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In Your Neighborhood Travel Legacy of Protecting a piece Sverre and Henny Det verste ved å bli eldre of Norwegian- er at ens jevnaldrende er blitt så American history Ulvestad fryktelig gamle. Read more on page 13 – Erik Dibbern Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 7 February 17, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com The great economic divide News A temperature of 7°C (44°F) Norway’s oil and was registered at the Svalbard gas sector brings airport on Feb. 8. This is a new record high for February growth to some on the Arctic archipelago. It is the highest temperature for businesses, while the month ever registered since others struggle registrations began in 1975. The previous record was 6°C with high costs in February 2005, Svalbard- sposten reports. The average Af t e n p o s t e n temperature for February at Longyearbyen is between -15 On Feb. 9, Norsk Industri pre- and 16°C (approximately 5 – sented its annual assessment of 60°F). current condition and outlook for (blog.norway.com/category/ the year. news) “We see the [oil and gas] in- Culture dustry as Norway's golden egg,” says Communications Director Americans, Brits, and Norwe- Finn Langeland of Norsk Industri gians disagree about Steven (Federation of Norwegian Indus- Van Zandt’s new production set in Norway, reports say. The tries), holding up a gold-wrapped New York Times has called Ste- chocolate Easter egg. ven Van Zandt “the David Has- Photo: Øyvind Hagen / Statoil selhoff of Scandinavia,” which See > oil, page 6 The oil and gas sector creates wealth and jobs in Norway, but causes challenges for businesses dealing with high costs. premiered on Netflix Feb. 6. The American newspaper’s review of drama “Lilyham- mer” said the series “...tries to Happy Birthday! A heart for service combine elements of American mob stories and Scandinavian Royal Norwegian mysteries, seasoned with fre- Mindekirken celebrates 90 years quent overt references to “The Order of Merit to Sopranos,” calling the first epi- sode’s mixture “pretty flat.” Jan Paulsen (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e

