DYNEVOR WHO WAS WHO, 1397-1916 Regent Square Church, London, 1869-88 ; of Oriel, 1848 ; Anglo-Saxon Professor, 1849- Principal and Barbour Professor of 1854 Divinity ; College Tutor, 1852 ; Rural Dean of in Theological College of Presbyterian Church Bath, 1873-77 ; Select Preacher, Oxford of England, 1888-1907, when he resigned. University, 1873-74. Publications : Glou- Publications : Beatitudes of the Kingdom, cester of St. Fragments Swithun, 1861 ; Bath, 1872 Laws of the ; Kingdom, 1873 ; Rela- Ancient and Modern, 1864 ; Two Saxoa tions of the Kingdom, 1874 ; From Jeru- Chronicles Parallel, 1865 ; The Philology of salem to Antioch, 1874 ; Abraham the the English Tongue, 1871 ; A Book for the Friend of God 1877 ; Daily Prayers for the in Beginner Anglo-Saxon, 1877 ; English 1881 1882 Household, ; Sermons, ; Law of Plant Names from the Tenth to the Fifteenth the Ten 1884 Words, ; The Gospel according 1880 Century, ; Anglo-Saxon Literature, to St. Paul, 1888; Plain Words on Great 1884 ; A Handbook to the Land Charters, 1892 The Christian Themes, ; Minister and 1888 : ; English Prose its Elements, History, his Duties, 1908; The Divine Worker in and 1890 Usage, ; The Deeds of Beowulf, Creation and Providence, 1909. Address : 1892 Psalter of ; The 1539, 1894 ; A Simple 4 Scotland Street, Edinburgh. Grammar of Now in 1898 English Use, ; The [Died 1 Jan. 1912. Alfred Jewel ; an Historical Essay, 1901. 6th Baron DYNEVOR, (cr. 1780), Arthur de Recreations : boating, riding, gardening. Cardonnel Rice, D.L., J.P. ; b. 24 Jan. 1836 Address : ; Swanswick Rectory, Bath ; 84 s. of 5th Baron and Harriet, d. of D R Banbury Road, Oxford. Barker; S. father 1878; m. Selina, 3rd d. [Died 31 Jan. 1903. of Hon. Arthur 1869 Lascelles, (d. 1889) ; General EARLE, John Marpch, Bengal Infantry ; one s. three d. Educ. : Christ Church, b. 25 Nov. 1825. Entered army, 1842 Oxford (B.A.). Owned about acres. 10,800 General, 1894 ; retired list, 1887 ; served Heir : s. Hon. Walter Fitz Uryan Rice. Sutlej Campaign, 1845-46 (medal with two Address : Dynevor Castle, Llandilo, Car- clasps). Address : 33 Addison Gardens, W. marthenshire. Clubs : Carlton, Junior [Died 22 Nov. 1914. Carlton, 8 June 1911. Wellington. [Died Sir EARLE, Thomas, 2nd Bt. ; cr. 1869 ; J.P., DYNHAM, Edward, I.S.O. ; principal clerk, D.L. b. 1820 S. father 1877 : m. National ; ; Emily, Debt Office, retired ; b. 1843 s. ; d. of W. Fletcher, banker, Liverpool, 1853. of late Rev. William Burton Dynham of Educ. : Rugby. Heir : s. Henry, b. 1854. Winchester. Educ. : Cheltenham. Club : Address : Allerton Tower, Liverpool. Constitutional. [Died 12 1914. July [Died 13 Apr. 1900. EARLE, Rev. Sir William, llth Baronet, cr. 1 629 b. s. ; Ballynahown, Gorey, Ireland ; of George Earle, de jure 10th Baronet, and E Cecilia Stone of Carnew, Ireland. Educ. : Trinity Coll. Dublin, B.A., M.A., and B.D. Sir Peter cr. Ordained 1882 as Curate for then Archdeacon BADE, ; Kt. 1885 ; M.D., of Armagh, Ireland ; Curate or Curate in F.R.C.P., J.P. ; Fellow of King's College, of Charge various parishes ; at the King's London ; Consulting Physician to Norfolk and Norwich b. Accession 1901 he assumed as llth Baronet Hospital ; Acle, Norfolk, 1825 s. of the Baronetcy conferred on Sir Richard ; Peter Eade, Blofleld ; m. 1872, of in 1629. Ellen, d. of Hugh Rump of