Accepted Manuscript

Waste management in : Municipal solid waste landfills and their impact on rural areas

Nataliia Makarenko, Oleg Budak

PII: S1512-1887(17)30020-9 DOI: 10.1016/j.aasci.2017.02.009 Reference: AASCI 87

To appear in: Annals of Agrarian Sciences

Received Date: 10 June 2016

Accepted Date: 7 September 2016

Please cite this article as: N. Makarenko, O. Budak, Waste management in Ukraine: Municipal solid waste landfills and their impact on rural areas, Annals of Agrarian Sciences (2017), doi: 10.1016/ j.aasci.2017.02.009.

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Annals of Agrarian Science vol. 15, no.1, 2017

Waste management in Ukraine: municipal solid waste landfills and their impact on rural areas

Nataliia Makarenko*, Oleg Budak National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine 16, potehina Str., Kiev, 03041, Ukraine Received: 10 June 2016; Accepted: 07 September 2016

Corresponding author: Natalia Makarenko [email protected]

A B S T R A C T The article presents the results of a study of the influence of Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill in the surrounding rural areas. It is established that environmentally hazardous situation has generated in the locations of the landfills causes dissatisfaction among the local population. It is shown that incorrect use may be the cause of the deterioration of quality of drinking water, atmospheric air, sanitary and hygienic condition of agricultural soils. It is established that the effect of the landfill extends beyond the sanitary protection zone, therefore there is a need to improve its monitoring system with obligatory consideration of impacts on adjacent rural areas. The size of the normative sanitary-protective zone was specified under the actual level of air pollution and natural factors. It is shown that such a scientific and methodical approach can provide a more objective establishment of the sanitary protection zone. In turn, this will provide an opportunity to take appropriate organizational and managerial decisions on the placement of different objects and prevent the negative impactMANUSCRIPT of landfills on rural areas. Keywords: municipal solid waste landfills, rural areas, sanitary protection area, hazardous substances, phytotoxicity of soil, environmental monitoring. Corresponding author: Makarenko Natalia, E-mail address: [email protected] ------

Introduction In the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) "The Future we want" of June 27, 2012 a weighty place is given to the struggle against waste [1]. In Ukraine the problem of waste management is extremely urgent. According to official data [2] Ukraine produces about 45 million m3 of waste annually, which is buried on 6.7 thousand dumps and landfills with a total area of more than 10 hectares. Footprint of municipal solid waste landfills is up to over 1000 ha in some regions of Ukraine (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. Ukraine: the footprint of municipal solid waste landfills [2]

It is known that the impact of municipal solid waste landfills can cause pollution of all environmental components. The study of the impact of municipal solid waste landfills on the environment dedicated to the scientific works of many scientists. Thus, in particular, it has been studied the question using of epiphytic lichens as indicator of environmental pollution around municipal solid waste landfills [3] developed the basic methodological principles of an optimal collection of biogas, with the aim of reducingMANUSCRIPT the environmental load on the atmosphere [4]. Ghanbari, F. et al., has been proposed a new method of environmental assessment of municipal solid waste landfills [5]. An adjacent ecosystems and ecosystems at large distances from a municipal solid waste landfill due to the migration of harmful substances from natural waters and air masses are fall under the contamination as evidenced by studies [6-8]. The study of the adverse effects of municipal solid waste landfills on public health is devoted to scholarly works Mattiello, A. [9] N. Gouveia and R. R. do Prado [10]. K. I., Kovalova, A. S. Yakovlev and others [11] have developed the basic principles of organization of monitoring of municipal solid waste landfills; A. A. Zaitsev, S. V. Isaev and Y. V. Panin [12] created a database of the results of the monitoring of municipal solid waste landfills using GIS-technologies. Ukrainian municipal solid waste landfills are mainly bordering with rural areas and it can be the cause of the deterioration eco-toxicological state of soil, natural waters and agricultural products. Municipal solid waste landfills are objects of high environmental hazard for which the monitoring is a mandatory requirement of the Regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 28.08.13 No. 808 "On the approval of list of activities and objects of high environmental hazard" [13] and it shall be done in accordance with the order of the Ministry of housing and communal services of Ukraine from 02.10.10 № 295 "On approval of methodological recommendationsACCEPTED on introduction of monitoring system in the sphere of solid household waste management" [14]. A measure of the spread of harmful substances from municipal solid waste landfills is the establishment of a sanitary protection zone (SPZ), which has the shape of a radius of 500 metres [15]. Now SPZ is installed without regard to the topography, climatic conditions, peculiarities of water use in human settlements and peculiarities of agricultural activities. We can assume that SPZ will not always guarantee the absence of negative impact of a municipal solid waste landfill on human health and the environment. Therefore, one of the solutions to the ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT problems of safe waste management in Ukraine is improvement of system of monitoring of municipal solid waste landfills with subsequent adjustment of the protective sanitary zone.

