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Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU The Utah Statesman Students 11-4-1983 The Utah Statesman, November 4, 1983 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers Recommended Citation Utah State University, "The Utah Statesman, November 4, 1983" (1983). The Utah Statesman. 1477. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1477 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Students at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Utah Statesman by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Frida.y, November 4, 198:S UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY Loga.n, Utah 20 Pa.gea --~-------<1 Jnakle.: In.aide: AS USU passed a resolution to establish The Utah Statesman begins a brief guide Inside: mor e English writing classes and submitted to Cache Valley 's nightclubs. To find out Inside: a resolution claiming faculty members get who is playing what and where, check out Inside: preferential treatment. .. .. .. .. Page 3 column on . .... Page 15 1r1fu ~ UJfc©\ 1fu U:@U:~~ m@Jm THE Crm1¥all(>f1$qf a >Himber<if the $lat~• ham"lf, at thr ti Mt 'I t1'e,r alktpling tfw Cr,,u;f,t,;twn. ~ a d~,;tn, in 1,rditl' topnne1tt rli.bwqftl!tru<:tvm f>f'abusr yf it, fl(l«etcs. thlll fu,therd«/.arr,y,'c\·4n,t N$lrV"fR'< r/a,;s,,s ~ be added: Altd 4# et:Je,,,imgth, gmqtuJ fjfp«bl« ~M{ubr.«"' IM G<;n•rnm,·nt u,Ul be • ,ruure tiw />t<,qu:,,,,wr1>dJJ1,;f_ rni,lll!f#Utum. RF.:$0£V/£D,iJMtht SBNA7£ Md HOC$£qfR£['QEtJENTATl•Ji:S «/ ,1,,l wu:nsnresa· " -<,.,,.,,,.,,I,/.,{, tu , thm:h ef bu/h /fo,;ses mncurr,n '!'hat the f,,11 ·i11;,A~ /, /'wP'W"' d M •4e Berry says 'get consensus' before making changes By KRISTI GLISSMEYER , managing editor George Santayana was the first 10 say, "Those who cannot remember the past are condem ned to repeal it." Mary Frances Berry, a professor of history and law al Howard University in 'A'as hington D.C. , seems lO agree. His1orian Berry wld a USU Con voca1ions crowd the Equal Rights Amendmeni will not be ratified uniil proponenis learn from the mistakes of past movemenis. She said ERA advocates supposed tha1 by gaining national consensus in Congress i1 meant automatic slate con sensus. Such was no1 the case. The passage of the 16th Amend ment , which established a federal in come tax, is a learning tool for ERA supporters, she said. In that case, state consensus was already present before the bill even got on the congress iona l Ooor. But with ERA no one confirmed whether public support <•xistcd. Public consensus, however, is dif ficult 10 judge. Berry warned ERA ad voca1es not lO be fooled 1hat support , does exist, if in reali1y it doesn't. An ' amendment passed through Congress without ';true'' consensus will cer1ain ly be repealed (continued on page 18) Mary Frances Berry, a noted historian tells a USU Convocations audience how to amend and how not to ame nd the U .S. Constitution. Page 2 The Utah Statesman Friday, November 4, 1983 South Africans say yes to new constitution JOHANNESBURG, South Africa South Africa - the denial of political 691,577 opposed, analyS1s agreed the anew and building." (AP) - South Africa took ils first s1ep rights to the more than 2 t million ruling Nationa1ists had earned a solid The new constitution creates an away from exclusive white rule in 35 blacks. mandate to move ahead with the new BO-seal chamber of Parliament for the years Thursday , giving "a thunderous Final results of the whites-only vote constitution. 2. 7 million coloreds, as the regime yes" to a new constitution that sets up showed that a record turnout of more The Johannesburg Star had a ban ca11s people of mixed race, and a separate chambers of parliament for than two million, 76 percent of the ner headline: "A Thunderous Yes." 40-seat chamber for the 800 1000 Asians and people of mixed race. electorate, gave a heavy majority in A delighted Botha told hundreds of Asians. But the 166-seat chamber Although whites voted nearly 2-1 for Wednesday's referendum to Prime supporters in Pretoria, "A new basis representing the country's five million the charter, militant Indi an, mixed Minister P.W. Botha's National Party. for unity has been laid. We must strive whites will stay the same and the white race and blackleadcrs said the new Liberal and ultra-right opponents to lead this lovely country of ours state president will be empowered to system offers only token rights and lost in 14 of 15 voting districts. With more and more with a spirit of overturn any decisions taken by the fails to address the centra l issue in the fina1 margin I ,360,223 in favor to fairness. Now we must begin working new ch,1mbers . Retailers report big gains; Marines foil infiltration attempt trend expected to continue BEIRUT , Lebanon (AP) - PaleSlinian In Washington, President Reagan named mutineers pounded Vasser Arafat's last former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfekl This Christmas looks like a big one Mideast stronghold with tanks and artillery as his new Middle Eas1 troubleshooter Thurs Thursday, leaving 34 dead and I 19 wounded day and Rumsfeld quickly admined he did 001 By The Associated Press Inc., in Lexington, Mass., said outside Tripoli. have any solutions for the region's problems. that among consumers, U.S. Marines in Beirut, meanwhile, foiled "It is worth our best efforts," said The nation's major rc1ailers "There's a tremendous ability an infiltration at1emp1 and predicted more at Rumsfeld, 51, a former congressman and reported large Oc1ober sales to purchase, and tremendous lacks on their base. veteran of key jobs in the Nixon and Ford ad ga ins on Thursday, prompting willingness. This Christmas Police in Tripoli, 50 miles north of Beirut, ministrations. industry watchers to predict looks like it could be a real gave the casualty count in 1he fighting , which He replaces Robert C. Mcfarlane, who was that 1he strong buying trend good one.'' broke out at dawn and raged through the day named Oct. 17 as the White House national should hold through Jeffrey Edelman of Dean and into the night. Tank cannon and more security adviser. Christmas, possibly making it Winer Reynolds In c., said than 100 field artillery guns thundered around In his new job, Rumsfeld will oversee U.S. the best-selling season in years. mail-order shopping in Oc the city. efforts to bolster the government in Lebanon. tober is "generally a lead in Indu stry leader Sears , dicator for Christmas," and Roebu ck and Co. reported a that mail-order sales by such Wilson sees easy win in Tuesday's vote 32 percent increase in October large catalog houses as Scars compared-.with the same and J.C. Penney were stronger month a year ago. Number SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Salt Lake City proachcs, Wilson is energetically stumping for than overall sales. Mavor Ted Wilson - virtua llv assured of votes by giving campaign speeches, shakinR: two K-Mart Corp. reported a The results confirmed the 10.6 percent gain and third gaming his 1hird term in Tuesday's municipal hands and telling vote1·s he is not takin~ thc-ir high level of consumer con election - says he worries about dclcat "like I support for granted. ranked J.C . Penney Co. Inc. fidence that has been building posted an 8 percent increase. worry about earthquakes." But Wilson, a popular Democrat. has good all year amid the economic reason to be confident . The pal"e of retail sales will recovery and improving But tremors have rallied Utah three times in recent weeks, and Wilson, challe nged by And should he win, Wilson, who failed in a likd y continue, said Joseph employment levels, said Jeffrey bid to unseat Republican Sen. Orrin Hatl"h lasl Duncan , chief corporate Feiner of Merrill Lynch and relative unknown Sterling Webber, quickly changes his mc1aphor. year, says 1hc victory will most likely end his economist with Dun and Co. ques1 for higher office a1 least for anothn four Bradstreet Corp., "and that 's Feiner said the October "Lightening would have to strike for him to years. good for the economy." results could point to the bea1 me, but lightening does strike," Wilson In 1he non-partisan primary election, Wilson Robert Gough, senior vice stronges1 Christmas seaso n for said. outdis1anced his combined opposition by a 4-1 president of Data Resources retail sales in five years. As do earthquakes. And as election day ap- margin. St~tesman 81STYEAR Sub in Atlantic class subs in 1967. politicians' promises to help planted with a new version of Vicior-3 subs, designed to the blighted region, some say the artificial heart died from ....., ,.,........ ...... hunt 01hcr ships, do not carry they'll never return. •'residual neurologic pro llri•tJG ..... -,•..• •• - ...... WA HINGTON (AP) - A long- or immediate-range " I have no one lef1, I don't blt>ms" after living 25 days P•.ta~IIL . •-•--- ,.D..... en Soviet nuclear-puwcred attack nuclear weapons. They can want to go back," said Ismail with the device at the Univer •..-,rh,--- submarine with unknown MlcMel~ •••.• , •. eaL...., carry nuclear-tipped anti-sub Pinar, 56, of Muratbagi, the sity of Utah Medical Center, !.ridG,_M ..••••••. ~ ...... mechanical problc-ms was bob rockets with a range of about worst hit village. Pinar, now officials said Thursday ._....... ....... Ylleraa........ .,... ...... bing m five-foot seas in the 15 miles.