hotel & restaurant USA hotel & restaurant USA MADE IN ITALY SINCE 1856 history 4 cutlery 50 storia posateria geschichte besteck histoire couverts historia cuberteria TECHNICAL intro SPECIFICATIONS 52 mood 6 CUTLERY EXTENSION 54 DESIGN Imagine 56 Twist 57 Gio Ponti 58 Gio Ponti Conca 59 Bamboo 60 H-Art 61 finishing 24 Skin 62 Linea Q 63 Hannah 64 Triennale 65 MODERN Signe 66 Queen Anne 67 Milano 68 Akademia 69 Symbol 70 Dream 71 Linear 72 Sintesi 73 Flat 74 Tratto 75 CLASSIC Epns - Saint Bonnet 77 Epns - Laurier 78 Epns - Baguette Classic 79 Epns - Filet Toiras 80 Epns - Baroque 81 Filet Toiras 82 Ruban Croisè 83 Continental 84 Rome 86 Perles 87 Baguette 88 Decò 89 Contour 90 Petit Baroque 91 Florence 92 KIDS Mix 94 Gio Ponti Conca 94 PARTY 95 LIVING 96 SPECIAL ITEMS 104 2 Hotel & Restaurant Service holloware 108 buffet 210 vasellame serviergeschirr platerie complementos de mesa DESIGN Opera 212 DESIGN Madame 224 Sphera 110 Gio Ponti 228 intro Bamboo 118 Domus 229 Linea Q 126 Kyma 230 Twist 132 Italian Buffet 234 Sky 134 Service Malia 140 MODERN Service Nendoo 140 Asia 2000 252 Service T-Light 141 Europa Service Linear 141 Atlantic Buffet System Service Lucy 142 Service Kyma 144 CLASSIC America - Asia 276 MODERN Elite 146 ACCESSORIES & COMPONENTS 287 Avenue 168 COMPLEMENTARY ITEMS 296 CLASSIC Contour 172 SHOW PLATES 194 trolleys 308 PLATE COVERS 202 TABLE MATS 204 carrelli servierwagen tables roulantes carros de servicio Tokyo 310 New York 320 Versailles 326 accessories 342 table accessories 344 bar accessories 348 kitchen accessories 350 extras AWARDS 356 GREEN & HUMAN 358 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 360 CERTIFICATIONS 362 PRODUCT MATERIALS 363 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 364 NUMERICAL INDEX 366 REFERENCE LIST 372 3 In 1856, Giuseppe Sambonet, a Fine Arts Nel 1856 Giuseppe Sambonet, figlio di un nobi- graduate and the son of a nobleman from luomo di Vercelli, ha ottenuto – dopo il diploma Vercelli, obtained his warrant as Master di Belle Arti – il brevetto di Maestro Orefice e Goldsmith and established the company, ha costituito la ditta Giuseppe Sambonet, de- Giuseppe Sambonet, depositing his seal bear- positando presso la zecca di Torino il punzone ing the initials “GS” at the Turin mint. con le iniziali “GS”. Agli inizi del Novecento la At the beginning of the twentieth century his società da lui fondata è stata fornitrice ufficiale company was the official purveyor to many no- di molti nobili, tra cui la Duchessa di Genova ed intro bles, including the Duchess of Genoa and the il Conte di Torino. Count of Turin. Al passo con i tempi in ogni epoca, Sambonet Always in step with the times, Sambonet has si è distinta per lo spirito evolutivo della pro- stood out for its progressive spirit in the pro- pria produzione realizzando, per prima in Italia, duction field. It is the first in Italy to have a sys- un impianto capace di affiancare all’argenteria tem capable to add to a massive silverware the massiccia quella galvanica. electroplating process. Già dal 1938, infatti, ha iniziato a mettere a Already by 1938, Sambonet started develop- punto sofisticate tecnologie industriali di la- ing sophisticated industrial technologies to vorazione dell’acciaio inossidabile, arrivando produce stainless steel, making its way to the all’argentatura dello stesso. silver plating process. Nel 1947 ha inoltre intrapreso, con tecnologia In 1947, it started producing stainless steel propria, la