Materials and methods The study had been carried out in Myronivka district, oblast, Ukraine for 2013-2016. The municipal solid waste landfill in Myronivka which has been operated from 1958 was researched and it is the representative object for the conditions of Ukraine [16]. The landfill is located in the North-Eastern part of Myronivka city. The land area under the landfill is 4.7 hectares, the total amount of buried waste is 100 thousand tons [17]. Myronivka territory of the municipal solid waste landfill is bordered by agricultural fields of enterprises LTD named after Buznytskyi, what are cultivated crops (Fig.2). The distance to the nearest residential development to the South-West is 800 m, distance to Rosavka river is 1400 m. The territory which has fallen under the influence of the landfill has a general South-East slope. Hydrogeological conditions of region are characterized by an unconfined aquifer. The level of groundwater in the upper part of the landfill is 10 m and it is 3.6 m at the bottom [18]. The movement of groundwater coincides with an overall reduction of absolute marks of the earth in the direction of Rosavka river. The power of an aquifer occurs by infiltration of precipitation. The nearest water intake is located for 700 m from the site (Pionerska street, Myronivka city). To account for the impacts of the landfill on the surrounding agricultural areas, samples were taken of soil, plants, water, atmospheric air at the places marked in the diagram (Fig. 3).


Fig. 2. Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill: 1 - landfill, 2 – agricultural fields (the photo of ACCEPTEDGoogle Earth, 2014)


Fig. 3. Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill: I – landfill, II – agricultural fields; the sampling sites of soil – 1, the sampling sites of groundwater – 2, the sampling sites of atmospheric air – 3 (the photo of Google Earth, 2014)

The soil sampling conducted at the landfill site and within the sanitary protection zone and at a distance of 1500 m from the landfill. In the samples was determined by microbiological and chemical properties: the phyto-toxicity accordingMANUSCRIPT to the method of A. M. Grodzynskyi and 0.0. Berestetskyi (Biotest - Hordeum sativum), the content of total microbial biomass was determined re-gyration method, the intensity of the “breathing” of the soil by absorption method Shtatnov. Titer of group intestinal sticks (coliforms) bacteria and the presence of pathogens by the titrating method and the titer of Cl. Perfringens by the method of the filter in the Petri dishes. Groundwater samples which were taken from monitored bores and landfill wells located in the surrounding areas. The sanitary - hygienic and hydro-chemical indicators were determined in the samples: total iron content by atomic absorption, ammonium by potentiometric method, nitrate by molecular spectrometry, chloride by absorption method liquid chromatography. Total microbial count (TMC) and enterococci were determined by the method of deep sowing water in a nutrient medium with subsequent inoculation to dense elective environment and identification of colonies. Determination of total coliforms and e.coli was performed using test kits COLILERT-18. Sampling of atmospheric air was carried out at the landfill site (waste storage sites), at a distance of 50, 200 and 500 m from it (in the direction of the most frequency of wind in the warm season), and outside the sanitary protection zone (within residential development) on the leeward side. Specific contaminants that characterize the waste decomposition have been identified in the samples: contentACCEPTED of carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, toluene, xylene and dust by photo-colorimetry method and using of gas analyzer [19,20].

Results and analysis Monitoring of the municipal solid waste landfill in Myronivka has showed that the main sources of negative impacts on the natural environment were: landfill gas, surface water flow, dry waste fraction which imposed outside of the landfill on surrounding agricultural areas and leakage water. ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT

Soil of the landfill was contaminated, as evidenced by the TMN (total microbic number), the content of thermophilic bacteria, the titre of coliforms and clostridia perfringens (CL. Perfringens). At the landfill site was discovered pathogens Shigella (Shigella dysenteriae), which are the causative agents of dysentery. This contamination extended beyond the body of the landfill, as evidenced by the high level of phyto-toxicity of the soil (it has been revealed in the reaction of Hordeum sativum L.). The negative impact of the landfill had spread on the surrounding farmland and it led to the deterioration eco-toxicological of soil condition Ttable 1,2, Fig. 4).