Wells, Norfolk, Earle, Bart., Stragglethorpe, Publications : Reunion of Christendom in and widow of H. Ling. Educ. : Yarmouth 1894 School Apostolic Succession, ; Christianity Grammar ; King's College, London. and the New The Four Practising Physician in Norwich, 1856- Theology ; Gospels ; 1903 Sheriff of and The Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ. Heir : ; Norwich, 1880-81 ; Mayor b. John 1866 m. d. of of Norwich, 1883-84; 1893-94, 1895; Hon. [b. ; 1890, Eliza, of Edward JamesJ. Address : Devereux Court, Freeman the City of Norwich ; took W.C. co. interest in promoting open spaces and public Temple, ; Ballynahown, Gorey, Wexford. 13 1910. recreation ground, and the great cause of [Died Apr. Sir temperance. Publications : Local Notes on EAST, Alfred, Kt., cr. 1910 ; A.R.A. 1899 ; Health and Archaeology ; Medical Notes on R.E. ; LL.D. ; President of Royal Society of British Dec. Diphtheria and Influenza ; The Parish of Artists ; b. Kettering, 15 1849- St. Giles, Norwich, 1886 ; The Norfolk and ; m. Annie, d. of late Henry Heath ; Norwich one s. four d. : art Hospital, 1770 to 1900 ; Collectanea ; Educ. Kettering ; numerous contributions to medical and other education at Government School of Art, publications. Address : 68 St. Giles's Street, Glasgow ; afterwards Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Norwich. Club : Royal Societies. Paris. Cavaliere of the Order of the Crown of la Socie"t6 [Died 12 Aug. 1915. Italy ; Associe de National Sir cr. des France Associate EAMES, William, K.C.B., 1902 ; R.N. ; Beaux-Arts, ; Honorary Marine b. Institute British Hon. Engineer ; 10 Feb. 1821 ; s. of Royal Architects ; Socie'te' Cornelius Herman Eames, Engineer, Cork, Member Meiji Bijutsu Kai, Japan ; and d. of of : Bettie, George Seymour ; m. 1852, Royal d'Aquarellistes Belgium Royal Gold Mary (d. 1890), d. of late Robert Eames. Academies, Milan and Stockholm ; Educ. : Dean Street Academy, Cork. medals, London, Paris, Munich, and Bar- in Assistant engineer, 1844 ; chief engineer, celona. Works the undermentioned 3rd Galleries : Class, 1847 ; 2nd Class, 1852 ; 1st National Returning from Church, U.S.A. Class, 1855 ; chief engineer, Chatham dock- Carnegie Art Gallery, Pittsburg, ; chief in the Hull ; yard, 1869-81 ; inspector of machinery, Evening Cotswolds, City Gallery 1870 in the Ouse Muni- ; retired, 1881 ; served Crimean War, Autumn Valley, Oldham 1854 (medal, Turkish medal and clasp). cipal Gallery ; A Passing Storm, Luxembourg, of National Address : 94 Tressilian Road, St. John's, Paris ; A Haunt Ancient Peace, of S.E. [Died 28 Feb. 1910. Gallery Hungary ; The Nene Valley, The EARLE, Rev. John, M.A., LL.D., Prebendary Permanent Gallery of city of Venice ; of of Silent Somme and of Man- Wells from 1871 ; Rector Swanswick Autumn, city chester Gibraltar from ; from 1857 ; Professor of Anglo-Saxon, ; Algeciras, Liverpool of b. from of ; University Oxford, from 1876 ; Elston, Halye Lelant, city Birmingham S. Golden of Leeds An Idyl Churchstow, Devon, 29 Jan. 1824 ; o. s. The Valley, city ; of of Preston London at John Earle, farmer and landowner ; m. Spring, Gallery ; Milan The White Jane, d. of Rev. George Rolleston of Maltby, Night, National Gallery ; W. Riding 1863. Educ. : Plymouth New Carnival, Brussels National Gallery. The Art Chicago ; Grammar School ; Kingsbridge Grammar Morning Moon, Institute, School. 