~c1. No. NB 907 ,The Mizoram.Gazette Publlshed by AutIJority , /l " ' Vol. XIX Aizawl Friday 30.1 U990 Agrahayana 9 S.B. 1912 Is!ue No, 48 h, Government of Mlzoram:;, , . -. " PART I') .. 1'~"O"lll!Jents.Postincs. Transfers, Powers. Leave and other. - " Personal Notices and Orders. ,;.* ., NOTIFICATION \ No.A.il20lil/l/90-P.!JRS(1l),u the 21st November.. 1990. In pursuance of Govt. of . hldial Ministry of'.Home Affairs Order No. 14020/55/90-UTS dt. 12. II. 90 or­ ,.., derin~ transfer/posting in respect of lAS officers: of AGMU Cadre. the Governor of Mizoram in the interest of Public service, is pleased to relieve Pu T.T. Joseph, lAS. (AGMU : 68). Financial Commissioner. Mizoram with effect from the date of handing over :,charge. , ., H. Lal Thlarnuana, Special Secretary to the Govt, of Mizoram, " !!, ,- f; ;, " ., -, .., No.A.19015/19!S9-PAR(R). the 26th November. 1990.•. The Governor of Mizoram J,s pl\'il:sed,to saaction 17 days Earned Leave with effect from 14.11.90 to 30.11.90 ta..Pi K. Lalkimi, -Supdt, Harne Department on private ground under the c.C.S (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. l,Certified, that the ,OlIjcei would have continued to hold the post of Superin- ,l4ndent J;>Ul for lIOI proceeding on leave. 3. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold the same post and place from where she proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw during leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules. ..:r,··-l ' "- J;tq;$,\:J90IM84/8$"P~~).{th~ 29th November., IJ90. The family of Pi Lian­ :kbl!/Pi<,SuP"l'in~ent... f.in~nce De~ar1.'llent C0J,1si'11I)g·4 (four) adult members is hereby allowed to ~al" I..t.~ for visiting Bombag for .the current Block year 1990-1993. R-48j9O 2 NoA19015/22j89-PAR (R), the 27th November, 1990. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to sanction 30 days Earned Leave with effect from 15.11. QO to 14.12.90 '" to Pu F.Rualirba, Superintendent, DlC, Saiha on private ground under the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. 2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold' the post of Supe­ rintendent but for his proceeding on lea-ve-." 3. Certified that tbe Officer would have continued to hold the same post and place from where he proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw during leave period the pay and allowances as admissible under the Rules. No.A.19015j9Ij85-PAR (R), 'be 23rd November, vl990. In continuation of this Deptt's Notification of even No dt 3.10.90, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to sanction extension of 30 days Earned Leave with effect from 2.11.90 to 1.12.90 to Pi Lalrammawii, Superintendent, Information & Public Relation (Sectt,) on private ground under the C.C.S (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. , 2. Certified that the Officer would have continued to hold tbe post of Supe- ~ rintendent but for her proceeding on leave. ' 3. Certified that the Officer would have continued to bold the same post .. and place from where she proceeded on leave and is authorised to draw during -.-­ leave period the pay and allowances as admissihle under tbe Rules. P. LUNGLIANA, Deputy Secretary to tbe Govt. of Mizoram. NoAI9021j56j86-P&Ej33, the 26th November, i990. Subject to admissibility of leave, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant Earned Leave for 33 days with effect from the date of availing to Pu Tlanglianchhuma, Sub-Divisional Of­ ficer (T.C) Electrical Maintenance Division on private ground 'under the C.C.S (leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. The Officer would have continued to bold tbe same post 'but for his procee­ ding on leave and tbere is everylikelihood of his returning to tbe same post from which be proceeded on leave. A,1902Ij98j89-P&EI20, tbe 26th November, 1990. Subject to admissiblity of., leave. the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant Earned Leave for 1.8 days with effect from the date of availiug to Pu Ngursailova Sailo Assistant '. Engineer Office on private affairs to enable him to escort his mother Who. is' undergoing medical check-up and treatment at Madras Medical College.'· ( 3 R~48/90 : 'The .officer is allowed to avail L.T.C. facilities with his family members con­ sisting of 5: members for the block year 1990-'94. , :i . The officer would have continued to hold tho same post but for his...procee­ ding on leave and there is everylikelihood of his returning to the same p')st from which be proceeded on- leave. S. Ronghinglova, Deputy Secretary to the .Govt, of Mizoram, Power .