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~~~a.1?.;.~~v!~, August 12, 1988 Saipan, MP 25¢ Five different fires set in press roortJ; Offices ransacked, much stolen resses ore By Wes Goodman Senior reporter A newspaper usually reports the news ... not becomes a part of the news. But all of that changed in the wee hours of Wednesday morning when arsonists broke into the offices of Younis Art Studio, Inc. and set fire to the main press, stocks of paper and other machines .. Five separate fires were set in tile building including one on top 0f the main press used in printing the Marianas Variety, the Commonwealth's leading news­ paper for 17 years. £\bed Younis, owner of the studio, and Variety publisher, said it appears the arsonist in­ tended to stop the press. "I be­ lieve that whoever did it, by the way he acted, indicates that he knows what he's doing," Younis said. "He put five fires exactly in the center of the · building where flames can catch up very fast. One major fire was in the concen­ trated supplies storeroom and the Continues on page 27 Eurotex workers stop deportation Chinese man forciblvremoved bvsecurity By Wes Goodman The workers' were also Senior reporte~ crowded around another of their Almost 200 Chmese workers co-workers for rotection. Chung ' ~ - .. ! >, staged a walko~t at E~otex Loe Hung, a fe~e worker, had ' I garment fact?r:Y m San Vicente walked out of the factory earlier Tuesday, wa1tmg hours for the in the evening and her friends safe return of a co-worker who would not let anyone near her, had alle~edly been taken away fearful of her deportation and her Several hundred Chinese workers at Eurotex walked out by secu_ntY. guar~ and threat- safety. Tue~day evening in support of a fellow worker, He e.ned with lffimediate deporta- Daxing was returned b police Daxmg. Photo at right shows his exuberant reaction when uon. The workers would not escort just before 10 Yshout- released from the custody of security guards and re­ ?isband until they saw He Dax- ing and crying with ~~m~~ the turned to the compound. L:;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;!,1 mg returned safely. Continues on page 4 · P.ac \· FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 3 Chinese workers' stand against tyranny should be a lesson to others ; :Rf"/!E

Many times there is nothing to alleged $60 (more-or-less) was tryi'ng to cover a story there is night, I think the Commonwealth LINE write about in my column. How­ weekly wages these folks were not that important right now, I is willing to do what's needed. I 234-7578 ever, this week I have quite a choice: making. Allegedly, the manage­ have retained a lawyer and I can saw Mark Warns from the attor­ protect myself and my rights very AFfERSP.M. 1. The cowards who- committed ment was withholding $40 of ney general's office become Why? arson·on us at the newspaper. said royal sum each week for well, thank you. But, these work­ quite agitated when he heard That's one question we here at the Variety would For reasons beyond our 2. The goons who assaulted me at unknown overhead. ers (in their own minds) were what happened. I saw police offi­ like an answer to. Why would anyone try to burn us control (our fire) the a local garment factory. Be that as it may, what seems rebelling for what they felt was cers also become quite angry at Gripeline was very abbre­ 3. The efforts of a tiny group of to have gotten these folks at the the wholesale trampling of what the incident and heard a lot of out of existence? viated. We had no power garment workers to protect a friend. garment factory ali in a state of little rights they perceived they police radio traffic while they The truth can not be silenced by flames and part of the time, and that's In this case, the choice is quite uproar was the alleged fact that had. In other words, they were so were trying to find the abducted violence. why the phone didn't an­ easy; I chose the gannent workers. I the activist worker had been outraged, they decided to throw man. (Good job, guys ... ) swer. Please call back this feel what they did earlier this week takeJl away by persons identified what they felt was theor own Most of all, I saw the feeling of Never has - never will. weekend, hopefully eve­ as "security guards" and was personal safety to the winds and satisfaction in the eyes of some For years we have reported the crimes perpetrated is a lesson to us all about sticking rything will be returned to together against a common foe - destined for the midnight plane demonstrate. workers when they heard that on others here on Saipan and the rest of the Com­ nonnal. off the island. I would like to take this space their friend was all right and was *"*****I I I 11flclr:fI111**** TYRANNY. monwealth. Inside this week's issue we must report As I write this column it is 5 a.m. This was apparently without and tell them (those who can read not going to be deported right We had one lady who on one of the most heinous crimes we know - in the morning Thursday and· I have the benefit of the management and understand English) that they away. (I don't think he can stay called in to complain not had much chance to look over obtaining the necessary legal did theRIGHTTHING. As I have long, but I think he can stay until ARSON - which was committed against us on Au­ about the common prac­ the copy relating to the incident But papers (allegedly.) said so many times in the past, the he testifies against his abductors. gust 10. Chamorros have tice of some island mer­ from what I have been able to piece The workers decided they had Commonwealth is part of the .. ) We now know the same trauma and anguish of chants to continue to stock together from Wes and others I have had enough and gathered in a UNITED STATES. EVERY­ I also understand that the Fili­ out-of-date merchandise ONE who is on the island has pino big shots who were on the someone who has been raped and left for dead oppressive past found that this was an ALLEGED circle outside the factory. I was on their shelves. Not only case of what I like to call "Midnight told at one point that they were rights ... this includes the work­ island over the weekend said ihat along the side of the road. At firstthe pain is so deep We have had a history of suppression as a people. do they not remove them, Deportation" - or the favorite sport 'protecting' another worker that ers. if the unfair treaunent of labor that it tears into the very soul. they charge ful_l price. of garment factory and construction would receive the same fate. Personally, I wonder why the isn't curtailed in the Common­ A check of the stores That deep hurt then turns into a grinding and even company management. This (thanks to an anonymous FBI has not stepped into this type wealth, unions might be next. detennined that her com­ It seems that the folks at this par­ phone call to the office) of of case a long time ago. Perhaps Well folks, I am NOT a union fan, deeper anger to GET the people who did this to you plaint was valid. One ticular garment factory allegedly course, brought the news media it's because they are waiting to but what he is says is correct to and then exact your own version of punishment. newspaper employee didn't like some of the activities of in on the deal, your humble see what the Commonwealth is some extent. However, we are a civilized society here in the bought a package of corn one particular worker because he scribe included. willing to do. But, I worry more about poten­ chips from a major mar- · allegedly was squawking about the What happened to me while I From what I saw Tuesday Continues on page 17 Commonwealth and we must rely on the law en­ ket, only to find to his forcement agencies to find the responsible persons chagrin that the contents and bring them to justice. had expired three weeks before. When he went to Continued from page 2 For this we need your help. Anyone who knows the store to complain, a anything about the arson should contact the police stocker said that "you Yana letter continues ...... or the fire department immediately. Even if you only should tell them - they'll Our heartfelt thanks also is given to the men THINK you have some information call. give you a discount." born of a Chamorro parent and a ously in the Northern Mariana When the employee Filipino country of his alien parent. Islands since at least 1973 and and women of the DPS' Fire and police depart­ It should be in the publicspiritto want to apprehend questioned the legality of A strict interpretation of Section they renounced their foreign citi­ ments fortheworktheydid in containing the fire. these criminals, and we here think that most of you selling the material in the 301 (a) would exclude such minor zenship. Section 301 (c) of the Without the quick work of some officers who first place, the manager share our outrage at this criminal act because it was child. You can cry crocodile tears, Covenant says that such persons did not stop to be thanked, we would have lost directed at something which is and will continue to be assured the employee that you can· shout "Unfair!" up to the you described are U.S. citizens. the chips would be re­ heavens, and you can bring a host of You can forget about the rest more in smke damage than we did. unafraid to print the truth. moved from the shelves. delegations to the Unhed Nations. If of your checklist, such as (a). they Firemen went into areas they knew contained Yes, in a way, when the persons who set fire to our Several other small Section 301 (a) was to be suictly didn't get their citizenship hazardous chemicals and gasoline without presses preformed that act they were thumbing their stores engaged in the same interpreted, such children would through the long and difficult practice -in one case some regard for the danger involved. This also helped noses at you and saying "see -WE control what goes not have qualified for U.S. citizen­ naturalization process. Nobody sion. food had been expired for ship. Only a liberal interpretation of in the Commonwealth falling stop the spread of fire to the rest of the lower on here - not the free exchange of ideas." When Gennany became a world power, she several MONTHS and Section 301 (a) in Dela Cruz made under Sections 301 (a), (b), and building. Those old enough to remember the days ofthe old still was on the shelves. those children become eligible for (c) got theirs that way. You can llllllllllfllllllll=ltllllflfllll "Thank you " is not really enough. Japanese rule and the Nazis will clearly recognize U.S. citizenship. also forget about getting U.S. "The officials (Filipino, But that was not the only prob­ citizenship by fighting in any To the arsonists out there. We have confi­ that rationale of 'freedom.' we assume) that visited lem. The adult children of an alien war. No one in Section 301 did dence in the police and we know that you will be Saipan it looked like they We would also like to extend a 'thank you' to all who parent and Chamorro parent (T.T.) that. 'Caught and brought before the bar of justice for have called, stopped by, or in many other ways were here to tellus what to would not qualify under a strict I am appalled by your exag­ do," one woman caller your crimes. You see, that's the way civilized expressed their concern, desire to help in any way, Continues on page 3 construction of Section 301 (a). It is geration that the "CNMI immi­ said this week. "We want understandable that a minor child gration department will sud­ people settle their problems and differences, and genuine anger at what happened to us. A lot of the laws to be as it is .. not was not given a chance to renounce denly be bombarded by hun­ not with violence. outsiders telling us what to people in the community still care that they have a his allegiance because he was not dreds of persons claiming to fit For those of you who are motivated by other newspaper which is independent and stands tall in do. We don't want our old enough to renounce it. How­ the narrow criteria." Did you not laws to be called ' . . . than community good, see the full page ad the face of criticism, threats, and acts of violence Lawyer says editorial incorrect ever, it is inexcusable for an adult read your own newspaper report (coulcln 't tell, perhaps not to do it. A strict interpretation about Larry Hillblom stating that elsewhere in today's issue. Friends of the Vari­ against it. See page 3 Dear Editor: 'offending) laws. Our would have made it impossible there are about 200 people af­ ety have gathered together a reward fund of I have always believed in the freedom of the press, and the exercise of free speech. But when the lawmakers are elected to under Section 301 (a) for those fected by the Barasi ruling? press becomes terribly misinfonned as you seemed to be when you wrote your editorial opinioo on serve by the local people. adults to be eligible to become U.S. Besides, the CNMI immigration $1,000 so far (more may be coming) for the August 9, 1988, I think it is the duty of those who know to give you the correct information. / · "Please bear in mind, citizens. The Shoda decision was has nothing to do with claims of ARREST and CONVICTION of the persons The basic duty of the courts is to interpret the law. The U.S. District Court recently ruled on aliens: You are here to nothing more than a liberal interpre­ U.S.citizenship. That's the State responsible for the breakin and fire of August citizenship cases involving the interpretation of Section 301. work and if you don't like tation of Section 301 (a}, which Department's job. 10. The court usually entertains a matter if it is a case or controversy. In these citizem!hip ass Ibero our laws you have to go made the Shoda class become U.S. Lastly, do not blame the AG were lots of controversy as to the interpretation of Section 301 of the Covenant. At first the U.S. back where you come citizens by as you say "a stroke of for the Barasi decision. I was the 'i seemed to be of the opinion that Section 301 of the Covenant be sttictly construed. For cumple, from ... We don't want the pen." one that filed the class action on the section requires that all persons falling under subsections 301 (a), (b), and (c) must not owe people telling us what to In your editorial you erroneously behalf of the plaintiffs, not the allegiance to any foreign slate. The problem addressed_ by the Dela Cruz~ is that the pla;mf& do - especially outsiders." informed the public that the former AG. No one could have stopped Member of flllllllJllllllllllflllllllllllll the one taking the pill is racially DAVID T. HUGHES : MANAGING EDITOR therein had at least a parent who was an alien at the time the plaintiffs were born in the CN¥f. Ill aliens did not get their U.S. citizen­ me from doing it. If you want to \: Associated accordance with the decisions of the Commonwealth Trial Court, a child bcrn in the ~ prejudiced. The Chamorro and Sincerely yours, WESLEY GOODMAN: SENIOR REPORTER Press ship through the Covenant, al­ hate anybody, hate me. Mariana Islands of an alien parent is a citizen of the country of his alien parenL Tbelcfmc, a child though you seemed to admit that However, I agree with you that Carolinian spouses of some of 234-75781234-6341/234-9272 ~ 19118, Mairtanaa Variety those new citizens will probably •II righta reserved they had been domicilc<;l continu- ·~new citizens are a bitter pill", if ls/Reynaldo 0. Yana not agree with you.

2 FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 5 . Page 4 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 Workers fight back Universe Insurance Continued from page 1 Jack Torres, deputy Underwriters reunion with his fellow main- director of the Com- (MICRONESIA) land Chinese workers. merce and Labor Depart- They and nearby neighbors who ment, said his staff is '< Incorporated gathered to watch the walkout investigating the inci- i shouted, "Cing ...Cing ... Cing," dent. .. GENERAL AGENTS FOR: ' the pronunciation of his name. Eurotex is owned by .~ .. ' ~, t~.;:. Tl!E YAS~··.:-'NO MARINE "I don't know why they take two Hong Kong resi- INSURANGt MPANY, LJ'D. er!~ me," Daxing said in an interview dents,bothcitizensofthe T . -~ Life Insurance ' Company upon his return. "Maybe send United Kingdom, ac- Daxing in China in July. I don't cording to the papers of know why very fast he take me incorporation filed in the Auto Others go." attorney general's office. Fire & Casualty Assistant Attorney General One of the original Typhoon Risks Mark Warns, showed up at the · · ffi · L-..------' scene after more police came, said mcorporatmg 0 icers . ts A victorious return by He Daxing Personal Life local attorney Jam es Gnz- Accident Insurance the incident will send a definite zard according to Common- owners and officers of the corpo- Workmen's Mortgage message to other employers of weaith record&. Documents filed ration wa~ declined b~ the Compensation Insurance alien workers in the Common- with the attorney general, s office ~orker, saymg that Kosac~ is off- Liability T~rm wealth. "This is not Hong Kong, show that Rexford C. Kosack, the ~sland an~ only hecoul~ give that Builder's Insurance this is not Moscow, this is not former attorney general, is the mformauon. A, source m !he at- Risk Group Bejing," Warns said in an inter- agent of record for the company. torney general s office said th~ Insurance view Wednesday. ''This is the An employee of Kosack's firm theCommonwealth~ustbenou- United States of America, and confirmed Wednesday that he is fled of any change m ~e corpo- Sablan Bldg., San Jose, Chalan Monsignor Guerrero employees are going to be treated Eurotex, s "legal counsel." She rate structure,_ owners~1~ or offi- P.O. Box 512, Salpan, MP 96950 in ahumane anddignified manner. said that Lee and Kosack had cers. _However, th~ ongmal cor- Tels. 234-6982 o 234-7557 I think it's an opportunity for other communicated about the incident poratmn papers still stand. GUAM: P.O. Box 3278 Agana, Guam 96910 security firrns to think about this "in an advisory capacity." Re- . Grizzar. d said _in a telephone FOR INFORMATION Telefax: 234-3854 n·ght now." th h fthe .--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:______9.u~e~s~ts~£~o!!:_r~a~li~·s~tJO~fjth!!!e~curr~e~nt corporationmterv1ew atany eis more. notparto "I was just part of the officers to help with the inc01J>0ration. I am sending another letter to the AG's office asking that my name be removed LEADING TO from the corporation's papers. Details of the incidents leading up to the workers staging the si­ lent and very peaceful demon­ strations were varied and un­ THE ARREST clear, due in large part of the worker's inability to speak in English, and because the factory mKanager, Tommy Lee, of Hong t;. ong, refused to give reporters or ~ /dr lieu Cotifi!att. authorities information on the ·r.:: AND . ;';.,;:.i':\'G'/ t\b4ftllla.Tai.traqt~'!d.U¢C:. \ ;;;.~"O ~ Cartm>Ui:itci :spe \ ·~· tJ~'.~(e f.JJ. L!iJ;t!L1:S• \ in~d~~~aninthecrowdofwalk- ~-· •.'-J.~.:S.JW"'1t/"14'~ \ .\~ -:· ..... :-.·.t/~11JA•11atlwn ..iur~tl!O' r.~io~ '· outs - who may have had closer )ii', ··~:.,1u1~:.¥:rl11'·~ 1'lnuh.:Ni.ui'*'~~ \ · .. , ::..- r:.':61 r.w://ti IUrlrr: and ~f:lll end sMal L'fl >'• ties with management than with ·~,,; ,,,..:.U.'tl ,-:.1 i.WfibWJ ,,, prtMtWlli~ the laborers - explained the \ night's events. She refused to CONVICTION give her name. Daxing had allegedly had an argument with Lee concerning alleged unfair overtime policies at the factory, she said. Then a OF THE PERSONS guard. hired from Common­ wealth Security Services had been directed to remove Daxing from the compound.

. · ·j.. He allegedly brought Daxing ~a ~. to the security company's office .,. INVOLVED IN THE in Garapan. '.··.·~l After that, the workers walked out and made it clear to· Lee and the management they were not .' going back inside until they saw II AUGUST· 10 ARSON i, Daxing safely returned. \, "The boss (Lee) promised that I Mr. Dax.ing leave the island," the t woman said. "If you bring Dax- ing back, they all dismiss." She also referred to the argu­ OF THE VARIETY ment that Daxing and Hung had with Lee. "They go back inside ,, ANYONE WITH INFORMATION SHOULD CONTACT THE Theffis and ask the boss anything," she I Oi1JY diiiliiteSeet ( said. "The boss didn't like that DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, l Or Mr. OWng just ralk to the I l' boss alone. He ask the security ' ..! Miller Lite. '> guard to leave (to remove Dax- THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OR ing)." Warns informed Lee and THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. i ', Vicente Atao, the man who said REWARD FUNDS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE DPS IN CASH AND THEY WILL BE THE SOLE DETERMINOR AS TO HOW IT IS DISTRIBUTED. THE MONEY he was "chief of the secunty COMES FROM EMPLOYEES OF THE NEWSPAPER AND OTHER FRIENDS OF THE VARIETY. THE REWABO FUND MAY GROW IF MORE DONATIONS team" at the scene, in no uncer- ARE MADE TO THE FUND. Continues on Hge 19 ...... ------~....,.--:---==- . 7,I


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All Flavor 11 oz. t ' ..·1,·.\( Pringle's 'ii ; 11; ,. 9 : ~··.·<'· U.S. Extra· 1 49 Light 8-8-0 i ·1 Chips 6 1/2 oz. • 1.05 I '2!f Large Eggs • 2.55 5.49 2.19 1 7 1.30 1.29 ·•····•••··co·upon·s.•••••••w.e·.•••·.·re·serve.•·.·•·.th·e••·•.·righ.t•· to•••••lim.it.••••q·uantiti~·s~.•·•A·ll•···sa.les•··.·in•.··.··ca~.1111•nfi~~$/.'·,:1.1.11.... :-..J:i!li••·•••·•~ ------::::=--::----=---.:-:~F..;.R:.:..ID:;;.;A~Y~,.:..:A..:.::.U..;;;:G..:.::.U..:.::.S..:..T...;..1.:..:2·....:.1..;:;98~'8.:_-_-.::..:.:.Mi\RIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 9 Page 8 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS --FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 Castro names Eric Smith Koblerville will get new police substation to new post in AG's office nity, reducing re~ponse time. It . "~l. of those lan?s have ~en (CNS)-Attorney General Alex C. Castro has nomi­ that Smith "can profession­ By Wes Goodman pleted, police buildings in Tana­ people there 24 hours per day." will also give pobce more expo- 1denuf1ed and we ve received ally carry out the duties and Koblerville also experiencing nated Eric S. Smith to be the first Chief of the Division of Staff reporter pag, Garapan and San Vicente sure, making for better public re- communication Marianas responsibilities of this new rapid population growth, being fro~ Intergovernmental Relations. . Construction will begin soon will be put up next year, he said. lations with the community. Public land Corporation that they Smith, who is currently the Chief of Civil Division, will division", urging the Legis­ on a Koblerville police substa­ The director said the first sta­ the fourth-most populated area lature to act favorably and on Saipan now, Manibusan said. "I also think it's a cost savings can be dedicated for these par­ require the approval of both houses of the Legislature tion, one of four planned mini­ tion will be in central Koblcrville, to us in terms of mobilizing our ticular purposes," Manibusan promptly on the nomina- "We looked at all of the statis­ before he can assume the position. support stations which are part of west of the basketball court at the units," he said. said. In his letter to the Presiding Officers of the Legislature, tion. l?i~ an effort to spread police public park. The $15,000, 188- tics coming in at DPS," the direc­ Smith, who has been a Eric Smith to head office tor said. "The statistics basically The next unit to be built will be .Although the department will Attorney General Castro said that smith is "eminently throughout the island, DPS Di­ square-foot building will have a practicing attorney for 14 years, received his law degree tell us there are several activities in Tanapag, just south of the ele- not be able to spend all of the qualified" to head the new division. "He was one of the rector Ed Manibusan said. temporary holding cell and radio. mentary school, Manibusan said. money in its fiscal year 1988 three attorneys that assisted the Second Constitutional from Golden Gate College of Law in San Francisco, Calif The Koblerville building "This is an experimental sta­ there, assaults, burglaries." in June 1972. He received his B.A. degree in June 1964 Manibusan also said that the Then there will be a police pres- budget for the buildings before Convention in 1985. Mr. Smith has been involved with should be finished by January, he tion," Manibusan said. "What from Blackbum College in Carlingville, Illinois. He mini-support stations will help ence at both ends of the island. the year ends, Manibusan said he matters dealing with the CNMI and the Federal Govern­ said. we're doing now is recruiting. At Stations are also planned for feels the funds will be re-appro­ joined the U.S. Navy for five years and in the Naval police be nearer to the commu- ment in the past and at present. The number of cases that After that sub-station is com- the moment, we plan to put two Garapan, north of Sugar King priated for the sub-stations in he has handled, both as counsel for plaintiff and counsel Reserve for three years attaining the rank of Lieutenant Park on Middle Road, and San FY89. for the defendant, involved Covenant issues and the rela­ Commander. Vicente near the central village tionship between the Commonwealth and Federal laws," Smith worked at Riverside District Attorney's Office intersection point. "We received $60,000 to build Castro stated in his letter. from 1974 to 1979, then was inprivatepractice from 1979 He said those particular sites these mini sub-stations in FY88," The Attorney General said he has discussed his nomina­ to 1984 and then went back to Riverside District were chosen because of the high he said. "We may not be able to tion with Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio and the Governor agrees Attorney's Office in 1984. level of activity in the areas, and get to those because of the time all are near places where there limitations in which to spend the children play. money." - ' The world's most popula-r educational toy has Volunteers ... ·'··.. ~ arrived from Denmark! in our AMERICAN I:, 1 spare time <.)/CANCERI Stimulate your smart kids we save lives! fsoaelY· genius through playing. f ON SALE!!! At very Special Prices!!! 3 r·cAMERAS, CASSETTE PLAYERS, JEWELRY,> THAT ( POWER DRILLS ~ 1 rFAsT"'CA ~H l L - SAIPAN'S FIRS~ l ~- AND ONLY PAWNSHOP r~ 'j CASH tor your jewelry, V.C.R.'s, T. ~-'J~ L tools, etc. WITHIN MINUTES \ OPEN: '12 Noon 7 P.M. ~ AUGUST 14, 1988 { 2nd Floor, Sablan Bldg,. San Jose. L- _ Across from Tik's Gas Station l COLD DISHES ~ TEL. 234-67'13 ~ ,•_ ••,' - Ham & Sandwiches r,~ - Seafood Marinated & Pickles ',·· - .,Ii-. . ' ' - Salads (Tossed, Potato, Tuna) .!, - Fruits & Fruit Cocktail ·~­ - Dessert Pastries \... "'" HOT DISHES - Roast Pig & Lumpiang Shanghai with Sauce - Spanish Omelette with Tomato Sauce - Top Sirloin Steak with Mushroom Sauce - Chicken Adobo: Philippine Style - Seafood Provence I - Spaghetti with Meat Sauce ,, - Saipan Rice I Learn with fun and safety! 'I - Soup H5>w much e~.'t'~ money wo~ld you earn simply by using a First - Pancakes Sa_vmgs and L_oan mterest bearmg checking account'! If you don't Come and join us with more {IJf1i) fun! thmk substantially more .... think again. At First Savings and Loan, your mon~y ear~s 5 112 % int~rest annually! And, with daily comp~undmg! that adds up quickly! Wh~n you open your First Savmgs checking account, we'll start you Sole Agent: THE HOBBY SHOP out with a whole stack of fREI! Graystone checks! See your savings Back to School professional today! -----:1 u- P.O. Box 2080 Transpacenter ·~:: ~ ! ~; ~~'.~~ Gualo Rai, Saipan, MP 96950 SALE First Savings and Loan __ ~'.J~:) I _-I_;_ Telephone tlo. 234-5584 ml 10 DAYS ONLY Association of America AUGUST 12 AUGUST 21 SAIPAN INTRODUCTORY SALES - 20 % OFF ON ALL (JJ!Jj) WHY? Because we offer no fancy music, no elaborate 234-6617 • 234-8561 TOYS FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST. settings ...we simply offer the REAL THING: honestly GOOD LOLLIPOPS OPEN SATURDAY WHERE EVERY DEPOSITOR is FEllrnALLY Monday thrn Thursday 9AM to 4PM FOOD to your hearts content! 10:00 AM TO 6:00 PM DON'T 1\11SS YOUR CHANCE! MONDAY THRU FRIDAY INSURED ru 1100.r»> Friday 9AM to 6PM For ONLY $10 a person ($7 for kids 12 yrs. & below) 1O:OO· AM TO 8:00 PM SUNDAY 1O AM - 2 PM For Reservations: call 234-5900. 10:00 AM TO 4 PM *New shipment of bicycles and other items has arrived too! ·sEACH ROAD 'i



