ANNAPOLIS, THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1888. NO. 1T« SIR WALTER SCOTPS, COM­ A NEW, CHEAP AND POPULAR PK1XTCD AND PUBLISHED BY PLETE WORKS. PERIODICAL, NOTICE. JONA8 GREEN, Y virtae of a decree of Saint Marr»* eo«n> SPLENDID, compute and uniform Mt of HE \b\cnber detirou* wf reducing hit B ly court, acting a* a Coart *fkq«ily, pavt. Church-Street, Annapolb. A all tit* werka uf (hit eclibrMed writer ever trotkVr Hon«« and Cattle, will dbpo*e ed at May tern eighteen hand red **i thirty - j*« poblithed, together jiilh a biogriphjr of hi* Tnf at Public We, eej WEDNK8UAY, the 10th JICE THREE DOLLARS PER ABMOK. SELECT CIRULATINO throe, in Die cat* in wblch Joeeph Blwoe, > lift, hit curretpondenW nil »f July, at hiVesidtnce. on West River, a va- tdrninlttntor of WlUkm Wtlliamt, wa. com­ er yet published in Ihiicounliy, it of *aluab\ animal* of both tort*. A- plainant, and Wm. T.Matlingley, and other*. 'SAMUEL c. ATKINSON alwut 10 bo itiusd in numbers by Meitrt. Con­ UB *«riki*a; feature uf tbit periedieal are, that former ire tit BROOD heir* of Clement Mallingley. were defend* ROP'^S^ *° i**ue from '^* office of the ner and Cooke, of New York. The whole T hooka an published in it it, * (bran which *.ltow* all avppoted to be in tot*, | will eipote it public tale on ibe prtmi- , 8*l"J»r K«n'OR Pott, in «» month of work will b« comprised in 48 number*; etch of th*ir b«inj carried by mail, and at a rat* to r«a- thorough bred Horse, tet, on Wednetdty the teventeenth diy of L, IWJ, the Itt nawbw of a mealhly pub- oomber will contain at much matter at twu onable, thtt erery intelll)tent edncaicd penon In the and th'r\i of them with retntrka- J*ly next. If fair, if not lha Best fair d volumes, and will be furniahed to tub*cribers cvminuniiy can proour* ilitm. The publkher re- 1 let. entitled, The it o*ite< from Knflaml ill Ihe new booki «f merit t ind bly fine Coltt and FiNra by their tides, teve- thereafter, all lh* it the unprecedented x low price of 371 cents from tb**c. tcleeitoni an mida from ibe belt cbeai of ral very promising CUIVS and FILLIES of BOOK OF NATURE, etch, piytblt on delivery, which will bo equal one and two year* old,^ud a pair of young, on Jtweio/Joii o/ SeitHlijle Gtnllt- No. tli. Memoir*, Travel*, Skatcbe*. T*la«,andDi. to only 181 cenlt a volume; an aiootnl less by Thn* ire printed aa rapidly at an ailen- well broke, and handtomlXarriige llotaca. of which Ihe tald Clement MatllDfUr dlfd mat of Pkilaiibliia. one half, it is believed, ibau they were ever «ne printing office will idniil, and forwanled by mail, The Cattle arValmott entir«ly teized tndpovMited, coniittinc of Ui*follow- Urn XUMBa> WILL COUTalH inlil, even it auction. cartfull* packed to to cirry to the motl tlittint descended frorVthe Hereford ingparcelt of Itnd, lying coniigooot and cnn- po«l ofllc* m the Union, uninjured. , nil EIGHT TO TEK FINELY EXOUAVED Persons iiwning part of the works will be fur- Thit periodical commenced in October, with the Red Stuck imported by Ihe Hon. ititulitiwone tract, to wit: Chance, containing ^Rfo COPPER PLATES, nished t sufficient number of these, if wished, popular novel of Wildnein, or the Sweilet In Prtgue, Henry Clay, and evttcd wilb two hundred and forty-one acre*, DUc6vety tl» Durham Short Horns. . nnMi Jrpartrflenli of Natural lli*|anr, each to rathe Ihem complete. which cO*t In London til dollarti ii ia contained en- containing ninety-five acret, Re'mDtnt contaiii- 7co«uin from four lo lea diitinet |«r.rev Conaideriog the low price at which the work tire in two number* and a half of the CirciUilmg Li­ Termt of Sale. Six months crtilal for all ing three and three quartet t acret, and Part nf frv« M I" I°° ngure* In each nuaioer. Witn it furoitheil, ind the meant that have been tak­ brary, cutting lubicrilier* lewllian twenty-fit* canl*. turnt ovtr Twenty Dollar*, with approved se- Linttead containing eighteen acret, making in ., £«rufy the poblicatioo aa mocb at >o*«i- en to enable almott every family lobe furnith T1i» wu tucceedad by the Memoir* uf L*» illelte, the tjgregale three huudrtd tnd ftTlT-tevaa f. -uctioa of one plate from eaoh of Uie follow- eil with them, ("which will b« explained lo any which e»«t lha poblialier 10 Impart eight **fcllar«t It JOHN MERC! ere*. 1 -t «3I illuitnu each nuaaben t i wu Ilkewite conti'mrd in llie lame ipkce ami n ihe one,) the subscriber iiupes lo receive a liber* tarn* pric«. The aitlh number commencet Ihe in. Ja»e Thit tract of Itnd lit* within tit taile*. of 9. VlftalEt & Zoo- shire of patronage. Tell of Mr. Vifne, calling in London »i« dollani it Leonard Town, it heavily ttnbered, and tho 7HTTES, of the vnrk can be seen at the will be printed entire in the "Library" for at moil CITY OF ANNAPOLIS. portion of arable land, it low and fertile,, prin­ HUP*. Specimens A. .upplement to A By Law reljnngto ihe 9. HOTANT, LUCK, 111) Baltimore thirty cent*) Thiacnumeraliun of price* lha publ'nh. cipally twtrop The improvement* are, a 10. VEOKTABLB A- llreet, sp'd at B. J. C»»le and Co. Culvert street *r iruala, with the facility of IrantporUlion by null, powtrt and dulie* of the Marke/Matter. ~ ~ rood Dwelling with the ututl nut will be iuB*i*nt IP indue* tbo«« who receive thi* Pitted June 13, 1833 ihouiet. Th» decree allowt the fol­ NATOMT, opposite Darannj'i lintel. The undeuignet protp«ciui, lo utc aome exertion to ettend the cinu- Be it enaettd by tin Mayor fittonlrr. Al- ll - GEOLCOT, can be seen every day fmm 2 tu 3 u'clcck, a Ulion uf ibe wurk in llieir reipeclitr neighbour- lowing liberal ttrmt of tale A cre­ Inters, o'ermtn. and Common Council if cne City of dit of tw*l»e month* fur the whol« BUt«. 11L Ml»EaUW)OT. hit residence, Darnam'i Hotel. hoodi, aa, if cnco>irj(e>l b^rnftrr at b* hii *o far Lrti, it ii Mi mtTiiiion 10 lay before the American Jlnnapftii. and by tht ttHttor/'j of Ihe torn*, parchtte money, the parcbtitr gitiog bond.witli R. K. MUULTOX, That if any pertun thall bring Butter or any th pin* will be tceoBlptnied with a brief but Ajjent for Scout's woiks- public in Ihi, furro jll ihe beit bo*kt which iaaue tecutily, lo be approved by the trnttee, bearing lelory detcriplion of evary tubj.ct or «gure It ll.e t..Miili>n prrtt. other article, tu market lur/al», and thall re­ interctt from the dty of tale. Upon the ratifica­ contain, w wrillen u lo convey a good idea of N. B. Any person or pcrtoni »hu will pro­ Uir price ii Eie clnlUri fur 52 nutr.btn, which will fute to permit Ihe Mirket/U.ltr to enraiof, -ibi.ct. «ilboul being either of lirttom* bnfUi, cure ten atibtcnbert, and forward the amount ul conUin AI much mailer tt 1200 pigei, or three >o- tion uf the tile by Ihe court, and the payment of weigh, or ascertain the f|wliiy or quantity iu ill the purchne money, ihe truttee it to tho­ technically written, but that all may b* read subscription to Ih* underpinned, free uf po»t lumea, of IteeVi Cyclu|,xdia. Thti «olume will co/ii- brought, or to tuhmit ti^he rrgulaliunii tnd pktwre- Every department of th* great field tge, thsll be entitled either to one tei 'Ori*li». pri»e «i lca>l from twenty-five 10 th.rty enlire wurki, rite*) tnd directed, to convey the above men­ :.tar»l Hittory will be eiplared, iu beaulie* *nd pruned ua t(Q*>d ji%per, atnl willt Itio ume accuracy by-lawt of the city, renuXitingllie Market, the tioned pruperty to the purchaser or purchtter* or the ptoportionabte amount in cash. Kour pertun to refuting or offtiidin^ thill furfeit and .blimiliet unfolded, ind Ihe Ihouwnd "charmi numbers are already published -each subscri­ t* bocit w jrk. It *ill futin Iwu *ohune» of 416 pigei thereof, by a valid deed, free, clear and dit- a nature lo ber volary yields," by the power of eich, well wurihy uf preicrrniii n fur reference, i»nd pay a mm, at Ihe discretion of Ihe authority be­ chtrged, from ill claim of the compliininti, pen, Ihe pencil, ind Ih* preaa, will b* Ind before ber will therefore pay 8' 50 nn tulitcribinjr, a valuable adftiliun to every paMic ml private libra* fore whom Iher ite mwbe tried nut eiccedins «t of iba intelligent sdsnrcr uf tb* greal work* the balance on each number a» delivered. All ry. The puMnhrr feela confulent in itaiinr;, ihat the or of the defeiidtnr*, anil thote cIsimmR by, Ten DolUrt, tu be reclvered it mher finetanJ from, or under them, ur either of them. Tht *- i Diviae Arerdtecl. No colleclion of engraving* commuuicalion* to the underlined tu br nu>t enitre^^t, tximb^r^.jW^eii buunil, w^ll irll fur more fnrfciluretare reco»er|bl« under the lam of the Yiluible, we miy confidently promite, can for ptid. u. <:. M. llf>|,t|ie MiUtcripHon |..icr, » afier » lew moir num. bove dricribeil property will be told tubject to yean ba offend lo Ibe public >l to cheap a bcr.'nre iwiiol, no mote will b* pniiltd luin v> ill tup- cily. Ihe Widow't Uuwer. Silt lo comraeoc* at Mor* than o*« handled of the** fine engrtv. pi) acliul pacing tibtcriber*. b.CLAUDK, Mayor. one o'clock t. M. will be given inaoauy, to lh* ma* of Utta, ibty REWAUI). btill funbcr tu incrraie the f*ciViUci uf lubicriher*. June 13. Leonard Town ? 0. N. CAU8IM, fumitfc tubjecu which he can admire from year late John the publiiher hit tdded mother inducement Cur clubi ear, ind prtxnl wilb pleature lo hii ftiendu Uie AN, n the farm ol the to juin tof^etlier in Ihrir renniunce. T« ilulltr* .'7 BY LAW impoM a Tux on /Ac fltoi and June 6th 1833. $ TrattM. t, ind ihe itudvnl in Nilurtl Hiilory, may conB- R Andrew ammer, deceaied, in Anne will Iw received in lull fur ihe tubicnpllun nf live in- Ptrional Proptrlyt thin tin limtii oj tht 'Fhe creditor* of Clement Mttlingley, lit* of ly refer lo idem on all oeculont of doabii while Aiundel Cou about the lOlh April instant, dividuili. Thil deduction *ill pay ill pixllye. tily of j3nnapetu,\ tht firteinetilhtrtof, Saint Mary't county, deceited, art wirned to juvenile portioa of mi*!? will broom* acquaint- a Negro Man, by the nsroe tf ThoM whodetign to patroniie ihii IT- 41..I popu­ itted. June IU. 1833. tihibit their eltxBi with the voucher! thertof, ilh lha tnhabiunu of th* air, ibe ocean, and the lar oioilr of publi.hing good Uouki, will the n Ihe Regitter of Saint Mary'* county coart, Geotnpliy can b« learned only frum inapt or lubicriberby fjrwmlinK ilieir rem'.Uancri «i early aa Rt it eitabluheJ, ordainid 6y I In A/uyor. tnveli "Th* Book o* Nilure," without taking EORGE, prtciicable. A five dollar note depmileil in ihe po«t Kteordtr, Jildtrmtn a 1 ' Common Council oj acting at a Court of Bqaity, nn or before I he) nhcr than lh« book-«b«lf or Iba tlo»el, will un­ .t five feet four or five in- office will tupply good reading lo family ind circle Ilii city of Jinnapotii, J h/ tin authority of teventeenlh Jtv of January nnt, otherwitt) to ui tV* cn[regited curioiitlet of the wl.ole gh, forly year* of age, of icrjuaintlnce fur a whnle ye«r. tin lamt. That a Ui evenly Hve cent* in they will br precluded, from all benefit of dis- The increased uile for thil ttudy, which the pinion, and has lost 1'he gentleman who make* ihe telecliont for lliii the one hundred dolla be tud the ttwe it trilMtion of (jte proceed* of hii real ettale. bate of Utcyein evinced, induce* ibe pub- his upper fore teeth) per;i>dical, lo Iklerary ta«te and education, hn, from hereby impoted on all attettabl* properly O.N. CAU31N, Trattee, ir lo hope for «>leiuive patronage for a wurk, hii aitiialion, faciliiici for knowing whal ii popular within Ihe laid city to precinct*, fur year one June VC/ o« nrcfuanly iavoltet gr«at expenditure, and aid fellow it well proportioned, ind upon ex- and »f high reputation pouciacd bv frw, lo Ihii he will coabia* great Intereit, accuracy ind addi a proper lenx uf the reipon,ibilily be hit tdoutaod eight hnndi and thirty three, lo be ny. tininalion will be ft>und\oha«e a peculiar flat auroea\ in ulerina; lur an cl ended tnd muni com­ levivd and collected ;retably In an aclul (he noel (gountp, Ai ibe Hjbjecti embne* the whole ring* of Na- head| bis clothing consisMil of fulled cuuniry munity. .Th* publisher Ihcrefure cunhilcnily rrcura General Alterably Maryland, patted at ' llMory, in ordtr to mike it u rompleie » poa- cloth of drab colour, andXcoarse shoe*, which mendi ihe Circulaliiig Library Iu hrtdi of familiei, Docemucr session ejAhteeu liundtrd and eigh- N application to the judge* of A an* rrcnl tciealiao gentlemen have been engaged he will no doubt changeX for other*, having at a woik which they need have no fear of inlroduc- leen. eolitlr-d, An Jet lo tiler and amend the O County court, by pililiuti, in wmiag, of Jereoti- great upens* I* conduct the worki their united plenty of olhet clothing U (J00^ quality. inif into any circle. ah Herrill, praying lor the b*nefll o? lh* acl fur iirchti, n U believed, will render iliii periodical 'Die enduing nutnber will contain a highly popular charter of llie cily If Arrnapolit. and t by law l«g relief of tundrv Intolvent deblora, a«*ard at tmcly valuable. Qeorge hat teled vtilk grelt ingrttiliulr; ilic novel, by the EnglUli Opium liner. pasted on the iGthBiy of June 18 enullrd, Mrembcr tetaion 1505, and iba Mvml MpplerikinU me frtiliouraef Ih* palronige anticipated b*. whole of Ihislavet of the slid Mr. Grimmer, ADAM WAl.UIK. A by-law lo tppuim a colleclur uf ttxet ind thereto, tchedula of hit property, and a hat M hii proprietor it from ichool* tnd college*, and u Ibe \vere directed to be sold und\r to order uf the Carprnlrr-«ir*et, near Seventh, un.Irr ihr Appren­ (odeaiznite lutdulel creditor*, on oalh. ai fir aa he cm **o*niin iliem, < reprtatnled will b* modeU of elegance and Orphan's Court of BaltimoreVcounly, ind in tice!' Library, back of the Atc.clc, where tub- [ D. CL6UDK. Mtyor. being inntxid lo hit petition, ud Ib* tmU Jcnmikli id or»iagr it will form a work for cuuiuhation tcrtprtoot will be gntefully rectixJ. Merrill having aaiiincd Die court bv con|>et>-iii letli- uruer thai they might have ail uppurtuwily of June IS. that b* baa realded in th* But* of Marylaad Iht Tiinlrr, Knfrtver, Drawing Vlaaler ind Slu- providing siluatioos lo suit i"*i.'telvcs, I had Dec. 13 mony ind will be of ineilimable adtanl. ge in Uie C?".2 tfttcimen of the Work may be A HY LAW toe [(firm the tdditional Aitets- two yeart imovediaiely preceding th* time of hit ap* iniiion of their practice. In thoft, il will baa- furnished etch one with a prilled piper, id- plictiicn, and ibat he U in icluil confinamrnl for tins the terms, 4>c. upun whica they we're to teen at the office of the Maryland Ga­ menl uf Real a i\rtonal Property within debl only, and hav ing giving bund wilb accuriV/ fur id lo ili« upicity^nd Ailed for iba ut*> of ever* hipolis, and lliti piecincls i* Ihe conavinily, frOTi Ibe ervvJil* naluraliit lo be disposed of, which vrit a mudVrile vslualion zette, where Subscriptiont will be re­ the City uf A h'u ipnearance lo anawer auch allegation* a* ouy b* |«rly Winner for llie one a book of reference, of the inventory price) the whovt of the othert thereof. filed aeaintt him, Jftvraiah of the printed piper with whlcMho wit fur- AN AWAY frum llie firm ul Mr. Juhn nopuiii, and bij tlu atlhorilt/ i.f tht laint, 1'lui Merrill having executed a dead to lb« aald tniateo of > penal it will certiinljr be compleiedi it will lie additiunal tt»cs»Wnt of ihr real a:.d per- ct»nrft be to comniled it lo be «»ljlble u nitheU, and has made hit rtcaor. \I will give T. Hudges, in frince Grorgr's county, II hit property ind deb la due and owing lo dim, iwl Rnear Upper Mil thorough, on Saturdty evening onal properly williiil the taid tiiy, anil pro the aaiJ truiie* haling certified that he ui in I » ibe pliiet Utk Afler lira term of two jein, Kifiy Dolltrt reward for tppreheldine tiid lon of llie laror, It it therefore urtltrrd and adiudged, < ' 'ill be (riMlr enhiiKed. thui nukint; the taken in the Stale of MirVsnd. and 23ilt intt. a nrgru man named incls, it returned Iw the n»H.»ur tppuinled fellow if ur Ihat purpose on lift 24th Msy 1 833, beanii that the *aid Jrrcimli Merrill be di>char«;ed from bu * " lire ixlt of lhate whonow conxfoiwird stcnred in tny Jail to that I get h|n tgiin TOM. tne property of (he late ind ihit lir by ctuilng copy of thil i czlenirf* ind note! catcrpnM. confinement, ind if taken out of the Sialr, an brtuphl William I. Hall, deceased, ,,f he taint i* hereby ralGrd and confirmed. order tu be Iniertrd In tome, newtpipcr once week TERMS. home to me in iht city of Ballimor. or deli- Anne rXruudt:! county! about June IS. B. CLAUDK, Mtyor. for thrre tuccetMi* montht btfor* \i>* fourth Uondij five feet ten in October neit, fire mitice lo bit creditor* to ap­ i Beak of Nitur*," willcppetr nttr 1b« flrtl tered to Robert Welch (of lien.) In t city nf 26 years uf i^r, VUR ANNAPOLI8 CAMURIDOB AND ( rf ontb, with from eif h< lo ten fln« engnted Annapolit, I will give Siity Dnllirt eward, inches high, uf a djtk cmn;.lex- pear befur* Ann* Arundel County court on tli< fourth e*4h lumber, mikl«( ibore 100 enrnmiigi Ion, and a little round thiiul EASTON. Mpnd*y of October neil, to thew CIUM, if any (tor KI IOUIBV, wblch will co«Uin from B«e hundred inclodin*; slh reisnnible- cbtrge*. The Steam Boat MA­ lia»c, why Ib* taid Jeremiah Merrill alittuU « h*v4 JOHN HILLKN,Adm The above reward will be given tu III* betwfil of Ibe Mid act aa4 tupptecMoU Untwio, ' »«u««nd Kpmte Bfurct. The price will be lubicribcr* ert him again RYLAND, cummenced "1 '"' inium. Af«nU or clubt retnif.lnf John Aodraw Oramarr UerrnuteonTURSDAY be emiiled lo «» coplet. 5o tubtcribcr AHQAUKT llAl.I., /Adm'rt.of [* nttncd without ptyment in idrinee, oru- ...... AUCTION HOO SPRIUU HAKVVUU1), w.r. iun. the 9lh intt. leaving the **(mnc». lin(li> number* SO eenti, lo PflifIB HUbtcriber iufurms the that he ne 6 If. lower coil *of Uugin't 1 wkk t'e cumin* tho work pr*»louj to tub- * hi. opened in AUC 1'ION M in the Wharf, at T o'clock, A. M. fur Annipwllt. AeVlreii (ilwiyi free of poilai e,) Haven,) and Rtttun, and Count?, »>c. lew«r tloiyof hit office, whei will receive :on IB BZIHJXBT (Cambridge by Cttlle N application lo the rubtcntxr. a juMite wf tk«) tAUUCL ABUI.L. C.c. ATKINION.ATKINSON. r-hiMKlalpOU. gtodt of tny sod every desc _ 'lion for aale on HAlV lti« subscriber hath ubttined frum return from the Better n Shore on every Wed- no nWerlptlon recetvtv foe a sboner pcrioJ O Orphtni C»urt of Anne-Ani*d*l county, ky p*- tu or Tobi Commission, on the most 'liable termt. lit ihe (Jtuhaos court of Saint Miry't coun­ netdty tod Saturday, leaving Eaiton at 7 A. til ion In writing, uf Wdliim WiUignun, of Aane-A- will tttend tu Auction in Ibe city ind Tty, in MirvlBod, letters uf adininittraliun on M. by Cattle Haven and Annipolls. She will rundcl cojinlv, ilaiiirg itui be it now In xluil ewO> county, it the thorletl 'lice. llie personal eaVatc uf Ksphael Clarke, late of commence her Chettertown Trip on Monday, finrmcnl.iod pnjrinf f*rlh« benelt of tboactefth*) County Court, LIAM McMKIR. said cvunly debated. All peuuut having April, letving Baltimore it 0 o'clock, tnU Uenenl Aaacmbry of Maryland, entitled, An act for the relief pf *undrv inaolvenl d«bton, rilllil at De- March Term, 1MB. April 85. claims tgilntt Jho ItJd deemed, ire hereby returnrn theiho taineilty,taint day, leaving Chetterlown at I cemtxr icMiun dUJ, and the t*«**al tuppl****nl* by tht Court, Thai ibe Credl- warned loeihibil thaNuame, with ihe voucher* ..'clock.clock, calling at Corttca wharf, for the Cen- thereto, on the terou tkerein **«nl**«*oV t tohcdulc Iwanl Spaldinti'a petitioner for anne-atunoel Count?, thereof, to the tubtcrilV, it ui before the fifth Irevillt patttenger* of hU prop«ny, and a list of hi* creditor*, on oalb, I of the Insolvent LAWS flrfl* State. N appliLalion to mo Iht subtcrlbcr, a jus­ day of March oeit. or iflajr miy ulherwite by N. B. All baggage at the owner* titk. to far aa b* can a*c«rtain the tame, been*; uinettd to O tice of the Orphant Court, of said county excluded from tlrStrnent of slid as t'tiMge to or from Kitlon orCtmbridge, B*.50 bh p«lition, ami ih« laid William WtH1fw»n bavin*; *rd Town, Stint Mtry't coanly, on the by petition in writing of ThomatC. Donalson, tile. Uiven under my himlVus fuurjih diy ol Pmtge to or froni-,ln)ilpolll, 1.50 tlltfied me by rocapaimt t*«llmovr> thai b* baa ir- uf taid county, praying for the benefit of the acl kUd lw*> yrart within tb* iut* «f Marjiland URnui'i- I Monday of Aogatt next, tt file alltgiti- June eighteen hundred trul lliiiH thrrr. Putttge to ChettrrTVtm or Cortira, 1,00 »Ul» procedinf tb* time ofnia appllealiaai, iml ma « my they have, and to recommend a for ihe relief uf sundry insolvent deblon.pattcd ZACHARlAlI CLAKKE, Adm'r. ;hildreo undrr 12 yrart of tge half price, aid William WiUicmm hivlna; taken the oalb by lha ' t Trait** for their benefit. »t November sessiuo 1BOJ, and the several top- June 13. x 4vf. LUM'L. U. TAYLUR, Matter. aid act pretcribed fol»lhe deUvtrln*; up III* nn-pcny By order, plements thereto,! .chedul* of hit properly sod MIT 2. ____ and given lufncicnt aecurity for hi* pervonvf appear­ J0> HARRIS, Clk. a lit! of his creditors, en oath, at far at h* cm ance it the cminly court of Anne-Arundel cmmly, lo Trat copy, ascertain them beinc annexed thereto, ind the CHANCERY. nawer (uok Ul*rrogatorin and allrtraiitni n may bo sat lifted me Jane I2ili, 1833. mad* agiiael him, and having appointed Jime* Uun. 10: HARRIS, Clk, taid Thorat* C. Donation, having ter bit lru*4*r, wbo hii given bond at auch, and r*y Cty. Cotrt. by good and tufflclent testimony that he. hit 1OO LIKELY NKGROE8, RDKRKD\rhit the tale of (he real pro­ 81. Mary't in ihtWata of llopkin* vn. Hop- c«ited from laid William WilDgman a conveyance III. Sn. ((tided in IM title of Mf jland two yeart im perty ami po*»*aiion of ill h'u property remt, perrantl and medlitely preceding the time of hit tppllca- Of bath teiett kins, at mad* an\eporled by Kukiel Hop m'urd, I do hereby order ind aA7 UOKfflffO. for debt only, and having given teciriiy for hit yeara uf *g«, unless ctute t*> ihe ckltary be thewn on or and Oiat b* gi.* holio* lo bit creailor*. by Muafatr -.^ field hand before the IZth diy of\ugust next, provided copy of ilti* order lo be intertid im-aomo nawipipev,si,: The Steam boat MA­ anpetrance at court, it il therefor* ordered publ'ulved in Ann* Arumkl counlv, on**) « weak ft* -- RYLAND, will lei aiid adjudged by me, ihat lha tsid Thomit C. alto, inechinlct t copy of (Mi ordtr be \aerted in tone one uf thr«« monllii, **for« ilw fourth Motda* ia Ooltk**.*k««. Baltimore for Domalton, be dltcharged from hit confinement, of every de­ the ntwtpapcrt printed iV llie city of Anusno- ne«t. to tpp«*r bvfor. the aald county W«rt «1 Itk«,V every rJundtT tod Unit h* by^jiowiag a copy of Uiit order to scription'. V*ra«oawishinglo*ell,will do well lia, once a week far ihrtV successive weeks, court hoot* of tald eocmly. at l*» 'cloik of IIbti V .. . ' starting at nine » Viv» be- i«Mrted in tjpof tho ntwtpapers in Anna- to give mi i call, t* I am determined to gi before the Uth day of Jul Tn* rtport r«t*«a*«i a** lfct« cay. hrlb* pwtpe** c/ KCOOTMBO. ^ « Uww «*4 Owgan't wharf, her -Mil polli, otic* a week for thret tvccestive months HHJIIIJR PRICKS fer 8L.AVK0, than an; title* that 4ha land containiO ul thirly-uqc i.r a InitU* for Ibair b«»rti. tad to *hot> eanw, if- , tuld for one huodred il^Wwif* dillirt Uy the* kav*. why Ik* atid Wlnttat WilHc**** tkotM nanug, tnd rotwrn in the aternot before the 4th Monday loOclober next, to give purehataKi'bo it now or may be hereifter iq thit icrct. ol Wvtlbebcnrntvf^iaJdtcttBdaupplfSMiwt. . ^**»Wl«ait o'clock. '«<* » * notice to hit creditor*, and to answer tuch tl- o.arktti Any communication in writing1 wil ind fifty; aeiU. asprMad. Oiv.nulvo>T»S/t»»dtkalt»«»«y^*

ifc^WrW and the Committtb'ot Arrttiwmant* w*r« i 5\f Choltra, \tt of Cut «Ar«*t. Bi<*a*d I. tit inu me *wv*«* * * *> * * *» Tha diiunce fro*» Bo*l«ii to Waahington, ready to receive their nestt.neat In addiUon to | that th« aholara ha% Henry Hobba and Richard BeJMk. the- eacart---..-. of Light Infantry ^ntr- ( ,j,fc gj^j, tronk- ng. The board or No, It. Tw« rnUM«T Pri»ea> KM ilea, may now ba 4re«elUd I* about. 4B withU *r*« ttart, there ia no _._, en, ._la whit*-. frocks,....- . were in the van, mount- d«r daU of the 45ib, ir«M to TtbCTMct* bw*l. Bast «de of ed on fine (piritrd horw*. By thi* time the case had occurred in tlve town orlta btraacte atraet to Ctorca Clreto, Caarca O«t- ttatjbt it will be paeae'd m abrmt 514 hoar*. during thai preceding twenty foirfcc,,,, Thi* it i* true, would teem to be rather flying cavalcade of private cltixena had greatly *c- cla t*> 8^.4 tWtttOfarta aitfa School ttrtat cumalaxed, and form«tl 1 deaae, bit aniaat- From Ike, rtagtrtlown .Torchlight. Jmt U State Circle, fro* tkhool to Kaat itmet, than travellinn and yet there will probably of cholera have eec""^ be let* actaalrfttigti* ia thia rapid anode ol ed maaa, which %a* esK-edingly imbwinf;. A few case* acladia* part of Norlh Bs»t atreet Sonwr- Every thing in' Salem wn* gut up in an e- ing the l**t week, along (be. line o 8UUTH R1VKR FAIR. vilteFiAney, George McNier acd G. Du- performing such a juarney, than there wat I Htt FewuU BcAevelfHf BotMtv of All Few jears ago in travelling one tenth part of noally uiagnlncent itylf fbut unfortHD»tely above and baluw WilliamHwt, W* vall. >., >. the citizens who act their heart* on the tulope heard of three confirmed catet, whkk rettl), 'ftalUoM Partab. intend holding a FAIR, on .*hall on Weilitea- tbat diatance. 7\n«Jt«y /** MJ* July uatiutt, at the Farm Tha tUteral committee* nf tteiog their illuitrigu* Preiident, he wa* ed fntally; and other* have beea rtpertri, J»T next, and every succeeding Wednesday In 1799, the newt of the death nf Wash «f jubu Iglrhart KKJI neir Oavidaoovilre, fur ington, which occurred nn the 14th of De ao much fatigued aa tu be unable to proeeed whether, apon good gmondt or not wa art a? visit, and inspect their aevemf dittrict* anil through the town with the proceaiion ind wil- ble to «ay. ' the p*rpe»« of ebabling them to repair a place make report at the meeting of thacoaaanittee cember, at Mount Vernon, 18 mil** froin Uii The nes* their noble demonitration* of esteem, Our town eojny* it* atnal good health, act for noldinr llttir rrUjjiou* aateiublief. nf all nui*anreand other caotet ItstVI/to affect cily of Washington, did nut reach Button till ladi«a «f the vicinity, ami elurwhere, are in­ th« 44th of the month. And the Inancural but alighted aV the elcgiut maniion known by a rate having'ytt occurred amougjt gi dariit the enterprise rcfre*hmenU wil' the health of the city. the name of -Wenl'a H»o»e,' where he ap­ ,liathe n*m*m..tpretext MMAaniteeaton ' S vited to aid on Fri^ Address of Mr. Jeffertnn, delivered in Wash­ weather on tlie day ap The cxunmittee thafl meet peared nn the piacza anil received their gcne- Pi-macno, be provided. If the week, at 9 o'clock, A. M. tu rec ington, March 4lh, 1801, wa* not received in rou* coogrutolationii, wif-1- ': * (P«) loot |f. < . pointed be anfavoorable, the nest fair d»j BntUn till the night of the ISth. I lch were continued HEALTH OF THEBerry. for the object, for fiie »pare^>f 20 mirratea, till the efforlt tliertafter will be embraced RAMSAY WA The latt annual Mesaage went from Wash- The Board uf Health nn Saturday, ingtim to New York in IBM* than twelve hnurp; made by'him tn reaponrl, in hit usual aflable 3 can.t «f Qliulera Atphyxia. No de*. and hearty style, so ontrh exhausted him, at From lh» tUrlbtrough Ranner. COURT OF APPExLS.^neTerm, thu diitauce la 323 mile*. 'faunton Oazttle. On Sunday, one new cttc. | Vft are requealed U announce to the pub tn render it necc**niy for him to retire, which On Monday, no new caie. Thursday June -Jrtli- I he did tmidst the dieert i-f one of the mott lie that tlie Rev. Dr. Pi.e. will preach in (lie /)onry, J. deliveri-d jflie opinion of the From the notion Ctnlinil, nf Junt «7. T'n Uuard mention that no cate o Catholic Church, on tlie fir»l Sunday of July TIIU PUKnlUKNT'SDKPAllTUtlE FROM splendid tstembbget of hit fellow citir.rnt hat presented itself it the Hoipital, dariai court iu N«. 32, OWIIIH'>nl Piel use of Ow ihHt he ID* yet perhaps seen congregated to hen a collection will be mad« fur therein in(«, v*. lleiiderton lyM."*. BOSTON. tkf latt 2-1 hour*, coding yetttrday it 9,7 of the cturch, which ia itill labouring undt Juliet, rrnrrtnt urn pr 'ilerufa nirarilnl. The President, Vire Prr.