǯȱ›ǯȱŽȱ žŒ‘ȱŠ•œ˜ȱŽ–™‘Šœ’œŽȱ Assembly member colleagues following activities should be the long-term presence of the OSCE in Kosovo in a post- learned is that citizens are undertaken. status environment. our “bosses” and that smart ’›œDZȱ Ž•ŽŒ˜›Š•ȱ œ¢œŽ–ȱ ›Ž˜›–ǯȱ employees are always sensitive In order to meet citizens’ and responsible towards their Ž¡™ŽŒŠ’˜—œǰȱ ‘Žȱ Œ’’£Ž—œȱ “bosses’” concerns. should have the opportunity The second lesson that I have to elect their representatives. learned is related to the citizens’ Meaning that in Kosovo we needs and requirements. Their should be able to have an Œ˜—ŒŽ›—œȱ Š›Žȱ “˜‹œǰȱ ™›˜™Ž›¢ȱ electoral system with open ›’‘œǰȱ ŽžŒŠ’˜—ǰȱ ™›˜ŽŒ’—ȱ lists and electoral zones. –˜—ž–Ž—œǰȱ –’œœ’—ȱ ™Ž›œ˜—œǰȱ ŽŒ˜—DZȱ ’’£Ž—œȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ŽŽ•ȱ and pensions. that they have the ownership In tackling citizens’ require- over the Assembly and its –Ž—œǰȱ ’—ȱ general I had three ŠŒ’Ÿ’’Žœǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ˜ĜŒŽœȱ ˜™’˜—œDZȱȱ for communication with ci- ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 14 NEWSLETTERasi Presidency of the Assembly

Kolë Berisha, President

Sabri Hamiti Ramë Buja Xhavit Haliti Naim Maloku Gazmend Muhaxheri Mahir Yağcılar Kosovo Serbs

Committee for Budget and Finance Chairperson Group Chairperson Group Hydajet Hyseni PDK Group Naser Osmani LDK Group First Vice Chairperson Sadudin Berisha LDK Group First Vice Chairperson Snežana Milić SLKM Group Second Vice Chairperson Husnija Bešković 6+ Group Second Vice Chairperson Safete Hadërgjonaj PDK Group Members Ymer Muhaxheri LDK Group Members Nekibe Kelmendi LDK Group Ali Sadriu LDK Group Ramadan B. Kelmendi LDK Group Besa Gaxherri LDK Group Nerxhivane Dauti PDK Group Lutfi Zharku LDK Group Hajredin Kuçi PDK Group Naxhije Doçi LDK Group Gjylnaze Syla AAK Group Gani Koci PDK Group Dragiša Krstović SLKM Group Demir Lima PDK Group Veton Surroi ORA Group Mazllom Kumnova AAK Group Rifat Krasniç 6+ Group Committee for International Cooperation and EU Integration Nazim Jashari ORA Group Chairperson Group Sabri Hamiti LDK Group Committee for Community Rights and Interests and for Return First Vice Chairperson Chairperson Group PDK Group Ranđel Nojkić SLKM Group Second Vice Chairperson First Vice Chairperson Džezair Murati 6+ Group Sanije Aliaj LDK Group Members Second Vice Chairperson Ilmi Ahmeti LDK Group Mahir Yağcılar 6+ Group Rudina Bukoshi LDK Group Members Alush A. Gashi LDK Group Nait Hasani PDK Group Nexhat Daci LDK Group Saša Djokić PDK Group Nuran Malta 6+ Group Xhavit Haliti PDK Group Džezair Murati 6+ Group Emrush Xhemajli No Group Numan Balić Group For Integration Saša Djokić No Group Sabit Rrahmani Group For Integration Teuta Sahatqija ORA Group Xhevdet Neziraj AAK Group Committee for Education, Science, Technology, Culture, Youth and Sports Bislim Hoti AAK Group Chairperson Group Zulfi Merxha Group For Integration Enver Hoxhaj PDK Group Rustem Ibiši Group For Integration First Vice Chairperson Committee for Judicial, Legislative Matters and Constitutional Framework Nimon Alimusaj LDK Group with sub-committees for Gender Equality, Petitions and Public Complaints Second Vice Chairperson and Missing Persons Gojko Savić ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 15 Chairpersons of Parliamentary Groups

Alush A. Gashi Jakup Krasniqi Gjylnaze Syla Ranđel Nojkić Teuta Sahatqija Džezair Murati Ferid Agani LDK PDK AAK SLKM ORA 6+ For Integration

Members First Vice Chairperson Remzije Nimani LDK Group Naim Jerliu LDK Group Gjylshen Berisha LDK Group Second Vice Chairperson Ragip Zekolli LDK Group Špresa Murati 6+ Group Mark Krasniqi LDK Group Drita Statovci PDK Group Members Sala Ahmetaj PDK Group Ilaz Pireva LDK Group Myrvete Dreshaj-Baliu AAK Group Nurishahe Hulaj LDK Group Nuran Malta 6+ Group Nafije Berisha LDK Group Genc Gorani ORA Group Fehmi Vula LDK Group Flora Brovina PDK Group Committee for Economy, Trade, Industry, Electricity, Transport and Teuta Hadri PDK Group Telecommunication Zahrije Jusufi PDK Group Chairperson Group Zylfije Hundozi AAK Group Ibush Jonuzi LDK Group Zlatica Kujundžić First Vice Chairperson Committee for Public Services, Local Administration and Media Bajrush Xhemaili PDK Group Chairperson Group Second Vice Chairperson Nekibe Kelmendi LDK Group Mahir Yağcılar 6+ Group First Vice Chairperson Members Fehmi Mujota PDK Group Fadil Gashi LDK Group Second Vice Chairperson Brikenda Kryeziu LDK Group Oliver Ivanović SLKM Group Milazim Haliti LDK Group Zef Morina LDK Group Members Sala Berisha-Shala PDK Group Ramadan Musliu LDK Group Hatixhe Hoxha PDK Group Nexhat Rexha LDK Group Xhevdet Neziraj AAK Group Kamber Kamberi LDK Group Slađan Ilić SLKM Group Januz Kastrati LDK Group Teuta Sahatqija ORA Group Hajredin Hyseni PDK Group Selvije Halimi PDK Group Committee for Agriculture, Forestry, Rural Development, Environment and Ymer Halimi AAK Group Spatial Planning Špresa Murati 6+ Group Chairperson Group Ylber Hysa ORA Group Rifat Krasniç 6+ Group Committee for Preparedness and Emergency First Vice Chairperson Chairperson Group Lulzim Zeneli LDK Group Naim Maloku AAK Group Second Vice Chairperson Goran Bogdanović SLKM Group First Vice Chairperson Ylber Hysa ORA Group Members Second Vice Chairperson Jusuf Sutaj LDK Group Džezair Murati 6+ Group Shaban Halimi LDK Group Zyhrie Maloku LDK Group Members Fetah Berisha LDK Group Agim Krasniqi LDK Group Berat Luzha PDK Group Fadil Geci LDK Group Afrim Arzuallxhiu PDK Group Samije Zeqiraj LDK Group Xhelal Canziba PDK Group Fadil Gashi LDK Group Nazim Jashari ORA Group Qibrije Hoxha LDK Group Sokol Bashota PDK Group Committee for Health, Work and Social Welfare Emin Krasniqi PDK Group Chairperson Group Xhevat Bislimi PDK Group Fatmire Mulhaxha-Kollçaku ORA Group Vesna Jovanović SLKM Group ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 16 NEWSLETTERasi Why we asked for a new dynamic in Assembly’s Work Jakup Krasniqi, Chairperson of PDK Parliamentary Group, Democratic Party of Kosovo

‘Žȱ Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ›˜ž™ȱ ˜ȱ • The issue of the documents the Democratic Party of Kosovo ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ Ž˜’Š’—ȱ ›˜ž™ǯȱ ›ŽšžŽœŽȱž›’—ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ–Š—Ȭ We brought up this issue date of the Assembly that more convinced that the Assembly parliamentary sessions be of Kosovo must follow the ‘Ž•ȱœ˜ȱ‘Šȱ’ȱŒ˜ž•ȱž•ę•ȱ‘Žȱ stream of talks that would responsibilities handed to the develop an independent parliament by the electorate. and sovereign state. But Our requests were presented that was possible only if the during the second mandate Assembly held weekly ses- ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ Žœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ sions and engaged in special following the session of March Œ˜––’ĴŽŽœǯȱ ¢ȱ ‘˜•’—ȱ ŘŖŖśǰȱ ‘Ž—ȱ Žȱœ›˜—•¢ȱŠ›žŽȱ “žœȱ –˜—‘•¢ȱ ȱ œŽœœ’˜—œǰȱ ‘Žȱ for the establishment of an Assembly had no chance Investigative Parliamentary to follow the professional ˜––’ĴŽŽǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ˜ž•ȱ and political work of the Jakup Krasniqi examine candidates who we- working teams of the Kosovo re renominated by Bajram Negotiation Team. units including the Assembly ˜ȱ •Š ǰȱ —˜ȱ œŽŒž›’¢ǰȱ Š—ȱ —˜ȱ ˜œž–’ǯȱ ȱ ‘Šȱ ’–Žǰȱ ‘’œȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ‘Žȱ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ free movement of people Ȋȱ —ȱ ˜ž›ȱ ›ŽšžŽœǰȱ Žȱ Š•œ˜ȱ request was opposed without the presidency and all the and goods. A profound and emphasized the issue of any debate by the governing ’—œ’ž’˜—œȱ ꗊ—ŒŽȱ ‹¢ȱ thorough reform must take ŽžŒŠ’˜—ǯȱ Žȱ œ›ŽœœŽȱ ’ǰȱ coalition. We have brought the Consolidated Budget place in those segments. since we were convinced up this issue in other sessions of Kosovo. We possess that the educational process We requested issues as well. Šœȱ Ž••ǰȱ ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ documents and loads of is tied to economic and social ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ Žȱ Š›Žȱ Œ˜—Ÿ’—ŒŽȱ President Daci neglected to data proving violations of development and therefore that the recent developments open a discussion to address the laws and the way the ›Žšž’›Žœȱ ŽŸŽ›¢‹˜¢Ȃœȱ ŠĴŽ—Ȭ occurring in Kosovo and ‹ŠȬ˜ŸŽ›—Š—ŒŽǰȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ ’Ȭ Ministry of Economy and ’˜—ǯȱ—ȱ‘Žȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ‘Š—ǰȱ Žȱ Š‹˜žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ Ž›Ž—’Š’˜—ǰȱŸ’˜•Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱȱ•Š œǰȱȱ Finances covered those were and we are convinced been presented before the and corruption. breeches. We are convinced ‘Šȱ ‘’œȱ ꎕȱ Šœȱ •Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ‘Šȱ˜ž›ȱ›ŽšžŽœȱ ŠœȱŸŽ›’ꮍȱ Ž’—ȱ Š—ȱ ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ȱ ™Š›¢ǰȱ by people who were not produced more requests. That even by the Report of the our engagement was that the distinguished as the ones means new responsibilities Ž—Ž›Š•ȱ ž’ǰȱ Šœȱ Ž••ȱ Šœȱ Kosovo Parliament was not ‘Šȱ •ŽŠǰȱ Š™™•¢ȱ ›Ž˜›–œǰȱ for the Assembly and Parlia- other evidence we have. there just to initiate democratic and advance the education mentarians. If the Assembly But we want them to be ™›˜ŒŽœœŽœȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‹žȱ Š•œ˜ȱ œ™‘Ž›Žǯȱ —ȱ ‘Žȱ Œ˜—›Š›¢ǰȱ does not start holding weekly ŸŽ›’ꮍȱ ‹¢ȱ Šȱ Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ to lead the political process they have politicized this œŽœœ’˜—œǰȱ’ȱ ’••ȱ—Ž’‘Ž›ȱ‹ŽȱŠ‹•Žȱ —ŸŽœ’Š’ŸŽȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽǯȱ regarding an independent and œŽŒ˜›ǰȱ ˜ěŽ›’—ȱ —˜ȱ œ˜•ž’˜—ȱ to meet its responsibilities The establishment of that œ˜ŸŽ›Ž’—ȱ œŠŽǰȱ Š—ȱ ›ž•Žȱ ˜ȱ or perspective for the future nor deal with the most vital ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ’œȱ‹Ž’—ȱ‘’—Ž›Žȱ law. It would be a state where generations. Look at the issues that will be presented by powerful people in the all the citizens would be equal situation at primary and to the Assembly and other governing coalition. ‹Ž˜›Žȱ ‘Žȱ •Š ǰȱ ›ŽŠ›•Žœœȱ œŽŒ˜—Š›¢ȱ œŒ‘˜˜•œǰȱ Šȱ ‘Žȱ —œ’ž’˜—œǯȱ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ŽȱŒ˜Ȭ of their ethnic distinctions. —’ŸŽ›œ’¢ȱ˜ȱ›’œ‘’—ºȦ›’ñȬ ȊȱŽȱ ›ŽšžŽœŽȱ ‘Šȱ žœ’Ȭ ntinue to be persistent on our We have raised again these tina! The situation there ce and Security issues be request and we will continue requests at the beginning ’œȱ œ˜ȱ ›ŠŸŽǰȱ ’ȱ ’œȱ Œ‘Š˜œȱ Š—ȱ ’œŒžœœŽȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ ›’Ȭ to repeat them in the future. ˜ȱ ŘŖŖŜǰȱ ‘Ž—ȱ Žȱ ™›˜™˜œŽȱ ‘Žȱ ’—’œ›¢ȱ ˜ȱ žŒŠ’˜—ǰȱ mester of this year. We ž›ȱŠ›•’Š–Ž—ǰȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ issues which should have Œ’Ž—ŒŽǰȱ Š—ȱ ŽŒ‘—˜•˜¢ȱ ’œȱ are convinced that these ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱŽ–Ž›Žȱ›˜–ȱ›ŽŽȱ ‹ŽŽ—ȱ ’—Œ•žŽȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŠŽ—Šǰȱ responsible for this. segments are highly vital elections and it should start Šȱ•ŽŠœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ›’–ŽœŽ›ȱ˜ȱ to the current political • We continue to ask for the working will full capacity and ŘŖŖŜǯȱ Žȱ ‘Šȱ ›ŽšžŽœŽȱ ‘Šȱ ™›˜ŒŽœœŽœȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ Šœȱ establishment of an Investi- enhanced accountability. Let the following issues should well as for the future of its žœȱ‘˜™Žȱ‘Šȱꗊ••¢ȱœ˜–Ž‘’—ȱ gative Parliamentary Com- start being reviewed as of the citizens. Without justice –’ĴŽŽȱ˜ȱ•˜˜”ȱ’—˜ȱ‹žŽŠ›¢ȱ good will start to function in ‹Ž’——’—ȱ˜ȱŘŖŖŜDZ Š—ȱœŽŒž›’¢ǰȱ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱ—˜ȱ›ž•Žȱ Kosovo’s Institutions! ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 17 Our Vision of an Independent Kosovo Ferid Agani, Chairperson of Parliamentary Group “For Integration”, Party of Justice

level in the crucial period of Institutions is not an Albanain ŽŽ›–’—’—ȱ ꗊ•ȱ œŠžœȱ ˜ȱ Œ˜ž—›¢ǰȱ‹žȱ Šȱ –ž•’Ž‘—’Œȱ Œ˜Ȭ Kosovo. ž—›¢ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ œ‘Š••ȱ ™›ŽȬ Political awareness and pro- dominate democratic princi- motion of sincere collabora- ples based on the civilized va- tion in the process of joint lues of native cultures. Žě˜›œȱ ˜ȱ œŠŽ‹ž’•’—ȱ Š›Žȱ The time has come to prove an essential quality of our ourselves and others that in parliamentary group. By our Kosovo there are democratic œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ –ž•’—Š’˜—Š•ȱ œ›žŒȬ and visionary potentials for ture we aim to show to local Š—ȱ ’—Ž™Ž—Ž—ǰȱ œžŒŒŽœœž•ǰȱ and international political and democratic state. It is factors the existence of the clear to our parliamentary democratic potentials within group members that national the Asssembly of Kosovo for exclusivity it is not a way in accomplishing mutual political this direction. activity on multiethnic and multireligious basis. I am I am convinced that in no convinced that political colla- way would we diminish the boration of parlamentary rep- –˜—ž–Ž—Š•ȱ œŠŒ›’ęŒŽœȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ resentatives of political parties Kosovar Albanian people representing a part of the during an age-long war for Ferid Agani Albanian majority population gaining freedom and indepen- and for the ethnic communities Ž—ŒŽǯȱ —ȱ ‘Žȱ Œ˜—›Š›¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ —ȱŽŒŽ–‹Ž›ȱŘŖŖśǰȱŠ›•’Š–Ž—Ȭ bly and was supported by ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜DZȱ ˜–Šǰȱ œ‘”Š•’ǰȱ Albanian people are ready tary representatives of the six the OSCE and the USA-based ˜›Š—œȱ Š—ȱ Šȱ ™Š›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ—’ŠŒȱ to co-operate on a fully equal political parties represented National Democratic Institute community present more basis in political as well with in the Assembly came to the (NDI). œ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ Š—ȱ ™Ž›œžŠœ’ŸŽȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱŽ‘—’ŒȱŒ˜––ž—’’Žœǰȱ ‘˜ȱ they cohabit with and they conclusion that the democratic ‘ŽȱŠ›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ›˜ž™ȱȃ˜›ȱ proof than the dryly verbal will be enhanced to the highest ™›˜ŒŽœœŽœȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ–˜œȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ —Ž›Š’˜—ǰȄȱ ’‘ȱ ’œȱ –ž•Ȭ statements on multiethnicity ’—œ’ž’˜—œȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱŽœ™’Žȱ tiethnic and multireligious and democratic principles. pedestal of freedom-loving ™›˜›Žœœǰȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ —˜ȱ ŠŒ‘’ŽŸŽȱ people of the world which conistence represents high ‘ŽȱŠ›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ›˜ž™ȱȃ˜›ȱ a stage which shall enable aimed and gained sovereignity Œ’Ÿ’•’£Š’˜—ȱ ŸŠ•žŽœȱ ˜ȱ Œž•ž›Š•ǰȱ Integration” is concrete proof them to fully articulate their historical and political heri- and full independence by that political representatives of respecting most democratic political positions ensured by ŠŽȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜ŸŠ›ȱ œ˜Œ’Ž¢ǰȱ œž‹Ȭ minority ethnic communities and civilized principles. constitutional norms and Rules limated in preparedness for living in Kosovo and political ˜ȱ ›˜ŒŽž›Žǯȱ ˜—œŽšžŽ—•¢ǰȱ democratic coaction of all representatives of Albanian As the biggest multiethnic Parliamentary representatives its citizens in statebuilding people should not collaborate political group in the Kosovo ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ žœ’ŒŽȱ Š›¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’Ȭ processes for an independent ˜—•¢ȱ‹¢ȱœ’Ĵ’—ȱ’—ȱ›˜—ȱ˜ȱŽŠŒ‘ȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ‹Ž›Š•ȱ Š›¢ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ‘Žȱ Kosovo. It proves a historical ˜‘Ž›ȱ‹žȱꛜ•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜›”ȱ‘Š—Ȭ ›˜ž™ȱ ȃ˜›ȱ —Ž›Š’˜—Ȅȱ Ž¡Ȭ Democratic Party of Kosovo continuity of peaceful and in-hand for each others causes pects support from all par- œ‘”Š•’ǰȱ ‘Žȱ Š›¢ȱ ˜›ȱ ŽȬ constructive cohabitation of and political commitment liametary groups as well as –˜Œ›Š’Œȱ Œ’˜—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’’£Ž—ȱ Kosovar society belonging to toward mutual aims and from its international relevant —’’Š’ŸŽȱ ˜ȱ ˜›Šǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ Ž‘—’Œ’¢ǰȱ ›Ž•’’˜—ǰȱ objectives. It presents proof partners on accomplishing U—’Žȱ˜–ŠȱŠ›¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ œ˜Œ’Š•ȱŒ•Šœœǰȱ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱŠĜ•’Š’˜—ǰȱ of high political unity when it noble goals put forward on established the Parliamentary Š—ȱŽŒ˜—˜–’Œȱ•ŽŸŽ•ǰȱŽŒǯȱ questions major issues related ‹ŽĴŽ›ȱ Š—ȱ Ž–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ ž—ŒȬ ›˜ž™ȱȃ˜›ȱ —Ž›Š’on.” Its main goals are to improve ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ žž›Žȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ Šœȱ tioning of the Asssembly of The establishment of the new the democratic functioning well as concrete proof to the Kosovo and well-being of all political group was welcomed of the Kosovo Assembly and international community that ‘ŽȱŒ’’£Ž—œȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ’‘˜žȱ ‹¢ȱ˜ĜŒ’Š•œȱ˜ȱ ˜sovo Assem- to enhance its political unity the primary goal of Kosovar any exclusion. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 18 NEWSLETTERasi Where will Serbs be once status talks are over? PAY OFF TIME =RUDQ&XODÀFDIUHHODQFHMRXUQDOLVWIURP%HOJUDGH œŠ—’—œȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ but also within his own party. —Žȱ˜ȱ‘’œȱŒ˜••Š‹˜›Š˜›œǰȱ›ŠȬ ’ñŠȱ’›’°ǰȱŒžȱŠ Š¢ȱŠȱȱ ȱ ’—ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱŠ‹˜žȱ’œŽ•ȱŠœœŽ›ȱ that they are the authentic ŽœŒŽ—Š—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Š›¢ǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Ž¢ȱŽŸŽ—ȱ›ŽšžŽœŽȱŽ”˜Ÿ’°Ȃœȱ removal. Approximately at the œŠ–Žȱ ’–Žǰȱ ˜—Žȱ Œ˜ž•ȱ ‘ŽŠ›ȱ ’—ȱ ›’œ‘’—ºȦ›’ñ’—Šȱœ™ŽŒž•Š’˜—œȱ ‘Šȱ Ž”˜Ÿ’°ȱ Œ˜ž•ȱ ŽŸŽ—ȱ ŠŒŽȱ Œ›’–’—Š•ȱ Œ‘Š›Žœǰȱ ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ˜ȱ Š••ŽŽȱ ꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱ –Š•™›ŠŒ’ŒŽǯȱ ž›‘Ž›ǰȱ ‘Žȱ Š’•Žȱ ˜ȱ ŽœŠ‹•’œ‘ȱ good relations with Kosovo ›’–Žȱ’—’œŽ›ȱ+Ž”žǯȱ—œŠ’œȬ ꎍȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱŽŒ’œ’˜—ȱ˜ȱŠ™™˜’—ȱ ˜•˜—Ž•ȱ Ž“Š—ȱ Š—”˜Ÿ’°ȱ Šœȱ Local Serbian politicians en- œŒŽ—Žȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ’ȱ ’œȱ —˜ ȱ œŽ—’—ȱ Šȱ œžĜŒ’Ž—•¢ȱ Œ•ŽŠ›ȱ Ž™ž¢ȱ –’—’œŽ›ȱ ˜ȱ —Ž›’˜›ǰȱ Ž›Žȱ‘Žȱꗊ•ȱ™‘ŠœŽȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’ĜŒž•ȱ ˜ȱ ’Ž—’¢ȱ ‘Žȱ ȃ‹’ȱȱ message to Belgrade of their Ž”˜Ÿ’°ȱ ™›˜Œ•Š’–Žȱ ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ status talks much weaker than ™•Š¢Ž›œǯȄȱ •‘˜ž‘ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ Š›Žȱ wish to see him as a partner in was freezing his position as they’ve ever been in the last few political groups and indi- ‘Žȱ›’œ‘’—ºȦ›’ñ’—Šȱ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ –’—’œŽ›ǰȱŠ•‘˜ž‘ȱ’Ȃœȱ’ĜŒž•ȱ six years. Proverbially divided viduals in the game. scene. The recent appoint- to grasp what this would mean and without any vision and ment of the new Kosovo The Serbian list for Kosovo in the reality of the political œ›ŠŽ¢ǰȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ Š›Žȱ —˜ȱ •ŽĞȱ prime minister was an ideal Š—ȱŽ˜‘ħŠȱǻ Ǽǰȱ‘ŽŠŽȱ climate. much space to manoeuvre ‹¢ȱ•’ŸŽ›ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ǰȱŒ˜–™›’œŽœȱ opportunity for SLKM to enter ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ’ȱŠ™™ŽŠ›œȱ‘ŠȱŠȱ‘’œȱ in the political competition a limp coalition of three par- the government in the least –˜–Ž—ȱŽ”˜Ÿ’°ȱ‘˜•œȱŠȱ•ŽŠœȱ with and ties—the Social Democratic ™Š’—ž•ȱ –Š——Ž›ǰȱ ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ˜—Žȱœ˜•’ȱŠŒŽȱ’—ȱ‘’œȱœ•ŽŽŸŽǰȱŠ—ȱ the International Community. Š›¢ȱ ǻǼǰȱ ‘Žȱ Ž›‹’Š—ȱ ŽȬ the selection of former TMK it is the fact that two of SDS KM The only thing that can be newal Movement (SPO) and Commander Agim Çeku was MPs in the Kosovo Parliament undoubtedly anticipated is the the Democratic Party (DS). The unacceptable for Serbian Pri- ‘ŠŸŽȱ ›Ž–Š’—Žȱ •˜¢Š•ȱ ˜ȱ ‘’–ǰȱ ŽœŒŠ•Š’˜—ȱ˜ȱ™Š›’œŠ—ȱŒ˜—Ě’Œœȱ fact that the headquarters of –Žȱ’—’œŽ›ȱ ˜ñž—’ŒŠȱŠ—ȱ‘’œȱ and it is those two MPs who within the Serbian political these parties are in Belgrade is op-portunity was imprudently can now provide a majority block; both politicians and critical for the political activities ŠœŽǯȱ ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ‘Žȱ™ž‹•’Œȱ’œȱ for the governing coalition in the majority of Serbs in Ko- of this coalition and the future œ’••ȱ œ™ŽŒž•Š’—ȱ ‘Šȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ȱ ›’œ‘’—ºȦ›’ñ’—Šǯȱ sovo are fully aware of this. –˜ŸŽœȱ ˜ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ȱ ‘’–œŽ•ǯȱ could soon make the decision The representatives of the ‘žœǰȱŠ••ȱŠ—Š•¢œŽœȱ˜—ȱ ‘Ž‘Ž›ȱ ˜—ȱ‘’œȱ˜ —ǰȱŽœ™’Žȱ ˜ñž—’ŒŠȂœȱ ’‘ȱœžŒ‘ȱŠȱ™˜ Ž›ȱ‹Š•Š—ŒŽǰȱ’ȱ International administration he is going to enter Kosovo ˜‹“ŽŒ’˜—œǰȱ™›˜Ÿ’Žǰȱ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ œŽŽ–œȱ ‘Šȱ ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ ˜••˜ ’—ȱ have also realised this fact government has to be seen in that he is given the position window of opportunity for and in view of that thoroughly ‘’œȱ •’‘ǰȱ Š•‘˜ž‘ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ȱ of the Minister for Returns •’ŸŽ›ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ȱ Œ˜ž•ȱ ˜™Ž—ȱ revised the entire political repeatedly proved that he Š—ȱ ˜––ž—’’Žœǰȱ Œž››Ž—•¢ȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ˜—Žȱ‘ž—›ŽȱŠ¢œȱ œ›ŠŽ¢ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ꗊ•ȱ ™‘ŠœŽȱ ˜ȱ has a high grade of political ‘Ž•ȱ ‹¢ȱ •ŠŸ’ñŠȱ Ž”˜Ÿ’°ǯȱ ‘Žȱ of the governance of the Prime Kosovo status talks. The mes- integrity and is sometimes position of Minister for Ag- ’—’œŽ›ȱ +Ž”žȱ ‘ŠŸŽȱ ™ŠœœŽǰȱ œŠŽȱ ’œȱ šž’Žȱ Œ•ŽŠ›DZȱ ’ȱ ˜ž•ȱ capable of making important ›’Œž•ž›Žǰȱ  ˜ȱ ™˜œ’’˜—œȱ ˜ȱ as he announced to make an be good if Serbs take part in decisions independent of Bel- deputy ministers and several evaluation of the performance ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȂœȱŽ–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ™›˜ŒŽœœŽœǰȱ grade’s dictate. positions on the Steering Bo- of all respective ministries at however these processes will ard are all reserved for the ‘Šȱ’—œŠ—ŒŽǰȱŠ—ȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱ ’••ȱ The diplomatic representatives Œ˜—’—žŽȯ ’‘ȱ Ž›‹œǰȱ ˜›ȱ ’Ȭ Ÿ’œ’’—ȱ ›’œ‘’—ºȦ›’ñ’—Šȱ SLKM Coalition. replace all ministers who have underperformed. thout them. do not miss a chance to meet —ȱ ›ŽŒŽ—ȱ ŽŽ”œǰȱ •ŠŸ’ñŠȱ ŽȬ Within the Serbian political •’ŸŽ›ȱ ŸŠ—˜Ÿ’°ǰȱ ‘Ž›Ž‹¢ȱ ”˜Ÿ’°ȱ ‘Šœȱ ‹ŽŽ—ȱ •˜œ’—ȱ œ˜me ‘Žȱ –˜œȱ ’—ĚžŽ—’Š•ȱ ›˜ž™ȱ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 19 in Kosovo is still the Serbian Š’˜—Š•ȱ ˜ž—Œ’•ȱ ǻǼǰȱ ™Š›Ȭ Strengthening the oversight role of ticularly as their members are also members of the Serbian Ž–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ ™Š›¢ȱ ǻǼǰȱ ‘Žȱ the Kosovo Assembly current leading party in the Fatmire Mulhaxha Kollçaku, Chairperson of the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare, Reformist Party ORA Ž›‹’Š—ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ has full control over the ac- In the second mandate of the tivities of the Co-ordination œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ ˜žȱ ˜ȱ Centre for Kosovo and Me-  ˜ȱ ™›ŽŸ’˜žœȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽœǰȱ Šȱ ˜‘ħŠǯȱ ‘’œȱ ›˜ž™ȱ ’œȱ ™Š›Ȭ ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ Šœȱ ’Œž•Š›•¢ȱ ’—ĚžŽ—’Š•ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ established with the scope Northern Kosovo. The recent that now covers the work of changes within the SNC have  ˜ȱ –’—’œ›’Žœǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’—’œ›¢ȱ no substantive nature and of Health and the Ministry of “the merging” of the North Social Welfare. Although the Kosovo SNC with the Central ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ’œȱŒ˜–™˜œŽȱ˜ȱŗŘȱ Kosovo SNC could rather be –Ž–‹Ž›œȱŠ—ȱ’쎛Ž—ȱ™Š›’Žœǰȱ called as a decorative move. all the decisions up to now Žǰȱ’ȱ’œȱŸŽ›¢ȱŒ•ŽŠ›ȱ‘Šȱ›’–Žȱ have been undertaken with ’—’œŽ›ȱ ˜ñž—’ŒŠȱ ‘Ž›Ž‹¢ȱ full consensus. demonstrated the direction in which Belgrade’s political —’•ȱ —˜ ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ stance on Kosovo will be ‘Šœȱ ›ŽŸ’Ž Žȱ œŽŸŽ›Š•ȱ •Š œǰȱ headed in the coming months. –˜œȱ —˜Š‹•¢ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ •Š œȱ Fatmire Mullhaxha, standing right, in a recent visit to a hospital. ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ŽŠ•‘ȱ —œ™ŽŒ˜›ŠŽǰȱ ˜ñž—’ŒŠȱ ’••ǰȱ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱŸŽ›¢ȱ –Ž›Ž—Œ¢ȱ Ž’Œ’—Žǰȱ Š›ȱ ’œœ’˜—ȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ opportunity to get acquainted soon have an opportunity Š•žŽœǰȱ ˜‹ŠŒŒ˜ǰȱ ˜Œ’Š•ȱ Š—ȱ Friedrich Ebert Foundation. with the law and obstacles to demonstrate in practice Š–’•¢ȱŽ›Ÿ’ŒŽœǰȱŠ—ȱ˜˜ǯȱȱ‘Žȱ We are grateful for their con- in its implementation and how much he cares about ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ˜—ȱ ŽŠ•‘ǰȱŠ‹˜ž›ȱ tinues support. also the issue of applicability Serbs in Kosovo. If all his of the law. Up til now our and Social Welfare has also The review of the laws is a political wisdom continues ˜––’ĴŽŽȱŸ’œ’Žȱ’—œ’ž’˜—œȱ ›ŽŸ’Ž Žȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ •Ž’œ•Š’˜—ȱ very important part of the to come down to protests ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™›’–Š›¢ȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱŒŠ›ŽǰȱŠ—ȱ ˜—ȱ˜Œ’Š•ȱ —œž›Š—ŒŽǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’œȱŠȱ ˜›”ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ ‹žȱ about “war criminals” to also secondary and tertiary very important for the proper there is also an oversight role either the negotiation team or ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱ ŒŠ›Žȱ ’—ȱ ›’œ‘’—ºȦ›’Ȭ functioning of the health ˜ŸŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ ’—ȱ ‘’œȱ within the leadership of Ko- ñ’—Šǰȱ Ž›’£Š“Ȧ›˜ñŽŸŠŒȱ Š—ȱ œ¢œŽ–ǰȱ ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ȱ ‘’œȱ •Š ȱ case of the monitoring of the œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ Ž›‹œȱ ’—ȱ Ž“ºȦŽ°ǯȱ —ȱ ‘’œȱ ŒŠœŽȱ Žȱ ‘Šȱ did not go through a second ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ ˜ŸŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜›”ȱ ˜ȱ Kosovo will unquestionably opportunities to meet many reading in the Assembly since the ministries which it covers. gain much less then what ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱ ˜›”Ž›œǰȱ •’”Žȱ ‘Žȱ –ŠȬ Šȱꗊ—Œ’Š•ȱŽŒ•Š›Š’˜—ȱ Šœȱ—˜ȱ œȱŠȱŒ˜—Œ›ŽŽȱŽ¡Š–™•Žǰȱ ȱ ˜ž•ȱ Kosovo Albanians and the —Š’—ȱ œŠěȱ Šœȱ Ž••ȱ Šœȱ ‘Žȱ fully prepared. like to mention an initiative of In-ernational Community are ˜‘Ž›ȱ ˜›”Ž›œǰȱ Š—ȱ ŒŽ›Š’—•¢ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ œž™™˜›Žȱ ‹¢ȱ willing to concede to them ‘’•Žȱ‘Žȱ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ›ŽŸ’Ž Žȱ with the users of the services. now. ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ •Š œǰȱ ’ȱ Š•œ˜ȱ ‘Ž•ȱ  ǰȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ–˜—’˜›’—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ two public hearings with implementation of the law on In this scope we plan to or- The possible independence of experts and representatives Health. ganize a couple of public ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’œȱ Šȱ ‘›ŽŠȱ ˜›ȱ Ž›‹œǰȱ ˜ȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ ’—œ’ž’˜—œǰȱ ’‘ȱ hearings with the providers however some analysts point ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ ŠŒ’Ÿ’¢ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ the goal of gaining as much ˜ȱ ‘ŽŠ•‘ȱ œŽ›Ÿ’ŒŽœǰȱ žœŽ›œȱ ˜ȱ ‘ŠȱŠ‹˜•’œ‘’—ȱŽ—’•Ž–Ž—œȱ˜ǰȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ ’—ȱ ‘’œȱ ’›ŽŒ’˜—ȱ advice from those who will ‘Žȱ œŠ–Žȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ œŠěȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œ˜ȱŒŠ••Žǰȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱœž™™•Ž–Ž—ǰȱ would be the oversight of ™•Š¢ȱ Šȱ œ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ ›˜•Žȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ Ministry of Health. i.e. doubled salaries for those the Ministry of Health in the implementation and review of Ž–™•˜¢Žȱ’—ȱ ŽŠ•‘ǰȱžŒŠ’˜—ȱ approval of certain sub legal Ў›ȱ ‘Žȱ Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ŠŒȱ Œ˜Ȭ the legislation. Š—ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ’—œ’ž’˜—œȱŠĜ•’ŠŽȱ acts – non-approval or late ••ŽŒ’˜—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ ’••ȱ ’‘ȱ‘ŽȱŽ›‹’Š—ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ǰȱ —ȱ ’œȱ ˜›”ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ approval of which disables the prepare a report with recom- could present a much stronger cooperated with organisations implementation of the law in mendations aimed at bringing blow to Serbs. And making and institutions such as the the most part of it. The second about a plenary session in or- ‘’œȱ ŽŒ’œ’˜—ȱ ’œȱ ˜ñž—’ŒŠȂœȱ US-based National Democratic activity were the visits planned der to raise the issue of health prerogative. —œ’žŽȱ ǻ Ǽǰȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ’—ȱ‘Žȱꎕǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ Žȱ‘Šȱ‘Žȱ care. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 20 NEWSLETTERasi Challenges and Improvements of the work of Kosovo Assembly Rebecca Kilhefner, Monitor of the Assembly, OSCE Mission in Kosovo

—’•ȱ›ŽŒŽ—•¢ǰȱ‘ŽȱŠŽ—Šȱ Šœȱ prepared and made known to Assembly members only a few days before the plenary œŽœœ’˜—ǯȱ ǻ‘’œȱ ’ĜŒž•¢ȱ ’—ȱ agenda preparing was partly a result of the Assembly holding –ŽŽ’—œȱ ˜—ȱ Šȱ –˜—‘•¢ǰȱ ›ŠȬ ‘Ž›ȱ ‘Š—ȱ ŽŽ”•¢ǰȱ ‹Šœ’œǰȱ Šœȱ discussed below.) The agenda was usually not approved ˜›–Š••¢ȱ ‹¢ȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ even at the beginning of the œŽœœ’˜—ȱ ’—ȱ šžŽœ’˜—ǰȱ ž—•Žœœȱ one or more members raised strong objections at the begin- ning of the session and were given a chance to speak. This sometimes resulted in lengthy debates during the middle of the plenary session as to whether a certain item should be reviewed on that day or —˜ǯȱ —ȱ ˜—Žȱ Ž¡›Ž–Žȱ ŒŠœŽǰȱ Šȱ minister was about to present Šȱ ›ŠĞȱ •Š ȱ ˜›ȱ ꛜȱ ›ŽŠ’—ȱ when an Assembly member ˜™’—Žȱ ‘Šǰȱ ŠŒŒ˜›’—ȱ ˜ȱ Ž¡’œ’—ȱ •Ž’œ•Š’˜—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’œœžŽœȱ ›ŽŠŽȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ law should be regulated by œž‹œ’’Š›¢ȱ •Ž’œ•Š’˜—ǰȱ —˜ȱ Šȱ new law. This assertion led to an extensive debate on ‘Ž‘Ž›ȱ‘Žȱ›ŠĞȱ•Š ȱœ‘˜ž•ȱ ‹Žȱ™›ŽœŽ—Žǰȱ ’‘ȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ –Ž–‹Ž›œȱ›Ž›ŽĴ’—ȱ‘ŽȱȃŠ Ȭ kward” situation that had Š›’œŽ—ǰȱ˜—Žȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱŒ˜ž•ȱ‘ŠŸŽȱ The Assembly of Kosovo is Agenda setting plenary session. Implemen- been avoided if the agenda had been prepared and ap- now approximately halfway The Assembly’s procedural tation of this provision allows proved as stipulated in the into its second mandate. Be- rules require that the agenda Assembly members to raise rules. low is a brief overview of for each plenary session be objections to the proposed improvements in its functio- prepared in advance by the agenda and ensures that the —ȱ‘Žȱ™˜œ’’ŸŽȱœ’Žǰȱ‘Žȱ™›ŽȬ ning and procedural comp- Assembly presidency and Assembly plenary has the sidency began a couple of •’Š—ŒŽǰȱ Š•˜—ȱ ’‘ȱ Œ‘Š••Ž—Žœȱ presented to the Assembly ꗊ•ȱ œŠ¢ȱ ’—ȱ ŽŽ›–’—’—ȱ ‘Žȱ months ago to prepare plenary that remain. for approval at the previous course of its work. agendas in advance and ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 21 present them for approval by —ž–‹Ž›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜™’˜—œǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ person does not want to multitude of procedural and the Assembly at the previous has led to confusion when appear to be obstructing free œž‹œŠ—’ŸŽȱ ™›˜‹•Ž–œǯȱ ’›œǰȱ œŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ Šȱ Ž•Œ˜–Žȱ Œ‘Š—Žȱ the Assembly has been asked debate. Some parliaments as indicated earlier in this from the previous practice. To ˜ȱ Ž•ŽŒȱ Šȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ —ž–‹Ž›ȱ have ever-evolving lists of Š›’Œ•Žǰȱ ’ȱ ‘Šœȱ ‹ŽŽ—ȱ ’ĜŒž•ȱ ensure that the interests and of people to a body from a Ž¡™›Žœœ’˜—œȱ ˜›ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ for the presidency to compile concerns of parliamentary large pool of candidates. The types of statements that are an agenda in advance and groups are properly taken Assembly should develop considered unparliamentary present it for approval at ’—˜ȱ ŠŒŒ˜ž—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ detailed procedures for more •Š—žŠŽǰȱ ’—ȱ ˜›Ž›ȱ ˜ȱ ŽŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ ™›ŽŸ’˜žœȱ œŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ Šœȱ ›ŽȬ should make a practice of Œ˜–™•Ž¡ȱŸ˜’—ȱŒŠœŽœǰȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱ arbitrary rulings on members’ šž’›Žȱ ‹¢ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ž•Žœǰȱ žŽȱ ˜ȱ consulting with heads of the appointments to government statements. Statements made uncertainty about which items groups when preparing the and independent agencies at a session that do not will be ready for review one ŠŽ—Šǰȱ Šœȱ œ’™ž•ŠŽȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ and other bodies. appear on the list but none- –˜—‘ȱ•ŠŽ›ǯȱ’’˜—Š••¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ rules. theless might qualify as procedural rules place a tight Debates unparliamentary language ’–Ž›Š–Žȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱꛜȱ›ŽŠ’—ȱ Voting are sometimes subject to ˜ȱ›ŠĞȱ•Š œȱȮȱȃ—˜ȱŽŠ›•’Ž›ȱ‘Š—ȱ There has been a recent trend wider discussion. It might Under the Constitutional Fra- towards much freer and ten working days and no later ‹Žȱ ‹Ž—ŽęŒ’Š•ȱ ˜›ȱ Šȱ ‹˜¢ȱ ˜ȱ than three working weeks mework and the Assembly’s more extensive Assembly de- ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ œžŒ‘ȱ Šœȱ ‘Žȱ from the day of distribution” ™›˜ŒŽž›Š•ȱ ›ž•Žœǰȱ Šȱ ŽŒ’œ’˜—ȱ ‹ŠŽœȱ ‘Š—ȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Šœǰȱ ‘Ž—ȱ ™›Žœ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ˜›ȱ‘Žȱ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ Ȯȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ’œȱ’ĜŒž•ȱ˜ȱŠ‘Ž›Žȱ of the Assembly requires members wishing to speak ˜—ȱ ž’Œ’Š•ǰȱ Ž’œ•Š’ŸŽȱ Š—ȱ Ž›Žȱ ˜ĞŽ—ȱ Ž—’Žȱ ‘Žȱ ̘˜›ȱ to under a monthly system. the support of a majority of Constitutional Framework ’‘ȱ ‘Žȱ “žœ’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱ ‘Šȱ —˜ȱ ˜œȱ ’–™˜›Š—•¢ǰȱ ‘˜ž‘ǰȱ members present and voting ŠĴŽ›œǰȱ ˜ȱ ŽŸŽ•˜™ȱ –˜›Žȱ ’–Žȱ›Ž–Š’—Žǰȱ˜›ȱ ‘Ž—ȱŒŽ›Š’—ȱ important agenda items are ˜›ȱ ˜›ȱ ŠŠ’—œȱ ‘Žȱ ™›˜™˜œŠ•ǰȱ detailed guidelines on unpar- statements were ordered to ˜ĞŽ—ȱ ž——ŽŒŽœœŠ›’•¢ȱ Ž•Š¢Žȱ except in special cases where liamentary language. Šȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ ›Žšž’›Ž–Ž—ȱ ’œȱ be “deleted from the record” ˜›ȱ –˜—‘œǯȱ ˜›ȱ ’—œŠ—ŒŽǰȱ ’ȱ With regard to the length foreseen. That means that because of their content. All a minister is not present to ˜ȱ Šȱ ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱ Ž‹ŠŽǰȱ ’ȱ ’œȱ ’—ȱ ŒŠœŽœȱ ‘Ž—ȱ Šȱ œ’—’ęŒŠ—ȱ Assembly members have Š—œ Ž›ȱ Šȱ šžŽœ’˜—ȱ œž‹–’ĴŽȱ not unreasonable for the number of members do not equal rights to participate ‹¢ȱŠ—ȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ–Ž–‹Ž›ǰȱ˜›ȱ’ȱ presidency to set a time li- Ÿ˜Žǰȱ Šȱ ™›˜™˜œŠ•ȱ ŒŠ—ȱ ‹Žȱ ™ŠœȬ fully in the Assembly and ‘Žȱ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱ˜ȱŠȱ›ŠĞȱ•Š ȱ–žœȱ mit for a particular debate sed even when less than half ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱ Ž‹ŠŽœǰȱ ž—Ž›ȱ ‘Žȱ for some reason be postponed ™›’˜›ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱ œŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ the members present vote ‹˜’Žœȱ ™›˜ŒŽž›Š•ȱ ›ž•Žœǰȱ ž—’•ȱ‘Žȱ—Ž¡ȱ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱœŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ preferably in consultation ’—ȱ ŠŸ˜ž›ȱ ˜ȱ ’ǰȱ ™›˜Ÿ’Žȱ ’ȱ so the current trend is long ‘ŽœŽȱ’Ž–œȱŠ›Žȱ˜ĞŽ—ȱŽ•Š¢Žȱ with parliamentary group receives more votes in fa- ˜ŸŽ›žŽǯȱ ›ŽŽȱ Ž‹ŠŽœȱ –žœǰȱ by