Table 1. The results of sanitary-microbiological studies of soil in the zone of influence of Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill

Titre Thermophilic Titre of Pathogenic Site of soil sampling TMN of bacteria coliforms microorganisms (t= 37° С) clostridium

perfringens 6 3 Shigella Landfill х 0,09±0,02 0,03±0,02 3,1 10 ±22,57 2 10 ±16,21 dysenteriae not revealed 0,09±0,01 0,03±0,02 not revealed 50 2,5 10 6±17,65

Distance not revealed not revealed from the 200 1,9 10 6±16,74 1,2±0,04 0,3±0,05

landfill, not revealed not revealed not revealed not revealed metres 500 2,8 10 5±12,31

1500 5 not revealed not revealed not revealed not revealed (control) 2,1 10 ±9,6

Table 2. The results of sanitary-microbiologicalMANUSCRIPT studies of soil in the zone of influence of Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill

Biomass of Coefficient of Intensity of release Site of soil sampling microorganisms moisture СО , µg/g agricultural soil 2 µg CO2/g soil

Landfill 1,116 496,67±13,81 9,21±0,07 10 1,096 166,85±2,93 5,83±0,08 50 1,121 170,86± 4,21 4,11±0,05 100 Distance in an easterly 1,097 107,13±8,51 6,44±0,05 from the direction landfill, m 100 in a south - 1,072 111,90±3,62 6,09±0,07 easterly ACCEPTEDdirection control 1,110 125,88±2,17 5,90±0,21

It was found that Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill was being the source of the air pollution by emissions of harmful substances during unloading, storage, compaction of waste and arrangement of insulating layers (source 1, 2) and biogas what was also produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic part of waste (source No. 3). ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT

Fig. 4. The impact of Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill on phytotoxicity of soil

As the result operation of the landfill into the air came the following harmful substances: methane, toluene, ammonia, xylene, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, ethyl benzene, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC), soot, benzo(a) pyrene. The results of the study showed that the greatest contribution to air pollution makes the body of the landfill: the methane emissions amount - 155 t/year, toluene - 2,07, ammonia - 1,53, xylene - 1,26, carbon monoxide - 1,592, nitrogen dioxide - 1,381 tons/year. The total volume of emissions of harmful substances into atmospheric air is 165,41 t/year (Table 3).

Table 3. Gross emissions of harmful substances into the air from Myronivka municipalMANUSCRIPT solid waste landfill.

Background Polluter Substance Emissions, Category concentration, mg/m3 t/year of danger Carbon monoxide 1,592 4 0,4 Nitrogen dioxide 1,381 3 0,008 Sulfur dioxide 0,189 3 0,02 NMVOC 0,358 – – № 1, 2 Methane 0,011 4 20 Nitrogen oxide 0,005 3 0,008 Soot 0,169 3 – Benzo(a)pyrene 0,001 1 – Methane 155,0 4 20 Toluene 2,07 3 0,24 Ammonia 1,53 4 0,08 Xylene 1,26 3 0,08 ACCEPTEDCarbon monoxide 0,72 4 0,4 № 3 Nitrogen dioxide 0,32 3 0,008 Formaldehyde 0,27 2 0,014 Ethylbenzene 0,27 3 – Sulfur dioxide 0,18 3 0,02 Hydrogen sulfide 0,072 2 0,0032 The total amount 165,41 ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT

It was found that the prevailing winds are North-West and West on areas of study (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Chart of the frequency of winds is based on observations in the zone of influence Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill

As a result of the conducted researches it was established that the air pollution was caused by operation of Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill: directly at the landfill site it was noted the excessive concentrations of the following substances: dust – 1.2 times, carbon monoxide – 2,04, dioxin nitrogen – 1,15, ammonia - 1,4, hydrogen sulfide - 1.5, toluene - 2.05 times. It was noticed that within the sanitary protection zone (50 m from the landfill) the threshold limit values (TLV) are exceeded for carbon monoxide – 1,42 times, nitrogen dioxide - 1.05, ammonia – 1,25, hydrogen sulfide – 1,1, toluene – 1,4 times. At a distance of 200 m from the landfill was the excess of maximum permissible concentration for carbon dioxide – 1.3 times, ammonia – 1,05, toluene -1.08 times. On the border of the SPZMANUSCRIPT were recorded excess of TLV content of carbon monoxide and toluene (Table 4).

Table 4. The results of the study of atmospheric air in the zone of influence of Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill

Concentration, mg/m3

50 m in a 200 m in a 500 m in a Area of Boundary of TVL Substance south - south - south - landfill residential mg/m3 easterly easterly easterly development direction direction direction Dust 0,6±0,12 0,3±0,04 0,19±0,05 0,24±0,04 – 0,5 Carbon 10,2±0,45 7,1±0,32 6,5±0,04 5,04±0,54 1,2±0,03 5,0 monoxide Sulfur dioxide 0,3±0,05 0,1±0,05 – – 0,5±0,03 0,5 Nitrogen dioxide 0,23±0,05 0,21±0,04 0,12±0,02 0,12±0,02 0,013±0,04 0,2 Ammonia 0,28±0,04 0,25±0,06 0,21±0,06 0,09±0,02 – 0,2 Hydrogen ACCEPTED 0,012±0,01 0,009±0,01 0,004±0,03 – – 0,008 sulfide Toluene 1,23±0,18 0,89±0,18 0,72±0,21 0,65±0,19 – 0,6 Xylene 0,19±0,12 0,12±0,14 0,09±0,01 0,012±0,01 – 0,2

