Regent Square Church, London, 1869-88 ; of Oriel, 1848 ; Anglo-Saxon Professor, 1849- Principal and Barbour Professor of 1854 Divinity ; College Tutor, 1852 ; Rural Dean of in Theological College of Presbyterian Church Bath, 1873-77 ; Select Preacher, Oxford of England, 1888-1907, when he resigned. University, 1873-74. Publications : Glou- Publications : Beatitudes of the Kingdom, cester of St. Fragments Swithun, 1861 ; Bath, 1872 Laws of the ; Kingdom, 1873 ; Rela- Ancient and Modern, 1864 ; Two Saxoa tions of the Kingdom, 1874 ; From Jeru- Chronicles Parallel, 1865 ; The Philology of salem to Antioch, 1874 ; Abraham the the English Tongue, 1871 ; A Book for the Friend of God 1877 ; Daily Prayers for the in Beginner Anglo-Saxon, 1877 ; English 1881 1882 Household, ; Sermons, ; Law of Plant Names from the Tenth to the Fifteenth the Ten 1884 Words, ; The Gospel according 1880 Century, ; Anglo-Saxon Literature, to St. Paul, 1888; Plain Words on Great 1884 ; A Handbook to the Land Charters, 1892 The Christian Themes, ; Minister and 1888 : ; English Prose its Elements, History, his Duties, 1908; The Divine Worker in and 1890 Usage, ; The Deeds of Beowulf, Creation and Providence, 1909. Address : 1892 Psalter of ; The 1539, 1894 ; A Simple 4 Scotland Street, Edinburgh. Grammar of Now in 1898 English Use, ; The [Died 1 Jan. 1912. Alfred Jewel ; an Historical Essay, 1901. 6th Baron DYNEVOR, (cr. 1780), Arthur de Recreations : boating, riding, gardening. Cardonnel Rice, D.L., J.P. ; b. 24 Jan. 1836 Address : ; Swanswick Rectory, Bath ; 84 s. of 5th Baron and Harriet, d. of D R Banbury Road, Oxford. Barker; S. father 1878; m. Selina, 3rd d. [Died 31 Jan. 1903. of Hon. Arthur 1869 Lascelles, (d. 1889) ; General EARLE, John Marpch, Bengal Infantry ; one s. three d. Educ. : Christ Church, b. 25 Nov. 1825. Entered army, 1842 Oxford (B.A.). Owned about acres. 10,800 General, 1894 ; retired list, 1887 ; served Heir : s. Hon. Walter Fitz Uryan Rice. Sutlej Campaign, 1845-46 (medal with two Address : Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Car- clasps). Address : 33 Addison Gardens, W. marthenshire. Clubs : Carlton, Junior [Died 22 Nov. 1914. Carlton, 8 June 1911. Wellington. [Died Sir EARLE, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ; cr. 1869 ; J.P., DYNHAM, Edward, I.S.O. ; principal clerk, D.L. b. 1820 S. father 1877 : m. National ; ; Emily, Debt Office, retired ; b. 1843 s. ; d. of W. Fletcher, banker, Liverpool, 1853. of late Rev. William Burton Dynham of Educ. : Rugby. Heir : s. Henry, b. 1854. Winchester. Educ. : Cheltenham. Club : Address : Allerton Tower, Liverpool. Constitutional. [Died 12 1914. July [Died 13 Apr. 1900. EARLE, Rev. Sir William, llth Baronet, cr. 1 629 b. s. ; Ballynahown, Gorey, Ireland ; of George Earle, de jure 10th Baronet, and E Cecilia Stone of Carnew, Ireland. Educ. : Trinity Coll. Dublin, B.A., M.A., and B.D. Sir Peter cr. Ordained 1882 as Curate for then Archdeacon BADE, ; Kt. 1885 ; M.D., of Armagh, Ireland ; Curate or Curate in F.R.C.P., J.P. ; Fellow of King's College, of Charge various parishes ; at the King's London ; Consulting Physician to Norfolk and Norwich b. Accession 1901 he assumed as llth Baronet Hospital ; Acle, Norfolk, 1825 s. of the Baronetcy conferred on Sir Richard ; Peter Eade, Blofleld ; m. 1872, of in 1629. Ellen, d. of Hugh Rump of Wells, Norfolk, Earle, Bart., Stragglethorpe, Publications : Reunion of Christendom in and widow of H. Ling. Educ. : Yarmouth 1894 School Apostolic Succession, ; Christianity Grammar ; King's College, London. and the New The Four Practising Physician in Norwich, 1856- Theology ; Gospels ; 1903 Sheriff of and The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Heir : ; Norwich, 1880-81 ; Mayor b. John 1866 m. d. of of Norwich, 1883-84; 1893-94, 1895; Hon. [b. ; 1890, Eliza, of Edward JamesJ. Address : Devereux Court, Freeman the City of Norwich ; took W.C. co. interest in promoting open spaces and public Temple, ; Ballynahown, Gorey, Wexford. 13 1910. recreation ground, and the great cause of [Died Apr. Sir temperance. Publications : Local Notes on EAST, Alfred, Kt., cr. 1910 ; A.R.A. 1899 ;

Health and Archaeology ; Medical Notes on R.E. ; LL.D. ; President of Royal Society of British Dec. Diphtheria and Influenza ; The Parish of Artists ; b. Kettering, 15 1849- St. Giles, Norwich, 1886 ; The Norfolk and ; m. Annie, d. of late Henry Heath ; Norwich one s. four d. : art Hospital, 1770 to 1900 ; Collectanea ; Educ. Kettering ; numerous contributions to medical and other education at Government School of Art,

publications. Address : 68 St. Giles's Street, Glasgow ; afterwards Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Norwich. Club : Royal Societies. Paris. Cavaliere of the Order of the Crown of la Socie"t6 [Died 12 Aug. 1915. Italy ; Associe de National Sir cr. des France Associate EAMES, William, K.C.B., 1902 ; R.N. ; Beaux-Arts, ; Honorary Marine b. Institute British Hon. Engineer ; 10 Feb. 1821 ; s. of Royal Architects ; Socie'te' Cornelius Herman Eames, Engineer, Cork, Member Meiji Bijutsu Kai, Japan ; and d. of of : Bettie, George Seymour ; m. 1852, Royal d'Aquarellistes Belgium Royal Gold Mary (d. 1890), d. of late Robert Eames. Academies, Milan and Stockholm ; Educ. : Dean Street Academy, Cork. medals, London, Paris, Munich, and Bar- in Assistant engineer, 1844 ; chief engineer, celona. Works the undermentioned 3rd Galleries : Class, 1847 ; 2nd Class, 1852 ; 1st National Returning from Church, U.S.A. Class, 1855 ; chief engineer, Chatham dock- Carnegie Art Gallery, Pittsburg, ;

chief in the Hull ; yard, 1869-81 ; inspector of machinery, Evening Cotswolds, City Gallery 1870 in the Ouse Muni- ; retired, 1881 ; served Crimean War, Autumn Valley, Oldham

1854 (medal, Turkish medal and clasp). cipal Gallery ; A Passing Storm, Luxembourg, of National Address : 94 Tressilian Road, St. John's, Paris ; A Haunt Ancient Peace, of S.E. [Died 28 Feb. 1910. Gallery Hungary ; The Nene Valley, The EARLE, Rev. John, M.A., LL.D., Prebendary Permanent Gallery of city of Venice ; of of Silent Somme and of Man- Wells from 1871 ; Rector Swanswick Autumn, city

chester Gibraltar from ; from 1857 ; Professor of Anglo-Saxon, ; Algeciras, Liverpool of b. from of ; University Oxford, from 1876 ; Elston, Halye Lelant, city Birmingham S. Golden of Leeds An Idyl Churchstow, Devon, 29 Jan. 1824 ; o. s. The Valley, city ; of of Preston London at John Earle, farmer and landowner ; m. Spring, Gallery ; Milan The White Jane, d. of Rev. George Rolleston of Maltby, Night, National Gallery ; W. Riding 1863. Educ. : Plymouth New Carnival, Brussels National Gallery. The Art Chicago ; Grammar School ; Kingsbridge Grammar Morning Moon, Institute, School. 1st class in Lit. Hum. 1845. Fellow Autumn in the Valley of the Sceine, Leicester 218 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

: of municipal gallery. Publication The Art of Albert Durer ; Joint Author with J. E. Landscape Painting in Oil Colour, 1906. Hodgson, R.A., of The Royal Academy and : his work first. Address : 2 its Recreations Members, 1768-1830 ; has contributed Street Victoria Spenser Street, S.W. ; 67 articles on various subjects to several papers Belsize Park. N.W. Club : Arts. and magazines, including the Quarterly [Died 28 Sept. 1913. Review, Macmillan's, Fortnightly, Nine- Sir teenth Century, and Scribner's. Address : EAST, Gen. Cecil James, K.C.B. ; cr. 1897 ; 12 Albert Clubs : b. 10 1837 : s. of late Charles James Place, Kensington, W. July New East ; m. 1st, 1863, Jane C. (d. 1871), d. of Athenaeum, University. late C. C. of [Died 11 Sept. 1913. Smith, M.D., Bury St. Edmunds ; 2nd, 1875, Frances Elizabeth, widow of EBERS, Georg Maurice, Egyptologist and nove- of late list Edward H. Watts, d. Rev. Arthur ; Professor's Chair in the University of of Somerset. Educ. : Jena and f. Member of Hogg Chilcompton, Leipzic Egyptolqgie ; Gazetted 1854 ex- : b. privately. 82nd Regt. ; the Royal Academy, Munich Berlin, as : changed Capt. 41st Regt. 1866 ; Major, 1837 ; m. 1865. Educ. Berlin, Keilhau,

57th Regt. 1877 ; served Crimea (medal and Gottingen. Travelled in Africa, 3869 and

clasp) ; Indian Mutiny (severely wounded, 1872-73. Publications: in English Egyp- Lushai tian medal) ; Expedition, 1871-72 (des- Princess, 1864 ; Uarda, 1876 ; Homo

patches, thanked by Government of India ; Sum, 1878 ; The Sisters, 1879 ; The Em- brevet of medal Major, and clasp) ; Zulu peror, 1880 ; The Mayoress, 1881 ; Only a

War, 1879 (despatches, thanked in general Word, 1883 ; Serapis, 1884 ; Lorenz Alma

brevet of Tadenia : his Life orders, Col., medal and clasp) ; and Work, 1886 ; Bride

Burmah War, 1886-87. in command of a bri- of the Nile, 1887 ; Egypt : Descriptive and

gade (despatches, thanked by Government Historical, 1887 ; Eine Frage, 1887 ; Richard of India, C.B. and two clasps) ; Lieut. -Gen. Lepsius, 1887 ; Margery, 1888 ; Joshua, 1896 Elixir ; Governor Royal Military College. 1890 ; and other Tales, 1891 ; Per

1893-98 ; Address : 1892 of General, 1902. Fair- Aspera, ; Story my Life, 1893 ;

haven, Winchester. [Died 14 March 1908. Cleopatra, 1894 ; In the Fire of the Forge, 1895 In the Blue 1896 Barbara EASTLAKE, Charles Locke, F.R.I.B.A. (re- ; Pike, ; : b. s. of Blomberg, 1897 ; Arachne, 1898. Address tired) ; Plymouth ; late George Trift Strasse 6 Eastlake, Admiralty Law Agent and Deputy (winter) Munich, ; (summer) near Villa Ebers. Judge Advocate of the Fleet. Educ. : Tutzing, Munich, Westminster School (Queen's Scholar) and [Died 1 Aug. 1898. Sir 7th Bt. cr. 1721 b. 8 became a member of the Governing Body. ECHLIN, Thomas, ; ; s. of Bt. and o. d. of Became of late Nov. 1844 ; 6th Mary, pupil P. Hardwick, R.A. ; William Cavannah S. father 1877. Officer entered R.A. schools and gained silver medal ; for architectural in the Irish Constabulary, retired 1893. 1854, drawings ; pursued art studies three years on Continent with Heir: b. Henry, b. 1846. [Died I Nov. 1906. intention of Rev. of becoming a water-colour painter ; EDDOWES, John, M.A. ; Hon. Canon to on return England devoted himself to Ripon from 1895 ; Proctor in Convocation

literary work and design in various branches for Archdeaconry of Craven from 1895 ; of industrial art for from b. 15 ; Secretary of the Royal Surrogate Ripon 1894 ; May Institute of British s. of of Architects, 1866-77 ; 1826 ; John Eddowes Shrewsbury ; Keeper and Secretary, National Gallery, m. 1st, Annie (d. 1860) d. of R. Taylor, Shrews- 1878-98 d. of James (appointed by Lord Beaconsfield) ; bury ; 2nd, Frances, Lambert, in this capacity re-arranged and classified Bradford. Educ. : Shrewsbury School ; all the pictures deposited in Trafalgar Square Magdalene College, Cambridge (Scholar). under the 1853 Curate of several schools of painting to which B.A. 1850 ; M.A. ; Lopping- of they belong, and had them glazed as a pro- ton, Salop, 1850-52 ; Vicar Garton-upon- tection of from the deleterious effects of London the- Wolds, 1852-57 ; Vicar St. Jude's, of in atmosphere ; he opened several rooms for Bradford, 1857-86 ; Vicar Eastgate

the exhibition of Turner's water-colour draw- \Veardale, 1886-93 ; Vicar (for the second ings, and provided additional accommodation time) of St. Jude's Bradford, 1893-1902; for the work of art-students and copyists. resigned the living, 1902. Publications : Publications : History of the Gothic Revival The Oflice and Work of a Priest Ordination in Conversion a England, 1870; Hints on Household Addresses at Ely, 1882 ;

Taste, 4th ed. 1874 ; Lectures on Decorative Course of Lent Sermons ; various sermons, Art and Art-Workmanship (delivered at the lectures, and pamphlets. Address : 8 West- Social Science ville Yorkshire. Congress, Liverpool, 1876) ; Avenue, Ilkley, The Present Condition of Industrial Art [Died 15 Sept. 1905. (Spitalflelds School of and Design, 1877) ; EDDY, Mary Baker Glover ; discoverer and on Nuremberg Assoc.) Four (Architectural ; founder of Christian Science ; b. Bow, N.H. ; Handbooks to Picture Galleries Foreign d. of Mark and Abigail A. Baker ; m. 1st, (Milan, 1883-88 Munich, Paris, Venice), ; Major George W. Glover; 2nd, Daniel Our Square and Circle (a series of social D.D.S. Asa G. " Patterson, ; 3rd, Eddy. essays) under the of Jack tutors. pseudonym Educ. : public schools ; private Easel," 1895 ; and Pictures at the National Chris- Was a Congregationalist ; discovered Gallery (illustrated by F. 1898 1867 Hanfstaengl), ; tian Science, 1866 ; began teaching it, ; besides occasional articles in the Nineteenth organised Church of Christ, Scientist, in Century, London Review, Eraser's to the Punch, Boston, 1879 ; ordained ministry, Magazine, Cornhill, Queen, Building News, 1881 ; founded Mass. Metaphysical College, etc. Recreations : travel : visited and in founded Christian Boston, chartered 1881 ; studied contents of principal Christian Science picture galleries Science Journal, 1883 ; in Europe ; water-colour etc. Harold der Christian sketching, Sentinel, 1898 ; Der Address : 41 Leinster W. Christian Science Square, Bayswater, Science, 1903 ; The Club : Athenaeum. [Died 20 Nov. 1906. Monitor (daily), 1908. Publications : Science Sir with to (the EATON, Fred, A., Kt. cr. 1911 ; Secretary and Health, Key Scriptures

b. of Christian ; also many Royal Academy ; 1838 ; s. of Richard Text-Book Science) Eaton of Teignmouth, and Charlotte, d. of other works on the subject. Address : Short of U.S.A. George Bickham ; m. 1871, Caroline Chestnut Hill, Mass., d. of 8 Dec. 1910. Charlotte, Major Southwell Greville ; [Died no c. Educ. : Rev. Robert Vicar of Old King's College School ; Ox- EDEN, Allan, M.A., ford. from 1887 b. Publications : Editor of Murray's St. Pancras, London, ; Leigh s. late 27 Dec. 1839 ; 4th of Handbooks, Egypt and South Italy, 1870-80 ; Rectory, Essex, edited English Translation of Thausing's Life Robert Eden, Bishop of Moray and Ross, 219 EDEN WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

Primus of the Church in Scotland. Educ. : Arhanga Passes ; actions of 9, 16, and 24 Westminster; Christ Oxford. Or- Church, Nov. ; operations in Bara Valley, 7th to dained 1869 of ; Canon Inverness, 1885-87 ; 14th Dec. ; affair at Shinkamar, 29th Jan. to Chaplain Bishops Eden and Kelly of Moray (despatches, medal with two and Ross clasps, D.S.O.) ; Corresponding Member of the Aden Hinterland, 1903. Decorated for service Historical 1907. Maryland Society, Publica- in Tirah, N.W. Frontier of India, 1897. tion : Some Historical Notes on the Eden Address : c/o Cox & Co., Charing Cross, S.W. Address : Family, 1907. 58 Oakley Square [Died 17 Apr. 1915. N.W. [Died 29 March 1912 EDMOND, John Philip ; Librarian, Society of Sir Writers to the EDEN, William, 7th Bt., cr. 1672 ; and 5th Signet, Edinburgh, from 1904 ; cr. 1776 b. 4 b. 28 1850 e. s. of Bt., ; J.P., D.L. ; Apr. 1849 ; July ; J. Edmond, book- 2nd *. of 6th Bt. S. father binder Aberdeen ; 1873 ; m. d. oi ; m. 1872, Barbara Janet, late Sir William K. y. d. of William Grey, C.S.I., 1886 ; four Sinclair, wholesale druggist ; *. one d. Educ. : Eton. Ensign, 28th one s. three d. Educ. : Bellevue Academy,

Regt. ; Lieut. 8th Hussars Col. Aberdeen. Served to ; commanding apprenticeship father ; 2nd V.B. Durham Assistant Light Infantry, 1889-96 ; partner 1872-89; Librarian Sion Master of South Durham Hounds for nine College London, 1889-91 ; Librarian to the seasons. Exhibited water-colours at R.I., at Haigh Hall, Wigan, Dudley Gallery, New English Art Club, and 1891-1904. Publications: The Aberdeen the Salon, Champs de Mars, Paris. Recrea- Printers, 1620-1736, 1882; Last Notes on tions : hunting, shooting, driving, travelling, the Scottish Printers; Annals of Scottish painting. Owned about 8000 acres. Heir : Printing, 1507 to 17th century (with Dr. s. John, b. 9 Oct. 1888. Address : Windle- R. Dickson), 1890. Recreations: reading, stone, Perry Hill, Co. Durham. Clubs''.- foreign travel, patience. Address : 43 Travellers', Turf. [Died 20 Feb. 1915. Grange Road, Edinburgh. Sir EDGAR, Hon. James David, K.C.M.G. ; cr. [Died 30 Jan. 1906.

