The Mizoram Gazette Published by Author,Ity
Regd. No. NE 907 The Mizoram Gazette Published by Author,ity Vol XUI Aizawl Friday 2.11.1984 Kartika 11 S.B. 1906 Issue No. 44 , ;t)vernment of ,Mizoram PA!:tT I ,t.,;�"P8,;-,�,nents, Postings, Transfers, Powers, Leave and other F\;rsonal Notices and OrGers. ORDERS BY THE LT. GOV ERNOR (ADMINISTRATOR) NOTIFICATIONS , No.B. 20022j 1/84-EDN/3, the 29th October, 1984. The Lt. Governor of Mizoram is pleased to constitute a Co-ordination Committee of Archives with the following members and under the terms of reference shown below with immediate effect and until further order:- 1. 1) Chief Secretary Govt. of Mizoram. Chairman ...- 2) Deputy Commissioner Aizawl. Member 3) Education Secretary, Govt. of Mizoram. -do- Director of Education, Mizoram. -do- 54)) Dy Director Education. i/c Adult & Culture, Mizoram, Aizawl. -do- 6) President, District Council Court. -do- -7) Director of Agriculture, Mizoram. -do- '\. 8) Chief En,2ineer; P.W.D. Aizawl. - -do- 8) Su b-Diyisional Education Officer, Aizawl West.- ' -do- lO) Senior Executive Secretary, Mizoram Presbyterian Church. -do- l l) Representative of the Mizoram Baptist MIssion Church Lunglei -do-- 12) Representative of the Mizoram Roman Catholic Church, .Aizawl. --do- 13� Renresentative of the Mizoram Salvation Army, Aizawl. -do- 14) Superintendent of Archives -do- 15) Curator. J\1izoram· State Museum Mem ber Secretary. R-44/84 2 ' II. The function of the Co-ordi nation Committee of Archives is to implement the (i)main fWlctions of a Shte Record Office as follows:- To conccntrak in a single repos itory a]l the non current records, both , (a) Confidential and non-confidential of the State �ecretariat and the s ubor dingte t:1uthorities to it whether at the headqua'rters or elsewhere inc1udin£r District Divis'on' and coUectorate records and similar records I of the igh Court and othtr cou t; H r (b) To house th:m in a properly equipped building: (c) To arr.]I1.;e (IIld clarify them on Scientific principles; (d) To take such measures, as are required; for their preservation and reha- bilitation; .
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