1st class in Lit. Hum. 1845. Fellow Autumn in the Valley of the Sceine, Leicester 218 WHO WAS WHO, 1897-1916 : of municipal gallery. Publication The Art of Albert Durer ; Joint Author with J. E. Landscape Painting in Oil Colour, 1906. Hodgson, R.A., of The Royal Academy and : his work first. Address : 2 its Recreations Members, 1768-1830 ; has contributed Street Victoria Spenser Street, S.W. ; 67 articles on various subjects to several papers Belsize Park. N.W. Club : Arts. and magazines, including the Quarterly [Died 28 Sept. 1913. Review, Macmillan's, Fortnightly, Nine- Sir teenth Century, and Scribner's. Address : EAST, Gen. Cecil James, K.C.B. ; cr. 1897 ; 12 Albert Clubs : b. 10 1837 : s. of late Charles James Place, Kensington, W. July New East ; m. 1st, 1863, Jane C. (d. 1871), d. of Athenaeum, University. late C. C. of [Died 11 Sept. 1913. Smith, M.D., Bury St. Edmunds ; 2nd, 1875, Frances Elizabeth, widow of EBERS, Georg Maurice, Egyptologist and nove- of late list Edward H. Watts, d. Rev. Arthur ; Professor's Chair in the University of of Somerset. Educ. : Jena and f. Member of Hogg Chilcompton, Leipzic Egyptolqgie ; Gazetted 1854 ex- : b. privately. 82nd Regt. ; the Royal Academy, Munich Berlin, as : changed Capt. 41st Regt. 1866 ; Major, 1837 ; m. 1865. Educ. Berlin, Keilhau, 57th Regt. 1877 ; served Crimea (medal and Gottingen. Travelled in Africa, 3869 and clasp) ; Indian Mutiny (severely wounded, 1872-73. Publications: in English Egyp- Lushai tian medal) ; Expedition, 1871-72 (des- Princess, 1864 ; Uarda, 1876 ; Homo patches, thanked by Government of India ; Sum, 1878 ; The Sisters, 1879 ; The Em- brevet of medal Major, and clasp) ; Zulu peror, 1880 ; The Mayoress, 1881 ; Only a War, 1879 (despatches, thanked in general Word, 1883 ; Serapis, 1884 ; Lorenz Alma brevet of Tadenia : his Life orders, Col., medal and clasp) ; and Work, 1886 ; Bride Burmah War, 1886-87. in command of a bri- of the Nile, 1887 ; Egypt : Descriptive and gade (despatches, thanked by Government Historical, 1887 ; Eine Frage, 1887 ; Richard of India, C.B. and two clasps) ; Lieut. -Gen. Lepsius, 1887 ; Margery, 1888 ; Joshua, 1896 Elixir ; Governor Royal Military College. 1890 ; and other Tales, 1891 ; Per 1893-98 ; Address : 1892 of General, 1902. Fair- Aspera, ; Story my Life, 1893 ; haven, Winchester. [Died 14 March 1908. Cleopatra, 1894 ; In the Fire of the Forge, 1895 In the Blue 1896 Barbara EASTLAKE, Charles Locke, F.R.I.B.A. (re- ; Pike, ; : b. s. of Blomberg, 1897 ; Arachne, 1898. Address tired) ; Plymouth ; late George Trift Strasse 6 Eastlake, Admiralty Law Agent and Deputy (winter) Munich, ; (summer) near Villa Ebers. Judge Advocate of the Fleet. Educ. : Tutzing, Munich, Westminster School (Queen's Scholar) and [Died 1 Aug. 1898. Sir 7th Bt. cr. 1721 b. 8 became a member of the Governing Body. ECHLIN, Thomas, ; ; s. of Bt. and o. d. of Became of late Nov. 1844 ; 6th Mary, pupil P. Hardwick, R.A. ; William Cavannah S. father 1877. Officer entered R.A. schools and gained silver medal ; for architectural in the Irish Constabulary, retired 1893. 1854, drawings ; pursued art studies three years on Continent with Heir: b. Henry, b. 1846. [Died I Nov. 1906. intention of Rev. of becoming a water-colour painter ; EDDOWES, John, M.A.
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