The Mizoram.Gazette Publlshed by Autijority , /L " ' Vol
~c1. No. NB 907 ,The Mizoram.Gazette Publlshed by AutIJority , /l " ' Vol. XIX Aizawl Friday 30.1 U990 Agrahayana 9 S.B. 1912 Is!ue No, 48 h, Government of Mlzoram:;, , . -. " PART I') .. 1'~"O"lll!Jents.Postincs. Transfers, Powers. Leave and other. - " Personal Notices and Orders. ,;.* ., NOTIFICATION \ No.A.il20lil/l/90-P.!JRS(1l),u the 21st November.. 1990. In pursuance of Govt. of . hldial Ministry of'.Home Affairs Order No. 14020/55/90-UTS dt. 12. II. 90 or ,.., derin~ transfer/posting in respect of lAS officers: of AGMU Cadre. the Governor of Mizoram in the interest of Public service, is pleased to relieve Pu T.T. Joseph, lAS. (AGMU : 68). Financial Commissioner. Mizoram with effect from the date of handing over :,charge. , ., H. Lal Thlarnuana, Special Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram, " !!, ,- f; ;, " ., -, .., No.A.19015/19!S9-PAR(R). the 26th November. 1990.•. The Governor of Mizoram J,s pl\'il:sed,to saaction 17 days Earned Leave with effect from 14.11.90 to 30.11.90 ta..Pi K. Lalkimi, -Supdt, Harne Department on private ground under the c.C.S (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. l,Certified, that the ,OlIjcei would have continued to hold the post of Superin- ,l4ndent J;>Ul for lIOI proceeding on leave. 3. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the same post and place from where she proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw during leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules. ..:r,··-l ' "- J;tq;$,\:J90IM84/8$"P~~).{th~ 29th November., IJ90.
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