1898 ; Rev. Walter of P.C., M.P., Q.C., D.C.L., F.R.S.C. ; EDMONDS, John, B.D., Canon Exeter Speaker Commons of Canada from Aug. Cathedral, 1891-1913 ; b. Penzance, 1896; b. Hatley, Quebec, 10 Aug. 1841"; 6 Oct. 1834. Educ. : Church Missionary *. of late James Edgar, Edinburgh, and Coll., London. C.M.S. Missionary in South-

Lennoxville, Quebec ; m. 2nd, d. of late T. G. India, 1860-63 ; Curate of Redruth, 1864-69. Ridout, Toronto, 1865 (Lady Edgar was In service of the B. and F. Bible Society, author of 1869-73 of historical work, Ten Years of ; Rector High Bray, North Devon, Upper Canada, 1805-15). Educ. : Lennox- 1873-89; Vicar of St. George's, Tiverton, ville 1889-91 of and Quebec. First elected for Monck, ; Prebendary Exeter Cathedral, Prov. of 1885 for Ontario, to Dominion House of ; Proctor Chapter of Exeter in

Commons, 1872 ; contested afterwards South Lower House of Convocation ; Chancellor of Exeter Vice-President Oxford, South Ontario, and Centre Toronto, Cathedral, 1900 ; B. and sat for the riding of West Ontario from and F. Bible Society. 1893. Publications:

1884. Publication*: several Canadian law Essays and Reviews ; Eastern and Western works numerous Witness to the Exeter Cathedral. ; political pamphlets ; The Bible; White Stone Address : Cauoe ; This Canada of Ours, The Close, Exeter. and other 18 1914. Poems ; Canada and its Capital, [Died Apr. 1898. Recreations : literature. golf, fishing, EDRIDGE, Col. Frederick Lockwood ; b. 13 Address : 113 Bloor Street, Toronto West, ; July 1831 ; m. 1st, 1866, Ruth Isabella (d. The Lake Sinicoe Pines, ; Speaker's Cham- 1903), e. d. of Capt. Frederick Button, llth bers, Ottowa. Clubs : Toronto ; Rideau, Hussars ; 2nd, 1905, Rose, d. of D. Morley. Ottawa. 31 1899. [Died July Entered army, 1855 ; Col. 1881 ; retired,

Sir cr. 1889 ; served 1855 with EDGAR, John Ware, 1889 ; K.C.I.E., Crimea, (medal clasp, Turkish Indian 1858 C.S.I.; Bengal Civil Service; b. 16 Sept. medal) ; Mutiny, (des- 1839 s. of Address : 11 Clanricarde ; John Peard Edgar, Kensington, patches, medal). and Jane, d. of B. Gibbings. Educ. : pri- Gardens, Tunbridge Wells ; Tynlon, Aberech, Pwllheli. 12 vately. Joined B.C.S. 1862 ; Pol. officer [Died Feb. 1913. with the Lushai Expedition, 1871-72 (medal A. R.B.A. marine and EDWARD, S., 1894; clasp) ; Jun. Sec. to Govt. of s. Bengal, painter ; of late Charles Edward, J.P., 1872-73; Financial and Chief Sec. to the architect and senior Magistrate, for some Govt. of 1884-91 Bengal, ; Addl. member of b. . time Dundee ; Dundee, 1852 ; m. 1878, Council of Viceroy and Gov.-Gen. d. of 1891-92, W. H. Lockwood, Solicitor ; one d. resigned 1892. Recreations : historical Educ. : Madras College and St. Leonard's studies, especially on subjects connected with University, St. Andrews, N.B. Served ap- modern Latin Christianity and Northern prenticeship to architecture ; afterwards Buddhism. Address: Villa Guicciardini a went to Edinburgh and studied art there : Montughi, Florence. [Died 4 June 1902. exhibited in Royal Academy and nearly all Sir Peter cr. exhibitions in the in EDLIN, Henry, Kt., 1888 ; K.C., kingdom ; painted

J.P., D.L. ; b. 1819 ; widower. Barr. Middle France, Holland, Spain, the Canaries, and Africa of of Temple, 1847 ; Recorder of Bridgwater, ; member Society Arts, London 1872-98; Assistant Judge of Middlesex Sketch Club, and the Paisley Art Institute. : : Sessions, 1874-89 ; Chairman of the Co. of Recreations golfing and boating. Address London Sessions, 1889-96. Address: 64 Puckeridge, Herts. Clubs : Savage, London Queensborough Terrace, W. Sketch. [Died 5 May 1915. [Died 17 July 1903. EDWARDES, Lieut.-Col.Hon. Cuthbert Ellison; EDLMANN, Major Ernest Elliot, 1898 b. D.S.O., ; 1838 ; 2nd s. of 3rd Baron Kensington ; R.A. ; b. 24 Nov. 1868 5th Leamington, ; m. 1882, Lady Blanche Henrietta Maria s. of late Major J. E. Edlmann, King's Butler, d. of 2nd Marquess of Ormonde. Dragoon Guards, and Caroline, d. of late Served with Rifle Brigade, Indian Mutiny, W. Elliot, Madras Civil Service; m. 1908, 1857-58, including battle of Cawnpore, siege of Evelyn, d. late Maj.-Gen. L. R. H. D. and capture of Lucknow (medal with clasp). one s. two d. Educ. : Campbell ; Leaming- Add,ress : 39 Lancaster Gate, W. ton College ; Royal Military Academy. [Died 8 Sept. 1911. Commissioned, 1888; served in Kachin Sir cr. EDWARDES, Henry Hope, 10th Bt. ; Hills, Burma, 1893 ; 1896 Soudan, (medal 1644 ; J.P. ; b. 1829 ; 5. father 1841. and Khedive's Frontier of medal) ; N.W. Educ. : Rugby. Lieut. 85th Foot, 1851-53. India, 1897 ; 1897-98 : 55 Mohmand, Tirah, ; Address Wootton Hall, Ashbourne ; was at the present actions of Chagru, Kotal, Jermyn Street, W. Clubs : Cariton, Turf. and of Dargai ; capture Sanpagha and [Died 24 Aug. 1900. WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 EFFING-HAM

EDWARDS, Rev. Ellis, M.A., D.D. Edin. ; - Educ. : village school. Began work as Methodist Bala for the Sentinel Principal Calvinistic College, ; agent in Manchester ; became b. s. of Rev. a Professor of Dogmatic ; 1844 ; journalist in London, 1846, and took great Roger Edwards, Welsh Presbyterian Minister, interest in public questions, especially in of first Welsh and editor political newspaper, co-operation with Cobden and Bright ; one of the leading literary men of Wales. Delegate to International Peace Conference : in Educ. Chester ; Edinburgh University ; Brussels, 1838 ; also delegate to similar M.A., D.D., of Edinburgh. Minister in the congresses in Paris, 1849, and Frankfort-on- Church for Welsh Presbyterian ; pastor H the-Main, 1850 ; founded The Public Good, of the Committee a years at Oswestry ; member monthly magazine, 1850 ; Proprietor of the Charter of the which drew up University Mechanics' Magazine and Building News ; of Wales, and of the Theological Board, and bought the Echo, 1876, and edited it for about first of the of Uni- Dean Faculty Divinity, twenty years ; contested Truro, 1868 ; of Davies 1903. versity Wales ; Lecturer, founded more than seventy public institu- : Recreations walking, rowing, cycling. tions, including hospitals, homes, and libraries ; Address : The College, Bala, N. Wales. name chiefly associated with free libraries, [Died 2 Feb. 1915. of which twenty-five owe their foundation to him of EDWARDS, Enoch, M.P. (Lab.) Hanley since ; presented upwards eighty thousand a treasurer of volumes to public libraries, hospitals, con- 1906 ; b. 1852 ; was pitman ; valescent and other North Staffs Miners' Association Lodge, 1870 ; homes, reading-rooms, institutions of ; erected eleven foun- secretary from 1877 ; member School drinking tains, and placed marble busts of Board and Town Council of Burslem, 1886 ; thirty-two Midland eminent men by eminent artists in public Alderman and Mayor ; President, Miners' buildings ; was presented with the hon. Miners' Association, 1888 ; President freedom of West Truro, Federation of Great Britain ; member, Staffs Ham, Falmouth, and East on occasions C.C. Address : Burslem, Staffs. Liskeard, Ham ; two Died 28 June 1912. most respectfully declined the honour of knighthood, offered first by EDWARDS, Lieut.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir Fleetwood and several years afterwards by King Edward ; Isham, G.C.V.O., 1901 ; P.C., 1895 ; K.C.B., he derived his best recreation from his daily 1887 ; C.B., 1882 ; I.S.O., 1903 ; Sergeant- : work ; M.P. Salisbury, 1880-85. Address at-Arms, , and Extra Equerry 51 Netherhall Gardens, Hampstead, N.W. to His Majesty King Edward VII. from 1901 ; [Died 22 Apr. 1911. ft. 21 April 1842 ; 2nd s. of late Thomas Edwards and Hester Magdalene Penelope, d. EDWARDS, Rev. Thomas Charles, M.A., D.D., of late Rev. William Wilson, Knowle Hall, Edin., Wales 1898; Principal, Theological

College, Bala, North from 1891 ; b. Warwickshire. Educ. : Harrow ; R.M.A, Wales,

Bala, 22 Sept. 1837 ; e. s. of Rev. Lewis Woolwich. Entered R.E. 1863 ; Captain. 1890 Edwards, D.D., former Principal, Theological 1877 ; Major, 1883 ; Lieut.-Colonel, ; Coll. : Coll. d. of Bala. Educ. Bala ; Univ. retired 1895 ; m. 1st, 1871, Edith, Rev. London ; Lincoln Coll. Oxford. 1st Class Allan Smith-Masters, Camer, Kent (d. 1873) ; in Final Minister 2nd, 1880, Mary, d. of late Major John Classical Honours, 1866. Presbyterian Church of Wales, Liverpool, Routledge Majendie, 92nd Highlanders ; 1867-72 of Univ. Coll. of A.D.C. and Private Secretary to the Governor ; Principal Wales, of Aberystwyth, 1872-91. Publications : A Bermuda, 1867-69 ; Assistant Inspector Commentary on First Corinthians, 1885 ; of Works, Royal Arsenal, 1870-75 ; A.D.C. to Expositor's Bible Hebrews, 1888 ; A Welsh Inspector-General of Fortifications, 1875-78 ; on the 1890 The attached to special Embassy at Congress of Commentary Hebrews, ; of God-Man, 1895. Address: Bala, North Berlin, 1878 ; Assistant Keeper the Privy Purse and Assist. Private Secretary to Queen Wales. [Died 22 March 1900. 1880- Victoria, 1878-95 ; Groom-in- Waiting, EDWARDS, Major William Mordaunt Marsh, b. 1895 ; Keeper of Privy Purse to Queen V.C., J.P., D.L. ; on retired pay ; Harding- to e. s. of late H. W. Victoria, 1895-1901, and Extra Equerry ham, Norfolk, 7 May 1855 ; of Her Majesty, 1888-1901 ; a Trustee Queen B. Edwards, Hardingham Hall ; m. Alice, s. Victoria Jubilee Institute for Nurses ; mem- d. of late General E.N. Norton, 1889 ; one : ber of Council of the Duchy of Lancaster ; Educ. Eton ; Trin. Coll. Cambridge. Governor of Wellington Coll., and a Royal Gazetted Sub-Lieut, unattached, 1876 ; Commissioner for Exhibition of 1851. Ad- passed through Sandhurst, and joined the dress : in the St. James's Palace, S.W. ; The Manor 74th Highlanders, 1877 ; served

House, Lindfleld, Sussex. Club : United Straits Settlements and ; Egypt. Service. [Died 14 Aug. 1910. 1882; present at Tel-el-Kebir (Victoria Cross, medal and clasp, and Khedive's star) ; EDWARDS, Sir George William ; cr. 1887 ; 1884-89 five of 3rd member of Edwards, Ringer, and Bigg, India, ; years Adjutant Batt. L.I. retired Nov. 1896 ; b. Highland ; tobacco manufacturers, Bristol ; 1818 ; to H.M. Honourable Corps of widower. Mayor of Bristol, 1876-77, 1877- appointed 1899. Decorated for 1878, 1878-79, 1886-87. Address: Stoke Gentlemen-at-Arms, at Tel-el-Kebir. Address : Hard- Bishop, Bristol. [Died 28 March 1902. gallantry ingham Hall, Norfolk. Club : Naval and Sir Kt. cr. 1885 ; J.P., EDWARDS, Henry, ; Military. [Died 17 Sept. 1912. D.L. merchant in of London b. 1820. ; City ; 3rd Earl of M.P. 1867-85. Address: EFFINGHAM, (cr. 1837), Henry (L.) Weymouth, D.L. Baron 1554. 53 Howard, J.P., ; Howard, Berkeley Square, W. ; Nutfield, Redhill. [1st Baron, William Howard, K.G., was first Clubs : Windham, Reform. Ambassador of England to Russia, 1553, and [Died 4 Feb. 1897. Baron Lord High Admiral of England ; 2nd Sir Coster 2nd Bt. EDWARDS, Henry Lea, ; commanded the fleet that destroyed the cr. father 1866 ; J.P. ; b. 3 June, 1840 ; S. was a Armada, 1588 ; 7th Baron (d. 1743) 1886 m. 2nd d. of J. C. Clark. ; Laura, Bridge- distinguished military officer.] b. 7 Feb. foot House, Iver, Bucks, 1887. Educ. : of 1837 ; *. of 2nd Earl and Eliza, d. General : s. Harrow ; Magdalen Coll. Oxford. Heir Sir Gordon Drummond ; S. father 1889 ; John b. 1889. Address : Henry Priestly ; m. Victoria, d. of Mons. Boyer, Paris, 1865. Bournemouth ; Pyenest, near Boscombe, Educ. : Harrow : Christ Church, Oxford. Halifax. [Died 5 Dec. 1896. Owned about 5800 acres. Heir: *. Lord EDWARDS, John Passmore, at one time pro- Howard, b. 1866. Address : Tusmore

of Oxfordshire ; Grange, prietor the Echo ; b. Blackwater, Cornwall, House, Bicester, 24 Yorkshire. Clubs : Boodle's, March, 1823 ; father a Cornish carpenter ; Rotherham, m. Eleanor, d. of H. Humphreys, artist. Travellers', Turf. [Died 4 May 1898. EGERTON WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

EGERTON, Colonel Sir Alfred Mordaunt, M.A. Prince Albert's 2nd prize for German, 1901 1896 Coll. class K.C.V.O., 1905 ; C.V.O., ; C.B., ; Eton. ; 2nd Moderations, and in as Royal Horse Guards, retired Colonel, 1888 ; Modern History and Law, 1854. Conserva- Comptroller of the Household to H.Il.H. tive. Chairman of Church Defence Institu- b. 1843 n. Duke of Connaught ; 30 March, ; tion, 1874-96. M.P. North Cheshire, 1858- s. of of late Lord Egerton of Tatton, and y. 1868 ; Mid-Cheshire, 1868-83. Served on the and d. of Commission on Rev. Thomas Egerton Charlotte, Royal Noxious Vapours ; Sir William Milner, Bart., of Nunappleton ; Chairman of the Royal Commission on the d. of of the m. Hon. Mary Georgina Ormsby-Gore, Education Blind, Deaf, etc., 1884-87 ; 2nd Lord Harlech, 1878, a Lady-in-Waiting Chairman of the Manchester Ship Canal, 1887- to H.R.H. Duchess of Connaught, and a Lady 3894; was President of the Royal Agricultural of four s. of Grace St. John Jerusalem ; Society, Shire Horse Society, Hackney Horse Educ. : Eton. Served in 2nd Batt. Rifle Society; late Maj. Earl of Chester's Yeo- in 1st Batt. Rifle Brigade, India, 1863-66 ; manry Cavalry ; Chairman of Quarter

Brigade, Canada, 1866-68; joined Royal Sessions, Co. Chester, 1883-89 ; Prov. Grand to Horse Guards, 1869 ; Equerry H.R.H. Master Cheshire, 1885-1900 ; Chairman of of 1878 the Duke Connaught, ; Comptroller R.oyal Commission on the Port of London, and Treasurer to H.R.H., 1890. Recreations : 1900. Publications : Handbook of Indian Address : shooting, cricket, rowing, cycling. and Oriental Arms (2nd ed.), 1896 ; articles Chilton House, Thame. Clubs : Mar- on Agriculture, Manchester Ship Canal, the borough, Carlton, Turf. [Died 26 May 1908. Port of London, and Our Present and Future e. s. EGERTON, Charles Augustus, J.P., D.L. ; Horse Supply, in the Nineteenth Century and late of late E. C. Egerton and Lady Mary National Review ; and The Medals of the d. of Earl Frances Pierrepont, 2nd Manvers ; Italian Renaissance, Monthly Review ; m. 1888, Hon. Mabelle Annie, d. of 1st Baron Military Training in State Aided Schools, : Brassey ; four s. three d. Educ. Harrow ; Empire Review. Owned about 25,000 acres Christ Church, Oxford (B.A. 1870). Master in Lancashire, Cheshire, Derbyshire. Italian, of East Sussex Foxhounds, 1870-75, 1884-93, Dutch, and modern pictures, and library at

and jointly with Hon. T. A. Brassey, 1899- Tatton ; owned Queen Elizabeth's Horn : 1902 ; was also Master of Christ Church Book, and picture. Recreations breeds

Harriers, Oxford, 1868, and of the Rufford shire horses and coach horses ; fond of experi- : in Foxhounds, 1875-80. Recreations hunting ments agriculture ; had large collection

and shooting. Address : Mountfleld Court, of Oriental arms : travelled in India and the Robertsbridge, Sussex. Clubs : Travellers', East. Heir to barony : b. Hon. Alan de Turf. [Died 13 Oct. 1912. Tatton Egerton. Address : Tatton Park, EGERTON, Rear-Admiral Frederick Wilbraham, Knutsford; 7 St. James's Square, S.W. Clubs : Carlton, Travellers', Fine Arts', St. b. 8 Dec. 1838 ; m. 1879, Mary Augusta Phipps, d. of Admiral of the Fleet Sir Geoffrey Stephen's. [Died 16 March 1909.