According to the research results, we can conclude that there is a need to develop measures on the reduction of emissions of harmful substances from the landfill. Needs revision the existing ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT system of behavior with municipal solid waste at the landfill and adjustment of the regulatory size of the SPZ based on the number of emitted harmful substances and the frequency of wind. According to the above, was carried out by adjustment of the regulatory sanitary protection zone based on the actual air pollution [4] according to the formula:

l = L 0 (P/Po),

where l - the estimated size of the SPZ, m; L0 – the distance from the polluter, where contaminant concentrations with the background are exceed the upper limit, m; Р – the average annual frequency of occurrence wind directions this Rhumb, %; Pо – repeatability of wind directions of one Rhumb with a circular rose of the winds, 12,5 %. The calculation results are given below: Wind direction for the N NE E SE S SW W NW Rhumbs Р 14 12 12 6 6 10 20 20 Р/Р0 1,12 0,96 0,96 0,48 0,48 0,8 1,6 1,6

According to the performed calculations, it was clarified the size of the SPZ for Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill: Wind direction S SW W NW N NE E SE L, м 560 500 500 500 500 500 800 800

By the results of the calculations it was established that the SPZ should be increased for the South, East and South-East directions of Rhumb at 560 m, 800 m and 800 m, respectively (Fig. 6). In seepage waters of the landfill was detectedMANUSCRIPT excessive concentrations of the following substances (multiplicity): ammonium nitrogen – 188, BOD5 – 2605, suspended solids – 3283, total iron - 137, petroleum products – 1919, nitrates - 3.7, solids - 3.7, phosphate – 1172, COD – 602, chloride - 1.3. The filtrate had an acid reaction medium and high level of chromaticity. The ratio of COD/BOD5 is 1.56, which indicates the presence of biologically active substances in water. Observation of groundwater from the bores has showed the inconsistency to the current regulations: the coloration exceeded the TLV in 14 times, turbidity in 6, the total iron content in 3, the ammonium level in 1.3, the nitrate content in 1.5, the solids in 1.2, total hardness in 1.2, the content of chlorides in 1.9, oxidability permanganate in 2.5 times. A microbiological contamination of water is the greatest danger as: the presence in water of E. со lі, enterococci, increased content of the TMC and coliforms. Study of quality drinking water from wells located in the village showed it’s poor quality, namely a deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics: coloration and turbidity; physical - the content of total iron and sanitary - for the total microbial number and coliforms (Table 5).


Fig. 6. Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill: I – body of the landfill, II –normative sanitary- protective zone, III - estimated sanitary protection zone 3 (the photo of Google Earth, 2014)

Table 5. The quality of water from wells in the zone of influence Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill (Pionerska street, Myronivka city)

MANUSCRIPTExceeding the standard, repetition factor Coefficient of water quality Standard 700 -800 m from 1100 m from the 1500 m from the

the landfill landfill landfill Chromaticity, grade ≤ 35 183±0,06 85±0,08 45±0,06 Turbidity, mg/dm3 ≤ 3,5 17±0,03 8±0,03 4±0,04 Total iron, mg/dm3 ≤ 1,0 1,2±0,03 - - Total microbial count (TMC) (t 37° С – 24 hours), ≤ 100 731±2,17 156±2,73 87±0,25 Colony forming units (CFU)/ cm3 Total coliforms CFU /100cm3 ≤ 1 270±1,75 50±0,21 -

Thus was established the influence of the municipal solid waste landfill on the spread of contamination by migration of groundwater, which goes beyond the existing the SPZ. The obtained results allowed to adjust the SPZ nearby Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill: it has the shape of an ellipse and takes into account the direction of prevailing winds, slope of the site and featuresACCEPTED of distribution of harmful substances (Fig. 7).


Fig. 7. Myronivka municipal solid landfill: I – body of landfill, II – zona of the control state and mode of operation of the SPZ; III – zone of control of atmospheric air; IV – zone of control of groundwater (the photo of Google Earth, 2014)

Conclusion Studies have shown that municipal solid waste landfills can be a source of contamination of the surrounding rural areas. As a result of their operaMANUSCRIPTtion may deteriorate the sanitary state of soils, the quality of groundwater and air. For example, Myronivka municipal solid waste landfill, it was determined that the contamination had spread outside the existing sanitary protection zone. To avoid the negative impact of the municipal solid waste landfills on the environment it is necessary to monitor the distribution of harmful substances taking into account the direction of prevailing winds, slope of the territory and migration of surface water and groundwater. The sanitary protection zone of municipal solid waste landfills it is advisable to determine on the monitoring results the environmental conditions of their location. Take into account the high level of the negative impact of municipal solid waste landfills on the surrounding land, it is impractical to conduct agricultural activities within the sanitary protection zone, as this may lead to deterioration of product quality.

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