produzione di coltelli e lame in ac- knives and blades using its own technology. ciaio inox. La conquista del mercato interna- It conquered the international market in 1956, zionale risale al 1956, quando si è aggiudicata by being chosen – among 53 competitors – to – prima su 53 concorrenti – la commessa per supply the Cairo Hilton Hotel with a hollow- l’Hotel Hilton al Cairo, con una linea di vasella- ware line that is still in its collection today. This me ancora oggi in collezione. marked the beginning of the company’s great Ha inizio così la grande tradizione di forniture tradition of supplying world-class hotels and per alberghi e ristoranti stellati di tutto il mon- restaurants. do. A partire dagli anni ’60, Sambonet ha av- Starting from the Sixties, Sambonet began a viato un percorso di collaborazioni che avreb- series of collaborations that would have lead be portato alla nascita di collezioni orientate al to collections that affirm and spread the com- design. Roberto Sambonet, in particolare, ha pany’s focus on design. creato collezioni di primaria importanza, come Roberto Sambonet, in particular, created col- la “Pesciera”, il “Center line” e i vassoi “Linea lections of primary importance, such as the 50”, oggi in collezione al MoMA di New York. “Pesciera”, the “Center line” and “Linea 50” trays that can be admired at the MoMA in New Dal Compasso d’Oro ADI ottenuto nel 1994 York. con la posata Hannah al Good Design e al Wallpaper Design Award per le linee Gio Pon- From Compasso d’Oro ADI obtained in 1994 ti, passando per il Good Design assegnato a with Hannah flatware to Good Design and Sphera Holloware, molti sono i progetti che si Wallpaper Design Award for Gio Ponti collec- distinguono nel panorama internazionale del tions, and Good Design of Sphera coffee line, design. there are a lot of projects that shine in the in- ternational panorama design. Dal 1997 il brand è stato acquisito da Paderno che, alla sua produzione, ha unito articoli per From 1997 the acquisition of the brand by la cucina professionale. Paderno has added professional kitchen tools to the Sambonet's portfolio. 4 Hotel & Restaurant Service history storia geschichte histoire historia intro 5 wel— come Hotel & Restaurant Service 6 experience emotion Hotel & Restaurant Service &Restaurant Hotel mood inspiration 7 uniqueness 8 Hotel & Restaurant Service emotion New shades, fascinating refined textures, design and innate style. Nuove cromie, fascino di raffinate texture, design e innato buon gusto. SPHERA & MADAME SAMBONET IN PVD PARFAIT AMOUR FINISH. KYMA SAMBONET IN PVD RUM FINISH. GLASSES DIVINO ROSENTHAL. 9 10 Hotel & Restaurant Service experience Visual and tactile sensations as expression of quality, innovation and know-how. Sensazioni visive e tattili come espressione di qualità, innovazione e know-how. HOLLOWARE ELITE AND SPHERA SAMBONET IN PVD BLACK, GOLD AND ANTICO COGNAC FINISHES. FLATWARE IMAGINE SAMBONET IN PVD BLACK AND PVD GOLD FINISHES. PORCELAIN MARIA THERESIA HUTSCHENREUTER, ROSENTHAL. 11 SHOWPLATE SPHERA SAMBONET AND FLATWARE HANNAH SAMBONET IN RED GOLD DIAMOND FINISH. 12 GLASSES DIVINO ROSENTHAL. Hotel & Restaurant Service 13 Contemporary beauty mood enhances character and personality of any moment. Contemporanea bellezza che valorizza il carattere e la personalità di ogni momento. HOLLOWARE SPHERA SAMBONET IN PVD BLACK FINISH. HOLLOWARE MADAME SAMBONET IN PVD GOLD FINISH ON BUFFET OPERA SAMBONET IN GOLD DIAMOND FINISH. 