Select Bibliography
Select Bibliography General W orrks The Cambridge Ancient History, Vols. VII, Chapters X-XXVI, VIII and IX, Cambridge, 1928, 1930, 1932 ALFOLD1, A. Early Rome and the Latins. Ann Arbor, 1965 FRANK, T. A History of Rome. New York, 1923 FRANK, T. Roman Imperialism. New York, 1914 GREENIDGE, A. H. J. A History of Rome, Vol. I, 133-104 B.c., London, I 904 HEITLAND, w. E. The Roman Republic, znd edition, Cambridge, I923 HOMO, L. Primitive Italy and the Beginnings of Roman Imperialism. NewYork, 1926 MCDONALD, A. H. The Rise of Roman Imperialism. Sydney, 1940 MCDONALD, A. H. Republican Rome. London, I966 MARSH, F. B. A History of the Roman World from 146 to 30 B.C., 3rd edition, London, I963 MARSH, F. B. The Founding of the Roman Empire, znd edition, London, I 92 7 ROSTOVTZEFF, M. and E. BICKERMAN, A History of the Ancient World. Rome, New York, I96I scuLLARD, H. H. A History of the Roman World from 753 to 146 B.C., 3rd edition, London, I96I scuLLARD, H. H. From the Gracchi to Nero. A History of Rome from I 3 3 B.c. to A.D. 68, md edition, New York, I963 SMITH, R. E. The Failure of the Roman Republic. Cambridge, 1955 TOYNBEE, A. Hannibal's Legacy. Amsterdam, I965 332 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY Political and Constitutional History ADCOCK, F. E. Roman Political Ideas and Practice. Ann Arbor, I959 RADIAN, E. Foreign Clientelae (264-70 B.c.). Oxford, I958 BOTSFORD, G. w. The Roman Assemblies from their Origin to the End of the Republic. New York, 1909 cowELL, F.
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