Paul Matthews - Action Officer EU Movement & Planning Cell

Paul Matthews was born in Swansea, South Wales, on 11 September 1970 and spent his formative years growing up on the Gower Peninsula. Educated at Bishopston Comprehensive School, he joined the Royal Navy as a Junior Radio Operator in 1987, aged 16. Following training at HMS RALEIGH and HMS MERCURY, he spent 3 years in the Leander Class , HMS PHOEBE before entering Britannia Royal Naval College in 1991.

After graduating from the Junior Supply Officers' Course in 1993, he undertook a broad range of junior officer appointments including the Deputy Logistics Officer of HMS BOXER, Flag Lieutenant to Flag Officer Training and Recruiting, Supply Officer Fleet Support in Devonport Naval Base and as a Training Officer in the Defence Maritime Logistics School. On promotion to Lieutenant Commander in 1993, he was assigned as the Logistics Officer to HMS MONTROSE, brining the ship out of deep maintenance, through Operational Sea Training and deploying to the Middle East. MONTROSE was also closely involved in the rescue of HMCS CHICOUTIMI (formerly HMS UPHOLDER) following a catastrophic fire off the west coast of Ireland.

Subsequently appointed to the staff of Flag Officer Sea Training, he was responsible for the collective training and maintenance of professional Logistics standards in all Royal Naval units in addition to a number of visiting units from across the EU. A short tour in Command of the Officers Training Squadron at the Defence Maritime Logistics School was followed by a 30 month assignment to the Logistics Headquarters of the United States Navy in Pennsylvania. In this role, he was responsible for developing the Logistics Support Solution to the US Navy's newest surface combatant, the Littoral Support Ship.

Paul subsequently undertook an operational tour in Afghanistan where he worked alongside the US Army in the Coalition Movement Co-ordination Cell, monitoring and reporting the movement of all coalition materiel and personnel movements throughout the Joint Operating Area. He attended the Advanced Command and Staff Course in 2010/2011, graduating with a Masters Degree in Defence Studies from Kings College, . Promoted to Commander in June 2011, he worked in the 's "Defence Support Chain and Operational Movement" headquarters prior to his assignment to the EU Military Staff in June 2012.

Paul is married to Sarah and they have 2 boys - Samuel (6) and Isaac (18 months). He enjoys most sports, increasingly as an observer, but does try to cycle to and from work whenever the weather permits. He is also keen on swimming, skiing and (bad) golf whenever time, Sarah and his 2 boys permit.