AVIATIONTRENDS STATISTICS, ANALYSIS AND INFORMATION FROM THE SWEDISH TRANSPORT AGENCY 2012 2 AVIATION TRENDS 2012 Aviation Trends 2012 is published by the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) For further information, please contact Daniel Hellström, head of Statistics and market oversight section, Civil Aviation Department,
[email protected] Transportstyrelsen, SE-601 73 Norrköping, Sweden | www.transportstyrelsen.se Translations reviewed by Helena Kjellström, Swedish Transport Agency Photo: © Copyright Etsabild AB / Malcolm Hanes s 1 | Jacob Sjöman s 4, 6, 13, 17, 19, 22, 23 | SAS s 8, 9 | Transair Sweden s 10 | Göran Billeson s 14 | Asif Akbar s 29 AVATION TRENDS 2012 3 FOREWORD We have the pleasure of publishing Aviation Trends 2012. This magazine is published by the Swedish Transport Agency (Transportstyrelsen) and it is published in English for our international readers. The articles in Aviation Trends 2012 are selected from the Swedish magazine Flygtendenser and range from the beginning of Swedish aviation 100 years ago to present 7 15 challenges with development of risk based systems for oversight of civil aviation. The magazine also covers some facts about the Civil Aviation Department as well as flight safety and passenger statistics for 2011, all this to give the reader some information about the Swedish aviation market. The long-term safety goal for all transport modes in Sweden is that no one should be killed or seriously 25 injured as a result of an accident. Sweden has a good aviation safety record, the international cooperation within ICAO, Euro control, EU and EASA has significantly contributed to this positive development by agreeing on CONTENT common safety standards.