Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Portsmouth Naval Base Submitted to Portsmouth City Council and SEEDA Prepared by The Centre for Local and Regional Economic Analysis Portsmouth Business School, University of Portsmouth University of Portsmouth 2007 For further details contact: Jeff Grainger, Dave Clark, Michael Asteris or Shabbar Jaffry Centre for Local and Regional Economic Analysis Portsmouth Business School Richmond Building Portland Street Portsmouth PO1 3DE Email
[email protected] or
[email protected] telephone: 023 9284 4133/4217/4190 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Portsmouth Naval Base Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Portsmouth Naval Base Contents Page No Acknowledgements 2 Explanatory Notes on Tables 3 Explanatory Note on Assumptions 4 Executive Summary 5 1 Introduction 8 2 The Regional Defence Cluster 11 3 Scenario 1 – Baseline (no change) 14 4 Scenario 2 – Base Minimisation 38 5 Scenario 3 – Base Growth 45 6 Conclusions 52 Appendices 53 1 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Portsmouth Naval Base Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the following people for their assistance in the preparation of this report. Mrs L Agrotis Business Improvement Team, HMNB Portsmouth Mr K Coleborn Commercial Officer, BAE Systems Mrs S Harris Director HR and Corporate Communications, FSL Limited Mr P Karas Strategy and Partnering Director, FSL Ltd Mr I Miles Procurement Manager, FSL Limited Commander Commander Management Planning Team A. Crook Mr P Rood Head of Public Relations, VT Group Limited Mr J Williams CEO, Marine South East Limited 2 Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Portsmouth Naval Base Explanatory Note on Tables Throughout the report a numbers of tables are used to provide key information about the employment and income created and supported by the presence of the Royal Navy at Portsmouth Naval Base.