T. Phipps Hornby, G.C.B. Entered Navy, EGERTON, Rev. William Henry, M.A. ; Pre- 1881 of Lichfield b. 1853 ; Commander, 1871 ; Captain, ; bendary from 1896 ; 13 Nov. 1896 served retired 1885 ; Rear-Admiral, ; 1811 ; 4th s. of Rev. S. Philip Grey Egerton,

Crimea and Peiho River, 1859 (Crimean and Rector of Malpas ; m. Louisa, e. d. of Brooke China medals). Address : Cheriton Cottage, Cunliffe ; one *. two d. Educ. : private 4 near Arlesford, Hants. [Died Jan. 1909. schools. Deacon 1835 ; Fellow of Brasenose 1836 1836 Rector of the EGERTON, Major George M. L., Handicapper College, ; priest, ; s. Lower Mediety, Malpas, 1840 ; Vicar of to the Jockey Club ; b. 2 Nov. 1837 ; of 1845 Rector of Rev. T. Egerton, 3rd s. of W. Egerton, Tatton Ellesmere, ; Whitchurch, was the d. of Sir Shropshire, 1846-1908 ; oldest Park ; m. Mary, y. Edward Blackett, Fellow of the of London. Bt., 1865. Educ. : Eton. Joined Rifle Geological Society Publications : Talbot's left it in for 22 The Pew System ; Brigade, 1855 ; 1864 ; was Tomb Personal Reminiscences. Address : years Adjutant of the Nottinghamshire ; County Batt. of Volunteers. Recreations : Casula, Whitchurch, Salop. 16 1910. sporting, cricket, etc. Address : Townshend [Died March Lieut. Scots House, The Mount, York. Clubs : Carlton, EGERTON-WARBURTON, John, Guards b. 1883 s. of late Piers Yorkshire. [Died 2 Sept. 1898. ; ; Egerton- Warburton and Hon. Antoinette cr. Elizabeth, EGERTON, Sir Robert Eyles, K.C.S.I. ; 3rd d. of 3rd Baron de Saumarez ; m. 1908, 1878 ; C.I.E., 1878 ; J.P., D.L. ; Bengal Hon. Lettice Leigh, e. d. of 2nd Baron Newton Civil Service (retired) ; b. 15 April 1857 ; 3rd Address : Arley Hall, Northwich, Cheshire. s. of William Egerton, Gresford Lodge, Den- [Died 30 Aug. 1915. bighshire ; m. 1853, Mary Warren (d. 1882),

Piers, J. l>. ; b. 22 d. of William Hickey ; 2nd, 1883, Emily EGERTON-WARBURTON, 1839 s. of Rowland E. Caroline, d. of Rev. J. W. Cunningham, Vicar May ; Egerton- Warburton and e. d. of Sir Richard of Harrow. Educ. : Exeter Coll. Oxford ; Mary,

of Brooke, 6th Bt. of Norton ; m. 1880, Hon. Haileybury. B.C.S. 1849-82 ; M.L.C. the Antoinette Elizabeth, 3rd d. of 3rd Baron Governor-Gen., 1871-74 ; C.S.I., 1875 ; Lieut. Gov. of the Punjab, 1877-82. Address : de Saumarez; two s. four d. Educ.: Eton; Coed-y-glyn, Wrexham, N. Wales. Christ Church, Oxford; B.A. M.P. (C.) 1876-85 Col. of Earl of [Died 30 Sept. 1912. Mid-Cheshire, ; Chester's 1891-99. Address : EGERTON, 1st Earl (cr. 1897), Wilbraham Yeomanry, Arley Hall, Northwich, Cheshire. Clubs: Egerton ; Viscount Salford (cr. 1897) ; 2nd Carlton, St. James's. [Died 24 March 1914. Baron Egerton of Tatton (cr. 1859) ; Lord- Chancellor Lieut, of Cheshire, 1900-1905 ; EGGLESTON, Edward, A.M., S.T.D., L.H.D. ; of Order of Hospital of St. John Jerusalem, historian ; b. Vevay, Indiana, 10 Dec. 1837 ; Ecclesiastical Commissioner for e. s. 1898-1908 ; of Joseph Carey Eggleston, Counsellor- of Susten- of England ; Chairman Q.V. Clergy at-Law, and Mary Jane, d. Capt. George in female of tation Fund, 1897-1906 [descended Craig, Craig Township ; m. 1st, Elizabeth, line from 2nd Earl of Bridgewater, settled at d. of William Smith, 1858'; 2nd, Frances b. : Tatton since time of Charles II.] ; 17 Jan. Eliza, d. of Dr. S. M. Goode, 1891. Educ. s. of 1st Baron and e. d. of 2nd account of 1832 ; e. Amelia Academy, Virginia ; on S. father 1883 m. of almost Marquess of Ely ; ; 1st, extreme delicacy health education Lady Mary Sarah Amherst, e. d. of 2nd Earl wholly acquired in private. Minister in Alice In- of Amherst, 1857 (d. 1892) ; 2nd, Anne, Minnesota, 1857-66 ; editor New York

d. of Sir Graham Montgomery, 3rd Bart., dependent, 1870-71 ; Hearth and Home, and widow of 3rd Duke of Buckingham and 1871-72; Pastor of a wholly independent : Chandos, 1894. Educ. Eton ; Oxford congregation in Brooklyn, 1874-79. Publica- 222 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1910 ELIOTT-LOCKHART

Blake's tioru: Mr. Walking-Stick, 1869; Navy, 1873 ; and professional papers in the The Book of Queer Stories, 1870; The Transactions of the Royal Society, Institu- 1871 of the Hoosier Schoolmaster, ; The End tion of Naval Architects, etc. Address : 18 The of Cornwall World, 1872; Mystery Metropolis- Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. ; 1873 1874 The Clifton ville, ; The Circuit-llider, ; Hampden, Oxon. Clubs : Reform, Schoolmaster's 1874 1878 Stories, ; Roxy, ; Garrick, Savage ; Western, Glasgow ; Presi-

The Hoosier School-hoy, 1883 ; Queer Stories dent of the Sette of Odd Volumes. 1894-95. 1884 The 1888 of the ; Graysons, ; History [Died 16 Jan. 1909. United States and Its People : tor the Use ELIOT, Lord Edward, Henry John Cornwallis

of 1888 ; Household of the Elliot b. Schools, History ; 30 Aug. 1885 ; e. s. of 5th Earl of United States and Its 1888 First St. People, ; Germans. Educ. : Eton ; Magdalene in 1889 The Faith Book American History, ; College, Cambridge. [Died 24 Aug. 1909.

1891 ; Duffels, 1893 : The Beginners Doctor, ELIOT, Sir John, K.C.I.E., cr. 1903, F.R.S., of of a Nation, 1896 ; The Transit Civilisation b. Lamesley, Durham, 1839 ; m. 1877, Mary, 1900. Recreations : pedestrianism, unam- d. of Wm. Nevill, Godalming. Educ. : St. bitious single-hand sail- mountain-climbing, John's College, Cambridge (M.A.). 2nd ing, sculling, collecting rare books and (bracketed) Wrangler, 1869 ; 1st Smith's relating to English and American manuscripts Prizeman, 1869 ; Fellow of St. John's College, Address : Joshua's-Rock- culture-history. 1869-76. Professor of Mathematics, Roorkee on-Lake-George, New York, U.S.A. Clubs : Engineering College, 1869-72 ; at the Muir Century, Authors' (N.Y. City). Central Coll. Allahabad, 1872-74 ; Professor [Died 3 Sept. 1902. of Physics, Presidency College, Calcutta ; Charles EGMONT, 7th Earl of (cr. 1733), George Meteorological Reporter to the Government J.P. Bt. 1661 Baron Perceval, D.L., ; ; of 1874-86 Bengal, ; Meteorological Reporter 1715 Viscount 1722 Perceval, ; Perceval, ; to Government of India and Director- Baron Lovell and Holland 1762 (Gt. Brit,), ; General of Indian Observatories, 1886-1903 ; Baron 1770 Baron Arden Arden, ; (U.K.), retired, 1903. Publications : numerous ac- s. of and 1802 ; b. 15 June 1845 ; Hon. Rev. counts of cyclones and cyclonic storms ; Charles b. of 6th and George Perceval, Earl, Handbook of Cyclonic Storms in the Bay of Frances, d. of Ven. George Trevelyan, Archd. Bengal ; numerous meteorological discussions of Taunton S. u. 1874 m. 4th d. of ; ; Lucy, contributed to the Indian Meteorological 1869. Educ. : Univ. Henry King, Radley ; Memoirs, Asiatic Journals, and Quarterly Coll. Oxford. M.P. (C.) Midhurst, 1874. Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society ; Owned about acres. Heir : cousin, 35,000 C.I.E. 1897 Address : Bon Porte", Cavalaire, b. 1829. Address : 26 St. James's Augustus, Var, France. Club : Royal Societies. S.W. Midhurst. Place, ; Cowdray Park, [Died 19 March 1908. Clubs : Carlton, New University, Windham. ELIOT, Rev. W. ; Vicar of Holy Trinity, [Died'S Sept. 1897. Bournemouth, 1891-1906 ; Rural Dean of EGMONT, 8th Earl of (cr. 1733), Augustus Christchurch, 1893-1909 ; Hon. Canon of Arthur Bt. 1661 Baron Perceval, ; Perceval, Worcester Cathedral from 1889 b. 1832 1715 Baron ; ; ; Viscount Perceval, 1722 ; s. of of William Eliot Weymouth ; m. 1858, Lovell and Holland 1762 (Great Britain), ; Barbara, e. d. of C. R. Baynes, The Lammas, Baron 1770 Baron Arden Arden, ; (United Minchinhampton, Judge of the Supreme b. 4 Kingdom), 1802 ; June 1856 ; m. Kate, : Court, Madras ; three s. one d. Educ. Bath d. of Warwick Howell, South Carolina, U.S.A. Grammar School ; Wadham College, Oxford. : 1881 ; S. cousin 1897 ; Heir b. Charles Curate of Minchinhampton. 1855 ; Vicar of John Perceval. [Died 11 Aug. 1910. of Mayfleld, Staffs, 1862 ; Rector Compton see Edward Hamilton. 1866 Vicar of St. JEHA ; Aitken, Abbas, Dorset, ; James's, Bristol, 1871 ; Vicar of Aston, EHRLICH, Prof. Paul ; M.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Birmingham, for 1876 ; Chairman of the Aston School Board, Ph.D. ; Director of Royal Institute Ex- 1884-91 Rural Dean of 1887-91. I perimental Therapy and Georg Speyer House ; Aston, for Publications : History of Aston Parish J Experimental Chemo-Therapy ; Nobel

Church ; The Lord's Supper a Practical prize, 1908 ; b. Strehlen, 14 Mar. 1854 ; m. Treatise for Confirmation Candidates. Ad- Hedwig Pinkus. Educ. : Breslau, Strass- dress : Crabton Bourne- i burg, Freiburg, Leipsic. Publications : Oxy- Mayfleld, Close Road, mouth. [Died 26 Jan. 1910. T gen Requirements of Organisms, 1885 ;

Methylene Blue Reactions of Living Nerve- Sir William Francis ; 8th } ELIOTT, Augustus 14 substances, 1886 ; Anaemia (joint), 1898 ; Bt. of Stobs ; cr. 1666 ; Chief of ancient A Partial etc. Ad- for Functions of Cells, 1908, family of Eliott ; J.P., D.L. ; served tl dress : Paul Ehrlichstrasse 44, Frankfurt- several years in the 93rd Sutherland High- II 2 s. of am-Main, Germany. [Died 20 Aug. 1915. landers ; b. Stobs Castle, Feb. 1827 ; 7th Bt. and d. of late Sir Alexander i Theresa, JSLGAR, Francis, F.R.S., LL.D., M.Inst.C.E. ; Charlotte Maria Naval Boswell, Bt. ; m. 1st, 1846, Architect ; b. Portsmouth, 24 April j d. (d. 1878), d. of late Robert Wood ; one ; 1845 ; 2nd s. of Francis Ancell Elgar ; TO. Ethel Annie d. of John Howard 2nd, Hannah Grissell, d. of H. T. Birkett, j Mitchell, and widow of Kel- II Colls, London, 1889. Educ. : The Royal Foxbury, Surrey, Henry School of Naval Architecture and Marine sall, 1879. Educ. : Eton. Recreations : at one 1 Engineering. Fellow of the Royal School of shooting, fishing, hunting, curling ; of race and horses. L Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, time owner steeplechase Owned about 19,400 acres. Heir : n. Arthur i 1867. In Admiralty service, 1867-71 ; chief if professional assistant to Sir E. J. Reed, 1871- A. Boswell, b. 1856. Club : Conservative, to Edinburgh. [Died 6 Apr. 1910. |l 1879 ; adviser upon Naval Construction the I Japanese 1879-81 ; Consulting Lt.-Col. Percy Clare, [ Government, ELIOTT-LOCKHART," " of Naval Architect in London, 1881-86 ; and D.S.O., 1899 ; Queen's Own Corps

Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Guides b. 21 1867 ; ] ; Kamptee, India, Sept. H! Engineering in the University of Glasgow, s. of Col. William Eliott-Lockhart, late d. of late I 1883-86 ; Director of H.M. Dockyards at the Royal Artillery, and Ada, Henry Director of and Naval Cardew m. Katharine Mary, d. of | Admiralty, 1886-92; ; 1905, iii ; s. Educ. : Somerset Architect to the Fairneld Shipbuilding and James Worrall ; one b Engineering Co. of Glasgow, 1892-1906, and Coll. Bath. Gazetted 1st West Indian Ilegt,

i Staff 1890 ; served as .Chairman of the Company, 1907 ; Chairman 1887 ; Indian Corps, of Cammell Laird & Co., 1907; Vice-Presi- Brigade Transport Officer, Waziristan Ex- relief dent and Treasurer of Institution of Naval pedition, 1894-95 (medal and clasp) ;

I Architects of Tariff of Chitral. attack on the Malakand 1 ; Member Commission, 1895 ; North-West 1904. Publications : The Ships ot the Royal (medal and clasp) ; Frontier, 223 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

1897-98; defence of Malakand ; relief of Bridgwater (d. 1803) was grand-uncle of

Chakdara ; operations in Bajaur, Mamand, 1st Earl of Ellesmere, and founded the canal

and Boner (despatches, two clasps, D.S.O.) ; systems in England ; his cousin, the 8th Earl

China. 1900 (medal) ; Somaliland, D.A.A. of Bridgwater, originated the well-known

and Q.M.G., 2nd Brigade, 1903-4 (despatches, Bridgwater Treatises ; the 1st Earl of medal and two clasps). Decorated in recog- Bridgwater was appointed Lord President of nition of services on North-West Frontier Wales, and this originated Milton's Comus.l 1 1897-98. Publication : A Fron- of Justice St. John of Jerusalem Expeditions, Knight ;\ tier Campaign. Recreations : shooting, fish- Hon. Colonel Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeo- ing, riding. Address : Mardan, Punjab. manry Cavalry, and 7th Batt. Manchester^ : 6. Club United Service. Regiment from 1891 ; London, 5 AprJ s. [Died 13 March 1915. 1847 ; of 2nd Earl and d. of 1st Earl b. S. ELKINS, Stephen Benton ; Perry Co., O., Cawdor; father 1862 ; m. Lady Katharind 8. of d. 26 Sept. 1841 ; Philip D. and Sarah P. Louisa Phipps, 2nd of 2nd Marquess on Sallie of .1 Elkins ; m. 1st, 1866, Jacobs Normanby, 1868 ; four s. five d. Educ.

Wellington, Missouri ; two d. ; 2nd, 1875, Eton ; Trin. Coll. Camb. (B.A. 1867). Owned! Hallie, d. of Ex-U.S. Senator Henry G. about 13,300 acres. Publications : Sin

. : Davis ; four three d. Educ. University Hector's Watch ; A Broken Stirrup-Leather I of 1860. to Mrs. Foster Missouri, Admitted Mo. Bar, A Sapphire Ring ; John ; several : 1863 ; went to N. Mexico, 1865 ; Member works of fiction. Recreations cricket, racing Territorial Legislature, 1864, 1865, 1866; shooting. Heir : *. Viscount Brackley : later Attorney-Gen, and U.S. District Attor- Address Worsley Hall, Manchester ; Bridge

ney ; Delegate in Congress from N. Mexico, water House, S.W. ; Stetchworth Park, New

1873-77 ; became largely interested in coal market ; Manor House, Brackley, North : mining and railroads in West Virginia ; amptonshire. Clubs Carlton, Travellers'

Secretary of War, U.S. 1891-93 ; U.S. Marlborough, Turf, Pratt's. Senator from W. Va. 1895-1901 ; re-elected, [Died 13 July 1914 1900 and 1906 Address : ; Republican. ELLIOT, Maj.-Gen. Sir Alexander James Hardy West Virginia, U.S.A. Clubs : Metropolitan, K.C.B. ; cr. 1897 ; Col. 21st Lancers fron

Union New York ; Metropolitan, League, 1902 ; b. 23 Feb. 1825 : s. of Adm. Si University, Washington. [Died 4 Jan. 1911. George Elliot ; g.-s. of 1st

ELKINS, William Lukens ; 6. W. Va., 2 May m. Gertrude Mary, d. of J. W. Williams, 1855

1832. Removed to Philadelphia, 1840 ; clerk Entered 8th Bengal Cavalry, 1843 ; serve<

in a store, 1849-52 ; produce merchant, in Gwalior Campaign, Battle Puniar am oil in action 1852-61 ; producer, 1861-75 ; partner cavalry (bronze star), 1843 ; Captafa oil in- Standard Oil Co. 1875-80 ; sold out Governor-General's Body-Guard, 1844 ; Sutle

terests to that Co. ; acquired large interests War (wounded, medal with three clasps]

in gas plants through U.S. ; organised and 1845-46 ; transferred to Queen's Royal 9t]

is director in the United Gas and Improve- Lancers, 1848 ; exchanged to 5th Dragooi

ment Co. ; one of organisers of the Phila- Guards, 1851 ; Crimea, 1854-55 ; A.D.C. t delphia Traction Co., and acquired large General Scarlett, Balaclava (despatches State railway interests in Chicago, New York, wounded, and recommended Victoria Cross Baltimore, and Pittsburg. Ad-dress : 1205 medal with two clasps, Brevet of Major} N. Broad Street, Philadelphia. Commander of Legion of Honour, Order [Died 7 Nov. 1903. Medjidie, Distinguished Service Reward ELLENBOROUGH, 4th Baron (cr. 1802), A.Q.M.G. Liverpool, 1856; Brigade-Maj

Charles Towry Law [1st Baron was for many Cavalry Brigade, Dublin, 1857 ; sent o service years Lord Chief Justice ; 2nd Baron, Vice- special to New Brunswick, 186 s. of of Eastern roy of India] ; b. 21 Apr. 1856 ; 3rd command District, 1865-70 Baron and Anna, d. of Rev. John Fitzgerald- A.Q.M.G. South-Western District, 1871-7

Day, Beaufort House, Killarney ; S. father A.A.G. Aldershot, 1874 ; Headquarters, 187

1890. Heir : his kinsman, Edward Downes 1879 ; attached to late Marquess of Nort Law. [Died 26 June 1902. ampton's special mission to Spain, 1881 ELLERY, Lt.-Col. Robert Lewis John, C.M.G., Curragh command and Inspector-General in Cavalry Ireland, 1884-85 ; command* 1889 ; F.R.S. ; Government Astronomer and Director of the Melbourne Observatory North British District, 1885-88; Col. 6 Dragoon Guards, 1892-1902. Address : 3 (retired) ; b. Cranleigh, Surrey, 14 July 1827 ; Ennismore Gardens, S.W. Clubs : Mar s. of John Ellery, surgeon of that place ; and Pratt m. 1st, 1853 (d. 1858); 2nd, Margaret, d. borough, Turf, Army Navy. of John Shields of Launceston, , Beefsteak. [Died I July 190 1858. Edus. : County Grammar School. ELLIOT, Frederick Augustus Hugh, C.I.]

