Henry Clinton Papers, Contributor List
Henry Clinton Papers William L. Clements Library Contributor List The University of Michigan Finding Aid: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clementsead/umich-wcl-M-42cli?view=text Abercromby, Sir R[obert], 1740-1827; Cousseau, James Aberdein , Robert Acland, J[ohn] D[yke], d. 1778 Adam, W. Adye, Stephen P[ayne], d. 1794 Affleck, Sir Edmund, 1723?-1788 Allinson, George Anderson, John Andre, John, 1751-1780 Andrews, John Anstruther, William Arbuthnot, M[arrio]t, 1711?-1794 Archer, Mark Archer, Richard Argyl, [John Campbell], 5th duke of, 1723-1806 Armstrong, Williams Arnold, B[enedict], 1741-1801 Arnold, Mrs. M[argaret (Shippen)], 1760?-1804 Aubant, [Abraham] d’ Aubant, [Abraham] d’; Mercer, Alexander Axtell, William, 1720?-1795 A[yscough], J[ohn] Bache, Theophylact Baddeley, Tho[mas] Baham Islands. New Providence Baillie Balcarres, [Alexander Lindsay], 6th earl of, 1752-1825 Balfour, N[isbet], 1743-1823 Baremore, Mansfield Barkley, Andrew Barrette, Thomas George [Leonard] Barriedake, John, Viscount Barrington, [William Wildman Barrington], 2nd Viscount, 1717-1793 Barry, William Bartling, Barton, Thomas, d. 1780 Bate, Thomas Baynard, William, d. 1804 Bayard, William Bayard, John Bayarde, Bealey, Thomas Beauchamp, [Francis Ingram Seymour, 2nd marquis and earl of Hertford, 2nd earl of Yarmouth, 2nd viscount] 1743-1822 Beauchamp, [William Lygon, 1st earl], 1747-1816 Beaufort, [Henry Somerset, 5th duke of], 1744-1803 Beckford, R[ichar]d Beckwith, Sir George, 1753-1823 Benson, Rob[ert] Berdot, Frederick Berkeley, Lady Betts, Benjamin Biddle, John Biggs, Billopp, Christopher, 1737-1827 Birch, Samuel Birch, Tryce Birkbeck, John Black, Matthew Bland, Thomas, d. 1816 Blundell, Christopher Blunt, Charles Bowen, John Bowler, Metcalf, 1726-1795 Bowman, Bowman, J.
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