'SAMUEL C. ATKINSON Alwut 10 Bo Itiusd in Numbers by Meitrt
ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1888. NO. 1T« SIR WALTER SCOTPS, COM A NEW, CHEAP AND POPULAR PK1XTCD AND PUBLISHED BY PLETE WORKS. PERIODICAL, NOTICE. JONA8 GREEN, Y virtae of a decree of Saint Marr»* eo«n> SPLENDID, compute and uniform Mt of HE \b\cnber detirou* wf reducing hit B ly court, acting a* a Coart *fkq«ily, pavt. Church-Street, Annapolb. A all tit* werka uf (hit eclibrMed writer ever trotkVr Hon«« and Cattle, will dbpo*e ed at May tern eighteen hand red **i thirty - j*« poblithed, together jiilh a biogriphjr of hi* Tnf at Public We, eej WEDNK8UAY, the 10th JICE THREE DOLLARS PER ABMOK. SELECT CIRULATINO throe, in Die cat* in wblch Joeeph Blwoe, > lift, hit curretpondenW nil »f July, at hiVesidtnce. on West River, a va- tdrninlttntor of WlUkm Wtlliamt, wa. com er yet published in Ihiicounliy, it of *aluab\ animal* of both tort*. A- plainant, and Wm. T.Matlingley, and other*. 'SAMUEL c. ATKINSON alwut 10 bo itiusd in numbers by Meitrt. Con UB *«riki*a; feature uf tbit periedieal are, that former ire tit BROOD heir* of Clement Mallingley. were defend* ROP'^S^ *° i**ue from '^* office of the ner and Cooke, of New York. The whole T hooka an published in it it, * (bran which *.ltow* all avppoted to be in tot*, | will eipote it public tale on ibe prtmi- , 8*l"J»r K«n'OR Pott, in «» month of work will b« comprised in 48 number*; etch of th*ir b«inj carried by mail, and at a rat* to r«a- thorough bred Horse, tet, on Wednetdty the teventeenth diy of L, IWJ, the Itt nawbw of a mealhly pub- oomber will contain at much matter at twu onable, thtt erery intelll)tent edncaicd penon In the and th'r\i of them with retntrka- J*ly next.
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