at least a month instead leaders. Such an agreement vour than in opposition. It is ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ‹Žȱ ŠŒŒ˜–™Š—’Žȱ ˜ȱŠȱ ŽŽ”ǯȱ’”Ž ’œŽǰȱ‘˜•’—ȱ by responsibility on the part could include an allocation therefore always necessary to sessions on a monthly basis of Assembly members and of debate time to each call for and count the votes in Š••˜ œȱ•’Ĵ•Žȱ’–Žȱ˜›ȱ‹žœ’—Žœœȱ a certain degree of control parliamentary group that is ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ǰȱŽŸŽ—ȱ’ȱŠȱ™›˜™˜œŠ•ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ‘Š—ȱ‘Žȱ›ŽŸ’Ž ȱ˜ȱ›ŠĞȱ by the person chairing the approximately proportionate has received a relatively •Ž’œ•Š’˜—ǰȱœžŒ‘ȱŠœȱšžŽœ’˜—œȱ session. to their representation in small number of votes in ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ǰȱ Š•œ˜ȱ •ŽŠŸ’—ȱ to the government and debates favour. This provision has Members are banned by the œ˜–Žȱ ’–Žȱ ˜›ȱ —˜—ȬŠĜ•’ŠŽȱ on vital current issues. There been misinterpreted many rules from using “unparlia- members to speak during have been recent indications ’–Žœȱ ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Šœǰȱ œ˜–Ž’–Žœȱ –Ž—Š›¢ȱ•Š—žŠŽȄȱǻ˜ěŽ—œ’ŸŽǰȱ that the Assembly will begin ŽŠ–Š˜›¢ǰȱ ‘›ŽŠŽ—’—ȱ ˜›ȱ the debate if they wish to do •ŽŠ’—ȱ ˜ȱ ꎛŒŽȱ Ž‹ŠŽœȱ ’—ȱ to meet on a more regular ˜‹œŒŽ—Žȱ •Š—žŠŽǰȱ ™Ž›œ˜—Š•ȱ so. It would then be up to the Assembly as to whether a ‹Šœ’œȯ’—ŽŽǰȱ ™•Ž—Š›¢ȱ œŽœȬ ŠĴŠŒ”œȱ˜›ȱ’—œž•œǰȱ˜›ȱ•Š—žŠŽȱ each parliamentary group to œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ ™›˜™˜œŠ•ȱ ‘Šœȱ ™ŠœœŽȱ sions were already held that is conducive to inter- designate its own speakers ˜›ȱ—˜ǰȱŠ—ȱ’ȱ‘ŠœȱŽŸŽ—ȱ•Žȱ˜ȱ and divide debate time more frequently in February a proposal being declared as community violence) and the chair of the session has a duty among them. and March than in previous defeated when it should have months. This trend should ‹ŽŽ—ȱ ŽŒ•Š›Žȱ Šœȱ Š˜™Žǰȱ to call to order any member who uses such language. It Frequency of plenary be institutionalized with a and vice versa. return to a weekly system of ’œȱœ˜–Ž’–Žœȱ’ĜŒž•ǰȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ sessions The Constitutional Frame- œ™˜ǰȱ˜ȱ›Š ȱ‘Žȱ•’—Žȱ‹Ž ŽŽ—ȱ plenary sessions to allow the work and the Rules of Pro- provocative statements and The adoption of a monthly Assembly to fully play its cedure contain no provision true unparliamentary lan- system of plenary sessions important role at this crucial on how to vote between a žŠŽǰȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ’ȱ‘ŽȱŒ‘Š’›Ȭȱ two years ago has generated a time for Kosovo. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE 22 NEWSLETTERasi Kosovo’s Journey Toward EU Integration Torbjorn Solhstrom, Personal Representative of Javier Solana in Prishtinë/Priština Former British Prime Minister institutions. This has not been great importance to the EU. œŠžœȱ™›˜ŒŽœœDzȱŠ—ǰ Winston Churchill once said easy. But the way in which the Together with international Ȋȱ ŽŒ˜—•¢ǰȱ ˜ȱ ›Ž’—Ÿ’˜›ŠŽȱ that the Balkans was a region Kosovo political establishment ™Š›—Ž›œȱ’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜—ŠŒȱ ›˜ž™ǰȱ work on standards and other that produced more history has overcome these challenges ȱ ’‘ȱŽ™›ŽœŽ—Š’ŸŽȱ ŠŸ’Ž›ȱ key European reforms. than it could possibly swallow. has been a sign of maturity Solana set out some of the key While there might still be an and responsibility. parameters for future work in I was pleased to hear a clear ‘Žȱ ˜—˜—ȱ œŠŽ–Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ řŗȱ commitment in this respect Ž•Ž–Ž—ȱ˜ȱ›ž‘ȱ˜ȱ‘Šȱ›Ž–Š›”ǰȱ Theses changes come at a ˜ȱ Š—žŠ›¢ǯȱ˜œȱ —˜Š‹•¢ǰȱ‘’œȱ from Kosovo’s new prime Kosovo and its institutions crucial period for Kosovo. With œŠŽœȱ ‘Šȱ Š••ȱ Žě˜›œȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ minister in his acceptance have recently displayed an the appointment of former be made to ensure that the speech to members of the Ko- ability to digest a considerable ’——’œ‘ȱ ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ Š›Ĵ’ȱ ‘Ȭ process is concluded by the sovo Assembly. Especially amount of political change in a ’œŠŠ›’ȱ Šœȱ ȱ ™ŽŒ’Š•ȱ —Ÿ˜¢ǰȱ Ž—ȱ˜ȱŘŖŖŜǯ encouraging was his promise amount of time. ‘Žȱ ™›˜ŒŽœœȱ Š’–Žȱ Šȱ Žę—’—ȱ In parallel with the status to reach out to minority The untimely death of Kosovo the future status of Kosovo populations and to show that President began. The foreign ministers ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’–™•Ž–Ž—Š’˜—ȱ of standards and other key Kosovo can be home for all its ’—ȱ Š—žŠ›¢ȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ ¢ŽŠ›ȱ •Žȱ ˜ȱ of the EU have expressed the communities. ‘Žȱ œ ’Ğȱ Ž•ŽŒ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ Š–’›ȱ full support of the Union for European reforms listed in the ˜›ȱ ‘Žȱ ǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ ’œȱ Šȱ ‘’›ȱ Sejdiu as the new President of the Special Envoy and have so called European partnership Œ‘Š••Ž—ŽDZȱ —Š–Ž•¢ȱ ˜ȱ ™›Ž™Š›Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǯȱ ȱ —Ž ȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ agreed to the appointment for Kosovo continues. The last report to the UN Security ˜›ȱ ˜ž›ȱ Ž—ŠŽ–Ž—ȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ Šȱ led by former Kosovo Pro- of Mr Stefan Lehne as the EU Council showed uneven œŽĴ•Ž–Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ œŠžœǰȱ Š—ȱ tection Corps Commander Representative to the Status progress. At a time when ŠĞŽ›ȱ Šȱ œž‹œŽšžŽ—ȱ ’œŽ—Ȭ ’–ȱŽ”žȱ ŠœȱŒ˜—ę›–Žȱ˜—ȱ Process. The EU works closely ˜œ˜Ÿ˜Ȃœȱ žž›Žȱ ’œȱ ’œŒžœœŽǰȱ gagement of UNMIK. We ŗŖȱŠ›Œ‘ȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ›Žœ’—Š’˜—ȱ with President Ahtisaari and tangible results in this area are anticipate a future when the EU of Kosovo Prime Minister ‘’œȱŽŠ–ǰȱŠ—ȱ™Š›’Œ’™ŠŽœȱ’—ȱŠ••ȱ essential. will be more deeply engaged Bajram Kosumi. At the same aspects of the status process. on the ground in Kosovo and ’–Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ ™Š›•’Š–Ž—ȱ Ž•ŽŒŽȱ Šȱ Š’—œȱ‘’œȱ‹ŠŒ”›˜™ǰȱ‘Žȱȱ ’ŸŽ—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜Ȃœȱ Ž˜›Š™‘’Œȱ in the region’s process into —Ž ȱœ™ŽŠ”Ž›ǰȱ›ȱ ˜•ºȱŽ›’œ‘Šǯȱ views two key challenges in location in the middle of European integration. We will —ȱ•Žœœȱ‘Š—ȱ ˜ȱ–˜—‘œǰȱ‘Ž›Žȱ ‘Žȱ—ŽŠ›ȱžž›ŽDZ ž›˜™Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ œŠžœȱ ™›˜ŒŽœœȯ have more EU in Kosovo and have been changes on all of the and the outcome it will Ȋȱ ’›œǰȱ ˜ȱ Œ˜—’—žŽȱ ˜ȱ ™Š›’Ȭ more Kosovo in the EU. three top positions in Kosovo’s produce — is obviously of cipate constructively in the We’re already in the process of gradually building up our ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜œŸ˜ǰȱ ’‘ȱ diplomatic personnel as well as with experts in the area of rule of law. A planning team for a future EU mission in the areas of police and judiciary should be established in later this spring. This team will work closely with Kosovo Šž‘˜›’’Žœǰȱ ’—Œ•ž’—ȱ ‘Žȱ newly established Ministries ˜ȱ —Ž›’˜›ȱŠ—ȱ žœ’ŒŽǯȱ Ȃœȱœ’••ȱ–žŒ‘ȱ˜˜ȱŽŠ›•¢ȱ˜ȱŽę—Žȱ the exact form of the future EU Ž—ŠŽ–Ž—ȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ —˜ȱ least as it will depend on the —Šž›Žȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱœŠžœȱœŽĴ•Ž–Ž—ǯȱ ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ™‘’•˜œ˜™‘¢ȱ ’œȱ Œ•ŽŠ›DZ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER 23 • The EU’s approach will be to maximize Kosovo’s Reviewing the Draft Law on Veterans: ˜ —Ž›œ‘’™ȱ ˜ȱ ’œȱ ŠěŠ’›œǯȱ The authorities – not the international community OSCE Provides Support – will be responsible and -DGH'XFKHVQHDX%HUQLHUDQG3DWULFH4XHVDGD26&(0LVVLRQLQ.RVRYR accountable; —ȱ Řřȱ Ž‹›žŠ›¢ȱ ŘŖŖŜǰȱ ‘Žȱ expertise to the Kosovo Ass- reviewed and commented on • the EU will seek to help Assembly of Kosovo adopted embly President at the end ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ›ŠĞȱŠ ȱ˜—ȱŠ›ȱ Kosovo address two ca- the Law on the Status and ˜ȱ Ž™Ž–‹Ž›ȱ ŘŖŖśǯȱ ‘’œȱ ˜ěŽ›ȱ ŽŽ›Š—œǯȱ —ȱ ŽŒŽ–‹Ž›ǰȱ Šȱ ‘Žȱ tegories of challenges. First Rights of the Families of Šœȱ ˜›–Š••¢ȱ ŠŒŒŽ™Žȱ ˜—ȱ ŝȱ Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȱ œŠ¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ™›ŽœŽ—Žȱ structural challenges—eco- Š›¢›œǰȱ ȱŠ›ȱ —ŸŠ•’œȱŠ—ȱ October. an overview of his comments —˜–’Œǰȱ Š–’—’œ›Š’ŸŽǰȱ Š—ȱ ŽŽ›Š—œǰȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ Š–’•’Žœȱ ˜ȱ The OSCE’s involvement did and concerns to members technical — that Kosovo ’Ÿ’•ȱ’Œ’–œȱ˜ȱŠ›ǰȱŠȱ™’ŽŒŽȱ˜ȱ not aim to play a direct role of the functional Assembly shares with the rest of the legislation aimed at alleviating ’—ȱ ›Ž›ŠĞ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ •Š ȱ —˜›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽǯȱ ˜œȱ Ž›Žȱ Š”Ž—ȱ ›Ž’˜—ǯȱ ŽŒ˜—ǰȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ the harsh living conditions of ‘ŠŸŽȱ Šȱ ꗊ•ȱ œŠ¢ȱ ˜—ȱ —ŽŽŽȱ into consideration by the challenges—guarantees for those citizens most directly Š–Ž—–Ž—œǰȱ ‹žȱ ›Š‘Ž›ȱ ˜ȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ ‘Ž—ȱ ™›˜ŒŽŽ’—ȱ –’—˜›’¢ȱ ›’‘œǰȱ Œž•ž›Š•ȱ ŠěŽŒŽȱ‹¢ȱ‘ŽȱŠ›–ŽȱŒ˜—Ě’Œǯȱ encourage legislators to ad- to the review and amendment ‘Ž›’ŠŽǰȱ ŽŒŽ—›Š•’œŠ’˜—ǰȱ Long-term co-operation bet- dress the concerns of the ˜ȱ‘Žȱ›ŠĞȱ•Š ǯȱ‘›˜ž‘ȱ‘’œȱ etc — that will follow from ween the Assembly of Kosovo most vulnerable fringes of ’—Ž—œ’ŸŽȱŠ–Ž—–Ž—ȱ™›˜ŒŽœœǰȱ the provisions of the status and the OSCE Mission in the society in a pragmatic and ‘Žȱ•Š ȱ‘Šœȱ‹ŽŽ—ȱœ’—’ęŒŠ—•¢ȱ œŽĴ•Ž–Ž—DzȱŠ—ǰȱ Kosovo also contributed to non-partisan manner. In the improved in comparison to this achievement. ŽŠ›•’Ž›ȱ ŸŽ›œ’˜—œǯȱ ŽŸŽ›‘Ž•Žœœǰȱ • the EU’s vision will be ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ™˜œȬŒ˜—Ě’Œȱ Œ˜—Ž¡ǰȱ The process started almost where the vast majority of certain aspects of it remain to help Kosovo towards problematic. European integration. The  ˜ȱ ¢ŽŠ›œȱ Š˜ǰȱ ’—ȱ ž—Žȱ ŘŖŖŚǰȱ ‘Žȱ ™˜™ž•Š’˜—ȱ œžěŽ›œȱ ›˜–ȱ EU Ministers of Foreign ‘Ž—ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ Š ȱ Šœȱ ꛜȱ harsh social and economic The adoption of the Law 슒›œȱ›ŽŒŽ—•¢ȱ’—ȱŠ•£‹ž›ȱ introduced to the Assembly. Œ˜—’’˜—œǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’œœžŽȱ ˜ȱ Š›ȱ ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—œȱ Šȱ ꛜȱ œŽ™ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŽŒ˜—ę›–Žȱ ‘Žȱ œ˜ȱ ŒŠ••Žȱ ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ˜ȱ ’œȱ ŸŽŽ›Š—œȂȱ›’‘œȱŠ—ȱ‹Ž—Žęœȱ’œȱ Kosovo institutions towards highly sensitive. ‘ŽœœŠ•˜—’”’ȱ Œ˜––’–Ž—DZȱ œ‘˜›Œ˜–’—œǰȱ’ȱ’ȱ—˜ȱ–Š”Žȱ taking the responsibility to that there is a future for ’ȱ˜ȱœŽŒ˜—ȱ›ŽŠ’—ǯȱ‘Žȱ›ŠĞȱ The Croatian Law on War address the needs of this the whole of the Western Š ȱ œŠȱ ž—’•ȱ Š—žŠ›¢ȱ ŘŖŖśȱ ŽŽ›Š—œǰȱ ’Ž•¢ȱ Œ’Žȱ Šœȱ Šȱ important social group. Balkans inside the EU once when a new government re- positive example from the ™˜—ȱ ’œȱ ™›˜–ž•Š’˜—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ‘Žȱ Œ˜—’’˜—œȱ Š›Žȱ ž•ę••Žǯȱ introduced it and it was sub- ›Ž’˜—ǰȱ Šœȱ žœŽȱ Šœȱ Šȱ –˜Ž•ȱ most important phase will sequently endorsed once again Œ˜––Ž—ŒŽDZȱ ’–™•Ž–Ž—Š’˜—ǯȱ That commitment includes ‹¢ȱ‘Žȱ›ŠĞŽ›œȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ‹¢ȱ ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ’—ȱ ’œȱ ꛜȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ Š—ȱ ›Žœ’Ž—ȱ Ž“Ȭ Law on War Veterans. Taking Important challenges are still reading. From this point until Š‘ŽŠǰȱŠœȱž••ȱ’–™•Ž–Ž—Š’˜—ȱ ’žȱ˜Ž‘Ž›ȱ ’‘ȱ‘Žȱ ȱ ‘’œȱ ’—˜ȱ Œ˜—œ’Ž›Š’˜—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ’œȱꗊ•ȱŠ˜™’˜—ȱ•ŠœȱŽ‹›žŠ›¢ǰȱ of the law will largely depend ŽœœŽ—ȬŽŽ›œŽ—ǰȱ ‘˜ȱ Ž›Žȱ OSCE proposed the services ‘Žȱ›ŠĞȱ Šœȱœž‹“ŽŒȱ˜ȱŠȱœŽ›’Žœȱ on subsidiary legislation to be present at the Salzburg me- of a Croatian expert to assist of amendments. issued by various Ministries eting. ‘Žȱ œœŽ–‹•¢ȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ œȱ’ȱ˜‘Ž›ȱ’—Ž›ŽœŽȱ™Š›’Žœǰȱ in their task of reviewing and on the availability of ˜Š¢ǰȱ‘Žȱ˜Œžœȱ’œȱ—Šž›Š••¢ȱ˜—ȱ such as the war veterans Š—ȱ Š–Ž—’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ budgetary resources. standards and status. Historic Š—ȱ ’—ŸŠ•’œȱ ˜›Š—’œŠ’˜—œǰȱ Law. Thanks to the co- ’—ŒŽȱ ‘Žȱ Ž—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ Š›ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—œȱ ’••ǰȱ ‘˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ parliamentary groups and UN- operation of the Croatian OSCE Mission in Kosovo not end the moment there’s a  ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ Œ˜––Ž—Žȱ ’—’œ›¢ȱ ˜ȱ ˜›Ž’—ȱ 슒›œȱ has had fruitful dialogue œŽĴ•Ž–Ž—ȱ˜—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȂœȱŠžœǯȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ›ŠĞȱ Š ǯȱ ¢ȱ ‘Ž—ǰȱ Š—ȱ ž›˜™ŽŠ—ȱ —Ž›Š’˜—ǰȱ with war veteran and invalid Only a new chapter will start. ‘Žȱ ž—Œ’˜—Š•ȱ ˜––’ĴŽŽȱ a suitable candidate was organisations and provided ‘Šȱ Œ‘Š™Ž›ȱ ŒŠ—ǰȱ ’ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ of the Assembly faced a ›Š™’•¢ȱ’Ž—’ꮍDZȱ›ǯȱŠ›ħŠ—ȱ its support to ensure their Š—œǰȱ ‹Žȱ Š‹˜žȱ Šȱ “˜ž›—Ž¢ȱ ’ĜŒž•ȱ Šœ”ȯ˜ȱ ›ŽŒ˜—Œ’•Žȱ ˜”›Š“²’°ǯȱ œȱ Šȱ œŽ—’˜›ȱ ˜ĜŒ’Š•ȱ reintegration into society towards EU and NATO. It will Œ˜—Ě’Œ’—ȱ Ž–Š—œȱ ‘’•Žȱ of the Croatian Ministry of and improve their social not be easy. But countries in ensuring the enactment of a Š‹˜ž›ȱŠ—ȱ˜Œ’Š•ȱŽ•Š›Žǰȱ‘Žȱ Œ˜—’’˜—œǯȱ —ŒŽȱ –˜›Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ Central and Eastern Europe non-discriminatory law with had been extensively involved OSCE stands ready to provide have proven that the journey realistic prospects for full ’—ȱ‘Žȱ›ŠĞ’—ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ›˜Š’Š—ȱ the Provisional Institutions itself is very important and implementation. Recognising Law on War Veterans and its with assistance in the crucial that it’s possible to reach this ‘’œȱ Œ˜–™•Ž¡’¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ subsidiary legislation. phase of implementing the ꗊ•ȱŽœ’—Š’˜—ǯ ’œœ’˜—ȱ Ž¡Ž—Žȱ ’œȱ ˜ěŽr of ’‘’—ȱŠȱ˜ž›ȱ ŽŽ”ȱ™Ž›’˜ǰȱ‘Žȱ Law. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE NEWSLETTERasi The Basics of “Question Period” David Payne, National Democratic Institute (NDI)

part of the regular sessions But a minister’s hesitancy can researched questions. A of the Kosovo Assembly. The šž’Œ”•¢ȱŠěŽŒȱ‘’œȱ˜›ȱ‘Ž›ȱ’–ŠŽǯȱ ¢˜ž—ȱ Š—ȱ ’—Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ ˜Ȭ Rules of Procedure contain A minister who cannot handle vernment is vulnerable. Fur- provisions for one. A question a clever questioner will have a ‘Ž›–˜›Žǰȱ‘ŽȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ™Ž›’˜ȱ’œȱ ™Ž›’˜Ȅȱ’œȱ›Š’’˜—Š••¢ȱŠȱę¡Žȱ short political life. ˜ĞŽ—ȱŒ‘Š›ŠŒŽ›’£Žȱ‹¢ȱ’—œž•œǰȱ daily period set aside for oral Ministers are expected to be “˜”Žœǰȱ‘ŽŠ›’ŒŠ•ȱŠœȱŠ—ȱž•¢ȱ šžŽœ’˜—œȱ ˜ȱ ‹Žȱ ™žȱ žœžŠ••¢ǰȱ ™›ŽœŽ—ȱŠȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ™Ž›’˜ǰȱŠœȱ ŸŽ›‹Š•ȱ ŠœœŠž•œǰȱ Šȱ Œ‘Š••Ž—Žȱ ‘˜ž‘ȱ—˜ȱŽ¡Œ•žœ’ŸŽ•¢ǰȱ‹¢ȱ‘Žȱ a normal and necessary part for any Speaker. Whips will members of the opposition of parliamentary executive insist to their caucuses that and answered by government oversight. “Les absents ont the best guarantee of public ministers. A minister will toujours tort!” or “Be absent Š™™›ŽŒ’Š’˜—ȱ ’œȱ Šȱ ’—’ꮍǰȱ sometimes be given notice Šȱ ¢˜ž›ȱ ™Ž›’•ǷȄȱ ‘žœǰȱ ŽŸŽ—ȱ ’—ȱ restrained and polite poignant before the session begins of the ‘Žȱ Š‹œŽ—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ Šȱ –’—’œŽ›ǰȱ Šȱ exchange between a minister intention of a member to put a šžŽœ’˜—ȱ–Š¢ȱ‹Žȱ™žȱǻ’—ȱ‘’œȦ‘Ž›ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ǯȱ Ў—ȱ ˜ȱ šžŽœ’˜—ǰȱ ’‘˜žȱ —ŽŒŽœœŠ›’•¢ȱ place) to the prime minister no avail. informing the minister of the or next senior minister. A The cardinal rule for opposition ’œȱ Ž¡ŠŒȱ ˜›–ž•Š’˜—ǰȱ ‘˜ž‘ȱ question may not normally parties is never to ask a David Payne ‘’œȱ ’œȱ —˜ȱ Š—ȱ ˜‹•’Š’˜—ǰȱ Šœȱ be refused by the president question for which you do not —Ž œǰȱ ž—˜›ŽœŽŽ—ȱ ŽŸŽ—œȱ Š—ȱ because of the absence of a already know the answer. The The right to seek information pressing occurrences will from a government minister minister. opposition aims to prey upon inevitably dictate the necessity weak ministers with the hopes and the right to hold that of a question. Although according to ˜ĜŒ’Š•ȱ ŠŒŒ˜ž—Š‹•Žȱ ‹Ž˜›Žȱ most rules of procedure it of gaining more air time in the A question must be directed –Ž’Šǰȱ ‘’•Žȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ parliament are recognized is forbidden to put forth a ˜ȱ Šȱ ™Š›’Œž•Š›ȱ –’—’œŽ›ǰȱ ™Š›Ȭ ›’Žœȱ˜ȱŽĚŽŒȱŠĴŽ—’˜—ȱŠ Š¢ȱ as two of the fundamental question which provokes liamentary secretary or the from potentially problematic principles of parliamentary Ž‹ŠŽȱ ˜›ȱ Œ˜—Š’—œȱ ’——žŽ—˜ǰȱ prime minister. The prime issues. But question period government. Members of the Speaker of the House minister may defer the answer also presents an ideal chance parliaments usually exercise must use his or her greatest ˜ȱ ˜—Žȱ ˜ȱ ‘’œȦ‘Ž›ȱ –’—’œŽ›œȱ to government ministers to these rights by asking questions skill in maintaining order. An Šȱ ‘’œȦ‘Ž›ȱ œ˜•Žȱ ’œŒ›Ž’˜—ǯȱ relay the good news of their ’—ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Š›•’Š–Ž—ǰȱ ž›’—ȱ Šȱ Š‹•ŽȱšžŽœ’˜—Ž›ȱŒŠ—ȱžœŽȱ’›˜—¢ǰȱ ‘Žȱ šžŽœ’˜—ȱ –žœȱ ‹Žȱ œ‘˜›ǰȱ ŠŒ‘’ŽŸŽ–Ž—œǰȱŠ—ȱ›’’Œž•Žȱ‘Žȱ formal “question period.” The ™Š‘˜œǰȱ Š—ȱ Ž™’‘Žȱ ˜ȱ ŽěŽŒǯȱ usually no longer than one naivety and ignorance of the œŽŠ›Œ‘ȱ ˜›ǰȱ ˜›ȱ Œ•Š›’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱ ˜ǰȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—œȱŠ›Žȱ›Š’’˜—Š••¢ȱ minute followed by a response ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ǯȱ —ȱ Š—¢ȱ ŽŸŽ—ǰȱ ‘Žȱ information through ques- Š›¢ȱ ˜ȱ šžŽœ’˜—ȱ ™Ž›’˜ǰȱ ˜›ȱ of similar length. A minister period at its best only enhances tioning is a vital aspect of ‘Ž›Žȱ’œȱŠ—˜‘Ž›ȱž— ›’ĴŽ—ȱ›ž•Žȱ must therefore be well briefed parliamentary democracy the duties undertaken by in- in the British parliamentary ˜—ȱ ‘’œȱ ˜›ȱ ‘Ž›ȱ ꕎœȱ Š—ȱ ˜ěŽ›ȱ and executive accountability. ’Ÿ’žŠ•ȱŽ–‹Ž›œǰȱŠ—ȱ˜›–œȱ ›Š’’˜—DZȱ ‘Žȱ ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ȱ œ‘˜Ȭ a convincing answer on the A necessary balance for a a central role in parliamentary uld be favored in the spirit of spot. The media generally necessary democracy. Without strategy. Questions are usually ‘Žȱȃž—Ž›˜ǰȄȱŠ—ȱšžŽœ’˜—ȱ ™›ŽŽ›ȱ ˜ȱ ŠĴŽ—ȱ šžŽœ’˜—’—ȱ an authentic question period a Šœ”Žȱ ’‘˜žȱ—˜’ŒŽǰȱ’—Ÿ’’—ȱ period is a privileged moment œŽœœ’˜—ǰȱ ‹ŽŒŠžœŽȱ ‘’œȱ ’œȱ ‘Ž—ȱ parliament is not entirely open œ™˜—Š—Ž˜žœȱ Š—œ Ž›œǰȱ ‹žȱ œ˜Ȭ when the opposition can the potential of raising an issue and democratic. It’s a question –Ž’–Žœȱœž‹–’ĴŽȱ’—ȱ ›’’—ȱ Œ˜—›˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—ȱ ’—ȱ can embarrass or enhance the of standards to which all true beforehand. public on equal terms and call credibility of the government parliaments aspire. The government proposes and where a skilful remark it to account. Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜™™˜œ’’˜—ȱ ˜™™˜œŽœǰȱ can sway public opinion ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—œȱ‘ŠŸŽȱœ˜–Ž’–Žœȱ Before joining NDI, David says the traditional dictum of through keen oratorical skill œžěŽ›Žȱ œŽ›’˜žœȱ Š–ŠŽȱ ‹¢ȱ Payne had served as a Member parliaments throughout the ˜›ȱŽĞȱ™Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱœ”’••œǯȱȱ ‘ŽȱŒ˜—ŒŽ›ŽȱŽě˜›ȱ˜ŸŽ›ȱ’–Žȱ of the Canadian Parliament, democratic world. The time minister can choose to delay of opposition to undermine Parliamentary Secretary to three is ripe for a question period ‘ŽȱŠ—œ Ž›ǰȱŠ—ȱ˜ȱŒ˜–Žȱ‹ŠŒ”ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜ŸŽ›—–Ž—Ȃœȱ ’—Ž›’¢ȱ Quebec Prime Ministers, and as to be introduced as a normal on the issue at a later date. through persistent and well- ›ŠŽȱ˜––’œœ’˜—Ž›ȱ˜ȱ‘’—Šǯ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER New OSCE field presence Kara Johnston-Molina, OSCE Mission in Kosovo Democratic governance me- –ŽŠ—ȱ ‘Šǰȱ Šȱ ‘Žȱ –ž—’Œ’™Š•ȱ ans proper functioning of •ŽŸŽ•ǰȱ ’ ȱ ‘Šœȱ ‘Šȱ ˜ȱ ‹Žȱ the institutions in particular ›Ž’—˜›ŒŽȱ ˜ž›ȱ ꎕȱ ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽǯȱ Šœœž–’—ȱ •˜ŒŠ•ȱ ˜ —Ž›œ‘’™ǰȱ OSCE will soon be the only responsibility and accounta- international organization in bility. The basic principles ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ ’‘ȱŠ—ȱŽ¡Ž—œ’ŸŽȱꎕȱ of the UNMIK policy are to œ›žŒž›ŽDZȱž—’Œ’™Š•ȱŽŠ–œȱ’—ȱ œž™™˜›ȱ‘Žȱ  ȱ’—ȱŒ˜–™•¢’—ȱ ŽŠŒ‘ȱ˜ȱ‘ŽȱřŖȱ–ž—’Œ’™Š•’’Žœȱ˜ȱ ’‘ȱ ‘Žȱ Š—Š›œǰȱ ‘ž–Š—ȱ Kosovo as well as its three pilot ›’‘œǰȱ Š™™•’ŒŠ‹•Žȱ •Ž’œ•Š’˜—ǰȱ municipal units. This entails a rules of procedure and other transition of responsibilities —˜›–œǰȱ ’—ȱ ™Š›’Œž•Š›ȱ ‘˜œŽȱ from the Department of Ci- pertaining to the protection vil Administration (DCA) to of the rights and interests of OSCE as the two work closely minority communities. together to manage a seamless The transfer of responsibilities handover of functions and res- Š—ȱŒ˜–™ŽŽ—Œ’Žœȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ  ȱ ponsibilities as UNMIK ‘right Ismet Beqiri, Mayor of Prishtinë/Priština, in Municipal Assembly – most recently seen with the œ’£ŽœȂǯȱȱ ‘Žȱ –ž—’Œ’™Š•ȱ •ŽŸŽ•ǰȱ Œ›ŽŠ’˜—ȱ˜ȱ—Ž ȱ  ȱ’—’œ›’Žœȱ co-operation with UNMIK and applicable law and ŠŒ›˜œœȱ ‘Žȱ –’œœ’˜—ǰȱ Žœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ ˜ȱ —Ž›—Š•ȱ슒›œȱ Š—ȱ žœ’ŒŽȱ ȱŠ”Žœȱ™•ŠŒŽȱ˜—ȱ–˜—’˜›’—ǰȱ Standards. And just as these can Šȱ ‘Žȱ ꎕȱ •ŽŸŽ•ǯȱ ‘Žȱ —ŽŽȱ within the framework of reporting and analysis and ‹ŽȱžœŽȱ˜ȱ‘’‘•’‘ȱœžŒŒŽœœŽœǰȱ for co-ordination will only ȱŗŘŚŚȱȬȱ—ŽŒŽœœ’ŠŽœȱ‘Šȱ providing recommendations to they can also be used to hig- ’—Œ›ŽŠœŽȱŠœȱŠȱœŠžœȱœŽĴ•Ž–Ž—ȱ   ȱ ˜ĜŒ’Š•œȱ Š›Žȱ ‘Ž•ȱ –˜›Žȱ the Spe-cial Representative of hlight the remaining legal Š™™›˜ŠŒ‘Žœǰȱ Š—ȱ Žȱ ‹Ž’—ȱ accountable for their actions at ‘Žȱ ŽŒ›ŽŠ›¢Ȭ Ž—Ž›Š•ȱ ǻ Ǽȱ and procedural impediments transitioning to post-status every level. The basic premise on executive intervention. to the non-discriminatory ac- international arrangements. of the UNMIK policy is that Each of the Municipal is made ŒŽœœȱ˜›ȱŠ••ȱŒ’’£Ž—œȱ˜ȱ‘ž–Š—ǰȱ In the post-status phase (and ‘Žȱ   ȱ Š›Žȱ –˜—’˜›Žȱ Š—ȱ of an international and local ŽŒ˜—˜–’Œǰȱ œ˜Œ’Š•ȱ Š—ȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ ‘žœȱ ™˜œœ’‹•¢ȱ ŠĞŽ›ȱ ‘Žȱ ’Ȭ encouraged to take corrective Ž–˜Œ›Š’£Š’˜—ȱ ĜŒŽ›œǰȱ ›’‘œǯȱ œȱ ™Š›ȱ ˜ȱ  ǰȱ œŠ™™ŽŠ›Š—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ  Ǽǰȱ Ȭ actions in cases brought to its paired up with a similarly ȱ›Ž•’Žœȱ˜—ȱ‘Žȱ  ǰȱŠ—ȱ CE will have an independent ŠĴŽ—’˜—ǰȱ ’ǯŽǯȱ  ȱ ›ŽŠ’—œȱ constructed team from the Š••ȱ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱ™Š›’ŽœǰȱŠȱŠ••ȱ•ŽŸŽ•œȱ role and may be asked to the right to intervene in the last Department of Human Rights including the municipalities to take on a leading role in the ›Žœ˜›ǯȱ ‘Ž›Ž˜›Žǰȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ Š—ȱž•Žȱ˜ȱŠ ǯȱŠěȱ›ŽŒŽ’ŸŽȱ act against such malcontents if international presence in Ko- Mission in Kosovo is working ꎕȱ ’›ŽŒ’˜—ȱ ›˜–ȱ Ž—’˜›ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Ž—ȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ›Žȱ’Ž—’ꮍǰȱ sovo. This should be used in on a pro-active monitoring ĜŒŽ›œȱ™•ŠŒŽȱ’—ȱŽŠŒ‘ȱ˜ȱ꟎ȱ and to ensure that civil an optimal way to monitor policy to encourage preventive OSCE Regional Centres in the servants act within the law. the implementation of any and ‘self-corrective’ measures ꎕǯȱ ž—’Œ’™Š•ȱ ŽŠ–œȱ ›Ž™Ȭ UNMIK is ready to act under outcome of the Future Status through a slight reorientation resent the ‘eyes and ears’ of the the accountability policy if talks at municipal level during of its activities and an enhanced ‘˜•Žȱ ’œœ’˜—ǰȱ ’‘ȱ Šȱ œ›Žœœȱ ‘Žȱ   ȱ Š—ȱ –ž—’Œ’™Š•’’Žœȱ ŘŖŖŜǯȱ Ž—ŒŽǰȱ ‘Žȱ ›˜•Žȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ꎕȱ ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽǯȱ —ȱ ŽŠŒ‘ȱ ™˜•’Œ¢ȱ on analysis resulting from do not act in accordance with ȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ –žœȱ ›ŽĚŽŒȱ Š›ŽŠǰȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ’œȱ ˜›”’—ȱ proactive monitoring and to the framework of obligations. preserve its participation very much in partnership œž™™˜›ȱ‘Žȱ  ǯȱ Its mandate demands nothing within the existing pillar less. with our multi-lateral partners  Ȃœȱ ĜŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ  ȱ structure of the international – the European Union and the ›Ž•’Žœȱ ˜—ȱ ‘Žȱ œ›˜—ȱ ꎕȱ ™›ŽȬ The success of the accounta- ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽǰȱ ‘’•Žȱ Š•œ˜ȱ Š••˜ ’—ȱ United Nations – in our future sence to remain appraised of bility policy relies heavily on for the continuity of its work planning. compliance with Standards the principle that OSCE and in a future structure. In either ˜ȱ ‹Žȱ ŽěŽŒ’ŸŽȱ ’—ȱ ’œȱ –˜—’˜Ȭ implementation and imple- ’œȱ Ž¡Ž—œ’ŸŽȱ ꎕȱ ™›ŽœŽ—ŒŽȱ ŽŸŽ—ǰȱŠ—ȱ’››Žœ™ŽŒ’ŸŽȱ˜ȱœŠžœȱ ›’—ȱ›˜•Žǰȱ‘Žȱ’œœ’˜—ȱ–žœȱ‹Žȱ ment an accountability policy. is well-integrated with the ˜žŒ˜–Žǰȱ ȱ ’••ȱ ˜Œžœȱ ˜—ȱ ™›ŽœŽ—ȱ’—ȱŽŠŒ‘ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȂœȱřŖȱ Ž›œžŠ’—ȱ   ȱ ˜ĜȬŒ’Š•œȱ ˜ȱ rest of UNMIK in Kosovo. making the democratic system municipalities and the pilot act in accordance with their Co-ordination is essential to and a multiethnic society in municipal units. This has ›Žœ™˜—œ’‹’•’’Žœǰȱ Œ˜–™ŽŽ—Œ’Žœȱ ensure a consistent approach Kosovo sustainable. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE NEWSLETTERasi Translation/Interpretation: Keeping the Meaning the Same Lirak Karjagdiu, OSCE Mission in Kosovo

Never have there been so  ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ǰȱ ‹žȱ ›Š—œ–’ȱ Ž¡ǰȱ Šȱ –ŽœœŠŽǰȱ Š—ȱ ›’ĴŽ—ȱŠ—ȱŽ•ŽŒ›˜—’Œȱ–Ž’Šǰȱ many people in the history Š•œ˜ȱ ’—ȱ •’Š’œ˜—ǰȱ ’™•˜–Š’Œǰȱ ’ŽŠǰȱ Š—ȱ ˜™’—’˜—ȱ ’—˜ȱ Šȱ Œ•ŽŠ›ǰȱ and even in literary translatio of humanity engaged in ŽŒ˜—˜–’Œǰȱ˜ž›’œǰȱ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ȱŠ—ȱ lucid and original manner. ns.” translation activities as –Š›”Ž’—ȱ ˜ĜŒŽœDzȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ Whereas interpreters in need ˜ȱ ˜ž‹ǰȱ ˜—Žȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ –Š“˜›ȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ Š›Žȱ ˜Š¢ǯȱ ŸŽ›¢Š¢ǰȱ agencies and institutions; Šœȱ ˜”˜—ŠȱŽ¡™•Š’—œǰȱŠ›Žȱ‘˜œŽȱ challenges is the inadequate thousands of translators and ŸŠ›’˜žœȱ‘ž–Š—’Š›’Š—ǰȱ‘ŽŠ•‘ǰȱ who are not assigned by the ›Š—œ•Š’˜—ȱ šžŠ•’¢ȱ ˜ȱ Ž¡œǰȱ interpreters facilitate the educational and cultural “Call of Nature” to work on Š–’—’œ›Š’ŸŽȱ —˜Žœǰȱ ‹›˜Ȭ ’—Ž›Ȭ‘ž–Š—ǰȱ•’—ž’œ’Œǰȱœ˜Œ’Š•ǰȱ organizations. With their something and they cannot do Œ‘ž›Žœǰȱ ŽŒǯǰȱ Šœȱ Ž••ȱ Šœȱ ™˜˜›ȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ǰȱ Œž•ž›Š•ǰȱ Š›’œ’Œǰȱ Šœœ’ž˜žœȱŽě˜›œǰȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠŒ’•’ŠŽȱ ’ȱ™›˜™Ž›•¢ǰȱ‘žœȱ‘Ž¢ȱŠ›Žȱ—˜ ȱ simultaneous and consecutive œŒ’Ž—’ęŒȱ Š—ȱ –Šœœȱ –Ž’Šȱ communication between dancing like a bear where interpreting during confe- communication between international and national once they appear funny the ›Ž—ŒŽœǰȱ ›Š’—’—œȱ Š—ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ ’쎛Ž—ȱ —Š’˜—œǰȱ ’‘ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’ŸŽœǰȱ ™˜•’’Œ’Š—œǰȱ other time dangerous. This ’–™˜›Š—ȱ ŽŸŽ—œǰȱ ‹Žȱ ’ȱ Šȱ human and pertinacious ac- ’™•˜–Šœǰȱ Ž¡™Ž›œǰȱ •ŽŠŽ›œǰȱ type of interpreter possess no the national or international tivity. managers