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N.A.C.A0 BULLETIN V5716 J��flC�`,strc1%tTnN LI BRA R the New Spring Regionals to Take Place at Philadelphia and Lansing 795 Annual Conference Committees Start Their Work 798 Picture Post - Scripts to San Francisco Regional 799 Research Project Committee Appointed 803 Oklahoma City Newest N.A.C.A. Chapter 807 In the Public Eye 801 Congratulations To 805 Chapter Competition 809 V � Chapter Meetings 810 a* N.A.C.A. BULLETIN VolumeXXXV11, Number p o. Published by NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COST ACCOUNTANTS 505 PARK AvE., NEW YORK 22, N. Y. BULLETIN BOARD HAVE YOU CONSIDERED . N.A.C.A. Accounting Practice Reports for use in Education of Accounting Personnel Within Your Company? TWO REPORTS NOW AVAILABLE . Controlling and Accounting for Supplies Planning, Controlling and Accounting for Maintenance These reports summarize current practice and indicate many ways in which accounting in these areas has been effectively carried out. Single Copies 8.25 each Orders for 10 or more 96.20 eadi This Baflstin is published monthly by the National Association of Cost Accountants, 505 Park Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Subscription price, $10 per year. Reentered as second -class matter September 22, 1949, at the Post Office, New York, N. Y., under the Act of March 3, 1879. N.A.C.A. BULLETIN, Vol. XXXVII, No. 6, February, 1956 COPYRIGHT 1956 BY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COST ACCOUNTANTS _ 1 1 " 1 ice.. 9FIT Spring Regionals to Take Place at Philadephia and Lansing N SPITE OF intervening weeks — and trial accountant's hand in meeting his Iweather — Spring lies not so far challenge. ahead, and sighting along this line, the These two conferences will both con- two regional conferences which will vene in April, the first at Benjamin complete the activity for the Association Franklin Hotel in Philadelphia, on April year lie just down the stretch and ready 6 and 7; the second at the Olds Hotel in Lansing, Michigan, -on April 20 and 21. Together, they will bring to the middle Atlantic and midwest, the fare which the fall conferences brought to New England and the far west (and which a spring 1954 -55 regional gathering at David P. Fry, Jr., Philadelphia Regional Con - ference Committee Chairman. to be welcomed as timely assists to tasks at hand. As usual, they will bring to their respective areas hard - hitting ad- dresses and informative discussions, as well as the personal contacts occasioned W illiam J. Pawelec, Philadelphia Regional Con- by a conference, to strengthen the indus- ference Technical Program Committee Chairman. FEBRUARY, 1956 7 9 5 Memphis brought to the southeast). Like this instance are Baltimore, Binghamton, these conferences, the two now coming Brooklyn, Delaware, Elmira Area, Hag- up reflect the three- session setup —all -day erstown, Hampton Roads, Harrisburg, Friday, plus Saturday morning —which Lancaster, Lehigh Valley, Newark, New has come to be utilized with such con- York, Paterson, Pittsburgh, Raritan Val- venience and effect in the regional con- ley, Reading, Richmond, Scranton, Tren- ference program. ton, Washington, Williamsport, and York. At Philadelphia Apart from the main objective of con- In charge of arrangements for the Phil- ference attendance, N.A.C.A. members adelphia gathering is a Conference Com- who come to Philadelphia on April 6 mittee headed by David P. Fry, Jr., Past will find the many landmarks which make President of the Philadelphia Chapter, the city a center for tourist attractions. and currently serving as a National Di- Principal among points of interest are rector. The Committee will devote its those associated with the founding of the attention to the many details required to industrious young Republic which now accommodate the conference sessions and carries the prestige and responsibilities conference -goers in order, convenience, of the world's most industrial nation. and comfort. The many -sided work of These include Independence Hall, where this committee will be paralleled by the the Liberty Bell is located and where the work of the Technical Program Commit- tee, chairmanned by William J. Pawelec, Declaration of Independence and Consti- Philadelphia Chapter, the responsibility tution were signed; Carpenters' Hall, of which is the preparation of the most meeting place of the first Continental informative array of addresses and other Congress; Congress Hall, scene of the technical events. Program details, as de- first Congress of the United States, Betsy veloped, will appear in a future Bulletin Ross House, Edgar Allan Poe House; and story and in member mailings. Mr. Paw - many locations reminiscent of Benjamin elec is Past President of the Indianapolis Franklin and William Penn. Valley Forge Chapter and also is currently serving as State Park (called the "Nation's Shrine ") a National Director. is 20 miles to the west. Philadelphia