Special price& at



New Arrival 2 way 4 Speaker system. One Push Recordlr.g T-SHIRTS Auto St~ Build In Mlc!'.:- QUARTZ MODERN ATTRACTIVE $17 .·95 MADE IN JAPAN, AUTOMATIC2 COLORS PRECISION QUARTZ 5 0/0 3 BAND EQUALIZER MOVEMENT FREE BATTERY KEEP WARM, MANY COLORS I ( 1------•TocHOOSEi=ROM,a1022 Q FF NATIONAL CUPS 110 & 220 VOLTS $149.95 ELECTRIC TUBULER STOVE DOUBLE CASSETTE RECORDER MADE IN JAPAN .. · · - -- NEW ARRIVALS NEW ARRIVALS SHARP RADIO CASSETTE NEW ARRIVAL VHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER $ 5 PORTABLE STEREO COMPONENT -:===~··· J T-SHIRTS DIFFERENT WITH 11 FUNCTION WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL. 14 3 9 99 j''· '---=. . & AIWA COLOR STYLE DAYS 12 PROGRAM DIGITAL CLOCK/TIMER HIGH SPEED DUBBING 5 BAND · • ALL SIZES GRAPHIC EQUALIZER AUTO STOP L~u~ou~s:LE:s:P:E:ED~P~LA:Y:_:s:Ac::~~·::;A~Lo;::~~;:~1~1u:N~-O-U_B_L.;E;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;W L~· 2 WAY 4 SPEAKER SYSTEM 3FOR 0 MADE IN JAPAN I CASSETTE RECORDER 1· • COME AND SEE US FOR .$1.00 NEW ARRIVALS .. T:%;~ OUR LOW LOW PAI.CE CONTINOUS PLAY- BACK SYSTEM HIGH SPEED SYNCRONIZED SONY DUBBING STEREO SOUND STEREO CASSETTE RECORDER HAWAIIAN 2 WAY 4 SPEAKER SYSTEM SHIRT AND NEW ARRIVALS 2 WAY 4 ~~~~~~:~ss~~fND$3295 SPEAKER SYSTEM. 5 BAND DOUBLE CASSETTE RECORDER STAINLESS STEEL Up GRAPHIC EQllALIZER. SOFT AUTO REVERSE DOUBLE CASSETTE CONTROL SWITCHES. STEREO CASSETTE RECORDER AUTO STOP ~~~~~~~ EJECT AUTO SHUT OFF. RECORDER 5 BAND GRAPHIC 400/800/1000/1200 WATTS ~ $169.95 2 WAY SPEAKE'R SYSTEM VARIABLE EOUALIZER HIGH SPEED DUBBlt.'G. MADE IN JAPAN SOUND MONITOR BUILT IN MIC. 2 WAY 4 SPEACKER SYSTEM 95 sgggs ELECTRIC SEWING $159 $'"199.95 Orient NATIONAL IRON MACHINE AKAi ...... ,.,, DOUBLE CASSETTE RECORDER JVC PORTABLE COOLER RADIO CASSffiE •t ' . I RECORDER _t:······.·•'• ',\~- .L NEW ARRIVAL PORTABLE WATER COOLER. KEEP COOL & HOT WITH FILTER AND GLASS KANGAROO SHOES NEW ARRIVAL DE LUXE AUTOMATIC IRON, EASY NEW ARRIVALS ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE WITH ; I NEW ARRIVALS ! ' LUNCH BOX Wlll-1 TEMPERATURE SETIING, MOTOR & HANDLE FOR MANUAL. EASY TO USE. INTERGANGABLE CORD ADJUSTED TO SEW FROM 7 $995AND TO 30 STICHES, FORWARD THERMOS CONSENTRATED MANY COLORS OR REVERSE. WITH UP 1000 WATTS WOODEN COVER. $ 0 0 0 $3.95 11 .AKAi STEREO CASSETTE RECORDER.SEQUENTIAL PLAY BACK. SYNCRO MION l~ RIGHT ACROSS PACIFIC GARDENIA HOTEL SPEED DUBBING. 3-BAND ... GRAPHIC EOOALIZER. 2 WAY BEACH ROAD, CHALAN KANOA !~i\~~~}.~~~NT. ... ~:·;':\lt:] 4 SPEAKER SYSTEM. 3 BAND 5 SAIPAN. MP 96950 TUNER. MADE IN JAPAN NEW ARRIVAL SHOES • SAN JOSE VILLAGE, IN TINIAN, MP 96952 DIFFERENT KIND OF 95 STYLE & COLOR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ROGER $159 TEL. 234-3296 OR 433-3009 ( TINIAN ) ALLSIZES $ 5 • 0 0 OVIS FRIDAY AUGUST 12 1988 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 13 Page 12-- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 NEED workshop a success By Nancy Wiel Students learned to develop presentation of various energy c.. COMMONWEALTH HEALTH CENTER TheCNMI'sdebutattheinten- speeches and to present them. principles. Kim did an outstand­ c OFF1CE OF THE DIRECTOR sive National Energy Education They learned to brainstorm an ingjobwithsceneryforthemajor Carmen safewa -Meitetsu GOVERNMENT OF TUE NORTHERN MARIAN A. ISLANDS Day (NEED) workshop in Car- idea and set priorities. The adults energy skit that was performed DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEAL.TH-ENVIRONMENTAL. SERVJCE:S son City, Nevada, July 9-14, was shared ideas about energy educa- thelastnightand was enthusiastic &~&m~0~~~0 wma~&~u a huge success. Koblerville tion. One of the highlights for and believable in several roles. Dear Editor: teachers Cynthia Taitinfong and Taitinfong and Fitial was learn- Teachers and students alike Your front page story last Friday on the so-called "preg­ AUGUST 12 TO AUGUST 18, 1988 Lourdes Fitial joined students ing about integrated tea~hing, a voiced their satisfaction with the nancy bill" was unfortunate since it gave the impression that Junkyeong Kim (Marianas Bap- multidisciplinary method of edu- workshop. So intrigued was Tait­ : ;~ t!1e Commonwealth Health Cent.er presently perfonns abor­ ( tist Academy), Eddie Diaz Jr., cation. infong with the information she uons. ;· . GRO.CERIES L__ JAPANESE GOODS LIQUOR DEPT.· _ and Kori Seki (Hopwood Junior Task forces highlighted the acquired that she is writing a The Commonwealth Health Center does not perfonn abor­ '·- - . . High School), Lana Lynn Fitial workshop. Diaz and Seki, who paper on photovoltaics for one of tions on a routine basis. .. - ' ~ (Koblerville Elementary), and will be entering Mariana High her classes at Northern Marianas Dora Borja (Mount Carmel High School ·this fall, manned the College. I hope this will clarify the situation. JIM BEAM School) for immersion in BTUs, Memories task force. They were Prior to the Carson City worlc­ DAWN DISH CHEESE CURL 750 ML. Sincerely, DETERGENT OAK DANISH photovoltaics, · windpower, the charged with writing articles shop, Taitinfong and both Fitials .CHIPS 220Z. HAM, 120Z. 6.95 feasibility of nuclear storage fa- about the workshop experience represented CNMI NEED '88 . ls/DR.JOSE T. VILLAGOMEZ cilities, recycling, cars powered and collecting anecdotes from the winning school, Koblerville Ele­ Director, Department of Public 2.89 1.19 by natural gas, alternative energy participants .. Each participants mentary, at NEED award activi­ Health and Environmental Services JOHNNIE sources, and energy conservation received a final copy of the ties in Washington, D.C. Repre- CALIFORNIA WALKER methods. Memories as a souvenir of the sentative Froilan Tenorio was Editor's note: The story refe"ed to by the director did not say JERGENS SOAP SQUID, 15 OZ. RED LABEL Morning, noon, and night, the experience. extremely helpful in making their "Commonwealth Health Center," nor did our reporter mean to 4.5 oz. . 750 ML. 1.49 98¢ CNMI delegation, which in- Borja performed admirably on stay a memorable one. · insinuate they did abortions on demand. 39¢ 1~ .59 ~~~~ ~0~:;w;;~ ;nn;r~b ~;e s~~alh:~ti~~~~ ~~s~~~e~ c~~~1~:~ ~: ,!:;! !~dication of "lmE!irt=Jt:=:~=Ji=u'=lm=a=m=ri\l!@!!Ktil'lbl!~l!i~\\M!i}i!!Wi!l!i,,tLi11%!i:jl!i,ir!i7.,110"";&!1.111!:~wl!l!l!!@!ll!l!i"'tg"'lt~!l!ll!Jb!l!ll!Xt-····:.:::. CRISCO OIL other participants0 from all over energy-related skits to the other SECRET DEODORANT 160Z. 7 oz. CURRY CURL the United States poured over participants after meals. Filial 1.39 CHIPS 1.19 CUTIYSARK energy-related materials and represented the CNMI on the 4.98 750 ML ways of presenting the materials. Energy Carousel, a museum-like i TIDE CRISCO OIL SUSHI NORI ., DETERGENT 320Z. 7.98 420Z. 3.89 2.98 2.69 TABASCO INST ANT MISO SOUP JACK DANIELS COAST BAR 750 ML. SOAP, 15 OZ. 20Z. MIX, 4 PKGS. 3 11.79 pcs, 2.69 98¢ 1.69

.• ZEST BAR HEINZ WHITE WASABI TUBE VINEGAR, 32 OZ. · DRINKS .- .-· SOAP, 15 OZ. 40· GR. . . ' 3 1.09 pcs. 2.79 1.48 HON DASH! U.C.C. COFFEE HORMEL VIENNA KAO RINSE 9 150 G. 240 ML 220 ML. SAUSAGE 50Z. 69¢ 89¢ 1.39 4.29 PRINGLE KIKKOMAN SOY KAO SHAMPOO -POTATO CHIPS SAUCE, 1.6 L. 220 ML. 75¢ 1.39 1 OZ. 1.98 3.49 e:::,=.= SAPPORO ICHIBAN U.C.C. LEMON Wr&~'lffe PAUL'S LONGLIFE TEA, 250 ML. ., KAO SHAMPOO I 3.50Z. ,. 420 Ml. miuc MILK. 32 oz 2.39 ·- - 69¢ 39¢ 79¢ AJl-NO-MOTO PAUL'S BREAKA DOWNY FABRIC 1 LB. CHOCOLATE 40¢ SOFTENER, 64 OZ. 1.i."-- .""':. 1.39~6~~. 2.29 250 ML. 3.99 PAUL'S BREAKA


AUGUST 12 1988-- MARIANAS VARJETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 15 Page 14 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 Respected Rota community figure m.sYlllAGOIDEZ sl P' E c: 1A,L, given state funeral e n r e R p R 1 / e / [11 GOOD FOR AUGUST 12-15 1iJ Manglona served as educator. jurist and politican CNS - Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio Upon his returned to Rota he . declared a state funeral July 28 began a long and distingui;hed for the late Fortunate T. Man­ career as a pioneer educator on glona, of Rota, a Jong-time gov­ Rota, totalling 24 years.

':1 ernment employee who had a "During that period of time as distinguished career as an educa­ an educator until his retirement Campbell Chicken Dak Chopped Ham, 1 Ladies Choice White Early dawn Salad Veg tor, councilman and judge. on August 5, 1973, nearly every ·-..· ~- Noodle Soup, No.1 lb. can Vinegar, 1 gal. Oil, 1 gal. can Manglona, 63, died on Saipan young person on Roui was atone onJuly27 after a long illness. His Lime a student of Fortunato T. 5.29 49¢ 1.65 body was flown to Rota on July Manglona and greatly benefited 2.59 29. Funeral services are sched­ from his teachings, counsel and uled for Thursday (Aug. 4) on support," according to the procla­ Rota. mation. In declaring a State Funeral by an official proclamation, Gov. Following his retirement from Tenorio urged that the flags the Department of Education, Franco American Mary Kitchen Corned throughout the Commonwealth Manglona was appointed to serve Hormel Spam, 12 oz. Beef Hash, 15 oz. be flown at half-mast on that day. as part-time Community Judge Reg. or Less salt Spaghetti w/ 14.75 oz. ' Manglona was educated dur­ and Special High Court of the 1.55 ing the Japanese administration Trust Territory from 1973 to 1.69 98¢. and also attended from 1946 to 1981 on Rota.· 1948 the U.S. Navy Medical Manglona is survived by his Practitioners School on Guam. wife, Maria and five children.

Water still needs. boilino..., (~) .- The Division of Environmental Quality analyzed samples of drink­ Real fresh Milk, 32 oz. Taikoo Caster Sugar, 2 ing water from the Isl:rnd of Saipan this week. Water from Kagman, milk CIT (US) kgs . .plastic , ... *""' ...... Coca-Cola· Brands Soft San Roque, Tanapag, Garapan, and the airport contained excessive Drinks, 24/12 oz. cans coliform bacteria and also contained no chlorine residual. ~~ .19 ;,' ...;;::..~-~·- 1 1.39 \. Therefore residence of these areas should boil their water before ·----·- 10.75c/s using it for drinking, food preparation, or freezing as a precaution l - J against possible bacterial .contamination.

l'. ~l

~...... 1-- ]·=::~ !:.:;:::d- ··- new sue! Detergent, Downy Fabric ~iaxwell House Instant Sanka Instant Coffee, Softener, 17 oz. Coffee. 4 oz. ~ 8 oz. 1.0 kgs. 2.39 1.09 DISCOUNT ON ALL I 6.49 3.35 II ~< .. --s· CASH PURCHASE Come and See us for your Appliance needs! Kikkoman , ,~f\ Dawn Dishwashing {°fj!!Y • l~·~lz.11 -~~l,l);H/!Jf:SOIJ;ltlli"'~"""''"' ' i 20 oz. ~ Liquid, 12 oz. 'I' 4 * SPLIT UNIT AIRCONS T ____!. 7 ~ _\\\,,, ______1 __ ._2_0 -- ~ - .. .. . * WINDOW AIRCONS '•timurli1~\Jilf i * FREEZERS . I Echigo Rice Crackers fii !~ ! ! i HJ# Blue Bell Toilet Tissue, King Irie. Chicken - * REFRIGERATORS (Kakidane), 50g. bag l~f!i,,sr2 2 ply, 4's ii Wings, 28 oz. * ELECTRIC & GAS RANGE ______---~9¢ _r=---1~9. * WASHERS & DRYERS !1 Sapporo lchiban Wonderful Detergent, C-Fine-C Vitamin.-. I Shoyu Ramen, 3/1 4 9 Regular Drink, 120 ml. btl. 3.5 oz .. bag • - ' I 14.50/bOX ~ 95¢ a 59¢ I Hill Bros. Instant llLanJ - ~:i:~;:~i'. -· ~~-~, -: L Coffee. 2 oz, i w~·!I Giants . . r I _----'1 __ 2.45 _ j I~-· Tamanohada Fresh Wonderful detergent Jeans, shoes, Ladies II Master A1 Lightmeat Nestle Condensed green Shampoo, 220 w/handle 2 65 kgs Slippers, Gents Tuna, 7 oz. Milk, 400 g can ml. ' · · Sandals I ,,... ·;.,.,:..,_i./~ 89¢ 5 .15 20-50°/oOFF I ~ 99¢ 89¢ --- --1

i~·".:·-~.···· . j .I ".~ ... Enfamil R-T-Use, Plain, t~ Kao Merit Shampoo, I ~ ~ ..,, ""' ~ I hree Dia L1ghtmeat 8 oz. 310 ml. I '·~···---~·1\ ,.. tf,1 Tuna, w/vcg ., 6.5 oz. 8J Tsubaki Takuwan I iJj 1.09 95¢ 2 •2 5 1 •2 9 '::-~ . I.a Sun Flower Tomato Enfamil R-T-Use ~lMfsfufro Lion Mosquito Coils, Shin-Shin Aji Kimchee, Textile Var ages, QO)/ : 1· sardines w/chili. 5.5 w/iron, 8 oz. ~COllS. 10's 130g. Textile Made Up 3 /0 I ,1~~ oz. 99¢ ~-~ ··· 83¢ 85¢ Goods QFF I [I 2__. 2/65¢ 1 1•------••••.11111••···-·················------· FRIDAY AUGUST 12 1988-- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-· PAGE 17 Page 16 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 ------. :::j::·;1g~::~~1;=:;::::Ji[';l[l:l::'.':::::i':[:ill:::::·::::,:'.;·,i=;.::.:::::::,.,::,,\:i.··: : : ;:: ·;,,: ;:: :=;;,. ;:: Remote control rule ~llilillili\~111111 discern the fact that each of the ***** four nations never had our aspira­ We have seen the emer- f::N:N tions nor fate at heart. Each ·is WORLD REKNOWN equally guilty of supplanting our . ~~~c~u~!Y Tn ~~~~~~s~ '.i~l!!l[i: valued traditional ways into Wh~therit is good or bad. is :;:Im· theirs. I was onceJ uan, then Ioan­ subject to.debate. Ourchil- Jlid SKIL POWER TOOLS: nes, John-san and now Jolm. dren are no longer as disci~ ww:i .....------_;.._;..--.------·-·-·---- Confused? Eh, this fella is plined aS the age group some ten MODEL 5125 REG. : $87.05 equally confused as you are. to twenty years ago. There's a lot 6 1/2 CIRCULAR SAW SAVE: $16.47 I think it is time to get down to of perverse behavior' these days basics so to return the integrity of among our young ones which SALE: $70.58 our people where it rightfully usually lead to negative activi­ belongs. To perpetuate the acqui­ ties. MODEL 5750 escence of these supplantations 7 1/4 CIRCULAR SAW and equate them to elements of This is an issue that we must REG. : $94.10 progress is to give up what and deal with whether we like it or SAVE: $22.85 who we are as a people. We must not And unless we are willing to demand for self-respect from one instill discipline among our chil­ SALE: $71.25 and all. But that this effort must dren, more negative activities come from within-US! I know will have been allowed to flourish MODEL 5765 that it is quite difficult to sift which usually emanates in the 8 1/4 CIRCULAR SAW through the maze of all these family. If you as parents prefer a REG. : $302.45 confusion forced upon us not good leisurely evening before SAVE: $57.25 only by arrogant foreign powers, your TV set rather than taking but by development as well. Are some to talk to your children, this SALE: $245.20 we to allow ourselves to be dis­ could very well be interpreted by placed within our own islands? If our young people as indifference. so, then we are saying that it will . The problem is multi-faceted. Let MODEL 6650 be fine and dandy to suffocate us bring correcting them starting 1/2 HIGH TORQUE like a fish when taken out of the from the. living room of our VARIABLE SPEED water. Think about it house. REVERSING DRILL REG. : $246.00 From SAVE: $47.00 Page3 MODEL 6125 SALE: $199.00 3/8 REVERSING DRILL books of"patsy places" to locate. REG. : $63.35 tial violence. I was personally SAVE: $12.00 treated to abuses of my civil and In conclusion, I urge other human rights by the people who workers in other sweat shops in said they were "security offi­ the Commonwealth to do the SALE: $49.95 cers." Yet, when I asked them for same thing - NON-VIOLENT identification as to who they were protests of labor conditions. A or who they worked for, all I very famous man wrote the book i:•I MODEL 4115 ' received were further threats on for this type of behavior and it 2 SPEED JIGSAW my person. freed a 11ation. Ghandi proved II•\ that it works, as did the martyred 1, Imagine if that's the way they treat an American citizen who Martin Luther King 1 Jr, in the knows and understands the United States. Constitution and his rights . . . how they would treat someone Civil rights are not just words MOUt::.L. 1..:1..: who has no idea of what "rights" written down on paper. They are BELT SANDER are: tangible and available to anyone That's why that little band of protected by the U.S. Bill of REG. $145.50 Chinese workers at Eurotex Rights (also part of the Common­ SAVE: $27 .90 should be congratulated for defy­ wealth Constitution - and even ing the tyranny of the dollar and expanded.) SALE: $117.90 the stick. There is little one can do about !encourage a full-scale investi­ those who feel that might, size, or gation of the company by the· money, make right. But once it's MODEL 7372 Commonwealth and the United all over, then anyone has the right t::INISHING SANDER States' National Labor Relations to call these persons to account • Board. And, they shouldn't stop before the law of the land. there. More rocks could be turned Both in criminal and in civil over on Saipan alone and more court! i, We have faith in the judicial MODEL 9B65 abuses found in other factory SANDER/GRINDER l,1 locations. system here. Abusers will face REG. I Even better, the Common­ the law and be punished. $106.05 wealth should establish such a One final ... final word. If any SAVE: REG. : $297.70 labor office (Labor Police, I like workers are planning to do some­ $20.10 SAVE: $56.35 to call them) office adequately thing like those at Eurotex, then staffed by professional labor first call the media. WE will SALE: $85.95 SALE: $241.35 folks and lawyers who just love to watch and report and then get haul employers who .violate wage your complaints into print and and human rights standards into before the public ... FREEDOM court. of the press, you know. Lee heads ~lil!l~MS1~f'!l~i§'.[ll~I~G'.f{;!lil~ Let's face it; The reason so get bashed when news cameras many garment factories want to are clicking and filming because come here is because of the crimi­ that makes too many witnesses. -f DELIVER nally-low wages and the past Once the glare of publicity is BASIC ~WE blind-eye the government has thrown on abusers, many times CONSTRUCTION~ taken toward such abuses. How­ they -like the slugs they are· will P. 0. BOX 331. SAIPAN ever, I predict the Eurotex inci­ just wither away into a mushy ly C.N.M, U.S.A. 96950 Supp.. PHONE:·234-6609; 234·7666 --~-.-7!'--~~ dent has turned a page in their mass.