«ident, Secretaries welcome him. clock, A. M. > i ' a cooaidaraltle dtbt. Martin. J, ilthvvre.l »m .ipinion of tli( C»«* sn.l Wondliury, slid Major Donelson, from tht Louinvittt Herald, Juxt go. From tlit Dotlon Baity .ftlverliier Junt 89. cnurtin Nn. Wallcrmver .ind »if« took their departure "from Ihi* city yesterday We learn that'tha cholera it fatt ib»tip,lt I from the Treaiurer'i Report I VISIT OF THE PRK81DKNT TO LOW- Avatract I'u-rpoinl et mnnmiR. The innrniii!; w»* excessively cold Lexington lhat no new c^srt had r ' the Corporation of the city of Antupoli* f« fur thu sv.ihon, damp and di*»greotble. Hut KLL. within the latt two day*. At New the y«ir ending Apiil 2, 1H.".J. d>-li»prnl tin; of Ih' tl.i> Pn-*ident'* he.illh appeared better, and We tro informed that the Pretidcnt and hit it in laid, that at many aa 130 had ditd"ii| The City llevenne for the put veiir uite entered LowcII auout three o'clock on rniiit in , Jaii.n M'l'rrary «i. liei'j. (he pariv were aiixi'iu* M proceed on their one day; the mortality hat been greateobou^l Amounted to gS791 23 viz: City lax 'fci'M Thursday afternoon from Salcmvia Andover. M'Cre.i tour. t'hpy breakfasted «oon after 9 o'clock steamboats which have left that city. Amoral 74_\Vharf*ce *352 84 Rent of Wlu t'l mill rtrirtiUniln mrarilnt. at the Tremont House «i!li the cily autlniri- He wis received by a military escort and a Hrnt fel tho deaBh we notice that of Captain ' R4i Hay Scale* R80 Ground I'll. .'. iloliyrreV the upiiin> -wo­ Mead***, of tliii cily, on board the !.__.. C2 Renl of Curp. Lot 83 Mjrkct ll..u< men employed in the Factories, the pupils of I He court, in N-'. IM, /ailock, S»s«cer vi. hat in:' tfli-n leave of the city »uthorilies, »nd ia healthy, but in oriltr'ii] R98 Licenae 81*4 9i Inlereit and Cotli. the Schools, and ,\ lirge number of citizen*. A* yet thia city WalksVt Kieculi>r«. % of the Indies of (lie ll»u«f in thu drawing prt-kerVf its health, our city authuritin M, K59 01 Kinet 9)15 SO. Juilemtnt afirmtj. mom, the Pretidunt .ind tuitp. repaired to the The night is represented a* one of the most The etpeoditurr* during flip year, .imnur.i to pursue witli vigour the cVttnting sf The tyui of No. 1.10. Caton , t'nivirrtity in Cambridge. Here, the iminedi- imposing thai cnuld bo presented in N. Eng­ ttreetr. to S33IU 69, viz: r'or Salariet Jo-'37 9C M''r»vu» *>. Harriet Carroll, was continued at« Governor of thu College, the colouration land; the young women, numbering about 810G tii Kcf« RU 41 Tho Board of Health of Steabenville.Osa,] Bun.'ry eipencea fcir 1'ie Appellee, and Taney (At- ml IJnard ol Over«j-i-r«, .ui'l the students 3000, being neatly dre*seil in while with dif­ »3C7 4lo r.D of happi­ in thtt town within the latt 17 dayi. Hucliaiinn. (V ./, delivered tlm opinion of, IP?* Chapvl. where, in (lie pre*cncu nf tlie ed their countenance* expressive /anetville, up tu the iUt ult. was fret da Cleauiog and repairing atreetn g.5 J I '.'-J lie- t\ie rouit in NuX-Vl, ll.iminf riMnn vs. Kil- ! Ktreulive of the. St:ae, the tioveriimeiit and ness, contentment, and independence, and pairing L»mp» and limiting city 8->.'a 9-i deportment graceful and modest. They cholera. ii.mrin-. Tru'li-e iisVMerrviitjm's Le»»ee.. | ccmni-ctinns of tlio l'm«er«ilv, the Students their From Cambridge, Ohio, we learn br as)I liepuiil on r*.np,ini.-» S-1'2 14 ('oin'it. t'un- and A largp a>Hcml)lj ul 1 iHie* and gentlemen, were formed four deep, extending nearly a tnigcnleipeote R-J4 '.15 C'ltj U'jlcli %li Ju.ln't rcftrtnltuid i>racrilrnili> inrarilnl. Ouernaey Tiroes of the 22d ult, tlitt tkecU-l Thai N". the President nf the United State* waa ad- mile in length, and were, marshalled by the Market Hou«e 810 In. ident to hr.iilh of the Tin- court on mfcion, urdeied, (era had made itt appearance in Senecttillil Ihr. Kli/.iiini-i>t nn Fnday nexl, happv *lyle. by Mr. I'roident QoillCV. The Presiifcnt'amt'His suite, had writes to the editor thus: ance in favour of the year, &47t m. f de^ii-c of lloftnr of La«*wa4 then conferred cession countermarched and followed him in­ There ha» been received vix: On arrnunt I "'.'..'" July.- rtv\ . . .. We nrr much afflicted here at this tiu A i tc-rt oi itu 11 .1 ' MC .lu'timentiptiment of|N"oil.\» 1l.ii .1^,1, ( jfon mul nn thi; I'redilent in the iiMul manner, and he to the village tu tho Merrimack Hotel, where off dtbl»i * prior .to April 18j2.Rl.llH CN DIM ...... ' .. . I' .. . cholera in its mutt maligna'nt form hit , . V.i r « iiu-i ,-..-) M'lavnh »*. Harm-It jrroll, wan cuncl idvd MS* iililn-'Hril in Latin on brhalf of the Stu­ IIP alighted occonnt of theyear tndiiig Ainu IK.i.i, JS-.>.'(> , ... ' . , .. ,...... , . peareil among us Judge Tliompson dlnl'i ,7. . o-r-j -u ||V liiner (Alt v. tien l\ 1 . !-.) fur tlie Ap- dent*, by Mr. Fr.inri* R«>wen of this cily, a The Preiident *rcm^l mnch interested with 18 miking K><>. 4 ->8. , II i i lie saw and heard, and made many in- cholera this morning at 13 minutes after i:-| inrm'itT of the seiiinr cl.i<«. An appropriate what bad about * hours.' Di»bur«ed during tlie same period vi/: On '" ..'' ' ' , . . , , .. , nl ' hvinn having been HUIIJ;, th distinguished (|uirie« respecting the number of people em­ account of debt, pr,,,, lo A,,,,l IH.W, Si'40 '^" J " v *- tV M ' vnr' ' Iliiltii Til*- .ir^uinent ol Ihi* c. proceeded to the Library in procession, ployed, (heir average wage*, the amount of Iltallb of Katthu. The Sextoo (sayi d\ 10 On account of llic year ending Apnl d liv Meu-dilA l-ir the Ap nil vmtrd Die other ddlege b'iililinj«, and cotton wi.rked up daily, nf cloth t|rned out Nalclier. Courier of the 7lh inst.) ania a-l 185G, 82738 15 Amount R.VTB -JJ. a.1.1 Kelt aml'Scnti, foijllie Appvlke.' ten as we learn received liunpitalitie* at the &c. showing by his remark* that tfta* subject ports a lunz lilt of deaths during th* *nt| The balauce against the corpo­ Mluidiv. June O'llh.Y ian«inn of Pre»iitent Qoinry. The follow- of domestic manufacture* had wviossly en ending on Wednesday morning TliensNl ration April 183-- ivas 833.U 22 On.application (irnrap II. llrice, of (he ig eilracl from the Tran«ciipt gives an ac- gaged hi* attentive obienratior^ In order to been only three death* among our white ( * ! The balance April IH3.1 (deduct­ r of lijllumirc, Wi> ailmilted aa an Attor­ nunt of the President'* progress to Charles- shew more distinctly the effcA produced by ulation, by cholera of the blacks, thenuiif ing ihc turns ordered by the ney nf this (uurt. i own. the introduction of the Powt/Loom and ex­ been ten deaths by cholera. Corp. to be stricken off i.) 82781 The nrjjunient of NoJ IBfi, Glenn v*. the From Cuinhriilgp he paused, with hit suite, tension of the Cotton Uutirfss for Oie Ust Since Yesterday morning there hanka. M.iyor ir., nf Billimiye. was Cnniludtd by o CharleMuwn accompanied by his Excellen- twenty year*, a gentleman athibited to him a six death* five black* and one whitt Making a reduction in the public y tiie (invernor, and other officers of the piece of firitiib cotton Shn'tinp, bought at a Port Gihion. We have »een a Idtnltva jrl 88 Jiiliitinn for the AppelUnt. debt of No. .)<.!, lluklrv. dju*lec of Clap-tl. v*. Itate. lie wt* met on hi* entrance, lo Die Marshal'* sale of prize Aods in the autumn Port Oibaon this morning, in which ititi'ol- own, l>y the Columbian Artillery: the Light of 1813, at eighty five cfnt* per yard, cash. cd, that that place haa been literally dtKrtd I FOURTH OP JULY The Farmer, alul Slerfcnanl* Hank i.f Balti mnr^. This rme was'targ'ied by Mayer for nfantry compinien. l'li»l«nx, and Ciuarue, (Boson money or specie/ and also a piece of on account of the cholera. The committee uf arrinjrern announce the Appellant. % nil cucorled to Runker Hill. American manufacturaf of superior fabric, Or/rum. On the 13th there wen C| ' that the Rev. CHIMI.K* I'IM., lie was conducted tu a rrvned platform near w^ich now sell* for fo/rteen cents per yard, death*, and on the I4lh 33 death*. 1). D. ha* accepted tlio iiitiUlion lo delitcr I Dtcrrr nfirmtd. y he Mononent. where he was addremed by which is considerablyjeii than one half what Froirrtht AVir Orltani Courier, Junt li K«quuc, Mum! iv. July IM. an Oration, ai|d JOHN II. CCLHHKTII. Henry lie Hon. Kdward Kveritt, in a congratulatory he (lien paid for the bare weaving of the tame From information obtained from leveral r Independence. |:i N i. IK9, Voiike ajid wife v*. to read the Declaration of June Term, >|ierrh of about fifteen minute* duration, t.i articles hy hand. The President examined ipcctable physicians of our acquaintance,! generally, are Ki-inp, I|P< idrtl liy lliix nairl at Stranger* and the citizens moved the liicli the Pre»ident made a brief reply. He the fabrics attenlive/y, and satisfied himself are enabled to state with ctrtainty ll>:t t tlic 11 nine of I.-131, Jiiluii>nii fin the Ap|><-1lant- invited Iu attend in the IUII of wat Iken presented witli a box mailv from the t* lo the comparative qualilict of the two cholera has loit much of id intrusitT. *| DrlrgiUS, to-day, at 11 o'clock, A. M. The Cuuit, In nin-titi- tlu- app|-al. '<\. Tlic (ij« Li|;hU Company of I)»l- imber of 'Old Iromiilr",' cnntaining a bill piece*. At his desire, (all the works having the assertion, for thvto fnal ceremonies will commence and .conclude with Nn. do not doubt Veale. The irgu ;hrown at tlie battle nl New*, and been suspended iq> consequence of hit visit) horn we jut our informatiun are Intt i*f pisyer. imnre v.. U-nibianilt HI-MI nf tlii* case ua* ronimcnred by Ray oni.lhcr tlirnwn at the battle nf lljnker Hill. one of the MerrittSick Mill* was put in ope­ thy, and have alto ascertained that tbtifvtVj JOHN N. WATKIN8, We luve received fium a (?)iarli**U*wn cor- ration. He visited tho mill and the print Chairman uf the Committee. iiund fur the AppclUnt, alid (iill lor the Ap­ eeariet have not had, by far to many ciHl pellee. « e'nonitrin^ ilrtniN works and carrfi/lly examined the machinery terly as tome ft-nr daya tgn. We ht(* < I'ur.ilay, July 3d. 1 MeMr*. Kditiirk; .'I'lic I're»idi-nt of tlie and the prore*ssjof manufacturing. fellow citizens will keep up their ipirill, The Committee appointed by a. mreti'i; ol The ,-Uo\e rn»e wa«/urtner argued by Gill, 'iiiti-d Stalv« and lu« voile, wtir received (in During his vj«it to the Merrimtrk Mills continue lo persist iu f -' ------the citizens, Iu organise a coniinitlei- of Vigi­ nil Mntrr, f»r the Api'rllfi-. NVrilnrvlay tlic 5tilh in»t it the line of Cam- ami Print Workt, the apparatus fur extin­ lures. lant* anuVJ>»tajiction, and prc«inbe lUdutieij No. Til. The Lie,litl('iirnpanr v* Re jp- and (!liarle«town, by Hie committee of guishing fir-s (Which it probably more effec­ The Islington (Ky.) Obtervtr o to divide the city into wards, and appoint iranill Pcalr, »n» fuitherjaigued uv (iill anil arian^cmenU, appointed by tlie citizeni uf the tive thin any other similar establithment in the nit. itate* that the cholera ttitl lin|tniiatl] tub-committees to each ward, have xr>|>oiiilrd Hater f«r llic Apni'llrr. / town lur that pnrpnte. Country) wt»£'it In motion, tnd the immense place, carrying off from ftur tn Kainasy \\alert chairman of thecummillee \\ediivtday, July .""U Thr arcnment o Thu Warren Piuliiit of Charlc*tc \vs» roncluded liy Miyer lor of llic li.ind>ome*t Lt^lit Inf^n'ry Companiei were attjchul uat truly astonishing, cover­ ginning lo return. the following gentlemen (who are to cmiipoio he Appellee, and Jnhnaon lor the Appellant in thia Commnnwealth. performed the /ncort ing the different building* with water in a few At Ptrit, (Ky.) the eholera hat .. th* committee uf vigilance} lo the dis­ iluty, until they arrived williin two third* ol minutes by/various pipes manned by tlie dif­ with great mortality. It it alto fitsl it** trict*. From tht llunti&K

  • n (Snzrttr. llie distance from Id* Neck to (lie Square, ferent enafneers. Lower Dluc Litki, Ooorgttowu, and Lu(**| DISTRICT, No. 1. Tn Include all thai part HUNTINGDON IS FAN T gfHOOI,. when lliey were lupurteded by the Columbian The Prltident afterwards attended t pub­ of the town above Vacl-el Hevcie'a hlmp. An exainiiiation of tlic pupiU in this Insli Uuard*. Tb»i Pretident wa« then leated in a lic dinnef at the Hotel, where he wat expect­ At Cincinnati, deaths by c'.iMera wauw^l committee Vachrl Severe, Lewis N. SeHcll, lution took place on the 4lh ult, in Ihr. pre carriage with Col. (ioodridge, the Cltai/tpan ed to renftin that night, and proceed to Con­ to occur, but It is said tlio dine-ilt ' and William Taylor. sence of the parent* of the children, the nun of llie Committee of Arrangement), and of cord, Nyll. the next day. He appeared to no epidemic character.' No. 2. North tide of Welt street. Blooms- agcrt and others assembled lo witness the In. the Selectmen of Charlrttown, and eicorted br in better health than for tome day* previ- The ateamHoat Orleans, on her psttt(M| be ry Square, College Green, and North side .cresting exhibition. The audience wa^ hc?h to Bunker Hill, wheie tliu Hon. reward B- uu*. cf\<\ even appeared left fatigued than Trom New Orleans, tutt eighteen of Tabernacle %lr-at 'i'homa* Karoi-y, Chaa. y delighted with the acquiremrnla of (hi verett prekenU-d him a box conlnioing a can- tome dT hit suite. \ y by cholera. T. Flutter, and David <_ddwell. children, displayed nul only in reading, arilh inter ihol and a cannon bull, the Wtfundemtand by a gentleman fro\ Don- No. 3. North aide o^Vcit street, inclu- melic and i;r*mm«r,but in answering question up on Uunker Hill, and the latter Ublr%lhat th» Pre*iu>nt pt**ed *lh* New POTJTKXE83*IN CIIUBCI1- ding Doctor itreet, and^fe apace between n the higher branches of science, ill geagra the bittU HelJ at New Orleana, with thaa IIjmp«hnj| ||no at an early hour yesterday Tlie following interchange of poli&WlJ'] Church circle, and Duvanls creek Daniel }hy, geometry and astronomy. The develnpu perncnption: morning, v . ' been communicated in a very piqutn'*'." ' Hart, William Brewer jr., and John Whit- ment of intellect in the infant mind, elicited Theie now harmleaa meaioriali of the 17th a Button paper. It will, no doubt, be I tlneton. n part, by ll|e use of symbols, proves tatit June 1775, and the 8th uf Januarr, 1815, the quarter for which it It intrmM- No. 4. South tide of Gloucester atreet, Uctorily the advantage* ul this mode of com were preaented to General ANUH^ J.CCK- An emigrant, named Briggt. a native of Mount Rice. coArty Kiluartr. Ireland, »ai ' The* occupier* of Pev» No. J«. (* oan.inill including the apace between as id tlreet and inunicating instruction to youth, ll is nut the BON, Pretident of the United State*, bv the aisle.)in ilie Rev. Dr.'Ljcll't Chorcri, A«' I tJ. DavtH's creek, and Hughes' row John Mil­ least of iu recummcmUitons that all the ex Citir.en* of Ch*rle«town, on (He S4th June, appretendrd at c on the S-llh ult. on a charge of murder co litted fn tt'nl county ny ttrret, are finfdrmat), t)ut if '''f '' I ler, Thomas Docket!, and Johu lUndal). ercisea arc calculated tu imprest on the mind a 0:1 hi< visit to Bunker Ilill.V go to Chriit Chnrcli, uj |!