and employees. ’Ğȱ ˜ȱ Š•Ž—ǰȱ ™›Ž™Š›Š’˜—ȱ ˜›ȱ ž›‘Ž›–˜›Žǰȱ ’‘˜žȱ ‹Ž’—ȱ šžŠ•’ęŒŠ’˜—ǯȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ ȱ Š›Žȱ •Š£¢ȱ •ŽŸŽ•ǯȱ žȱ ’—ȱ ŒŠœŽȱ ˜ȱ ȱ ›’ĴŽ—ȱ The role of interpreters and œ˜ȱŠ Š›Žȱ˜ȱ’ǰȱ‘Ž¢ȱŒ˜—›’‹žŽȱ and believe that interpretation translations the translator translators in the develop- to understanding between is the easiest thing in the world. ‘Šœȱ ‘Žȱ Œ‘Š—ŒŽȱ ˜ȱ ’—Ž›ŸŽ—Žǰȱ ment of international rela-  ˜ȱ ™Š›’Žœǰȱ –žžŠ•ȱ Œ˜Ȭ They do not accomplish their correct and proofread the ’˜—œǰȱŽŒ˜—˜–’ŒœǰȱŠ›œǰȱ–˜Ÿ’Žœȱ ˜™Ž›Š’˜—ǰȱŽŽ™Ž—’—ȱ˜ȱŠ–’¢ȱ task; they destroy not only Ž¡œȱ ‘›˜ž‘ȱ ™›˜˜›ŽŠŽ›œǰȱ Š—ȱ œŒ’Ž—’ęŒȱ Ž¡Œ‘Š—Žǰȱ Š—ǰȱ ‘Šȱ ’œȱ –˜œȱ ŽœœŽ—’Š•ǰȱ ‘ŽȱŽ¡ȱŠ—ȱ–ŽœœŠŽǰȱ‹žȱŠ•œ˜ȱ and this is something that is enormous. One can not to the transmission of ‘Žȱœ¢•Žǰȱ‹¢ȱ–’œ’—˜›–’—ȱ‘Žȱ cannot be done during an oral ’–Š’—Žȱ ‘Žȱ Œ˜—žŒŠ—ŒŽǰȱ ˜›Š—’œŠ’˜—Š•ǰȱ ’—œ’ž’˜—Š•ǰȱ ›ŽŠŽ›ȱŠ—Ȧ˜›ȱ•’œŽ—Ž›ǯ translation. ˜›Š—’œŠ’˜—ǰȱž—Œ’˜—’—ȱŠ—ȱ •Ž’œ•Š’ŸŽǰȱœŒ’Ž—’ęŒǰȱŒž•ž›Š•ǰȱ Poor interpretation can even œžŒŒŽœœȱ ˜ȱ Š—¢ȱ Œ˜—Ž›Ž—ŒŽǰȱ Accor’—ȱ ˜ȱ –˜—ȱ ž™“Šǰȱ state-forming and democratic result in the failure of an event. œž––’ǰȱ Œ˜—›Žœœǰȱ œ¢–™˜Ȭ a well-known Albanian inter- Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ˜ȱ˜›Ž’—ȱŽ¡™Ž›œǰȱ —ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜›œȱ ŒŠœŽȱ œŒŽ—Š›’˜ǰȱ œ’ž–ȱ ˜›ȱ –ŽŽ’—ǰȱ ‹Žȱ ’ȱ ’—Ž›Ȭ ™›ŽŽ›ȱŠ—ȱ‘Ž˜›’œǰȱŠ™Š›ȱ›˜–ȱ both into Albanian and other interlocutors misunderstand —Š’˜—Š•ǰȱ œŒ’Ž—’ęŒǰȱ ™˜•’’ŒŠ•ǰȱ interpreters in need or those regional languages. ŽŠŒ‘ȱ ˜‘Ž›ǰȱ Š—ȱ Žȱ Šȱ ›˜—ȱ ’™•˜–Š’Œȱ ˜›ȱ Œž•ž›Š•ǰȱ ’Ȭ Š•Ž—Žǰȱ ‘Ž›Žȱ Š›Žȱ  ˜ȱ ˜‘Ž›ȱ ’—Ž••ŽŒžŠ•ǰȱ ™›˜Žœœ’˜—Š•ȱ ‘˜žȱ‘Žȱ™Š›’Œ’™Š’˜—ǰȱ’—Ÿ˜Ȭ ˜ ŽŸŽ›ǰȱ ›Š—œ•Š’˜—ȱ Š—ȱ ŒŠŽ˜›’ŽœDZȱ œž‹Ȭ’—Ž›™›ŽŽ›œȱ picture of each other due to •ŸŽ–Ž—ǰȱ Ž—ŠŽ–Ž—ǰȱ Š—ȱ interpretation in Kosovo before and pseudo-interpreters. Ac- Œ˜›’—ȱ ˜ȱ ž™“Šǰȱ ȃ‘Žȱ ꛜȱ poor interpretation. Such noble mission of interpreters ‘Žȱ ŗşşşȱ Š›ȱ ‘Šȱ ˜—•¢ȱ ‹ŽŽ—ȱ ˜—Žȱ ’œȱ ŠŒŒ˜ž—Š‹•Žǰȱ –˜Žœǰȱ a situation can arise due to and translators in our era. practiced by a few talented hardworking and gives it the lack of responsibility of ‘žœǰȱ›Š—œ•Š’˜—ȱ‘Šœȱ‹ŽŒ˜–Žǰȱ Š—ȱ Ž¡™Ž›’Ž—ŒŽȱ ’—Ž›™›ŽŽ›œǰȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ‹Žœǰȱ‹žȱ•ŠŒ”œȱŠ•Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ ‘Žȱ ȱ ˜›Š—’£Ž›ǰȱ ‘Žȱ •ŠŒ”ȱ ˜ȱ not merely a condition for ‹žȱŠĞŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ Š›ȯžŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ Šœȱ Šȱ ›Žœž•ȱ ‘Ž’›ȱ ›Š—œ•Š’˜—œȦ ’œŒ’™•’—Žȱ ˜ȱ ™Š›’Œ’™Š—œǰȱ –žžŠ•ȱ Œ˜––ž—’ŒŠ’˜—ǰȱ œžŽ—ǰȱ Ž¡›Š˜›’—Š›¢ȱ —ŽŽȱ interpretations are mediocre ™˜˜›ȱ Š›’Œž•Š’˜—ǰȱ Š—ȱ –˜œȱ but also an incentive for our for interpretation—the skill and need to be retranslated frequently due to lectures ™›˜›ŽœœǰȱŒ˜Ȭ˜™Ž›Š’˜—ǰȱž—Ž›Ȭ is being exercised as Vedat by another interpreter so the which lack terminology œŠ—’—ǰȱ ˜•Ž›Š—ŒŽǰȱ Š–’Š‹’Ȭ Kokona puts it “by those who are in need and those ™›˜˜›ŽŠŽ›ȱ ꗍœȱ ‘’–œŽ•ȱ ’—ȱ ”—˜ •ŽŽȱ Š—ȱ ŠŒŒž›ŠŒ¢ǰȱȱ •’¢ǰȱ™ŽŠŒŽȱŠ—ȱœŠ‹’•’¢ǯ who do it indeed.” They do the position of co-translator. ˜™’Œȱ ›Ž•ŽŸŠ—ŒŽǰȱ ȱ ›Žœ™ŽŒȱ ŽŒŽ—•¢ǰȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ Šœȱ Ž••ǰȱ ‘’œȱ ˜›ȱ –˜—Ž¢ǰȱœŠ¢œȱ ˜”˜—Šǰȱ ‘Žȱ œŽŒ˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ‘ŽœŽǰȱ ‘Žȱ for language styles and scores of young translation and mother nature calls upon ™œŽž˜Ȭ’—Ž›™›ŽŽ›ǰȱ ’œȱ ‹Žœȱ underestimate interpreters experts have been engaged them to work the way it called ŽœŒ›’‹Žȱ ‹¢ȱ ˜”˜—Šǰȱ Šœȱ ˜—Žȱ and interpreting. To avoid such and hired and now exercise them and not otherwise. ‘˜ȱ ‘Šœȱ —˜ȱ ’Ğǰȱ ”—˜ •ŽŽȱ situations the speaker should the mission and task of the ˜‘Ž›ȱ —Šž›Žȱ ’œȱ ‘Žȱ Š•Ž—ǰȱ nor wish to work. This ‹Žȱ Š Š›Žȱ ‘ŽȦœ‘Žȱ ’œȱ œ™ŽŠ”’—ȱ interpreter or translator. ‘Žȱ ’Ğǯȱ ‘Žȱ ™Šœœ’˜—ȱ ˜ȱ ›ŽŠǰȱ category—as he points ‘›˜ž‘ȱŠ—ȱ’—Ž›™›ŽŽ›ǰȱŠ—ȱ’—ȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ ˜›”ȱ—˜ȱ˜—•¢ȱ’—ȱ ǰȱ ž—Ž›œŠ—ǰȱ Š˜™ and ˜žȯ’œȱ‘Žȱ–˜œȱŒ˜––˜—ǰȱin ŒŠœŽȱ ‘Žȱ œ™ŽŽŒ‘ȱ ’œȱ Œ˜—žœ’—ǰȱ ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE asiNEWSLETTER lacking order and logic orator should also avoid using simultaneous); An important role that ’’˜–œǰȱ “Š›˜—œǰȱ ŠŒ›˜—¢–œǰȱ then the interpreter has no Śǯȱ Ž—œž›’—ȱŠȱ•’œȱ˜ȱ might be played by the Š—ȱ œ™ŽŒ’ęŒȱ ‘ž–˜ž›ȱ Šœȱ ‘’œȱ other alternative than to be terminology specialized language and literature may take on the form of an confused and transmit an and acronyms to be used departments of the University inadequate meaning. unclear message. during the conference ˜ȱ ›’œ’—Šǰȱ ‘’Œ‘ȱ ’—ȱ Œ˜Ȭ operation with international The orator should also take Facilitation and assistance śǯȱ ™›˜Ÿ’’—ȱŒ˜™’Žœȱ˜›ȱ to the interpreters is best ˜›Š—’£Š’˜—œȱ ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱ into account the rhythm or talking points of speeches provided by the relevant could send interpreters for ‘Žȱ™ŠŒŽȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱœ™ŽŽŒ‘ǯȱ ŽȦœ‘Žȱ or presentations; should address in a normal institutions which employ •Š—žŠŽȱ ȱ ™›˜ęŒ’Ž—Œ¢ȱ Š—ȱ ˜—Žȱ Š—ǰȱ ’ȱ ™˜œœ’‹•Žǰȱ ˜••˜ ȱ ’—Ž›™›ŽŽ›œȱ‹¢DZ Ŝǯȱ –ŽŽ’—ȱ‘Žȱ˜›Š—’£Ž›ȱ specialization in translation what the interpreter is doing. before the events start to abroad. Lately the idea of ŗǯȱ ’—ȱ’–Žȱ’—˜›–Š’˜—ȱ Speakers should not talk all answer possible questions establishing an Institute for ˜—ȱŠŽ—Šǰȱ™ž›™˜œŽȱ˜ȱ at once as the interpreter an interpreter might have ›Š—œ•Š’˜—œȦ’—Ž›™›ŽŠ’˜—œȱ meeting and the context of cannot interpret for them all. about the terminology ‘Šœȱ Ž–Ž›Žǯȱ ‘’œȱ ’ŽŠǰȱ ’ȱ the speeches; ž›‘Ž›ǰȱ ‘Ž¢ȱ œ‘˜ž•ȱ ŠŸ˜’ȱ and the meeting format. supported by the international long and complex sentences Řǯȱ ’—˜›–’—ȱ‘Ž–ȱŠ‹˜žȱ Ў›ȱ Š••ǰȱ ‘Žȱ ›Š—œ™Š›Ž—Œ¢ȱ community would enable or paragraphs and speak in the importance of the and success of interpretation ‘Žȱ šžŠ•’ęŒŠ’˜—ǰȱ ›Š’—’—ȱ œ’–™•ŽǰȱŒ˜—Œ’œŽȱŠ—ȱ˜›Š—’£Žȱ meeting and the level of depends both on the and professional capacity sentences. The speaker sho- participants; quality and quantity of the building of interpreters at the uld take into account the řǯȱ Žę—’—ȱŠ—ȱ’—˜›–’—ȱ preparatory work before international level. Such an pronunciation as this may them about the type ‘Žȱ ŽŸŽ—ȱ Š—ȱ ‘Žȱ ›Š’—’—ǰȱ ’ŽŠȱ’œȱžœŽž•ǰȱŽœ™ŽŒ’Š••¢ȱ—˜ ȱ easily alter the meaning and of interpretation Œ˜–™ŽŽ—ŒŽȱŠ—ȱšžŠ•’ęŒŠ’˜—ȱ as Kosovo aims to be a part of thus be misunderstood. An (consecutive or of interpreters. Euro Atlantic integration. ASSEMBLY SUPPORT INITIATIVE NEWSLETTERasi


ASI Mission Statement The Assembly Support Initiative (ASI) is the inter-agency co- ordination mechanism of democratization programmes in support of ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ǰȱœŽŽ”’—ȱ˜ȱœ›Ž—‘Ž—ȱŠ—ȱ™›˜Žœœ’˜—Š•’£Žȱ‘Žȱ Assembly of Kosovo. The work of ASI focuses on a democratic political culture based upon acknowledge of and respect for democratic rules of ™›˜ŒŽž›Žǰȱ›Š—œ™Š›Ž—Œ¢ȱŠ—ȱŠŒŒ˜ž—Š‹’•’¢ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ™ž‹•’ŒǰȱŽŸŽ•˜™’—ȱ Š—ȱ’–™•Ž–Ž—’—ȱŠȱ•Ž’œ•Š’ŸŽȱŠŽ—Šǰȱ˜ŸŽ›œ’‘ȱ˜ŸŽ›ȱ‘Žȱ¡ŽŒž’ŸŽǰȱ respect for the multi-linguality and participation in regional and inter- ASSEMBLYasi SUPPORT INITIATIVE parliamentary contacts. NEWSLETTER  ȱ™Š›—Ž›œȱ ˜›”ȱ˜ȱ‹›’—ȱ›Žœ˜ž›ŒŽœȱ˜Ž‘Ž›ǰȱœ‘Š›Žȱ’—˜›–Š’˜—ȱŠ—ȱ coordinate programs while identifying needs in direct interaction with Editorial board: ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ǯȱœȱŒ˜˜›’—Š˜›ȱ˜ȱ‘Žȱ ǰȱ‘Žȱȱ’œœ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱ Sven Lindholm, Franklin De Vrieze, Chris Cycmanick, Blerim Vela, liaises with all ASI partners and calls regular coordination meetings in Labinot Hoxha, Edmond Efendija, Krenar Loshi. Œ˜—œž•Š’˜—ȱ ’‘ȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ›Ž™›ŽœŽ—Š’ŸŽœǯȱȱ›Žž•Š›ȱ ȱŽ œ•ŽĴŽ›ȱ informs a broad domestic and international public on the developments OSCE Mission Headquarters, 10000 Prishtinë/Priština Tel. (+381-38) 500 162 Fax: (+381-38) 500 188 in the Assembly of Kosovo as well as the ASI support programmes. contact: [email protected] Currently participating in ASI: ›’Ž›’Œ‘ȱ‹Ž›ȱ’Ğž—ȱǻǼǰȱ›’Ž›’Œ‘ȱŠž–Š——ȱ’Ğž—ȱǻǯǼǰȱ ˜—›Šȱ The views expressed by the contributors to this Newsletter are their own and do not Ž—ŠžŽ›ȱ ’Ğž—ȱ ǻ Ǽǰȱ Šœȱ Žœȱ Š›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ ›ŠŒ’ŒŽȱ ›˜“ŽŒȱ necessarily represent the views of the Assembly, OSCE Mission in Kosovo or the ǻǼǰȱ ž›˜™ŽŠ—ȱ Ž—Œ¢ȱ ˜›ȱ ŽŒ˜—œ›žŒ’˜—ȱ ǻǼȱ ’—ȱ Œ˜˜™Ž›Š’˜—ȱ ASI partner organisations. ’‘ȱ ‘Žȱ ˜—œ˜›’ž–ȱ ˜ȱ ‘Žȱ ™Š›•’Š–Ž—œȱ ˜ȱ ›Š—ŒŽǰȱ Ž›–Š—¢ǰȱ Ž•’ž–ǰȱ and the Institut International de Paris la Defense, United States Pictures in this Newsletter: Ž—Œ¢ȱ ˜›ȱ —Ž›—Š’˜—Š•ȱ ŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—ȱ ǻ Ǽȱ ’—ȱ Œ˜˜™Ž›Š’˜—ȱ ’‘ȱ OSCE: pg. 2, 17, 14, 26 • Daily Newspaper Express: pg. 1, 2, 20 (Visar ‘Žȱ Š’˜—Š•ȱ Ž–˜Œ›Š’Œȱ —œ’žŽȱ ǻ Ǽǰȱ —’Žȱ Š’˜—œȱ ŽŸŽ•˜™–Ž—ȱ Kryeziu) pg. 3, 7, 11 (Ermal Meta) pg. 5, 9, 13, 16 (Astrit Ibrahimi) pg.10 ›˜›Š–ȱ ǻǼȱ ’—ȱ Œ˜Ȭ˜™Ž›Š’˜—ȱ ’‘ȱ ‘Žȱ —Ž›ȬŠ›•’Š–Ž—Š›¢ȱ —’˜—ȱ (Ferdi Limani) pg. 25 (Fisnik Dobreci) • UNMIK DPI: pg. 18 • Assembly of ǻ Ǽǰȱȱ’œœ’˜—ȱ’—ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ȱŠ—ȱ‘ŽȱœœŽ–‹•¢ȱ˜ȱ ˜œ˜Ÿ˜ Kosovo: pg. 14, 15. • NDI: 24.