---·---- ·-· -·--·,..:. ______:,, .. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988-- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS--PAGE 18A

; . .: .;:_._MISCELLANOUS . ·.,

- (i DO~!ESTIC HELPERS MCI Mail on Saipan! 8 MAINTENANCE REPAIRERS l>liOOTlilVUI CLUl3 - High school equivalent. Salaiy:· $2.15 Join the BEST per hour. Communicating Has Never Been Easler! Contact: TEOFILO C. SISON dba Newtown Builder & Ent., P.O. Box 70 news team in CHRB, Saipan-, MP 96950. (9/2). F. ~=·MCI Mail is:======::::-- 10 DOMESTIC HELPERS - High school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per J hour. Micronesia Fast! /~~I Contact: ANNIE D. NABONG dba A.T. =[======:=:;::::=:] Cleaning Service, P.O.· Box 2645, We have animmediate opening for a . Instantaneous to other subscribers * hotel nikko sa1pan Saipan, MP 96950. (912). F. full-time news reporter. ' . Within 4 hours to -non-subscribers J>DI SINTS 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High school graduate. Salaiy: $200.00 per month. The Variety is seeking an individua.1 Contact: M/M ALFRED K. PANGE­ Cheaper than Phone; Fax, or Telex! LINAN, P.O. Box 621, Saipan; MP with either journalism experience or a i 96950. (9/2). F. . Delivered Instantly for 45 cents 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - degree in communications. We are.also Within a day or two for $2.00 High school equivalent. Salaiy: $200.00 Guaranteed overnight by noon for $8.00 per month. willing to train a qualified n who Contact: BARBARA FERGER, P.O. Within 4 hours for $30.00 Tlox 1481, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. has a strong ba~kground in English .. l' FOOD & BEVERAGE CONTROL­ LER . High schooi graduate. Salary: !======Easy to Usel ======:) $1,500.00-$1,700.00 per month. Contact: E.I.E. SAIPAN CORPORA­ LOCAL HIRE PR~f ERREp.<~;' l . FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE TION dba Hyatt Regency Saipan, P.O. citizens, nationals •. or green care{ Bex 87 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. . American Now you can take advantage of the most (9/2). F. . ·• .· < · · .. holders may also apply. . · · > ? powerful instant communications net- 2 RESTAURANT WAITRESSES interested? Call David Hughes, editor, .at · High schoo~ graduate. ~alaiy: $2.15 per . work in existence - MCI Mail. MCI combines .. ·~ hour. · 234-9797, 234-6341, or 234-7578. • the most vital communication services, elec­ Contact: CHALAN KANOA BEACH A. resume and examples of past work would also be CLUB CORP., P.O. Box 356, Saipan, .· appreciated. ·· ,, ··· · tronic mail, postal mail, worldwide courier de­ I ··-· MP 96950. (9/2). F. 1 WAITRESS - High school equivalent. livery, and telex, into one package that makes \ Salaiy: $2.15 per hour. your business and personal communications t Contact: MICRO, PACIFIC DEV­ ELOPMENT, INC. dba Saipan Grand easier, faster, and cheaper than ever beforel Hotel, P.O. Box 369, Saipan, Ml" 96950. (9/2). F. WANTED . 1 ARCHITECT - College gradute, 5 From: years experience. Salary: $1,667.00 per LEGAL SECRETARY month. Your Desktop Contact: JUAN C. TENORIO & ASSOCIATES, P.O. Box 551, Saipan, For expanding law firm. Apply in person at MP 96950. (9/2). F. BORJA and SALAS, Attorneys at Law, 2nd 1 BEAUTICIANS - Iligh school Floor, Torres Building, San Jose Village, Saipan. !. graduate, 2 years experience. Salaiy: MCI Mail $2.15 per hour. To: .t.riywtun In the wortdl Contact: AQUILINO SEMANA dba Some legal experience preferred, but not required. INSECON~I Semana's Beauty Parlor, P.O. Box 581, Salary depends on experience and qualifications. Rota, MP 96951. (9/2). F. 1 TEACHER - College graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: $920.00 per month. Contact: MT. CARMEL SCHOOL, 2 JOURNEY ELECTlUClANS · High I MASO:-! 11 P.O. Box 6, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). school graduate, 10 years experience. 1 CARPENTER Call Us or Drop By For Detallsf ,I I' F. Salary: $900.00 per month. I PLUMBER I TRAVEL AGENT SUPERVISOR - 2 ENGINEERING AIDES - College - High school equivalent, 2 years High school graduate, 2 or more years graduate. Salary: $800.00 per month. ~xpcriencc. Salary: $1.35 per hour. Salpan Computer StrVlcel experience. Salary: $750.00 per month. Contact: L YONN AISE MARIANAS Contact: VINCENT M. CAL VO dba 2nd Floor of the N1uru Bulldlng 1 TOUR SERVICE ASST. MANAGER AMERICA, INC., P.O. Box 637, Luta Const. Co., P.O. Box 584, Rota, ea11234. e110Je111J1112 - High school graduate, 2 or more years Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. MP 96951. (912). F. experience. Saiary: $1,000.00 per month. 1 GENERAL MANAGER - College graduate, 2 or more years experience. Salary: $1,200.00 per month. Contact; MIC CORPORATION dba Rota Pau-Pau Hotel/Rota! Travel , . ....• S~u-shabll·~ ~~;ili.testCral.e in the.exotic Bureau, P.O. Box 503, Rota, MP ' '.' world of .Japanes¢·'~g:prime beef slices 96951. (9/2). F. dipPed inyolll' ~h~iq~ ~~and grilled to your · 1 ACCOUNTANT- College graduate, 2 own taste, accomparu(:(i.by rice, vegetablest · years experience. Salary: $800.00 per · ··:.'.:/J·nOodles and fruits. · month. ... . -. :<-':.:;:-:. . I MECHAJ\1CAL MAINTENANCE · Iligh school graduate, 1 year experience. · TABEHODAI means YOU-CAN-EAT;'Ali: Salary: $750.00 per month. .. . ,, YOU-CAN! : · Contact: DOSA SUBSEA CO. LTD., ·.·· P.O. Box 2183, Rota, MP 96951. (9/2). StlABlJ F. Shabu-Shabu is offered in mostother hotels at I 1 ASST. MANAGER - College no less than $50 per portioned meal. Now graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: "$650.00 per month. Saipan Diamond Hotel's Japanese Restaurant · 2 SEAMAN - High school graduate, 2 YURAKUEN offers SHABU-SHABU for years experience. ·Salaiy: $350.00 per Stl4BU only $25f0rmeiit $21 for ladies and month. I Sl!IP CAPTAIN - High school $12for_children 12 yrs. & below. graduate, 3 years experience. Salary: $1,000.00 per month. NOTONLYTHAT: IT's TABEHODAI ! TABrnooA1··· . . ·- . . ~ Contact: TADOTSU SAll'AN CO., LTD., P.O. Box 1792, Saipan, MP 96950. {9/2). F. at the Japanese Restaurant ezpe~:~~i~:ns~g!"Yo~!~~d'=~ · UR AK UE N •. Japanese Restaurant Yurakuen. Y · . EVEE.Y SATURDAY, ·from 5:30 to 8;30 PM · t · · only SENSATIONAL WIND FROM MANILA '"~'?<'. BEST AND ONL y SHOW BAND IN SAIPAN + We'l1 Help_ SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL n~w PlPl1',n'3 F"PIClffi B:~~Pm T(j 2:r'.Jr'.1Prn Will\W? 1 •


Vendors must maintain on-island technical assistance and soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement August 10, 1988 ·~· I accredited technician must be in permanent employ of vendor. of one each 1988 4-Door Sedan, 4-Cylinders, ~ Vendor must clearly state guarantcc(s) and/or warranty(ies). Standard Transmission, w/A.C., and AM/FM Radio. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is requesting Proposals shall include total installation of proposed Must include one year Maintenance Agreement and proposals from qualified firm(s) to design and construct the WORLD SURETY equipment. Warranty (FMVSS). Must complete undercoating Saipan Power Distribution upgrading. &INSURANCE Proposals must be CIF MARPANDS Office. Proposals must and rustproofing. Bids must be CIF Supply Rep. UNDERWRITERS, INC. MAKE A LASTINd IMPRESSION Tinian and submitted in sealed envelope, marked the work requires the replacement of about ten (10) miles of be submitted in a scaled envelope, marked RFP88-122, to existing distribution lines on each of the four (4) feeders with P.O. BOX 2183, BEACH ROAD, SAN JOSE SAIPAN, MP 96950 WITHOUT LIFTING A FINGER - Chief, Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later IFB88-128, to Chief, Procurement & Supply Office, TEL: 90301905-0FAX: (670) 234·6774 Lower Base, no later than 2:00 p.m., August 26, 300 MCM copper conductors. The specification of the 300 CATERING & BANQUETS THE than 2:00 p.m. August 31, 1988. MCM conductors may be similar to existing 300 MCM BY 1988, at which time and place, all bids received will conductors and concrete power poles. Design must be IS NOW ACCEPTING ALIEN BONDING HYATT! The Government reserves the right to reject any or all be publicly opened and read. The' government performed to determine the adequacy of the existing wooden proposals and to waive any imperfection in the proposals in reserves the right to make single and/or multiple power poles and associated hardwares to carry the new r' WE BOND: Planning a wedding reception, christening, the interest of the Government. awards depending upon prices. Bids received late conductors with wind load of 155 MPH. An option for V<'.' will not be considered. The government reserves the replacement of wooden power poles and hardwares with cocktail reception, dinner party or meeting? /s/DAVID M. APA TANG right to reject any or all bicjs in the best interest of the concrete power poles and required hardwares is required. A t;.: • CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Whatever the occasion our banquet and government~ second option for concrete powerpolcs and associated hardwares catering experts are today to help· at every other existing wooden poles is also required. All ~ • NON-RESIDENT WORKERS re~dy ls/DA YID M. APATANG options must be designed in accordance with industry standards I\' you make your event a special success. INVITATION TO. BID and 155 MPH wind load. Existing alignment will be followed. FOR LABOR ~hether holding your party at the Hyatt Total project cost must be stated on a per mile basis. The cost . • DEPENDENTS FOR INVITATION TO BID per mile will determined the extend of the distribution ; Itself or at your location, we'll prepare a The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is upgrading. Proposal must state the method of construction to .. IMMIGRATION perfect menu to suit your tastes and your accepting sealed bids for year to year lease with b~ ~sed to keep power outage on each feeder to the very The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is mm1mum. All feeders must be returned to service every day. budget. So why wait? Discover for yourself option to renew the following type of vehicle: 1988 soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement .. . ~· _, 4-Door Sedan, Four Wheel Drive, Automatic today why the Hyatt Regency does more of four (4) Police Package Motorcycles. Plus Selection of ~e firm~s) w!ll be based on the required design Transmission, w/A.C. and AM/FM Radio. Complete Registration Fee and Vehicle must be Safety and construcuon qualification, the cost per mile, the scheme to banquets than any other business on Saipan! undercoating and rustproofing and complete Inspected prior to delivery to Marpands. Bids must return the feeders into service every day and the time to maintenance during lease period, full insured and be C!F Marpands Office, Lower Base, Saipan. Bid complete the project. For reservations or inquiries, call must meet FMVSS. Bid must be CIF Marpands package, including Specifications is now available Office, Lower Base, Saipan. Bids must be submitted and may be picked up at the Procurement & Supply Proposals shall be submilled to the Office of Procurement and WE OFFER ALL YOUR Tony Deleon Guerrero at 234-1234, in sealed envelope, marked IFB88-126, to Office, Lower Base, during working hours, Monday Supply, G.overnment of the Northern Mariana Islands, U>wcr INSURANCE NEEDS FROM: Ext. 5159. Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later thru Friday. Bids are now being received by Base, Saipan, MP 96950 at 2:00 p.m. local time, on AUTO FIRE ACCIDENT than 3:00 p.m., August 29, 1988, at which time and Procurement & Supply until 4:00 p.m., August 24, September 02, 1988. place all bids received will publicly opened and read. 1988, for opening at 2:00 p.m., September 2, 1988 CUC reserves the. right to reject any.and all proposals for any Plus Registration Fee and vehicle must be Safety at the same office. Bid Number IFB88-130 must be BANQUETS Inspected prior to delivery to Marpands. Bids reason. and ~o waive a.n~ defects in said proposals, or any of marked on the face of the envelope. Bids received them, if m its sole opm1on to do so would be in its interest. received late will not be considered. The government late will not be considered. The government reserves All proposals shall become the property of CUC. ~~ THE reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best the right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of TYPHOON HEALTH MARINE HOME OWNERS interest of the government. the government. All inquiries shall be directed to Mr. Pedro Sasamoto 1-lYA'f'f Executive Director of CUC at telephone number (670) 322~ LOCATED AT: UNITED TRAVEL AGENCY, SAN JOSE VILLAGE SAIPAN MP 96950 ls/DAVID M. APATANG ls/DAVID M. APAT ANG 4313/4314. TEL. NOS. 234-3936 OR 234-9030 TOUCH • "'·- -·-·~- ~-·------"···-· -" >


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FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988--MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS--PAGE 26A Page 26 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Office of the Governor's Authorized Representative, The Department of Public Safety is soliciting sealed proposals The Office of the Governor's Authorized Representative, for the procuremenl of the following Automatic 24-Hour [8'ilor department investigating allegations Typhoon Roy (FEMA-811-DR-MP) on .beh~lf o_f. !he Typhoon Roy (FEMA-811-DR-MP) on behalf of the Recording System. Deparunent of the Deaprtment of Health Services 1s sohc1ung Department of Natural Resources i~ soliciting sealed ?ids for turned and the workers went back to their barracks as they to touch any of the employees and if I hear any of you prevent any phys.1cal contact and to protect the properly of the Emergency Repair and Restoration of Two (2) Projects (A sealed bids for the Emergency Repair and Restoration of Two 1. Recording system to include time and dale indicators, rccl­ h d romised Warns gathered the FAMCO security offi- touching any of the employees that I will personally see to Eurotex. They will not make any enforcement m ~~gard to (2) Projects (floor tiles and lighting fixtures) at .Ro~, buildings and park facilities) at Rota, Commonwealth of ~e to-rccl, with back up reel(s). To have minimum capacity to Northern Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted a P.. will ~ve this matter investigated and I guarantee it th"t you are immediately arrested and placed in jail," the grievances of the ei:iployee or the employer. dL b Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. B~ds m Mariana m record four (4) incoming telephone lines simultaneously with 1 the Office of the Chief of Procureme~t and ~upply at Lower ~~~y· ou will be arrested and put in jail-I do not want you Warns said according to the FAM CO report. Jack Torres, ~cpuly dtrcctorofth~Comff~e~ce an . a. or duplicate will be accepted in the Office of the Chief of recording capability for the main dispatch console. Procurement and Supply at Lower Base. Saipan u~til 3_:00 Base, Saipan until 3:00 p.m., local ume_. Fnd.ay Seple~ber Department, said Thursday that his sta 1s mvesugatmg 09 1988 al which time and place the bids will be publ~cly Police spokes­ p.m, local time, Friday September 09, 1988, at which ume 2. To include minimum of one (1) dedicated channel ground the Eurotex walkout but has not filed a report on the and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any o~ned alid read aloud. Any bids received after the above time man Lt. Antonio line communications and dictation capability. incident. bids received after the above time will not be accepted under will not be accepted under any circumstances. IFB88-135 musl Reyes said the "I don't know how complicated the matter is, but as soon any circumstances. IFB88-136 must be marked on the face of be marlced on the face of the envelope. 3. To include transcribing option for ground line dictation/re­ criminal aspects of the envelope. mote. a they complete the investigation, we will have some­ A bond of 15% of the total bid price must acc?~pany the bi~. the case are still This security may be a Certified Check, Cashiers Check, Bid thing," Torres said. He did not know when the labor A bone! of 15 % of the total bid price must acc?~pany the bi~. OVERALL: This system is intended to be used for emergency under investiga­ Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made investigation would be finished. This security may be a Certified Check, Cashiers Check, Bid back up, court lestimony/verification, DPS Internal Affairs payable to the Treasurer Commonwealth of the Northern tion, but that the Torres said thal Eurotex was under investigation in an Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made purposes and is additionally intended to provide radio and Department of Pub­ payable to the Treasurer Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands with a nouition on the face of the e~eck: ground line capabilities to investigators in the field for unrelated labor dispute between a local man and the Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: "Credit Accounl No. 5052." lic Safety does not dictation of investigative reports. A minimum of one (1) company. He said that two months ago, a local man tried "Credit Account No. 5052." ground line (telephone line) will be available for field gel involved la­ in to collect pay from the company for several times he was The bidder is required to submit with 1!1e bid, a copy of th,e dieiation, therefore, there must be a capability for remote bor disputes. "We The bidder is required to sub~it with 1!1e bid, a copy of ~e business permit as a compliance w1lh the Contractors allegedly absent from the job. stenographic take-offs; to provide for "slarl", "stop", "forward", consider that do- business permit as a compliance with the Contractors Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the "reverse" stenographer modes (must be hands-free). The current investigations area being done by two Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. mestic, civil case," workers of the Commerce and Labor Department who Northern Mariana Islands. Recording unit must provide for stand-alone, back up power Reyes said. "The went to Eurotex Wednesday and Thursday to begin their Specifications and bid documents of the project will. be capability. functions of the Specifications and bid documents of the project will. be available on or after August 26, 1~88, at th~ Te~hmcal work. police up there is to available on or after August· 26, 1~88, at th~ Te~hmcal Services Division, Department of Public Works, m Saipan. A This equipment must be totally compatible with: Services Division, Department of ~ubhc .works, m Sa1pan. A non-refundable payment of $50.00 is required for each set. Prc­ non-refundable payment of $50.00 1s requll"ed for each set. Pre­ bid conference for tl1is project will be held at. 2:00 ~·n.1·: on a. Portable VHF radios bid conference for this project will be held at. 2:00 ~·":1·! on Seplember 02, 1988, at lhc Technical Services D1vmon, b. Communications control center September 02, 1988, at the Technical Services D1vJS1on, Department of Public Works, in Saipan. c. !TE existing telephone equipmenl Deparunent of Public Works, in Saipan. Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Vendor must maintain on-island technical assistance and Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and. ~alary accredited 1echnician must be in permanent employ of vendor. Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and. ~alary Structure Plans, and paymenl of nut less ~ian ~ie mmunum Vendors must clearly suite guarantee(s) and/or warramy(ies). Structure Plans, and payment of not le~ I?an 1!1e mm1mum salaries and wages as set forth in the Spcc1ficauons must be Proposals shall include total installation of proposed salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project. equipment paid on this project. All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Proposals must be CIF Marpands Office. Proposals must. be All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the subrniued in a scaled envelope, marked RFB88-123, to Chief, 1988 Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with· the exception of bid bonds, certified chc~ks or cashier's _check Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later than 4:00 exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's .check which will be returned to the bidders m accordance with the p.m. August 31, 1988. which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the specifications section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page I-2, specifications section, "Instruction lo Bidders" Page I-2, Paragraph No. S, and Guarantee. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all Paragraph No. 5, and Guarantee. proposals and to waive any imperfection in the proposals in The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the interest of the Government. Tue Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to.waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interesl of NISSAN to waive any imperfection in lhe bid proposal in the interest of t~ Government. /s/DAVID M. APATANG the Government. /s/JAMES P. REYES ls/JAMES P. REYES Governor's Authorized Representative Governor's Authorized Representative INVITATION TO BID The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is CLEARANCE INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement of one (1) each 1988 4-door Sedan, 6-Cylind~r, The Office of the Governor's Authorized Representative, Automatic Transmission, w/A.C., AM/FM Rad10. Typhoon Roy (FE;viA-811-DR-MP) on ~eh~lf ~f. ~e The Office of the Governor's Authorized Representative, Must include one year Maintenance Agreement and DeparUnenl of Community and Cullural A!f3U's IS sohc1ung Typhoon Roy (FEMA-8 l l-DR-l\1P) on behalf of the Mayor of Warranty (FMVSS). Plus Regist.ration F.ee and sealed bids for the Emergency Repair and Restoration of Five Rcita is soliciting sealed bids for the Emergency Rcpall' and Vehicle must be Safety Inspected pnor to delivery lo (5) Projects (Buildings, Parks and Recreational FAcilities) at Restoration of Three (3) Buildings al Rota, Commonwealth of Marpands. Complete undercoating and rustproofing. Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. ~ids in lhe Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be Bids must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, SALE duplicate will be accepted in the Office o~ the Chief of accepted in the Office of the Chief of Procurement and Supply Saipan. Bids must be submitted in sealed envelope, Procuremenl and Supply at Lower Base, Sa1pan untJI 3:00 at Lower Base, Saipan until 3:00 p.m., local time, Friday marked IFB88-129, to Procurement & Supply p.m, local time, Friday September 09, 1988, at which time September 09, 1988, al which time and place th~ bids will be Office, Lower Base, no later than 3:00 p.m., August and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids rece.1ved afler the 23, 1988, at which time and place, all bids :eceived bids received after the above time will not be accepted under above time will not be accepled under any circumstances. any circumstances. IFB88-138 musl be marked on the face of IFB88-137 must be marked on the face of 1he envelope. will be publicly opened and read. Bids received late the envelope. will not be considered. The governmen.t reserves the A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. This security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid government. This securily may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made payable to the Treasurer Commonwealth of the Northern ls/DAVID M. APATANG payable to the Treasurer ~ommonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands with a noiation on the face of the check: Mariana Islands with a noiation on the face of the check: "Credit Account No. 5052.'" "Credit Account No. 5052." The bidder is required to submit with the bid, a copy of the The bidder is required lo submit with the bid, a copy of the business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's INVITATION TO BID business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's Registration and Licensing Laws Qf the Commonwealth of the The CNMI Criminal Jusuce Agency (CJPA) is Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. soliciting bids from responsible individuals and firms Northern Mariana Islands. for the provision of Janitorial Services. The follow­ Specifications and bid documents of the project will. be ing services will be required: Specifications and bid documenls of the project will. be available on or after August 26, 1988, at the Technical available on or after August 26, 1988, at the Technical Services Division, Department of Public Works, in Saipan. A Services Division, Department of Public Works, in Saipan. A 1. Twice per week sweep, dust, wet mop and empty non-refundable paymcnl of $50.00 is required for each sci. Prc­ trash containers. non-refundable payment of SS0.00 is required for each set. Pre­ bid conference for this project will be held al 2:00 p.m, on bid conference for this project will be heh! al 2:00 p.m., on September 02, 1988, m the Technical Services Division, 2. Once per week wax and polish the office t September 02, 1988, at the Technical Services Division, Department of Public works, in Saipan. furniture. Deparunenl of Public Works, in Saip~n. 3. Once per month wash floor, remove old floor Ii Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage wax, apply new floor wax and polish office Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary floors. Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum 4. Once per quarter, wash CJP A office walls. Structure Plans, and paymenl of not less than the minimum salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be paid on this project. paid on this project. The Contractor will provide their own supplies, materials and equipment necessary to do the above All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the listed tasks. An opportunity to view the CJPA. Office FOR MORE JNFORMA TION See your helpful salesman: All bid documents received shall be the sole properly of the sole property of the Government of tl1e Northern Mariana Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the Islands with the exception of bid bonds, certified checks or or to obtain further detail is available by calhng the • Anselmo lglecias exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check cashier's check which will be re1urned to the bidders in CJPA at 322-9350. Bids must be in sealed envel?pe which will be returned to the bidtlcrs in accordance with the accordance with the specifications section, "Instruction to marked IFB88-132 and submitted to the Chief. . • Frank lglecias specifications section, "Instruclion to Bidders' Page 1-2, Bidders'" Page 1-2, Paragraph No. 5, Did Guammcc. Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no late1 ...... Paragraph No. 5, and Guarantee. than 3:30 p.m. August 29, 1988, at which time and THE NAME IS The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and place, all bids received will be publicly opened and • Nick Salas The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids am! to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in 1hc interest of read. Bids received late will not be considered. The !W!\ Joeten Motors • Jess Roppul to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of the Government. government reserves the right to reject any or all bids IJE.A P.O. BOX·680, SAIPAN, MP 96950 the Government. in the best interest of the government. TEL. NOS. 234-5562/5563/5564/5565 IRe~ IM f.19 tJ ~ I or our sales manager /s/JA'MES P. REYES BUS. HOURS 8:00 AM· 5:00 PM MONDAY THAU SATURDAY "FIRST ON SA/PAN. SINCE 1959" ls/JAMES P. REYES Governor's Au01orizcd Rcprcscnl:llive ls/DAVID M. APATANG Governor's Authorized Representative IN ROTA PLEASE SEE BILL CALVO AT NISSAN LUTA SALES Frank Torres PAGE 26Il-- :\1ARIANAS VARIETY :'\EWS A:'\D VIEWS--FRIDAY, Ae