>a eitj of ^»:*J «bly| , No. 5. From the Church including South reverent* fur religion, and an exalted opinion lf_He aL__then i_tendered _ndered .1 ^^_ I «_to I!him jf ithe r*tpec of in Jane. 1810. Tho iilual murdered wj* pect* nimeil Kilmurry, and tlieVrime wa* commit­ Georgia, an^ take teatt in No SB,.^1^ |iUa to V id* of Gloucester tlreet, to Green St., West ul the omnipotence und beneficence of tli the citizen* ouf Charlesttlwii, and bade him not be turniMl out (hercuf,'|t tuvsolf aide of Green itreet, and North tide uf (Jlou- great Creator. welcome (in a strain yef eloqueace scaiscarcely. ted by Brigg* and otlieri in the pretence of the person Tnfurmlng sp»imt Brigg*, also an ly were Mt twe morning of -|U Till cetter Itreet. Basil Shepherd, John tl. A meeting of the manager* of the Insti ever excelled on earj*,) to Bunker Hill. It Ma. EOITOBN.TIIC abort) nellct K ' Itndiri Well*, and Richard Swann. tutiun wan held in the »clinol room, iii the tf wa* the voice uf E/feemen apeaking through a emigrant, juat arrived at Quebec, and who on hi* landing met Vriggn in the street* of that from the New York, Knnulrar. If «' <«'/, llbtt peril No. 6,. From the Church, through School vening. after the examination, at which th Freeman. / at above »t*te4i fainl I hi.. « no dooM [* I to rtUrJ atreet, South aid* of Bute circle, South aide following resolutions were unanimously adopt From Chatkratnwn h« praeeeded towards city. The cause of offence given by the de­ of Church ceased waa *I«lfd to be working under the having ctptrlenceU a little of ' I tlie of Francis street, and North aide ed. Lvun wheryiiin arrival waa announced by a liiji Ibtl atraet, aSove Claude arid Himmond'a upper Rciolreil, That we highly approve nf th salute from/ the Lynn Artillery, and waa cs price of hi*a»>nilint«. it*1 "Com. w** committed ., it deserves a public notice, <' i -' atore W. G. Tuck, Kztkiel Hughes, and town by the Lynn "Light Infantry to answer to the charge. I lo add the following; plan of communicating instruction introduce curled intu , |*V William McNeir. and practised by the founders anditeachera u and Rifle Compnny, and the Davei* Lijh't If any renlleman occupying llie ' No. r. Residue of the North tide of middle aide of 8t Thomas's Church, Advi, Infant Schools,' on the priuciak^ of tlio ut Infantry. The President and suite alighted Thr, follo»ln(| I* related by Mr. Ruah from tlie en/lriore ttreet, Market Space, to Cornhill ir the Lynn Hotel, amid* the cheer* of the way. New Y.irk, iter thi of symbols (in part,) employiiain convey at Sir Kelton Harvey, aid-de-camp of the Duke twelfth pew, evtr entert St. Ptjol'i j part of State circle, to Francis ttreet, a knowledge of nnen and thfngt' to the infati assembled multitude, and shortly after he ap­ of Wellington, had. lost an arm in battle. and North tide of Francis street J.lgtehart, th on the portico, and wa* again laloled Button, he will Ond no lockt on mind, and do recomiueiidgthii system to peared Whilst une of tho battle* in 3paio wai raxing,
  • . A regular lit! of llm netv btiiun IBOJ, md Ihe teverat tupplemrntt pne frriltourceof the pitronifc anticipated by ADAM WALDIK. |)^7-No atldiliunnl ch»r»c will he mule for thereto, a ichrdula of hit properly, ind a lial of hit atid Thuitt*. C. Dunalton, having «tli»fieil me creditort, on mth, a« fir he cm atcenain Ihem. | proprietor it from Khoult ind college*, ami it tht by good and aufficient teilimeny that he ha* Carp» n| e r-«'r»"i nnr Strrmh, under ihe Apprrn- thil great increateuf rrmlini; mailer. Il will Itm represented will be modeli of elegance and licet' Library, W.k of the Arcade, where tub- be euntaioed nn the p»^r« uf Ihe cuver uf tho beinr; amteled in hi« petition, anil the *tij Jeremiah (rtet driving, il will form a wnrk for conaultilion muled in Ihe date of Ma-yland (wo yeara im tcripliunt will br gratefully received. Merrill hivinr; .ilitlicil the conn by competent tetti- metliately preceding the time of hi* applica­ Library, and therefore luliject auli*cribera whu mony tint h> hi* rruded In the Slate of Maryland Piinler, Ko^raver, Orating Miller mil Slu* Pec. J3 receive their number* by mail lo nu additiunal ml will h<> of inealimable advaituge in the tion, and (hat he i* n»w in. actnil &J1 sjtrrimen of the Work nta;/ lie twit yeart immeiliikiely preceding the time of hit ip- *mion of their practice. In thort, it will be a- eipemc id pottage. plicalan, and that he li in actual cnnfirKDient fur for debt only, and having given tecurilr fnr hia teen at the office of the Maryland Ga­ deht only, and having giving bond with vecurity for J to Ihe capicity md Htlcd for the ute of every anpearancc at court, it i* there/We nrdereil A. WALDIK. i in i!>e community, fro*n the enidile naluralitt to hi« ippetranre to miwer tuch allegation* a* may be and adjutlged by me, that (he taid Thnmat C. zette, where Subtcriptions will be re­ Scvrnl applicalian* K*v°ng been tyade In filed again,! him, Niul ihe aaid court havinjr ippoinl- Jrulr beginner fur the one a boov^ of reference, ascrrlnin (he manner in which HID original do- 'irill tourc* of pleating iludy, irauMmcnl Donation, be diachargeil from hit confinement, ceived. ed Willitm Jenkint Iniuee for Ihe benefit of the anil that he by ctuaing a copy of Ihit 'iriler to parlnirn( nf notice* of new bni4>* will be con crediiorvof the laid Jeremiah Merrill, ind ihe Mid < vofk it not got up with a tiew lo temporary U3 ducted, we lake Ihe preaent early opportunity truitee hiving given bond wilh aeciirlly for the fiith be innertcd in one of the newtpapcr* in Anna lul performance of hit trutt, and the aaid Jeremiah itliriif, or to a lubtcnptlon of two yean, in about pnlit, dncea week lor three succeaiive monlh* r|>>H A T the tubtcriber ul St. Mary'* county, of ttattnK that, at Iratt Ihry iliall mutt tine ** period it will certainly be completedi it will hath obtained from Ihe Orphan* Court nf Merrdl hiving executed a deed to Ihr ttld trntice of before the 4th Monday in October nr-xl. lo give 1. luivoeally be- UNBOUUHT. The prrvnla ill hii property and debli due and owing hta coalfirjf, b< to compiled aa In be valuable n St. Mary'a counly, in Marylind, lel'rrt let- ion of a copy by Ihe publisher thai) nut be it lo him, md T M Ikt platti tail. After the term of Iwoyein, notice to hi* creditor*, anil lo anawer inch al­ the taid trustee loving certified lint he it in puttet. lamrnlary on tha peraAnal eitate uf Jiihn >ato«itt in eXtcniive ami nuvcl (nttrpnat. thu inaolTpnt/awi of thi« Kate. All person* having claitnn 4gain»l the *aid de- atiured "f twu thing*; Ktrtl bouk* thall nut confinement, md lh«l he hy caining a e«.py of ihii erased, are hereby warned lo exhibit the aamr, ic nullcrd the next day after they are received; order lo be interted In tome Mwipipcr once a week _/ /____ OIDKON WHITK. for three iiiecettive moniht before the fourth Mondiy wilh Ihe voucher* (hereof, in the *ub*rribrr, anil, necondly. they ahall nnl be reviewed be- in October next, (ji>e nntiee to hit creditor* to ip. I'Tbt uook of Nature," will appear netr Ihe firit PUR ANNAPOLIS CAMURIDUK AND at or before Ihe Slat day uf May next, they "ore ther have md. We hive no rnyal 1 *'try month, will, from eight Iu len flno engraved BASTON. pear hefura Anne Arundel Counly court on \b* found klci m tich n'tmbcr, miking ahovo 100 engraving! may nlherwi*e by la* be excluded frum all mad In 'puflin;. nnd will be Ihe lei* likely, Monday of October next. In ahew ciutr, If tay they JtKi volume, which will contain from five hundred TheSlrtm Doxt MA­ benefit of (aid eilile. Given under my hand therefore. In fall iotu the rn-ir uf an unlucky hive, why Ihe nid Jeremiah Merrill thould not hue |tr.t tSouund teptrata figurea. The price will be RYLAND, cnmnenced tbi* lltkrflav ul June lft.i.1. lit. who, in hi* anxiety to lie the firit lobluw Ihr benefit of the aaid actict anind toppletnenU Ikarelo, i^Uri per intium. Agent* or clubi her route on TUESDAY f) ELLKN I'EAKK. F.i'r. the bellow* nf criticism, rrntl the preface unly at prayed. i Jt *'' ' Tetl ///' ' " WM. 8, QHEKN. ill b« ciilitUd lo fivei copiea. No nibtcriher Ihe 'Jlli intt. leaving the of a duodecimo, and gravely entered his ap­ Um* P> "« reciitcd without piymeut in ajjvanec, or ta- lower end of DuginV ^ NOTICE. ~" _M*T 9. __/'S (Titury reference. Single number* XlO ctnli, lo probation nf t\vo chapter* which, unfortunately ho »,,h ID rxtmlive thi work prevtouiloaob- Wharf, at 7 o'clock, 4. M. fnr Annapolii. HIS i* (o give notice, the «ubieriHer nf fur hi* critical acumen, had been mnitled, while 9™g: AiUr?,. (alwMifreeof pottage,) ^Cambridge by Cattle Haien,) tod Ration, and T Leonard Tuwn. Saint Mar>'n county, Ma­ the prtfatoiy refcrrnre t» them had been, by anne-atunuel Count?, fee. SAMUtL C. ATKINSON, I'hiUdelphi*. return from the Butein Shore nn every Wed ryland, hath nblailird from the Orphan* Court mistake, relained! Thi* predicament was N ipplicilifn to Ihe luhteriber. a juniee of the ,'N'o mbkerlpllon Motived fur abortcr period neaday ind Saturday, leaving Baalon at 7 A. uf Saint Mary'* county, in Maryland, letter* wnr*e than, that of Ihe I pe­ >B r« or,rohiv,rv tition in writing, ol Wdliim Willigmin, of Annr-A- M. by Cattle Haven and Annapolii. She will of Adminiitrtlion on the pertunal eilatc of crilicited »nme paa*agea of Cnuke'a acting, and rundel cotinly, tilling (hit he it now l» actual can- commence her Cheaterlown Trip on Monday, Thoma* Matlingly. lale of S»int Mary'tcMn fuund whrn he ru«e next miirning, and hi* pa'mir forth* benefit of 111* let of the 28d April, leaving Dallimnre at 6 o'clock, anil ty, deceaird. All pertnnt hiving clnim* a per wnt all over London, that the play had Uenertl At*embly of Mirylind. entitled, An tel for 1011 ANNAPOLIS, return tho tame day, leaving Chetlerlown it t ainst the Mill dcceatrd, are hereby warnrd Iu been pot I pone il lhi> rdicf of Mindn intolvcnt dlblort, p»«ted M U*- ' " V/).7K MORXLVG. o'clock, calling al Corsica wharf, for (he 9*0- ihibit the lime, will, the vouchers thereof, ccmbcr tcttion l"6j, »n.l the K\ertl aupplemmia The 8l*tm boat MA­ Fnr the'reit, time must drvelnpe nur eourte thereto, on the term* therein miniioned. a icliedul* (reville pauiengen n the ubsrriber. it ur before the thirteenth and uur canabdilie*t in caac* where Ihe utnnl RYLAND, will leave N. B. All baggage al (h* owner* itik. of hit properly, and a litl of hit creditor*), on oith, ' llaltimore for Aonapnlit, ty of Mtrch next, they may niherwite by courtcty uf rho trade ia nut extended lo Ihit to f.r it he can the aam», bring annexed to Pa*u|re (o'ol from Katlnn or Cambridge, g'J.JO tw be excluded front all benefit nf ihcnid e»- juoinal, uiilikei mo»t of our culemporarir*, we hi* petition, «n.l the taid William WlMi(r.rnin hating _ every bandar morning, Paatage (o or from .fnmpoli*, I,so ale. Given under tvnficil me by enmpclenl tetllmony that he bit re- "itarttng tt nine o'clock my hand thin tij-hieenlli ihall buy what bonks we want, and give tu such I'AIMHB (o Chetlertnwn or Cori'ica, 2,00 ay of June,, in the year eighteen hundred tnd as deterve it a cartful peruial. tuleitlwo yr.rt wilhin thvalate of Miry land immte'i- i the lower end Dugtn"t whiff, her uiual Children under 14 yeart of ige half price, tely preteding tho time of hit application, a*d tho •* «- lit* of Mtrtinc, and returtfln (he afternoon, LBM'L.0. TAYLOlt, Muter. The prnnpectu*. and smnv technical difflcul laid William Willigman having liken the oath by tti« V'ing AnnapoTi* at 8 o'clock. Pataage U K. D \KBKK. Adm'r. ie* alwny* attending Ihe fiist i«*ue of a nrtv laid irt pretcrihrd for the d«liverin|f up hit prfipert/ [frum Annapolit g|. Children under 18 THO. MATFINOLY. oiirnal. make the present number but a partial mil given tuWclcnt MCuthy for hia prrxnial S'P"'- peclinen uf it* futuretpromiae. in«e Htlie cminly court of Anne-Arundel county, lo '£°f_»ge, halfprice. N. B. All btggage MAKING antwtrauoh Inlerrarcaiofiet and altegationi iiryy b« i -WISH TO puncnAir. July 4. m*«l« igainsl him, ami having appointed Jimea Hun- O. TAYIX)R. Matter. ler hi* irmtef, Whn hi* given bond * auch. *n« re­ t it it n«c*t*ar7 10O LIKELY NEGROES, IIK onilertigned tike* thi* method of in­i .91OO REWARD. ceived from aald XVillitm T*llli|cmin a enn.eyance) rillitome furc«*rf f« County Court, ' forming hi* friend* and (he public gene­ anthn ttore nf Jeremiah Hughe*, i ln*(. a ne^ro man nameded 1I copy ol thii urder to ba Inaerted In aom. £ benefit of ihe lotolvrnt Law* of(ht» Slate, ri»iiulre, wlinre he Intend* carrying on the TOM, the proi^rly of Ihe llgf publitUed In Ann* Anindel eoi.niy, one. . w«ti fof "» «»jpe*r before the Court, U be held at aUo, mechanics IVHIil I M.ll A.,~~.,\ Tf three morilut, before the fmirth Munday In October JftlTown, Siini Marj'a'coonly, on (k« ^_ of every tl«- CABINET BUSINESS, William I. Hall, deceased, of | next,_>mt to *»|w»rmm^tf b.fof»b,fof,,i,« i»« «M«u eoantycounty .court at tba Haoday »f Augu»( next, U Ala illegal)- (criptlon. Per*oDswlihin|lo*elf,wlll dowel In all ill vtfloU* form*. He will tuperlolend Anne-Arundrl counly; about court hoiite of ttkl eoiiniy. *t t«H o clock of th« n any Ihey have, and lo rf« to give me a rail, a* I am determined tngiv Ihe management of Vunerata at the shorleil no­ 10 year* of ige, five feet ten fora-noon of lh«i day, «or Ibe purpawe of rwcavmend' t*Mo«it Troite* for (htir benefil. HfOHRR PRICES for 8LAVB8, (ban an; tice anil t)i (he mnit workmanllie alyle: and Inchet high, uf t dark cotnplek- inc Imate* fur their bencflu *nd to ahow cauK. If ran, and a litilt round *Uul- any (bey have, why the Mid William Wllngman ibotiU Bj ?«.*r, purchaser who Is now nr nay'be hereafter in th fiom hi* lonjt experience in, ami general, ac not kive the bentfii of the aakl set ami MppWfBeMla, J4XJUUR18, Clk. rt.arkef. Any communication in writing wi rjiiainlancu with the baiinei* of hi* profmlon dercd. Tht> tbove re ward will be given to a* prtred Giten tamlar *»y band Ikk it>cnry-«we*tid copy, be nrodtptlytltended to. \ can at all lime ka hope* (rl meet with the patronage and tn t-tit the iv*)*cnb«rrt gft him igiln. da* of Mar, In Ihe yeif of our Urd al.*!*** » Jtf. HARRIS, Clk; b« found it Willitmaon'* Hotel, Annapnll*. courtjetBint uf tllueral and generou* comm*« MAHOA/IRTIIALL, ^Adm'rf.or drcd nd ihlrtHbr,4 ___- W«taV W. I. H*H. St.Mtry'tCty. Court. RICHARD WILLIAMS. ni«T.* i -/,,'^j.t ** ' DASJIIELL. Atrtl it.yg. 3m. )on*0 « Grand Mutt r, after few Veto iiuce. It W; *e belie n, but on« » al iccotuidercd neeetiarf nity co U hoa»hv._A'. jf; TVi./'" Th« metgnboeirWod of Light itreet whtrf a mott fervent aftd tloqiuat prayer by tbo tmaft mill, and the home of tlie proprietors HttMntoU a aaott aaiitatM appearance on Grand Chaplain. . . now it ha« jt* thotiiaad* of inliabltanU. »eve- NotwithttandiDg Uia tnfavoorablg state or ral place* of warship, almoit, if not quite, It tricars by tfce Wwl»««d«7 evening last, In-eonieqaence of the RhodeUUnai th« tntBMtfd arrival ol thai LatayeUe Orayt the weather on that dav, nearly one hundred 30,000 cotton *pindle», a l*r*e carpet manu­ , July il, 1888. from FaiUadelphw and every window, door- ember* of the Fraternity attended, many of factory, and one which we believe manntac- an anti' watoaie «lei*uriil w»y, a^net, Itc. **rm«d erowdcil with anx- whom were from the cilv ol Baltimore, Bal­ Urea tomewhcro about fuur hundred yard* of Matonio Corpuntiont tliouli b«t«4la' lou Pi** rwdy to welcome tbeie interetting timore, Frederick and Cajcil countiet, and the fino broadcloth per day. M J'. Mm. Mv. pear and &aw caute why tlu-ir SOUTU RIVKU FAIR. State of Penntylvania. The concourse of hnnld of*'1w declared void."hn, •r Near th* tide of Ihe road leading from trangjr*. About four o'clock the^ elegant ffteam^boat Kentucky wan tern coming into spectators too, wa* very large, and particular­ . l WVtmxoTOir, July 4. reiolution calling upou Matooic b South River Kerry to Calvort county Hand* ly of ladies; who, we are happy to know, Tlve frJMWent, accompanied by the Vice to Dhow oauaa why their charter*- one of the movt antinatted Churches in the port in her utual aplendid ttyle, with the Orayi and C\pt. Hickman't Light Infantry were invited to witness tae whole proceeding, President toid Secretory of the Navy: j»U be declared void, 4* ha* been errooeettjt *UM uf Maryland, rhe little eminence up­ and who, w» believe, were highly pleated with Priv.te Secretary, and Col. Earl, arriy«U in ted in tome of tlie Boston papers, *Ml on which it is erected at well a* the Chnreh Company, Jisplaye«l in line on the oppcr drrk. Dttrinjc the time of their pasting from Furl the ceremuirie*, and tlie courteous atteiitiup thit city at 10 o'clock thi* morning. After appear at the tte*t *es»ion and itself, i* nearly obscured by a surrounding I'o- paid them on tlie occasion. reaching Coucord, he found that hU strength why tho prayer of the petitioner* _ , re»t IU unattuming apire it unseen until McKenry np to the city, a saluto was fired >y the Junior Artillerints. tlatiuned on Keile- On the whole, we believe there ha* never would not enable him tu undergo a repetition be grantuUj of, io^other wordi, to ibew yon approach itt very vicinity, when it breaks ral Hill, who rapidly left the hill ami juiucd before been exhibited to tpleiidid a spectacle of the labour* .which the vari»irt engagement* whjr they ahualdnot be called a pin.'to upon th* light in a manner which might be the etcort at the Ste'uuibual. The whole bo­ in thit county, on any occation, at that of he had made, would require of him. And a. their charter*. well adapted to increase the veneration which dy then formed iu column and marched tu the which we htvt now given an imperfect tketchj further exposure to the North Eaatern wind*, it* ace and it* object art alike calculated tu lead of Pratt itreet, where they received the and we fervently hope and trust that the piout it wa* feared, might prove pennaiienlly detri­ Frtm the Philadelphia Oaitttt, in*pire. The arrangement of the interior i* line company of Kvtrhart Grayi, from Fre- and charitable porpotet profeMed throughout mental to hit constuutiun, after hi* inditpoai- JSicapt, of wait still more calculated lo remove the mind uf derirk, whu'had jutt arrived iu the car* by this interesting and lolemn ceremony, maybe lion at Bottiiu. He was, therefore, under the Princeton System give* the particiltr. ' the beholder lo ages long gone by, and to av th« Ualtimure and Ohio Riil Road. The co­ widely eileflileil; intended a* they »fem to be ncoeatity of gi up hit journey, without curred during tlie late fresh it, »'" tociate hit reflection* with the ipiritt of those lumn thru took up thflinr of inarch, and en­ for the promotion uf brolhctjtr love ameng going to Port laud, in Maine, which he intend mile north of Sumerville Court ' whose green gravel rurruuiid the edifice, were mankind, and tlie amelioration of our condi­ cd lo have made the teruinatiou uf hit tour. in full viexv of more than a hundred il not that the Grat emotions which are »xci: tered the (ity at Ihe head uf Baltimore otreel, and after putingf 474 miles in three attending jurors of the Connty Court, verer expre»*iun) to keep from ruin*, the fa­ ti?.ens. and were met on their return to Col. CHARLES S SEWELL....-W. M. day*. His strength recruited considerably titling in nomcrville, cttempted to dri bric which llie piecy of llieir »oref.ithers eiect- Imvn uv k.'veral of our volunteer curjn, uinoi'i; Dr. \VM. McKI.HINEY...... S. W. since he coimoeuced his return. The ordina­ crom with a heavy farm wagon with t < cd and dedicated lo the worship of tho Si-- Mij. WM. RICHARDSON, .. ..J. W ry fatigues of a journey in the tlagct, reliev­ or); the^jr nceeedtfd in getting nearly < I-DKML, Ihe Bountiful giver of all the bless­ ulium uc ueie glad to n.n^ni/e some uni- j form* (hat unre t;racr fleelium lu which Iheie ubjecU irn-.i-.tiblv with t uplemlour that gratified the military | Dr. JAMES comparison with thu personal exertion necei- lead the mind, will nut be unpleaiaiillr inter­ tjiiiil then prevailing. The two rumpnuic*. | Y. BRIAN, S. D. they .went entirely under) the wagon i, _ RICHARD D. LEE.-...... J. D. tary to luitiriu him throughout a succession oj~ rupted by announcing that the daughters of and a lar^e party of citizen* ilineil un buaul , ptraled fioin the hone* 'and runniai | daya, in exchanging (dotations und greeting* this vrnerable church, astociitrd with other the Steamboat Iwntu Ay, ul.icli left the whaif WILLIAM FURLKV,. -Tylcr. And wai wa.Red nearly a quarter uf t imloitnnui female* of the neighbourhood un- a'jout four uMm k and proceeded down the with the immense number uf his fellow citi- ilojkv*, (lie borsci »iram out with tail t'er Uie title uf The, Utiicvoltnt Society river lo CuiU-.' Creek. About half piUnine From thr Philadelphia Jlmtrienn Sentinel. zent who thronged to meet him. He wuuld part of the wagon. of JHl-Hallowi /'ari»A,hive-piuuily undertak­ o'clock Ii»t night they \isilcd the Theatre and THE PRESIDENT'S RETURN. have found it impossible lo have borne op to One man only wa* able to iwi.rt oit, ^ en Uie tttk of raiting a fund, sufficient lo re­ Cncus: ami, nn Ineir «-.-\y ihithrr, our Our quidnuncs were turpriied on, learning lung under die fatigue, but for the inspiring ther fuur were teparateu, and clun|U| pair and render comfortable, thu place lor »li-eel> \veie enlivened by the mo»t delightful yrstcrdny afternoon, that Prenident Jackson tiiimition imparted by the enthututtic kind- limb* of the tree* and buthe* fur nt holding their religious assemblies Tu uid in in.iiic from Captiin Jnlm»'e}elte Gray* boat* connected ivith the New York Rail Road At our tegular publication it suspended, in speed to the RariUu liver on the uppotitii to hold A FAIR, which will commence on tu I).11 cilv. Line, and without luuding, hid been put on consequence, of our National Anniversary, we uf the town, fur a buat which nai pnt TUISDAV the 3(0th July instant, at the house \Ve Mere plemoil to *ee in the line of pro- board the William Penn, for Baltimore. The have dceraed it nece**ary lo 'slue (hit early leaded in the wagon brought to their r in tin* 11 rm >•( John fglehiirt, K»q.' iifjr D.V- cesMon yetlcidav, u newly ui^united bmul, utory nUo goes, they arrived at New York notice of the President'* unexpected iclurn, jutt iu time -at one or two ul them k* VIDSONV'lLLE; where it is hoped that the cuinin.ioiled by Cu|>t. Muimy. it it compos­ yetlerday murning, in tho steamboat from and the reasons for it, lot supposition* might come *o oxhautled with cold and crania)! liOeral spirit fur which that neighbourhood ed of men of good mutical talent, und, uilh Providence, shortly after the departure of the be indulged, calculated to produce unei»iuc>» bo barely able tu hold out until the boitt has always beeu distinguished, will not be, 1 >tn.:t levi-ianre, uill in a »hurt time eij'ial for l'hiladcl|ifii«, ai:d that embarking in iu the public iniml in lelaUon tu it ed them. summoned in vain. The Ladie*, not only ul ' "JlJ "' : LUdilU V. another boat, they followed and overtook, her ' tome milch from New York. Viriout rumour* In a recent conversation with Mr. Uuranl, that vicinity, but of other place*, arc inutetl VONS. TONSON COME AOAtXi to aid the enterprise. It i» by muting effort* /~ri>;il thf 'liilliiiiore Chrinitlt. and conjecture* were atiuat retpecting the he informed ut that the grculett rate of hit ;.ililn-»* nl .Mr. Kveiett to the Preti- ciute ot the HreMilciit'n unexpected return) travelling in the air, wat on his second aacen- We are informed, on authority whidJ by gathering the milo frum every willing daro not dispute, that the Sea Serpent hand, that Templet are sometime* reared, ami Irnt I I)uiiri-r\ Hill, anil In* reply, ai« in a bat not having been able to trace them to anr sion, in 1830, from Castle Oarden, up the ttyiu that inu-t i\*niler them acceptable tu ie»pnn:>iutt: n.iurci-, we have nuj thought it North River. -Although the wind wat nut gain appeared off Nabaut. tftf' (« waa find Monument* cucte.l. Surely thi<. though t on Saturday afternoon, passiiting ^ betweni aecluded and humble temple, being dedicated r»i-r_v nne. Mr. Kvrrelt i» di^nilieil, rctjiecl- u-iiilh ,nj iu giving them currency. high, ha found himself, in three minutes from ul. utrectonati-: I'Ut iliiiluint tminn of tvcu- A few days will explain tlio whole matter. starting, over u tput three miles frum the Rock and tlie Promontory wending as it i«, I" the worship uf the I.HIND Cuu, iotu Lynu harbour, and (gain on anil intended lu shelter wuirhippvrt around |ih.iiicr an.) jilul.itniii-a.i,l the I'rtoiilent mu*t Oarden. This rate wuuld propel him CO milet u\e colotn.cil Ins manly, independent and It appears from the following paragraph, an hour. Now Mr. Durant, at the tame rato morning, heading for South there. ){«i HIS altar, can be tavcil from ruinr teen by forty or fifty persons, (ladMtiMp Kelretliment* for person's attending the elu luent ailtlrot (he more Jor il* being free wchich we c«pyc«p Inim a New Hampshire piper, uf travelling, with a fair wind, might traverse limit ridiiuliiiin flattery and unini-ntc.I cum- Hut jiiditputiliuii, rising from fatigue and th* whole continent of America from New llemen) who insist that they could i Fair, and feed tor their horses will b>- pun id- been deceived. They will take Umr rd. If the weather un the ilay nppuinteil, he |iluni ,,(. \Ve ii-cii^ni/e in Mr. K. a freeman Ihe northern climatr, vtan the cause of the Orleant to Purtlaod, in tho thorl tpace uf ; the duel magistrate ol a fire peo- 1'ieiiilent'i unexpected return lo the seat of hour*, witnessing (partly by uiounlighl) por- ral oath* that th* object teen by unfavuurable, Ihe fir»t f*ir day thereafter \iill veritable,bona fide Sea Serpent, to embraced for the object. jile. Tlie rrply ul the I'reviilent lu|-,i\ government. liunt of Ihe State* uf Louitiani, Alabama, -" Hep. .in.l ii|i|.ii.prijle. .Such 11 tlie reception that From the Daver (.V. H.) Gaztttr. Georgia, North Carolina, Virjafts, Pennsyl They icout the idea of having beea tantll ^hntil.1 It; ]i\\e» tj Hie l'rr»iili-nt eterv where. On Tuesday evening last, John Williann, vtnia. New Jersey, New YorlcVConnecticBt, by sharks, whales, porpoises, grtnpeminj [Tin* A.lJieki uiul lleuly "ill be lound un >hn li. H. Odiurne, Joseph H. Smith, and MivsachuiclU, New Hampshire/«nd Maine. mackerel, and cumpel ua to accredit Cam |C7»The bmly uf a druwDc*^ man came a the louilh page uf the paper. J John P. Hale, waited upon the President ol We have liltle hesitancy, from our knowledge scrtiun. Kvming Tramcripl. thurc un the 29lh June l.i«l, AH.':>\'» C'rrek, the United States at hi* lodgings in Concord, of the 'great, brave,' that he dare undertake irmlh tide of PiUntcu RiverJtfcotliM-ciirj&^t ll.iw A iilnut, ;;imi| looking blark follow, took under the direction of the Committee ol Ar­ turh an exploit. PROGRESS 01' THE CHOI.RRA.| Lint point ind Slouy Creek. He ».i» about pat'ige ^evtenfuy moriiing at lialtnuore, in rangements fur thi* town, fur the purpose uf Mr. Durant alto informs us that the rate by St Louii. AVithin 48 hotrs, ending fi feel 0 inche* high, had black hair, laige, Ihe sii-jni Kentucky, tor thi* ritv. lle- a»ccrtaining more explicitly nt what time il which he might be propelled in a gale of wind, 21, there had*b*en one cue uf cholera it { randy whitkert, apparently ktout in person. l.'ii- llu- b.'-t u-nchi'il ('iirsapeake C.'ilv, it tvat would suit his convenience to visit Dover, would be 101) mile* the hour, which would Louis that uf a coloured ptr»on. Th«l Hit liren cuntiitcd of a cutlun tliirl, black ilmcovvred lint hr belnnged to a grntlninan of sud received fur answer thst he woold an­ carry him from Louisiana to Maine be'ween souri Repoblican uf Juno -I, t«yt, llit Wonted veil, a kind of check pantaluun*, Mill, «n.l w*« cnilearouring lo make l nounce his arrangement* tu thera at half past sunri*e and sunset. Tho balloon would not ber uf deaths, from cholera, in Palnyn,! cottnu drawer!, ind tquarc tued hoii. lie i-i> I'l'iui the bund* of ulai.