What’s inside? Former Seventh-day Adven- tist world church President, Dr. Jan News 2-3 Paulsen (77), has been appointed Business 4 Commander of the Royal Norwe- Research & Education 5 gian Order of Merit. The announce- Opinion 6-7 See > Service, page 12 Photo: Adventist.org Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 “The King” back on track Obituaries & Religion 11 Photo: Cindy Hatlevik World Cup win for Arts & Style 12 Mindekirken’s magnificent sanctuary has served it well through its 90 years. In Your Neighborhood 13 biathlete Ole Einar Norwegian Heritage 14 Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m Bjørndalen Sports 15 Rockford, Minn. Mindekirken in Minneapolis Lutheran congregation providing No r w a y Po s t $1 = NOK 5.7126 recently celebrated its 90th anni- services in Norwegian for as long updated 2/13/2012 versary. When it was founded in as anyone would hear and under- Norway’s “King of Biath- In comparison 1922, Pastor C. J. Eastvold, presi- stand it.” lon,” Ole Einar Bjørndalen won 1/13/2012 6.0595 dent of the Southeast District of the Today in 2012 we still hear, the men’s 12.5km individual world 8/13/2011 5.5236 newly formed Norwegian Lutheran we still understand. cup pursuit in Kontiolahti, Finland 2/13/2011 5.8451 Church in America, asked six men and one woman “to help form a See > birthday, page 13 See > king, page 15 Photo: Wikimedia Commons 2 • February 17, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Vikingfunn i Tidligere miljøvernminister Siri Bjerke er Miljøfartsgrense fjernet død, 53 år gammel. byggeområde Bjerke døde lørdag 11. februar, opplyser NAF: – Påtvinger bilistene kommunikasjonssjef Pia Gulbrandsen i Ar- lavere fartsgrense enn Anleggsarbeidere har beiderpartiet. Hun etterlot seg mann og to barn. Hun døde etter lang tids sykeleie. Siri nødvendig funnet et uvanlig godt Bjerke var miljøvernminister i Jens Stolten- bevart vikingsverd i Melhus bergs første regjering fra 2000 til 2001. Hun VG har hatt en rekke verv i Arbeiderpartiet. Hun NRK ble valgt inn i AUFs sentralstyre i 1979, og var blant annet AUFs representant i Palestin- – Nå ber jeg Vegdirektoratet erstatte – Jeg kan bekrefte at de har funnet et vi- afronten og Landsrådet for norske ungdom- kingsverd, og det er sjeldent godt bevart, sier sorganisasjoner. Lenge ledet hun også Ar- miljøfartsgrensen med en permanent farts- grense på 70 km/t. Det skjer snarest, sier Foto: Olav Olsen arkeolog Anne Haug ved Vitenskapsmuseet beiderpartiets utredningssekretariat, og hun i . var kommunalrådssekretær i Oslo, vararep- samferdselsminister Magnhild Meltveit Da vil også trolig fotoboksene på stre- Sverdet, og det som trolig er en liten resentant til Stortinget, statssekretær i Uten- Kleppa. kningene, som nå er skrudd av i sesongen knivegg, ble funnet i forbindelse med byg- riksdepartementet og til slutt miljøvernmin- – Nå har jeg et klart budskap, sier ginga av omsorgsboliger i Melhus, sør for ister i Jens Stoltenbergs første regjering. Siri Kleppa, etter at hun i ettermiddag har hatt et med miljøfartsgrense, bli slått på igjen. Bjerke har siden 2005 vært divisjonsdirektør møte med justisminister Grete Faremo for å Kommunikasjonssjef i NAF, Inger Trondheim. i Innovasjon Norge. Hun var fra Oslo og var avklare hvordan politiet skal kunne bøteleg- Elisabeth Sagedal synes permanet 70-grense Det er gjort undersøkelser i området datter av økonomen Juul Bjerke og søster til ge bilførere som bryter miljøfartsgrensen. minner om tullete symbolpolitikk. før, men da fant de ingen ting. Entusiasmen DnB NOR-sjef Rune Bjerke. Rent teknisk er Kleppa og Faremo nå – Det er teknologi tilgjengelig som var derfor stor da utbyggeren meldte fra om (NTB) enige om at justisministeren innen 1. novem- gjør det mulig å redusere fartsgrensen til 60 sverdet. ber 2012 skal ha gjort de nødvendige endrin- km/t når det er påkrevd. De nye reglene som – Det er virkelig kjempespennende! Stopp forbudt bak Stortinget gene i politiets sanksjonsregelverk, slik at skisseres her synes jeg virker som om det er Sverdet har en del rester av treverk og tekstil, Politiet har bestemt at det blir ulovlig å politiet kan bøtelegge bilister som kjører for gått politisk prestisje i saken, og at de for en- og det er veldig sjeldent, sier Haug. stoppe biler og andre kjøretøyer i gata bak fort når det er miljøfartsgrense. hver pris skal ha redusert fart. Her blir bilis- Arkeologen sier det sannsynligvis er Stortinget. Det er klart etter at Stortingets For l. november skal «miljøfarts- tene påtvunget lavere fartsgrense enn det er rester av hjaltet (håndtaket) og sverdsliret. sikkerhetsseksjon, Oslo kommune og poli- grensen» på plass igjen. behov for, sier Inger Elisabeth Sagedal. Nå jobber forskerne med å rense sver- tiet har blitt enige om at gatebiten bak nas- Med et nytt regleverk i ryggen er det NAFs oppskrift har vært og er å sette det. De har allerede funnet ut at det er et «H- jonalforsamlingen skal omskiltes av sikker- samferdselsministerens mening at det da ned fartsgrensen til 60 km/t på de få dagene i sverd», som er den vanligste typen vikings- hetshensyn. – Det blir all stans forbudt fra gjeninnføres 60 km/t på strekningene som i året der det er behov for det av for høy kon- verd i Norge. gangveien ved Stortingsgata og forbi bak- dag har miljøfartsgrense – og at politiet da sentrasjon av svevestøv. – Men det er et sjeldent funn, fordi det er siden av Stortinget til Karl Johans gate. Det – Disse trafikksikre veiene tåler 80 km/t, så godt bevart. Det organiske materialet blir forbudet er helt absolutt, og ingen kan da kan utstede bøter til bilister som kjører for fort - på vanlige måte. og svevestøvproblematikken er betydelig re- fort ødelagt, derfor er det viktig at vi doku- stanse biler bak Stortinget, sier sikkerhets- dusert. Dette fører til mer kø for bilistene og menterer alt veldig nøye, sier Haug. sjef på Stortinget Berit Michelet til NRK. – Miljøfartsgrenseskiltene som i dag dårlig samfunnsøkonomi, sier Sagedal. Utbyggeren har nå stoppa arbeidet i om- Avgjørelsen kommer etter at flere stortings- står blir tatt ned og erstattet med en perma- rådet. representanter var bekymret for sikkerheten nent fartsgrense på 70 km/t. når store varebiler fritt kunne parkere helt Fartsgrensen vil håndheves av politiet English Synopsis: The Ministry of Transport wants English Synopsis: A Viking sword was unearthed inntil Stortingsbygningen. Drosjeholdeplas- på samme måte som andre fartsgrenser, sier to remove the temporary “environmental speed limit” during the constuction of some apartment buildings signs on some roads and instead institute a year-round south of Trondheim. Construction of the buildings has sen på den andre siden av gata blir ikke Kleppa. constant speed limit. fjernet, og trafikken gjennom Akersgata vil now been put on hold. fortsette å passere Stortingets bakside inntil videre. Prosessen for å forbedre sikkerheten for hele Stortinget pågår fortsatt, og den kan Norges første Verdenspremiere i haugesund innebære flere tiltak. (NRK) elbil med blålys Den norske storfilmen Uvanlig varm og våt januar på Svalbard Norges første elbil med «Kon-Tiki» får Med 4,5 plussgrader har Longyearbyen 30. januar vært det varmeste stedet i landet, blålys har kommet verdenspremiere skriver Svalbardposten. Sammenlignet på filmfestivalen i med de 31,5 minusgradene som viste seg NRK på gradestokken samme dato i fjor, er tem- Haugesund i august. – Vi peraturen uvanlig høy. Og ikke bare er det har store forventninger, unormalt varmt. Mildværet har også brakt Eieren, Drammenregionens brannvesen, med seg kraftig nedbør. Det siste døgnet har er en foregangsfigur, mener Norsk Elbil- sier festivalsjef Gunnar det falt 25,9 millimeter nedbør ved flyplas- forening. – Dette er den nyeste og beste vi Johan Løvvik sen, mens det vanligvis faller 15 millimeter har i bilflåten vår. Det sier overbrannmester Foto: Carl Christian Raabe – NRK nedbør i hele januar. Det massive regnet har ved Drammensregionens brannvesen, Rob- utløst skred og ført til flere stengte veier i og ert Kjærstad-Petterson. Han viser tydelig rundt Longyearbyen. Søndag måtte et SAS- NRK stolt frem brannvesenets nyeste tilskudd, el- fly kansellere avgangen fordi rullebanen på bilen Nissan Leaf. flyplassen var for glatt. Også i Ny-Ålesund Filmteamet har lagt bak seg 60 dagers – Fimen er basert på den sanne historien har det vært svært vått, med 98 millimeter Bilen er landets første og så langt eneste elektrisitetsdrevne utrykningskjøretøy, fullt opptak i seks forskjellige land over en peri- som overgår fantasien. Den er som skapt for nedbør de siste 24 timene. Dette er ny rekord ode på 3 1/2 måned. Nå jobbes det med å det store lerretet, mener han. for Ny-Ålesund, ifølge Meteorologisk insti- uniformert med blålys på taket. Men: – Sirenen droppet vi, vi syns frakte film-flåten fra Malta til Haugesund, Den handler om Thor Heyerdahl, som i tutt. slik at den kan ligge i sundet utenfor når 1947 la ut på en eventyrlig og farefull ekspe- (NTB) det kanskje ble litt vel mye, sier overbran- nmesteren. filmfestivalen åpner. Årets festival er den disjon over Stillehavet. Han ville bevise sin Nederland vil samarbeide med Norge om Som utrykningskjøretøy kan bilen settes førtiende i rekken. teori om at Polonesia var blitt befolket fra F-35 inn i akutte situasjoner. Og skulle det være – Vi synes det er fantastisk at verdenspre- Sør-Amerika. behov for det, er det plass til fem voksne mieren blir lagt til Norge. Jeg har vært med i Manuset til filmen om Kon-Tiki-ekspe- Nederland har bedt både Norge og Danmark norsk filmbransje i mange år, men jeg vil nok disjonen er skrevet av . om å samarbeide om innkjøp og vedlikehold menn i full røykdykkerbekledning i bilen. si at «Kon-Tiki» overgår det meste av det vi I hovedrollen som Thor Heyerdahl av F-35-flyene, sa forsvarsminister Hans – Bilen kan brukes som fremkomstmid- har sett før, sier produsent Aage Aaberge til finner vi Pål Sverre Hagen, mens Agnes Kit- Hillen etter møter i Pentagon torsdag. Etter del for for eksempel overbefalsvakt dersom et møte med USAs forsvarsminister Leon de må ut på et brannsted, og den kan i teor- NRK.no. telsen spiller hans første kone, Liv. Manns- Panetta, sa Hillen at initiativet er et eks- ien brukes til å frakte utstyr og personell til Det er barndomsvennene og duoen bak kapet på «Kon-Tiki »spilles av Odd-Magnus empel på hvor langt Nederland vil gå for å et brannsted. Det er ikke primært det som filmen «Max Manus», Joachim Rønning og Williamson, Tobias Santelmann, Anders samarbeide om å opprettholde NATOs kapa- er misjonen, men muligheten er der, sier Espen Sandberg, som har regien. Med Kon- Baasmo Christiansen, Jakob Oftebro, og sitet. Kjærstad-Petterson. Tiki får de oppfylt sin store drøm. Gustaf Skarsgård. (NTB) – Vi har drømt å gjøre dette siden vi var små. Dette er vårt beste samarbeid, sier reg- English Synopsis: For the first time, an electric car English Synopsis: A highly anticipated Norwegian film has joined a fire department in Norway, in Drammen. issør-kompisene. about Thor Heyerdahl’s famous Kon-Tiki adventure The car has flashing blue lights on the roof, but no Produsent Aage Aaberge er ikke redd will premiere at a film festival in Haugesund, Norway siren for at forventningene spennes for høyt. in August. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news February 17, 2012 • 3 News Growing debt Surveys in the Barents Sea This week on Norway.com New security center to be established Norway’s financial Norwegian government Justice Minister Grete Faremo wants to improve national preparedness by regulator warns against moves ahead in the establishing a civilian security center within search for oil and gas her department. The so-called situational severe credit shock center will be staffed 24 hours a day. resources in the north Faremo also wants to improve e-security by taking over control of the National St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Security Authority (NMS) herself. She also Norwegian American Weekly wants to establish a separate equipment and No r w a y Po s t investment section within the department, responsible for purchases which are of Norway’s financial regulator Finanstil- Prime Minister has an- importance to national preparedness. synet (Financial Supervisory Authority) nounced that the Norwegian Government (Norway Post) warns banks of “severe” imbalances in its intends to start additional seismic surveys Photo: Wikimedia Commons The disputed border in the Barents Sea between Job cuts at Coca Cola Norge credit and property markets as households further north in the previously disputed area Russia and Norway. continue to amass debt at high levels. of the Barents Sea. Coca Cola Norge is dismissing nearly half of its employees in Norway, when the company “Growth rates on household debt and Stoltenberg made the announcement in turns national distribution of its soft drinks house prices are not following a sustainable a speech to the Oslo Energy Forum on Feb. way and Russia are now able to explore 8. Seismic surveys will start this summer these opportunities. This creates new pos- over to the grocery chains. This means that path,” Morten Baltzersen, Director General 400 to 500 employees will lose their job from and will continue into 2013. sibilities for employment and growth in the of Finanstilsynet. “The longer these devel- March next year. This despite the fact that the “The survey will provide us with impor- High North,” the Prime Minister said. opments go on, the greater the risk is of a company will modernize its factory outside severe imbalance evolving.” tant knowledge about possible oil and gas The Norwegian-Russian Treaty on Mar- itime Delimitation and Cooperation in the Oslo to the tune of NOK 600 million. According to an article by Bloomberg resources in the area,” he said. (NRK) News, the country’s central bank estimates “The area near the maritime delimita- Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean was signed that household debt will equal more than 200 tion line between Norway and Russia may on 15 September 2010 and entered into force Breivik to undergo constant psychiatric percent of total disposable income by the end contain significant oil and gas resources. As on 7 July 2011. In the new Norwegian ar- scrutiny a result of the maritime delimitation treaty, A Norwegian court ordered Anders Behring See > debt, page 11 which entered into force last summer, Nor- See > surveys, page 7 Breivik, charged with killing 77 people last July, to undergo a month-long psychiatric evaluation as experts seek to determine his mental state ahead of a trial. Breivik is “Lead Norway to victory!” Speaking out accused of killing eight people in a bomb attack in Oslo and 69 more in a gun rampage Keshtkar to on nearby Utøya on July 22. Two court- appointed psychiatric experts recommended represent Norway at that Breivik should spend four weeks under 24-hour psychiatric monitoring so the court Eurovision 2012 can get the fullest possible picture of his behavior, according to court documents released Feb. 10. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n (CNN) Norwegian American Weekly Traffic soars at Norway’s airports Norwegian airport operator Avinor has Tooji Keshtkar (24) is Norway’s artist unveiled that its airports handled nearly 3.2 chosen to sing in the Eurovision Song Con- million passengers in January, up 7.6 percent test 2012 in , in May this Photo: Fritt Ord Foundation since last year. Domestic traffic increased 8.2 year, with his Asian-inspired melody “Stay.” Louiza Louhibi is this year’s recipient of the Fritt percent, while international traffic increased Tooji won the national vote after the Ord Foundation’s Freedom of Expression prize. by 6.1 percent. Norway’s Stavanger Airport Melody Grand Prix final national contest Sola, saw the biggest increase of 8.7 percent in Oslo Feb. 11, with an overwhelming in January, while Trondheim Airport Værnes, 155,480 votes, against the 90,046 votes se- Fr i t t Or d saw growth of 7.8. Avinor’s biggest airport, cured by his nearest rival, Nora Foss Al-jabri Oslo Airport Gardermoen, saw growth of 7.8 (16), who had been the favorite of the contest On Feb. 14, the Fritt Ord Foundation, percent, while passenger traffic at Bergen jury. Oslo, awarded the Freedom of Expression Airport Flesland saw growth of 3.4 percent. A country-western duo made up by Nor- Tribute to Louiza Louhibi for her bravery in Overall growth for the country’s regional Photo: Martin Lhota / EBU wegian singer Petter Øien and the U.S. vet- speaking out against violence towards wom- airports was 7.8 percent, with Ålesund Tooji, the winner of Norway’s eran Bobby Bare placed third in the national en and extremist views. Airport Vigra witnessing the greatest 2012. Tooji will represent Norway at this year’s increase at 23.1 percent. Eurovision Contest in Baku, Azerbaijan this See > eurovision, page 15 See > speaking, page 5 (Airport World) May. Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • February 17, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (February 13, 2012) Winners Losers Investment in innovation Norsk Kr. 5.7126 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Norwegian Design Council awards grants SeaBird Exploration 0.4 50.0% Ekornes 110.0 -6.8% Dansk Kr. 5.6288 Birdstep Technology 1.0 25.6% Frontline 25.9 -6.6% through its Design-Driven Innovation Program Svensk Kr. 6.6502 Codfarmers 2.3 11.4% Rocksource 0.5 -5.3% Itera 2.7 9.2% Telio Holding 26.0 -5.1% Canadian $ 0.9994 Bergen Group 7.2 7.7% Sparebank 1 Østfold 80.0 -5.0% Euro 0.7571 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

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MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Photo: Nina Lysbakken / Norwegian Design Council A design-driven innovation and well-documented case allows for an innovative learning method. a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w Ra s m u s Fa l c k Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, Oslo, Norway commercial transactions and estate planning. The focus on the environment is stronger operational information. Biota Guard is now 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 than ever in the oil industry. Environmental in the process of choosing agency. Industrial Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 technology company Biota Guard has devel- designers take their starting point from the oped a system that uses a series of sensors work situation of the operator via user sce- for real-time monitoring of the environment narios, and help the company find out what around platforms and other offshore instal- the users actually needs – and doesn’t need lations. The company was started in 2006. – in terms of information. The Scandinavian Hour It was established by IRIS Forskningsin- Over the last three years, NOK 20 million Celebrating over 50 years on the air! vest AS and Procom Venture AS. Additional (approximately USD 3.5 million) has been funding has been provided by the Norwegian distributed among 54 Norwegian businesses KKNW – 1150 AM Research Council, Innovation Norway and as part of a unique investment in innovation. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Stiftelsen SR Bank Næringsutvikling. During this period 341 businesses from 70 Since 2009 they have worked with their sectors have applied for this kind of support. Streaming live on the internet at: artic project with the objective to develop, This shows that the program is filling a void www.1150kknw.com test and demonstrate to the offshore, oil and in Norwegian innovation work. You could gas industry an integrated environmental almost say there is a gap in the market. The monitoring system for artic subsea applica- Design-driven Innovation Program is the de- Proud to bring you the tion. In 2010 they were named Subsea Up- ciding factor in a company choosing to start Norwegian American Weekly coming Company of the year. The objective an innovation project. Over the past three of the award was to contribute to the devel- years, everything from the oil and gas sector opment and commercialization of new and and maritime industry to technology compa- The Swedish Meatballs growing companies with products, concepts nies, training institutions and large hospitals Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 and services within the subsea industry value have received concept development support chain in the Bergen-area subsea cluster. from the innovation program. Recently they were awarded a grant from In a budget dominated by sobriety and the Design-driven Innovation Program by the need to make savings, the Norwegian the Norwegian Design Council. Biota Guard government decided to continue with the wants to collect and present environmental program. The 16 projects that will receive data in a way that gives the oil companies the support during the year have already been best possible basis for decision making and announced. As our Minister of Trade and now the Tananger-based firm is receiving Industry just stated: “I am really pleased to NOK 420,000 (approximately USD 73,000) see so many companies making use of the in concept development support. programme. Design, technical expertise and To give the operators an optimal deci- market understanding are important for new ...a delicious musical experience! sion-making tool, complicated environmen- and profitable innovations, especially when www.theswedishmeatballs.com tal information has to be presented in as clear design is brought in at an early stage of prod- a manner as possible integrated with other uct development.”

LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Business News & Notes Sales and Service DNB reports high Q4 profits small customers. Total lending was up 9.3 per- Norway’s largest bank, DNB recorded profits cent from end-December 2010, which is a grat- of NOK 4 089 million in the fourth quarter of ifying development,” says Rune Bjerke, group 2011, compared with NOK 5.284 million in the chief executive. At year-end 2011, DNB had fourth quarter of 2010, despite financial tur- lent a total of NOK 1.279 billion to companies moil. Profits for the full year 2011 were NOK and households. Deposits were up 15.3 percent Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK 1.298 billion, a reduction of NOK 1.083 mil- from end-December 2010, and the bank’s ratio phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 lion compared with 2010. “This was another of deposits to lending increased to 57.8 percent fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 quarter affected by financial turmoil. However, at year-end 2011. “Though write-downs have there was a high level of activity in the bank, increased somewhat compared with the corre- with a close to NOK 1.7 billion rise in income. sponding period last year, they remain at a low We are pleased to note that we are continu- level,” says Bjerke. [email protected] ing to gain market share and that we are the (NRK) 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 preferred bank for a large number of large and norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research February 17, 2012 • 5 Research & Education < speaking From page 3 parents have a French-Algerian background. She is politically active in the Norwegian Unique runestone Labor Party’s Gender Equality Committee “Louiza Louhibi is being awarded the and the Blindern Labor Party Youth. Freedom of Expression Foundation Tribute The Fritt Ord Foundation is a public- Runestone mentioning for her courage in the debate about sexual- utility private foundation that aspires to ized violence against women and for active- “Norway” for the first promote freedom of expression and public ly opposing extreme attitudes that are based debate. time in the country and on religious and political prejudices,” said The Freedom of Expression Foundation the board of directors in a statement. dating 's Tribute acknowledges remarkable efforts to Louiza Louhibi was violently attacked promote free speech, often in connection formation has been and raped in Oslo in 2008. The perpetrator with current events. also raped three other women. Han was sen- Norwegian-American historian Odd S. named part of world tenced to seven years of preventive deten- Lovoll was awarded the Tribute in 2011. heritage tion, based, among other things, on Louhi- bi’s testimony. No r w e g i a n Un i v e r s i t y o f Sc i e n c e a n d Louhibi entered the public debate on rape last fall when Oslo had a series of rapes. Te c h n o l o g y “I became a rape victim in 2008. But you E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 can’t spend your whole life being a victim. (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] The Kuli stone is the oldest object to be Take action against rape now!” she wrote on included on the newly launched register of Twitter. She followed up by giving several Norway's list of documents to be included in newspaper interviews and making TV ap- Comfy and stylish! UNESCO’s Memory of the World program. pearances. The program is an international register of Her openness has made Louihibi the Style and documents viewed as important parts of our brunt of persecution, not least on Facebook. comfort shared heritage. The Norwegian version was After an appearance on a debate program on launched Feb. 8 and lists documents espe- meet with NRK (Norwegian public broadcasting) in these wool cially important for Norwegian history and January, she had to be driven home by plain- dresses for cultural heritage. clothes police officers. Now she carries a The text on the Kuli stone is the first time personal alarm for victims of violence when women and known where the term “Nóregi” – “Norway” she is out and about. girls with has been used in the country it names. It Instead of living in fear, Louiza Louhibi removable holds double importance as it also dates the has redoubled her fight against what, in an felted establishment of Christianity in the country interview with NRK, she called “a small flower pin. in the phrase often transcribed as “... twelve but growing group of young Muslim men winters Christianity had been in Norway.” who adhere to an extreme interpretation of Available The Kuli stone was originally raised on Photo: Åge Hojem / NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Islam.” Among other things, she has posted The Kuli stone is the oldest object on Norway’s in red and the island of Kuløy, outside Kristiansund a Facebook page against extremism on the on the northwestern coast of Norway. It is list to be included in UNESCO’s Memory of the grey! World program. Internet. She also recently warned the Nor- 1.9 (approximately 6 feet) meters tall, has a wegian Police Security Service (PST) about carved cross on one broadside, and two lines a threat video against Norwegian State in- Visit us online at of runic inscriptions on one narrow side. Tolf vetr hafði kristendómr verit i stitutions. The runestone came to what is now the www.thetrollscove.com Nóregi... Louiza Louhibi (21) lives in Oslo. Her or our shop in Waupauca, WI NTNU Museum of Natural History of Ar- Tore and Hallvard raised this stone cheology in 1913. The runic inscription was after (Ulvljot)... all but invisible and forgotten until a chance Twelve years had Christianity been in discovery by curator Aslak Liestøl in 1956. Norway... The runes are in the younger runic al- Wording of the inscription is perceived Student-Faculty phabet, in use about A.D. 800 – 1400. Each according as a propaganda tract for Christian- line begins with a small cross in front of the ity, as the phrase “um rétt” in the inscription runic characters and the text is read from bot- means “make law.” For 12 winters Christian- Research tom to top. Both lines go all the way up to the ity had either improved things or secured law stone’s upper edge, where the top is off, so and order in Norway. This reinterpretation is At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community the text may therefore have been longer. The still the subject of academic discussion. ensures challenge and support for every student characters of each line is quite clear, while The Kuli stone can be viewed in the mu- the others are somewhat weathered. Latex seums’ medieval exhibition. A copy of the casts and later micro-ring maps technologi- stone has been erected at Kuløy, at the spot cal research (laser scanning) has made it pos- it is believed to have been placed originally. sible to decipher the inscription. That makes it one of the more accessible ob- In 1956, the stones were translated as: jects on the new document register – in addi- Þórir ok Hallvarðr reistu stein þinsi tion to being the oldest. ept (Ulfljót)...

Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center laboratory. CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS PLU Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 Map: Øyvind Ødegård / NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet Kuløy, where the stone was erected, is between Edøy and Smøla on Norway’s northwestern coast. 6 • February 17, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE An apology 70 years after the fact By Irene Levin Berman, author of “We are Going to Pick Potatoes: Norway and the Holocaust, the Untold Story”

The Prime Minister was the keynote for the most part they pursued their own re- the remaining Jews managed to escape. As went to their deaths assisted by other Nor- speaker at the International Holocaust Re- ligion by establishing Jewish congregations the writer of this article, I am a Norwegian wegians. membrance Day Jan. 27 this year at the same in Oslo and Trondheim. Larger groups of child Holocaust survivor, living in the U.S., The apology doesn’t justify the long Oslo harbor where almost 500 Jews were settlers arrived after the turn of the century. who was four years old in 1942. My family wait, but it does go a long way in making deported Nov. 26, 1942. From there the ship Germany had invaded and managed to escape to while seven the Norwegian Jews feel that the request for Donau brought them to Auschwitz and their Norway on April 9, 1940. Denmark surren- members of my father’s immediate family forgiveness was genuine and sincere, which ultimate death. Only 34 men survived – no dered immediately and spent the first three perished. Sweden will be thanked eternally hopefully will provide closure. As for me, I women. years of the war with a pseudo-German for allowing the Norwegian Jews to cross feel as if the final chapter of the Holocaust What does it actually mean when a Gov- government. Norway retaliated strongly. the border to freedom. Sweden’s neutrality and the Norwegian Jews finally has been ernment offers an apology to its own people? Sweden was neutral. The story of the res- also meant, however, that German soldiers given the accurate framework for us to ac- Is it a political gesture or a genuine attempt cue of the approximately 7,000 Danish Jews were allowed to travel through its country cept closure in the memory of our relatives at making the recipients feel validated so in 1943 is known in the U.S. They were into Norway to fight. who were annihilated... I have therefore that closure can be achieved? In this case the whisked off to Sweden across the sea. The As someone who was earmarked for chosen to consider the speech given by Jens Norwegian government’s gesture was deliv- Danish police, through a concerted effort, this transport, but “who got away,” I often Stoltenberg on the Day of Memorial on Jan. ered 70 years after the fact; a very long time, managed an almost miraculous feat secur- ponder about this scenario and how it pos- 27 as a sign of decency and national honor. considering the circumstances that became ing their safety. However, little is known in sibly could have happened. Did they have evident at the end of World War II. However, this country about the fate of the Norwegian lists, reading out loud, crossing off names? Irene Levin Berman is the the issue is complicated. History tells us that Jews. Was my family’s name read? Was my name author of “We are going the Norwegian citizens were themselves vic- When the Gestapo initiated the arrest of read? Were the police afraid of repercus- to pick potatoes – Norway tims of the German invasion April 9, 1940, the Jews in the fall of 1942, they comman- sions from the Gestapo? Or were they anti- and the Holocaust, The and that a fierce battle was fought to avoid deered the Norwegian police to carry out the Semitic? Probably not. Most Norwegians Untold Story,” in which surrender. How can some co-victims also work for them. On Oct. 25, all Jewish men did not even know any Jews. Were they in- she writes the story of the have been the perpetrators of devastating ac- and boys older than 16 years were suddenly different? Most probably. Did they consider settlement of the Jews in tions warranting asking for forgiveness? arrested and placed in prison camps tem- the Norwegian Jews to be strangers exempt Norway at the end of the 19th century. She tells the story about her own The answer has been referred to as the porarily around the country. This was done from the human decency for which Norwe- family’s experiences during the Holocaust and darkest chapter in modern Norwegian histo- systematically; achieving the anticipated gians pride themselves? Most probably. Did what it was like growing up Jewish in Norwe- ry. In 1940 there were around 2000 Jews liv- result as the Norwegian policemen imme- they occasionally suspect that tragedy was gian after the liberation. For more information ing in Norway. The Norwegian constitution diately followed their orders. On Nov. 26, waiting for these Jews? Most probably. Did about her book, visit www.norwayandtheholo- had excluded Jews from entering until this the women and children were subsequently they let it go? Most probably. caust.com. Irene Levin Berman has recently law was repealed in 1854 through the efforts arrested and brought down to the Oslo har- During the past few years many books been invited to join the Board of Directors of of the famous poet Henrik Wergeland. Dur- bor by Norwegian police men who had or- have been published in Norway attacking the organization Thanks To Scandinavia (www. ing the last quarter of the 19th century some dered Norwegian taxi drivers to pick them the policemen for their act of shame. This thankstoscandinavia.org). This gives her an 50 Jewish pioneers entered this unknown up. The ship was poised to bring almost 500 is a difficult issue with conflicting justifica- opportunity to help in educating the general country. Within a short period of time they men, women and children on to Auschwitz. tions. Presumably this is why the Norwegian public on efforts to alleviate the increased an- learned the language and how to survive and Three additional transports, also assisted by government took 70 years to deliver an of- ti-Semitism in Europe. make a living. They were integrated cultur- the police, resulted in almost 40 percent of ficial apology to the Norwegian Jews who ally through education and co-existence, but the Norwegian Jews being murdered, while have lived with the fact that their relatives