Chapter, as host, is not alone in its preparation for the first spring At Lansing regional. As is customary, a group of As noted, the 1955 -56 regional con- chapters in the same section of the coun- ference season will end later the same try are recognized as co- sponsors and month, with the gathering at Lansing, supplement the advance activities of the Michigan on April 20 and 21. The Con- host chapter. The co- sponsor chapters in ference Committee for the final regional 796 N.A.C.A. BULLETIN is headed by C. Russell Clausen, Past President of Lansing Chapter, and is planning to make the Michigan Confer- ence an especially memorable one. The efforts of this committee will be aided and abetted by the conference technical program committee which has as its chair- man Firman H. Hass, National Director and Past President of Detroit Chapter. Its objective will be, during months ahead, to construct a timely program geared to the particular needs of industry in the area and to secure speakers of high calibre. Again, it may be pointed out that the host chapter does not stand alone in the C. Russell Clausen, Lansing Regional Conference Committee Chairman. promotion of the conference. Co- sponsors with Lansing are Ann Arbor, Calumet, Chicago, Detroit, Fort Wayne, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Muskegon, North Central Ohio, Saginaw Valley, South Bend and Toledo. It will interest members planning to attend the midwest Regional to note that Lansing is a city of interest in its own right. It was named the capital of Michi- gan in 1847, and is known as the city where the first automobiles were built and marketed —in 1887 by R. E. Olds. It is the home of Reo Motors, Inc., Olds Motor Works, and the Fisher Body Cor- Firman H. Hass, Lansing Regional Conference Technical Program Committee Chairman. poration. FEBRUARY, 1956 797 Annual Conference Committees Start Their Work Shown at Technical Program Committee meeting are (clockwise around the table) Edwin F. Grames, Don- ald J. Patton, National Assistant Secretary Raymond P. Marple, Conference Committee Chairman Theodore W. Bonne 1!r, National Assistant Secretary John L. Doran, National Secretary Arthur B. Gunnarson, John D. Harrington, Technical Program Committee Chairman Donald J. Guth and Leonard E. Zastrow. Pictured above are members of Conference Committee and Operating Committee Chairmen, with mem- bers of Headquarters Staff. Left to right in the foreground are Mrs. Grant U. Meyers, Mrs. John Gilby (in charge of Ladies Activities), and Mrs. Joseph F. Cotteleer. Also, left to right are Edward C. Becker, Charles P. Roney, A l bert H. Deierling, Roy S. Kritser, National President Charles R. Israel, John C. Walker, Guy F. Campbell, Grant U. Meyers, National Assistant Secretary Raymond P. Marple, S. D. Flinn, Ronald L. Flanary, National Assistant Secretary John L. Doran, Conference Committee Chairman Theodore W. Bonnevier, Joseph F. Cotteleer, National Secretary Arthur B. Gunnarson, V. E. Laine, Donald S. Mitchell, and Edward R. Johnson. 7 9 8 \".A.C.A. BULLETIN Picture Post - Scripts to San Francisco Regional HE ACCOMPANYING t w o photographs The picture does not lend itself to T were received after the report of the identification of individuals but it is Regional Conference at San Francisco on quite possible that many members who December 2nd and 3rd in the January were unable to attend will see one or issue of the Bulletin had gone to press. more faces which they recognize. It may They form an important addendum to be noted that there is at least one evi- the description of the proceedings, re- dence that interest in the session ex- flecting, as they do, two values of con- tended beyond the masculine gender. ference attendance. The dinner gathering picture also The audience view of one of the tech- suggests a conference value. N o t only nical sessions seems devoid of postures of do the individuals identified in the cap- restlessness and shows eyes, not toward tion reflect conference leadership. Inter- the camera but toward the rostrum. est may also attach to the relaxed and Attentive faces mark those in attendance at a December 2 technical session of NACA's Regional Conference at San Francisco. FEBRUARY, 19 56 ?v� ) friendly attitudes typical of NACA ual faces in the gathering will add inter - groups, apparent at the various tables. est to the picture, in the case of many Again, it is quite possible that individ- members. Shown here is a portion of the gathering which enjoyed the social side of the regional conference at dinner in the Peacock Court of the Mark Hopkins Hotel, San Francisco on December 2. Those at the head fable in the background are, left to right, National Assistant Secretary Rawn Brinkley, President of San Francisco Chapter Roy B. Oliver, National Assistant Secretary Raymond P. Marple, National Director Paul M. Herring, Past National Director Harold M. Heckenlively, Past National Director Milton L.