,·, .. Page 28 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 FRIDA y I AUGUST 12. 1988 -- MARIANAS vARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS H PAGE 29 Objections raised over budget changes from page 44 Secretary of the Interior approve seven-year plan is bemgfinalized agreed upon, however, have interest of the Commonwealth of vague, granted Department of a seven-year strategic plan for and will be submitted to the Sec- proven to be unworkable and the Northern Mariana Islands. the Interior ?ffici.als broad pow- capital ~provementprojec:ts.3!1d retary of the Inte~or and U.S. unrealistic," Te~orio, M3!1glon.a ~uch action would, in our opin- ers not contamed m the Covenant economic development actlvttles Congress later this month. A and Guerrero pomted out m therr 10n, constitute a serious violation which was approved by U.S. on the basis that such authority contract between the Common- letter. They noted that the Agree- of the Covenant," the letter Public Law 94-241, and violated should be granted by law. wealth Utilities Corporation and m~~t bet~een the CNMI and In- added. · Detennination of land ownership are issued again by the Northern Marianas Land 17. Alfredo I. Deleon Guerrero and Tract 21939 (A.H. 608), Remedio C. Deleon Guerrero Tapochao principles of local self-govern- a private contractor was executed tenor will be amended based Commission for the following parcels of land:· ment," Tenorio, Manglona and The CNMI elected leaders also recently for operation and main- uP?n experience and knowledge Acting Gov. Tenorio, Senate Guerrero stated in their letter. noted that the Commonwealth tenance of public utilities in the gamed during the last three years. President Manglona and House 023 D 53, Lower Navy Hill 18. Anselmo Manglona Iglecias and Tract 21960-1 (A.H. 661), I. Jesus Deleon Guerrero Sanchez and has made every effort to comply CNMI and is also in the process "We do not feel that making Speaker Guerrero urged mem- Ramorra Camacho Sanchez --- Maria Rios Iglecias Tapochao The CNMI officials added that with the terms and conditions of of installing meters for all power terms and conditions (which bers of Congress to support its 2. Ronald Sablan Del Rosario 023 D 64, Lower Navy Hill · the Agreement of the Special and water users. were disapproved by Congress) request and reject the amend- 3. Arnold Ilo Kapileo and Francisca 023 D 69, Lower Navy Hill 19. Lucia Blas Mendiola and Antonio Tract 22814 (A.H. 665), Chairman Udall also objected to a provision which required that the Re resentatives, addin that the "Man of the conditions legal requirements is in the best ments proposed by the DOI. Cruz Lani yo· Teloman Mendiola Talofofo 4. Joseph C. Villagomez and Emma 023 D 78, Lower Navy Hill 20. Benigno Rabauliman Tract 22704 (A.H. 673), Chalan $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ S. Villagomez Pupulo $ $ 5. Jose B. Nepaial and Antonia S. 023 D 91, Lower Navy Hill 21. Juan Muna Cabrera and Victoria Tract 22844 (A.H. 695), I­ Nepaial DLC. Cabrera Denni School registration schedule, 6. Juan P. Tenorio 042 D 01, Fanaganam = ~BANK OF SAIPAN : 7. Gregorio M. Quitugua, Jesus M. 029 E 01, Sadog Tase 22. Heirs of Benigno Kaipat, Deceased, E.A. 462 (1 of 2), As-Falipe $ 'C:...J' GARAPAN $ Quitugua, Susana Q. Babauta, Rep. by Benusto R. Kaipat regulations are announced $ $ Fermina M. Quitugua and Ricardo 23. Heirs of Benigno Kaipat, Deceasetl E.A. 462 (2 of 2), As-Falipe ·---~...:,,,;,...-- $ Z YOUR SATURD.AY BANK $ M_ Quitugua Rep. by Benusto R. Kaipat 15. Transfer students have up to J Hours $ 8. Vicente Santos Castro and 042 E 02, I-Denni 24. Heirs of Felisita Teregeyo, Dec., E.A. 866 (1 of 3), Talofofo PSS - The following CNMI tary:August 1-31from7:30a.m. S Rep. by Felicidad Rogolifoi as public schools this week an­ to4:30p.m. September 2nd to register. $ ~ 10:00 AM- 3:00 PM $ Francisca Sanchez Castro Three public schools last week 006 F 01, Papago --== Land Trustee nounced their registration sched­ - Hopwood Jr. High School: 9. Juan Ch. Reyes announced their registration 10. Juan Camacho Cabrera and Rosa Tract 21968-1 (A.H. 265), ules for the upcoming school August22-26, from 8:30 to 11 :30 schedules: Garapan Elementary. : c ~ Reyes Cabrera Kagman These dete~ln~tions will remain in effect for a period of 120 days commencing year, which will open on Septem­ a.m. and 1:00to3:30p.m.Dateof $ C/I BANK OF SAIPAN .$ July 25 - August 19: San Vicente OFFERS THE FOLLOWING from the date they are issued. Therefore, if no app~I is taken according to law ber 6. Registration goes by the stu­ $ $ II. INTEREST RATES FOR Tract 21968-Rl (A.H. 265), within 120 day period, Certificate of Title will be issued. - Gregorio T. Camacho Ele· dents' last names: A to F on Elementruy. August 1- 19: and 11. Juan Camacho Cabrera and Rosa Koblerville Elementary, July OS - Reyes Cabrera Kagman mentary: August8-26,from 8 to August 22, G to L on August 23, 19 Copies of these determination are posted at the Municipal Office Bulletin Board 11 :30 a.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. M to R on August 24, S to Z on August 25. : 0 Account M~~~Ul~e!st ~!rest ~ Tract 21982 (A.H. 443), As-Teo in Chalan" Kanoa and at a Clerk of Courts Bulletin Board at Civic C{..:iter, - Tanapag Elementary: Au­ August 25, and for all others on Tinian School and Rota.High $ ~ Type Deposit Minimum Maximum $ 12. Jesus A. Sonoda School will release their registra­ 13. Roman Tenorio Villagomez and Tract 22743 (A.H. 451), Finasisu Susupe. For more information, visit the Northern Marianas Land Commission gust 1 - September 2, from 7:30 August 26. The registration from tion schedules ata later date when Cecilia Muna Villagomez Office at Capitol Hill. am. to 4:30 p.m. August 22-25 will be mainly for Passbook$ 100.00 5.50% 6.00% [Monthly) - Oleai Elementary: August the public school elementary stu­ they become available. ~· Z ~ 14. Juan S. Mendiola Tract 22745 (A.H. 499), Finasisu ...... ·. 15. Juan S. Mendiola Tract 22746 (AR 499-A), 15-19, and August 22, from 7:30 dents who have completed 7th ~ :I Choc•og 25.00 0.00'>'.o 5.25% [Momhly[ ~ Parents of incoming fihlt Finasisu ls/ANTONIO B. CAMACHO to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 4:30 grade. Retainees and returning graders must bring in their • $ Minimum Term Rate $ 16. Joaquin C. Cepeda and Maria M. Cepeda Tract 21989 (A.H. 624), Dandan Acting Senior Land Commissioner p.m. dropouts will register on August - Marianas High School: Ori­ 26. children's birth certificates, $ TCD's $1,500.00 90 days ·5.25%. (Maturity) $ health certificates, and certifi· $1,500.00 180 days 6.00% !Maturity] entation for new students and - San Antonio Elementary: $ $3,500.00 365 days 6.75% (Maturity] $ returning dropouts on August 19, August 8 to September 2, from cates of completion of Head-. $ $5,000.00 3 years 1o.75% [Annually] $ and registration for everyone 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 to start or pre-school. Parents of from August 22-26. (For more 4:00p.m. transfer students are asked to $ $ infonnation, see the attached - Rota Elementary: Registra­ bring in their children's report . $ P.O. BOX 690, SAIPAN, MP 96950 $ schedule from the high school). tion for kindergarten and first cards or transcripts when reg~ $ TEL. 234·72B2n597/6908/7694 $ - William S. Reyes Elemen- grade students was held July 11- istering their children. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