-rv. -An effort T o'clock the lullnwing morning. Al that be likely tu softer injury, and from his expe­ that state, it eitimated at 106 a turuT had in hit pocket a wooden comb, a knife, and was',- tiy ll.c c»|itain to place him in con- time, the co.nmillcc ai;/i.i united upon him, rience heretofore, he is mrc that hi* respira­ tcarcel) examplcd in the history of Oil i two key*. There wai a black riblion mound fi.irtiunt, but tin1 nla«u with one bound upraiiL when he addrcited them in tubsunce nearly tion wuuld not be affected, because, when seat­ ease, in thu country. The sane ptjxri hit neck. Frotn hit appearance, it it iupp»t- into liie «-Ur, ami twaiu vicorouily towards at follows: ed i.i bis car, however high the wind, he is liont that the disease had appeared si Al ed that he wit a waterman. He wan buried Ihe nhiiri-. A wnt I'.were.I in pursuit He remarked, he felt admonished, aeriously in a perfect'calm, and if a candle were lit, Illinui* where Ibero bad been eight Ml on the tame day. Person* inlrrctlrd in tin liut before it reached him he >ank and lusc nu admonished by the state of his heslth to de- wuuld nol only nut be blown out, but would fatal ca»es. deceased are referred tu Win. U. Chairs, re nure. Phil.:il. Gazelte si«t frum (he farther prosecution of his intend­ nut even flare.. Mr. Durant wuuld take a At Pulutki, Ten, on 23d June tht J tiding on Uie abure creek. Hull. Go:. ed journey. He would ha»o been pirated tuur of thit kind, were he sure that, in such had amounted to about 60. At thalfctt' A SLAVER CAPTURED. and gratified to have vitilcd 0* whole of New a distance, them would not be adverse cur­ diteate had greatly abated- COURT OP APPEALS, June Term, I6.V,. The P.erm-iiU Cazelte lUtet that II. II. M. llnglaiul; he lud been delighted with the re­ rents. He i«, however, determined to at­ At i\aiheillt, there, wat tlill ta occi cliooiier Nimble Friday, July 5th. hut captured a slavu »tiiuo- ception he hid lhu> received) with our in- tempt, snd we have no doubt he will accom­ cam of iho chalnraj but it appeareil ut Un application, Thomat Sirann, and Rich- ter uilh one hundred and ninety niitcrablr tilutiuiik uf learning and our free school*; plish, in the line uf his prufcssiun, mure than nu longer at an epidemic. re.iturrs un board. Thi* tlivcr appeared ard S. Cuxe, Enquiret, uf Ihe city of Was'i- ofl [lie hardy and happy faces uf our yeomanry, any ulhcr .Kronajt that tins preceded him. At Cincinnati, Ohio, there hid I .iarbaducs un the IBlh of Mav, then on her ingtoo, were admitted as Attorneys uf thi* ic exprct*eil himself gratified beyond mea­ Whatever career Mr. D. may choose to a- j deaths frum cholera, during Ihe week i uuy In Triniilad, in con»ri|urnce of her nut court. sure. He uithrd our system uf free ichouU dopt, and however chiintriral, he may be lure on the 2"th June. Fur aevenl MM Nu. 187, Elizabeth Davis v*. George Cal­ icing allowed tu slop at IU\ana, frum the ex- nighl he extended over the south, Uie whole of the best wuheiof h-.t fulluw-citizentiu fa­ day*, the general health ol the ctty M < vert et si. The argument of thit ct«e was teiuc there uf the choleia. west and all the country. H« wai well a vour uf his success proved, (according lo the Gazelle)uJ 'J. commenced by A. C. Magruder fur the Ap­ warp that hit determination to proceed no fur Should he tail and perish, tneVgrels of hit few cues of cholera lud beer* iptlta of- >' pellant. Front Ihe InJtpemltiit Citizen. ther wuuld be a great ditippumtment to hit countrymen will console hit turuvor*, and thing like panic pro vail*." Saturday, July Gth. DEDICATION. Pursuant to arrange- fellow citizent who expected him lo viit them, hi* fame upon tin page ofhittui'y will be their There had b«eu a case of tliulm it I The above caie wai further argued by A. mcutt picvioutly inude, oti'l to public notice, and he regretted il, and he wi»hed Ihe com­ solace. U teems to be the glory of our young mond, Va., ob tho 97th ult., which t C. Magruder fur Ihe Appellant, and Richard he Mttoxio HALL in Del-Air, was un Mon­ mittee to rxpretv lo ihe citizens whom ihey adventurer, tu risk every thibg tu exalt Uie ed favourablyi and another, on llit 1 8. Cole for Ihe Appellees. day, the S4th day uf June, ultimo, solemnly repretenlcd, tlmt they could nut be more dis­ character of Ameiicans a race uf men, en­ which proved fatal. No other casts M^ dedicated tu 3/a«oiirv, to Virtue and ititnee, appointed thin he wat. It wai rmthi* choice, grafted upon a noble itock, and whose deed* currudj aud the citizen* were perfrctlr' Monday, July tta, anil to uniotnal Charity and On applicatiun,^ti«nj. P. Smith, Eiquire, Henevolenre. but tiic act of Providence tliat iKnuced tliitj of daring know no bound*. .V. JK Gazelle. from excitement or alarm, on lli< t«bj<(l- of the city of Washington, wat admitted at according to the ancient usages of the Frater­ result, and tho event wat ueyom^iis control. Islington, Ky. Tlie Observer of l!»* - an Attorney of thit court. nity) and afforded to th* public a spectacle in Del hit public dutic* which were very prc«t- FROM LIBERIA. June, ta/a, the cholera hat not y(t cttr No. 187, Davit v*. Calvert et al. The ar­ the highest degree impces«iveaud interesting. Ing, hit health, ill admonished him lo return | We are indebted to Mr. Williams, Lieut. disappeared'fr«*B Lexington. Taert ' gument of thi* case wa* continued by Swau» Mount Ararnt Aoi/fr, No. 44, with itsolli- home in t* quiet a manner a* possible. Guv. and Mr. Roger's, High Sheriff of Libe­ ititl a few caae* almo*t qvcry day. and Johnson, for the Appelleis. ccrs and members in full Masonic Cotlume, ria, who arrived on Monday in thu shiii Jupi­ daughter of R. II. Chmni Baq. diedn Tuesday. July Olb. lint tktumed their station* in the Lodge THE PRESIDENT. The Concord Patri­ ter, from Liberia, fOr tho following uiierett- 88tb. Tho diteate waa »HI1 prrfliti"!'' ' Tlie court overruled the motiont, to modify Room; neit entered the Grand Loilgeof Ma ot uf Saturday cuntalnt an account uf the re- ing account: country round, though with U*» >',...-u(« ,*•>. the decrees, in Chambers et al, vs. Chalmem rylaml, to whom the officer! of tho Subordi­ ctuliun of the Prcatdent iu that place on Fri­ Tbe colony nt the time they left contained at firat. liter* had been 33 dmUh. n> > et al, and Skipwith H. Coals el al, vt. Han- nate Lodge yielded their ttationt| and after- day. At Dow, ho wat mil by a committee upward* of 3SOO inhabitants, and 240 dwell* the Lunatic Aiylum. At th* cuui'scatfl bah K. Chace, decided by this court, at De­ wtrdt entei-.'d the Ancient and Honourable appointed by the legitliture, and wa* tddrtlt- ing houiet) 3 churche* and meeting hout«t, of iho diteate, the,number of pttitM cemberTtrm, 1835. Encampment ef fcviiight* Templar*, in full cd by the chairman, Warren Lov«ll, Esq. to vie: Episcopalian*, Preibytenant, Melhodiit Atylum wtt 10& thut ccarly onc-tii Tbe court also overruled the motion for a dren. whom he made in appropriate reply. The and Moravian*; an academy' and several been cut ofl'. proeedendo in No. 45, Watchman and Bra It The Architect of the Building then up- proceiiion then moved to the line of Concord, tchojlt. The colony i* governed by a Go­ In Georgetown, Ky,, tlie diteat* y*. Chart** Crook, Jr. et al. preachrd the Grand Matter, aud declaring where he wai again welcomed by the citizen* vernor appointed by thu Board1 of Manager* tirely disappeared: but at Paruv-oV No. 187. Davli vs. Calvert et al, wa* fur­ ihe building to bo finished, surrendered to him uf that plate, and waa escorted to the Eiglo at Wiiilungtou a Lieutenant Governor and been little or no abatemeut either ia/"" ther argued by Swann fur the Appellee*, and the tools, implements and keys, which had Hotel by eight light infantry and rifle coniiia- two Council, elected by the people unce in ui- violeooja*£ the catot. Jenes for the Appellant. l>een entrusted to him, and received a most niet, and a large cavalcade.jJJj* introduction each year and tlie people contented and hap 'cJBBk'fhu board of Uf'I* ' impressive Wednesday. J«ly lO^.'-jlrthtr, J. deli­ and eloquent addrest. A prayer to the member* of tlie Lofnlature, and the py. It is gratifying to stale, Out there aro pu- tlitir finarrfport under date wai then offered up to Ihe Great Architect of review of the military, tixtplice on Satur­ ly 3 persons in 3000 wbu*are intemperate. vered tlie opinion of Uie court in No. 31, the Universe, by the R«v. CIIAULKI S. WIL­ There bad been no neiv cases « gUiger, Ad'x. of Stelger vt. Thoi. Hillen. day. The Patriot reinarki, that the health of Wheat and ry» have nut ^et been tried turn- everal daysj and it being the udiaiw*] LIAM*, Grand Chsplain of the Stale of Mary the Pretident it much improve*!, and that he clenlly to teat tbo quslily of the growth. In­ Decree affirmed. land, "That He would be pleated to sanctify pinion of the physicians that the d'u"' Martin, J. delivered the opinion of the court §ow appear* to b« tolerably well. dian corn grows well, but (latent in *iz« both cuated at an epidemic, tho reports Ihe proceeding* ol that day t<> His glory" in etr and ttalk. Almott all the vegetable! in No. 40, Dariu* Eader et al. v*. Casper after which, an Anthem wa* sung, accumpa- Uoani of Health would be Manlz et al. Appeal ditmiased. . Bstrtctof a letter to the Editors, dated So- of thif country grow well there. They lure appeart from their coiicloding repwr. ' nied by Capt ROUND-TUBE'S JUnn. meraworth, N. H. June 28th, 1833; "We are one ichvoucl1 of 60 tout, one uf 4,0, and one Buehanan, Ch. J. delivered the opinion ol The Grand Milter, with hit officer*, then mude at cuntiderabU length, Utt'ilii<>* the court in No. 2, Henry V. Hill'* Leueo buky preparing to receive the Pretident, who of 5 or 0 ton*, belungi np to the place, and moat violent and fatal In thot* tecli proceeded (n perform the Ceremony uf Dedt i* to be here eirly1 neat week, to tpcud the will soon build some others. The native* in v*. Jo*. B. Hill et al. Judgment affirmed. cation. After which, the Fraternity,ruity, and the dar With u». We thall ^how him IUOO girlt, towu heretofore deemed most laiMr On application Z. Collim Lee, Etquire, M the interior have lately been very quiet. Th* atcd namely: "from the ruarkit-b*«»'J attending, proceeded to Uie part of 500 tMO, and G qr 700 icholan, ai ranged in staple* of Ihe country are rice, winch ti plen­ th* city of Washington, waa adaaitt*d aa an the building appropriated to Diviu* Worship, back t-j 4lU uod 3tli atreet*. iiiclniliaf *! attorney of thU court. our mill yard*, every individual of them be­ ty and good cotton, which it plenty auJ qoare, aud on Market and Main «tr»*V when the Grand Chaplain delivered a learn­ longing to the inilli and icbool* of the' Til­ good cotton, which it-apontaneous, long and Th* argument of No. 187, Davit va. Cal- ed, eloquent, and appropriate termoa, which lage." J ; tweeo JfUeriou and Adam*: in lhi« t* ^ Ttrt «t a), wat concluded by JOUM for the'Ap- fine texturet and a person from th« South ha* uf the town the mortality aatoaatiJ I*' we believe waa received with Opivertml ap In no part of New England will the Preti- undertaken to tiring it tu more perfection. probation. ( une'lfth of the pomiUtion: whil den^ tee a more flourishing well organized ca> Metin. William* and Roger* will proceed niOn.aalreetto Wheeling Creek, <*<*> * No. 184. TVoia»a a»4 JaaM* Hia vitit will afford a proper opportunity,* 'we hope tho Hoard of Manager* on thi propriety of tni ditease occurred." , . The argument of thit ease wai commenced emblems, and implement! belonging to the to tee in the Great tFa|l* newapaperpaner aan .. ac allowing4he coloniau to choose all their offl- .'.. b/aillftrthtApper- Order; ab4 rcturnrof to «!»,Hill, " ~ oo»t of tboir prtwni lituation, £r a vej-vi ctrt, and. to make other alterative it) thtirl t^ pool to th* Mth iMlative, Paris Mpra .«f land ttarqr >tr t» fathe> BfttWtin, ha* for I of p«o- the 20th and 31st tad reached LotWoB.hy et- toate davt pait {ivtft*! the public attenUou Oth, 1833. ple, arid turned thtff U«fMin*hope«.titodei- tit, bringing the important intellhnne*. that from' the«^*«-^ t«portoi\ -^ political »-< event*-?-- which are regretHo tt the cholera ha* appeared in lr. A petition, to the Kin|r, prtytag Hit s King of Holland had contented to an ar- BOW passiBf, TlMe «d»«ntursjn, by their Ticket No. 6, 14r M. » prim of Ityj tha mortality haa- not Gajetty to djwiisshi*present Ministers, was miatiee and that the Navigation of thaSekeldt ndiculou* covMnVe tuid conduct, at* vtU f violent, alto to without a dissentient mice. waifree. by the liberties which they took with old at E. Dubob'djioe. hit* suf- Utlnrwrp"1iititm* to the legislature Were alto a- t3d. Turkish women, have given to tJM j .lopted, iIhavingng for object the) reduction of 1 r HOLLAND AND BELOIU to much cau»ei for tuspieion aoif SPLENDID! . We hate- every thing W f««r, but taxation and ththe repeal of the corn laws. \ preliminary treaty was yesterday that it ordered them to be ar ' i^ will not reMu ».gre»t leng'1' of The meetin,eetinj BnallV diipenelli' having con- the Plenipotentiariet of Greatr Britain,' veirsJd to the Dardanelles, «.....^, ~ ducted the wliole of the proc«exii(g» with per­ and Holland, which, to far at itgoe*. btrixpelled from the Ottoman empire!' {-' htf a heard otour Senator Joh,nion'» fect order and regularity, aBdBlrroingluni CAPITALS ^ will tive great sstiafaction to the commercial B«O,OOO i br powder exploa'mn ou Ixwiril ateamer 'remained quite tranquil world, is well s« tu a great number uf line LATEST FROM EUROPE. been (t it impnisible to contemplate the mini­ and rule political thinker*, who deem a rup­ The packet thip Caledonia, Capt. Graham, UNION CANAiTLOTTEilY OF atiful i passed 'on him tiy H. mi ty and determined spirit of this great as- ture with Holland to be uncongenial wilh the arrived at N. York on Monday from Liver­ _ PENNSYLVANIA. , C.. a few dajsaincc at a pub armblsgfl without coming to the conviction spirit of our national history. The treaty pool, whence she tailed on the first ultimo. CIJISS, No 14, /VSI83J. >1 [ Jmutr _i»«» uimjmU'is town,' .^ thatunlet* a change uf Ministry shortly oc­ consists of six articles, by the drat of which By thit arrival oar New York correspondent! To be drawn in tke t\\j of Philadelphia, o* cur, convulsioni ol a nature frightful to look the English and French embargoea will be ta­ have been put in possession of their regular Saturday the I3lb of July, 1833,-at fou» PROGRESS OF THE CHOLERA. forward to, must inevitably Uke place. The ken offvhe retpnctive ports of each nation, files of paper* from London to tlie 31st May o'clock, P. M. . .. PUUburg, P.I. Thero«rel%lwonew ct- gntrrnmtnt ha* given a giant'* strength to a and the consequent measuret in interruption and Liverpool to the 1st June. ufchnlersat Pittsburg, on the 3d mst mere dwarf, and upon their heuli rett the of the navigation by the Dutch naliou will be The most impedrfnt intelligence received Siltjr-fixNumbtr Mxt.ry Tan Drawn r,Ue«liii tnd child.' On the 4lh therewa* consequent** of allowing organized bandt of removed. is the ratification of the preliminary Treaty f!,w Mte, but Ihotd of the previout day. people tn oven we the executive. It is quite 9. The intercourse between the respective for the settlement of the aflaira of Holland SCHEME. lr, D tnd child) :-rmi«ated fatally. To- clear the demands of the country for relief parties will attame the sane posture st be­ I prlxe of ' ' ,-, 20.000 and Belgium, and the conclusion nf t settle­ I prize «f '.' ' nimber of deatluby the cholera, tt PitU- frem a pressure of taxation, are ao over­ fore the FrencTeipedilion fa November list, ment between the SulUt/snd the Viceroy of 10,000 , from Ulh June to the 3th July, 23, whelming, that no administratiou can now tnd the services ot tbo French aod English _. kli Pacha. Th« accounts from Con I prize *f . ' ' ' '' lotty. .'Kie cholera ttill linger* in tnd hold office, without retorting to an immediate squadron be dispensed wilh. , stantinople are to the 8th, of May, and they I prize of '- reduction of the public 100 prize* of tMivtvillr, but isttated thnt nearly all burdens, in order ef­ 3. The Dutch garrison of Antwerp prison­ contain aasurancea of the roncesaion Jjy( the 1,000 >:. i . I ffii«nt «f t!'