Separation of East and West

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Separation of East and West The Great Schism Separation of East and West Wednesday, November 30, 11 Great Schism One of greatest calamities of history of Church. Undermined powers to resist advance of Islam Hastened centralization of Western Church leading to abuses triggering Reformation Traditionally tied to excommunication of Patriarch of Constantinople and act in kind 1054 Actually began 9th century Wednesday, November 30, 11 Photian Schism 9th century drama Photian schism - 863-867 Conflict involves Patriarch Photios I and Pope Nickolas I. Both pious men who were acclaimed as saints and given title Great. Mainly political - Involved primarily ecclesiastical jurisdictional rights of Pope of Rome Wednesday, November 30, 11 Pope Nickolas I Great Known as consolidator of papal authority Empire of Charlemagne had fallen, Christian territory threatened both from north & east, Christendom on brink of anarchy. Christian morality was questioned; many bishops were worldly and unworthy of office. Tried to regain control and restore Church Rebuilt and endowed several churches in Rome, and constantly sought to encourage religious life. Personal life guided by earnest Christian asceticism and profound piety. Highly esteemed by citizens of Rome Wednesday, November 30, 11 Photios the Great Parents martyred for defending use of icons Brilliant and well educated, taught grammar, rhetoric, theology, and philosophy before becoming chief imperial secretary and ambassador to Persia. Patriarch Ignatius resigned. Photios elevated to Patriarch going through all clerical offices in six days. Pope Nicholas felt appointment needed consent of Rome - objected Photius was layperson. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Photios Schism 861, Emperor Michael III (842-867) convened a council known as First-Second Synod. Pope sent delegates to investigate election of Photius in relation to canons and demand Illyricum and southern Italy be given to Rome. Council affirmed Photius as patriarch. Affirmed actions of Seventh Ecumenical Council condemning iconoclasm. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Photios Schism When delegates returned, Nicholas found demands for territorial rights not considered, convened a council in 863. Deposed and excommunicated Photius on basis that appointment was uncanonical. Recognized Ignatius as legitimate patriarch. Where did Pope Nicholas get for authority to depose Photius? Wednesday, November 30, 11 Great Schism Pope Leo I (400 -461) in 5th century first to assert Pope was “spokesman for Peter.” wrote “the entire company of believers looks for its doctrine to this holy Roman Church, which is the head of a" churches.” Pope Gregory I (540 – 604) declared Rome had precedence over Constantinople and every succeeding Council required his approval. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Photios Schism Eastern View: proper role not monarchy in Constantinople in place of monarchy in Rome, but Conciliar pentarchy. Justinian first used (in 531) title of "patriarch" to designate exclusively bishops of Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem. Christendom was to be maintained through cooperation of these five patriarchs. Impossible all five should at same time be in error. Would protect Tradition. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Photios Schism Patriarchal authority based on thesis that Holy Spirit, having spoken by prophets and then by apostles and then by church fathers, had not “instituted the patriarchs as heads of the world.” Their consent and representation necessary for a council to be legitimate. No one could rule over others. Rome had held position as equal but primacy. Conciliar approach shown by Apostles was teaching of tradition. What is stand today by Catholic Church? Wednesday, November 30, 11 Catholic Doctrine of Infallibility Formally defined in 1870, First Vatican Council (Pope Pius IX) declared, “We teach and define that it is a dogma Divinely revealed that the Roman ponti$ when he speaks ex cathedra,... by virtue of his supreme Apostolic authority, he defines a doctrine regarding faith or morals to be held by the universal Church, by the Divine assistance promised to him in Blessed Peter, is possessed of that infalibility with which the Divine Redeemer wi"ed that his Church should be endowed in defining doctrine regarding faith or morals, and that therefore such definitions of the Roman ponti$ are of themselves and not &om the consent of the Church irreformable. Wednesday, November 30, 11 11th Century Filioque Issue adding to Creed “Holy Spirit Proceeds &om the Father” phrase “and the Son” Wednesday, November 30, 11 Filioque Clash on doctrine about question “Does the Holy Spirit proceed &om Son as we" as Father?” Latin Church began to teach that it does. Eastern Church taught proceeds only from Father as agreed in Ecumenical Councils. This led t0 formal Schism Wednesday, November 30, 11 Filioque Second Ecumenical Council completed Creed begun at First Council and Third forbid any changes to it. Fourth Council in Chalcedon referred to Creed citing its authority. Subsequent Councils affirmed Creed Wednesday, November 30, 11 Filioque When Rome fell in 476 chaos ensued. Western Church lost much of its authority. Filioque first used in Toledo Spain in 587 without any authority of five patriarchs, including Rome. Used to combat form of Arianism brought by Goths. Use spread to France. Condemned at local council. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Filioque After long period of social upheaval, Charlemagne restored Western Empire. “Greeks” (not roman) in east became an enemy. Crowned emperor by Pope Leo III. Council called and Pope Leo III ( 795-816) forbade use of Filioque and ordered use of Nicene-Constantinople Creed from second Ecumenical council - had it engraved on silver tablets in St Peters Basilica. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Filioque 1014 German emperor Henry II visited Rome for coronation and found the Creed did not contain the filioque clause. Pope Benedict VIII then added it - papacy needed German military support In 1054 went further and accused East of heresy for not including filioque. Problems of translations, and political conflicts. Pope felt also had right to make any changes he wanted as “Head” of Church. Sent delegation that excommunicated Eastern Church Wednesday, November 30, 11 Great Schism Why is this such a big issue for eastern Church? Problem twofold: (1)Bad Doctrine and (2)Unilateral action by Pope of Rome Wednesday, November 30, 11 Bad Doctrine Not consistent with Scripture: “But when the Comforter comes, whom I sha" send to you &om the Father, the spirit of truth who proceeds fom the Father, He wi" testify of Me.” John 15:26 Christ does not say Spirit proceeds from Himself. What problem does this create in nature of God? Makes Holy Spirit a subordinate member of Trinity. Reduces role of Holy Spirit in Church life. Impact? Unity becomes dependent on an office (pope), spirituality becomes adherence to letter of canon law , sacraments become understood in terms of validity or non-existant (Reformation), and spirit of legalism prevails. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Formal Schism Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael Cerularius Controversy over jurisdiction of certain churches in southern Italy. 1054, Sent legation to Constantinople demanding compliance to Rome’s wishes. On the 15th of July, they entered the Church of Hagia Sophia, and, while the clergy were preparing for the service at the third hour of the day on Saturday, they laid a bul of excommunication on the main altar in fu" view of the clergy and people present. Going out thence, they shook o$ even the dust &om their feet as a testimony against them, according to the words of the Gospel )Mathew 10: 14)), exclaiming: "Let God see and judge." - Bishop Arsenius, in "The Chronicle of Church Events," Wednesday, November 30, 11 Formal Schism Orally pronounced: "whoever obstinately begins to oppose the faith of the holy Roman and apostolic throne and its sacrificial o$ering, let him be anathema, let him be anathema ­ maranatha )that is, let him be excommunicated and let him perish at the coming of the Lord) and let him not be considered a Catholic Christian, but a heretical Prozymite )that is, those who do not accept unleavened bread and prefer leavened bread). So be it, so be it, so be it." - Cardinal Humbolt Constantinopolitan council gave papal legates over to anathema. All Eastern churches ceased to commemorate Pope in divine services. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Formal Schism Partially problem of Latin language - Didn’t distinguish between “proceeding” & “being sent”. Saint Augustine (354 – 430): "God the Father alone is He &om whom the Word is born, and &om whom the Holy Spirit principa"y proceeds. I have added the word 'principa"y', because we find that the Holy Spirit proceeds &om the Son also.” Scripture: “But when the Helper comes, whom I sha" send to you &om the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds &om the Father, He wi" testify of Me.” )John 15:26) Christ directs or sends it but it proceeds from Father. Greeks were clear that as Creed clearly says, Holy Spirit “proceeds” from the father and is “sent” by the Son. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Invasion of Islam Wednesday, November 30, 11 Islam Doctrine of Trinity also challenged by Invasion of Islam While Christians paid no heed to Mohammed, they had to defend their view as many Christians were under control of Muslim regimes. Muslims proclaimed there is the “One God and Mohammed as his prophet.” Mohammed took some things from Old Testament and some things from New and “invented a syncretic religion” was view of Byzantine. Wednesday, November 30, 11 Islam Islam was seen to contain all the heresies that had been previously debated by Christians. Muslims took the Christian adoration of Christ as proof that Christians taught more than one God. The reply was “we worship on true God, Maker of Heaven and Earth. The Trinity is united in causality and in essence and in spiration.” Koran says Christ is the Logos and Spirit. Christians asked this question, “do you mean that before he created the Logos and the Spirit, God did not have either Spirit or Logos? Wednesday, November 30, 11 Invasion of Islam Muslims could not understand how God could have a Son without a woman.
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