MARIANAS BAPTIST CHURCH Tract 21939 (A.H. 608), ~1111141 Detetminasion siha pot ducnon tano mana fan huyong talo nui ofisinan Northern 17. Alfredo I. Dele.on Guerrero and Cendan st the Airport Turnoff ·, .. ·· ,"u1:1T Marianas Land Commission, para i man sigiente siha na pedason tano: Remedio C. Deleon Guerrero Tapochao Sund•Y Servfce1: · Engl11h: 9:00 A.M. • 7 :00 P .M. --·-· PiiYMOOTH J T•galog, KorHn: 10:30 P.M. 1. Jesus Deleon Guerrero Sanchez and 023 D 53, Lower Navy Hill 18. Anselmo Manglona Iglecias and Tract 21960-1 (A.H. 661), Wedneld•V Service: 7:00 P.M. Ramona Camacho Sanchez Maria Rios Iglecias Tapochao Ph. 7895 2. Ronald Sablan Del Rosario 023 D 64, Lower Navy Hill CO·P•ltora: Bob Berk•V. Y.H. Lee 3. Arnold Ilo Kapileo and Francisca 023 D 69, Lower Navy Hill 19. Lucia Blas Mendiola and Antonio Tract 22814 (A.H. 665), Cruz Laniyo Teloman Mendiola Talofofo THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ... Tract 22704 (A.H. 673), Chalan -4, Joseph C. Villagomez and Emma 023 D 78, Lower Navy Hill 20. Benigno Rabauliman MAKE THEE WISE UNTO SALVATION S. Villagomez Pupulo Tract 22844 (A.H. 695), I­ Te~t: .. And that from o child thou h111 known the holy 1crlptures, 5. JOse B. Nepaial and Antonia S. 023 D 91, Lower Navy Hill 21. Juan Muna Cabrera and Victoria which uo able to make thoo will unto 1olvatlon through fDlth which 11 Nepaial DLC. Cabrera Denni in ChriltJesus," {II Tlm.3:15) 6. Juan P. Tenorio 042 D 01, Fanaganam I. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ARE GOO'S WORD E.A. 462 (1 of 2), As-Falipe "All Scrioturo It Inspired of God" (II ,Tlm.3:160) Without their 7. Gregorio M. Quitugua, Jesus M. 029 E 01, Sadog Tase 22. Heirs of Benigno Kaipat, Deceased, light we dwell ln deepest darkne11. Only lta precious pages reveal the Quitugua, Susana Q. Babauta, Rep. by Benusto R. Kaipat treaturu of God's graclou1 purpo10 to save 1lnner1. Only fools abandon Fennina M. Quitugua and Ricardo 23. Heirs of Benigno Kaipat, Deceased E.A. 462 (2 of 2), As-Falipe such a treaaure map to dig in placot where they valnlv IMAGLNE rlcho1 can be found, M. Quitugua Rep. by Benusto R. Kaipat II, THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ARE GOD'S COMPLETE WORD 8. Vicente Santos Castro and 042 E 02, I-Denni 24. Heirs of Felisita Teregeyo, Dec., E.A. 866 (1 of 3), Talofofo They "are profltiJble for doctrine. fo' reproof, for correction, for Francisca Sanchez Castro Rep. by Felicidad Rogolifoi as instruction In rlghtoausn.,s;, that ~h~ man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto ALL good works" (II Tlm.3:16b·17).'Thoso 9. Juan Ch. Reyes 006 F 01, Papago Land Trustee who would find aafe hrrbor In Ood'1 grace nuod no other chart or l!ght· 10. Juan Camacho Cabrera and Rosa Tract21968-1(A.H.265), house by which to find their way, lndood If they ere 10 fool11h 01 to Reyes Cabrera Kagman Este siha na detetrninasion para ufanaga en efecto para 120 dias desde i man ma ATTEMPT ANY OTHER WAY, thoy will surely perish In tho rlptlde1 fechan niha. Pot ayo mina, yangin taya apelasion ma presenta segun i ginagagao of their own sinfulness. 1 Ill. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES ARE GOD'S SAVING WORD 11. Juan Camacho Cabrera and Rosa Tract 21968-Rl (A.H. 265), gi lai hi halom i mansangan na 12 dias, Certificon Titulo siempre umana fan God's Word is not Just A light' in a dork place, but THE light - THE Reyes Cabrera huyunge. ONLY Light 1hnt can "make thee wise unto 1nlvetlon." Hl1torv, phllo­ I Kagman SOPhV, science ..metaphy1fc1, othlc1, logic, rollglon, and all the wltdom of man In all ages of lime leave the condemned sinner In darkest lgno­ t 12. Jesus A. Sonoda Tract 21982 (A.H. 443), As-Teo Copian este siha na detetminasion man ma pega gi bulletin board i ofisinan i ronco of the light of eternal Ille. Only In tho light of "tho Holy Script· I urea" can we find revealod a Savior Who bore our 1Jn1 In order to give 13. Roman Tenorio Villagomez and Tract 22743 (A.H. 451), Finasisu Municipal giya Chalan Kanoa yan gi bulletin board i ofisinan i Escribienten i us His rlghteou1neu, and Who took on Hlmself our Judgment Jn order Cecilia Muna Villagomez Cotte gi Civic Center, Susupe. Para mas infotmasion, bisita i Northern that He might brlnglu1 Into Hl1 eternal glory. Tho 1alv11tlon that 0 the 14. Juan S. Mendiola Tract 22745 (A.H. 499), Finasisu Marianas Land Commission Office gi Capitol Hill. Holy Scrlpturet'' make u1 wJ1e unto 11 that which 11 alona "through FAITH which 11 In Chrl1t Jesu1." GLWJ Cffll SAIPANOfFK::E M\..llll'.J CFF CE 15. Juan S. Mendiola Tract 22746 (A.H. 499-A), MICllr:NLSWJS/\lfSCO L'-C MICf'ICNESIAN SAi.ES CO. /sfANTONIO B. CAMACHO IV. MARIANAS BAPTIST CHURCH IS COMMITTED TO THE MICrt:::NE SIAN SA.LES Finasisu PREACHING OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. I' 0. llOX 1\X1.l (S.\11',\N) iNC. (Ml\RSI W.LS) 11\C ·16. Joaquin C. Cepeda and Maria M. Cepeda Tract 21989 (A.H. 624), Dandan Acting Senior Land Commissioner Would you know thom so that you cnn know Him nnd be mode 1 AM.NING. GUMI %01 1 P.0.130.'<239CI llUl P.O. OOX 270 "wlte unto salvation through faith that Is in Christ Jo1u17" t;.10!l?O1>1 05 e llX 6210 f,t;co SAIPANCM!):;:JSO Ml\..Uno Ml\f\SJ W.LS IS co'.XiO FAX 0461550 TEL 332·(•/20 t-..lA.AJllO TEL C;UJ Pastor Bob Berke)' Fl\X 3.~2·3 714 1\,VUJROTELEX i".300):' Page 30--MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS --FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 FRIDAy I AUGUST 12, 1988 -- MARIANAS v ARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS H PAGE 31 Mack suspect goes on trial Monday REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP NO> 88-04 Contlnuelf from page 44 were blamed by the defense attor­ Assistant Attorney General July 21, 1988 Northern Marianas College Capitol Hill. Originally from the ney, David Wiseman. Marie Warns said that a new date U.S. mainland, he was a long- "I'm just hoping that potential has not yet been set for the trial of The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) of the jurors haven't been Manuel C. Bennudes, 41, of Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is seeking TURN­ biased as a result of Chalan Kanoa, charged with sec­ KEY proposals for a new Power Plant for the Island of Saipan. The new Power Plant is to be located close to the existing plant at the last verdict and ond-degree murder in connection boping .tltat po, the publicity sur­ Lower Base. The two Power Plants are to be linked by a Dispatching ~f!~ii~~~t with the alleged beating death of Center/Centralized Control Room. rounding it," Hayden J¢~tb1Jjurors haven't been· a man at the Moonlighting Res­ The ground is basically coral and there may be a soil problem. It will ibi~ed.~~result ofth~.Ia.st .• said. taurant in Susupe in May. be the responsibility of the contractor to analyze the ground, determine its suitability and take all necessary sleps to ensure a sound Amurdertrialinan installation. lgxxxxxxxxxxxxxgxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1 Warns said he w.~11 add charges unrelated case origi­ of involuntary manslaughter and The raw water available may be of poor quality. It will be the nally set for the same aggravated assault against Ber­ responsibility of the contractor to analyze the water and include August 15 - 19 ------English Placement Testing September 12 ------Last Day for 80% Refund on Total Withdrawals IJIJiil~~illii~: day has been post­ adequate water treaunent plant to the proposal. MWF - 8 a.m., Room A-5 September 19 ------Last Day for 70% Refund on Total Withdrawals mudes, but may drop the murder Location is near the Ocean and the atmosphere is dusty. The T Th - 5 p.m., Room A-5 September 21 ------Last Day for 100% Refund on Partial Withdrawals poned until some­ charge. time in September. equipment must be adequately protected from corrosion. August 15 - 19 ------Math Placement Testing September 26 ------Last Day for 50% Refund on Total Withdrawals Saipan is in a typhoon-prone area and the building is to be typhoon­ October 3 ------Last Day for 25% Refund on Total Withdrawals MWF - 1 p.m., Room A-5 time resident of Saipan. He proof. All equipment is to be adequately protected from the effects of October 10 ------Holiday: Columbus Day MW - 5 p.m., Room A-5 worked for the Trust Territory tsunami. August 22 ------·--Fall Semester Begins November 4 ------Holiday: Citizenship Day August 22, 23, 24 ------Academic Advising November 11 ------Holiday: Veterans' Day government, the Commonwealth The new Power Plant is to consist of two (2) biesel Generators each of capacity of 13 to 16 Megawatts continuous base-load site August 25 --~------Regisrration for On-going Smdems Only: 2-6 p.m. November 24 ------Holiday: Thanksgiving Day legislawre and for a short time PUBLIC a rating August 26 ------Open Registration: 2-6 p.m. November 25 ------Non-Instructional Day was a consultant to Computer­ with ten percent (10%) overload capacity for one hour in twenty four August 27 ------Open Registration: 9-12 a.m. December 2 ------Last Day to Withdraw from Classes Jand founder William Millard. ANNOUNCEMENT hour5. Engines can be medium speed or slow speed. August 29 - September 2 ------Late Registration: 1-4 p.m. December 8 ------Holiday: Constitution Day The design of the building must allow for the installation of four (4) September 2 ------Last Day for 100% Refund on Total Withdrawals December 16 ------Last Day of Instruction Conley was 37 and was origi­ more similar generators in the future. · September 5 ------Holiday: Labor Day December 19 ~ 23 ------Final Examinations THE VOCATIONAL EDUCATION The new Power Plant.must be designed to operate in parallel with the September 6 .------First Day ofinstruction ../ December 23 ------Fall Semester Ends nally from the Philippines. She existing Power Plant which consist of four (4) Mitsubishi Diesel operated a store in San Antonio DEPARTMENT.OF-THE NORTHERN Generators each of 7 .2 Megawans at 450 revolution per minute, 13.8 · were she lived with her husband, MARIANAS COLLEGE ARE Kilovolts, 60 hertz. Harry Conley. Proposals to include primary, secondary and all auxiliary switching SAIPAN Course Numbermtle 't Five inonths of police investi­ ACCEPTING STUDENTS WHO WISH equipment required for a complete and operational Power Plant. ~' gation into one of the most shock­ Switching equipment is to be located inside the typhoon-proof Cour«e Numberffitle fux!m Instructor Tote rd isci pH n ru:y TO ENROLL IN THE CONSTRUCTION ing murders in the building. . Beh~vioral & Social Science ID 110 Introduction lO College Life 2 TTh 9:JO - 10:45 A7 L. Newpon Commonwealth's brief history TRADES PROGRAM FOR THE FALL Proposal.s to include design and installation of inter-tie between ID 190 Special Projc_<;ts 1-4 As Assigned Staff existing Power Plant and new Power Plant and connection onto the GE 101 Introduction lO Geography TTh 9:30. 10:45 Al J. Smith ID 290 Special Projects 1-4 As Assigned S1aff came to an end April 4 when SEMESTER GE201 World Regional Geography TTh 6:30 - 7:45 A2 J. Smith Attorney General Alexandro grid. Centralized Control Room/Dispatch Center is to be included. HJ 255A History of the NM! TTh 11:00. 12:15 Al G. Habermann Mathematics General Bus Voltage of the Power Plant is to be 13.8 kilovolts, 60 HI :5jB History of the NM! TTh 5:00 - 6:15 Al G. H.abcnnann Castro announced to the Saipan hertz. L\V J06 Personal Law MW 5:00 - 6:15 A7 K.Govendo MA080 Vocational Math JNDU TT!t 3:JO -4:45 All B. Torres . Chamber of Commerce that HIGH·SCHOOL GRADUATES OR 18 Introduction to Government & Politics MW 6:30- 7:45 Al Staff Proposals to include black start facility. PS 103 MA090 Pre-Algebra 6NDU Daily 12:00. 1:15 A3 J. Sablan Mendiola was being charged PY JOI introduction to Psychology MW 6:30 - 7:45 A2 Slaff MA 100 Business Math J TTh 5:00. 6:15 A7 R. Ines YEAR OLDS ARE ELIGIBLE TO Cooling is to be by radiators. An adequate fouling allowance is to be SO JOI lnJoduction to Sociology MW 5:00-6:15 A2 Staff MA 131 Math for General Ecfocation J MW 6:JO - 7:45 A7 G. Sabino with what had come to be known iallowed for in the design of the cooling systems. . MA 132 lnu:nncdiate Algebra 3 TTh 6:30 - 7:45 A4 Staff Bminess & Puh1ic Administration as the "Mack murders." ENROLL. Cooling systems must have ample capacity and must allow operation at ten percent (10%) overload for one hour in the highest ambient TTh 8:00. 9:15 A2 Staff Hayden prosecuted a govern­ AC204 Fund.1mcntals of Bookkeeping & Accounting J temperatures prevailing on Saipan, with all operating parameters AC221a Prin:iplcs of Accounting J TTh 6:30. 7:45 A9 Staff NU J 11 Nursing Process I TTh J:30 - 4:45 Nurs Rm Staff ment case against Mendiola in CALL HERMAN ARP OR FRANK MG231 Inuo.:!cction to Business 3 MW 6:30. 7:45 NJ D. IlenavenlC Clinical­ As Assigned CHC .remaining normal. MWF 10:00. 10:50 A7 J. Romisher July. Ajury found the defendant MG250 Small Business Management 3 NU 205 Nursing Middle Adults M W 3:00 - 4:15 Nurs Rm J. C_opc not guilty of murder charges in FLORES AT TELEPHONE NUMBERS Units to be capable of operation on high sulfur heavy fuel oil (HFOJ. Clinical· As Assigned CHC Evidence of good operation on HFO will be required. Heating of HFO Computer Science NU 206 Nursing Process Ill 2 MW 4:30 - 5:20 Nurs Rm J. Cope connection with the strangulation 234-7642, 234 .. 549a OR 234-3324 .. death of a woman at the Taro Sue can be by steam or electrical means but power consumption must be CS IOI Intro to Computers & Data Processing TTh 6:30 • 7:45 A7 E. Tenorio Office Aciministr:ition ... indicated in the latter case. ~.,.·~!,··.,~ . CS I 02 Compu~r Op: rations TTh 5:00 • 6: 15 Comp. Lab R. Mafnas store in Chalan Kanoa. Faulty FOR MORE DETAILS. OA !Ola (A) Typewriting MWF 9:00 • 9:50 Typing Rm S. Arp Power and fuel consumption are to be indicated at alternator tenninals Construction Trade1 OA !Ola (B) Typewriting MW 6:30 · 7:45 Typing Rm Slaff police methods of interrogation and en indication of power consumption of Power Plant Auxiliaries is OA 103 Filing/ Records TTh 8:00 - 9: IS TBA S. Arp to be given. . CTIOO Introdu:uoo to Construction TTh 2:00. 3:15 Al Staff er 103 Home Rcr.o-•otion (Spccilic) Daily As Assigned TBA V.Diaz Pbvsjcal Edurntion/Health Maintenance is to be straight forward. Proposers to indicate typical CTI~ Home Ro::/,-.;i:ion (EsLimaLion, Daily As Assigned TBA M. Ajoste duration of outages and labor requirements for the various HE 200 Health & Community MW 6:00. 6:50 Blucprini RcoJing/ Inspection) A9 N. Arriola maintenance/overhaul operations. Proposer is to offer a maintenance er 110 lntroducticn to Carpentry MW 4:00. 5:15 All v. Diaz HE 230 Nutrition & Hcalth MWF 8:00. 8:50 Al A. Alvarez CT 120 Introduction 10 ~·iasonry MW 2:30. 3:45 A4 Staff PE 121 Volleyball w 5:00. 6:50 TBA Slaff contract CT 130 Imroduction to ?lumbing TTh 3:30. 4:45 Al F. Flores PE 141 Beginning Judo MW 4:00. 4-:50 TBA B. DallaPozza Proposers to indicate individual cost of major wearing parts. CT 150 Introduction ID Electricity WF 3:00. 4:15 Al Slaff CT 160 Introduction to Di:ifung MWF 2:00. 3:J5 All B."Torres Science Proposals to include the· supply of spare parts for the first year of CT 29~ Internship Daily AsAsSigned 1BA F. Camacho operation. Bl 100 Environmental Biology 4 TTh 5:00. 6:15 A2 J. Furey PM~OLINES ·Building is to include a stores for spare parts. Cooper:irive Eduprion Sat Field Trips J. Furey Bl JOI Principles ofBiology MWF 9:00. 9:50 A2 J. Sablan Proposals to include adequate workshop facilities. CE 250a Introduction lO Co·op Educouon As Assigncll A8 Staff Th 9:JO - 11:20 B J. Sablan DIRECT SERVICE. COMPETITIVE RATES. Proposals !Cf indicate conditions of payment and possible financing CE 250b Coopcr.itive Wori< fapcricnce As Assigned AS Staff BI 225a Basic Microbiology 3 MW 5:00. 6:15 B R. Saunders plans. Bl 22Sb Basic Microbiology Lab 2 TTh 5:00. 6:50 B R. Saunders DRY, REFRIGERATED &. FLATRACK CONTAINERS. FCL &. LCL Educ~rion CH 100 Inorganic Chemistry 4 MW 5:00. 6:15 TBA C. Sekcran Proposals may include a number of alternative proposals. Th 5:00. 6:50 TBA C. Sckcran BREAKBULKAND ROLLING STOCK CARGO All equipment and installation must comply with the U.S. S1andards ED I JO lnttoduction to Teaching MWF 4:00. 4:50 A2 K. Arriola ED 192 Classroom Ob=vaCOLUMN MarianasVariety governments.Under section 902 ******* ******* Minimum ad space: $2.00 The chief, Procurement & Supply Division is NO.: PSS 88-IFB-0004 of the Covenant, representatives l line x 1 co ...... $ .25 6 lines x 1 col ...... I.SO soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement of the Commonwealth and the CLASSIFIED ADS 2 lines x 1 col ...... SO 7 lines x 1 col ••.•...•....•.... 1.75 of two (2) units 1988 Pick-Up Truck, 4 x 4, 4 The CNMI Public School System is soliciting sealed United States meet for bilateral 3 lines x 1 col ...... 75 8 lines x I col ...... 2.00 cylinder, Standard Transmission, with radio, bench bids for the construction of School Fence at consultations on their political * * * * * * * Call234-634l/7578 * * * * * * * 4 lines x l col ...... 1.00 9 lines x 1 col ...... 2.25 5 lines x l col ...... I. 25 seat type, tires must be all-ternain type. Must include Hopwood Junior High School. Bids must be relationship. Dunlop was ap­ 10 lines x I col ...... 2.50 one year maintenance agreement and warranty submitted in sealed envelope marked PSS 88-0004 to pointed in May but has taken until now to contact the CNMI to begin 3 ACCOUNT ANTS - High school / 1 CHIEF ACCOUNTANT - College 1 GENERAL MANAGER - College I ASSISTANT MANAGER - College (FMVSS). Plus Registration fee and vehicle must Commissioner of Education Public School System, graduate, 4 years experience. Salary: graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: ·the high-level talks. Cgmmon­ MANAGERS/ · grad., 2 years experience. Salary: $2.30 graduate, 2 years experience. S:ilary: Lower Base Saipan no later than 3:00 p.m. on per hour. $1,810.00 per bi-weekly. $1,360.00 per month. be safety inspected prior to delivery to Marpands. wealth politicians have been ACCOUNTANTS $9.62 per hour. September 2, 1988 at which time and place the bids 10 WAITRESSES 1 ASST. S & E MANAER = College I HOUSE-KEEPING MANAGER - Contact: APEX INT'L. CORPORA­ Must complete undercoating and rustproofing. Bids pleading to get those talks going. lODANCERS graduate. Salary; $4.50 per hour. High school graduate, 2 years 2 ACCOUNTANT - College graduate, TION dba Sun Corp., P.O. Box 379, must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, Saipan. will be publicly cipen and read aloud. The bidder is 3 ELECTRONIC IBCHNICIANS 1 ASST. GEN. MANAGER - College experience. Salary; $920.00 per In an August 8 letter to Gov. 2 years experience. Salary: $3.50 per Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26). F. required to submit with his proposal. A copy of his - High school equivalent, 2 years graduate, 4 years experience. Salary: month. Bids must e submitted in sealed envelope, marked Pedro P. Tenorio, Dunlop stated hour. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. $2,940.00 per month. 1 COOK · High school graduate, 2 1 IMPORT MANAGER - High school & business permit as a compliance with contractors Contact: NGffiAROIS SKEY DBA IFB88-0101, to Procurement Supply Office, that she looks forward with great Contact: 'GREEN PARK ENTER­ 1 PIANIST/SINGER - High school years experience. Salary: $430.00 graduate. Salary: $600.00 per month. SKEY'S Bookkeeping, Accounting & ' Lower Base, no later thap 3:00 p.m., August 10, registration and licensing laws of the Commonwealth anticipation to her visit "and the PRISES, INC., P.O. Box 2689, Saipan, equivalent, 3 years eJtperience. per month. 1 SALES MANAGER - High school Taxation Service, Saipan, MP of the Northern Mariana Islands. opportunity for us to resolve is­ MP 96950. (8/12). F. Salary: $1,000.00 per month. Contact; MICRO PACIFIC graduate. Salaty: $500.00 per month. 1988, at which time and place, all bids received will 96950. (8/t 9). F. Contact; DOLL ENTERPRISES, INC. & 1 LANDSCAPER • High school DEVELOPMENT, INC. dba Saipan be publicly opened and read. Bids received late will sues which are meaningful to our 2 MANAGERS - High school grad., 2 1 ASST. MANAGER (Import dba Sunny Market, P.O. Box 2569, Ellport) - College graduate, 2 years graduate, 2 years eJtperience. Salary: Grand Hotel, P.o. Box 369, Saipan, not be considered. The government reserves the right Plans and specifications are available at the CIP citizens and will enable them to years expeiemce. Salary: $800.00- $490.00 per month. MP 96950. (8119). F. Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26) F. $1,000.00 per month. expeirence. Salary: $500.00 per month. to make single and/or multiple awards depending Office of the Public School System. A pre-bid improve the quality of their Contact: SMILE ENTERPRISES, P.O. Contact: HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, lives." 2 ASST. MANAGERS · High school INC. dba Hotel Nikko Saipan, P.O. upon prices. The government reserves the right to conference will be held at 10:00 a.m., August 24, grad., 2 years experience. Salary: Box 1539, Saipan, MP 96950. (8!26). Meanwhile, there has been no F. Box 152 CHRB, Saipan; MP 96950. · reject any or all bids in the best interest of the 1988 at the CIP Office of the Public School System. $600.00-$1,000.00 per month. (8/19). F. movement made on the nomina­ 2 SUPERVISORS (Sewer) - High government. The Public School System reserves the right to reject 1 MANAGER • High school graduate, 2 1 ADMINIS1RATIVE MANAGER - tion of Principal Deputy Assis­ school equivalent, 2 years any or all bids and to waive imperfection in the bid years experience. Salary: $500.00 per . High school graduate. Salary: $2.50 per ~ DutyFreeShoppers experience. Salary: $2.15-$3.00 per tant Secretary Janet J. McCoy to month. .. month. proposal in the interest of the Government. hour. ls/DA YID M. APATANG ·the position of 902 representa­ Contact: LEE"S, INC., P.O. Box l@l, Contact: PEARL COMMERCIAL 150 SEWING MACHlNE OPERA TORS Saipan, MP 96950. (B/12). F. ENT., INC., P.O. Box 2291, Saipan, tive, a Department of the Interior - High school equivalent, I & 1/2 ls/HENRY I. SABLAN I ASSISTANT MANAGER - High official said. McCoy was the last yrs. experience. Salary: $2/15-$2.50 MP 96950. (B/12). F. ·- VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT school graduate. Salary: $2.50 per hour. Commissioner of Education 3 SEWING MACHINE REPAIRERS· 1 ACCOUNTANT - College graduate. high commissioner of the Trust Contact: JULIM ENT. dba Julim Position: CUSTOMER RELATIONS SUPERVISOR High school equivalent, I yr. Salary: $500.00 per month. Territory of the Pacific Islands. Trading, P.O. Box 1519, Saipan, MP , INVITATION TO BID experience. Salary: $2.15·$3.00 per Contact: NEW OLYMPIC MART, 96950. (8/12). F. "She has been recommended hour. Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12) F. Requirements: - High School or Vocational School Grad. No.: DPW-ITB-0070 for appointment to be the 902 IOCU1TERS - Proficient in Japanese & English INVITATION TO BID representative," Jeff Schorr, field 4COOKS - Must be able to read/write Japanese The Director's Office is soliciting sealed bids for the representative of the office of - lligh school equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary; SZ.15-$2.SO per Construction of Proposed Public Safety Mini Sub-Station No.: DPW-ITB-00069 territorial and international af­ Job Description: - Assist in Maintaining good relations with Building at Koblerville, Saipan, Commonwealth of the hour. fairs, .said. 6 QUALITY CONTROL Cl lECKERS - tour operators; Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in The Director's Office is soliciting sealed bids for the Dredging DOI Undersecretary Earl High school equivalent, 2 years - Supervise Customer Relations Staff; the Office of the Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower experience. Salary: 52.15 per hour. for small Boat Channel at Sugar Dock, Saipan, Gjelde told several of to groups - Assist in shopping time announcements in Base, Saipan until 3:00 p.m., local time, Friday, September Contact: JIN APPAREL, INC .. P.O. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Bids in he met with on Saipan in June that Duty Free Shoppers Japanese 02, 1988, at which time and place the bids will be publicly Box 2267, Saipan, MP 96950. duplicate will be accepted in the Office of the Chief of her appointment by the White (8/19 ). I'. - Keep accurate visitors statistics opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the above time Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, Saipan until 3:00 House was expected. will not be accepted under any circumstances. 2 i\CCOC'\TA'\TS ·College graduate, EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES! p.m., local time, Friday, August 26, 1988, at which time and Secretary of the Interior 2 years c'pericncc. Salary: $3.00 per Salary: - Negotiable based on qualifications and place the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any.bids Donald Hodel recommended hour. experience. A bond of 15% of Lhe total bid price must accompany the bid. received after the above time will not be accepted under any McCoy for the position prior to Corllact: '.':JJ BlJSISESS SERVICES, Are you a highly motivated, responsible, career­ This security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid circumstances. Gjelde's trip, but the Gjelde was l:'\C. dha C\lmmonwcalth Consulting minded individual? Are you interested in worldng for Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made Services, P.O. Box 2551, Saipan, MP not at liberty to announce the 969~0. 