-«» I'1-1" ht»e returned to fectually to enlist the moderate men to op­ ers of war will be seat home. Sultan of those points which 'he Viceroy of 16 prize* of . ; * 500 Lr lionet and returned their occupations. pose the deiigning tcts of the party of the 4. The armistice between Holland and Bel­ Egypt had originally demanded at th* fruits 3ft prizet of . 100 I.,, |».t accuunU. the disease wat still movement. gium will be continued till the aettlemeut of ofliit conquest! and conditions of hi* re­ 36 prizes of 0 kn- at Harrudtbuis. A letter dated June St. Paeriburg, May 4. The Turkish Go- a permanent separation. treat. 118 prizes of ( 50 I puul'uhed in that place, tayir- neral Pacha left this city on thu 29th April, 5. The navigation of the Scheldt will in the 118 prizes ot* 40 The debate on the subject of the abolition 834 prizes of 1.1 »h»ll not attempt to describe Ike tilua- to return to Constantinople. meantime remain free. of Colonial Slavery wsa going on in parlia­ . *« 30 , of the iulubitinl* nf thia devoted village, Berlin, May 13. Accounts received here 6. The navigation 1,960 prizes of 80 of the Meute during the ment with great warmth. SirR. Vyvyantpuke 15,400 prizet of jie thin half of those who hav« Uftt fled, vralerday by exprcia, which catno by way.of ttnie period will be open, subject to tlie tariff at great length agtinst the plan of miniatera. 10 [down with cholerj. and th* number W Vienna,.._._.._. aay___, that_.._. all_.. proposal* of peace have settled by the treaty of Mayeuce. _ Though he admitted that there waa a necessi­ tha in proportion to the attacks, Js increas- been rejected by the Egpptians, and that con­ 18,040 prizes, amounting lo 8366,010. l kotMlmy The Times of the 2.1 d announces the re­ ty now to abandon slavery in the abstract, he wife snd " •- J-A ' sequently the kUtr nf war will continue. ceipt of in express from Paris bringing a let­ contended, however, that the Colonies would Tickfti 810 Hulett &5-.Quarttrt g2 50. My mother-in-law ami Hamburgh, May 17. The Rutnian O-jvern- ter from their correspondent, from winch we not submit to the manumission of their slaves Krvaat *re dead, mid God knowa when ment in Poland has published an ordinance of extract the following: by parliament, and that they were not bound 'ticket* In be had tt letlilenee will be stayed. Dr. Baylic'* the Emperor, dated the 23.1 ult by which per­ PAKIS, Tuesrlaj. May 21. 4 o'clock. P. M. to submit. _, at nearest neiglibnur.waa well at urenk- sons accused of certain political offences, in­ 'Die news uf the King of Holland's con­ He wtt'replied to, at equal length and with f'suda corpsn belorrni(iht. Major Allrn cluding the publication of false news, are or­ tent to an armUticn.fur an indefinite prriod, great ability, by Mr. Stanley, who contend­ LOTTERY AND EXCHANGE OFFICE, ) bit wife died ss suddenly. I am not well dered before Court martini, the sentence u| on tlie conditions proposed by Lord Palmer- ed, in Hie most unqualified manner, for the (Orrosrra T»t POST " Iir fnnn it but, I endeavour tu withdraw tuch courts tu bo carried into execution at stun aod Prince Talleyrand, was received right 01* parliament in the premises, and alao I JJulv 11. Jinind from tli« danger, by ince«sani dc»o- tnmi as they have received the confirmation here yesterday! although folly anticipated, as for the expediency. Somo modification ha* I, to the slflicled of all classes." . of the Viceroy. I informed you in one of my letters, so fir taken place in tha plan proposed by minis­ A CARD. llu thft clnte of his nolo the writer says: Tho Warsaw paper* also contain an ac­ back at three weeks aan, it affected the funds ters ou their first presentation of the measure. THE undersigned hit several HOU­ •*.^1 cold and crimp ! SES and LOTS for Sale. it UDlil tlicbuiln bilge Bovleamf Gin'1. Ad«ir am down, count of 25 individual* belonging tu the late in the tame way at if tba^announcement of (t is now proposed lo raise the sum necessa­ I Cul. Joliu Thompson dead." I'uliih army wlio wcie concerned in a recent the armistice had been qui|e uninspected, snd ry tn indemnify tho JAMES F. BRICE, planters, not from the la­ Anospoli*. July un.-ucesjful attempt at insurrection. Five the fact wholly unlooked-'fnr. The 3 per bour of thi- slate, but from an additional tax 4. 1833 ______FOREIGN. of the party were taken by Cottotkt un the cents, rose nearly i pax cer . the spsculiturt on sugar. Furmcrt Bank nf Maryland, frontier, ona of them poiamied hunseU", but at tho Bourse were more thsn usually active, Great ditsatisfaclion nnpears to prevail with Annapolis, June 19th 1833. PORTUOAU the other four were brought before a court and a variety ot rumours was put into circu­ some of the editors on the subject of tho ver­ lie brig Quito, Maxfield, arrived at New martial and tenttnced to death. The sentence lation with the view of adding stimulus to N complisnce with the Charter ot (he Far­ dict given by the Catthorpe alreet jury in the mers* Bank of Miryland, and (wiih a supple- for I <'J \VeUVe»diy, frmn Linbun, whence was carried into execution on three of the the market. Of the latter there was only one COM of Cully, the policeman, shot in the late I iiilid un the 17th uf May. Captain Max- surviving prisonerij with respVitt to the fourth, meal thereto eslsblishing a Branch thereof at worth repeating, aa I believe it tu have had riot. Tlio editor of the Times declarea the Kirderick Town, Notice ia hereby given to the Ill ,lu» fjtoured die editor* of the New- on account of hit extreme youth the sentence »ome foundation. It was said that the French verdict to have been contrary tn law, \V» Oiiclle" «it!i llit wit mitigated stookhulders on (he Western Shore, that in e- following inU-lli- into corporal punishment and Governuent ha* received accounts from Con­ annex auch extracts from the English paper* lection will be held at the Sinking Hovse in hard labour. stantinople of su late a date as the 3th init. a* appear to us of greatest interest. < the city of Annapolis, on the first Mondsy in _.. ...^uel'ii fleet was Iriii* at Lisbon at EGYPTIAN NEWSPAPER. up to which lime nothing had occurred from May 30. ( AegutlA*|dl next, between the hoejt* of to o'clock ft time, inicliie fur want of men. On the A journal ;a now publithed at Alexandria which any doubt* could be raited, that peace In the King's Bench, on Wednesdsy, the A. M. snii 3 o'clock P. M. ftr the purpose of the (iovernment commenced pretsi under the title of Mttztr ff'tkaitii (Egyptian would nut be ratified. None of the minitte- chooting from the tlockkoldert fllleeo pry Portuguese that could be found on board Newt.) The vignetto of this paper, in oppo­ rial paprVt, however. *peak of thete account!, Solicitor General moved for and obtained a writ of certiorari, to-remove into the court of Directnrt for the Bank at Anntpolit; and nine 1 shipping in part, as well as on shore, for sition (o the Ottoman Crescent, presents half anil I sliL-old rather fear from the tenor as­ Directors for (he Branch Bank at Frederick ' jttij 4iid navy. On the 13th, an order a sun, shining forth from behind a pyramid, cribed to the latter at (he Bour.e, and the at- King's Bench the inquisition on the body of ilobert Colly, the policeman, who came by Town. I iunttl to >H the shipwrights aod cavilk- on the tide olwhicb stands a flourishing palm lenee of the former, that (on favourable a con- By order, L loruhluiog tlieir working on any merchant tree. On the left of the vigocKc are these s(ruc(inn ha* beenn put on the negative char­ lia uealh at the late astemblage in Cslthorpe street. The inquest waa quashed on Thurs- AM. MAYNARD.CasV I»cl, onli! unr of the Government's olil words: 'Printed at the office of tUe Dicait ac(er of the news. Mchomet All's finfins) an­ JuneftO. 79 R f p«, which had be/n condemned, wss rapair- of Evtntt in the Royal Cattic.' Thit piper, swer or ratification nughl to has* arrived long tay afternoon, by the court, on the ground that on the The GizeltsVwl American Baltimore, will rcrguirin^ them to work, on which it in the Arabic and Tuikith langua­ before the 3lh| and if Ibrahim had not com­ face of the inquitition, there was board nothing pnblith ih* *\»if one* a week tix wreks. lery ibj, nut excepting Sunday*. ges, gives no political news, but is confined to menced hi» retreat by the end of April, it to justify the verdict. Ngihiii^ ul' luiportaiicu had transpired at civil and military subjects, which hare mere­ mutt !i.ive been owing to the occurrence of ortv. >nil if there hail, it wouUi have bren ly a local interett. new diluculties. It ia very ceitain that the HYMKNKAL. EMAINING in the Po.1 Offlc* in tha city of An- irapniiible to obtain correct infor- /Verm the Sirin Fatriut. Sultan'* tone haa undergone a very material Married, on Thursday evening last by the R lopolti on Oil In July, IMJ. Rev. Mr. Waters, Mr. IICURT lUisroiiu, , II ill the avenue* for impartial ac- Solrnre, Sifitztrlanil.— At n thort distance change since the ariival of his new allies, the Uirjr Ai«. sutt liad been doled by (he Governoient. from Soleurc, on the Mull road tu Lucerne, it Ruitiant, and that it was hi* intention, what­ Jun'r. tn Miss MAHOAHKT Cucr.rr. , Oh Tuesday evening laat by the same, I Don Pedro wat expected at Litbon in about tituated the village of /okwell. It it (here, ever might be the ultimate contenuenco of Jimr, B llrewcr Kichwd J. Bowic i iliyi, mil it was thought he would 'jc in- in the vicinity of a chapel, that repote the re- the pretence and services ot such allies, lo a Mr. JOHN HUMID to Miss IKrtHiKrr ANN llci.ry Uitforil 1 hot. Hirtninghtin fed with upen arms '»y all clatte*. The m.iin* uf Kotciutko. vail himielf to the utmost of tho advantagea S rcWART, all of Anno Arundel county. iireli llucvrM John T B«rt)tr lute of Don Miguel was very unpopular a- ICitciusko! At this revered name Poland of (he atruog petition in which they have teiu Singleton Uinhotov* MIIJ t!ie people, but they of courto did not thuuld arise and threaten the tyrant* uppreas- pornrily placed him. We are authorised tu announca to the Vot­ Jot. Brewer, Jr. kre to eiuron their opinion openly. ing the land uf liberty. At (liU very name From Ihl Morning Chronicle of the ZZJ. er* ol Annapolis, and Anne-Arundel county, that IIOUKRT WELCH of lien, it a Candi­ CUrlr* Cirrull 2 M IllUm Ctlon 3 b&S were frequent, and tu a cuntiderable tha slorinus tchieveiucnl* uf a great general Inlermtnt of Ma. KCAK. The funeral of John C»l««ll Jiihn Colliiu 3 Itenl, both fin i n tlie army and najry, uioitly bunt on our minds. Mr. tvean is appointed Intake place on Sa­ date fur the next SherilTalty. D.n'l Uaulk Wm. Conowiy iconer)ttcuce of nut receiving their pay. On the 3d of May, 25 Poles proceeded from turday, at Richmond: the prqcvsiion it to Chu. Clairtil 8>nb Ann Chtney tt tilled that Dun Miguel had not paid Soleurc in military procession to /ukwell to atxt at 3 o'clock. The pall will be burno by D.M.I •i. Uildvcll Othiirn Conowiy NOTICE. M \Vn. Corrln lltnry Colttr. atn in tixteen monlht, kllhough he has prvmrate themselves at tha alUr of the Al­ Mr. Macready. Mr. Harley, Mr. Fsrren, ERSONS indebKil to the eitales of Joseph I tint to time pronnteil it to them in two mighty, to salute (tie ashe* uf ati illuitrious Mr. Cooper. Mr. Sheridan Knowles, and pro. P Miirliin, Isle uf A. A. County, deceatrd, D Hot, »liicli is the ciita at tho preient lime. countryman, and to cel»br«te tho anniversary bably Mr. Charles Young. The mourner* Wm. Dicks Jtme* Diion ami (j«ur^c Cracrofl. late uf Prince Urorge'* Vcrr.on II. Donty Ann L. OUney IJSe clwlerA. hail been raging at Litbon to a of tho conitltution granted un tho 3d of May, who immediately follow the body will consist c»untv, deceaieil, are rei|ue*teil lo make in- V«iirulile'{xteiil, but had in a great roea- George Duan 1T9I, to the people uf Poland. of the medical gentlemen who attended Mr. mediatu piyiuunl, and Ilioie having claim* a- B |rt isbtuled wheu (he Quito aailcd. No The tun gave the light uf its glorious rsys klesn, and a few persons! friends. The in­ gaintl *aid e«l«(e« ire deiired to present them Wilfum C. Ei|lt> 3 John r.onii. ** solemnity of the scene lished with braks plate and handles, present­ reported by Tlioma* S. Alexander and Surner- Poinl) »«m'l. Hentan Ds>iJ llugkei lUtflelJ. FROM ENGLAND. on seeing tlie heroes uf Orochen anil Ostro- ing a neat and aubttanlial appearance.-On the ville Pinkney. the trJttees, be citified and Hi* packet ship Philadelphia^ Caplain lentka bathing wijk their (ears the atone con­ plate ia engraved the following briel and mo­ confirmed, unlei* cau«e lo the contrary be I 3 Jtaplin. arrived hero yeetrYday from Lon- taining the ashes of the hero of. Polind and dest inscriplisn: "Edmund Keau, died the shewn before the9th day of September nM |, John I.. Johnvm Ann Jtcob* |>.i and PurUmoarh, having sailed from the swearing tu march in hU footstep*. Perhaps 13th. May, 1833, agpd 50 " provided... acopy off thiaurder.1« i bei publithed* i IT i _.i once__._ I Ltonftfil IglcliArl Dr. KJ. Jolinson "" r p«rt on the A3d, sod brings London pa- at that very moment th« vile slaves uf despo­ Mr. Mee, the Chairman uf the lato Spafieldt ; (|el| ur tnrtj tuccei,|Ve weeks before (ha X. »( the sinning ol the 31st. From thete tism were iniulttng with their sardeoic grin, meeting, hai surrendered himself to the au 8tli dsy of August nest, in uoe uf the Anns- 1 Uttilda Lcicb Mn. eliiu. Lewis f pen id, tditurs of the Gazette have made the unfortunate Poles who on the borders of thorities, and fur want of sureties which were poli* ne«»papeia. K |>aio«arr,amla few extract*. *- the Frozen Ocean, are painfully eatiug the demanded of him, he wa* committed to llie The report slults (he amount of salea to be Gilbert Murdock 4 Miller **«»o*l tiuportanl oecurrence in Eng- tread of slavery. ' House of Correction. S40I3 UU. Wm. Munlock o Wm. U. Millt Ji was tho ticmeiidou's meeting at Bir- A Polish officer, in his mother tongue, brief­ Dovia, May 2U. In the tuite of the Prince U. W. Mtrriolt-3 Kliuheih Murdeek True copy. Te«t. |J».K. Miller Anu Msrriken :••$* igLsm, the particulart of which ace noticed ly mentions the deeds performed by Kottiuiko Czartoryski who embarked from Wright's on UAMSAY WATERS. JIBM* MilU, P. U 3 uw. in behalf of his country, and givea uut that Saturday, fur France, waa a male attendant, He-. Cur. Can. O |..j^>0 *'»"« questinn, and tlie erabarno, it noble warrior it the model they are to imi­ aged 43^udly 3 feet 3| inches iu height, but ^July II. llsry Offer F.Uitbeik Ormo ill be Ken, are noticed umler their reapeot- tate. 