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[Type the Document Title] AUGUSTUS AND THE ROMAN PROVINCES OF IBERIA Thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements of the University of Liverpool for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy by David Griffiths September 2013 To my parents. Table of Contents List of figures ........................................................................................................................... iii Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. vii Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 Chapter 1: Militarism and the princeps: The Cantabrian War and its meaning for Augustus ... 6 1.1 The campaigns ................................................................................................................. 6 1.2 The motives for the campaigns ...................................................................................... 13 1.3 The political context of the war ..................................................................................... 18 1.4 The contemporary literary treatment of the war ............................................................ 27 1.5 The ghost of Antonius .................................................................................................... 33 1.6 The autobiography ......................................................................................................... 35 Chapter 2: Spain in Augustan literature ................................................................................... 40 2.1 Hispania Capta: The Spain of the poets and Livy ......................................................... 40 i) The poets ...................................................................................................................... 40 ii) Livy ............................................................................................................................. 43 2.2 A land of contrast: The Iberia of Strabo ........................................................................ 52 2.3 The structure of the civilization versus barbarism opposition ....................................... 58 2.4 The power of Rome, the pax Augusta and the oikoumene ............................................. 64 Chapter 3: Spain and the iconography of the Augustan regime .............................................. 76 3.1 Republican precedents ................................................................................................... 76 i) Greek precedents and the ideological basis for personification ................................... 76 ii) The denarii of A.Postumius Albinus ........................................................................... 81 iii) The denarii of M.Poblicius and M.Minatius Sabinus ................................................ 82 iv) Caesarian denarii ....................................................................................................... 83 3.2 The Augustan image of Hispania Capta ....................................................................... 84 i) The coins of Carisius .................................................................................................... 84 ii) The Saint-Bertrand-De-Comminges trophy ............................................................... 86 iii) The Prima Porta Augustus.......................................................................................... 90 3.3 The Augustan image of Hispania Pia ........................................................................... 93 i) The Gemma Augustea.................................................................................................. 93 ii) The Boscoreale cups ................................................................................................... 95 3.4 Representations of Spain and the Ara Pacis ................................................................. 98 i 3.5 Lost representations ..................................................................................................... 105 i) ‘Geographical’ monuments and the Forum Augustum .............................................. 105 ii) The Porticus ad Nationes, Pompeius’ Nationes, the Hadrianeum and the Sebasteion of Aphrodisias ................................................................................................................ 108 Chapter 4: Augustus and the Spanish provinces: urbanisation and fiscality ......................... 113 4.1 An overview of provincial reorganisation and urbanisation ........................................ 113 4.2 Financial structures, tax and Augustan reform ............................................................ 116 4.5 Tools of conquest: civic organisation, the census and cadastration ............................. 123 4.6 The north-west: continuity and innovation .................................................................. 135 Chapter 5: Monumentalisation in Iberia: the Augustan transformation of the Spanish landscape ................................................................................................................................ 143 5.1 The Iberian monumentalisation process ...................................................................... 144 5.2 Motives for monumentalisation ................................................................................... 152 5.3 The role of patronage ................................................................................................... 165 5.4 A role for Augustus and his ideology? ........................................................................ 169 Chapter 6: The integration of Spaniards at Rome under Augustus ....................................... 174 6.1 The emergence of Hispano-Roman elites .................................................................... 174 6.2 Spaniards at Rome during the late Republic ................................................................ 178 6.3 Spaniards and the Principate: the political context ...................................................... 183 6.4 Spanish senators under the empire ............................................................................... 185 6.5 Spanish equestrians ...................................................................................................... 188 6.6 The Annaei and their associates ................................................................................... 189 6.7 Other Spaniards ............................................................................................................ 193 6.8 The engines of advancement ........................................................................................ 195 6.9 Spanish identity ............................................................................................................ 205 Epilogue: Augustus and the imperial cult in Spain ................................................................ 211 Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 232 Table 1: Spaniards at Republican Rome ............................................................................ 232 Table 2: Provincial senators under Augustus and the Julio-Claudians .............................. 235 Table 3: Provincial senators under the Flavians ................................................................ 235 Table 4: Provincial senators under Nerva, Trajan and Hadrian ......................................... 235 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 236 List of abbreviations .......................................................................................................... 236 References .......................................................................................................................... 239 List of figures Fig.1: RRC 372-2; BMCRR II 352, 2839-2843 (http://www.coinarchives.com/a/results.php?results=100&search=Postumia%20). Fig.2: RRC 469, 1a-d, e; BMCRR II, 364-5, 72; 74-76; Toynbee, 1934: pl. 15, 5; Sear, HCRI 48 (http://www.coinarchives.com/a/results.php?results=100&search=hisp). Fig.3-6: RRC 470, 1a-d (http://www.coinarchives.com/a/results.php?results=100&search=Pompey). Fig.7-8: RRC 468, 1-2; BMCRR II, 368-9, 86-92; Sear, HCRI 58-9 (http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au/acans/caesar/Career_Coins.htm). Fig.9-14: BMCRE I, 53, 287; RIC 1, 226; BMCRE I, 52-3, 283-286; BMCRE I, 51-2, 277- 282; RPC 1-4; RIC 1, 222-223; 227-228; BMCRE I, 53, 288-292; RIC 1, 221 (http://ancientcoins.narod.ru/rbc/ric1/augustus/augustus1.htm). Fig.15: Picard’s reconstruction of the monument from Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (Picard, 1957:272). Fig.16: Boube’s reconstruction of the monument from Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges (Boube, 1997:25). Fig.17: Breastplate of the Prima Porta Augustus (http://faculty.fairfield.edu/rosivach/hi222/primaporta.htm). Fig.18: Illustration of the breastplate of the Prima Porta Augustus. (http://faculty.fairfield.edu/rosivach/hi222/primaporta.htm). Fig.19: Hispania upon the breastplate of the Prima Porta Augustus (Detail, http://www.flickr.com/photos/roger_ulrich/4041517162/lightbox/). Fig.20: Gallia upon the breastplate of the Prima Porta Augustus (Detail,
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