Trained to the medical profession ; sailed 1883; I.C.S. ; retired, 1896; b. 1847;

to Melbourne, 1851 ; accepted appointment of Edward Francis Elliot (Minto family to establish an observatory near Melbourne, m. 1872, Constance, d. of late Surg.-Ma : 1853, which afterwards was moved to Mel- Elijah Impey. Educ. Harrow ; Balli till bourne, and continued as director 1895, Coll. Oxford. Entered B.C.S. 1868 ; Educ when he retired from the public service of tional Inspector and Acting Director of Public the colony ; director the Geodetic Survey Instruction, Berar, 1873-75 ; Tut of of Victoria, 1856-74 ; in 1873 organised, and and Governor Gaekwar of Baroda, 1875 after commanded, the Victorian Torpedo Survey and Settlement Officer, Baroda, 189( Corps (afterwards Submarine Mining En- Address : 77 Kensington Gardens Squaw gineers), from which he retired with rank of W. [Died 16 March 191

Lieut.-Col. in 1889 ; was president of the ELLIOT, Sir Charles, 4th Bt. ; cr. 1874 ; of Victoria for 23 years. Royal Society 1873 ; 2nd s. of Sir George William Ellta Publications : several volumes on astronom- 2nd Bt., and Sarah, d. of Charles Tayltf ical and meteorological subjects, chiefly ob- t Sunderland ; m. 1903, Helena Louise, d. scientific servations, and numerous papers on late Benjamin Piercy, J.P., Command* of subjects for transactions scientific societies. Crown of Italy, of Marchwiel Hall, Denbigh Recreations : shooting, fishing, gardening, Lieu and Macomer, Sardinia ; S. b. 1904. cabinet-making and turning, music, chess, Yorkshire Regt. ; Lieut. 13th Hussars (r etc. Address : Observatory House, South tired) ; served South Africa, 1901-2 (QueeB 14 1908. Yarra, Melbourne. [Died Jan. medal, four clasps). Heir : none. Address of Coui ELLESMERE, 3rd Earl (cr. 1846), Francis 4 North Terrace, Whitby ; Sydmonton

Charles Granville Egerton, J.P. ; Viscount Newbury. Clubs : Yorkshire, Cavalry. Bracklev. 1846. [3rd and last Duke of [Died 15 Jan. 191 224 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 ELLIOTT

Bt. cr. 1874 b. SLLIOT, Sir George, 3rd ; ; ELLIOT, Robert H., D.L., J.P. ; landed pro- s. of Sir William in 1867 ; e. George Elliot, prietor Roxburghshire, King's Co., Ireland, d. of Charles 2nd Bt., and Sarah, Taylor, and Mysore, S. India ; b. 1837 ; 2nd *. of John- of Sunderland ; S. 1895 ; m. 1897, Lily R. K. Elliot Harwood and Clifton, Rox- : ston. Late Lieut. Yorkshire Hussars. Heir burghshire ; m. 1868, Hon. Anna Maria b. Capt. Charles Elliot, b. 1873. Address : Louisa Barnewall, o. c. of 16th Baron

Rackheath Hall, Norwich. Trinileston ; one *. Educ. : Cheltenham [Died 14 Oct. 1904. College. Contested Berwickshire (L.U). cr. ELLIOT, Sir George, K.C.B. ; 1877 ; Ad- 1886 ; devoted much attention to agriculture, b. e. s. of Admiral to miral (retired) ; 1812 ; and effecting the alterations in our farming

Hon. Sir George Elliot, K.C.B. Commanded system required by the times ; these are the Columbine, Volage (then on tour), Eury- demonstrated at the Clifton-on-Bowmont dice, Phaeton, James Watt (Russian War) Farm, Yetholm, which is always open to of Channel Fleet visitors. : as Rear- Admiral ; Capt. ; Publications Experiences of a full Planter in of Superintendent Portsmouth Dockyard ; the Jungles Mysore ; Agri-

Admiral Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth ; cultural Changes and laying down Land to N.A.C. to Queen Victoria; M.P. Chatham, Grass, 4th edition, entitled The Clifton Park 1874-75. Publication : A Treatise on Future System of Farming, 1908, etc. Address : Naval Battles and How to Fight Them, 1888. Clifton Park, Kelso, N.B. Clubs : Athen- : Address Park Side, Wimbledon Common ; aeum, Devonshire. [Died 18 Aug. 1914. W. 6 Castletown Road, West Kensington, ELLIOTT, Rt. Rev. Alfred George, Bishop of Club : Queen's. [Died 13 Dec. 1901. Kilmore, Elphin, and Ardagh (Church of cr. 1899 : ELLIOT, Sir Henry George, K.C.M.G., ; Ireland) from 1897 ; b. 1828. Educ. Trin. 1879 b. 1826 s. of Coll. Dublin. C.B., 1900 ; C.M.G., ; ; Ordained, 1858 ; Curate of

Maj. J. F. Elliot ; m. 1st, 1865, Emily (d. Bailieborough, 1860-61 ; Lurgan, 1861-68 ;

1877), d. of J. Drummond; 2nd, 1879, Kiltoghert, 1868-69 ; Skercock, 1870-71 ; Rector of Emily, d. of W. Gardner. Served Crimea, Muntoconnaght, 1871-76 ; Castle- Turkish 5th 1876-78 1854 (medal, two clasps, medal, raghan, ; Drumlease, Co. Leitrim, Address : cl. Medjidie) ; S. Africa, 1900 (despatches, 1878-97. The See House, Cavan. j; retired Chief ; retired R.N., and [Died 29 Sept. 1915. I C.B.) Capt. Magistrate of Tembuland. Address : Ingle- ELLIOTT, Archibald Campbell, D.Sc., M.Inst. of side, Longmarket Street, Pietermaritzburg, C.E., M.I.Mech.E. ; Professor En- Natal. [Died 29 Nw. 1912. gineering at the University College of S. Wales and Monmouthshire, a constituent IOT, Rt. Hon. Sir Henry George, G.C.B. ; of college the University of Wales ; b. . retired 1884 1869 ; P.C. Ambassador, ;

Glasgow. 19 Feb. 1861 ; *. of Archibald 30 June 1817 ; f. of 2nd Earl of Minto ; Elliott m. Jane d. of Alexander Anne (d. 1899), d. of late Sir Edmund ; Paton, : : Coll. Brown. Educ. Universities of Glasgow ntrobus, Bt. Educ. Eton ; Trin. and 1885 amb. A. B.C. and Private Secretary to Sir Edinburgh ; B.Sc., Edinburgh, ; 1888. |John Franklin, the Arctic Explorer, when D.Sc. Pupil and subsequently Assist- ant in the Engineering Department of the Governor of Tasmania, 1836-40 ; entered at Glasgow and South-Western Railway, 1876- Diplomatic Service, 1841 ; was Minister 1881 Assistant to Sir William Thomson (Copenhagen, Naples, Turin, and Florence, ; and Professor and employed on two special missions to (Lord Kelvin) Fleeming Jenkin, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., engineers for the Com- Greece ; Ambassador to Turkey, 1867 ; and mercial Cable 1884 to Austria-Hungary, 1877. Recreations : Company's undertaking, ; Assistant to the Professor of in tennis, field sports. Address : Ardington Engineering the of 1885-90 Vice- House, Wantage. Club : Athenaeum. University Edinburgh, ; Institute of En- [Died 30 March 1907. President, South Wales gineers ; Member of the Royal Commission LIOT, Margaret ; d. of late Very Rev. on Accidents to Gilbert Elliot, Dean of Bristol. Interested Railway Servants, 1899; Institution of Locomotive En- in workhouse girls and other philanthropic President, 1912, Publications : on bjects. Publication: a few pamphlets on gineers, papers pro- fessional Address : 2 Plasturton or-Law subjects. Address : 63 Onslow subjects. Cardiff. 21 1913. luare, S.W. [Died 11 Jan. 1901. Avenue, [Died Apr. cr. ELLIOTT, Sir Charles Alfred, K.C.S.I. ; IOT, Major-Gen. Minto, C.B. 1907 ; Royal Indian Civil *. of 1887 ; Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh ; rtillery, retired ; b. 23 Sept. 1833 ; retired 1895 member of the House ate Edward Eden Elliot, Accountant- Service, ; for : b. of Laymen ; J.P. Surrey Dec. 1835 ; neral Bombay Civil Service ; m. 1857, s. of Rev. H. V. Elliott, Brighton, and Julia, melia (d. 1871), d. of late George Martin ; d. of John Marshall, Hallsteads, Ullswater, a c. Educ. : private schools : Addiscombe. M.P. for Leeds ; m. 1st, 1866, Louisa (d. ntered Bengal Artillery, 1853 ; amal- 1877), d. of G. W. Dumbell; 2nd, 1887, ,mated with Royal Artillery, 1861 ; com- in Alice, d. of Thomas Gaussen, and widow of anded R.A. Egypt, 1882-83 ; D.A.G.R.A. s. : T. J. Murray, I.C.S. ; four one d. Educ. n India, 1884-87 ; retired, 1887 ; served Harrow Trin. Coll. Camb. Entered Indian ndian Mutiny two engagements on the ; in Civil Service, 1856 ; served the Mutiny, indun, 30 and 31 May 1857 ; Badlike- 1857-58 and mentioned in de- rai, 8 June 1857, when the heights before (medal of the spatches) ; Secretary to Government elhi were captured ; throughout Delhi in N.W. P., 1870-75 ; Famine Commissioner iege, 8 June to 20 Sept. 1857 ; once severely to Indian Mysore, 1877-78 ; Secretary the nd dangerously wounded ; six months' Famine Commission, 1878-80 ; Chief Com- lood money ; twice slightly wounded missioner of Assam, 1881-85 ; President espatches, medal with clasp for Delhi) ; Finance 1886-87 Member zara Campaign, 1868, in command of a Committee, ; Executive Council of Viceroy in charge of untain battery ; taking of Black Mountain 1887-90 Lieut.-Governor of espatches, medal and clasp for N.W. Public Works, ; of the House of in Bengal, 1891-95 ; member rontier) ; Egyptian" Campaign, 1882, and of the Church immand of Siege Artillery (despatches, Laymen Representative Council. Address : Fern Wimbledon edal, 3rd class Medjidie, bronze star). wood, : East India United itions : none of an active nature in Park. Clubs Athenaeum, Service. [Died 28 May 1911. ter life, but played all games in younger ! e. Address : 17 Langham Street. W. ELLIOTT, Sir Charles Bletterman, K.C.M.G. ; : Commissioner of 'tubs United Service, M.C.C., Hurlingham, cr. 1901 ; LL.B. ; Special b. ueen's, Surrey Cricket. Railways from 1901 ; Uitenhage, Cape s. of Rev. William [Died 14 March 1909. Colony, 8 May 1841 ; it. 225 ELLIOTT WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 1904 Elliott and Georgina Johanna, d. of Capt. General of Hospitals and Fleets, ; William Caldwell; m. 1865, Julia Director- General of the Medical Department 1 1st, Address: Leaves- Charlotte, d. of Harry Remington Home; of the Navy, 1904-8. : 2nd, 1904, Ida Gertrude, d. of late C. J. den, The Common, Weybridge Rhyllech, j : United' Brune ten s. one d. Educ. : Boys' Mission Pwllheli, North Wales. Club ; 30 1912. School, Hampstead. London; South African Service. [Died Sept. Coll. Cape Town. 2nd and 1st class in LLIS.Rt. Hon. John Edward, P.C. 1906; J.P. Science Clerk to Mr. Justice since'! Literature and ; D.L. ; M.P. (L.) Rushcliffe, Notts, Colonial Secretary's India-l Cloete, 1859 ; clerk, 1885 ; Parliamentary Under Secretary and 1867-72 clerk to Mr. House oft Office, 1859-63 ; 1905-6 ; Temporary Chairman, Justice Watermeyer, 1863; secretary to Commons, and a Chairman of Grand Com-i

of Public Examiners in Literature and b. 1841 . of Edward Board mittees ; ; Shipley! of the Board on Science, 1863-73 ; member ; Ellis, Leicester, and d. of John Burgess and m. Maria! acting Clerk of the Peace, Cape Town, Wigton Grange, Leicestershire ; for chief clerk to Attorney- General ; J.P. d. of late John Rowntree of Scarborough! Resident Schools! the Colony ; acting Magistrate, 1867. Educ. : Society of Friends' chief clerk to the as an en* Wynberg and Cape Town ; Hertford and Hendal. Educated of Lands and Public in active Commissioner Crown gineer ; engaged 1861-81 manage* Commissioner ; Works, and then Assistant ment of collieries, Nottinghamshire ; Dlreetoif member of Council of Cape University; and Chairman to 1886 of Nottingham Joint-* Science and Moderator of devote* Examiner in Stock Bank, Ltd. ; from 1885 wholly Examiners in Science ; advocate of the to duties as M.P. Address: Wrea HeadJ in of 37 Princes Gated Supreme Court, 1875 ; charge Depart- Scalby, R.S.O., Yorks ; 19103 ment of Public Works ; Acting Superinten- S.W. Club : Reform. [Did 5 Dec. of Education Commissioner dent-General ; Robinson, Corpus Professor of Lattai of ELLIS, of Table Harbour Board ; member b. Bay Literature, Oxford, from 1893 ; Banning! Civil Service Commission and of Tender Kent, 1834. Educ. : Elizabeth CollJ Board late General Manager of Cape ; Guernsey; Rugby; Balllol Coll. Oxford! Address : Office of Government Railways. Fellow of Trinity, Oxford, 1858; Professof Commissioner for Union of South Africa Latin High of Latin, Univ. Coll. London, 1870 ; 72 Victoria Street, S.W. Associate Reader, Oxford, 1883-93 ; Corres, 10 1911. [Died Apr. Accademia Virgiliana, Mantua. Public^ Col. C.B. 1877 C.M.G. 1891 ; ELLIOTT, John, ; tions : Catulli Veronensis Liber, Apparatus of late Sir W, b. 12 June 1824; s. Capt. Criticum, Prolegomena, Appendices addidiB Elliott, R.N. ; m. 1847, Georgina Frances, Poems and Fra 1867 (2nd ed. 1878) ; The Dublin. En- d. of Col. Cullin of Screenig, ments of Catullus in the Metres of served tlJHi tered 1841 ; Col. 1869 ; China. on CatulluB army, Original, 1871 ; A Commentary 1842 River, 1852 (medal) ; Rangoon 1876 (2nd ed. 1889); The Ibis of OvB (wounded, despatches, medal with clasp) edited from new MSS., with a full 1855 Comm"*| Baltic, 1854 (medal) ; Sebastopol, Sidon tary, 1881 ; Glosses on Apollinaris (medal with clasp, 5th class Medjidie in Anecdota Oxoniensia, Classical Sen* Turkish medal); Kaffir War (medal) of AvianM vol. i. Part 5, 1885 ; The Fables Address : The Hoe Mansions, Elliott Street vol. xvl. of thl 1887 ; Orientii Carmina, in 22 March 1911 Plymouth. [Died Vienna Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiastlcoruj|

Sir Arthur Edward 1891 ; The Fabld ELLIS, Maj.-Gen. Augustus 1888 ; Noctes Manilianae, G.C.V.O., cr. 1902; K.C.V.O., cr. 1897 of Phaedrus, an Inaugural Lecture, 189| in Lord Chamber ascribed to I C.S.I. 1876 ; Comptroller The Minor Poems Vergil, Iain's to H.M. Extra Department ; Equerr> Papillon and HaighWmiuiature editipit VII. b. 13 a new RecensioK to H.M. King Edward ; Gibraltar, 1895 ; Velleius Paterculus, F 1898 with A Dec. 1837 ; 2nd s. of Col. Hon. Augustus with a Critical Commentary, ; Frances Labour-here Oxonien?!* Ellis ; m. Hon. Mina D. Godley, Nova Anthologia tw< of i d. of 1st and last Baron Taunton, 1864 ; 1899; The new Fragments Juvenal, : Sandhurst recension ot s. five d. Educ. R.M. Coll. Lecture, 1901 ; Aetna, a new coin Appointed 33rd Regt., Aug. 1854; servec the text, with prose translation and 1855 and o in Crimea, siege of Sebastopol, ; mentary, 1901 ; The Commonitorium o at Kertch; in India, A. B.C. and Military Orienting a Lecture, 1903 ; Specimens Secretary to . Governor o Latin Palseography from MSS. in the Bodleia* as tc of Front* Bombay, 1858-62 ; exchanged Capt. Library, 1903 ; The Correspondence 1904 : Catull Grenadier Guards, 1862 ; appointed Equerrj and M. Aurelius, a Lecture, to Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edwarc Carmina in the Bibliotheca Oxoniensis, 190- Col. 1878 a Lecture VII.), 1867 ; Lt.-Col. 1870 ; Catullus in the XIV. Century, to H.M. Commis MS. of Moretui Maj.-Gen. 1885; Secy, 1905 ; a Bodleian Copa, Ser \ sioners for Exhibition, 1851 ; Queen's and other poems of the Appendix ergiha in House of 1898 in Maecenatem, 1 jeant-at-Artr,s the Lords, 1906 ; The Elegiac 1901. Address: 29 Portland! Place, W Appendix Vergiliana, being a critical editio: 1907 Clubs : Travellers', Marlborough, Turf. of the minor poems ascribed to Vergil, [Died 11 June 1907 The Annalist Licinianus, a Lecture, 190! s. of late Thoma Prof. Birt's edition of the Virgilian Cataleptoi ELLIS Capt. Frederick, J.P. ; 1910 besides numerous article Ellis M.P.. of Abbotstown, County Dublin a Lecture, ; in Journal of Philology, America b. 1826 m. 1860, Elizabeth (d. 1893), d. o Cambridge ; Hermes of Abbots Ripton Journal of Philology, Hermathena, late John B. Rooper, M.P., and Hunts. At one time a Capt. 9th Lancers Philologus, Rheinisches Museum, papei contributed to the Wolfflin, Hei Address : Priestlands, near Lymington Melanges and Boissier The Tomb laid und< Club : Yacht Squadron, Cowes werden, ; Royal of the 1 [Died 3 March 1906 a Spell, being a prose translation Quintilian, 1 cr. 1907 Declamation off>Pseudo ELLIS, Sir Herbert Mackay, K.C.B., The Seconi Carnarvonshire The Amores off Ovid, 1912; D F.R.C.S. ; J.P. LL of Ovid's Tristia, 1913. Address. b. 1851 Book Hon. to King ; 5$May 'Physician Corpus Christ! ^College! or Trinity Colleg' s of John Ellis of The Elms, Chudleigl 2nd Oxford. [Died 9 Oct. 191 Devon m. 1893, Mary Lily Grace, e. d. c ; D.D. Bishop < Ellicombe of Rocklands, Chudleigl ELLIS, Rt. Rev. Rowland, ; George from 1906; Hoi Entered Medical Department of Navy, 1875 Aberdeen and Orkney wit St. Mary'sSTCathedral, Edinburgh served in various parts of the world ; Canon|pf o. s. of Thorn; 1906 b. 24 1841 ; a battalion of Royal Marine Artillery througl ; April Flintshire m. 18 out Egyptian Campaign, 1882; Inspecto Ellis, Surgeon Caerwys, ; 226 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 ELSMIE

e. d. of Margaret Elizabeth, Surgeon-Major School ; Guy's Hospital. Practised at William Brydon, C.B., the only survivor in Ipswich as a general physician from 1863, the retreat of the British Army from Cabul and was Hon. Cons. Physician of the East Pass in 1842 four s. Suffolk is through the Khyber ; Hospital ; a Vice-President of the three d Educ. : Ruthin Grammar School ; British Medical Association, and was Presi- B.A. Jesus College, Oxford. Exhibitioner, dent, 1900-1901 ; President, Guy's Physical

