Cr. DYNHAM, Edward
DYNEVOR WHO WAS WHO, 1397-1916 Regent Square Church, London, 1869-88 ; of Oriel, 1848 ; Anglo-Saxon Professor, 1849- Principal and Barbour Professor of 1854 Divinity ; College Tutor, 1852 ; Rural Dean of in Theological College of Presbyterian Church Bath, 1873-77 ; Select Preacher, Oxford of England, 1888-1907, when he resigned. University, 1873-74. Publications : Glou- Publications : Beatitudes of the Kingdom, cester of St. Fragments Swithun, 1861 ; Bath, 1872 Laws of the ; Kingdom, 1873 ; Rela- Ancient and Modern, 1864 ; Two Saxoa tions of the Kingdom, 1874 ; From Jeru- Chronicles Parallel, 1865 ; The Philology of salem to Antioch, 1874 ; Abraham the the English Tongue, 1871 ; A Book for the Friend of God 1877 ; Daily Prayers for the in Beginner Anglo-Saxon, 1877 ; English 1881 1882 Household, ; Sermons, ; Law of Plant Names from the Tenth to the Fifteenth the Ten 1884 Words, ; The Gospel according 1880 Century, ; Anglo-Saxon Literature, to St. Paul, 1888; Plain Words on Great 1884 ; A Handbook to the Land Charters, 1892 The Christian Themes, ; Minister and 1888 : ; English Prose its Elements, History, his Duties, 1908; The Divine Worker in and 1890 Usage, ; The Deeds of Beowulf, Creation and Providence, 1909. Address : 1892 Psalter of ; The 1539, 1894 ; A Simple 4 Scotland Street, Edinburgh. Grammar of Now in 1898 English Use, ; The [Died 1 Jan. 1912. Alfred Jewel ; an Historical Essay, 1901. 6th Baron DYNEVOR, (cr. 1780), Arthur de Recreations : boating, riding, gardening. Cardonnel Rice, D.L., J.P. ; b. 24 Jan. 1836 Address : ; Swanswick Rectory, Bath ; 84 s. of 5th Baron and Harriet, d. of D R Banbury Road, Oxford.
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