Sumerian and Babylonian Psalms
BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henru W< Sage 1891 p...&.af..3...m / -z*//a/ 3513-1 ' vjV 23 Juhft«JSWi r 2005 INTERLIBR^rj^g 3785 £, &C_f e Un ' Ver8i 'y Llbrary PJ 3785.L27 " Su b ,onian winiiiiiiwS!iiiMiii Y psalms 3 1924 026 807 028 I Cornell University f Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. SUMERIAN AND BABYLONIAN PSALMS BY STEPHEN LANGDON, Ph D, Reader in Assyriology and Comparative Semitic Philology, Oxford. PARIS LIBRAIRIE PAUL GEUTHNER 68, RUE MAZARINE LEIPZIG, I. C. HINRICIIS'SCHE BUCHHANDLUNG London; luzac & c» — new-york, g. e. stechert & c° l 9°9 C Paul GEUTHNER, 68, Rue Mazarine, Paris (6 ). AUTRES PUBLICATIONS DE L'AUTEUR :. < Lectures on Babylonia and Palestine, 200 pp. in-12, Paris, Geutbner, 1906 . ,.' 4 fc. Babyloniskand Palestine — Babylonian and Hebrew literature — manners trade commerce, temples and Social customs —• measures and weights — and and estates, letter writing — relogion of the Babylonians — Religion of the the Kouyunjik Hebrews to Jesus — Appendix : business documents' from Collection. La Syntaxe du verbe sumerien, 100 pp. in-8, Paris, fr. Geuthner, 1907. • . 6 Tirage a part des fiabyloniaca. l Building inscriptions of the Neo-BabyIonian empire, Paris, part I : Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar, in-8, ] ' fl Leroux, igo5. • ^ 7 - 50 | Sumerian loan-words in Babylonian, in-8, Paris", Geuthner, 1907. 2 fr., Tirage a part des Babyloniaca. List of proper names in the Annals of Asurbanipal, in-S, New Haven, 190/1.
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