18/26). F. a large, fast growing Corporation with excellent payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. nomination because that is a pre­ 1 GE:-/. '.l:li\:'\AGER - College graduate. opportunities and benefits? Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: The security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid . sidentially appointed position. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK "CreditAccountNo. 1453". Salary: SI ;800 per month. Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made "It's just simply that he can't Contact: EST-WEST ENT., P.O. Box DUTY FREE SHOPPERS LIMITED on 8 to 5 - 5 days a week payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern make that announcement," 2309, Saipan, :'\1P 96950. (8/'.Yi). F. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of SAIPAN is looking for candidates to fill two (2) ' Apply in Person Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: Schorr said. "It's a White House I ASST. 1vlA:\'AGER - lligh school No Telephone Calls Please his business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's "Credit Account No. 1453". position." graduate, 2 years expericne. Salary: Clerical Positions in its Accounting Department. Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the $2.15 per hour. Schorr said that Dunlop and PACIFIC TRADING COMPANY Northern Mariana Islands. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of McCoy could share the position if Contact: J. WONG & SONS, INC., Interested Persons should have the following dba Mc 0. Mart, P.O. 2772, Saipan, . Gualo Rai his business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's she is appointed. qualifications: · Specifications and plans of the project will be available on or MP %950. 18/l 9). r:. Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Dunlop was appointed re­ see Mr. Manny Gallardo after August 08, 1988, at the Technical Services Division, 1 MA'.\AGER (Customer Service) - Northern Mariana Islands. cently by President Reagan as his lligh school graduate, 2 years - At least a High School diploma; Department of Public Works in Saipan. A non-refundable personal representative at ·the experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. - Good mathematical skills; payment of $75.00 is required for each set. Pre-bid conference 1 WELDER - lligh school equivalent, Specifications and plans of the project will be available on or negotiations to replace Rick - Ability to operate a 10-key adding machine for this project will be held at 3:00 p.m., on August 26, 1988, after August 09, 1988, at the Technical Services Division, 2 years experience. Salary: $2.15 per at the :r'echnical Services Division, Department of Public Montoya, the former Assistant hour. proficiency; Department of Public works in Saipan. A non-refundable Contact; MELITON MEl'\DEZ dba WANTED Work sin Saipan. Secretary for Territorial and - Ability to operate or a strong desire to learn payment of $50.00 is required for each set. Pre-bid conference International Affairs who also Wide Technical Services, P.O. Box Any information leading to vacant houses and for this project will be held at 3:00 p.m., on August 19, 1988, 86, Saipan, MP %950. (8/19). F. how to operate a personal computer; Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage headed the U.S. negotiating team. - Ability to type at least 35 words per minute; apartments for possible leasing by the at the Technical Services Division, Department of Public The negotiations stalled since 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary Works in Saipan. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary; - Willingness and Ability to work flexible hours; Commonwealth Health Center. Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum 1986 when Montoya resigned to SS00.00 per month. salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be run for the U.S. Senate scat in 1 llODY f-ENDER Contact the CHC Housing Office at 234-8950/51, Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage New Mexico. 511.E.OPERATORS If the above describes you, please apply in paid on this project. Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary - II igh school equivalent, 2 years person at the Administrative Offices on the second ext. 2916 for further information. Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. NEED .. From pg.13 3 MECHANICS - lligh school floor of the Main Duty Free Shoppers Building in In the event of only one scaled bid document is received, this salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be bid shall be declared null and void and shall be returned to the the success of the workshop is equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary; Garapan. PLEASE, NO INQUIRIES BY TELE­ paid on this project. ·,, \< lone bidder. $2.25 per hour. PHONE CALLS! what has happened since the I ENGINEER - College grad., 2 years POSITION VACANCY All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the CNMI NEED delegation's re­ experience. Salary; $600.00 per month. All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the turn. Three meetings have been Contact; AUGUSTIN T. CAMACHO ANNOUNCEMENT Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the held to set up the CNMI NEED dba Camacho Equip. Co., P.o. Bolt 53, exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check Saipan, MP 96950. (8112). F. JOB VACANCY exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the '89 program on the theme: Con­ The Commonwealth Ports Authority wishes to which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the I MANAGER - Administration & Sales specifications section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page I-2, necting the EEEs - Energy, Envi­ - College graduate, 4 years experience. announce a position vacancy for two ( 2) specifications section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page 1-2, SECRETARY FOR ATTORNEYS Paragraph No. 5, Bid Guarantee. ronment, and Economics. The Salary; $2,300.00 per month. AIRCRAFT RESCUE FIREFIGHTERS for Paragraph No. 5, Bid Guarantee. following NEED Committee of­ Contact: JAPAN AIR LINES CO., the Saipan Inter-national Airpon. The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and ficers were elected: Kim and LTD., P.O. Box 469, Saipan, MP Requires excellent typing anu The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and 96950. (8/12). F. '" waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of Taitinfong, co-chainnen; Weil, English Skills, willingness to accept Apt:Iicants must be at least a high school graduate or to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of the Government. secretary; Borja, treasurer; Diaz, 1 CONTROLLER - College graduate, 5 responsibility the Government. years experience. Salary:$ t ,050.00 per eqmv:alent, or . must have at least one year of publicity chairman; and Seki, month. expenence working as a firefighter. REVIEWED BY: fundraising chairman. The com­ 1 PROJECT MANAGER APPLY IN PERSON TO REVIEWED BY: mittee is currently planning a 1 OPERA'l10NS MANAGER WHITE, NOVO-GRADAC AND Interested applicants may apply at the Common­ DAVIDM. APATANG JOHN C. PANGELINAN DAVID M. APATANG JOHN C. PANGELINAN Commonwealth-wide activity - College graduate experience. Salary; THOMPSON Chief, Procurement/Supply Office Director of Public Works Chier, Procurement/Supply OITit:c Dirct:tor or Publit: Works for the National Energy Aware­ $1,250.00 per month. wealth Ports Authority at Saipan International CContact: AG & P MICRONESIA, SECOND FLOOR, JOETEN CENTER Airport. All applications must be submitted by 4:30 ncss Month celebration in Oct. INC., Caller Box PPP 239, Saipan, MP · SUSUPE, SAIPAN 96950. (8112). r. p.m., Monday, August 15, 1988~ ______FR_ID_A_Y_:.,_A_U_G_U_S_T 12, 1988 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 35 1 Page 34 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1988 DOMESTIC . INVl.TATION TO BID HELPERS REQUEST FOR BID ENTERTAINERS The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is soliciting INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID I DOMESTIC HELPER (House RFB NO. 88-006 competitive sealed bids for the procurement of: I WAITRESS - lligh s~hool No.: DPWSS-ITB-00068 The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is soliciting Worker) - High school equivalent. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is soliciting cquivalcn1 2 years experience. Salary: $200.00 per month. 1 Three (3) Unit Dump Truck, 5 to 7 cubic yard, left-hand Salary: S2.70 per hour. The Director's Office is soliciting sealed bids for the competitive sealed bids for the procurement of Radio Systems Contact: MR. & MRS. JOSE RIOS, competitive sealed bids for the procurement of spare parts for Contact: llAFADAI BEACll llOTEL Construction of Twelve (12) Classrooms Building at Garapan Specifications for the Recreational Boating Safety and for P.O. Box 107, Saipan, MP 96950. waterline repair, chlorination facilities and different sizes of drive, diesel engine, brand new or used_ dba Suipan llotcl Corporation, P.O. Elementary School, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Police Vehicles_ All Radio Systems must have the following {8/19). F. PVC pipes accessories. Box 338, Saipan, MI' 96950. (8/19). I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - One (1) each Dump Truck, 10 cubic yard, left-hand drive, F. Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the specifications: Office of the Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, High shcool graduate, 2 years Sealed bid proposals shall be marked RFB No. 88-006 and diesel engine, brand new or used. l 0 WAITRESSES - High school 1. Boating Safety Radios: experience. Salary: $150.00 per equivalclll. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Saipan until 3:00 p.m., local time, Friday, August 19, 1988, month. delivered to the Office of Procurement and Supply, Lower Contact: FRANK C. ADA dba China at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and a. 100 watt output (siren, audio output) Contact: VICENTE I. CEPEDA, Base, Saipan, MP 96950 no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, One (I) each Compactor Roller, Wheel Base, brand new Town Em., General Delivery, Saipan, read aloud_ Any bids received after the above time will not be b. Multiple Tone (Wail, yelp, horn, PA) Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. August 22, 1988. or use, 20,000 lbs. tonnage MI' 96950. (8/12). F. accepted under any circumstances_ I LIVE-IN-MAID - High school JO DANCERS c. Compatible with radios specified. equivalent. Salary: $150.00 per month. 5 DANCERS d. Radios must: A list of materials required, and delivery requirement are One (1) each Payloader, Model 950, Caterpillar, diesel Contact: CELESTE S. MENDIOLA, _High school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. available with Mr. John T. San Agustin, CUC Acting engine, 4 in 1 bucket, brand new or used_ 1. Capable to cover all CNMI frequencies P.o. Box 579, Rota, MP 96951. (8/26). per hour. This security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid 2. Marine Channels (Ch. 16, 9, 17, 12 min) r. Corporation Comptroller and is available for any questions Contact: r:RANK C. ADA dba China Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made 3. Priority Scan capability I LIVE-IN-MAID (Houseworker) - High you may have. All materials must meet U.S. ASTM Standards ~ne (1) each Backhoe, Model 410 or 416, Caterpillar, Town Ent., General Delivery, Saaipan, payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern school equivalent, 2 years experience. for waterline products. diesel engine, 4 in 1 bucket, brand new or used. MP 96950. (8/12). F. 4. Degradation over bands specified negligible Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: by industry standards Salary: $200.00 per month. 1 WAITRESS - High school equivalent. "Credit Account No. 1453. 5. Four (4) mobile radios required. Contact: LOURDES B. VALENZUELA The CUC reserves the· right to award by line items in One (1) each Dozer Crawler, D-6 with ripper, caterpillar Salaiy: $2.15 per hour. P.O. Box 1010, Saipan, MP 96950. diesel engine, brand new or used. Contact: MORGEN SNACK BAR, 6. Two (2) portable radios (8/26). F. accordance with its needs and availability of funds from any Saipan, MP 96950. (S/26). F. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of 7. Includes light bars for four (4) mid size 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High school combination of bid proposals. his business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's vehicles (48") shall be clamped not drilled equivalent. Salary: $200.00 per month. I Must include one year maintenance agreement and warranty· DOMESTIC ·. Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the and two (2) boats (boats to include OMNI Contact: JOSEPH C. CRUZ , P.O. Box If a bidder's total price is based on the lump sum of the items, (FMVSS). Must complete undercoating and rustproofing. Bids . HELPERS Northern Mariana Islands. flashing blue mast head light with mast 1136, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26). F. then he must clearly denote the difference between unit must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, Saipan_ Bids must minimum 5 feet stainless steel construction. I LIVE-IN-MAID - At least high purchase and bulk purchase. The bidder will be selected whose be submitted· in sealed envelope, and marked IFB88-0103, to 5 oo:-.1ESTIC HELPERS - High Specifications and plans of the project will be available on or school graduate, 2 years experience. overall total price is the lowest for all the items. Procurement & Supply Office, Lower base, no later than 2:00 school gr:iduate, 2 years experience. Include power consumption for lights for Salary: $150.00 per month. Sala!)'' S2.15 per hour. after August 01, 1988, at the Technical Services Division, bid consideration. All light bars must Contact: FLORENCIA H. MANG­ p.m., August 18, 1988, at which time and place, all bids Contact: \'!COLAS 8. LOSTE dba Department of Public Works in Saipan_ A non-refundable include take-down (forward spots) and LONA, P.O. Box 618, Rota, MP Bids in excess of $25,000 must be accompanied by an received will be publicly opened and read. The government Saipan lnt'I. Gen. Goods & Services, payment of $150.00 is required for each set. Pre-bid conference alley lights (side spotlights) which 96950. (8/12). F. acceptable Bid Bond as required in the CNMI Procurement reserves the right to make single and/or multiple awards P.O. Box 79, Saipan, MP 96950. !or this project will be held at 3:00 p.m., on August 12, 1988, I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - Regulations for 10% of the total Bid Price_ The price shall depending upon prices. Bids received late will not be (~II 9). F. , controls (all lights internal to light bar). at the .Technical Services Division, Department of Public High school equivalent. Salary: $150.00 include all shipping and handling to the CUC, Water Branch considered. The government reserves the right to reject any or \ !IOL:SE WORKER - Iligh school Works in Saipan. 2. POLICE VEHICLES: per month. . gra. S:iip"n, \1\> %95D. b. Light bars (52") with take-down, alley lights, (R/I')). F. In the event of only one scaled bid document is received, this built in speaker and light controls. 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school CUC reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason bid shall be declared null and void and shall be returned to the graduate. Salary: $150.00 per month. to waive any defects in said bids, or any of them, ifin its sole The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is now - . FAR~RSI . . -. lone bidder. Contact: LARS I. AND ROSARIO E. opinion to do so would be in its interest. All Bid Bonds will soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement 3. All vehicles light bars to be clamped, not drilled to roof PALACIOS, Box 2578, Saipan, MP of one (1) each 1988 Station Wagon, 4-wheel Drive, FISHERMEN . and bolted. 96950. (8/12). F. be returned to the bidders not accepted within 30 days of the All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the I DOMESTIC HELPER - High school opening of the bids. All bids shall become the property of 2/A.C., Radio & Standard Transmission, and one I FAR\1 WORKER - lligh school 4. Warranty on equipment to be specified in bid for parts and Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the equivalenL Salary: $2250.00 per month. CUC. (1) each Van capable of seating seven (7) passengers equivalent. Sal:if\: S250.llll per labor. Contact: ANTONIO T. UM, P.0- Box month. exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check or more, w/A.C., Radio & Standard Transmission. 5. Statement of availability of technicians residing in CNMI 1579, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12)- F. Contact: C,\STF.ll l'RCll & which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the PEDRO SASAMOTO Must include one year Maintenance Agreement and with contact numbers (telephone). I LIVE-IN-MAID (House -Worker) - ·..,, VEGETABLE F,\R\'., l'.O. Box 282, specifications section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page I-2, 6. If programmable radios, include cost of reprogramming and Executive Director, CUC Warranty (FMVSS). Plus Registration Fee and Saip:m, \1 I' 96950. · · ''l). F. Paragraph No. 5, Bid Guarantee. High school equivalent. Salary: $150.00 availability of programming on CNMI. If off-island, time per month. Vehicles must be Safety Inspected prior to delivery to '!.·. l'''. 2 !'ARMERS - Iligh 1;h .... \ equivalent. . ii required. Same for non-programmable (Crystal Radiosl- . Contact: KYUNG RAN, SEO, P.O. I Salary: SI 50.00 perm ''1th. The Go\'crnmcnt reserves the right to reject any or all bids and Marpands. Complete undercoating and rustproofing. :.1 Box 1519, Saipan; MP 95950. (8/12). Contact: AUGUST!!\ ·1 \:VIACI JO, 7. For bid consideration, include number of technicians c· to waive any impcrrcction in the bid proposal in the interest of F. Bids must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, P.O. Box 53, Saipa: \'. J> 90950. the Government. residing in CNMI and if FCC licensed. (8112). F. 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school INVITATION FOR COMPETITIVE Saipan for the Van and CIF Mayor's Office, Rota for 8. All bids ClF Marpands, include delivery time and equivalenL Salary: $200.00 per month. the Station Wagon. Bids must be submitted in sealed I FAR\1 WORKER - I !1,:h school /s/JOHN C. PANGELINAN installation. Contact: MR. DAVID JAMES SEALED PROPOSAL equivalent. Salary: S 150.llll J':r month. envelope, marked IFB88-112 to Procurement & Director of Public Works 9. Single unit rapid charger. PANGELINAN, P.O. Box 729, Saipan, Contact: JOSEPH TORR!:\ l'.0. Box 10. Multi unit charger (specify ]lumber of units chargable and MP 96950. (8/12). F. Supply, Lower Base, Saipan no later than 3:00 p.m., 714, Saip:m, \11' 96950. w:21. I'. The CNMI Public School System is soliciting if slow or rapid charge capable)_ 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - August 24, 1988, at which time and place all bids . 2 FAR\1 WORKERS -Be:•1 prut1t High school equivalent. Salary: $200.00 11. Vendor should specify the date of delivery. competitive sealed proposal from vendor/vendors to received will be publicly open and read. Bids High school equivalent, ' year• per month. adequately provide and install 21 Vehicle Fire experience. Salary: $2.15 per h"ur. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Contact: BRIGIDA DLG. ICHIHARA, received late will not be considered. The government Contact: BO:\G KEU:\, JU\' dha Ju11·s Bids must be submitted in sealed envelope, marked IFB88· P.O. Box, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12). Extinguished for the 21 School Buses and to :eserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best Ent., P.O. Box 46, Saipan, '.\11' % 1.l'fl. The Department of Public Health and Environmental 0104, to Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later F. adequately provide and install wall mounted fire mterest of the government. (8/26). F. Services (DPH&ES) is soliciting proposals for security than 2:00 p.m., August 19, 1988, at which time and place, all I HOUSE WORKER - High school extinguishers for the Central Public School System l FARM WORKER - lligh ,chuol c>uards for the Commonwealth Health Center (CHC). All graduate, 2 years experience. Sala.ry: Building Lower Base. The thirteen (13) Public equivalent, 2 years experience. S:il:try: bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids receivecl $150_00 per month. /s/lJAVID M. APATANG S 150.00 per month. [1roposals must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m., late will not be considered. The government reserves the right Contact: MR. & MRS. ELIAS G. Schools System on Saipan, Rota and Tinian and Contact: PRUDE!\'CIO !IOCCIC, Roto. \u~cusL 26, 1988, 10 Director of Public Health and to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the government MERCADO, P.O. Box 2529, Saipan, eleven (11) Headstart Centers on Saipan, Rota and Ml' 96951. (8/26). F. l'.11\~i ronmental Services, Commonwealth Health Center, MP 96950. (8/12). F. Tinian. Competitive sealed proposals must be I F/AR\1 WORKER · lligh sch<>"I Saipan. !\1P 96950. Envelopes must be scaled and marked /s/DAVID M. APATANG I HOUSE WORKER - High school submitted in sealed envelope marked PSS IFP88-002 equivalent, 2 years experience. S.1l:1ry: "SECTRITY GUARDS CONTRACT, P89-003". equivalent. Salary: $150.00 .per INVITATION TO BID S 150.IJO per month. month. to Commissioner of Education, Public School Contact: BE!\'JA\11'\: \1A\Cil 11\,\. Contact: RAMON M./NENITA B. System Lower Base Saipan, no later than 2:00 p.m. Th~. Shief, Pro~~rement & Supply Division is Rota, MJ> %951. (X/26). I'. Scope tit work includes adequate security guards coverage SAN NICOLAS, P.O. Box 516 CHRB, sohc1trng competitive sealed bids for the procurement t'ur Ihrec ( .1 l sili 1·1s per twenty-four hours evc:ry day of the Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. on August 26, 1988 at which time and place all INVITATION TO BID proposal received will be publicly opened and read. of one (1) Unit 1988 4-Door Sedan Automatic ENGINEERS(" . . year !Cl providl' protection from physical ham1 for 4 DOMESTIC HELPERS - High p:11ic11is. visitors. employees and protects Commonwealt11 school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per Proposals received late will not be considered. The !ransmission, with A.C. & Radio. "Trade In". Must ARCHITECTS· .. The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is mclude one year Maintenance Aareement and M tile Nonl:ern i\lariana Islands Government property. soliciting sealed bids for the procurement of one (1) hour. CNMI Public School System reserve the right to De!ai led requircmcrns and infom1ation may be requested at I ACCOUNTANT - College graduate. Wa~ranty (FMVSS). Plus Registr:iion Fee and 2 MECllANICAL E\'Gl:\l'l'RS Salary: $500.00 per month- ~ward, reject or amend any or all proposal in the best Ille Director's Office during nonnal working hours, 7:30 - each 1988 Pick-Up Truck, Standard Transmission, Vehicle must be Safety Inspected prior to delivery to 2 ELECIRICAL l~'\GJ~EERS 4-Wheel Drive, w/A.C. and one (1) each 1988 4- Cotitact: CRESENCIA D. CASTILLON mterest of the Public School System. Inquiries to this - lligh school graduate, 3 years I J :30 a.m. and 12:30 - ..\::10 p.nL, beginning August 5, dba Krizzka Ent., P.O. Box 779, proposals invitation may be directed to Henry I. ~arpands. Complete undercoating and rustproofing. experience. Salary: 54:\0.00 to Door Sedan, w/A.C., Automatic Transmission. Must 1988. Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. Sablan, Commissioner of Education Public School B1?s must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, $550.00 per month. include one year Maintenance Agreement and Contact: KUMAGAI c;L\11, LTD. 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High school System Lower Base, Saipan, MP 96950. Telephone Sa1pan, MP 96950. Bids must be submitted in Saipan Office, P.O. Box 63 CllHB. Any company or person submitting a proposal should be Warranty (FMVSS). Complete undercoating and equivalent. Salary: $200.00 per No. 322-9812. sealed envelope, marked IFB88-108 to Chief, Saipan, MJ> %950. (X/l'J). F. available for negotiation shcnly after the opening of the rustproofing. Bids must be CIF Supply Ref. Tinian. month. Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later j'1 proposals and will be co1w1cted by the DPH&ES. Contac1: 1\".IR. & MRS. GABRIEL I DRAl·TSMAN - College gratf<1:1t<', I Bids must be submitted in sealed envelope, marked DLC. CAMACHO, P.o. Box 277, ls/HENRY I. SABLAN than 2:00 p.m., August 23, 1988 at which time and ycarexperie11cc. Sal:iry: Sl.011 I'"' lin11r. Therefore, each proposal sl1ould contain telephone IFB88-0105, to Procurem·ent & Supply Office, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. place, all bids received late will not be considered. C.:0111act: /\I.FREI) K. l'l\!'\(;J:l.INAN num bcr and name of responsible pa1ty who can negotiate Commissioner of Education clha M<·ricliao I .and S11rvt·yi111!. P.< )_ Hn\ Lower Base, no later than 2:00 p.m., August 16, I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - T.he ~ovemmen.t resexves the right to reject any or all 1,:i I, Sai1•111, Ml' 111,

