The Ukrainian Weekly 1978, No.35 - ENGLISH-LANGUAGE WEEKLY EDITION VOL. LXXXV No. 200 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1978 25 CENTS UNA Supreme Assembly meets in extraordinary session Plans reorganization, approves retirement of Mr. Dragan, creates editorial board KERHONKSON, N.Y. - The Su– Secretary; Mrs. Ulana Diachuk, Su– preme Assembly, of the Ukrainian Na– preme Treasurer; Wasyl Orichowsky, tional Association met in an extraor– Supreme Organizer; Supreme Audi- dinary session here at Soyuzivka Fri– tors: Dr. Bohdan Futey, Prof. John day and Saturday, September 8-9, in Teluk, the Rt. Rev. Protopresbyter order to discuss .the activity of the Stephen Bilak, Dr. Bohdan Hnatiuk UNA in the near future. John Hewryk; Supreme Advisors: Among the topics discussed and Anatole Doroshenko, Mrs. Tekla approved were: the upcoming member- Moroz, Andrew Jula, Dr. Askold ship drive and a reorganization of the Lozynskyj, Taras Szmagala, Mrs. existing membership drives, the retlre– Anna Haras, Mrs. Helen Olek, Wasyl ment of Svoboda Editor-in-Chief Didiuk, John Odezynskyj, Myroslaw Anthony Dragan, and the creation of a Kalba, Mykola Chomanczuk, Roman temporary editorial board. Kuropas and Eugene Repeta; and Svo– The meeting was called to order by boda Editor-in-Chief Mr. Dragan. Dr. John O.Flis, Supreme President. Sen. Paul Yuzyk, Supreme Director Present at the session were: Dr. Myron for Canada, was unable to attend due Kuropas, Supreme vice-President; to previous commitments. Mrs. Mary Dushnyck, Supreme vice- Dr. Flis, who conducted the meeting Photos by ihor Dbboha President; Walter Sochan, Supreme (ConUnaed on page 2) The UNA Supreme Assembly elected at the 29th Regular Convention - first row, left to right, are: Supreme Auditors John Hewryk and Dr.
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