4th class Natural ; M.A. 1862-63 1863 (Hon. Science) Society, ; President, Medical Defence 1864 Curate 1868 : D.D. 1906. Ordained, ; Union. Publications : various pamphlets Vicar of of Gresford, 1864-68 ; Gwersyllt, and papers on professional subjects to the of 1872-84 Rural 1868-72 ; Vicar Mold, ; medical journals ; an Address on Alcohol of St. Dean of Mold, 1873-84 ; Rector Paul's, and an Address on Milk, published in the Clerk of Edinburgh, 1884-1906 ; Synod journal of the British Dairy Farmers' Associa- Diocese and Canon of St. Mary's Cathedral, tion. Recreations : Vice President Ipswich of Edin- Edinburgh, 1899-1906 ; Member Golf Club, and (1885-86) captain of Felix- burgh School Board, 1900-3. Publica- stowe Golf Club. Address : Scothorne of 1882 tions : Some Aspects Woman's Life, ; House, Felixstowe. [Died 27 Nov. 1908. in the 1887 The The Church Wilderness, ; ELPHINSTONE, Sir Grseme Hepburn Dal- its Christian Faith, 1897 ; Sin and Remedy, rymple-Horn-, 4th Bt. ; cr. 1828 ; b. 1841 ; to L900 ; contributor Hastings' Dictionary ; *S. twin, b. 1887 ; m. Margaret Anne Alice, d. Christ and the Recreation : travel- Gospels. of late J. O. Fairlie, Coodham, N.B., 1875. Address : Aberdeen. ;. Bishop's Court, Formerly engaged in coftee growing in 11 Dec. 1911. [Died Ceylon. Heir : cousin Robert, b. 1844. M.P. Merioneth- Address : -US, Thomas Edward, (L.) Logic Elphinstone, Pitcaple, N.B. ; Liberal shire from 1886 ; Chief Whip Party ; Heawood Hall, Chelford, Cheshire. b. 16 Feb. 1859 e. s. of Thomas Wales, ; Ellis, [Died 23 May 1900. and Eliza Sir 10th Bt. cr. Cynlas, Merioneth, Williams, Llwyn ELPHINSTONE, Nicholas, ; 3rd d. of Mrs. R. J. Davies Mawr ; m. Annie, 1628 ; Lieut.-Col., retired 1865 ; b. Riga, 16 1898. Educ. : of Cwrt Mawr, Aberystwyth, Dec. 1825 ; *. of Capt A. Elphinstone, R.N. ; Jniv. Coll. of Wales, Aberystwyth ; New g.-s. of Brig.-Gen. Sir Samuel Elphinstone, connected Coll. Oxford (M.A.). Prominently Bt. ; S. b. 1877 ; m. y. d. of Rt. Hon Sir and with with Welsh Education Movement George Arthur, Bt., 1860. Educ. : Dresden ; Junior Lord advocacy of Welsh questions ; Bonn University. Entered army, 1845 ;

of the Treasury and Parliamentary Charity served in Sutlej Campaign, 1845-46 ; in the 1892-94 Commissioner, ; Parliamentary Punjab Campaign, 1848-49 (medal) ; in the Chief Minis- Secretary to the Treasury and Mutinies (medal) ; correspondent of the to 1895 after terial Whip, March 1894 June ; Times in the Franco-German War ; bom- Chief of the Liberal election of 1895, Whip bardment of Tours ; battle of Le Mans, etc. and Opposition ; member of the Court Heir: n. Arthur, b. 1863. Address: 5 Warden of the Guild of Graduates of the Stanhope Gardens, S.W. Clubs : Reform, University of Wales, and of the Central Hurlingham. [Died 3 Feb. 1907. Board of Intermediate Education for Wales. ELPHINSTONE-DALRYMPLE, Sir Robert : of Handbook of Publications joint-author Graeme, 5th Bt. ; cr. 1828 ; I.S.C. (unem- Education for Intermediate and Technical ployed super, list) ; b. 17 Jan. 1844 ; *. of in Cheshire. Wales ; Public Education late Hew Drummond Elphinstone-Dalrymple Recreations : travel, cycling. Address : and Helenora Catherine, d. of Sir Jotm Heron-

North Wales .-S. Cynlas, Llandderfel, Corwen, ; Maxwell, 4th Bt. ; cousin, 1900 ; m. 1871, 9 Cowley Street, Westminster, S.W. Flora Loudoun (d. 1906), d. of late James [Died 5 Apr. 1899. William M'Leod (Raasay). Educ. : pri- : cr. Entered army, 1860 ; Capt. 1872 LLIS, Sir (John) Whittaker, 1st Bt. ; 1882 ; vately. ft. 5th s. of late Col. 1890 ; served Abyssinian Campaign, Petersham, 25 Jan. 1829 ; of Re- Joseph Ellis, Richmond, and Elizabeth, d. of including capture Magdala (medal). creations : various. Heir : s. Edward William Moates ; m. 1st, Mary Ann (d. 1901), b. 1877. Clubs : Naval and Military, d. of John Staples, 1859 ; 2nd, 1903, Marian, Arthur, 1908. d. of late Rev. John Bailey. Educ, : private Queen's. [Died 16 Apr. school. Richmond, Rev. William Allan's. ELPHINSTONE-DALRYMPLE, Sir Edwrad

6th cr: 1828 ; s. of 5th Bt. and Alderman, Broad Street Ward, 1872-1909 ; Arthur, Bt., Flora d. of late James William Sheriff of London and Middlesex, 1874-75 ; Loudoun, b. 3 Oct. 1877 S. father Lord Mayor of London, 1881-82; First M'Leod (Raasay) ; ; of m. Jane Muriel Gibbons, e. d. Mayor of Richmond, 1890-91 ; Governor 1908; 1909, of J. G. of Ovens, Co. the' Irish Society, 1882-94 ; Director Alliance Hawke.s, Turmount,

Cork. Entered 1897 ; Lieut. Indian Bank, 1880 ; Chairman, 1883-86 ; Chairman army, 1900. Heir: b. Francis Napier [b. of Emanuel Hospital to 1909 ; Governor Army, o. d. of late 17 July 1882 ; m. 1909, Betty, various hospitals ; Chevalier 2nd Class Le Breton onerf. Lieut. Golden Lion of Nassau; M.P. (C.) Mid- Col. E.'H. ; R.G.A.]. Surrey, 1884-85; Kingston Division, 1885- Address : Felthams, Coombe Bisset, Salis- Wilts. [Died 24 Apr. 1913. 1892 ; J.P. Londonderry and Surrey ; High bury, Sheriff of 1899-1900 was awarded Surrey, ; ELRINGTON, General Frederick Robert, C.B., the Order of Mercy by Queen Victoria on 1873; Kt. of Legion of Honour, 5th class the recommendation of His m. Emilie d. of Majesty King Medjidieh ; b. 1819 ; Jane, Edward VII. (then .Prince of Wales), 1900; George Best, of Eastbury Manor, Compton, Coronation Publica- served in medals, 1902, 1911. 1859. Rifle Brigade, 1839-72 ; tions : Pamphlets on the Land Question, Crimea Alma, Inkermann, siege of Sebasto- Government of etc. Heir : none. Batt. Rifle in 1857, Ireland, pol ; raised 4th Brigade Address : Wormley Bury, Wormley, Herts. and commanded it for 14 years 10 months ; Clubs : Carlton, Garrick, Constitutional. Col Commandant Rifle Brigade from 1892. [Died 20 Sept. 1912, Decorated for services in Crimea. Recreations : Address: Vernon [.LISTON, William Alfred, M.D., J.P., Suffolk; country life, bicycling. 17 Feb. 1904. Fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Hill, Bishops Waltham. [Died C.S.I., 1893 ; LL.D. ; Soc., London ; b. 1840 2nd s. of William ELSMIE, George Robert, ; Service 1st. Barrister-at-Law : Indian Civil Elliston, surgeon, of Ipswich ; m. Janet, o. s. b. 31 Oct. 1833 ; y. d. of Rowley Potter, of Dartford, Kent, (retired) ; Aberdeen, of Elsmie and Anne. d. of Rev. 1865 ; 2nd, -.Ellen Palmer, ne'e Longstaffe, George d. of of Lincoln, and widow of the Rev. Thomas Robert Shepherd; m. Elizabeth, three *. seven d. Palmer, J.P., Rector of Trimley St. Martin, Thomas Spears, 1861 ; : Educ. : Marischal Coll. and University. Suffolk ; six s. two d. Educ. Ipswich ELTON WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

Aberdeen Coll. Herts. Joined 1893 ; ordained ; Haileybury Union, Deacon, 1894 ; Priest, Civil Calcutta Bengal Service, Feb. 1858, at ; 1895, Oxon; curate St. Peter le Bailey,

Assistant Commissioner Oct. 1858 ; to Rev. the Hon. W. T. Rice Punjab, Oxford, ; rose through various grades to be Judge Vice- Principal Fourah Bay College, Sierra 1878-85 Financial 1896 Chief Court, Punjab, ; Leone, ; Principal Fourah Bay College, Sierra - Commissioner, Punjab, 1887-93 ; member Leone, 1898 1901, and Secretary 1888-93 of Viceroy's Legislative Council, ; Sierra Leone C.M.S. Mission ; Dean of St. Vice-Chancellor Punjab University, 1885-87. George's Cathedral, Freetown, and Chaplain Decorated for services detailed above. Pub- (ex officio) to the garrison in Sierra Leone. lications : of Cabnl Address : Epitome Correspondence, Temple Ewell, Dover ; Bishop's

1864 ; Notes on Peshawar Crime, 1884 ; Court, Sierra Leone. Club : National. of Field- Lumsden the Guides, 1899 ; [Died 11 Nor. 1909. Sir Marshal Donald Stewart, 1903 ; Anne EMANUEL, Walter, Humorous Writer; b. or 1904. Address : 2 Shepherd Elsmie, Dray- London, April 1869 ; *. of late Lewis Clubs : ton, Torquay. Athenaeum ; Royal Emanuel ; m. 1903, Olivia Grace Bertha 1909. : Torbay Yacht. [Died 26 May Josephs. Educ. Univ. Coll. School ; Univ. Admitted 1896. Charles : b. 1839 *. of Heidelberg solicitor, ELTON, Isaac, Q.C. ; " " Publications : Charivaria in F. Bayard Elton, E.I.C.S., and Mary E., d. Punch ; 1901 A 1902 Me, ; Dog ; 1903 ; of Sir C. A. Elton, of Clevedon, Somerset ; Day, People, m. Mary, d. of R. Strachey, of Ashwick Grove, The Snob, 1904; Mr. Punch's Diary, Only My Fun, The Zoo, Paris- a frolic; Somerset, 1863. Educ. : Cheltenham Coll. ; 1905; The of 1906 1907 Puck Ealliol Coll. Oxford. Fellow of Queen's Dogs War, ; Never, ; the among Pictures, 1908 ; The Dog World Coll. Oxford, 1862. Barr. 1865 ; Q.C. 1885 ; and Anti-Cat Lincoln's of Review, 1909 ; One Hundred Bencher, Inn, 1887 ; Owner Years Manor of Whitestaunton, Somerset, and Hence, 1911; Tommy Lobb, 1912; Bubble and 1913 'The Who Patron; J.P. Somerset; M.P. (C.) West Squeak, ; Dog Wasn't What He He Was A 1 Somerset, 1884-85, 1886-92. Publications : Thought ; ly Day, 1914. Recreations : books and pic- Norway, the Road and Fell, 1864 ; Tenures tures. Address : 4 Ladbroke Court, Lad- of Kent, 1867 ; Commons and Waste Lands, broke Gardens, W. Clubs : Authors', 1868 ; Copyholds and Customary Tenures, Maccabseans', Hon. Member London Sketch. 1874, 1893 ; Improvement of Commons 4 1915. Bill, 1876; Custom and Tenant-Right, [Died Aug. 1882; Origins of English History, 1882, EMDEN, His Honour Judge Alfred, Judge of of Courts 1890 ; The Career Columbus, 1892 ; The County from 1894 (Lambeth and Circuit ft. Great Book-Collectors, 1893 ; Shelley's Visits 48) ; 1849 ; 3rd s. of William S. to France, 1894 ; Robinson on Gavelkind, Emden, Brotherston House, Hampstead ; ed. : m. Lizzie d. of s. Elton, and Mackay, new 1897. Address Cowley, J. Whitfleld ; two 10 Educ. : Manor House, Whitestaunton, Chard ; King's School, Canterbury ; Paris, under Professor Cranley Place, S.W. ; 33 Chancery Lane, Meliot. Barr. Inner Temple, : 1880 W.C. Clubs Athenaeum, Union. ; appointed first registrar in companies [Died 23 Apr. 1900. winding up under the new procedure, 1892. Publications : The Law of Building ; The ELWES, Arthur Henry Stuart, M.V.O. 1906 ; Practice in Winding up Companies ; Com- J.P., D.L. ; b. 1858 ; e. surv. s. of late plete Collection of Practice Statutes Various Robert Elwes and Mary Frances, d. of late ; of Digests Cases ; several articles on legal Rev. Richard Lucas, rector of Edithweston ; reform, etc. Recreations : S. brother 1881; m. 1884, Millicent Ella motoring, golf. Address : The Honora, 2nd d. of Peter Godfrey Chapman. Cresset, Crowborough, Sussex ; Elmfleld Kent. Club: Educ. : Royal Naval Coll. Southsea. Lieut. Lodge, Bromley, Savage. [Died 18 Feb. 1911. R.N. ; retired. Address : Congham House, Lynn. Club : Naval and Military. EMDEN, Walter, Alderman City of Westminster and [Died 2 'Xor. 1908. Mayor, 1903-4 ; J.P. Co. London ; Valentine served as of ELWES, Dudley Henry Gary-, F.S.A., Mayor Dover, 1907-8-9-10 ; ft. 1847 2nd s. of S. . F.G.H.S., J.P., D.L. ; b. 26 Nov. 1832 ; ; William Emden ; m. e. s. of late Cary Charles Elwes, of Great 1875, e. d. of V. G. Beardshaw of Normandale, Billing, Roxby and Brigg, and 1st wife Sheffield. Educ. : privately. Studied me- e. d. chanical Elinor, of Rear-Admiral Rye ; m. 1st, engineering under Maudsley, Son and Field 1856, Henrietta Catherine (d. 1864), 2nd d. ; Civil Engineer in the firm of of Charles Lane of late Thomas on the Thames Em- Badgemore, Oxon ; 2nd, Brassey 165, Alice Geraldine (d. 1907), 9th d. of bankment, East London Railway, Mid Level and other Hon. and Rev. Henry Ward. b. of 3rd Vis- Sewers, works ; educated under count s. Mr. and Chas. Bangor ; two one d. High Sheriff, Kelly Lawes, both Church

1873 Patron of Architects ; architect for the Dublin Exhibi- Lincolnshire, ; two Livings ; late 1872 St. James's Cornet 12th Lancers ; served Kaffir tion, ; Hall, London, from 1871 War, 1851-2. Heir : Gervase Henry Cary- ; designed the Garrick, Terry's, Court, Elwes, D.L., J.P. Address: Billing Hall, Duke of York's, Ipswich, Southampton

Theatres ; architect for several the Northampton ; The Manor House, Brigg, hotels, Lincolnshire. Clubs : Army and Navy, Hotel Victoria, Newmarket, Hotel de Travellers', Carlton. [Died 16 June 1909. 1'Europe, Leicester Square, Piccadilly Hotel, Princes etc. of ELWES, Ven. William Weston, Archdeacon of Restaurant, ; Past President of 1900 Madras from 1893. Educ. : Trin. Coll. Society Architects, 1897, 1898, 1899, ; retired from 1906. : Carnb. (M.A. 1870). Fellow of practice, Address Nor- University Gwendolen Avenue. of Madras. Address : Madras. mandale, Putney, S.W. ; St. at Cliffe 2 Lancaster [Died 22 May 1901. Loxley, Margarets ; Rt. Rev. Place, Strand, W.C. Clubs : Constitutional, ELWIN, Edmund Henry, D.D. ; Aero. 3 Dec. 1913. Bishop of Sierra Leone from 1902 (including Bath, Royal [Died the of Venerable of Colony Bathurst, Gambia, and oversight EMERY, William, B.D. ; Canon of ft. 2 1825 late chaplains in Madeira, Canary Islands, Cape Ely ; London, Feb. ; m. d. of Sir Antonio Verde Islands, and the Azores, and of the Rio Brady, Kt., 1865 ; three s. two Mission^ d. Educ. : of London School Pongo West Indian ; b. 18 Sept. City ; Corpus

: Christ! Coll. First 1871 ; s. of Edward Elwin, solicitor, Dover Camb. Times Scholar, 1843 5th m. 1901, Minnie Ormsby, d. of W. L. Holman, ; Wrangler, 1847 ; Fellow, Dean, : Tutor of 1847-65 Hon. Murree, India ; one s. Educ. Dover Coll. ; Bursar, C.C.C.C., ; Merton 1905 ordained 1849 College, Oxtord ; Wycliffe Hall, Fellow, ; Deacon, ;

1853 Whitehall 1301 . Oxford. M.A. ; M.A. ad eundem, Durham. Priest, ; Preacher, ; President Oxford Inter-Collegiate Christian Father of Church Congresses and Confer- 228 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1910 ERSKINK

ences Hon. Permanent Sec. of Church Amici. Chevalier of of ; I Legion Honour, a chief of Congress since 1867 ; promoter 1878 ; Commandeur d'Isabelle la Catholique, of Volunteer Movement, 1859 ; Chairman 1906 ; Chevalier Saint Maurice et Lazare,

Hunstanton Convalescent Home, 1872-1908 ; 1871 ; Officier Lion d'Or de Nassau ; Cheva- Chairman of Church Schools Company lier Rose du Bre"sil, etc. Principal works : of from formation, 1883-1903 ; Chairman executed numerous busts ; amongst them Soc. 1896-1908 Ely Diocesan Church Temp. ; several of Queen Alexandra ; Youthful Han- of of Hon. Sec. Central Council Diocesan nibal (Duke of Buccleuch) ; Ceinture dore"e ;

Conferences, 1881-1906; Hon. Sec. Ely David ; Le Re'veil, Amour mendiant, Evoh6 !

Diocesan Conference. 1864-1906 ; Arch- Vases avec bas-reliefs de bacchantes et of etc. Publications : deacon Ely, 1864-1907, d'enfants (the Czar) ; L'Innocence (Due de on many charges and papers Church, Educa- Luynes) ; Sapho (Metropolitan Museum, matters. : in- tion, and Social Address The New York) ; Jeanne d'Arc au Sacre, College, Ely, Cambs. [Died 14 Dec. 1910. augurated and blessed in the cathedral of Rheims Cardinal 1909 EMMERSON, Hon. Henry Rdbert, K.C., A.M., by Lucon, ; Deux Westmorland New groupes de bacchantes dansant (M. de La LL.D. ; M.P. County, b. Villelcroux) : Callisthene, Sylvie, Les 3 heures Brunswick, and P.C. ; Maugerville, Sun- la of 25 de vie (Mr. Gordon-Bennett) ; Statue bury County, New Brunswick, Sept. 1853 ; Edward Port Mauritius. m. 1878, Emily C. (d. 1901), d. of C. R. King VII., Louis, s. Address : Avenue Wagram 26, Paris. Clubs : Record of Moncton, iron-founder ; one Cercle de la Cercle de 1'Union four d. Educ. : several provincial academies Rue Royale,

Artistique, Paris ; Circolo della Caccia, and high schools ; Acadia College in Nova

Rome ; member of the San Fernando Scotia ; and Boston, University of Massa- chusetts. M.A. (Acadia University), LL.B. Academy, Madrid. [Died 28 Sept. 1914.