& Electricity Department. J:'0'.A.19013!9/90-APT(A), rhe 27th November, 1990. The Governor of Mizoram IS pleased-to release Pul Pazawna, M.C.S. Inspector General of Prisons, Aizawl, Mizoram from service on superannuation pension with effect from 30.ll.I990 (AN). No.Ai22012/l/90-PERS (B), the 281h November, 1990. In continuetion of this Department's Notification of even number dated .2lst November, 1990 the Gover­ ndr of M,zoram is pleased to order that PuT.T. Joseph, I.A.S. (AGMU : 68) • under orderof (ranfer will hand over charge to Pu Rinsanga, LA.S. (KTK: 69) Development Commissioner who will function" as Financial, Commissioner in Addition to his ownduties with effect from the date of taking over charge and until furthe..· orders. No. A. 1901I/82/89-PERS (B), the 30th November, 1990. The Governor of Mi­ zoram is pleased to regularies Pay and allownces of Pu Rajiv Kumar, IFS, for the period during which he was paid special pay advance at Mussoorie i.e. from 4.4.88 to 22.7.88- and also for thii' period during which he was Oil supernumerary strength in the Min~stry of Environment and Forests, Government oJ India. New Delhi i.e 23.7.88 10 30.9.88. ( Government of Mizorarn is further pleased to. order fixation of pay of Pu Rajiv Kumar, IFS, on the basis of Payslip issued by I.G.N.F.A. Dahradun for the period from 16.6.86 to 3.4.88 during which he was given regular pay. " t r', H. Lal Thlamuana, Commissioner/Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, , _.i ' No. A.19019/1l/85-EDN, the 26th November, '1990. The Gover~or of Mizoram is pleased to grant 33 (tbirtythree) days Earned Leave to Pi Sangthanmawii, Audio Producer, SCERT, Aizawl with effect from 29.10.1990 to 30.11.1990 as admissible tinder Rule 26 of the Ceutral Civil Services (Leave) Rules 1972 and as amended from time to'time. , , R-48/90 4 No.A.19021112/86-EDC, the 27th November, 1990. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to grant 90 (ninety) days Maternity Leave to Smt. Laltlanthangi Hrahsel Lecturer, Lunglei Govt. College w.e.f, 10.9.90. as permissible under the CCS (Leave) Rule 1972 and as amended from time to time. Rohmingliana, Under Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Education &. Huma.i Resources Department. No. A. 22013/1190 HFW, the 26th November, 1990. In the interest of Public Service the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to order transfer and posting of the following SDM & H0,DIO, ADHS and DTO with immediare effect to the places shown against their names. _.._.-..~-------_._- -- - ---_. ------- SI I Name of the I Transfer and posting • IPay to be No \ Doctor [----. - ...----- drawn against I I from I to I the posts ----------~--~----------------- -_. - ...---- 1. Dr. C. Ravi Raj Bhavan SDM&HO Aizawl East SDVI&HO Ai- Clinic 'Owl East. 2. Dr. Liont luanga 8DM&HO SDM&HO Lunglei SDM& HO. ~ Tlabung Lunglei. 3. Dr. R.B. Dey DTO Lunglei SDM&HO Tlabung SDM&HO TIa- bung. • 4. Dr. Zahmingthanga SDM&HO DlO Lunglei & Chhimtuipui DIO Saiha. Chaw~te Districts Statv-ned at Saiha ..- 5. Dr. Latthanpuii Civil ospital DlO Aizawl West DlO, Aizawl Hnamte Aizawl West. 6. Dr. Ramfangzauva -du- DIO Aizawl East DlO, Aizawl Attached to East. 7. Dr. Rohmingthanga DCM&HO ADHS Directorate ADHS School Ralte Office Aizawl Health, East 8. Dr. e. Zosanga SDM&HO SDM&HO· Saiha Vice SDM&H9 Lunglei Dr. R.L. Dangvela on Saiha P.G. Training 9. Dr. C.Thanchamliana SDM&HO to function as SDM & DTO Luaglei Saiha HO at Serchhip Lalrozama Sailo, Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram. No. A. 31020'1189-TRP, the 29th November, 1990. The Governor of Mizoram is pleased to confirm the services of Pu Lalthanghluana, Joint Director of 1 rans­ port with retrospective effect from 30.11.88 against the permanent post of Joint Director of Transport. '" Arvind Ray, _ " Secretary to the Govt. {If tdiz0Tanl, Transport Department, 5 R-48'90 No.A.22018/1,8S-EDN, the 30th November, 1990. [II the interest of public ser­ vices, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to repatriate Smt. B. Sangkhumi who is deputed to Zirtiri Womens' College as Principal to her parent post i.e, Vice-Princi­ pal of Lunglei Govt. College Vice Shri J.H. Pahlira siuce re-Igned with immediate effect. Smt. B. Sangkhumi will be attached to Aizawl Govt. College drawing the pay and allowances of Vice-Principal of Lunglei Govt, College with immediate effect and until further order. J.M. Das. Deruty Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Education & Human Resources Department. No.B.I6018/5/66-IND, the 29th November, 1990. In exercise of Section 87(1) and (2) of Articles of Association of the Mizoram Food and Allied Industries Corporation Limited the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint Pu Lalzarliana Renthlei, IOFS, presently serving as General Manager of the Corporation as Ma­ , naging Director of the Corporation in his own grade pay with immediate effect and until further orders.
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