14 CUTLERY SKIN SAMBONET IN PVD GOLD FINISH. Hotel & Restaurant Service BUFFET OPERA SAMBONET IN GOLD DIAMOND FINISH. HOLLOWARE SPHERA, TWIST, KYMA, ELITE, MADAME SAMBONET IN PVD GOLD FINISH. CUTLERY SKIN SAMBONET IN PVD GOLD FINISH. BONE CHINA JADE ROSENTHAL. VASES TRIU GOLD ROSENTHAL. 15 BUFFET OPERA SAMBONET IN GOLD DIAMOND FINISH. HOLLOWARE MADAME & ELITE SAMBONET IN SILVERPLATED AND PVD GOLD FINISH. GLASS CLOCHE MARIA ROSENTHAL. 16 PORCELAIN MONBIJOU ROSENTHAL. Hotel & Restaurant Service BUFFET OPERA SAMBONET IN GOLD DIAMOND FINISH. HOLLOWARE CONTOUR & ELITE SAMBONET IN SILVERPLATED AND PVD GOLD FINISH. PORCELAIN MONBIJOU ROSENTHAL. 17 inspiration Research, trend and suggestions. A world to explore to give life to your style. Ricerca, tendenze e suggerimenti. Un mondo da esplorare per dar vita al proprio stile. 18 SPHERA BAR SELECTION SAMBONET IN PVD COGNAC FINISH. Hotel & Restaurant Service 19 HOLLOWARE KYMA SAMBONET IN PVD RUM FINISH. 20 PORCELAIN ACCENTI ROSENTHAL. Hotel & Restaurant Service HOLLOWARE ELITE & MADAME SAMBONET IN PVD RUM FINISH. BUFFET OPERA SAMBONET IN ROSE GOLD DIAMOND. PORCELAIN ACCENTI ROSENTHAL. 21 uniqueness Unique interpretations and personalizations which express yourself. Interpretazioni uniche, personalizzabili, che parlano di sé. 22 Hotel & Restaurant Service HOLLOWARE CONTOUR SAMBONET SILVERPLATED. CUTLERY BAMBOO SAMBONET SILVERPLATED. BONE CHINA JADE ROSENTHAL. GLASSES FUGA ROSENTHAL. 23 The market trends of the last years focused their attention on the deco- rative landscape, both in design and hospitality sector. Sambonet, as a fini— key player in the market, has developed new processing techniques and enriched its flatware collections with precious finishes, in order to offer a widest range of choice and customization possibilities. Diamond, Vintage, Antico and PVD are just some of the possibilities that, thanks to the latest generation machines and organization’s know-how, sh can generate exclusive product lines. L’attenzione alla dimensione decorativa, cui il mercato del design e dell’ospi- talità dedica ampio spazio, coincide con lo sviluppo da parte di Sambonet di nuove tecniche da applicare alle sue collezioni. Il brand arricchisce costante- mente così la sua gamma di posateria con preziose finiture per offrire la più ampia possibilità di scelta. Diamond, Vintage, Antico e PVD sono solo alcune delle opzioni che, tramite sofisticati macchinari di ultimissima generazione e il know-how dell’azienda, possono dar vita ad esclusive linee personalizzate. diamond new → new → new → DIAMOND GOLD RED GOLD DIAMOND DIAMOND new → new → WHITE GOLD ROSE GOLD DIAMOND DIAMOND Colors and finishes could differ from the images shown. 24 All the finishes can be carried out on every flatware model. Hotel & Restaurant Service mirror new → PVD PVD PVD PVD COGNAC PARFAIT AMOUR RUM CHAMPAGNE PVD PVD PVD SILVERPLATED GOLD COPPER BLACK antico vintage ANTICO ANTICO PVD VINTAGE VINTAGE PVD GOLD GOLD ANTICO PVD ANTICO PVD VINTAGE PVD VINTAGE PVD CHAMPAGNE COPPER COPPER BLACK I colori e le finiture potrebbero differire dalle immagini rappresentate. Le finiture illustrate possono essere eseguite su ogni modello di posateria. 25 new → Red Gold Diamond Hannah cutlery (52920N) Avenue showplate (54033N33) Sambonet’s Diamond finishing is the result of the brand’s savoir fair, its desire to innovate with continuous techno- logical research and its exclusive workmanship.
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