(Boston University), LL.D. (University of ERLE, Twynihoe William, M.A. Cantab. ; J.P. for New Brunswick); D.C.L. (Acadia Univer- London ; b. 1828 ; o. s. of late Right sity). Admitted as an Attorney of the Hon. Peter Erie, Q.C., and Mary, d. of Rev. of Supreme Court New Brunswick, 1877 ; Francis Fearon, formerly Vicar of Cuckfield,

sworn as a Barrister, 1878 ; elected a member Sussex, n. of late Right Hon. Chief Justice of of d. of Legislature N.B., 1888; Chief Com- Sir William Erie ; m. 1871, Mary, 3rd of of : missioner Public Works, 1892 ; as Premier John Bogle Woodside, Torquay. Educ.

of the Province he appealed to the electorate Winchester ; Trin. Coll. Camb. Called to in 1899, and was successful in carrying 41 the Bar, and afterwards for many years one of out the 46 seats or members ; Attorney- of the Masters of the Supreme Court ; one General and Premier of New Brunswick, of the Committee of Advice for the Inter-

1897-1900 ; member of the Legislature for national Inventions Exhibition, 1885, and : Albert County to 1900 ; P.C., Can., 1904 ; a Juror in two departments. Publications M.P. Westmorland County, New Brunswick Children's Toys and what they teach, an 1 from 900 ; was Minister of Railways and Introduction to Natural Science ; The Jury Canals, Canada, and a member of the Board Laws and their Amendment. Address : 1 of of Governors Acadia University, Wolfville, Cambridge Gate, N.W. ; Bramshott Grange, Nova Scotia. Publications : The Legal Con- Liphook. Clubs : Athenaeum, United Uni- of 24 1908. dition Married Women ; pamphlets and versity. [Died Dec. lectures. Recreations : fond of the and gun ERNE, 4th Earl of (cr. 1789), Sir John Henry rod ; shooting and fishing indulged in mildly. Crichton, P.C. Ire., K.P. ; Baron Erne, Address : Dorchester, New Brunswick, Baron 1768 ; Viscount Erne (Ireland), 1781 ; Canada House of ; Commons, Ottawa, Fermanagh (U.K.), 1876. H.M.'s Lieut. Co. Canada. 9 1914. Ontario, [Died July Fermanagh from 1885 [title taken from ENCOMBE, Viscount, John Scott ; ft. 8 May Lough Erne : the first holder was Abraham e. s. of of 1870 ; 3rd Earl of Eldon ; m. 1898, Creichton, great-great-grandfather present Mary, e. d. of 15th Baron Lovat. Educ. : peer, who succeedde his father John, 3rd Magdalen Coll. Oxford (B.A. 1893). Lieut. Earl, 1885]; ft. Dublin, 16 Oct. 1839; e. s. 3rd Batt. Northumberland Fusiliers. of 3rd Earl and Selina Griselda, 2nd d. of

[Died 18 Auff. 1900. Rev. Charles C. Beresford ; m. Lady Florence ft. Earl of ENGELBACH, Lewis William, C.B. 1885 ; Cole, d. of 3rd Enniskillen, 1870.; 1837 of : Educ. : ; m. 1861, d. G. Bryan. Educ. four s. two d. Protestant. Tory. Christ's Oxford. M.P. Ennis- Hospital ; Darmstadt Gymnasium. Eton ; Christ Church, Entered of the 1876- War Office, 1854 ; Deputy Receiver- killen, 1868-80 ; Lord Treasury, General for of 1876-85 M.P. Duchy Lancaster, 1861-76 ; a 1880 ; Conservative Whip, ; Assis- 1880-85. house principal clerk, War Office, 1878-88 ; Fermanagh, Owned property tant to : s. Viscount Crichton. Accountant-General, 1888-90 ; Com- in Dublin. Heir missioner of Customs, 1899-90. Address : Crom Castle, Newtown Butler, Co. S.W. Club : [Died 16 March 1908. Fermanagh ; 21 Knightsbridge, ENGLAND, Major-Gen. Edward Lutwyche, Carlton. [Died 2 Dec. 1914. C.B. cr. ; 1896 ; J.P. ; Major-Gen, (retired) ; 3rd Bt. cr. ERSKINE, Sir ffolliott Williams, ; Col. Prince Albert's In- (Somerset) Light b. . of 2nd Bt. and 1821 ; 1850 ; Zaida,

; ft. 21 1839 : s. of late fantry March y. Gen. d. of late J. ffolliott, of Hollybrook, Co. Poole Valancey England, R.A. ; m. Mary, d. d. Sligo ; S. father 1902 ; m. 1879, Grace, of late Sir James Reid, Kt., 1886. Educ. : of Thomas Hargreaves of Arborfield Hall, Cheltenham Coll. Joined 13th Light In- Reading. Captain Scots Guards (retired). 1855 served in Indian fantry, ; Mutiny Owned about 3600 acres. Heir : s. Thomas (medal), and South African of Campaigns Wilfred, ft. 1880. Address : Cambo House,

1878-79 ; commanded 13th Light Infantry Kingsbarns, N.B. Club : Guards. at Battle of Ulundi (despatches ; medal). [Died 9 Jan. 1912. Address : Cleughbrae, Camberley, Surrey. ERSKINE, Maj.-Gen. George Elphinstone ; Club: Automobile. 4 1910. e. s. [Died Apr. J.P. ft. 20 Jan. 1841 ; Indian Army ; ; 1st EPINAY, Charles Adrian Prosper d', C.V.O. of late Capt. George Keith Erskine, of of David Erskine of 1906; sculptor; a Breton family, a Bombay Lancers ; y.-. member of which Blanche 1879), emigrated to Mauritius at Cardroes ; m. 1st, 1861, (d. end of 18th ft. Barnet 1895, century ; Mauritius, 13 J uly d. of G. Gates, East ; 2nd, 1836 s. of e. d. of Canon Wood ; late Adrien d'Epinay and Mar- Eva Constance Sarah, g. one d. guerite le Breton de la VieuvihV; m. 1869, Edwards, Vicar of Ruabon ; two France. Claire, d. of Adolphe Mottet de la Fontaine Educ. : Bedford Grammar School ;

and Elisabeth 1896 ; un- de Warren ; one s. one (/. Entered army, 1857 ; Maj.-Gen. Educ. : 1896 served Paris, under Dantan ; Rome, under employed supernumerary list, ; EBSKINE WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 Indian Mutiny, 1857-58 ; Oudh Commission, tered Legislative Council, Natal, 1872, as 1863-89 ; was Secretary to Financial Com- member for Borough of Durban ; nominated missioner of Oudh, and Revenue Secretary to Executive Council in 1880 ; Chairman of

to Chief Commissioner of Oudh ; Commis- Natal Harbour Board from its creation in sioner of Revenue and Circuit in Sitapur 1881 till 1894, when he resigned, his retire- and Lucknow Divisions ; Commissioner of ment being specially mentioned in a despatch

Kumam, 1889 ; Special Commissioner to from the Governor to the Colonial Office ; investigate relations between landlord and created Attorney-General on the introduc- tenant in tion Oudh, 1883; thanks of Oudh of Responsible Government in 1893 ;

Government and Viceroy of India ; served Commander of Natal Naval Volunteers, with on special Commission to propose adminis- relative rank of Lieut. -Colonel in Volunteer trative for measures giving effect to analga- force ; late Prime Minister and Attorney- mation of Governments of N.W.P. and Oudh, General of Natal. Recreations : chess, as- 1889 of Address : ; thanks Government ; retired 1895. tronomy. Bay View, Durban, Publications : A Digest of the Law and Natal, South Africa. Club : Durban. Circular Orders relating to the Revenue [Died 27 Dec. 1899. Courts and to the conduct of Revenue Land ESHER, 1st Viscount (cr. 1897), Baron 1885, Settlement in Oudh A Operations ; Report William Baliol Brett, P.C. ; K.B. 186S on ; the Condition of the Oudh Tenantry, 1883. of b. Master the Rolls from 1883 ; 13 Aug. Recreations : Address : shooting, hunting. 1815 : *. of Rev. Joseph George Erect, 11 Palmeira Mansions, Hove, Brighton. Ranelagh, Chelsea, and Dora, d. of George Club : United Service. [Died 12 Sept. 1912. Best, Chelston Park, Kent ; m. Eugenie, d. ERSKINE, Admiral of the Fleet Sir James of Louis Mayer, step-d. of Col. Gurwood, C.B., : Elphinstone, K.C.B., cr. 1897 : D.L. Peebles ; 1880. Educ. Westminster ; Caius Coll.

Admiral, 3897 ; Admiral of the Fleet, 1902- Camb. Senior Optime, 1836 ; M.A. 1840 ; retired Lincoln's 1908, 1908 ; b. 2 Dec. 1838 ; 2nd Barr. Inn, 1846 ; Q.C. 1860 ; M.P. s. of James Erskine, Cardross ; m. 1885, (C.) Helston, 1866-68; Solicitor-General, Margaret, e. d. of Rev. John Constable, 1868; Justice of Common Pleas, 1868-75; of of Marston Biggott ; one *. one d. Entered Judge High Court Justice (Common

Royal Navy, 1852 ; Commodore of Australian Pleas Division), 1875-76; Lord Justice of Station of in ; Naval A.D.C. to the Queen, 1884- Court Appeal, 1876-83. Rowed the 1886 1837. Heir : s. ; Naval Lord of the Admiralty, 1886 ; University Eight, Reginald, Commander in-Chief N. American and W. b. 1852. Address : 6 Ennismore Gardens, Indian Watford. Clubs : Ath- station, 1895 ; Principal Naval A.D.C. S.W. ; Heath Farm, to the King, 1901-1902. Address : Venlaw, enaeum, Carlton. [Died 24 May 1899. Peebles. Clubs : United Service, Travellers'. ESMARCH, His Excellency Dr. Johannes 25 1911. [Died July Friedrich August von J Professor of Surgery of Kiel b. ERSKINE, Lt.-Col. Keith David, C.I.E. 1910 ; at University from 1859 ; Tonning, Political Agent, Eastern Rajputana States, Schleswig-Holstein, 9 Jan. 1823; m. 1872,

from 1913 b. Princess Henriette of ; ; Indian Army ; 12 June 1863 ; Schleswig-Holstein e. s. of s. d. : of late Maj.-Geri. G. E. Erskine ; m. two one Educ. Gymnasiums Kiel 1892, Mabel, 2nd d. of John Dyson, Moor- Rendsburg and Flensburg ; ; Gottingen. nr. Assistant to Prof, von 1848 lands, Crewkerne ; no c. Educ. Charter- Langenbeck, ; house in taken ; Sandhurst. Entered army, 1884 ; served campaign against Danes and Indian of to Army, 1886; entered Political De- prisoner at battle Bau ; Assistant in partment, Government of India, 1887 ; served Professor Strorueyer, 1849 ; Surgeon in Ajmer, Mt. Abu, Beawar, Deoli, Jodhpur, Schleswig-Holstein army, 1849 ; Professor of in of Bikauer, and Kashmir, and in Bangalore, Surgery the University Kiel, 1857 ; attended Austrian wounded after battle of Mysore State ; Political Agent, 1897 ; in Haraoti Oeversee of the Iron Crown from and Tonk, 1900 ; Resident, Western (Order Francis Director of the Rajputana States, 1901 and 1908; Super- Emperor Joseph) ; intendent in the of Gazetteer, Rajputana, 1903 ; Surgical Faculty Hospitals, Berlin, Political the Austrian 1866 Agent, Bikaner, 1907 ; Resident in during War, ; Surgeon-

Kashmir, 1910. Recreations : golf, shooting, General during Franco- German War ; visited

fishing, historical research. Address : Bha- England, 1874 ; introduced the antiseptic ratpur, Rajputana. Clubs : Naval and Mili- treatment into Germany on his return; tary, Queen's. [Died 19 Oct. 1914. founded the Samariter Verein, 1882; en- nobled by the Emperor Wilhelm I. 1887; ERSKINE, Sir Thomas, 2nd Bt. ; cr. 1821 ; received from the Wilhelm II. the b. 1824 : Emperor ; S. father 1841 m. 1847, Zaida, d. titles of and Geheimrath. Pub- of late J. ffolliott, of Hbllybrook, Co. Sligo Excellency : lications Handbook of War Surgery ; Guide (d. 1897) ; Lieut. 71st Foot, 1843. Owned for Samaritan Schools technical about 3600 cares. Heir : s ffolliott Williams, ; many works. Recreations : chamois- b. 1850. Address: Cambo House, Kings- deer-stalking, Address : Kiel. barns, N.B. Club : Carlton. shooting. 23 Feb. 1908. [Died 27 Sept. 1902. [Died Dr. John, M.P. (N.) North Tipper- ERSKINE, 5th Baron (U.K.). (cr. 1804), ESMONDE, s. of ary ; b. 27 Jan. 1862 ; o. surv. James William Macnaghton Erskine, J.P. ; D.L. J.P. m. Rose [Thomas Erskine, 3rd s. of 10th Earl of Esmonde, D.L., ; 1st, Maginnes ; O'Sullivan s. three d. Buchan, Lord High Chancellor, 1804, was 2nd, Eily ; eight Educ. : Clongowes ; Stonyhurst ; Ocsott. created Baron Erskine, 1804.] ; 6. 7 Jan. 1841; Practised in for s. of 4th Baron, and Margaret, d. of John England twenty-four years. Recreations : and Address : Martyn; m. Caroline, d. of late William hunting fishing. Drominagh, Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary. Grimble, 1864 ; three s. one d. Church of England. Conservative. Joined 7th Dra- Club: Motor. [Died 17 Apr. 1915. Rev. D.D. Chancellor of the goon Guards, 1857 ; exchanged to 9th ESPIN, John, ; Lin- from and Lancers, 1861 ; retired 1869 ; Barr. Cathedral, Grahamstown, 1875, Tutor b. Lin- coln's Inn, 1873. Recreations : hunting, Diocesan Theological ; Louth, shooting. Heir : s. Hon. Montagu Erskine. colnshire, 26 Nov. 1836 ; m. 1863, Catherine, two s. one d. Address : Spratton Hall, Northampton. d. of Thomas Mallam, Oxford ; Clubs : Carlton, Naval and Military. Educ. : The Grammar School, Mansfield, [Died 8 Dec. 1913. Notts; Oundle School; Merton College, Mathematical ESCOMBE, Rt, Hon. Harry, P.C. 1897 ; LL.D., Oxford (Open Postmastership). b. 1st class in mathematics and science. D.Sc., Q.C. ; Minister of Education ; physical B.A. 1860 M.A. 1862 Second Notting Hill, 1838. Educ, : St. Paul's 1859 ; ; ; School. Hon. LL.D. Cambridge, 1897. En- Master of St. John's Foundation School for 230 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 EVANS 1860-63 Second Master Sons of the Clergy, ; gagement at Giniss ; North-West Frontier of Rochester Cathedral School, 1863-68; of India, 1897 (despatches, D.S.O., medal the Assistant Master at Diocesan College, with clasp). t Died 2 Nov. 1909. Rondebosch, Cape Town, 1869-70 ; Warden EVANS, Rev. Daniel Silvan, B.D. ; D.Litt. ; of Zonnebloem College, Cape Town, 1870-74 ; Rector of Llanwrin from 1876 ; Chancellor Principal of St. Andrew's College, Grahams- of Bangor from 1895 ; Fellow of Jesus 1882-1902 D.D. 1901 Member of town, ; ; Coll. ironi Oxford, 1897 ; Chaplain to the the Council of the University of the Cape of Bishop Bangor, 1899 ; b. Y Fron Wilym of Good 1894-1905 Member of the Hope, ; Uchaf, Llanafth, Cardiganshire, 11 Jan. of llhod.es Council and the Senate University *. of 1818 ; Silvanus and Sarah Evans ; m. Grahamstown. Publications : The College, Margaret, d. of Walter Walters, Hendre, Fruit of the Spirit Addresses given at a Cardiganshire. Educ. : St. David's College, Retreat of the 1887 The Sacerdotal Clergy, ; Lampeter (Senior Scholar). Ordained Deacon. Character of the Christian and Ministry, 1848, Priest, 1849, by Bishop Bethell of other Sermons. Address : St. Paul's Hostel, of Bangor ; Curate Llandygwynnin, 1848 52 ; Grahamstown. 24 Oct. 1905. [Died Llangian, 1852-62; Rector of Llanymawddwy, Rev. Chancellor Thomas 1862-76 of ESPIN, Espinell, D.D., ; Canon Bangor, 1888-91 ; Pre- D.C.L. Chancellor of Diocese of Chester of ; bendary Bangor, 1891-95 ; formerly Pro- of from 1880 Hon. from 1873 ; Liverpool ; fessor of Welsh, University College of Wales, of Chester from 1871 Rector of Canon ; Aberystwyth, 1875-83 ; Examiner at St. 1885 Wolsingham, Durham, from ; J.P. David's College, Lampeter. Publications : 1886 Rural Dean of County Durham, ; Dictionary of the Welsh Language (conjointly 1887-1902 Proctor in Convoca- with J. Stanhope, ; Henry Silvan-Evans, M.A.) ; English- tion for of 1885- Archdeaconry Auckland, Welsh Dictionary, 2 voK 1858 ; Llythyraeth 1888-1908. Educ. : Lin- 1909 ; Proluctor, yr laith Gyraraeg (Welsh Orthography), 1361; D.D. coln College, Oxford (Fellow, 1849-54). Blodau leuainc (Verse and Prose), 1843 ; of All Oxford ; D.C.L. Durham. Incumbent Telynegion (Lyrics), 1846; 2nd ed. 1881; 1851-52 Lincoln Sioned Saints, Oxford, ; Tutor, Ysten (Welsh Folk-lore), 1882 ; 2nd Professor of Pastoral ed. College, 1851-53; 1894 ; Telyn Dyfl (Sacred Poems), 1898 ; Theology, Queen's Coll. Birmingham, 1853- joint compiler and editor with the late

1864; Warden, 1865-73 ; Rector of Wallasey, Bishop Lloyd (Bangor) of Emyniadur yr Cheshire, 1867-85; Chaplain to Bishop of Eglwys yng Nghymru (Welsh Hymnal), 1898. Oxford (Stubbs), 1888-1901. Publications : Recreations : walking and ornithology. Ad- of : Critical Essays, 1864 ; Our Want Clergy, dress Llanwrin Rectory, Montgomeryshire. of Dio- 1863 ; Addresses to Churchwardens [Died 12 Apr. 1903. cese of Liverpool, 1888 ; The Athanasian EVANS, Ven. David, Archdeacon of St. Asaph 1906. Address : Creed, a Sermon, 4th edition, and Canon Residentiary ; b. Llanrhystyd,

Wolsingham Rectory, Co. Durham. Cardiganshire ; m. Annie, 2nd d. of late James [Died 5 Dec. 1912. Walton, Dalforgan aad Cwmllecoegliog,

ESTCOURT ; 1st Baron ; cr. 1903 ; George Montgomeryshire. Educ. : privately and of Thomas John Sotheron-Estcourt, Estcourt, Ystradmewrig Grammar 801109!. Surrogate, Gloucestershire, and of Darrington, York- 1867 ; member Centre Council of Diocesan of shire, J.P., D.L. ; b. 1839; o. s. Rev. Conference, 1888 ; R.D. of Abergele, 1889 ; Edmund Hiley Bucknall-Estcourt, of Est- Canan Cursal of Randulph, Birkenhead, in d. of court, and Anne Elizabeth (d. 1882), St. Asaph Cathedral, 1895 ; Rector of Bala, Sir John Lowther Johnstone, 6th Bart. ; m. 1867; Vicar of Abergele, 1876. Publica- 1863, Monica, d. of late Rev. Martin Stapyl- tions : sermons, addresses, and charges. : : ton of Barlborough, Derby. Educ Harrow ; Address The Canonry, St. Asaph, Wales.