The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< Oil From page 1 Krokstadelva in Buskerud in central Norway. economy than oil. job,” says CEO Trond Gewelt. Trelleborg Offshore Norway produces safety “The rest of the Norwegian economy is He says that the distance to Europe has equipment, insulation and sprinklers, among complex. Those who do not have a unique become too large. The difference in labor Norway's real gold is black, it is far from other things. Eighty percent of their entire product have a significant problem they need costs, tax levels, low exports and low prices the shore and it is deep. High oil prices, new production goes to the oil and gas sector. to get out of,” says Langeland. make the 58-year-old company can not hang discoveries and sky-high investments on the “We have gone from NOK 160 to 460 Some find the solution to their “signifi- on any longer. Norwegian continental shelf lead to tensions million in revenue in 10 years. There are ma- cant problem” is getting out of Norway all “This is the division of Norwegian in Norway's economy. jor projects underway to ensure the future, together. Thirty minutes from Krokstadelva economy. It benefits Norway in terms of rev- “We have a dichotomy of the indus- so there is no sign of dark clouds on the ho- is the Elart Metall, a metal foundry. They are enue and income levels, and it keeps labor try. There are those that deliver the oil in- rizon,” says Trelleborg Offshore Norway's a typical subcontractor to traditional Norwe- costs up for all of us. This is the train for dustry, and then there are the others. Parts managing director Hans Leo Hals. gian export companies. In March, they are such niche businesses like us. Sweden next,” of the Norwegian industry is experiencing “There were entrepreneurs who started closing their doors Norwegian doors and re- says Gewelt. a distinctly Norwegian paradise in the form the company, and we are in tough competi- locating to Sweden. Both Norwegian Labor and Welfare Ad- of ever-growing oil investments in Norway tion with competitors to obtain the best peo- “We have experienced fluctuations and ministration and the union have visited Elart and abroad,” says Knut E. Sunde, of Norsk ple. The people here are local, but we have corrections in the market before, but this is to help the employees find another job. Industri. had to recruit from abroad for the highly spe- something completely different. In March, “After we got the message it was a little He talks about the growing momentum cialized jobs,” he says. we will pack up the equipment and move scary, but we have received good support,” for those who supply the oil and gas sector. Though Norway is known for its oil and production to Sweden. By that time, I hope says Elart’s production manager Jostein Some of this momentum shows itself in gas industry, there is more to the Norwegian all of the nine employees have found a new Høgvik.

Your ad here here for family connections. ing for a Norwegian boss? For The fine print Do you have a Scandinavian Scandinavian meet-up just $25, reach our growing Classified ads are prepaid audience of 20,000 readers Ole’s List item you are looking to sell or Looking to connect with fel- advertisements, and are not across North America and Norwegian American Weekly buy? Place an ad in our new low Norwegians or Scandina- guaranteed to sell. The Nor- classified section! Norway. wegian American Weekly staff classfied ads vians in your area? We have subscribers in every U.S. state reserves the right to turn down Looking for family and most Canadian provinces. These ads work! any ads that are deemed inap- propriate or not connected to We get several requests from Advertisers see the value and our audience. For more infor- PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. readers wanting to connect Employment effectiveness of their ads in the Norwegian American Weekly. mation and to place an ad, call Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in with relatives in North Amer- Are you looking for a Norwe- Call us today to see how we toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email ica and Norway. Place an ad gian to hire, or perhaps look- can help you! email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly February 17, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, Dear Readers, Every day we have the privilege of talk- Managing Editor I received an email from my cousin On April 9, 1940, Norway was invaded ing with subscribers who have such interest- Christy Olsen Field [email protected] who lives in Tokheim, close to Odda. He by Nazi Germany. On May 8, 1945, Norway ing stories to share, and we firmly believe Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager informed me that my grandmother’s grave was liberated and its government and royal these stories deserve to be told. These mem- was being removed as they are running out family returned. ories are woven into the fabric of the Norwe- Kelsey Larson [email protected] of gravesites. This was quite a disturbance Were you in Norway on either of these gian-American story, and we want to share Assistant Layout Editor for me, and I do not understand their system. them with our Norwegian-American readers. Harry Svenkerud [email protected] My grandmother died in 1960, and my cous- We can’t promise to publish your story, but Advertising in mentioned that if their family wanted to we’d love to hear from you all the same. (206) 441-3044 [email protected] pay, they could extend it for a time. If you would like to contribute, please Contributing Editors If this is a problem, why do they not make articles or submissions approximately Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. promote cremation? Can they not come up 600 words or less. Please include captions Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. with other provisions? My father was born with photographs. We hope you honor us Carla Danziger McLean, Va. in Brevik and grew up in Odda-Hardanger. through the sharing of your story or your Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway We visited in 2001 and I was privileged to family’s! Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland visit my grandmother’s grave and other fam- Please send all materials by March 31. Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje seattle, Wash. ily graves. This gave meaning to my Norwe- If you have questions, please contact us at Line Grundstad Hanke seattle, Wash. gian roots! (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. This is indeed sad to me, and I feel it is Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. disrespectful to those who have died. I would Tusen hjertelig takk, Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. like to understand how this system works. Norwegian American Weekly staff Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Photo: Wikimedia Commons Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Sincerely, Solveig M. Lee seattle, Wash. German surrender at Akershus Fortress in Oslo Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Martha Ekness on May 8, 1945. Have something to say? We would love to Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Seattle, Wash. Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. hear from you! David Moe Juneau, Alaska Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. spring days? Do you have memories of oc- Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, Write to us: cupied Norway? Or were your parents and Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. Letter to the Editor John Erik Stacy seattle, Wash. Dear Martha, grandparents perhaps a part of the resistance Norwegian American Weekly Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Thank you for your letter! We have heard effort? We want to hear from you! Send in Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. about this trend as well, and we would love your stories, letters and pictures from this Seattle, WA 98115 Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway to hear the reason! Readers, do you know the period in history. This spring, we want to reason for removing headstones? feature your stories in the Norwegian Ameri- CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives Prefer to email? to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Sincerely, can Weekly to commemorate these important Send a note to [email protected] have a question or comment about news coverage Editor anniversaries. call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor < surveys taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. From page 3 if transboundary oil deposits are found. The • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Russian state-owned company Rosneft has letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian Stay in the loop! American Weekly, and our publication of those views is been granted production licenses covering eas in the southern part of the Barents Sea, not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions most of the Russian part of the previously and complaints about the opinions expressed by the Norwegian Government has initiated Do you belong to a Norwegian disputed area. the paper’s editorials should be directed to the an opening process for petroleum activities organization, or want a sneak publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published “The Norwegian Government is now aimed at awarding new production licences. peek of this week’s issue? weekly except the first week of the calendar year, stepping up our geological surveys in the the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Geological surveys in the area by Norwegian Barents Sea to safeguard our interests in ac- of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • authorities started in the summer of 2011 and Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. cordance with the Treaty on Maritime De- Want to share the Weekly with will continue this year. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription limitation,” said Minister of Petroleum and your Norwegian friends? Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, “The historic treaty signed by Norway Energy Ola Borten Moe. US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. and Russia last year provides for continued The Norwegian Government therefore SINCE MAY 17, 1889: excellent relations between neighbors and has decided to conduct geological mapping Sign up for our free Formerly Norway Times good resource management in the Barents to cover all of Norway’s new areas in the Western Viking & Washington Posten Sea,” said Stoltenberg. weekly eNewsletter! Barents Sea. This activity will however not The Norwegian authorities need geo- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- alter the framework conditions set for petro- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, logical data from the relevant areas in order Go to www.norway.com or leum activities in the 2011 management plan Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven to safeguard Norwegian interests in accor- email [email protected]. for the Barents Sea – Lofoten area. dance with the maritime delimitation treaty NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • February 17, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway

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Photos courtesy of The Friends of the Parks of Perry Township (left) and flickr. Left: A winter sunset at the Hauge Log Church. The park is open from sunrise to sunset, year-round. Right: The Hauge Log Church and cemetery as seen from the driveway.

