Pope St. Pius V

Michele Ghislieri OP Lived 1504-1572 1566-1572 Historical Background

Council of Trent Protestant and the Counter Reformation

Good and bad The Empire, the French and other political intrigue Politics of Europe

 Emerging Western Capitalism and world colonisation.  (based in the Kingdom of Germany)  Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor 1519-1556  Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor 1558-1564  Maximillian II, Holy Roman Emperor 1564-1576  Medieval Popes

 The Counts of Tuscolo and , the Medici dynasty of Florence, the Borgia dynasty of Jativa, etc., etc. 16 noble Italian families.  Nepotism. Sequence of canonised popes

 Pope St. Gregory VII, 1073-1085  Pope St. Pius V, 1566-1572  Pope St. Pius X, 1903-1914 The Protestant Reformation

 (The new) St. Peter’s Basilica  Selling of (, 1513-1521)  Martin Luther’s 95 theses, 1517  (1545 to 1563)

Martin Luther Pope Leo X The Council of Trent

 The embodiment of the Counter-Reformation  1545-1563 Pope Paul III: 1545–47 Pope Julius III: 1551–52 Pope Marcellus II (short papacy) Pope Paul IV (no interest) Pope Pius IV: 1562–63  Trent: Northern Early life

Bosco  Born Antonio Ghislieri  Michele Ghislieri OP  Cardinal Michele Alessandrino  Early Dominican years

“The most powerful aid we can bring to this study is the practice of earnest prayer. The more closely the mind is united to God, the richer will be the stores of light that follow its researches.”  Professor of theology.  of Vigevano, Soncino and then Alba. “As salt is quickly converted again to water, so religious who are the salt of the earth withdrawn by God from the waters of the world, are but too easily absorbed once more into their native element, with all its vices and temptations, if they return to it without sufficient and just cause.” The Roman

Established in 1542

Sixtus of Siena

Pope Paul III Bishop, Cardinal and Grand

 1555 appointed bishop of Nepi and Sutri  1557 appointed cardinal  Santa Maria sopra Minerva (Dominican church)  Supreme Inquisitor  Bishop of Mondovi Pope Pius V Elected pope 8 th January 1566 Reforms during his papacy

 The  The City of Council of Trent

 Implementing the decrees of the Council of Trent The of the Council of Trent  New 1568  New Roman 1570 Other work

 Better training for seminarians  Catechetical instruction of the young  Declared St. a in 1567  New edition of St. Thomas Aquinas’ works in 1570 Queen of

 Elizabethan Religious Settlement  Supreme Governor of the Church of England.  : The

 7th October 1571  Gulf of Patras in Greece  Ottoman Turks: commanded by Ali Pasha  : commanded by John of Canonised

 By Pope Clement XI in May 1712, 140 years after his death.  Feast day: 30 th April. What we can learn from Pius V

 Humbly accept a position of authority.  A lot of enmity from others is not personal but about your position or .  In all situations and circumstances remain true to your vocation and calling from God. References

 Rendina, Claudino, “The Popes, Histories and Secrets”. Translated by McCusker P.D. 2002.  Dorcy, Sr. Mary Jean, OP, “St. Dominic’s Family”. 1983.  Farmer, H., “The Oxford Dictionary of ”. 1992, 3 rd edition.  Dominican Novices, “Dominican Saints”. 1921.  Wikipedia.