Balliol Coll. Oxford (B.A. 1862 ; M.A. 1868). [Died 1 March 1910

Lieut.-Col. and Hon. Col. late Comm. R. EVANS, Sir David, K.C.M.G., cr. 1892 ; J.P.. for Wilts Yeo. ; patron of 3 livings ; M.P. D.L. ; head of the firm of Richard Evans

N. Wilts, 1874-85 ; assumed name of Sotheron & Co., trimming manufacturers ; Director in 1876. Heir : none. Address : Estcourt, of the Anglo- Foreign Bank, Callenders Cable Tetbury. Clubs : Carltou, Boodle's. and Construction Company, Ltd., and the

[Died 12 Jan. 1915. Hand-in-Hand Insurance Society ; b. 21

ETESON, Surg.-Gen. Alfred, C.B. 1907 ; M.D. ; April 1849 ; m. Emily (d. 1903), d. of Lau-

Indian Medical Service, retired , served In- rence Boakes, 1874. Lord Mayor of London, dian Mutiny, 1857-58 (despatches six times, 1891-92. Recreations : hunting, ex-Master

medal) ; Afghan War, 1879 (medal) ; Akha, of West Surrey Staghounds ; shooting. Ad- 1883-84. Address : 55 Longridge Road, dress : Ewell Grove, Surrey. Chibs : City S.W. [Died 15 Feb. 1910. Carlton, Junior Carlton. 14 1907. ETHERIDGE, Robert, F.G.S., F.R.S. Publi- [Died Aug. Sir Francis 1st cr. 1902 cations : Stratigraphical Geology and Palae- EVANS, Henry, Bt., ; K.C.M.G.; cr. 1893 ; Director of the Thames ontology, 1885 ; Tossils of the British Isles, and Marine Insurance and Stratieraphically Arranged, 1888. Address : Mersey Company of International Car 14 Carlyle Square, Chelsea, S.W. the Sleeping Company ; [Died 20 Dec. 1903. a partner in the firm of Messrs. Donald Currie & Co.,; Managers of. the Union- EUSTON, Earl of, Henry James Fittroy, D.L. ; late Castle Co. ; b. 1840 ; m. Marie, d. of the A.D.C. and Col. of Volunteers ; Prov. Grand Master Northants and Huntinadons from Hon. Samuel Stevens, Albany, New York., 1872. Educ. : Manchester New College ; 1887 ; b. 28 Nov. 1848 e. s. of 7th Duke ; Neuwied. M.P. of Grafton and Anna, y. d. of late James Banker, 1870-84; (L.) 1901- Southampton, 1896-1900 ; Maidstone, Balfour, Whittingehame ; m. 1871, Kate Address : 40 Grosvenor (d. 1903), d. of J. Walsh. Heir : b. Alfred 1906. Place, S.W.; Kent. Club : Re- W. M. Fitzroy, b. 1850. Address : 6 Ches Tubbendens, Orpington, 22 Jan. 1907. terfield Gardens, W. [Died 10 May 1912. form. [Died EVANS, Col. Charles William Henry, D.S.O EVANS, Sir Griffith Humphrey Pugh, K.C.I.E.; of the Council 1698 cr. 1892 ; J.P., D.L. ; Member ; commanded 1st Royal West Kent d. of Viceroy of India ; b. 1840 ; m. Emilia, Regt. ; retired 1900 ; b. 19 Aug. 1851 ; m. 1873. Educ. : Lincoln 1st, Annie Thomasina, 4th d. of late T. B. of late James Hills, Lincoln's Inn : 1867. J d. Coll. Oxford. Barr. Hernck, Shippool ; 2nd, 902, Rose, o. of J. Address : Lovesgrove, Aberystwyth. Hadlow. Entered army, 1874 ; Lieut.- 6 Feb. Col. 1898; served Egypt, 1882 (medal [Died 1902. bronze of the star) ; Nile, 1884-80 (clasp) ; Soudan EVANS, Howard, Editor Arbitrator, Frontier Field Force, 1885-86, including en organ of the International Arbitration 231 EVANS WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

League, of which he was chairman ; b. 1839. Emily, e. d. of late Wm. Rutherford Ancrum. Educ. : City of London School. Formerly St. Leonard's Court, near Gloucester. Educ. :

Editor of the English Labourer, afterwards The Keir, Wimbledon ; Trinity College, of of Liber- the Echo, and subsequently the Cambridge. Barr. Inner Temple, 1875 ; ator of ; Chairman the London Congrega- joined the Oxford Circuit, 1876 ; Secretary tional Union, 1909. Publications : Our Old to the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting of Priestcraft Life of : Nobility ; The Price ; for England and .Wales, 189S. Publications Sir Randal Cremer ; Radical Fights of Forty joint editor of 6th (1882), and sole editor of : 4 Winterwell Years. Address Road, 7th (1895), edition of Bateman on Auctions ; Brixton, S.W. [Died 8 Aug. 1915 author of treatise on The Solicitors' Re- muneration Act, 1881 (1883); From Peru EVANS, Sir John, K.C.B., cr. 1892 ; D.C.L., to the Plate, 1889. Recreations : fishing, LL.D., Sc.D., F.R.S., D.L. ; Hon. Fellow, shooting, walking, and phil- Brasenose College, Oxford ; formerly paper numismatics, Address : 54 manufacturer firm, John Dickinson & ately. Longridge Road, Earl's Court, S.W. ; 12 King's Bench Co. ; Chairman of Herts Quarter Sessions, Walk, E.C. and 10 Old Lincoln's St. Albans; b. Britwell Court, Bucks, 17 Temple, ; Square, s. Inn, W.C. Clubs : New Oxford and Cam- Nov. 1823 ; of Rev. Arthur Benoni Evans, D.D., and Anne, d. of Captain Thomas bridge, Savage. [Died 16 June 1902.

Dickinson, R.N. ; m. 1st, Harriet Ann, d. EVANS, Samuel T. G. ; b. 1829. Educ. : Eton. of d. John Dickinson, F.R.S. ; 2nd, Frances, Studied art in the Atelier Picot in Paris, and of d. Joseph Phelps ; 3rd, Maria Millington, on returning to England became a student of Charles C. Lathbury, Wimbledon, 1892 ; of the Royal Academy ; elected Associate two *. two d. Educ. : Market Bosworth of the Royal Society of Painters in Water- School. of Trustee British Museum ; Treas- Colours, 1859, and full member, 1890 : for urer of the Royal Society, 1878-98 ; Pres. many years Drawing-Master at Eton College. of : the British Association, 1897-98 ; Foreign Address The Cottage.. Eton College. Club :

Secretary Geological Society, Pres. 1874-76 ; Athenaeum. [Died 1 Nov. 1904.

Hon. Sec. 1866-74 ; Pres. Royal Numismatic EVANS, Col. Thomas Dixon Byron, C.B. 1900 ; Society from 1874 ; High Sheriff of Herts, A.D.C. ; Royal Canadian Mounted Rifles ; of 1885- 1881; Pres. Society Antiquaries, commanding Military District No. 10 (Mani- 1892 ; Pres. Anthrop. Inst. 1877-79 ; Pres. toba and North-West Territories) ; Hon. Inst. Chemical 1892-93 Pres. Industry, ; A.D.C. to His Excellency the Governor- Midland 1899 Pres. Ex- Institute, ; Egypt General of Canada from 1901 b. 22 March 1899-1906 ; ploration Fund, ; Chairman, s. of 1860 ; Samuel Francis Evans, Ottawa ; of 1900-1901 Vice-Chairman Society Arts, ; m. 1904, Eleanor Isobel, d. of Hon. Sir D. H. or Herts 1888- Chairman County Council, M'Millan. Educ. : Ottawa Grammar School. 1905 Lawes Trust Com- ; Chairman, Agric. Lieut. 43rd Batt. Ottawa Carleton Rifles, mittee ; Corr. of the Institut de France. 1881 ; transferred to Royal Regiment Publications : The Coins of the Ancient Canadian Infantry, 1888 ; Royal Canadian Britons, 1864, Supplement, 1890 ; The Dragoons, 1891 ; Major, 1896 ; served Ancient Stone Implements, etc., of Great through North-West Rebellion with Midland Britain, 1872 ; 2nd ed. 1897 ; The Ancient Batt. 1885 (medal) ; commanded Yukon Bronze Implements of Great Britain and Field Force, 1898-99 (granted brevet Lieut.- Ireland, 1881. Recreations : shooting, and Col.) ; commanded Canadian Mounted Rifles coins : collecting and antiquities. Address in South Africa, 1899-1900 (medal, despatches, Herts. Clubs : Britwell, Berkhamsted, brevet rank of Col.), and 1901-2 (despatches). Athenaeum, Albemarle, Burlington, Fine Decorated for services in command of Canad- Arts. [Died 31 May 1908. ian Mounted Rifles in South Africa. Re- : EVANS, Rev. John David, M.A. ; Vicar of creations Vice-President Ontario Rugby of Walmersley from 1873 ; Hon. Canon Football Union, 1886 ; President Manitoba Rural of e. s. of Manchester ; Dan Bury ; Hockey Association, 1891-97 ; on committee

late Rev. John Harrison Evans ; retired of Manitoba Rifle Association, 1891-97 ; Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, and Active Member of Winnipeg Canoe Club, Headmaster of Sedbergh Grammar School, Tennis Club, Golf Club, and the Clandeboye Yorkshire, 1838 - 61. Educ. : Sedbergh Bay Game Club. Address : Fort Osborne

School ; St. John's College, Cambridge ; 1st Barracks, Winnipeg, Canada. Club : Mani- class classics, 1862. Member of the Bury toba, Winnipeg. [Died 24 Aug. 1908. Rural District Council and Board of Guard- EVE, George W. ; R.E. ; Member of the Art ians ; Governor of Bury Grammar School ; Workers' Guild ; m. Mary Ellen, d. of Dr. on the Council of Rossall School, Fleetwood. Benjamin Hopewell ; one s. Works : Book- Recreation : travel. : Address Walmers- plates for Queen Victoria, King Edward VII. ley Vicarage, Bury Lancashire. of and King . ; for the Institute 18 [Died June 1912. Electrical Engineers (portrait of Farraday), EVANS, Ven. Owen, M.A. ; Archdeacon of and many other etched bookplates, etc., etc. ; of Carmarthen from 1901 ; Vicar Golden Series of Decorative Shields in modelled and Grove from 1913. Educ. : Jesus College, painted gesso at Alloa House, Clackmannan- 1st Class Natural 1877. Oxford ; Science, shire, and other applications of heraldry to Curate of Ordained 1877 ; Llanfairfechan, architecture lectured on Heraldic Art at 1877-78 Minor Canon of ; ; Bangor, 1878-85; the Society of Arts (Cantor Lecturer in 1906), Professor of Theological Lecturer and Welsh, at the City and Guilds of London Institute, St. David's 1885-89 College, Lampeter, ; Finsbury, and other Schools of Art in Headmaster of Llandovery College, 1889- fre- London, Manchester, Bradford, etc. ; 1900; Vicar of Carmarthen, 1900-13; quent exhibitor at the Royal Academy. to of 1888 Exa- Chaplain Bishop Chester, ; Publications : Decorative Heraldry, 1897, to Bishop of St. David's, mining Chaplain 2nd ed. 1907 ; Heraldry as Art, 1907 ; 1897 Hon. to 1901 ; Mem- ; Chaplain King, various articles in magazines, etc. Address : ber of the Welsh Church Commission, 1906. 65 King Henry's Road, N.W. Address : Vicarage, Golden Grove, Car- [Died Dec. 1914. marthenshire. [Died 21 Sept. 1914. b. 27 EVELYN, William John, J.P., D.L. ; e. s. of late and EVANS, Patrick Fleming, J.P. ; LL.B. 1874 ; July 1822 ; George Evelyn of d. of late J. LL.M. 1877 ; Recorder Newcastle-under- Mary Jane, H. Massy-Dawson,

1896 b. 18 Dec. of Co. ; m. Lyme from ; Worcester, 1851; M.P., Ballynacourty, Tipperary 2nd s. of late Edward Bickerton Evans, Whit- 1873, Frances Harriet (d. 1897), e. d. of Rev. bourne Hall, near Worcester, and Margaret, George V. Chichester, Vicar of Drummaul, s. : d. of late Peter Fleming, Glasgow ; m. Alice Ireland ; one four d. Educ. Rugby ; WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 BWART

Balliol Coll. Oxford. High Sheriff, Surrey. Address : 1 Pen Court, B.C. Clubs : St. 1860; patron of 3 livings; M.P. West Stephen's, Savage, New Thames Yacht. 1885-88. Ileir : Surrey, 1849-57 ; Depford, [Died 20 Apr. 1899. Harcourt Chichester b. 11 s. John ; Aug. EVINGTON, Rt. Rev. Henry, D.D. ; b. 7 Oct. d. of late 1876; m. 1902, Frances Edith, 1848 ; m. 1881, d. of R. J. Bedford ; two s. Maj.-Gen. Cecil Robert St. J. Ives of Moyne one d. Educ. : Manchester Grammar : Wotton Park, Essex. Address House, School ; Pembroke College, Oxford. Or- : Dorking. Address Northwood House, dained, 1874 ; Curate, St. Anne's, Manchester, Sussex. Clubs : Oxford 1874 in East Grinstead, ; Missionary Osaka, 1875-92 ;

and Cambridge, Athenaeum. Kumamoto, 1893 ; acting Secretary, C.M.S., 26 1908. [Died July Japan Mission, 1885-89 ; Bishop of Kyushu. EVERETT, Joseph David, M.A., F.R.S., D.C.L., S. Japan, 1894-1909. Address: 78 North- of Natural D.bc. ; Professor Philosophy, umberland Road, Old Trafford, Manchester. b. Queen's Coll. Belfast, 1867-97 ; Rushmere, [Died 28 Sept.. 1912. near 11 1831 e. s. of Ipswich, Sept. ; Joseph EWART, Lieut.-Gen. Charles Brisbane, C.B. small landowner m. David Everett, ; Jessie, : 1869 Knight of Legion of Honour ; 5th d. of Rev. A. Fraser, Glasgow, 1862. Educ. : class of Order of Medjidieh ; retired on full Ipswich ; Glasgow Univ. M.A. Glasgow, b. pay, 1894 ; Coventry, 15 Feb. 1827 ; ij. f. with 1st Honours in Mathematics and 1857, of late Lieut.-Gen. J. F. Ewart, C.B., and Natural Philosophy, and 2nd Honours in Layinia, e. d. of late Admiral Sir Charles* Classics and Mental ; Sec. Philosophy Brisbane; m. Emily J., d. of late Rev. P. Scottish 1859 Pro- Meteorological Society, ; Ewart, 1860. Educ. : Allesley, Warwick- fessor of Mathematics, King's Coll., Nova shire R.M. Acad. Woolwich. Sword for 1859-64 Assistant to Professor of ; Scotia, ; good conduct at R.M.A. Woolwich, and 1864-67. Publica- Mathematics, Glasgow, commissioned in Royal Engineers. Joined tions : Centimetre-Gramme-Second System Royal Engineers, 1845 ; served throughout of 1875 edition of Des- Units, ; English Crimean war, 1854-56 (despatches, English, chanel's 1869-72 Physics, ; Elementary Sardinian, and Turkish medals, with 3 clasps); of 1877 Outlines of Text-Book Physics, ; Brigade-Major, R.E. 1855-56, and promoted Motion Natural Philosophy, 1885 ; Vibratory for service in Brevet-Major Crimea, 1855 ; of and Sound, 1882 ; Translation Hovestadt's A.Q.M.G. Headquarters, 1860-65 ; C.R.E.

Jena Glass, 1902 ; Universal Proportion London, 1865-70 ; Dep. Dir. of Works, War Table, 1866 (the earliest pattern of gridiron Office, 1872-77 ; C.R.E. and Col. on Staff for 1877. slide-rule) ; Shorthand General Use, Dover and Gibraltar, 1877-82 ; Extra A.D.C. Recreations : from 1868 Senior bicyclist ; to H.R.H. the F.M. Commander-in-Chief, from 1896 skilled Trustee C.T.C. ; golf ; Officer 1884-85 ; General commanding Base verbatim shorthand writer in his own system. and Line of Communications, Suakim, 1885 Address : 1L Leopold Road. Ealing, W. (mentioned in despatch of Lieut.-Gen. com- [Died 9 Aug. 1904. manding the Field Force) ; Lieut.-Governor EVERETT, Col. Sir William, K.C.M.G., cr. and General Officer in command, Jersey, Wai- 1898; retired A.A.G. for Intelligence, 1887-92 ; Colonel Commandant Royal En-

Office ; half-pay ; b. 20 April 1844 ; m. 1870, gineers, 1902. Was a member of Royal Marie Georgina Calogeras of Corfu. Entered Sanitary Commission and also of Royal Erze- : army, 1864^; Col. 1893 ; Vice-Consul, Commission on Thames Pollution. Address 1882-88 roum, 1879 ; Consul for Kurdistan, ; 19 Basil Street, S.W. [Died 8 Aug. 1903.

