NEUE Bilder Sale aus exquisiter Privatsammlung von schweizer & internationalen Künstlern Liebe Graffiti-Kunst-Freunde Wir verkaufen aus exquisiter Privatsammlung Werke von Künstler wie: - Speedy Graphito (Oliver Rizzo) France - DARE (Sigi von Koeding) CH - Basel; gest. 2010 - JONONE (John Andrew Perello) USA & France - TILT (unknown) France - Smash 137 (Adrian Falkner) CH - Basel - WON ABC (Markus Müller) Germany - A1One (Karan Reshad) Iran - SEEN (Richard Mirando) USA - Pro 176 (Rudy Dougbe) France - SOZYONE (Pablo Gonzalez) Belgien - POSE (Pirmin Breu) CH - Aargau Macht Euch selber und/oder Euren Liebsten ein persönliches Geschenk. Martial: 079 427 53 32 Monika: 076 377 70 77
[email protected] [email protected] …wir freuen uns auf Eurer E-Mail / Telefon / What’s App. Speedy Graphito (Oliver Rizzo) France Speedy Graphito, or Olivier Rizzo, is a French painter who was born in Paris in 1961. He is one of the pioneers of the French Street Art movement alongside others like Jérôme Mesnager, Miss Tic and Blek le Rat. By imposing a powerful, innovative style in the early 1980s, Speedy influenced a generation of urban artists. Though his work has evolved considerably over the past few decades, he has become known and revered for his exploration of commercialism and references to pop culture images and icons. After a very brief career as a graphic designer and art director, in 1983 Speedy joined the collective X- Moulinex,[1] but left the following year.[2] In 1985, he was on the first meeting of the graffiti and urban art movement in Bondy (France), on the VLP's initiative, with Jef Aerosol, Miss Tic, SP 38, Epsylon Point, Blek le rat, Futura 2000, Nuklé-Art, Kim Prisu, Banlieue-Banlieue… By 1989 Speedy Graphito had participated in a number of group art exhibitions mostly in Paris, and by the late 1990s Speedy Graphito’s unique street art style was exhibited in art galleries across Europe.