Kelsey larson Copy Editor

Several weeks ago, the Norwegian torical Society of Wisconsin: “The Hauge Board of Supervisors, Members of the Hauge worked to stop this, and are working primar- American Weekly ran a piece in its “Notable Log Church is one of only three churches Log Church Preservation Association, the ily through fundraising on their website and Norwegians” feature, by David Moe, about still on their original sites constructed in Friends of the Parks of Perry Township and their printed newsletter. “We hope to have Hans Nilsen Hauge, the Norwegian layper- 1852 by members of the Norwegian Luther- volunteers from the Madison Group, www. another edition of our Newsletter out soon, son-turned-preacher who traveled around an Church in America. Its restoration in 1927 madisongroup.us, have been working hard to and would like to expand our mailing list and Norway on foot, preaching the Gospel de- makes it one of the early-restored structures fight many difficult obstacles. membership to include [Norwegian Ameri- spite being persecuted by the bishops and in the state.” First of all, for over a decade, the beau- can Weekly] readers,” says Klein-Kennedy. authorities of the time. Today, he is seen as Today, the church has a fresh coat of tiful view was purposefully obstructed by As the Friends group writes on their a great hero in Norway, both by the church white paint and is surrounded by 33 acres of a wooden fence built by an adjacent land website: “The town of Perry has taken on the and society. restored prairie landscape, which the Town owner to the north of the church site. The responsibility to exercise stewardship for this There were those in rural Wisconsin of Perry has developed into the Hauge Log fence finally came down after lengthy battle place and protect it for people from all over who thought him a great man, as well: in the Church Historic District Park. These lands for the Town of Perry to take ownership of the world and for future generations. What Town of Perry, Dane County, about 45 min- are open to the public to enjoy from sun- the land. But the fight is not over: far from it. happens here should not be decided by who utes from Madison and just a couple of miles rise to sunset year round, and are some of If the Town of Perry loses its appeals in the has the most money and the fanciest lawyers. off Hwy 78, along winding County Highway the best beloved and most frequently visited two lawsuits that granted it the land, it will What happens here should not be decided by Z, a modest log church bears his name. The lands in the area. In 2006, the guestbook at have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars who goes broke first. What happens here Hans Nilsen Hauge Log Church, built in the the church showed that over 1,000 visitors to settle the lawsuits. “The Town has been should be decided by what is right.” winter of 1852, was established by some of had come, from 29 states and six foreign fighting this battle for almost 12 years now, If you are interested in learning more Hauge’s followers who had emigrated from countries, including Norway. “How wonder- and are unwavering in their determination to about the Hauge Log Church site, visit www. Norway to this quiet part of Wisconsin. They ful to be trusted with such a great piece of prevail in this fight,” says Mick Klein-Ken- haugelogchurch.org. If you are interested built their church from oaken beams on a history,” one visitor wrote. nedy, President of The Friends of the Parks in learning firsthand what this battle is all lovely little prairie outcropping from which The area surrounding the serene little of Perry Township. about, visit www.haugelogchurchpark.com. they could enjoy the spectacular view of the church is truly beautiful, with the rolling A powerful photo series on the Friends’ If you would like to receive the Friends Blue Mounds hills. The church was in use Blue Mounds stretching out in the distance, website, www.haugelogchurchpark.com, Newsletter, which will keep you updated on until 1887, when the congregation outgrew tall oaks and conifers swaying gently in the shows how the panoramic view was blocked the situation, send an e-mail to mick@wis- it and moved away. But they left behind an summer breeze, and even apple trees that by the fence, and what could have happened consinlandscapes.com. You can also help important legacy: this group of immigrants blossom pink in the springtime. The prairie to the Log Church site had the Town of Perry the Friends group continue with its struggle was the first to build a It is all on account of a around the church is not taken on this fight. The open view that to preserve and protect the church by send- Norwegian Lutheran in the process of being the original congregation of the church en- ing your tax deductible donation to: The church in western Wis- group of hard-working restored, with native joyed would have been compromised with Friends of the Parks of Perry Township, P.O. consin, and their loved individuals who have not grasses such as June the building of a large airplane hangar in the Box 123, Blue Mounds, WI. 53517. ones, buried in the been willing to give up on grass and little bluestem church’s backyard by the same landowner. peaceful cemetery that this important piece of their growing again, and pur- The Friends group, among others, have surrounds the church, Norwegian heritage. ple and yellow cone- remain a testament to flower adding a splash their memory. of color. The communi- The church sat abandoned for nearly ty enjoys and interacts with the space: wed- 40 years. Then, in 1926, it was proposed the dings, baptisms and other special events are church be moved to Vesterheim museum in held here often. Decorah, Iowa. However, strong community The fact that the area is being restored to opposition soon developed, and the plan was its former glory, and that is a free and open abandoned. The church was instead restored space for the community to enjoy, is not one by a dedicated group of people in the com- to be taken for granted. It is all on account munity: evidence that that the people of the of a group of hard-working individuals who Town of Perry have cared deeply about the have not been willing to give up on this im- structure for a long time. In fact, they hold a portant piece of their Norwegian heritage. bit of a record to this end. In 1974, the church These are the same people who are con- made the National Register of Historic Plac- tinuing to fight the forces that still threaten es, and was described thus by the State His- the church and the site. The Town of Perry 10 • February 17, 2012 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

Norwegian American Weekly Photo of the Week No r w e g i a n 101 Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch Snowsuits (kjeledress) There is not much we can do about winter (ingenting vi kan gjøre med vinteren), but in keeping with the Norwegian motto “there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad cloth- ing,” (det er ikke dårlig, vær bare dårlige klær), everyone should invest in a snowsuit (kjeledress). They are cheap (bil- lig) to buy at the local all-in-one stores like the Walmart-like Coop Obs (often under KR400, USD 75) and they have ev- erything one needs to stay warm (å være varm) and toasty when temperatures drop below 0°C (32°F). A detachable hood (avtagbar) is there in case of extreme cold (ekstremkulde). The legs zip up the sides (har glidelås på sidene) so it is easy to put the suit on over heavy winter boots (tykke vinter støvler). The stan- dard issue in blue or red (blå eller rød) comes with reflection strips (reflekser) sewn in and many have optional belts Photo courtesy of Norman Jensen (belter) for added “style.” Velcro strips (bor- New subscriber Norman Jensen of New Canaan, Conn., submitted this photo to us for relås) at the wrists enable the user to tighten the Photo of the Week, writing: suit securely over mittens or gloves (votter eller han- “I recently subscribed to The Norwegian American Weekly and I’m glad I did. My dad, Oskar Jensen, was born in either Bergen or Oslo, I’m not too sure. He and my mom, sker) and when dirty (skitten), the suits can go in the who’s family came from Sweden never spoke the native language with me and my two washing machine (vaskemaskin) without any special brothers. So as a result I never learned the language and it feels as my heritage is slip- care (spesiell behandling). ping away. In some sort of a miracle the ‘Weekly’ appeared in my e-mail, so I subscribed. It’s a silly souvenir (tullete suvenir) to bring back And in doing so it is helping me to reconnect to my Norwegian heritage. I was born in from Norway, but if you want something authentic (au- Brooklyn, N.Y., joined the U.S. Navy, got married afterwards and have two children, a son tentisk) then a snowsuit is the thing. For the best deals and a daughter. This past Christmas I received from my daughter a most wonderful gift, a nine-day trip to Oslo then to Bergen. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would (tilbud) and greatest availability (tilgjengelighet), ever see my homeland in this lifetime. We will be there July 11, 2012, but before the trip however, you need to be here in the winter. I hope in some way locate any relatives I might have there. After all is said and done the most wonderful gift I could have ever received in my life is my daughter Laura.” Thanks for sharing, Norman! We are so glad that you joined us as a subscriber, and we are glad that you are making the trip of a lifetime to Norway with your daughter. We wish you all the best in your planning, and please send us a picture when you return!

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Lost in translation... Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. Sometimes a word, concept or experi- ence can be lost in translation from one lan- guage to another. How would you translate Twinkie into Norwegian? We want to hear 21. februar from you! Thor Rygh Drammen Norway Send your answer to us at naw@nor- Trygve J. Dale Tacoma WA way.com or write to: Norwegian American Marie Anne Rinell Mt Vernon WA Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, Karen Marie Hicks Bellingham WA WA 98115. Anne Erlandsen Seattle WA Lisa Chavez Goleta CA HM King Harald V Oslo Norway 17. februar 22. februar New Feature! Olga Hinderlie Sveio Norway Karen Bendixen Boyd Olympia WA Alf Kallerud Eau Claire WI Martha Lofall Poulsbo WA Ida T. Wheeler Castro Valley CA Elisabeth Grambo Seattle WA Scott Gehsmann Morristown NJ Inga Fritzen-Buan Harestua Norway Community Connections Mrs. Axel Gidlof Los Angeles CA 18. februar Peder Endahl Woonsocket SD Leona Hanson Gordon Wauwatdsa WI 23. februar Lars H Hydle Glendale CA Do you have a new grand- Signe A Oian Overland Park KS Sivert Stupstad Hagen Sask Can Ernest Haugen Coon Valley WI Mrs Richard Beck Victoria BC Can child? Does your loved one have Knut Lunden Grimstad Norway Ole Kvithyll Two Rivers WI a milestone birthday coming up? Svenn K Lovlie Bremerton WA Has your family recently celebrat- 19. februar Annie Mathiesen Las Vegas NV Ann C. Somdahl Lake Park MN Ross Davidson Seattle WA Your picture here! ed a wedding or special anniver- Kari Megan Virding Tigard OR Gerd Nelson Bloomington MN sary? Share your news with the Berdines Froyland Sauda Norway Norwegian-American community Martha Halseth Outlook Sask Can Happy Belated Birthday to by printing an announcement with Arild N. Reines Pt Orchard WA Patricia Ponnay of Eureka, Calif.! Florence Johnson Running Springs CA us! Alfred Bauch San Francisco CA Anna Alquist Santa Cruz CA Justin Sund Olympia WA Henry Syvertsen Gilford CT Want to see your birthday in the A new feature for the Norwegian American Weekly: Community Connections! Judith Wood South Colby WA Norwegian American Weekly? For just $35, you can print a photo and up to 10 lines of text to celebrate life’s Agnes Larson Porterville CA milestones with the Norwegian-American community. Commemorate birthdays, en- 20. februar Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ gagements, weddings, anniversaries, baptisms, birth announcements and more! Mike Sevig Minneapolis MN norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at Each submission will be printed in the “Roots & Connections” page, and we will Halstein Morken Ålen Norway least one month in advance. send you up to 10 copies to share with family and friends. Mikael Hoem Kristiansund Norway NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed For more information, call us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. Rev. Joel C. Rolf Radcliffe IA away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly February 17, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Dorothy Stoner Gleespen May 12, 1930 – January 26, 2012 Unexpected graciousness