"I I ------~------·--··-----···.. - - -~--;---:-:;::-;::':'".".'. .:.::::-~·.:.: ...... '": . ~ -'·-····--:···:·.-~ ~' ,, ~--~-:.·. ·- L''

i; FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 35 ,, ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~--, Page 34 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 DOMESTIC . INVITATION TO BID HELPERS REQUEST FOR BID ENTERTAINERS· The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is soliciting INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID I DOMESTIC HELPER (House RFB NO. 88-006 competitive sealed bids for the procurement of: I WAITRESS · l"I igh school No.: DPW88-ITB-00068 Worker) - High school equivalent. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is soliciting The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division "is soliciting Salary: $200.00 per month. equivalent, 2 years experience. Three (3) Unit Dump Truck, S to 7 cubic yard, left-hand Salary: $2.70 per hmir. The Director's Office is soliciting sealed bids for the competitive sealed bids for the procurement of Radio Systems Contact: MR. & MRS. JOSE RIOS, competitive sealed bids for the procurement of spare parts for Contact: llAFADAI BEACll llOTEL Construction of Twelve (12) Classrooms Building at Garapan Specifications for the Recreational Boating Safety and for P.O. Box 107, Saipan, MP 96950. waterline repair, chlorination facilities and different sizes of drive, diesel engine, brand new or used. dba Suipan llotcl Corporation, P.O. Elementary School, Saipan, Commonweailh of the Northern Police Vehicles. All Radio Systems must have the following (8/19). F. PVC pipes accessories. I3ox 338, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). I LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - One (1) each Dump Truck, 10 cubic yard, left-hand drive, F. Mariana Islands. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the specifications: Office of the Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, High shcool graduate, 2 years Sealed bid proposals shall be marked RFB No. 88-006 and diesel engine, brand new or used. 10 WAITRESSES - High school I. Boating Safety Radios: experience. Salary: $150.00 per equivalent. Salory: $2.15 per hour. Saipan until 3:00 p.m., local time, Friday, August 19, 1988, month. delivered to the Office of Procurement and Supply, Lower Contact: FRANK C. ADA dba China at which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and a. 100 watt output (siren, audio output) Contac1: VICENTE I. CEPEDA, Base, Saipan, MP 96950 no later than 2:00 p.m., local time, One (1) each Compactor Roller, Wheel Base, brand new Town Ent., General Delivery, Saipan, read aloud. Any bids received after the above time will not be Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. August 22, 1988. or use, 20,000 lbs. tonnage MP 96950. (8/12). F. b. Multiple Tone (Wail, yelp, horn, PA) accepted under any circumstances. I LIVE-IN-MAID - High school IO DANCERS c. Compatible with radios specified. equivalent. Salary: $150.00 per month. 5 DANCERS d. Radios must A list of materials required, and delivery requirement are One (1) each Payloader, Model 950, Caterpillar, diesel A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. Contact: CELESTE S. MENDIOLA, available with Mr. John T. San Agustin, CUC Acting engine, 4 in 1 bucket, brand new or used. _High school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 1. Capable to cover all CNMI frequencies P.o. I3ox 579, Rota, MP 96951. (8/26). per hour. This security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid 2. Marine Channels (Ch. 16, 9, 17, 12 min) F. Corporation Comptroller and is available for any questions Contact: f-RANK C. ADA dba China Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made 3. Priority Scan capability I LIVE-IN-MAID (Houseworker) - High you may have. All materials must meet U.S. ASTM Standards ~ne (1) each Backhoe, Model 410 or 416, Caterpillar, Town Ent., General Delivery, Saaipan, payable to the Treasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern school equivalent, 2 years experience. diesel engine, 4 in I bucket, brand new or used. MP 96950. (8/12). F. . 4. Degradation over bands specified negligible for waterline products. Mariana Islands with a notation on the face of the check: by industry standards Salary: $200.00 per month.· 1 WAITRESS - High school equivalent. "Credit Account No.1453. 5. Four (4) mobile radios required. Contact: LOURDES 13. VALENZUELA The CUC reserves the· right to award by line items in One (1) each Dozer Crawler, D-6 with ripper, caterpillar Salary: 52.15 per hour. P_O, Box 1010, Saipan, MP 96950. diesel engine, brand new or used. Contact: MORGEN SNACK BAR, 6. Two (2) portable radios (8/26). F. accordance with its needs and availability of funds from any Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26). f'. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of 7. Includes light bars for four ( 4) mid size I LIVE-IN-MAID - High school combination of bid proposals. his business permit as a compliance with the Contractor's vehicles (48") shall be clamped not drilled equivalent. Salary: $200.00 per month. r Must include one year maintenance agreement and warranty· .DOMESTIC . Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the and two (2) boats (boats to include OMNI Con1act: JOSEPH C. CRUZ , P.O. Box If a bidder's total price is based on the lump sum of the items, (FMVSS). Must complete undercoating and rustproofing. Bids HELPERS Northern Mariana Islands. flashing blue mast head light with mast 1136, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26). F. then he must clearly denote the difference between unit must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, Saipan. Bids must minimum 5 feet stainless steel construction. I LIVE-IN-MAID - At least high purchase and bulk purchase. The bidder will be selected whose be submitted·in sealed envelope, and marked IFB88-0103, to S DO;l.!ESTIC HELPERS - High Specifications and plans of the project will be available on or school graduate, 2 years experience. total Procurement & Supply Office, Lower base, no later than 2:00 school graduate, 2 years ex pericncc. Include power consumption for lights for Salary: $150.00 per month. overall price is the lowest for all the items. Salary: S'.'..15 per hour. after August 01, 1988, at the Technical Services Division, bid consideration. All light bars must Contact: FLORENCIA H. MANG­ p.m., August 18, 1988, at which time and place, all bids Contact: i\!COLAS 13. LOSTE dba Department of Public Works in Saipan. A non-refundable include take-down (forward spots) and LONA, P.O. Box 618, Rota, MP Bids in excess of $25,000 must be accompanied by an received will be publicly opened and read. The government Saipan Intl Gen. Goods & Services, payment of SIS0.00 is required for each set. Pre-bid conference alley lights (side spotlights) which 96950. (8/12). F. acceptable Bid Bond as required in the CNMI Procurement reserves the right to make single and/or multiple awards P.O. Box 79, Saipan, MP 96950. ~or this project will be held at 3:00 p.m_, on August 12, 1988, controls (all lights internal to light bar). 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - Regulations for 10% of the total Bid Price. The price shall depending upon prices. Bids received late will not be (~11 g\_ F. ' at the .Technical Services Division, Department of Public High school equivalent. Salaiy: $150.00 include all shipping and handling to the CUC, Water Branch considered. The government reserves the right to reject any or 1 IIOCSE WORKl:R · lligh school 2. POLICE VEHICLES: per month. . graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Works in Saipan. Contact: NRRIRAAMOSS TECHELUL warehouse. Items not delivered within 60 days after the notice all bids in the best interest of the government. 5150.00 per monlh. a. Includes provisions A, B, C, and D above. P.O. Box 2657, S~ipan, MP 96950. of award shall be subject to liquidated damages of $200 per day Contact: ELI CABRERA, P.O. Box Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage L Capable to cover all CNMI frequencies. (8/12). F. until delivery is completed. /s/DAVID M_ APATANG 2367, S:iip:in, :-11' 96950. (R/19). F. Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary 1 LIVE-IN-MAID - High school 2. Priority scan capability graduate, 2 years e11perience. Salary: I JJOCSE \\'ORKER - lligh school Structure Plans, and payment off not less than the minimum 3. Degradation over bands specified negligible Questions on the technical requirements should be addressed to equivalent, 2 years experience. salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be $200.00 per month. the Office of the Assistant Director for Water Services at (670) Salary: 5175.011 per momh. by industry standards Contact: THOMAS D. MENDIOLA, paid on this project. P.O. Box 1838, Saipan, MP '96950. 322-9383. Contact: l!El.E\ T. CASTRO. P.O. 4. Two (2) mobile radios INVITATION TO BID Box 2233, S:iipan, \11' 96950. b. Light bars (52") with take-down, alley lights, (8/12). F. (8/19). F. In the event of only one scaled bid document is received, this built in speaker and light controls. 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school CUC reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any reason graduate. Salary: $150.00 per month. The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is now ' ~ . . . bid shall be declared null and void and shall be returned to the to waive any defects in said bids, or any of them, if in its sole . FARMEas1 lone bidder. Contact: LARS I. AND ROSARIO E. opinion to do so would be in its interest. All Bid Bonds will soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement 3. All vehicles light bars to be clamped, not drilled to roof PALACIOS, Box 2578, Saipan, MP of one (1) each 1988 Station Wagon, 4-wheel Drive, FISHERMEN ' and bolted. 96950. (8/12). F. be returned to the bidders not accepted within 30 days of the All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the 4. Warranty on equipment to be specified in bid for parts and 1 DOMESTIC HELPER - High school opening of the bids. All bids shall become the property of 2/A.C., Radio & Standard Transmission, and one I FAR'.\1 WORKICR · lligh schuul Government of the Northern Mariana Islands with the equivalent Salary: $2250.00 per month. CUC. (1) each Van capable of seating seven (7) passengers equivalent. Salm: $250.00 per labor. · Contact: ANTONIO T. LIM, P.O. Box month. exception of bid bonds, certified checks or cashier's check or more, w/A.C., Radio & Standard Transmission. 5. Statement of availability of technicians residing in CNMI 1579, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12). F. Contact: CASTRil FR t.: IT & which will be returned to the bidders in accordance with the PEDRO SASAMOTO Must include one year Maintenance Agreement and with contact numbers (telephone). 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - VEGETABLE FAR\\, l'.O. Box 282, specifications section, "Instruction to Bidders" Page I-2, 6. If programmable radios, include cost of reprogramming and Executive Director, CUC Warranty (FMVSS). Plus Registration Fee and Saipan. \'IP 96950. • .'\'-))_ I'. - Paragraph No. 5, Bid Guarantee. ,, High school equivalent. Salary: $150.00 availability of programming on CNMI. If off-island, time per month. 'Vehicles must be Safety Inspected prior to delivery to 2 FAR.i\1E!{S - lligh sch''"! equivalent. . Contact: KYUNG RAN, SEO, P.O. Salary: $150.00 per m"n:h. The GO\·crnmcnt reserves the right to reject any or all bids and required. Same for non-programmable (Crystal Radiosl.. Marpands. Complete undercoating and rustproofing. 7. For bid consideration, include number of technicians Box 1519, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12). Contact: AlJGUSTL'\ T. C\MACllO, to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of F. Bids must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, P.O. Box 53, Saipar. \11' 96950. the Government. residing in CNMI and if FCC licensed. (8/12). F. I HOUSE WORKER - High school INVITATION FOR COMPETITIVE Saipan for the Van and CIF Mayor's Office, Rota for 8. All bids ClF Marpands, include delivery time and equivalent Salary: $200.00 per monlh. the Station Wagon. Bids must be submitted in sealed I FARM WORKER - 111.:h school SEALED PROPOSAL /s/JOHN C. PANGELINAN installation. Contact: MR. DAYID JAMES envelope, marked IFB 88-112 to Procurement & equivalent. Salary: $150.0ll p:-rmonth. Director of Public Works 9. Single unit rapid charger. PANGELINAN, P.O. Box 729, Saipan, Contact: JOSEPH TORRLS, l'.O. Box 10. Multi unit charger (specify ]lumber of units chargable and MP 96950. (8/12). F. Supply, Lowe:r Base, Saipan no later than 3:00 p.i;i .. 714, Saipan, !11!' 96950. (X'12"1. I'. The CNMI Public School System is soliciting if slow or rapid charge capable). 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - August 24, 1988, at which time and place all bids 2 FAR'.\1 WORKERS -Bc.:n·prnut · High school equivalent. Salaiy: $200.00 competitive sealed proposal from vendor/vendors to 11. Vendor should specify the date of delivery. received will be publicly open and read. Bids High school equivalent, ' years per month. adequately provide and install 21 Vehicle Fire experience. Salary: 52. 15 per hour. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Contact: BRIGIDA DLG. ICHIHARA, received late will not be considered. The government Contact: BO:\G KEU:\, JC:\ dha J11n, Bids must be submitted in sealed envelope, marked IFB88· P.O. Box, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12). Extinguished for the 21 School Buses and to reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best F. Ent., P.O. Box 46, Saipan, Ml' %050. Tile Department of Public Health and Environmental ~ ' adequately provide and install wall mounted fire 0104, to Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later I•,,:.'. interest of the government. (8/26). F. Services (DPH&ES) is soliciting proposals for security than 2:00 p.m., August 19, 1988, at which time and place, all I I HOUSE WORKER - High school extinguishers for the Central Public School System graduate, '2 years experience. Sala,ry: I FARM WORKER - I ligh schLH>I ~uards for !he Commonwealth Health Center (CHC). All equivalent, 2 years experience. S:d:iry: bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids received $150.00 per month. Building Lower Base. The thirteen (13) Public /s/lJA VID M. APAT ANG $150.00 per month. fHOposals must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m., late will not be considered. The government reserves the righ& Contact: MR. & MRS. ELIAS G. Schools System on Saipan, Rota and Tinian and Contact: PRUDENCIO llOCO<;, Rot>, August 26, J 988, to Director of Public Health and to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the govemmenL ,' MERCADO, P.O. Box 2529, Saipan, eleven (11) Headstart Centers on Saipan, Rota and Ml' 9695 J. (~/20). F. E11vironme111al Services, Commonweallh Health Center, ,· MP 96950. (8/12). F. Tinian. Competitive sealed proposals must be I F/AR:-.1 WORKER - lligh school Saipan, MP 96950. Envelopes must be scaled and marked /s/DAVID M. APATANG 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school submitted in sealed envelope marked PSS IFP88-002 cquivaknt, 2 years experience. S.il:iry: "SECURITY GUARDS CONTRACT, P89-003". equivalent. Salary: $150.00 ,per INVITATION TO BID $150.00 per month. mon1h. to Commissioner of Education, Public School Contact: BE!\"JA'.\11~ '.\1/1\(;l.(1\,\, Contact: RAMON M./NENITA B. Th~. <;hief, Pro??rement & Supply Division is Scope ol work includes adequate security guards coverage System Lower Base Saipan, no later than 2:00 p.m. Rota, MI' 96951. (~/26). F. SAN NICOLAS, P.O. Box 516 CHRB, on August 26, 1988 at which time and place all sohc1tmg compeuuve sealed bids for the procurement !'or three ( 3) shifts per twenty-four hours every day of the INVITATION TO BID Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. of one (1) Unit 1988 4-Door Sedan Automatic year 10 provide protection from physical harm for proposal received will be publicly opened and read. ENGINEERS/ . 4 DOMESTIC HELPERS - High pa1ic111s, visitors, employees and protects Comrnonwcalih school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per Proposals received late will not be considered. The :rransmission, with A.C. & Radio. "Trade In". Must ARCHITECTS· The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is L)J' Ilic Northern tvlariana Islands Government property. hour. CNMI Public School System reserve the right to mcl ude one year Maintenance Agreement and soliciting sealed bids for the procurement of one (1) I ACCOUNTANT - College graduate. Detailed requirement:-; and infonnation may be requested at ~ward, reject or amend any or all proposal in the best War.ranty (FMVSS). Plus Registration Fee and '~' 2 MECI IANICAI. ESG!l\i'l'RS each 1988 Pick-Up Truck, Standard Transmission, Salary: $500.00 per month. 2 ELEC11UCAL E.'\Gli\EERS tile Director's Office durin CUC-RFP-88-WOOl - High school~ r:a~uate,' 2 years soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement Contact: EMPRESS ENTERPRISES, No.: DPW88-RFQP-00069 experience. Salary: $2.'!iO per hour. The Commissioner of Education is soliciting sealed bids for of one (1) unit 1988 Pick-Up Truck, Standard P.O. Box 63, Saipan, MP 96950. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is requesting Contact: MAGDALENA M. (8/19). F. The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, MANGLONA dba B&M Store, P.O. the construction of 15 school bus stop shelters on Saipan. Transmission, with 4-Cylinder, around 2400cc Department of Public works is requesting statements of proposals from qualified firms for a twelve (12) month Box 608, Rota, MP 96951. (8/19). Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the office of the Public engine. Must include one year Maintenance Agree­ 2STEELMAN material supply, operation and maintenance of chlorination of 2PLUMBERS qualifications and proposals from firms who are qualified and F. School System Lower Base, Saipan until 3:00 p.m. local ment and.Warranty (FMVSS). Plus Registration Fee Saipan Water System. Chlorination system shall be installed 1 WAREHOUSE WORKER - High - High school equivalent, 2 years interested in performing cadastral and field survey services for time, August 26, 1988 at which time and place the bids will an~ Vehicle must be Safety Inspected prior to experience. Salary: $1.50 to $1.85 per the preparation of severance maps and the establishment of near deepwell/booster pumps located at approximately twelve school graduate, 2 years experience. be publicly open and read aloud. Salary: $2.15 per hour. delivery ~o Ma_z:pands. Complete undercoating and hour. right-of-way boundaries for Texas Road from the Intersection different sites around the island of Saipan. 9MASONS Contact: MARTHA RECHUCHER dba rµstproofmg. Bids must be CIF Marpands Office, of Chalan Monsignor Guerrero and Chalan Pale Arnold to the Martha's Store & Retail Shop, A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany the bid. 12 CARPENTERS The scope of services include, but are not limited to: Lower Base, Saipan, MP 96950. Bids must be - High school equivalent Salary: $ i .50 end of paved road at Susupe area, a distance of approximately Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. This security may be a Certified Check, Cashier's Check, Bid to S1.90 per hour. 1.1 miles. The total project time is estimated at 50 calendar 2 AUTO BODY & FENDER - High Bond or other form acceptable to the Government made su~rnitted in sealed envelope, marked IFB88-110 to 1 FINISHING CARPENTER - High days and is based on the following scope of work: 1) Survey of the deeI>well/booster pump sites and preparation school graduate, 2 years experience. payable to the Treasurer, Public .School System Common­ Chief, Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, school graduate, 2 years experience. of the design of a chlorination system suitable to each Salary: $2.15 per hour. no later than 3:00 p.m., August 18, 1988 at which Salary: $1.50 to $1.80 per hour. 1. Complete field survey of the project area based on Contact: FELIX FITIAL dba Prime wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. particular condition. Design should include chlorine booster time and place, all bids received will be publicly 1 ACCOUNTANT -College graduate, 2 the Mariana Island District Coordinate System of 1966. pumps as necessary, chlorinator, ejector, gauges, cylinder Ent., P.O. Box 2513, Saipan, MP years experience. Salary: $450.00 to 2. Installation of standard concrete monuments at all 96950. (8/19). F. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of opened and ,read. Bids received late will not be $600.00 per month. scale, piping and appurtenances for approximately twelve (12) S TAILORS (Dressmakers) - High his Business Permit as a compliance with Contractor's considered. The government reserves the right to Contact: TAC INTERNATIONAL right-of-way and slicet intersection comers. deepwell/booster pump locations scattered about on the island school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the reject any or all bids in the best interest of the CONST., INC. , P.O. Box 1579, 3. Complete set of severance maps based on the Division of Saipan. hour. Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12). F. of Lands & Surveys rules and regulations governing 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school Northern Mariana Islands. government. 1 CARPENTER - High school or voe., the survey of right-of-way. equivalent, 2 years experience. 2) Supply and installation of the approved design of the Salary: $600.00 per month. Plans aad specifications are available at the CIP office of the grad., 2 years experience. Salary: 4. Complete list of all landowners whose lots are chlorination system. /s/DAVID M. APATANG $200.00 per month. encroached by the road right-of-way. Contact: JRE ENTERPRISES dba Public School System. A non-refundable payment of $40.00 1 FARMER - Elementary or high Globe Mart 1,2, and 3, P.O. Box is required for each set. A pre-bid conference will be h~ld at school grad., 2 years experience. Salary: 3) Twelve (12) months continous supply of chlorine for the I , 421, Saipan, MP 96950. (8{19). F. The evaluation of qualifications and proposals will be based on I ! 10:00 a.m., August 17, 1988 at the CIP Office of the Public $200.00 per month. whole water supply system. •I F~LD SUPERVISOR - College REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Contact: FERMINA S. MENDIOLA, the following factors: graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: School System. P.O. Box 579, Rota, MP 96950. (8/12). $650.00 per month. L F. Recent experience with projects of similar size and 4) Twelve (12) months operation and maintenance of the 1 CIVIL ENGINEER - College Attention is called to the Labor Standards Provisions for Wage The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is soliciting scope. 15 CARPE.t'llTERS chlorination system. graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary sealed proposals for the Northern Islands Field Trip with the 15 MASONS 2. Past record of performance on contrac!S with the CNMI $600.00 per month. · followi~g Field Trip Specification Requirements: I PROJECT ENGINEER - College Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum 5 ELECTRlCIANS and OLhcr public and private agencies, in lenns of 5) Sampling and testing of water. The Contractor will take a salaries and wages as set forth in the specifications must be 3 PLUMBERS control of costs, quality of work, ability to meet minimum of 32 water samples every week from areas graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: L Must have twenty (20) passengers capacity. 2 TINSMITH $700.00 per month. paid on this project. 3 STEEw\1AN schedules and cooperation and responsiveness to designated by the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Contact: EDILBERTO IA VIER dba B 2. Must be able to accommodate 10-20 tons of dry and liquid - High school equivalent, 2 years client's needs. for testing. Sampling and testing works will be executed by & J Const., P.O. Box· 2063._ Saipan, cflrr:o from and to the vessel or shore. MP 96950. (B/19). F. All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the experience. Salary: S l.50-S2. 75 per 3. The firm's capacity to perform the work within the the Contractor in coordination with and assistance of the DEQ Public School System with the exception of bid bonds, 3. \r~'>sel must have its own motorboat to ferry passengers hour. time limitations, considering the firm's current staff. 2 PHOTO DEVELOPERS - High and cargo from and to the vessel or shore. school graduate, 2 years experience. terrified checks or cashier's check which will be returned to the Contact: SK CORPORATION, P.o. and planned workload. 4. Must provide enough food supplies to accommodate Box 2266, Saipan, MP 96950. (8112). Salary: $500.00-$600.00 per month. bidders in accordance with the specifications section, F. 4. The firm's methodology or approach for addressing 6) Provide two (2) sets of operation and maintenance manual Contact: SAM & MY INTERNA­ "Instruction to Bidders" Page I-2, Paragraph No. 5, Bid Official passengers for approximately 5-7 days. TIONAL CORPORATION dba Royal 2 ELEC1R!ClA~S the scope of work. for each set of chlorinator supplied and installed. Guarantee. 5. Must accommodate transportation of live animals from the 3 PLUMBERS 5. The firm's proposed project staff, their assignments Photo Color, Caller Box PPP-103, Northern Islands of Saipan. Saipan, MP 96950. (8/19). F. 10 MASONS and summary of expertise which would enable 7) Training of selected CUC staff in chlorinator operation and 6. Must be able to leave Saipan within two (2) days notice. 2 ASST. STORE SUPERVISORS - . The Public School System reserves the right to reject any or 15 CARPENTERS satisfactory completion of the scope of work. maintenance. 7. And must have high Frequency (HF) radio on board to be - High school graduate, 2 years High school graduate. Salary: $2.3.0 per all bids and to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in experience. Salaiy: Sl.75 per hour. 6. References from past public and private client's hour. the interest of the Government. able to contact the Civil Defense or the U.S. Coast Guard on Contact: VICENTE DELA CRUZ dba who can attest to the firms ability and quality of The proposal should indicate a lump sum fee with payment Contact: HAKUBOTAN SAIPAN the international Distress Frequency (2182 khz) in case of Meriie Enterprises, Saipan, MP 96950. service. schedule for the services offered. ENTERPRISES, INC., P.O. Box 127, ls/HENRY L SABLAN emergency. Travel time 5-7 days. (8/12). F. Saipan, MP 96950. (8/12). f. lnter~~Lcc_I firms must submit five (5) copies of these Commissioner of Education 8. Vessel must be approved by U.S. Coast Guard. SSTEELMAN Proposals should be submitted to the Office of the Chief of 1 DIRECTOR - College graduate, 4 IO MASONS qualllicaLions and proposals no later than 4:00 p.m., August years experience. Salary: Si ,58.0.00 per 10 CARPENTERS 26, 1988, to the Office of the Chief of Procurement and Division of Procurement and Supply, Lower Base prior to bi-wCekly. All proposals must be in sealed envelope marked RFPSS-116 - High school equivalent, 2 years Supply at Lower Base, Saipan, MP 96950. A selection 2:00 p.m. September 7, 1988. A pre-proposal conference will 1 PROJECT MANAGER - College and submitted to the Chief, Procurement & Supply, Lower experience. Salary: S 1.50-S 1.75 per Committee will convene soon after the deadline for be held at the CUC conference room at 1:30 p.m. August 24, graduate, 4 years experience. Salary: Base, Saipan no later than 4:00 p.m. August 16, 1988. Any hour. $2,820.00 per bi-weekly. INVITATION TO BID questions pertaining to this request for proposal may contact sub~ission to review and select the most qualiricd firm for the 1988. Contact: HOTEL NIKKO SAIPAN, I DRAFTSMAN - lligh er Director's office, Mariana Islands Housing Authority, 20 MASO:'\S meet U.S. Specification and Safety Standard Inspection in The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is hour. available at the Public School System Central Office located at North Garapan Annex II Subdivision Area, 3 PLUMBERS order to he operated on the public highways. Must have soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement Contact: DAISY CORPORATION, and may be picked up from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., 20 CARPENTERS Standard Shi\'ling Gear. Should be with Air Conditioning Caller Box PPP 114, Saipan, MP Saipan, telephone number 234-6866 or 234-9447. A pre­ 3 ELECll~ICli\7'\S of one (1) unit 1988or1987 2-door sedan, standard j on regular working days. System. Should\-·~ undercoated and complete Rustproof. 96950. (8/12). F. bid conference will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, - High school cq11iva[c11t, ~ vcars transmission, w/a.c., and AM-FM Radio, Color: !JANITOR experience. Sa!Jry: S 1.50 per hou(. Must have spare i::c>, jack and tire wrench. Must have a il-' ~::.. .i:·.. · August 4, 1988 at MIHA Central Office Conference Olive Green, Green or White. Must include one year '• 1 PINSETTER Room. Closing date and time for this Invitation is August Contact: SAll'AN INDUS r RIAi. CO., Left-Ham! Slccrin~: c: stems. Must have one year or more 'f . - High school equivalent. ISalary: ll\'C., P.O. Box 1507, Sa1pa11, \IP maintenance agreement and warranty (FMVSS). 15, _1 ?88, at 2:30 p.m. All proposals must indicate warranty for !"actor\ :i.:l'ccts. Must have six months free $2.15 per hour. %950. (~/26). F. Plus registration fee and vehicle must be safety maintenance services. Delivery must be made within Contact: ITG ENTERTAINMENT & MIHA hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively anttctpated length of time needed to complete thirty (3J clays from 1't'l1lc of Award. Bids arc now being inspected prior to delivery to Marpands. Also PROMOTION dba Saipan Bowling insure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this required tasks and cost. MISCELLANOUS acccp1cd hy the Public >;l·hool System from 8:00 a.m. including insurance. Complete undercoating and Center, P.O. Box 29, Saipan, MP advertisement, minority business enterprises will be until 3:30 p.m. daily. c·;c1sing of the bid shall be on rustproofing. Bids must be CIF Marpands Office, 96950. (8/19). F...... afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to Submission of proposals must be sealed in an 6 WELDERS - High school graduate, 2 2 COOKS August '.l I, 1988 at 2:00 p.111. All bid submission shall be this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the Lower Base, Saipan. Bids must be submitted in years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. envelope face-marked with, "PSS IFP88-0003. The 2 DECK llAND ground of race, color, or national origin in consideration open 011 the same closing date and time. Public School sealed envelope, marked IFB88-0102, to Procure­ Contact: GAUDENCIO C. MACA­ - 1ligh school gradu;1tc. Sa/;iry: S2. I :i P~blic School System reserves the right to award or System Bid #IFB88-0006 mu~t be marked on the face of LINAO dba Unity Trade Service, Inc., for an award. per hour. ment & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later than reject any or all pr<;>posals. Any proposal received J; P.O. Box 703, Saipan, MP 96950. Contact: SUN CORl'Ol{ATJO:\, P.O. ll1e envelope. Tl1c Public Sci1ool System reserved the 2:00 p.m., August 17, 1988, at which time and (8/26). F. . MIHA reserve the right to reject any or all bids, and to after the aforementioned closing date and time will Box 379. S.iipan, Ml' %'!50. IXr.'(>l. I'. rigllls 10 award or reject any bid or bids. Any bid received place, a~l bids r~ceived wi~l be publicly opened and I BODY & FENDER waive any imperfection in the bid proposals in the interest not be accepted under any· circumstances. Any I REFRlGJ'RA'J'IO'\ REl'AIR~1,\'\ af'tcr the above time and date will no be accepted under any circumstances. Any question pertaining to this Bid read. Bids received late will not be considered. The I MECHANIC of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. que~tion pertaining to th~s ~equest for proposals may 2 STORE A'ITE\'DA\"J'S - High school graduate, 2 years - lligh school cq11il'a[rn1, 2 yc:irs Invitation may be directed to the Commissioner. of government reserves the right to reject any or all bids be directed to the Comm1ss1oner of Education, Public in the best interest of the government experience. Salary: $2. 15 per hour. c.\pcricncc. Salary: S2.15 per lwur. Education Public School System Phone 322-9812. Contact: ESTEFANIA A. DUMALE ls/STEPHEN P. LEMIEUX School System at phone number 322-9812. Co111:1c1: Kl\' & RIT E'\T. dha l.11,ly dba Iron Work & Gen. Utility 'services, · Acting Executive Director Store, l'.0. Box 5'!7. Ro1a, \11' •!11'!50. '/s'llENRY I. SABLAN ls/DA YID M. APATANG P.O. Boit 948, Rota, MP 96951. (8/26). Mariana Islands Housing Authority /s/HENRY I. SABLAN l~/2(>). F. F. Page 38 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 FRIDAY, AUGUST 12.1988 -•MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS --PAGE 39 --~~~~~~~~~~~....;_~~---~~--. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUEST FOR BID INVITATION TO BID CLASSIFIED ADS NO> CUC-1TB-88-W553 INVITATION TO BID INVITATION TO BID Commonwealth Trial Court 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is RFB NO. 88-003 The Executive Director's Office, CUC will receive sealed bids The Coastal Resources Managem~nt Office is acceptmg Northern Mariana Islands High school equivaleni. Salary:- $4.20 soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is soliciting for the construction of the Saipan Water System Improvement per hour. competitive sealed bids for the procurement of the following CIVIL ACTION NO. 88-537 proposals from qualified firms to perform a Leak Detection Projects, Phase IV, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Contact: SAIPAN STEVEDORE computer systems: of one (1) each 1988 4-Door Sedan, Standard Study on the island of Saipan. Mariana Islands. The sealed bid shall be identified on the COMPANY, INC., P.O. Box 208, Transmission, wlA.C., with Radio, 4-Wheel Drive. Saipan, MP 96950: (8/26). F. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS outside of the envelope by the invitation for bids number of COMPUTER SYSTEM #1 Must include one year Maintenance Agreement and The proposal shall present a de~ailed descrip~ion of the 1 COOK - High school equivalent, 2 1. 80286 Personal Computer Warranty (FMVSS). Plus Registration Fee and In the Matter of the Estate of CUC-ITB-88-W553. Bids in duplicate will be accepted in the years experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. qualifications of the firm and previous work on island Leak Office of Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, 3 ELECTRICIANS - 640kRam Vehicle must be Safety Inspected prior to delivery to GREGORIA NEKAI, Detections Projects. Deceased. Saipan until 2:00 p.m., local time on September 29, 1988 at 30 CARPENTERS - Enhanced Keyboard Marpands. Complete undercoating and rustproofing. which time and place the bids will be publicly opened and read 5PLUMBERS - Parallel Printer Port 30MASONS Bids must be CIF Marpands Office, Lower Base, Notice is hereby given by The proposal should address the firm's costs and ability to aloud. 2. 40MB Hard Disk perfonn these essential elements: • High school equivalent, 2 years Saipan, MP 96950. Bids must be submitted in sealed the undersigned Juan N, experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. 3. Amber Monochrome Monitor envelope, marked IFB88-107 to Chief, Procurement Babauta administrator of the 1. Provide on-site technical assistance to conduct a leak 1 ARCHITECT - College graduate, 4 4. 1.2MB Diskette Drive A bond of 15% of the total bid price must accompany each & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later than 2:00 estate of detection study of the major water lines on Saipan. This will bid. This security may be a certified check, cashier's check, bid years experience. Salary: $2.J 5 per hour. 5. 360KB Diskette Drive Nekai, deceased, to the be for a minimum of three weeks of on-island assistance. Contact: PETROLEUM MANAGE· 6. 