C.M.G. 1886 ; Professor of Military Topo- EWART, Capt. Frank Rowland, D.S.O. 1900 ; Staff College, 1888. Club : St. The King's (Liverpool Regt.) ; b. 31 Jan. 9 fraphy,ames's. [Died Aug. 1908. 1874; served South Africa, 1899-1902 of EVERSHED, Sydney, brewer ; Alderman (wounded, despatches, Queen's medal, 5 for Staffordshire and 2 Burton-on-Trent ; J.P. clasps; King's medal, clasps, D.S.O.). b. s. of J. late 13 1906. Derbyshire ; 1825 ; Evershed, [Died June of m. d. of H. Albury, Surrey ; Fanny, EWART, General Sir John Alexandar, K.C.B., Whitehead, 1856. M.P. (L.) Burton, Stafford- cr. 1887 J.P. Dumfries and Stafford 1886-1900 returned at ; ; shire, ; unopposed Colonel of the Argyll and Sutherland High-

the General Elections of 1892 and 1895 ; landers : b. 11 June 1821 ; 3rd s. of late twice : farm- Mayor of Burton. Recreations Lieut.-Gen. John Frederick Ewart, C.B., and ing, fishing, shooting. Address : Albury Laviriia, d. of Sir C. Brisbane, K.C.B. ; m. Burton-on-Trent. Club : National House, Frances, e. d. of Spencer Stone, Callingwood Liberal. 8 Nov. 1903. [Died Hall, Staffordshire, 1858. Educ. : Sand- EVES, Charles Washington, C.M.G., F.R.C.I., hurst, obtaining special Certificates at both

F.R.G.S., etc. ; b. London, 13 Sept. 1838 ; Departments. Ensign 35th Regt. 1838 ; e. s. of late Charles Eves, Hornsey ; m. Annie, exchanged as Captain to 93rd Highlanders, d. of late Thomas Benson, Beckenham, Kent. 1848 ; served in Crimean and Indian Mutiny : of Educ. St. Omer, France ; Bonn, Germany. ; present at battles Alma, T campaigns Was for many years a W est Indian merchant Balaclava, Inkerman, and both assaults upon in identified with also of London, and was closely Sebastopol ; at capture Kertch and the affairs Relief of the generally ; was Yenikale ; received two sword-cuts at Hon. Commissioner for at Colonial of Lucknow, and lost his left arm by a cannon-

and Indian Exhibition in London, 1886 ; shot at Cawnpore ; became Lieut.-Colonel

invited to attend on behalf of Jamaica of 93rd in 1859 ; commanded 78th High- to the meetings of the Colonial Conference, London, landers, 1859-64 ; was A.D.C. Queen, 1887 Chairman of the Committee commanded a division in ; London 1859-72 ; India, of the Lieut.-Gen. 1877 Jamaica Exhibition, 1891 ; member 1877-80; Maj.-Gen. 1872 ; ; of the of the Gordon Council of the Royal Colonial Institute, General 1884 ; Colonel High- and representative of Jamaica, British Hon- landers, 1884-95. Distinctions : medal with

duras, and the Bahamas at the Imperial 4 clasps ; Legion of Honour ; Medjidie ;

Institute, of which he was a member, of the Piedmontese medal for valour ; Turkish of 1st medal and for Executive Council ; Hon. Colonel the medal for Crimea ; clasp times Middlesex (Victoria and St. George's) Rifles, Relief of Lucknow ; three promoted etc. Decorated for services rendered to for service in the field and recommended for : : A Few Remarks Jamaica. Publications The West Indies ; the V.C. Publications of a Jamaica at the Colonial and Indian Ex- about the British Army ; The Story hibition foot ; Jamaica at the Royal J ubilee Soldier's Life. Recreations: cricket, Exhibition. fives of the Liverpool ; Report on Jamaica ball, archery, bowls, ; captain elected to the Exhibition, etc. Recreation : yachting. 35th Royal Sussex Eleven ; 8a EWART WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916

Marylebone Club, 1848. Address : Craig- Canonteign, Dunsford, Exeter. Club : clench, Langholm, Dumfriesshire. Clubs : Carlton. [Died 31 Oct. 1899. United Service, Scottish Conservative. EYRE, Most Rev. Charles, LL.D., R.C. Arch- [Died 19 May 1904. of bishop Glasgow (from 1879) ; b. 1817 ; cr. s. of late John Lewis Educ. : Ushaw EWART, Sir Joseph ; 1895 ; M.D., J.P. ; Eyre. Coll. Durham Rome. Assistant St. retired Dep.-Surgeon-Gen. Indian Army ; ; priest Andrew's 1843 b. 1831 ; s. of late Andrew Ewart and Church, Newcastle-on-Tyne, ; senior St. Catherine Armstrong Ewart ; m. Madeline, priest Mary's Cathedral, Newcastle, : 1847 Vicar-General for d. of Major T. Lister", 1856 (d. 1863). Educ. ; ; Archbishop the privately. Entered H.E.I.C.S. (medical), Western District and Delegate Apostolic for in 1868. Publications : of J854 ; served with Meywar Bheel Corps Scotland, History St. 1849 ed. Children Indian Mutiny ; Professor of Medicine, Cal- Cuthbert, (3rd 1889) ; of the Bible on the Old cutta ; retired 1879 ; Vice-Chairman of ; Papers Cathedral of Address : 6 Gardens Brighton School Board ; Mayor of Brighton, Glasgow. Bowmont 27 March 1891-2-3-4 ; formerly proprietor and editor Glasgow. [Died 1902. of Indian Annals of Medical Science author ; EYRE, Edward John, medallist, R.G.H. ; of several works to Indian relating Sanitation, retired Colonial Governor (on pension) ; b. and Snake was the Pathology, Poisoning ; England, 5 Aug. 1815, s. of Rev. A. W. Eyre, first to demonstrate the existence of typhoid Yorks, and Sarah, d. of Dr. Mapleton, Bath fever among the natives of India. Re- [lineally descended from the Eyres of Hope, creations : rising, walking (Brighton), early Derbyshire, temp. Henry II.] ; m. Adelaide, hay-making and harvesting (Cumberland). d. of Captain Ormond, R.N., 1850. Educ. : : Address Bewcastle, Dyke Road, Brighton ; Sedbergh Grammar School. Lieut.-Gov. Holmhead, Bewcastle, Cumberland. of New Ulster and New Munster, New Zea- [Died 10 Jan. 1906. land, 1846-53; Lieut.-Gov. St. Vincent, Gov. -in-Chief Leeward EWING, Rev. Robert, M.A., D.D. ; Canon of 1854-60; Acting 1860-61 Governor of Jamaica and Salisbury from 1905; Vicar of Trinity Islands, ; its 1862-66 down the Church, Trowbridge, from 1893 ; b. 14 Dec. Dependencies, (put of the Publications : 1847 ; e. s. of Rev. James Ewing of Dundee ; mutiny negroes). Author of Discoveries in C. Australia m. 1876, Alice (d. 1906), d. of F. W. Bayly, (in which he made various Warminster. Educ. : St. Andrews ; Balliol country explorations, his crossed the College, Oxford (Exhibitioner). 1st Class and during several journeys Continent of Australia overland from east Math. Mods., 2nd Class Classical Mods., 1868 ; to west from to Swan was 1st Class Lit. Hum., 1870; Fellow of St. Sydney River) ; John's College, 1870-76; tutor, 1872-89; awarded the gold medal of the Royal Geo- Rector of Winterslow, near Salisbury, 1888-93; graphical Society. Recreations : fishing, Hon. D.D. St. Andrews, 1903. Address: shooting. Address : Walreddon Manor, Trinity Vicarage, Trowbridge. Tavistock, Devon. [Died 30 Nov. 1901 [Died 19 May 1908. EYRE, Colonel Henry, C.B. (1897), D.L., V.D., J.P. Hon. Col. 4th Notts. R.V. b. 4 Feb. EXETER, 4th Marquess of (cr. 1801), Brownlow ; ; e. of 1834 ; surv. s. of Rev. C. W. Eyre Henry George Cecil, P.O., D.L., J.P. ; Baron of Hampton Manor, Notts ; m. Kathleen (d. Burghley, 1571 ; Earl Exeter, 1605. [1st d. of Rev. R. Educ.: Baron, E.G., was Secretary of State to 1899), Machell. Harrow Christ Oxford. Joined Edward VI. and Elizabeth, also her Lord ; Church, 2nd Batt. Rifle 1855 at High Treasurer and Chancellor of Cambridge Brigade, ; present and fall of 1855 A.D.C. University, 1558-98.] Joint Hereditary siege Sevastopol, ; to Lieut.-Gen. Sir W. Eyre, K.C.B., 1885 to Grand Almoner ; Hon. Col. 3rd and 4th end of campaign (medal and clasp for Sevas- Batts. Northamptonshire Regt. from 1887 ; topol, and Turkish medal) ; served with b. 20 Dec. 1849 ; *. of 3rd Marquis and of Rifle Brigade through Indian Mutiny, 1857- Georgiana, d. of 2nd Earl Longford ; S. 1858 ; present at taking of Lucknow, 1858 ; father 1895 ; m. Isabella, o. c. of Sir Thomas of and on Whichcote, 1875. Educ. : Eton. Lieut, capture Mynponee operations Rham Gunga River ; also with Camel Corps and Capt. Grenadier Guards, 1871-77 ; A.D.C. under Ross at action of Golowlie to Lieut.-Gen. commanding S.W. District, Major (for which action the was 1874; M.P. (C.) North Northamptonshire, Camel Corps specially mentioned in despatches by Sir Hugh Rose) 1877-95 ; sometime Conservative Whip ; and of for Parliamentary Groom-in-Waiting to the siege Calpe (medal and clasp in Lucknow and Central India) ; served Queen, 1886-91 ; Vice-Chamberlain to the Notts 1852-54 commanded 4th Household, 1891-92. Owned about 28,100 Yeomanry, ; Notts 1865-92 ; Sheriff for Notts, acres. Heir : Lord Burghley, b. 1876. R.V., High 1873 Lincoln- : ; M.P. Gainsborough Division, Address 114 Ashley Gardens, S.W. ; shire, 1886-92; contested Newark, 1874; Burghley House, Stamford, Deeping ; St. 1880 1886 and James's Manor, Market, Deeping. Club : Bassetlaw, ; Gainsborough, 1892 1895 and 1900 Chairman Carlton. [Died 9 Apr. 1898. ; Mansfield, ; of Committee at the War Office for the organ- EXHAM, Colonel Richard, C.M.G. 1900; isation of the Medical Department of the R.A.M.C., P.M.O., retired ; b. 27 Sept. 1848. Auxiliary Forces ; Kt. of Grace of the Order Educ. : Edinburgh Univ., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S. of St. John of Jerusalem. Recreations : Entered 1871 Col. 1899 served S. army, ; ; cricket, hunting, shooting. Address : 29 1899-1901 Africa, (despatches twice, Queen's Queen Anne's Gate, S.W. Club : Carlton. with 4 Address : medal clasps, C.M.G.). [Died 24 June 1904. 1 Mutley Park Terrace, Mannamead, Ply- 1st EYRE, Col. Henry Robert ; b. 1842 ; m. mouth. 1 Feb. 1915. [Died 1872, Hon. Eva Lucy Mary (d. 1895), s. of EXMOUTH, 4th Viscount (cr. 1816), Edward 7th Lord Byron; 2nd 1900, Lady Alice Fleetwood John Pellew, J.P., D.L. ; Capt. Mary Harris, 5th d. of 2nd Earl of Malmes-

5th (The Hayton) V.B. Devon Regt. ; Bt.' bury. Coldstream Guards, Col. 1887 (retired). the Address : 10 Middle- 1796 ; Baron, 1814 [1st peer was famous Berkeley Square, W. ;

admiral who the French ton Yorks ; " captured frigate Lodge, Middleton, Tyas, R.S.O., Cleopatra," and successfully bombarded Dun Dhu, Aberfoyle, R.S.O., Perthshire. s. of 1904. Algiers, 1816] ; b. 24 June 1861 ; Fleet- [Died 24 Apr.

wood John Pellew and Emily, y. d. of Thomas EYRE, Yen. John Rashdall, M.A. ; Archdeacon Sheffield Ferguson, Greenville, Co. Down ; S. u. 1876 ; of Sheffield from 1897 ; Vicar of m. Edith, 3rd d. of Thomas Hargreaves, from 1895. Educ. : Clare Coll. Cambridge Arborfield Hall, Reading, Berks, 1884. Heir: (Scholar). Deacon of Chester Cathedral,

: of 1882-87 ; s. Edward, b. 12 Nov. 1890. Address 1872-90 ; Rural Dean Toxteth, 234 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 FAIRBAIRN

Hon. Canon of Liverpool, 1885-95 ; Vica 1883 is ; What it, 1885 ; Great Yarmouth, of St. 1886-90 Rural Helen's, Lanes, ; Dean 1886 ; on the Evening Bure, 1887 ; The of Prescot, 1889-90 ; Rector of Tiverton Brook, 1899 ; The Rustic Mirror, 1900. Address : 1890-95. Belmont, Sheffield. Grosvenor Gallery Sea Fog, Oulton Broad, [Died 12 June 1912 1887 ; painting pictures on the Riviera, 1889- 1892. New Gallery Feeding Pigeons, 1899 ; One Man Show ; English and Foreign Land- scape, 1905. The R.I. Several water colours annually. Recreations : reading, tennis. Address : 28 Dawson Place, Pern- bridge W. 13 FABER, George Henry, M.P. (L.) Boston from Square, [Died March 1907. Assurance and Sir cr. 1906 ; Broker Underwriter FAIRBAIRN, Andrew, Kt. ; 1868 ; J.P., : D.Sc. b. 1839. Address Kinloch, Foxgrove D.L., (Hon.) ; Chairman of Fairbairn, Road, Beckenham. Clubs : Thatchec Lawson, Combe, Barbour, Limited, machine Leeds b. House, Junior Athenaeum, National Liberal. makers, and Belfast ; Glasgow, 5 March 1828 s. of Sir [Died 6 Apr. 1910 ; Peter Fairbairn and d. of FABRE, Hon. Hector, C.M.G. ; Commissioner Margaret, Robert Kennedy, Glasgow ; General for Canada in France from 1882 m. Clara, d. of Sir John L. Loraine, Bt., 1862. Educ. : Geneva b. 1834 ; m. 1865, Florence, d. of Adolphu* ; Glasgow ; St. Peter's Stern of Quebec. Educ. : Montreal, Canada College, Cambridge ; 37th Wrangler. Barr. Editor of Inner 1852 of L'Ordre (Montreal), 1862 ; Le Temple, ; Mayor Leeds, 1866, contested Canadien (Quebec), 1864 ; L'Eve"nement 1867-68; Leeds, 1868; Knares- 1874 (Quebec), 1867-82; Senator from 1874 to borough, ; Otley Division, 1886 ; 1882; C.M.G. at the close of Indian and Pudsey Division, 1895; M.P. Eastern West Colonial Exhibition, London, in 1886 Division, Riding, 1880 ; Otley Division, Officer of the Legion of Honour (1894) foi 1885; High Sheriff of Yorkshire, 1892. Address : services rendered to Canada in France Askham Grange, York ; 39 Port- : land Publication Chroniques, 1877. Address Place, W. ; Villa Trois Fontaines, 17 Rue Cirque, and 10 Rue de Rome, Paris. Biarritz. Clubs : United University, Re- [Died 2 Sept. 1910 form, Brooks's, Marlborough, St. James's.

FAED, John, R.S.A., J.P. ; artist ; b. 1819 [Died 30 May 1901. e. s. of James Faed, engineer and millwright FAIRBAIRN, Andrew Martin ; Principal- : Emeritus Mansfield Coll. m. 1849. Educ. Gatehouse, N.B. Practised Oxford ; b. 4 Nov. near s. as a miniature painter in Edinburgh unti 1838, Edinburgh ; 2nd of John Fair- as oil s. of 1849, then an painter in London, etc bairn, miller, Edinburgh ; g. James Address : Ardmore, Gatehouse, Scotland. Fairbairn, West Morriston, Earlston, and Andrew [Died 22 Oct. 1902 Martin, Blainslie, Lauderdale ; m. y. d. of late John FAED, Thomas, R.A. (retired 1893) ; b. Burley Shields, Byres, Bathgate, 1868 two s. two d. : Mill, Kirkcudbright, 1826 ; b. of John Faed ; Educ. Universities R.S.A. Educ. : School of Design, Edin- of Edinburgh and Berlin, and at Evangelical Union burgh. Became A.R.S.A. 1849 ; settled in Theological Academy, Glasgow. M.A. 1852 Oxon. decree of Convocation D.D. London, ; became A.R.A. 1859 ; R.A. by ; : 1889 Aber- 1864. Paintings dome in Edinburgh- Edinburgh, 1878, Yale, ; LL.D. 1894 Patron and Patroness's Visit to the Village deen, ; D.Litt. Oxon, 1903, and Leeds; School Sir D.D. of and of Manchester ; Walter Scott and his Literary Wales, ; D.Theol. 1909 an of the Friends at Abbotsford ; done in London Gottingen, ; original Fellow

after 1852 The British ; Fellow of the Motherless Bairn ; Home Academy Royal and the of Literature Fellow of the Northern Homeless ; Conquered but not Society ;

Subdued The First Break in ; Minister Union ; the Family ; Academy Evangelical in the Backwoods From to Congregational Church, Bathgate West Sunday ; Dawn

Sunset The of 1860-72 ; of the E.U. ; Last the Clan ; The Waefu' Lothian, Congregational Heart His St. Paul ; Only Pair ; God's Acre ; Evan- Church, Street, Aberdeen, 1872-77; of geline on the Search O left I ? Principal Airedale College, 1877-1886 ; of ; why my Hame ; With the Burden of Mansfield from its foundation many Years ; They had College, Oxford, been Muir Lecturer of ; From Hand to 1886-1909; University Boys together Mouth ; 1878-82 Gifford Lecturer Uni- Where's my good little Girl; The Silken Edinburgh, ;

Gown ; Worn Out Ere versity of 1892-94 ; ; Care Begins ; A Aberdeen, Lyman Wee Bit Fractious; No Rose without its Beecher Lecturer University of Yale, 1891- 1892 Chairman of Union of Thorn ; The Poor the Friend of the Poor. ; Congregational Address : and 1883 Member of 24a Cavendish Road, St. John's England Wales, ; Royal Wood, S.W. Club : Athenaeum. Commission on Secondary Education, 1894- 1895 went to India to deliver the Haskell [Died 17 Aug. 1900. ;

Sir John 1898-99 ; Member of the Theo- FAGGE, William Charles, 8th Bt. ; Lectures, in cr. 1660 ; b. 1830 e. s. of late logical Board and Theological Examiner ; John Fagge ; S. u. 1873 the of 1895-1904 Member ; m. 1st, 1864, Ann (d. 1877), o. d. University Wales, ; of T. Holttum Sturry, Kent; 2nd, 1901, of the Advisory Committee to the Theological Catherine Mary, 2nd d. of late Isaac Goodwin Faculty in the University of Manchester, of 1904 of Commission on Wickham, Breux, Kent, and g. d. of late ; Member Royal Young Waterman of High Halden, Kent; Endowments of Welsh Church, 1906. three s. one d. Late Lieut. 21st Foot. Heir: Publications : Studies in the Philosophy of s. and 1876 Studies in the John Charles, b. Apr. 1866. Address : Religion History, ; , Life of 1881 The of 1882 ; Wincheap, Canterbury. [Died 13 Apr. 1909. Christ, ; City God, FAHEY, Edward Henry, R.I. 1872; painter Religion in History and in Modern Life, 1884; in oil and water revised and 1893 ; Christ in Modern colour ; b. London ; y. s. of enlarged, late Sec. R.I. 1893 Christ in the ; m. 1st, 1874, Alice Lee (d. Theology, ; Centuries, 1893 and 1879) ; 2nd, 1906, Emma Sophia, e. d. of late ; Catholicism, Roman Anglican, H. Pearse 1899: The of the Christian Hughes ; two s. one d. Educ. : Philosophy I m art Studies in and at S. 1902 ; Religion Kensington ; R.A. Schools ; Religion, Italy. 1 The Church in Idea and in Medals ;: S. Kensington; Sydney Theology ; ; Inter. etc. Recreations : ; Melbourne International, etc. History, golf, cycling, Paintings: Roy. Acad. Queen Lily and believed in excellence of good old constitu- Rose in 1875 tional walk. Address.' Blucairn, Lossie- One, ; He Never Came, 1876 ; btill 1877 All N.B. [Died 9 Feb. 1912. Waters, ; Among the Barley, mouth, 1878 ; I'm a Bt. ; Going Milking, 1880 ; Out of FAIRBAIRN, Sir Arthur Henderson, 3rd the Hurly Burly, 1882; Can He Forget, cr. 1869 ; Hon. Treasurer of the Royal 235