HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Domenech; House Is Requested: · H.R
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1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 18597 with Poland's fate. He wanted his son land against the Russians, but outnum cavalry during the winter of 1777 at to embrace his patriotism and show in bered and overpowered, he was forced Trenton, later at Flemington, and acted tense interest in national issues. For out of Poland in 1772, never to see it in unison with General Wayne in scout tunately young Casimir showed remark again. ing for supplies for the famishing troops able aptitude in manly sports and as a Late in 1775 he arrived in Parts, pen at Valley Forge. leader. While in school he did not shy niless and without employment. Some In 1778 Congress gave Pulaski permis away from studies, he loved physical ac one suggested that he go to America sion to organize an independent corps tivity even more. As soon as his second and fight in the Revolutionary War here. of cavalry. Having accomplished this ary schooling was over he became the A year later. he was in touch with Ben task, finally he was sent in May of 1779 courtier or the aid of a prince, and here jamin Franklin who on May 29 of 1777 to Charleston, S.C. Then on October his interest turned to matters concerned in a letter recommended Pulaski's serv 9 at the siege of Savannah he bravely directly with warfare. Soon he became ices to Washington. Pulaski arrived in charged the enemy lines at the head of painfully aware that Poland's leaders Boston in July, and met Washington, his cavalry and fell with a grapeshot in were helpless against the powerful enemy who recommended him to the Conti the loin. This was the last daring act forces of Russia. But by 1768 Pulaski nental Congress. On August 27 he was of this great Polish patriot and soldier had become a young man of action, and placed in command of all the cavalry, of freedom. He gave his life for the at the head of some 8,000 men he was thus he became the father of our cavalry. noble cause of our freedom and inde :fighting the Russians. During the next In September he joined Washington and pendence, and today on the 22·5th anni 4 years he _led the best organized and participated in the Battle of BrandyWine versary of his birth we honor him and bravest :fighting guerrilla bands in Po- with distinction. He commanded the pay tribute to his blessed memory. H.R. 2256. An act for the relief of Jose titles, in which the concurrence of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Domenech; House is requested: · H.R. 2751. An act for the relief of Mrs. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1963 Jesse Franklin White; S. 573. An act for the relief of Elmer Royal H.R. 2770. An act for the relief of Mrs. Fay, Sr.; The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Justine M. Dubendorf; S. 721. An act to amend section 124 of title The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, · H.R. 2846. An act to provide that the dis 28, United States Code, to transfer Austin, trict courts shall be always open for certain Fort Bend, and Wharton Counties from the D.D., offered the following prayer: purposes, to abolish terms of court and to Galveston dtvision to the Houston division of Colossians 3: 2: Set your affection on regulate the sessions of the courts for trans the southern district of Texas; things above. acting judicial business; S. 1006. To amend the act of June 12, H.R. 3219. An act to provide for the pay 1960, for the correction of inequities in the Almighty and ever-blessed God, may construction of fishing vessels, and for other all our ambitions during this day be as ment of a reward as an expression of appre ciation to Edwin and Bruce Bennett; purposes; pirations to gain a firmer hold upon that S. 1206. An act for the relief of Georgie H.R. 3450. An act for the relief of Herbert Lou Rader; and which is eternal and a longing to abound B. Shorter, Sr.; in the fruits of the spirit. S. 1269. An act for the relief of the Ari H.R. 3843. An act for the relief of Wallace zona Milling Co. of Phoenix, Ariz. May we never become the victims of J.Knerr; worldly desir_es with their supreme em . H.R. 4966. An act for the relief of certain phasis upon the temporal and that of employees of the Foreign Service of the SALE OF SURPLUS WHEAT TO gaining an accumulation of material United States; RUSSIA things which we someday must leave H.R. 5307. An act for the relief of Ed behind. ward T. Hughes; Mr. LEGGETT. Mr.