Dorothy Stoner Gleespen Campbell and Blackford High Schools. passed peacefully into Dorothy will be remembered for her Several years ago I took a group of has been injured. You need only go to city the arms of her Savior love of family, her devoted support of her youth on a mission trip to St. Thomas in hall in the morning and pay a $25 fine for Jan. 9, 2012, at her home Norwegian heritage, and her active involve- the Virgin Islands. We were there to help causing the accident. None of this will go in San Jose, Calif. ment in her church. She was a member of the rebuild a church that had been severely on your record. Please come back to St. Born May 12, 1930, Daughters of Norway since 1999 and served damaged in a hurricane. We rented a van, Thomas and see us again sometime.” in La Grange, Ill., Doro- as an elder of Trinity Presbyterian Church. and I became the designated driver. I did It was as if a huge balloon of ten- thy attended Wheaton College, graduating Dorothy is survived by her two sons, OK until our last night on the island when sion in my body burst and a giant wave with a bachelor’s degree in biology. A long- Jonathan and his wife Debbie; Joseph and his I forgot that the traffic drives on the left of relief and even joy came over me. The time resident of Saratoga and San Jose, Ca- wife, Yasimine; her daughter, Bonnie Larson hand side of the road in St. Thomas. I graciousness of the St. Thomas police lif., after raising three children, she became and her husband, Eric. Additional family in- pulled out in front of oncoming traffic amazed me. They could see how miser- a certified medical assistant and worked for cludes her sister, Marilyn Miller, as well as and couldn’t avoid an accident. The crash able and nervous I was and showered me a number of prominent doctors in the Santa several nieces, nephews, grandchildren and was all my fault, and it was obvious to with unexpected grace. Whenever I think Clara Valley. She was also a school nurse at one great-grandchild. everyone, including the police, who came about times like this when I have expe- to deal with the situation. rienced unexpected graciousness, I think As I was sitting in the squad car giv- about the grace of God. Jon Olsen Grondahl ing the police my identification and an- Unexpected and undeserved grace swering questions about the accident, the always brings joy into my heart. Imagine May 12, 1930 – February 3, 2012 officer could tell I was pretty shook up. how much joy we would all feel if we After awhile he turned to me and said, could truly comprehend the breadth and Capt. Jon O. Gron- active member of Nansen Lodge (Sons of “Please don’t let this accident spoil your depth of God’s undeserved and unexpect- dahl of Mt. Vernon, N.Y., Norway), and of the Great Kills Masonic trip to St. Thomas, Mr. Larson. No one ed love and Grace for us. passed away peacefully Lodge, a volunteer at Eger Lutheran Home Feb. 3, 2012. He was 92. and a devout member of Zion Lutheran Jon born in Hem- Church. Funeral Home sedal, Norway on Nov. 6, A self-taught master craftsman, Jon won 1919, to Barbo and Ola many national awards such as the “Golden SOlie and Crematory Grondalen, who were Hammer” from Mechanix Illustrated, and the Honoring • Caring • Serving dairy farmers. Orphaned “Delta Citation” in recognition of his skills in at a young age, he later went to live in Dram- furniture-making, in the Norwegian freehand 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 men, near Oslo, with his beloved artist un- floral motif painting on wood called rosema- cle. ling, wood carving and brass work. In retire- After high school, he went to business ment, he taught rosemaling and wood-carv- The Scandinavian Hour school but longed for an adventure. He ing classes and restored 17th century Dutch signed on to a cargo ship that was fired upon art for the Richmondtown Museum, making Celebrating over 50 years on the air! by German ships which invaded Norway his paints out of berries and his brushes out two days later. Jon’s vessel was one of 1,000 of horsehair. Jon was happy to visit several KKNW – 1150 AM Norwegian ships at sea which all made haste elementary school classes on the Island, to Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST to England, sailing under the Norwegian flag introduce them to the art of rosemaling. He for the next five years, delivering supplies to also presented his arts at two shows at South Streaming live on the internet at: the Allied Forces. He attended the Norwe- Street Seaport. www.1150kknw.com gian Navigation School, became an officer in In 2008, Jon and Gloria sold their Staten the Norwegian Merchant Marines, survived Island and New Jersey homes and moved several close encounters with the enemy, and to the Wartburg Adult Community in Mt. was honored with three medals for service Vernon, N.Y., joining the United Lutheran Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? and valor, two of these presented by the King Church on campus. Jon is survived by his Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with of Norway. wife of 65 years, Gloria; two children, Bar- an annual review—it takes less than an hour. During a short furlough in New York bara Roggemann and Jon O. Grondahl, Jr.; Schedule a review to: City during the war, Jon met Gloria Larsen their spouses, Peter and Beth; two grandchil- Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. and they were married July 6, 1946. They dren, Diana and Kristoffer Roggemann and and review goals. Review protection coverage. settled on Staten Island for the next 60 years. his wife Ellen. He was loved and appreciated Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. In 1947, he started sailing for Gulf Oil, and by his family and friends for his lively and update beneficiaries. within a few years became the youngest cap- joyful spirit, his warmth and his eternal op- Contact your financial representative and get started today! tain of their fleet of tankers. In addition to his timism. A family memorial will be held later role as Captain of the M/V Regent, he also this month. In lieu of flowers, donations to served as his own pilot. Jon proudly became The Chaplaincy Fund, c/o Wartburg Foun- a U.S. citizen in 1949. dation, 1 Wartburg Place, Mt. Vernon, NY As a Staten Island resident, Jon was an 10552 would be appreciated.

< Debt From page 3 to tighten their lending standards. On Feb. 2, the International Monetary Fund cut its of the year. To try to put a stop to the soaring growth forecast for Norway, saying Nor- home valuations and credit risk, the country wegian house prices were 15 to 20 percent imposed a maximum loan-to-value limit on overvalued. home loans of 85 percent in December. The While Finance Minister Sigbjørn Johns- Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are government has no plans to adopt additional en has said he doesn’t want to use the word available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment measures to curb debt growth, likely because “bubble” to describe what’s going on in Nor- Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of this is an election year in Norway. way’s property market, he says the develop- Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. Credit and property markets in Nor- ment is a “concern” for the government. He For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. way continue to show signs of overheating, told homeowners this month to make sure 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 five months after Finanstilsynet told banks they’re prepared for a drop in house prices. 12 • February 17, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Home empty-handed Calendar of Events No Norwegian wins at the Grammys this year What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California Kraggerud, two of Norway’s top violin- Valhall Lodge Centennial Gala ists. You don’t want to miss this wonder- March 17 ful event! For details, go to http://www. San Diego, Calif. longfellowchorus.com/2012_Longfellow_ Save the date! Sons of Norway Valhall Choral_Festival.html. Questions? Contact Lodge 6-025 is celebrating its 100th an- Charles Kaufman at (207) 232-8920, direc- niversary with a special gala. Registration [email protected]. and no-host bar begins at 6 p.m., dinner and celebration at 7 p.m. including dancing. Minnesota Black tie optional, and bunads encouraged. 15th Annual Ibsen Festival Reservations due by Monday, March 5. For April 13 – 15 more information, call Patricia Becker at Lanesboro, Minn. (619) 583-1076. For reservations, please Committed to annually producing the call Tam Stautland at (619) 299-9237. works of Henrik Ibsen, we celebrate the Father of Modern Drama with a weekend Colorado of Scandinavian theater, art, and music. All Barneløpet 2012 details are available at www.ibsenfest.org, February 25 and March 3 or by calling (800) 657-7025 or emailing Photo courtesy of StarGate Granby, Colo. and Grand Mesa, Colo. [email protected]. StarGate, the award-winning producing and writing duo from Trondheim, didn’t win any Grammys this Save the date! Sons of Norway District 6 year, even though they were nominated for seven. is proudly inviting all youth cross-country New York skiers to attend this family event in Colo- Annual Fastelavn Celebration NRK rado. Join us Feb. 25 in Granby, and March February 26 3 in Grand Mesa to participate in this great Brooklyn, N.Y. event! For details, call (970) 412-0433 or On Sunday, Feb. 26, join the Scandinavian At this year’s Grammy music awards, for seven of Norway's 12 nominations, in- email [email protected]. East Coast Museum for their annual Faste- Norwegians were nominated for 12 awards, cluding “Album of the Year” for 's lavn Celebration! This fun event will be but not a single one took home a prize. “Loud” and “Best Rap Song” for Wiz Khal- Florida held 3 – 7 pm. at the Danish Athletic Club, Marianne Beate Kielland was nomi- ifa's “Black and Yellow.” Yellow Pea Soup Supper located at 735 65th St. in Broolyn. All are nated for “Best Classical Vocal Solo” for Norwegian conductor Kjetil Almenning February 19 invited to come and celebrate this wonder- her performance of “Veslemøy Synsk.”Even was nominated along with Ensemble 96 and Sarasota, Fla. ful tradition. Decorate branches for the re- though she didn't win, Kielland was very Nidaros String Quartet for the album “Kind” The Sarasota Sons of Norway Lodge #3- turn of spring, hit the barrel to rid yourself happy to be nominated in the first place. in the category “Best Choral Performance.” 539 invites you to a short meeting at 3 p.m. of bad luck and eat delicious Fastelavn “Being a Grammy nominee is a very, Kind's producer and engineer Morten Lind- and then the Norwegian soup supper at buns to increase your good luck. Games, very high honor, and I will with berg was also nominated for “Best Surround Faith Lutheran Church, 7750 Beneva Rd. and prize for best costume. (Costumes are me,” said Kielland. Sound Album.” Sarasota, FL 34238.Adult tickets are $10, optional.) Music by Ellen Lindstrom. All NRK's music critic Ragnhild Veire be- Esteemed pianist Leif Ove Andsnes, children (ages 6 – 14) tickets are $5. For in- inclusive price: $30 for adults, $17 for kids lieves there is every reason for Norwegians who was nominated for “Best Classical In- formation, call Mary Larsen at (941) 371- 7 – 17 and $12 for those 6 and under. For to be proud of their country's nominations, strumental Soloist” and “Best Engineered 6132 or e-mail [email protected] reservations call Victoria at (718) 748-5950 even if no one went to the top. Album, Classical,” did not take home either with “Pea Soup Supper” in subject line. or Reidun at (718) 748-7844. “We must be proud that little Norway prize. Veire believes that despite the nomina- had three nominations in classical music. tion, Andsnes is perhaps the one who would May 17th Fundraiser Illinois It says a lot about our level. We are world be most disappointed of all the Norwegian Annual Dinner Dance and Fundraiser March 4 Brooklyn, N.Y. class!” said Veire. nominees. March 3 The Norwegian producer duo StarGate, “Leif Ove Andsnes may be disap- Des Plaines, Ill. Save the date! The Norwegian-American Mikkel Eriksen and Tor Erik Hermansen, pointed. He has been nominated seven times Scandinavian Park Inc. NFP will present May 17th Parade Committee is proud to was among the nominees in the category without winning. He has released over 40 their 9th annual dinner dance and fund- present the first annual Parade Fundraiser! “Record of the Year” for Katy Perry's “Fire- albums and is also world class. He chose not raiser for Vasa Park in South Elgin, Ill. Join Join us March 4 at the Salty Dog Bar and us at the Des Plaines Elk Club (495 Lee St. Grill, located 7509 3rd Avenue in Brook- work.” The duo got their start in Trondheim to attend the ceremony,” she said. in Des Plaines) on March 3 at 6:30 p.m. lyn, from 2 to 6 p.m. For just $20 per per- as songwriters, and broke into the American Sound engineer Arne Aksel Berg was for social hour, followed by dinner at 7:30. son, the event includes a light buffet and recording industry in 2006. At this year's nominated in the category “Best Engineer, The theme will be “Harvesting Scandina- dessert, along with raffles, door prizes, a 50 Grammys, StarGate’s work was nominated Classical,” but did not take home the prize. vian Traditions” and donation is $45 per / 50 pot and more fun and games! Come person with dance music provided by the and support us, and bring your friends and Dave Kyrk Trio. There will be a cash draw- family! For information, visit www.may- < Service als as a reward for their outstanding service ing and raffle table with prizes donated by 17paradeny.com or call (718) 748-1874. From page 1 Scandinavian organizations. For reserva- in the interest of Norway. The actual date Pennsylvania when Paulsen will be presented with the in- tions and information, call (630) 852-0598 ment from the Royal Palace states that: “HM Restauration Lodge Scholarship Dinner signia of the order has yet to be decided. or send reservations with check payable to The King has appointed Jan Paulsen Com- March 9 Pastor Paulsen was the world leader Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP to Jack Gran- mander of the Royal Norwegian Order of din, 7011 Sierra Court, Darien, IL 60561. Wallingford, Pa. of the Seventh-day Adventist Church from Merit for meritorious work for the good of Visit www.vasaparkil.com. Sons of Norway Restauration Lodge an- 1999 to 2010. He holds a Doctor of Theol- nounces their scholarship fundraiser! The humanity.” ogy degree from the University of Tübingen Maine Fish and Meatball Dinner will once again “I am totally surprised and very honored in Germany. Paulsen began his ministerial by this recognition coming from HM the Longfellow Choral Festival be prepared by George Beck and William service in 1953 in Norway and has served King of Norway,” said Paulsen. March 3 – 5 Taylor at the Wallingford Presbyterian as teacher in Ghana and as teacher and col- South Portland, Maine Church in Wallingford, Pa., on March 9. “It warms my heart that the accolade lege president in Nigeria. From 1976 – 1980 On March 3, 4 and 5, the Longfellow Cho- The lodge meeting for this night will start came with the recognition ‘Service for the he was the Principal of church-run Newbold rus of Portland, Maine, will present “Ole at 6:30 p.m. with dinner to be served at 7 good of humanity,’ for that is what the life College in England. For twelve years he Bull, Longfellow & Elgar: Scenes from the p.m. Cost: $15 per person. Reservations of Christian service is all about,” Paulsen served as the President of the Trans-Europe- will be due no later than March 5. Checks Saga of King Olaf.” Seven programs, in- added. an Division with headquarters in St. Albans, to be made out to Restauration Lodge cluding Edward Elgar’s cantata King Olaf “It is a great honor for the Seventh-day England. Throughout his career Jan Paulsen 3-555. Mail your reservations to: William based on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Adventist Church in Norway that the global has shown particular interest in furthering epic poem “The Saga of King Olaf” will be A. Taylor, 826 Bob White Lane, Secane, service of Dr. Paulsen has been recognized PA 19018. higher education in Africa. presented by Arve Tellefsen and Henning in this way,” said Pastor Reidar J. Kvinge, The Seventh-day Adventist Church has leader of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 17 million members worldwide and 4,700 Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 in Norway. members in Norway. Jan Paulsen lives in the to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! The Royal Norwegian Order of Merit Washington D.C. area; he is married to Kari Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. was founded King Olav V in 1985 and is (née Trykkerud) and has three children. conferred on foreign and Norwegian nation- norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us February 17, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Hearts full of love Sharing the legacy of Sverre and Henny Ulvestad

