"What amazes me is that there are thousands ofpeople who could have been whistle-blowers, from the boards of directors to corporate insiders to the accounting firms to the lawyers working for these firms to the credit-rating agencies. All these people! Would a despotic dictatorship have been more efficient in silencing them and producing the perverse incentives for them all to keep quiet? The system is so efficient that there's total silence. I mean, the Soviet Union had enough dissidents to fill Gulags." - Ralph Nader on the continuing corporate crime wave in the United States. 9TT-~qq Editor-'n-ehief Emmanuel Goldstein Layout and Design ShapeShifter Cover Concept and Photo David Buchwald, Ben Sherman Cover Design Mike Essl Office Manager Tamprul Writers: Bernie 5., Billsl, Eric Corley, Dalai, John Drake, Paul Estev, Mr. French, Javaman, Joe630, Kingpin, Lucky225, Kevin Mitnick, mlc, The Prophet, David Ruderman, Seraf, Silent Switchman, Scott Skinner, Mr. Upsetter Webmasters: Juintz, Kerry 8roadcast Coordinators: Juintz, Pete, daRonin, Digital Mercenary, Monarch, w3rd, Gehenna 'RC Admins: Antipent, DaRonin, Digital Mercenary, Porkchop, Roadie 'nspirationa' Music: Happy Kyne and the Mirthmakers, Combustible Edison Shout Outs: Loyd B., Truman B., Cheshire, Cyko, Cyntax, Geoff F., Mike H., Hobbit, Javaman, Jello, Phil K., Doug L., Mike L., Lazlow, Aaron M., Guy M., Deborah N., Greg N., Adam P., Alex R., Doug R., Frank R., Ken R., Rudy R. Jr., Redhackt, RenderMan, Robert 5., Siva V., John Y., Mark Y. from all backgrounds, with many divergent mation on the many topics we cover. They say interests, were all capable and eager to con it's a mistake to even continue publishing out tribute to the knowledge base.
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