· Speaker, I ask Inspire us to be more scrupulous in the H.R. 6811. An act for the relief of L. C. At unanimous consent to address the House doing of Thy will and bless us with an kins & Son; for t' minute, to revise and extend my re increased measure of faith in order that H.R. 5812. An act for the relief of Quality marks, and to include extraneous matter we may have a greater measure of peace Seafood, Inc.; and tables. H.R. 6373. An act for the relief of Robert L. and power. Nolan; and The SPEAKER. Is there objection Grant that in these times of strained H.R. 6443. An act for the relief of Mrs. Mar to the request of the gentleman from relations between men and nations we garet L. Moore. California? may be touched with feelings of sym There was no objection. pathy and seek to exercise an influence The message also announced that the Mr. LEGGETT. Mr. Speaker, based that is healing and helpful, elevating Senate had passed, with amendments in partially on the theory that fewer wars and ennobling. which the concurrence of the House is are declared between nations with sub Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. requested, bills and a joint resolution of stantial trade relations than otherwise, the House of the following titles: it is the opinion of this Representative THE JOURNAL H.R. 2268. · An act for the relief of Mrs. that the executive branch of Govern Geneva H. Trisler; ment should proceed and consummate The Journal of the proceedings of H.R. 6377. An act for the relief of Sp5 Cur the proffered sale of American surplus yesterday was read and approved. tis Melton, Jr.: wheat to the Soviet Union for hard cur H.R. 7196. An act to amend various sec tions of title 23 of the United States Coqe rency-at least in a 1963-64 trial sale. MESSAGE FROM THE .SENATE relating to the Federal-aid highway systems; Political thought has ranged far and A message from the Senate by Mr. H.R. 7644. An act to amend the Social Se wide on Capitol Hill over the past week McGown, one of its clerks, announced curity Act to assist States and communities 'concerrting the current political inten that the Senate had passed without in, preventing and combating mental retarda tions of the Soviets-some suspecting the amendment bills of the House of the tion through expansion and improvement of Russians of the best intentions and some following titles: ~he maternal and child health and crippled of the worst. The Capitol is always full children's programs, through provWon of pre of doubting Thomases who never take a H.R. 1191. An act for the relief of Wilmer natal, maternity, and infant care for indi R. Bricker; viduals with conditions associated with child position until after the fact and spend a · H.R. 1192. An act for the relief of William bearing which may lead to mental retarda lifetime as a Monday morning quarter- C. Doyle; tion, and through planning for comprehen back. · · H.R. 1281. An act for the relief of Capt. sive action to combat mental retardation, The administration appeared before Leon M. Gervin; and for other purposes; and Members of both Houses of Congress H:R. 1458. An act for the relief of Kathryn H.J. Res. 247. Joint resolution to suspend during the last few days asking for di Mars!lall; for the 1964 campaign the equal opportunity H.R. 1459. An act for the relief of Oliver rection respecting a commercial transac Brown; requirements of section 315 of the Communi tion with Russia. I think it fair to con cations Act of 1934 for legally qualified can clude that though substantial bipartisan H.R. 1709. An act to establish a Federal didates for the offices of PreSident and Vice commission on the disposition of Alcatraz President. sentiment was expressed favoring a sale, Island; . the direction sought was not fortl).com H.R. 1726. An act for the relief of Wllliam The message also announced that the ing. Perhaps the inability of 535 Rep- H. Woodhouse: Senate had passed bills of the following resentatives and Senators to coordinate 18598 ·CONGRESSIONAL RECORD·..;....: HOUSE October 3 their thinking on this issue points up Third. Is there precedent for commer half of 1962, which reached $26,065,277. Ap the need for the requirement of an exec cial transactions with the Soviets? _pllcatlons approved 1n the 1irst half of 1963 utive branch. Action is obviously There is. I review periodically t~~ Quar totaled $26,454,835, compared with $24,176,· required. terly Report under the Export Control 17-B in the same period -1962. Rejections for this half-year period totaled $2,122,275, com What are the factors ~his.