Photo: Leslee Lane Hoyum Guests begin their journey along the delectable salmon koldtbord. < Birthday From page 1 On Jan. 22, members and visitors hon- ored Mindekirken’s history through worship, music and delectable food, also a Mind- Over time Mindekirken has been a gath- ekirken tradition. ering place for people wishing to celebrate The church choir performed, and mem- their Norwegian and Scandinavian cultural ber Sarah Grudem, who was baptized at ties in a Lutheran setting. Today, the church Mindekirken and is a graduate of The Jul- Photos courtesy of Elisabeth Brennan also serves as a link between the Midwest liard School, played harp and was accompa- Sverre and Henny Ulvestad were the dynamic duo at Eger Lutheran Homes and Services on Staten and Norway and welcomes Norwegian visi- nied by church organist Dean Billmeyer. Also Island, N.Y. They are pictured above in 2006 (left) and an undated photo from the 1970s when HM King tors throughout the year. Olav V visited the Eger Home. participating in the worship service was the The church remains true to its original Minneapolis Evangelical Lutheran Church mission. It continues as a living church con- in America Interim Bishop Rev. Glenn Ny- Re v . Ro b e r t G. Wo ll e n b u r g ducting worship services in Norwegian and cklemoe who delivered the sermon. Eger Lutheran Homes and Services guiding its members’ spiritual lives. But it Following the worship service, members has become much more to those who belong were treated to a delicious salmon koldtbord or visit; it also serves as a firm link to their followed by reminiscences of the church’s When you pass away in your 90s, you dedication to hard work, Sverre took Eger, past as well as their current cultural identity. 90 years. do not expect many of your friends to attend which had relocated in 1926 to Lighthouse your memorial. This was the thought when Hill on Staten Island, from a 42-bed resi- a service was planned for Sverre and Henny dential community to a full-fledged 378-bed Ulvestad on Oct. 30, 2011, at Eger Lutheran home with total care skilled nursing. Al- Homes and Services in Staten Island, N.Y. though Norwegian individuals and groups Sverre and Henny, as they were affec- continued to provide primary philanthropic tionately known, were remembered for their support at that time, Eger was now open to years of service to the nursing home residents anyone who needed it. at Eger from 1964 to 1982. As the adminis- As plans for Sverre and Henny’s memo- trator and president, Sverre was recruited to rial continued, the invitation list lengthened. bring change to this historically Norwegian Beginning with two people on Staten Island mission of the Lutheran Church, and the re- who remembered the Ulvestads (in 1982 they sult of his work, with his beloved Henny at moved to Virginia to live near their daughter his side, was more than anyone expected. and her family), invitations went out to 157, Eger was founded by Norwegian Lu- and still there were more who learned of this therans in Brooklyn, N.Y., one of the five event and asked to attend. By the time the Photo Leslee Lane Hoyum Photo: Cindy Hatlevik boroughs of New York City, as the result of a service began, nearly 100 people had gath- Mindekirken Pastor Kristin Sundt and Minneapo- Aileen Torrence displays a quilt made by the bequest left by Carl Michael Eger. Eger was ered. lis Synod Interim Bishop Glenn Nycklemoe who Blåveis women’s group that embroidered the has roots in Selbu. His ancestors emigrated to names of its group, charter members and their an involved member of Our Saviour Lutheran As memories were shared, the picture Full Service Agency With Experienced Ashby, Minn., close to Fergus Falls. families. It was completed in the mid-1920s. Church, believed that God had blessed him, that emerged was of two people who had tre- Norwegian Speaking Consultants! and wished to share what he had received. As mendous love for each other and their fam- Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! information will help you make wise travel a result he left $60,000 and his brownstone so ily, for Eger and the residents, and for their Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! that the congregation could care for Lutheran Norwegian culture and heritage. Motivated Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Specials to Scandinavia Norwegians, 65 years or older, who were liv- by their Christian faith, they did all that they VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean ing “in reduced circumstances.” Little did he could to make Eger a successful and caring 1 (718) 979-6641 know how his legacy and Norwegian good nursing home, to keep alive traditions and Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] works would grow. values they learned from youth, and to leave Verrazano TraVel & leisure Carl Michael had himself grown into behind a better, more loving, world. 1 (718) 979-6641 something of a legend. As an immigrant, he Sverre and Henny were both born in [email protected] to the Weekly! came to America trained as an architect and small towns near Sogn, Norway, in 1917 and Just $59 per year! Call (800)[email protected] 305-0217 or email [email protected] with a partner founded the Hecla Iron Works, 1921 respectively. Henny graduated with located on the north side of Williamsburg, a degree in nursing. Sverre trained to be a The Norwegian Ladies Chorus of Seattle presents its annual Brooklyn. In its day, Hecla covered 40 city deacon and graduated with a degree in nurs- blocks and employed thousands of workers. ing home administration. Prior to moving It was famous for its decorative architectur- to Staten Island, N.Y., the Ulvestads served Fishcake & Meatball Dinner al iron work included in structures such as in the Lutheran church and in healthcare in anD auction Grand Central Station, the Macomb’s Dam various places of the world, including Japan, Bridge and the 155th Street Viaduct. Philadelphia, Pa., and Minnesota. After their Join us for a wonderful evening of delicious Even more famous, Hecla Iron Works retirement in 1964 they moved to Maryland Sunday, March 4 Norwegian foods and wonderful auction items! was commissioned to design and build the to be near their daughter and her family. 4 p.m. Social and Silent Auction double-spiral stairway in the base of the Stat- Henny passed away Dec. 11, 2009, at the age at Leif Erikson Hall 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. Dinner, Live Auction & Entertainment 2245 NW 57th St, Seattle, WA 98107 ue of Liberty. A newspaper article in 1888 of 88. Sverre entered heavenly rest May 1, Reservations are required. calls the ascending and descending staircase 2011, at the age of 93. Tickets: $25 per person an “ingenious” design. Besides the 100 guests who attended Call Arlene at (206) 784-1290 Sverre Ulvestad’s own genius, coupled their Oct. 31 memorial at Eger, thousands with his genuinely big heart for helping, led more have been touched by their faith and him to design and build a new Eger. With his love. enormous vision, organizational skills, and 14 • February 17, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Make me the man I am The boys from Vangen: Jon Johansen reflects on his Norwegian father

Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

KAN DE REDDE BARNET? CAN THEY SAVE THE CHILD? Sterk-Ola Bakken og «Vangsgutane» Strong-Ola Bakken and the Vangen står nede ved elva og holder øye med tøm- boys stand alongside the river, watching the Photos courtesy of Jon Johansen meret. Da får de høre noen som skriker så timber. Then they hear someone screaming Above: Three generations of Johansen men: Far Far, grandsons Michael and Jonathan, and Jon. Be- vondt lenger nede. «Det må være noe galt desperately farther downriver. “There must low: Far Far with granddaughters Madison Jewett and Abby Johansen. på ferde. Vi må i veg og hjelpe,» sier Sterk- be something terrible happening. We’ll have to go and give them a hand,” says Strong- Ola. Han triver tauhespa og fløytehaken og Jo n Jo h a n s e n springer av sted nedover langs elva. Steinar Ola. He grabs the rope and pike pole and Fox Island, Wash. og Kåre etter så fort de kan. runs off down the riverbank. Steinar and De møter kona som jamrer og bærer Kåre follow him as fast as they can. seg og vrir hendene. Hun peker nedover They meet the wife, who is wailing hys- Now 77, Dad has begun shuffling as he children in their family, the extra warmth langs elva. Der flyter trauet av gårde med terically and wringing her hands. She points walks. His head is covered with faint scars and attention she’d afforded my then imp- barnet oppi. Det vipper stygt i strømskal- down along the river. There is the trough – remnants of liquid nitrogen treatments for ish father made him feel more loved. More vene, og de er stadig redde for at det skal floating away with the child in it. It bobs recurring skin cancer. He sometimes strug- special. kantre. «Kom med gutar!» roper Sterk-Ola, about terribly in the tumbling river, and they gles to talk as his deep cough, lasting many His words changing to a near-whisper, og så legger de på sprang alt de orker. are worried that it will capsize. “Come on, months, has simultaneously robbed him of Dad noted how Annbjorg died of spinal De løper til de er kommet et godt styk- boys!” shouts Strong-Ola, and they take off finishing sentences while stealing away his meningitis while away at a small college. ke nedafor der trauet kommer drivende med running as fast as they can. strength. His once powerful hands lightly Poor as a result of the recently-ended Nazi barnet. I stor hast knytter Sterk-Ola enden av They run until they are a good distance tremble when he sits. occupation, Dad’s parents had to take their tauet rundt livet og kaster hespa til brødrene. below where the trough is floating with the Dad wasn’t emotionally distant while horse-drawn wagon to pick up the corpse. «Nå må de halde traust i, gutar!» roper han child. Strong-Ola hastily ties one end of the I grew up. He was just... quiet. Intelligent. With their mom and dad gone, Dad og hopper beint uti og vil prøve å nå bort rope around himself and throws the other Classy. Kinda stoic. Unlike Mom and me, shared that he and his little brother, Odmund, til barnet som kommer rekende med strøm- end to the brothers. “Now you have to hold Dad was not “in” to sharing his feelings or lay awake at night on their sleeping porch, men. Vil han greie vågestykket? on tight, boys!” he shouts, jumping right out randomly putting forth his thoughts. Though weeping and waiting for “Far” and “Mor” to into the river to try to reach the child, who I always knew he loved me, I didn’t really bring Annbjorg home for burial. Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods is drifting with the current. Will he manage begin knowing him, that is, until the turning Though I cannot explain it, by pictur- Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen this risky venture? of this past century. ing Dad as a boy, crying on his straw-filled 6.NAW.VangsgutaneSpread.22Dec2011_Layout 1 12/23/11 1:20 AM Page 1 It began over dinner at my parents’ mattress, or warily gazing at enemy aircraft, Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. home, then near Poulsbo, Wash. In an un- I came to understand him much better. Such www.astrimyastri.com guarded moment, Dad talked about witness- powerful tales have immeasurably changed ing the German blitzkrieg storm through his our dynamic: I no longer sense a tinge of Your #1 source of bilingual English Norwegian books! family’s village in northern Norway. generational distance between us. Just love. The Boys From Vangen: His blue-grey eyes gazed far away as he As of this writing, Dad and Mom are recounted how his loved ones attempted to crossing Washington state to come see my escape the onslaught by scrambling up the family. Along with treats for my kids, they • Bilingual English Norwegian steep, rock-covered mountain face which will bring smiles, and loyalty, and uncon- • For all ages, language book • Full colored & illustrated bordered their narrow valley. ditional love. I cherish these moments to- • 6”x9”, hardcover, 176 pages From their impromptu, cliff-top camp, gether, aware that one day they will be gone • = $19.95 FREE shipping in USA Great Grandma pointed out various insignias for good. Then I will not be able to pick up Vangsgutane has been a classic on the tail fins of fighter planes above, while the phone to hear their encouraging voices. series in Norway since 1941. artillery thudded below. And late that night, Thankfully, I know that there will surely be Right after WWII, Vangsgutane was used as curriculum material much to his family’s dismay, my Grandpa a reunion in the Golden City. in Norwegian schools, as the se- Paul had to sneak down to his dairy to milk Until that day, I’ll keep calling them, ries had easy-to-read text with pictures. the cows, lest they fall ill. most nights, while I put away the dishes. I’ll When the fighting subsided, the rest remind them that they helped to make me Call — send a check or order from website Made in America! of my father’s brood quietly hiked toward the man I am. And that I respect and love Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com home. I imagine a hush fell over them when them. I always will. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 they reached the stream where dead soldiers 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] lay, silent and wrecked. Norway.com It may have been the clattering of Mom Royal Norwegian Consulates clearing dishes that returned Dad’s thoughts Organization of the Week in North America to Poulsbo. From that moment on, something had changed in his openness with me. More Friends of the parks memories of Dad’s youth came forth. Months later, perhaps while joining in of perry Township Consul General Eivind Hoff Royal Norwegian his beloved game of cribbage, I inquired Developing and maintaining parks in Consulate General about one of his older siblings. For the first Perry Township, Wis., including the time that I could recall, Dad’s stare held a historic 1852 Hauge Log Church. 2 Bloor Street West, Suite 2109 Toronto, ON M4W 3E2 sliver of brokenness; his words came forth For more information, visit: Phone: 416 920 5287 quietly. http://www.perry-wi.gov/ Fax: 416 920 0536 Though his eyes looked sad, he wistful- FriendsParks.html E-mail: [email protected] ly smiled while recounting the sweet dispo- For the full list of organizations, sition and deep faith of his oldest sister, and For a listing of all consulates, favorite relative, Annbjorg. With so many visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports February 17, 2012 • 15 sports < Eurovision From page 3 ing a lot of time after his victory hugging All eyes on Oslo and talking to the other artists and giving a final at Oslo Spektrum on Feb. 11. lot of attention to the fans surrounding the Tooji’s parents came to Norway as refu- stage wanting to talk to him,” wrote Storvik- World Snowboarding gees from , when he was just one year Green. old. “Stay” was written by Swedish brothers Championships 2012 in During an interview with Eurovision’s Petter and Figge Bostrøm. Norway Norwegian correspondent Simon Storvik- The Eurovision Song Contest takes Green, Tooji that he initially thought he place in Azerbaijan’s capital Baku on May could win but after seeing the competition 26. St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n he wasn’t so confident anymore. For more information about Eurovision, Norwegian American Weekly “He is definitely a humble person spend- visit www.eurovision.tv.

The Longfellow Choral Festival On Feb. 10, the nine-day World Snow- boarding Championships began in Oslo at Ole Bull, Longfellow & Elgar : Oslo Winter Park. Semi-finals in the halfpipe run Feb. 16, Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf and semi-finals in slopestyle run the follow- Norendal explains the fall as clumsy. ing day. Later in the evening, the quarterpipe “I ran around and just warmed up, and with performances by Norwegian violinists competition will take place with the “High- I managed to hook the board in the snow so Arve Tellefsen and Henning Kraggerud est Air Session” broadcast directly to the I went straight into the ground. I was very and Norwegian people on NRK1. Saturday and unlucky,” says Norendal. The Longfellow Chorus and Orchestra Sunday are both women’s and men’s finals in Since the fall, Norendal was not sure if March 3, 4 & 5, 2012 she would be able to participate in the World slopestyle and halfpipe. A total of four world Portland, Maine champions will be announced in Oslo during Championships, but with the help of Na- schedule and ticket information : the final weekend the competition. tional Olympic Committee and snowboard www.longfellowchorus.com The Snowboard World Championships national team support, she has slowly gotten or call 207-232-8920 2012 is a green event. The environmental fo- rid of the pain. cus means a total parking ban on both venues “It's getting better and better every day. during competition days, so the competitors, With lots of painkillers I will compete in the Sons of Norway Building, B-20 spectators and media will be transported by World Cup,” Norendal told NRK. Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street bus to and from Wyller and Holmenkollen. American snowboard star Jamie Ander- (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Drinks and a variety of organic foods will son also has faith that her colleague will be ready for the slopestyle competition starting www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] be served. At the National Theatre in Oslo, a By appointment please small area for shopping opportunities, ticket with the qualifyer on Wednesday afternoon. sales, activities and small concerts has been “Silje will reach the World Champion- set up. ships. We talked yesterday and I am sure she One big question has been whether will compete,” said Anderson. WOODEN SPOON young Norwegian snowboard star Silje Norwegian pro snowboarder Torstein SCANDINAVIAN SHOP Horgmo has been seriously injured before, Norendal (18) will be able to compete. On 1617 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 and knows just how painful it is when you Feb. 13 she announced that she would. [email protected] “I must be ready for Wednesday and get thrown to the ground when the board it will go fine. I'm going to be ready on stops in the snow. Wednesday,” said Norendal to NRK. “It is insanely painful, but it often looks Exclusive designs The snowboarder was injured during worse than what it is. Silje will reach the of the Wooden Spoon! practice in Wyller, and got hit hard in the World Championships,” says Horgmo. Uff da Wine Glass $12.95 right shoulder. Uff da is – Ceramic Tile $9.95 Shipping $12.00 Sports News & Notes We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! Double relay gold for Norway Germany in third place. Norway’s young team Call (972) 424-6867 or place your order online at www.woodenspoon.ws Norway’s Marit Bjørgen and of , , Vegard Sklett led their teams to victories in the women’s and Anders Bardal secured the victory with 4 x 5km and men’s 4 x 10km cross-country 999.2 points. relays in Nove Mesto, Czechia on Feb. 13. (NRK) Vibeke Skofterud, and Astrid 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 Gold for Bjørgen Uhrenholdt Jacobsen started strongly and kept Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] extending their lead, giving Bjørgen a com- Norway’s Marit Bjørgen won the women’s fortable anchor leg to finish, ahead of Finland. 15km Classic in Nove Mesto on Feb. 11, Norway’s second team came third in a photo and reclaimed top spot in the overall Cross- Featuring great Nordic products finish with the Finnish team. On the men’s Country Skiing World Cup standings. Bjørgen 10km race, Petter Northug secured victory for outpaced her chief rival this season, Poland’s Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments Norway with his usual turbo finish, 0.6 seconds Justyna Kowalczyk, on the last stretch, while Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats clear of the Russian team in second place. Swe- Norway’s Therese Johaug secured third place. and more! den came third. In the men’s 30km Classic mass start in Nove (Norway Post) Mesto, the Norwegians were less than success- Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com ful. Petter Northug could only manage a 14th- Another team gold place finish, while newcomer Niklas Dyrhaug Norway won the team large hill ski jump con- (24) placed sixth, his best world cup placing test at the World Cup event in Willingen, Ger- ever. many on Feb. 11, ahead of Austria and with (Norway Post) Advertise in the Weekly! < The King Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: From page 1 on Feb. 12, but hit the target with all shots Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for thereafter to finish first. This was his 94th EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color on Feb. 12, his first world cup win in more world cup win. Second was overall World Cup leader • Free ad design than a year. • Support the only Norwegian- Bjørndalen, a six-time Olympic gold of France. Russia’s Dmitry American newspaper! medalist, has had trouble both on the trail and Malyshko was third. the range this season. He is 38 years old. Norway’s had to He missed twice on the first prone shoot settle for fourth place. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] The 57th Annual

Of Greater New York Contest Saturday, March 31 at 2 p.m. MissTickets: $30, $15 for children under 12 • NorwayReserve table for 9 for $240 Arthur Nilsen Banquet Hall, Norwegian Christian Home & Health Center 1250 – 67th Street, Brooklyn, New York

Your chance to participate in a TRADITION! Photo courtesy of Norwegian Immigration Association On March 31, Miss Norway of Greater New York 2012 and her runner-up will Miss Norway of Greater New York 2011 Jennifer Egeberg. be selected. They and their court will be recognized at the 17th of May Parade in Brooklyn. Prizes include a trip to Norway and more! Apply by March 9. Applications Calling all youngsters can be downloaded at www.niahistory.org, or contact Arlene Rutuelo at (718) 748- 1874 for more information. 5 – 10 years old! Boys and girls with a Norwegian Contestants must meet the following criteria: connection are invited to participate in the 17th of May Parade as part of Miss • Be 17 – 24 years of age • Submit an application Norway’s entourage. The children will ride • Have a Norwegian family connection • Application deadline: March 9, 2012 on a special float which will be drawn by a • Have knowledge of Norwegian heritage Norwegian fjord horse.

Proudly presented by 317 East 52nd Street, New York, New York 10022 Norwegian Immigration Association Email: [email protected] • Online: www.niahistory.org

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