The Fourth Vow in Its Ignatian Context
in the Spirituality of Jesuits The Fourth Vow in Its Ignatian Context A Historical Study ^ ^ by John W. O'Malley, S.J. Published by the American Assistancy Seminar on Jesuit Spirituality, especially for American Jesuits working out their aggiornamento in the spirit of Vatican II To/ Council THE AMERICAN ASSISTANCY SEMINAR ON JESUIT SPIRITUALITY consists of a group of Jesuits from various provinces who are listed below. The members were appointed by the Fathers Provincial of the United States. The Purpose of the Seminar is to study topics pertaining to the spir- itual doctrine and practice of Jesuits, especially American Jesuits, and to communicate the results to the members of the Assistancy. The hope is that this will lead to further discussion among all American Jesuits--in private, or in small groups, or in community meetings. All this is done in the spirit of Vatican Council II f s recommendation to religious institutes to recapture the original charismatic inspiration of their founders and to adapt it to the changed circumstances of modern times. The members of the Seminar wel- come reactions or comments in regard to the topics they publish. To achieve these purposes, especially amid today's pluralistic cul- tures, the Seminar must focus its direct attention sharply, frankly, and specifically on the problems, interests, and opportunities of the Jesuits of the United States. However, many of these interests are common also to Jes- uits of other regions, or to other priests, religious men or women, or lay men or women. Hence the studies of the Seminar, while meant especially for American Jesuits, are not exclusively for them.
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