2400 Baud Internal Modem p.m., August 25, 1988 at which time and place, all creditors of, and all person bond, or other fonn acceptable to the Government made MENT, INC., P.O. Box 729, Saipan, 2 Provide two leak detection devices to remain with the CUC payable to the Executive Director Commonwealth Utilities 7. 40MB External Tape Backup Unit bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids having claims against decedent, MP 96950. (8/12). F. received late will not be considered. The government that within sixty days after the Water branch and training for the local operators. Corporation with a notation on the face of the check: "Credit 2 GUEST RELATIONS REPRESENT­ 8. 6 Backup Tape Cartridges first publication of this notice, 3. The CUC will provide personnel to clear the jungle area Account No. 234". ATIVE - High school gradl)ate, 2 9. Epson LQ-0105 Dot Matrix Printer with parallel cable reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best creditors of the decedent file along the pipe line route and help locate the pipes. The fixing years experience. Salary: $2.15- interest of the government. their claims with the necessary of discovered leaks will be done by the CUC. The bidder is required to submit with his proposal, a copy of $2.50 per hour. COMPUTER SYSTEM #2 vouchers in the office of the 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST ANT - his Business Permit in compliance with the Contractor's College graduate, 2 years experience. 1. 80286 Personal Computer ls/DA YID M. APATANG Clerk of the Commonwealth The leak detection devices will be Aqua-scope or equal, with Registration and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Salary: $2.25-$2.75 per hour. - 640k Ram Trial Court, Commonwealth of the necessary attachments for cross 'country leak detection. The Northern Mariana Islands. 1 WAITRESS (Restaurant) - Enhanced Keyboard the Northern Mariana Islands pipeline material is either steel, asbestos-concrete, or 2 GREENSKEEPERS located in Susupe, Saipan, - Parallel Printer Port galvanized iron. The Phase IV Projects consist of: - High school graduate, 2 years Commonwealth of the experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 2. 40MB Hard Disk REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Northern Mariana Islands. 1 COOK - High school equivalent, 2 3. Amber Monochrome Monitor Dated this 5th day of Submission of the Bid must be made no later than August 22, 1. SEGMENT A - AGAG/CAPITOL HILL RESERVOIR years experience. Salary: $2.15- 4. 1.2MB Diskette Drive August, 1988. 1988 to the Office of Procurement and Supply, Government WATERLINE PROJECT $2.50 per hour. 5. 360KB Diskette Drive The Department of Public Health and Environmentai of Northern Mariana Islands, Lower Base, Saipan, MP Contact: SUW ASO CORPORATION, th~ Scope of Work - The construction of approximately 13,300 6. Isobar Surge Protector Services (DPH&ES) is soliciting proposals fo1 /s/JUAN N, BABAUTA 96950 by 4:00 p.m. local time. Bids in excess of $25,000 P.O. Bol\ 1160, Saipan, MP 96950. feet of PVC pipe ranging from 6-inch to 12-inch diameter with (8/19). F. 7. TrippLite 1800W Line Conditioner. contracted maintenance of outside grounds for the Administrator must be.accompanied by a 10% bid Bond. appurtenant valves and fittings, modification of existing Agag 2 ARTISTS - High school graduate, 2 8. TrippLite 1200W Battery Backup Unit Commonwealth Health Center (CHC). All proposals Pump Station, modification of existing Control Building, years experience. Salary: $1,700.00 9. Internal Tape Backup Card - for use with external tape must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m., August A Selection Committee will convene and select a firm for the per month. backup unit specified in System #1 PUBLIC NOTICE modification of existing chlorination system, supply and 26, 1988, to Director of Public Health and Environ­ project soon after submission. The CUC reserves the ~ght to installation of 3-75 HP pumps, supply and installation of Contact: KISAN CORPORATION, P.O. Box 2072, Saipan, MP. 96950. mental Services, Commonwealth Health Center, reject any or all proposals for any reasons and to waive any standby generation system including all appurtenances. Include all shipping and handling charges in bid response as Commonwealth of the defects in the proposals if in its sole opinion to do so would (8/19), F. Saipan, MP 96950. Envelopes must be sealed and Nonhem !lfuriana Islands well as warranty information for each system. Also indicate be in the best interests of the CNMI. 1 EXECUTIVE CHEF - High school marked "MAINTENANCE OF OUTS'IDE Commonwealth Trial Court 2. SEGMENT BE - MAUI IV{fASA RESERVOIR WATER­ graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: how many days it will take to receive this order once a CNMI GROUNDS P8.9-002". LINE PROJECT $36,000.-$40,000 per year. Purchase Order has been received. Civil Action No. 88-335 All inquiries shall be directed to Mr. Pedro Sasamoto, 1 SPECIALTY CHEF - Chinese Executive Director of CUC at telephone numbers (670) 322~ Scope of Work - The construction of 60,000 Gallon under­ Restaurant - High school graduate, 2 Scope of work includes CHC equipment. Proposer ground reservoir and booster pump station at Tasa, Bids must be CIF MARPANDS Office. Bids must be Marine Merchant Bank and 4313/4314/4315. years ~xperience, Salary: $1,9000- to will provide at least one employee daily, Monday construction of 1.0 MG Concrete Reservoir at Maui IV, $2,200 Pc:r month. submitted in a sealed envelope, marked IFB88-10Q, Chief, Trust Co., Inc., • ls/PEDRO SASAMOTO Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later than thru Saturday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and additional Plaintiff, installation of approximately 11,270 feet of PVC pipes 4 SPECIALTY COOK - Chinese Executive Director Cuisine • High school graduate, 2 years 2:00 p.m., August 24, 1988, at which tirrie and place all bids needed. equipment and all petroleum to operate VS ranging from 6-inch to 12-inch diameter including all experience. Salary: $1,500-$1,700 per 1 Rosa M. Elarneto and appurtenances. received will be publicly opened·and read. Bids received late equipment. Detailed requirements and information month. will not be considered. The Government reserves the right to Jesus Malus. Contact: E.l.E. SAIPAN CORPORA­ may be requested at the Director's Office during reject any or all bids in the interest of the Government. Defendants. SOLICITATION FOR 3. SEGMENT C -TASA/MARPI WATERLINE REPLACE­ TION dba Hyatt Regency Saipan, P.O. working hours, 7:30 - 11 :30 a.m. and 12:30 - 4:30 :MENT PROJECT Box 87 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. p.m., beginning August 5, 1988. NOTICE OF SALE COMPETITIVE BIDS (8/12). F. /s/DA VID M. AP AT ANG Scope of Work - The construction of.approxi~ately 14,500 8 COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS - Notice is hereby given that, RFB NO. 88-005 feet of 12-inch diameter water transmission mam, 8,9()9 feet College graduate. Salary: $700.00 per Any company or person submitting a proposal pursuant to a Writ oi E>:ccu­ The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) Water of 8-inch and 500 feet of 6-inch water distribution mains with month. should be available for negotiation after the opening I tion issued by the Cowl in this Branch is soliciting competitive sealed bids for electrical spare appurtenant valves and fittings including 24 fire hydrants. Contact: SAIPAN COMPUTER of the proposals, therefore, each proposal must '/ matter on foly 7, 1988, I will SERVICES, P.O. Box 690, Saipan, MP I parts for electrical motor controls of waterwells, booster 96950. (8/12) F. INVITATION TO·BID contain telephone number and name of responsible sell, at public auction, to the stations and appurtenances. ' highest bidder, for current 4. SEG:MENT D - NAVY HILL WATER DISTRIBUTION 1 PAINTER-SIGN - High school The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is party who can negotiate their proposal. lawful money of the United SYSTEM PROJECT equivalenL Salary: $2.15 per hour. soliciting competitive sealed bids for the procurement States of America, all of the The scaled bids shall be marked RFB NO> -88-005 and Contact: ANTONIO R. DELEON Further, proposer must be willing to purchase bond right., title, and interest of Rosa delivered to the Office of Chief, Procurement and Supply, GUERRERO dba G-Tree Corp., P.O. of one (1) Unit 1988 Pick-Up Truck, 4x4, Standard Scope of Work - The consuuction of 1,600 feet of 8-inch and Box 802, Saipan, MP 96950. (8!26). F. covering personal liability insurance. A local M. Elameto in and to that Lower Base, Saipan, MP 96950 no later than 2:00 p.m. local 4,200 feet of 6-inch diameter PVC waterline with appurtenant Transmission, 2400cc Engine, Standard Police Type 1 COOK • High school graduate, 2 years qusiness license that specifies landscaping/gardening '' certain tract or parcel of real time August 26, 198.8. valves and fittings, 4,500 feet of 1-inch to 2-inch diameter Spotlight, Red Light, Siren and Public. Address property situated in Chalan ellpericnce. Salary: $600.00 per month. System. Must include one year Maintenance Agree­ and/or grounds must be attached to all proposals. . I Kiya, Saipan, Northern water service pipes and including seven fire hydrants. Contact:• YONG'S ENTERPRISES, Length of contract will be from October 1, 1988 thru The list of materials required are available from Mr. John T. INC., dba Cabin Restaurant, P.O. Box ment and Warranty (FMVSS). Complete under­ Mariana Islands, more San Agustin, CUC Acting Corporat.e Comptroller: Any 968, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26). F. September 30, 1989 . particularly described as A non-refundable payment of $750.00 is required for each set coating and rustproofing. Bids must be CIF Supply questions should be directed to the Actmg Assistant Director of Plans, Specifications and Proposal Forms, which will be I ASSISTANT MANAGER • High Ref., Rota. Bids must be submitted in sealed follows: school graduate required. Salary: $2.15 . Lot 2003-3, containing an for Water Services Branch at (670) 322-9383. available on or after August 19, 1988 at the Water Planning & envelope, marked IFB88-113 to Chief, Procurement /s/DR. JOSE T. VILLAGOMEZ $3.00 per hour Director of Public Health and areas of 5,383 square meters, Construction Office, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Contact: WILLIAM & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later than 2:00 more or less, as shown on All materials arc to be bid as listed on an acceptable equivalent Saipan. A pre-bid conference for these projects is scheduled at YEE/MICROASEAN CORP., P.O. BOX Environmental Services DLS Check No. 2132/86, listed. The items may be awarded as single units depending on p.m., August 22, 1988 at which time and place, all 9:00 a.m., local time, September 9, 1988 at the Water 2449, SAIPAN, MP 96950. (9!2/88) bids received will be publicly opened and read. Bids and filed in the Common­ the total bid and availability of funds and any discounts for the Planning & Construction Office, Commonwealth Utilities 3· MAJNTENANCE MAN wealtJ1 Recorder's Office as received late will rtot be considered. The government entire bid schedule must be stated in the bid document. All Corporation, Saipan. 5 DOMESTIC HELPERS file no. 86-1343, dated bids over $25,000 must be accompanied by a bid bond for 15% ·High school graduate. Salary: $2.15 reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best Are you looking for a full-time or part-time position July 7, 1986. per hour. of the bid amount. Company checks are not acceptable bid Attention is called to the Labor Standard Provisions for Wage interest of the government. ~ j i p in the hospitality industry? The sell will be held in front security. Contact: JOSIE ESTEVES dba The 4 of tJ1e police swtion in S usu pc, Rate Determination of the CNMI Classification and Salary Emerald Ent., P.O. Box 1501, Saipan, Saipan, Northern Mariana Structure Plans, and payment of not less than the minimum MP 96950. (8/12). ls/DAVID M. APA TANG Apply at the Islands, on Friday, August 26, The CUC reserves the r'.ght to reject any and all bids for any salaries and wages as set forth in the Specifications must be 1988, at the hour of 3:30 p.m. reason and to waive any defects in the bids, if in its sole paid on this project. 1-lYAIT REGENCY@SAIPAN of the said day. The right is opinion to do so would be in the best interests oft.he CUC. for any of the following vacancies: reserved to reject any or all All bid documents received shall be the sole property of the bids, for any reason. ~~':::~,; All bid documents will become the property of the CUC and Northern Mariana Islands with the exception of bid bonds, HELP Dated, this 15th day of July, bid security returned to unsuccessful bidders. ~run'!!!'g 1988: certified checks, or cashier's checks which will be returned to - Cook or Cook Helper the bidders in accordance with the specifications section, out..• Bartender/ress The items must be delivered to ti:~ warehouse of the Water WANTED /s/Edward Manibusan Instruction to Bidders. - Waiters/ress Branch, CUC no later than 60 day~ after the notice of ward. Director DI'S DEADLINE (FEMALE) Restaurant Hostess The prices shall include all shipping and handling charges from The Government reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the vendor to the CUC warehouse. Liquidated damages in the FOR ADS - Bell Attendant to waive any imperfection in the bid proposal in the interest of - Front Desk Clerk amount of $200/day shall be assessed for delivery delayed the Government. WED. beyond 60 days. 12NOON LOCAL HIRE ONLY Competitive salaries, excellent benefits and training SAFE DRIVING PEDRO SASAMOTO provided. No experience necessary. -~ [:;·'!-'€~~/ PEDRO SASAMOTO Executive Director, CUC t/vfarianasevilrietr Executive Director, CUC ...... {)V'1K& (It. - "Vl~w6...... , 234-8040 For local hlfes only. Page 40 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- PAGE 41 CLASSIFIED ADS REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT CLASSIFIED ADS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL i .GENERAL MANAGER - High POSITION: CHIEF OF IMMIGRATION, Commonwealth of 1 HOSTESS-GROUND - High school The scope of the construction management services shall school graduate, 3 years experience. The Chief, Procurement & Supply, is accepting proposal~ for equivalent. Salary: $600.00 per month. RFP NO> CUC-RFP-88-W002 include, but not be limited to: Salary: $700.00 per month. an updating of the archaeological component of the Common­ the Northern Mariana Islands. 1 ASST. GENERAL MANAER Contact: RAEHA ENT., INC., P.O. Bo wealth's Comprehensive Historic Preservation plan. College graduate. Salary: $1,667 .00 per x 1831, Saipan. MP 96950. (912). F. LOCATION: Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, 96950. month. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation (CUC) is requesting 1. Construction support services - monitor, inspect, review 1 ASST. PROJECT MANAGER - 1 WAITER - High school equivalent. proposals from qualified firms for the construction manage­ and coordinate work of the Contractor with the activities and Major tasks include: Salary: $2.15 per hour. College graduate. Salary: $700.00- Dl)TIES & RESPONSIBILITIES: Administers the Office of ment of Saipan Water Improvement Projects, Phase IV, responsibilities of the Government. Provide sufficient $1,000.00 per month. Contact: PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT, 2MASONS (1) Review the results of all previous archaeological research Immigration, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. INC., P.O. Box 502, Saipan, MP Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. qualified personnel at the project and maintain an office on 5 CARPENTERS conducted in the Commonwealth. Hires, assigns, directs and supervises inspectors, examiners and 96950. (9/2). F. Saipan for the duration of the project. - High school equivalent. Salary: $1.85- bas~d other personnel of the office on the Island of Saipan, Tinian 2 REFRIGERATION & AIR CON The selected finn will engage in the construction management $2.00 per hour. (2) Prepare, on the background review, an overview of .the current knowledge of Marianas prehistory. and Rota. Supervises the entry of all persons into the MECHANIC - High school equivalent. of the Saipan Water System Improvement Projects, Phase IV. 2. Examine the plans and specifications for conflicts and lack Contact: S.J. CONSTRUCTION & Salary: $2.15 to $2.40 per hour. HARDWARE SUPPLIES, P.O. Box (3) Prepare a set of research priorities which will guide Commonweallh; patrols the borders of the Commonwealth and which consists of: of clarity of errors on items that could affect construction conducts activities customary, reasonable and necessary to Contact: VICTORIA BORJA EUSEBIO activity and schedules. 732, Saipan. MP 96950. (9/2). F. archaeological work in the Commonwealth for the next three dba V.E. Appliance Service Center, P.O. 1. AG AG/CAPITOL HILL RESERVOIR WATERLINE 3 MARKETING MANAGER - High prevent illegal entry of aliens. Makes investigations of to five years. Boll 1512. Saipan. MP 96950. (9/2). F. PROJECT school graduate, 2 years experience. (4) Prepare a set of 'historic contexts' covering th'e prehistoric potential fraud in the area of immigration. Issues entry permits I AUTO PAINTER - High school 3. Coordinate and review the Contractor's work schedules with Salary: $600.00 per month. for non-immigrant aliens. Designs and implements training graduate. Salary: $700.00 per month. SCOPE OF WORK - The construction of approximately a view toward maximum construction efficiency. Contact: UNIVERSAL VENTURES period of Marianas history in the format required by the 13,300 feet of PVC pipe ranging from 6-inch to 12-inch National Park Service. and education programs for the office staff and the general 3 AUTO MECHANICS - High school CO., INC., P.O. Box 2576, Saipan, MP graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: diameter with appurtenant valves and fittings, modifica­ 96950. (9f2). F. public in the areas of immigration law and public relations. 4. Develop and implement the preparation and processing of (5) Prepare a current bibliography of Marianas archaeology. $450.00 per month. tion of existing Agag Pump Station, modification of 1 ACCOUNTANT - College graduate. Develops annual budget for the office. Keeps ledgers of progress paymeni.s, including final payment. (6) Prepare a summary of Marianas archaeology intended for I PARTSMAN (Parts Clerk) - High existing Control Building, modification of existing Salary: $2.15 per hour. the lay audience. expenditures. Maintains statistics of egress and ingress; keeps school graduate, 4-5 years experience. 2 ELECTRICIANS - High school correspondence replies current Performs other relatfl duties Salary: $400.00 per month. chlorination system, supply and installation of 3-75 HP 5. Provide quality control by regular inspection of work to graduate. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Contact: JOETEN MOTOR pumps, supply and installation of standby generation Qualifications of Principal Project Personnel and responsibilities as assigned by the Attorney General or his assure that all work is in accordance with the contract Contact: MARK I. GRIZZARD dba G designee. COMPANY, INC., P.O. Box 680, system including all appurtenances. & A Ent., P.O. Box 914, Saipan, MP Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. specifications and applicable codes, rules and regulations. 96950. (9/2). F. Principal project personnel must have an advanced degree in 3 STORE SUPERVISORS - High 2. MAUI IV ffASA RESERVOIR WATERLINE 1 BEVERAGE MANAGER - High archaeology or anthropology and a strong theoretical QUALIFICATIONS: Any combination equivalent to school graduate. Salary: $600.00 per 6. Review and submit recommendations to the Government school graduate, 2 years experience. background in Marianas prehistory. Previous fieldwork graduation from an accredited college or university with a month .. PROJECT regarding the validity of all contractor's claims for extra Salary: $700.00-$850.00 per month. experience in the Marianas is strongly desirable. Submitters graduate degree in psychology, public relations, police science, contact: HAKUBOTAN SAIPAN SCOPE OF WORK - The construction of a 60,000 monies or time. 2 COCKTAIL WAITRESSES ENTERPRISES, INC., P.O. Boll 127, Gallon underground reservoir and booster pump station 3 BARTENDERS should include their vita with the proposal: or business administration/management, plus six (6) years of progressive responsible work experience in law enforcement, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. at Tasa, construction of 1.0 MG Reservoir at Maui IV, 1 BARTENDRESS I DRESSMAKER (Seamstress) - High 7. Prepare and submit daily inspection and weekly progress 7 W ATIRESSES Contents of the Proposal policy development, immigration, or personnel management, school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per installation of approximately 11,270 feet of PVC pipe reports to the government. Maintain a "punch list" and assist - High school equivalent. Salary: Liree (3) years of which must have been in supervisory hour. ranging from 6-inch to 12-inch diameter including all in the prefinal and final inspections of the project. $2.45-$2.60 per hour. . The proposal should contain, at a minimum, the following capacity in a government agency. Contact: HOLIDAY SHOP, P.O. Boll appurtenances. 1 HEAD WAITER - High school 434 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: Components: F. 8. Obtain and verify the manufacturer's and Contractor's "As­ $2.80-$3.20 per hour. Copy of police clearance must be attached. 3. T ASA/MARPI WATERLINE REPLACEMENT 150 SEWING MACHINE Operators Built" drawings. 15 WAITERS - High school equivalent PROJECT (1) A statement. of approach outlining how the submittor 35TRIMMERS Salary: $2.45-$3.20 per hour. SALARY: $32,000 per annum; no recruitment/repatriation 35 QUALITY CONTROL CHECKERS SCOPE OF WORK - The construction of approximately 1 WAITRESS - High school equivalent proposes to complete the work. · Proposals shall be submitted to Office of the Chief of - High school equivalent. Salary: $2.15 Salary: $2.45-$2.80 per hour.. (2) A project budget provided under P.L. 6-5 nor housing allowance. 14,500 feet of 12-inch diameter water transmission main, Division of Procurement and Supply, Lower Base prior to per hour. 2 CHEF DE PARTIE - High school 8,900 feet of 8-inch and 500 feet of 6-inch water distribu­ (3) A project schedule which indicates completion dates for Contact: MARIANA FASHIONS, 2:00 p.m, September 25, 1988. A pre-proposal conference equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: Interested persons should send their current application and individual project components a well as for the overall INC., P.O. Box 1417, Saipan, MP tion mains with appurtenant valves and fittings including will be held at CUC conference room at 1:30 p.m. September $3.00-$3.20 per hour. completion of the contract work. resume to the Office of the Attorney General (Attn: L. 96950. (9/2). F. 24 fire hydrants. 14, 1988. 6 COMMIS COOK - High school LEMIEUX), 2nd Floor, Administration Building, Capitol equivalent, 2 years experience. Salary: 2 ELECTRICIANS - High school $245-$3.20 per hour. Ranking Criteria Hill, Saipan, MP 96950. All applications must be rec~ived on equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per hour. 4. NA VY HILL WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CUC reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any 1 PASTRY CHEF · High school or before August 17, 1988. Contact: EVERBRIGHT ENT., INC. PROJECT reason and to waive any defects in said proposals, or any of equivalent, 2 years CJ:pericnce. Salary: dba AA Auto Mechanical & Electrical them, if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its interest. $4.65-$5.00 per hour. Proposals will be ranked by the following criteria which Repair Shop, P.O. Boll 2317, Saipan, SCOPE OF WORK - The construction of 1,600 feet of l POWER PLANT OPERA TOR - High appear in a descending order of importance: MP 96950. (9/2). F. 8-inch.and 4,200 feet of 6-inch diameter PVC waterline All proposals shall become the property of CUC. school equivalent, 2 years experience. 5PLUMBERS with appurtenant valves and fittings, 4,500 feet of ·1-inch Salary: $260-$2.80 per hour. (1) Qualifications of the principal investigator INVITATION TO BID 2MASONS to 2-inch diameter water service pipes including seven fire Further information can be obtained from the Office of\'. :11cr I MASON 2 CARPENTERS (2) Quality of the proposal The Public School System is soliciting competitive sealed hydrants. Planning and Construction, Commonwealth l 1ilirics 1 DIESEL MECHANIC (3) Cose of the Project 4TINSMITH 3 ELECTIUCIANS bids for the Public School Year 1988-1989 school furnitures - High school equivalent. Salary: $1.70 Corporation, Lower Base, Saipan or call 322-9383. 1 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN and equipment. Bids_ shall be CIF Public School System, per hour. Contract time allowed for the completion of Phase IV Projects 1 REFR.iGERATION/AIRCONDI-ION Proposals should be in sealed envelope marked RFP88-l 15 and Saipan. Bid package is now available and may be picked up at 3 A/C & REF. TECHI\'ICIANS is 270 calendar days. PEDRO SASAMOTO MECHANIC . 2 ELECTIUCIANS submitted to the Chief, Procurement and Supply. Proposals th_e Public School System Procurement & Supply Office, Executive Director, CUC 1 KITCHEN/LAUNDRY MECHANIC must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. August 19, 19.88. - High school equivalent. Salary: $1.80 (Maiiltenance Worker) Lower Base, during working hours, Monday .thru Friday. Bids per hour. 1 POWERPLANTOPERATOR · Interested parties may acquire additional project information at are now being received by the Public School System f-:-om I AUTO MECHANIC · High school 1 MAINTENANCE CARPENTER the Division of Historic Preservation located in the 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. daily. Closing of the bid shall be on equivalent. Salary: $2.15 per hour. INVITATION TO BID 3 PAS1RY COOKS Community and Cultural Affairs Building at Lower Base. The August 9, 1988 at 2:00 p.m. All bid submission shall be open 1 SUPERVISOR (Electrical & REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL -.High school equivalent Salary: $2.60- government reserves lhe right to reject any or all bids in the Mechanical) - High school graduate, 2 The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is $280 per hour. on the same closing date and time. Bid Number Public School years cllperience. Salary: $500.00- The Depanment of Public Health and Environmental interest of the government. accepting sealed bids for the following printing 1 CHEF DE PARTIE - High school System IFB88-0002 must be marked on the- face of the $700.00 per month. Services (DPH&ES) is soliciting proposals for Contact: MANUEL T. VILAGA dba work: equivalent Salary: $3.00-$3.50 per envelope. The Public School System reserved the rights to contracted laundry services for the Commonwealth hour. /s/DAVTD M. APATANG award, or reject any bid or all bids. Also the PubJi&.School Pacific Saipan Technical Contractors. TASKS: P.o. Box 850, Saipan, MP 96950. (9{2). Health Center (CHC). All proposals must be I ASST. CHIEF ENGINEER - College System reserved_the rights to award on a single item bid award, (1) Layout and pasteup of approximately 90 typeset graduate. Salary: $900.00-$1,200.00 pe1 F. subm_itted no later than 3 :00 p.m., August 26, 1988, month. . multiple award or on bulk award basis. Upon award of bid or pages. I 3STEELMAN . to Director of Public Health and Environmental Contact: .E.I.E. SAIPAN CORPORA­ bids, there shall be no partial delivery and all items on this bid 3 ELECTRICIANS (2) Offset printing, one color. TION dba Hyatt Regency Saipan, P:o. WANTED Services, Commonwealth Health Center, Saipan, ,, package must be equal to or better as per ciescribe on the bid ···, 3 PAINTERS (3) Produce cover design Box 87 CHRB, Saipan, MP 96950. package. All furnitures and equipments on this bid package fl,' - High school equivalent. Salary: $1.80 MP 96950. Envelopes must be sealed and marked (9f2>. F. (4) Offset printing of 300 copies LEGAL SECRETARY must be free from defects, must not have sharp edges, points ·~; per hour. "LAUNDRY PROPOSAL P89-001". y~'.' Contact: CAYETANO S. TORRES dba and other defect~ which could cause injuries to the students. ., . MWPC Gen. Contractor, P.O. Boll 853, SPECIFICATIONS: t For expanding law firm. Apply in person at All items delivered must be inspected and approved by Public Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. Sco~e of work includes using equipment to laundry ,, ("' ~;·; BORJA and SALAS, Attorneys at Law, 2nd School System officials before they are accepted by the Public 1 HOUSE WORKEll - High school (1) Text to be printed on both sides of page all lmens used at the CHC. Proposer to provide Floor, Torres Building, San Jose Village, Saipan. School System. Items founds of defects will be return to the equivalent. Salary: $150.00 per month. (2) Paper shall be at least 60 weight bond labo~, compou_nds and complete required reports. vendor and the Public School System will not be held Contact: VICENTE & EMILIA (3) Cover stock shall be at least 100 weight bond Detailed reqmrements and information may be Sarne legal experience· preferred, but not required. responsible for the freight cost of !he items returned. Any bid SABLAN, Saipan, MP 96950. (9(2). F. (4) Perfect binding I UVE-IN-NURSE AID - High school requ~sted at the Director's Office during normal Salary depends on· experience and qualifications. received after the above time and date will not be accepted (5) Printing in one color only workmg hours beginning August 5, 1988. under any circumstances. Any questions pertaining to this bid equivalent, 3 months ellpericnce. Salary: $250.00 per month. (6) 20 half tones invitation may be directed to the Commissioner of Education Contact: MRS. AGNES MCPHETRES, Any C?mpany/person submitting a proposal should phone #322-9812. P.O. Boll 324 CHRB, Saipan, MP Bids must be in sealed envelope, marked IFB88-114 be available for negotiation shortly after the opening 96950. (9/2). F. and submitte,d to the Chief, Procurement & Supply, 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - of the proposals and will be contacted by the HENRY I. SABLAN Lower Base~· no later than 3:00 p.m, August 17, ARRIOLA'S High school equivalent. Salary: $150.00 DPH&ES, therefore each proposal should contain per month. 1988. Interested parties may acquire additional telephone nun;ber an? name of responsible party Contact: LAURA T. TORRES, P.O. project information at the Division of Historic EQUIPMENT RENTAL who can !1egot1~te their proposal. Further, a current Boll 853, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. Preservation in the Community and Cultural Affairs l LIVE-IN-MAID - High school local busmess license which specified laundry must FOR RENT equivalent. Salary: $150.00 per month. Building at Lower Base. Bids received late will not be attached to the proposal. Length of contract will Specializes in Backhoe Rental at $25.00 an hour. Beautiful Carpeted office with view. Phones, Contact: ALICE M. FLEMING, P.O. be considered. The government reserves the right to Boll 2574, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. be from October 1, 1988 thru Sept. 30, 1989. •YOUNIS ART STU DID reception, fax, copier, conference room included. reject any or all bids in the best interest of the 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - Offl8t /Letter11reu P~lntlng For more information please come by our office in government. 1 $475.00/month High school equivalent. Salary: $200.00 DR. JOSE T. VILLAGOMEZ, Director ·Graphic Deslgn1, Photograph' Chalan Kanoa Dist. #2 or call us at 234-3441. per month. ·aox 231 Salpan, CM 96950 Department of Public Health and Contact: DIEGO C. BLANCO, P.O. Tel. 234· 6341/7678 Call: 234-6449/6440 THE BUSINESS CENTER. /s/DAVJD M. APATANG Boll 1177, Saipan, MP 96950. (9/2). F. Environmental Services Page 42 -- MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS -- FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1988 CLASSIFIED ADS INVITATION TO BID REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CHC getting computers 1 HOUSE WORKER - High school The Office of the Mayor, Rota, is soliciting proposals for the graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: procurement and installation of a Public Address System. with SAIPAN, Au~st 10 (CNS)-The CNM;I and the De­ $150.00 per month. The Chief, Procurement & Supply Division is Contact: ZENIV A TUDELA PAtA­ electronic warning siren in Rota. Sealed Proposals will be partment of Interior have signed a Memorandum of CIOS, Caller Box PPP-205, Saipan, soliciting competitive sealed bids for Tires following accepted in the Office of the Chief Procurement and Supply at Understanding (MOU) to fund a financial management MP 96950. (9/2). F. sizes: Lower Base, Saipan, :MP, Marked RFP88-ll 1, no later than system and management information system for the 1 LIVE-IN-MAID (House Worker) - Commonwealth Health Center (CHC). · 1. 4:00 p.m. August 23, 1988. High school graduate. Salary: $200.00 155SR 13 (13") 20 each. Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio and Janet J. McCoy, Principal per month. 2. 205HR14 (14") 60 each. The proposal shall include the following: Deputy Assistant Secretary for'Territorial and lnte~­ Contacr: VICENTE C. CASTRO. 3. 700HR14 (14") 14 each. Saipan, MP 96950. (912). F. tional Affairs, have both signed the MOU whereby In tenor 4. 205 160R15 (15") 20 each. L Install PA System with a radio activated alternate/ 2COOKS direct current (AC/DC) powerec.J system. will provide $200,000 for installation of computer hard­ 2DECKHAND Bids must clearly State Guarantee(s) and/or 2. Install multiple sweep-rate type speaker with high ware and software at the new hospital, including hiring of - High school graduate. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Warranty(ies). No steel Belted Radials or Retreads power output to serve various part of the Songsong technical expertise and assistance to install and m~e Contact: SUN CORPORATION, P.O. of any type will be considered. Bids must be CIF Village and Sinapalo Subdivision. operational the FMS and MIS systems. The program JS Box 379, Saipan, MP 96950. (8!26). F. Marpands Office, Lower Base, Saipan. Bids must be 3. Mount the speakers on anchored pole capable to designed to improve the financial management, collec- I ASSISTANT MANAGER - College submitted in sealed envelope, marked IFB88-117, to withstand winds in excess to 120 MPH. tions and revenue generation capabilities of CHC. · graduate, 2 years experience. Salary: 4. Install base station that controls the varying siren ''The long-range goal of this ~rojett will. be to make ~e $9.62 per hour. Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, no later signals. hospital a self-sustaining operat10n, and will also provide Contact: APEX INT'L. CORPORA­ than 2:00 p.m., August 29, 1988, at which time and TION dba Sun Corp., P.O. Box 379, 5. Install warning sirens at4 locations - 3 in Songsong FMS. and MIS software packages for the other island Saipan, MP 96950. (8126). F. place, all bids received will be publicly opened and Village and 1 at Sinapalo Subdivision. health systems in the U.S. territories and the Freely Asso­ 1 GEN. MANAGER - College graduare. read. Bids received late will not be considered. The 6. Install directional 100 watt speakers to serve various ciated States (FAS)," the MOU states. Salary: $1,800 per month. government reserves the right to reject any or all bids part of the Songsong Village and Sinapalo Subdivision. Under the MOU in which the Offici;: of Territorial and Contact: EAST-WEST ENT., P.O. Box in the best interest of the government. 7. Install at least one or two repeater stations for radio­ 2309, Saipan, MP 96950. (8/26). F. International Affairs (OTIA) will provide funds to defray wave activation of the system in order to serve the the cost of the project and assign technical assistance staff 3 SEWING MACHINE OPERA TORS - Sinapalo Subdivision. High school equivalent. Salary: S2.17- /s/DAVID M. APATANG to assist with the development and implementation of the S2.49 per hour. program, the CHC will assign Accounting and other 2 ACCOU'

8vfarianas CWlrietr