'Poland,' tayt he, -it not yef tnnihi- well proportioned and of good aspect, Yes- P ' _ » latcdj wheretvtter terday thu Brittania steam veisel and the |s huds, ami we ire gratified (o learu front beat* a Polish heart, still CUANCEBY, John Poltsl tnhPtrran l«'»l authority, that the U«tch Buibnrgo waa existt the nationality of Poland.' \\t thsn, Dart tailing vessel arrived in the roads from U July, 1833. f-ril* *** "' I|*'III8 r«mo»«*- in French, listed his sitisfaction it being a- Osteml, with about 300 young men fur Dun Richard K-Up ami Henry A. Hall, Surv'g, Pedro'e army. The officers dpi. lUpWn Rob«rlsoa Jtnws Ravsaoml Hit North American Colouyil A»»ncistioo ble to eotak of IttferTy in tho land of freedom, who had been Adini't. uf lUzin Btle|i, Anthony HoblieOS) 1 » conference with Secretary here for nine «r teo days, waiting their arriv- 4t? ~t| . . Stanley on and to offer. In tt*jwtae of hi* countrymen, a i * • his thanks to a ITS turn that haa given them I, immediately embarked in boats, snd went Ann Sparrow. Joseph U. Hulton, Asrnath ahtrllT of A. Arenaal 3 Jutftofi Rltwtrt [. An early prorogation Jti Parliament wat welcome and entered into their pain and suf­ u board, wheu the veitelt got under weigh, 1. Hulion, Enoch A. Huttou, agd William Huchcl litllinir* Jno. Smith, Jr. '^looe retulteit un u* fering. And like the people who always turn­ nd accompanied by tho Wellington aleam Hultnn. at«ne»trt«l Loui« Slinc _r»m the tendon 'Irktlltr of May 21. ed their eyes towards bion, the children of proceeded with a fair wind down the IIDKRED. That the t»le of the rttl rt fnnci* UnmnwrriU Mr. »h«» L» ^L'*' BifIoin8ll>B' Meeting at Newhall Poland turned their facet towtrdt t'ie North, Channel. tale made) and reported by donerville S.rtU 8h*k*lb v t«llmn T> IUI, touk jiUce yei^irilay, according to Mr. and saluted their country from afar. The Aogtburg Gazette of the 17th lost, hai Pinkney. the trustee iu ibis case, be ratified |t«o«il'i |,Uer of/tummons to the field.~ An inhabitant of Soleure replied to this a fetter from Butgrade, dated May 6lh, stat- and confirmed, unless caute tu lh« contrary be Jos. M.TtU - M. M. tasalla* [pwsrdscf 60, W.II. Tuck MKTsUer l«. , peri»her*. . WlilU f Maltha W««ta« Tlie reptrttUte* the amount of talat (u be Haary We«k*i Mtnry H. WaHUJd 0 ftfc bat i^mi content »nr reader* j»lUi * deeply tho numerout.speoUtort it had called mitted into the tea of Mannon, The same Wm. Wtre ^w »«tUb of th* event. The irnmee|B-con- " paper givea the following particultrt from gioBs sri. ^ IT Wril, , ,_. Dtvlrf W.. WbllmK Philip I. W**k. Ltt2Ura/ddretM ' Un«tU °7 " ' '»' Constantinople respecting* the St. Siinoniint, T>»e copy Test, OJrr«ni>M **plf ' « fw a*gr s/ Ike sWveUNen M Mr. 0>C»op.ell, Mr. Muntz anal ^POSTSCRIPT. whose arrival there >re have already mention , ( ^^ BAJdSAV WATBRt. * l*y* ' Variou* letolnUons were Tie Silas Rlchardf arrived latt evening tionedl «Tliu arrival of a parly of 8d8imo «»r«ed unanivoqi ' ' Loado- tho 3Sd and Liter- ~' to teek Uje frea woman in this lipital jui,i^y >:' ofc'^^ •M r,^^v^;v^;;:,. AndevtVnew-*. vivid flash darts throaga Dr«t»;.l»in't«Hig*n« all cognizance »T good tiaic«m«n opportanity ofaeqilr- aadertlite detennined.andor all circonuUn- f a tbA coahtr of Kwx, MY narr AMD LAST SIFT. •I s-nrtml kvawledg* of its character. Ike darknaas|>f aty mind-r-njathinks, me- thtaks Ah! worst of woes to drtam of glo­ c«s, te clitg ever to hrr) he tore from ml to a yisit to an aunt, who LAswftTtire tfen tls«M otktr portioas of tbe iclUd by her lover to at Uavio*. lU.wctJtk it to iU paptjlotioo, it* in- ry in despair. No, no, 1 live and die S mind All rfcnory of the late diiclosnfe. T1»* DM trivtssveaassv mnt ignoble thihif beauty and love, and Tht Jtuetoaiiont of genitu. An »wfol mcnaaVal(ar,verv attsnt" stiUtios>s, it* pnrnti—it* ^scbtwls and IU lions iff Un WOOIM pair; i Ik* trlsMM « tlw fltsvt, ckarchs*. W«do*btnot you will find. In fame, and mighty deeds, the smile.of woman thing it it 4he failin| energies of * matter rAsxl l*a* . Mho* W las* «W rf < and'tlie gaxe' of" men,- and"' -tiie''" enuobling- 1-'- oiifl" 'He who pfac«t implicit confidence in iome, »jpre*«ed bftnself' to j ^ _ Us* tas*»lM«h sttss.tywtaVtM bat) throws. your es^*osiv« {oumey, that the great spi ings folio wing manner: 'Mother lirVL, of its ptVMrity are in, harmony with the in­ contcioatnett of worth, sad all the fiery hit goniaa, will Bpd himself some «Uv utterly . mi *>w»» *n»t to bind M a wlsartl latipi^ , course of tha creative passions—these tre not defeated and (Wetted. 'Tit bitter! Every aunt LidJv; he *ita ty htr, ht'» terests and welfare of every other port of«air hind, .«v«nu bat to breathe to mock her, and he hugs her'' To who* ' >ar bow could Ue shake off tbst hand • ^ -'*• for mo. paltry . Th* el»p«d bm liar. • Kljr btMl. - ^ comaton country* to credit replied: Why E s your aunt, The tpot on which we art gathered u not Portrait of a war hone: you. Slow, Wrdeed, is such a mind At bir, as Under, •«.! at weik f Short time I wen that stately stotd had port­ that the never failing resource can at last be that, does sher 'Suffer It, Moth., TtMf* wta * irsr on hrr burning cheek, the place for adulation. Standing over the e a dried up the child; la! Mother, she love* jt ft, Antl In hit hsml wss * wreithrd dirk curl, ashes of men who died for liberty, we can ed from his desert ho e; his haughty crest, wanting. Hat so it his eve «f fire, Ihe of his snorting DOS fountain, the perrennlal flow and bright fer ray little pig, when I scratch hi* btw,^,' Clstpet! bf • loop of goM ami pori— • * speak no Isngasge but that of freemen. In to roc. That'* the way aunt * " '- • ll w*a Mr first pn, sn sraulet ' an address to tbe Chief Magistrate of the U- tril, betokened well hit contciout pride nnd tility have ceased, and ceased for ever. Then That should forbwl hias to former/ pare nobility of race. "Hit colour vat like come* the madness of retrospection. Mr. S.? A (tancc on *uch • tress might bring Dited States, there is no room fur one word of compliment or flattery. But with, grateful the sable night, shining with a thousand stars, Poicer of tht mind pttr the frame,— Tis Thr hesrt from itswildeil wintering*. not io itflace* or in the battle field alone, the They pmrtr.l— he for I'nlctline, remembrance of your services to the country, and he pawed the ground wijh hit delicate ALU ABLE TAVHRJT TO Rgtil lor Ihr cause of the holy thrine, with becoming retpect for yonry ttation, the hoofclike an eagle flapping hit ttiig. heroic .soul can conquer and command VORSALK. Ytt half TtgrtUint; to leave behind mott exalted on earth; tMtu with unanimous His course over the desert: Scenes like these are Ihe great prttof of a sa Y virtue of *s> decree of tht Thit hurt where the holiest ihoujrhtj were ilirinei approbation of the firm, resolute, and patri Speed, fleetly tpeed, thou courier bold, and porior soul. While we live, oar body it. __ 'Court of Maryland. Ihe stwrtriVfr »«J Anil many • time, in ihc hstlle Hrife. otic stand which you assumed, in tlie late a- track the deaert't tracklcst way. Beneath temple where our genius poors forth its god pose Io public sale, nn i he premises. M » Wlien tbe, itili.hl teemC'l Io live bn-tr;hl his life likeSnspiration, and while the alt«r is not o H>> weniU look on her pft, hrr first dor gill, Isrmiiig crisis of affairs, in order to preserve thee is the boindlctt earth, above thee in the NBSDAY THK«4ih DAY OF JULTNL, Anj isp »u»in his snn would lift, Hut Itappy union under one constitutional boundlett heaven^ an iron s4U and brazen vcrthrown, the I'eity may still wofji marvels. st I a o'clock, A. M. that valuable TtttrTj New nerved for her «nO never f«ile«>n tell, ^rovet of Yemen, and the breath thou went- ' Ho was called upon, it stems, by his niece, Vet in Ihr quirt coovwa* Crll town, and for the friendly sentiments express­ buildinp necessary for carrying on tkt L, The bhjcM l.i.l r<-»cbed rirrt tier s»rel cheek jrc « ed on thi i occasion, I return yuu my sincere e«t on the coming Urec/.e is not the Miss Lavinia Aurelia Leatherlip, attended by convoy. 'A ness of | There are also a TirJ,. llertir in.! rlrir in il»lleallhlet« llu-f tin n U. breath of Araby. three other topnotted ladies in drn, and lot attached to il, including m I llertlirk eyo lo«k s » iffilerin^ li^ht. lli* one of the most uratifving incidents nf The attri^ute't of nishl: ter exchanging queiti ons about each other's or oinre of ground, tnd t Hording u(.J Like * tiprinl turtror 'if the night, my I lie, to meet my Iclloir ciiiz«I)S upon Hon­ Night'brings rest) night brings solace; rest health, without waitingwaiti for answers, and in­ mom fur the erection of additional t 1,1 >ncin<: »n ill •mime; on none I to lB«) weary; tolace to the tad. And to the forming each other that the weather waa plea­ Hrr h,nd ffm Iliin, «ml her rote lip ••0, ker the base of that Montitnent which if neccwMjy. 'l"he reputation of this i A '"I »t>rse H'-n «IL Ihe rir.hd.irk luir Uieir patriotism erected, anil upon the sacred desperate night brmg« despair. The moon sant, but rather dry, the next topic in course mrn(. Its great and valuable custoas, \V«i hlinclitd by tne snow nf Mime untold ore. spot hallowed by so many interesting recol­ has sunk to early rest; but a thousand ttara related to the newspapers. Upon my word, rapidly accumulated fortanenofiisl tir cjrne •$.*'.i; — ld liope —but hrr fa.lirr; form objects which it presents to view, and rich severe in the clear nnd silent air. In the fo­ have taken a pretty ttan-1; here, I sent a piece At the ssrae lime and place, will bt.t Mi, »,i!,crri\ Inj much fur even the ilcw rest all is still. The tired wind no longer to the printer about old bachelors, and he of lorr ,t( frr»Sn*<> to renew. still in tho associations, moral and historical, to public stle, all the personal property Bhtfivr him » curl uf hrr hair— 'twss jriy — which belong to it. rosins, but ha* lightly dropped on its leafy hasn't vouchsafed to print it did you evert ing tu the establishment, consisting of Her Yul font) gifl— »bt died lint dsy. The e.ulier incidents of the revolution; couch, and sleeps like man. Silent all but Why, la, answered my niece, I thinU Utereis lure, slock of Wm«», Liquors, and til He frll mil thrtii lull hr wrnt «;«m the high-toned patiiotic declaration!*: -fie the fountain's drip. Enough of such stuff printed; there's tome- NEGRO SLAVES, and other articles. 'la seeU hisilr*|li un Kliillle pl«ini stern determination to meet the coining events, An island uf the desert: thing about old bachelors in every paper not Also, \Villiamsouand Swtnn't intrmt|( Aiw) wltrn I'M y rourMitiim mitlti tlie tltin, Soon firing up a grove of graceful palm- that it concerns m< I don't take any part to llrrfini br,n-l,l pi ft wit closely prerl. and the vigorous preparations to retltt them hslf) in contract fur carry in- the mailbr 1 nii,:J »«h lilt to liii bliedinf brrtit. ^urccufullv: the j;rrat battle, which opened trees, with tall thin stems, and bending fea­ mvself ytt. Nor I, interrupted Miss Amanda Annapolis and the city of WuhinrUa Ilie revolutionary content, whote full resultk thery crowns, languid and beautiful. Around Alltpice; but there wai something in a paper (lit. SI.. at of,^ December t .... wj(h »^ n|K>n It'imaii in^litutijim are vet to bedUclus- tlic verdant sod'S gltamed1* like tn emerald; sil­ Ihe other day, that I know was meant for me, and ten hnr«f». AUDRKS.S \ ril, noil in which, if your sacrrd Mount wit ver streams, flowiajg from a babbling parent and I know who wrote if, it KvF.XKTr. Io the /'rrailrnf lost, nnd if Tour d<:voted town w«s consumed, spring, wound thsyr white lornis within the an O and I think these personalities are property are, one fiflh of the parcbost on nl here. Sir, upon the> precious soil once mois­ Miur happy ci|uslity ol condition your me art as a dream unbroken why art thou omution and commission,' until they nttu- nty The pjrtopal property will h «U bu tened with the best bloid of Now Kiv^laii'l, cluril.iiilo cstabliihmenl*. your foundations not mine, wliy lose a moment in our glo- ally instigated each other into sundry exhibi- (Sll or on a credit of four months, tWpratrl with nothing above us but the arch of Ik-sten. foi education thr general ditVusion of know. rmus live«, tnu baulk our destiny of halfits ons of displeasure yea, they waxed exceed- ser piviog bond with surely at foal turnip we tender you the united, respectful, and lcils;e rour industry and enterprise and Miss? cly warm; the\r talk became to furioutly pertr, and will be sold»tng«lher cordial salutations of niirlqciral town. when we reflect that most of this it com­ Beautiful illustration of an eastern super­ oluble tnd their festnret so violently agi- rstefy from the real eatate, sa nay Bt~\ There nro many inter tiWTii*lorir,il rc- mon to tlie New Kngland States, you may stition: ated, that the scene resembled a whole expedient. If sold with the real property,] collrctiuns, connected wily rms itniiiciliale well be oruud of Your native l.unl. ninl our When the tun-set, the Sabbath wit Io com­ ommonwealth of hens; rumpled and flat- mure will probably be rcqsjh-nl in ciih brl nei)(libourliooil, which I will hot take tune in cjT.itry MIJV well be proud of New Kn^land. mence. The undulating hnri/.on rendered it ered into a most garrulout and hysterical wholr. than would amount tt one fifth tl\ rccnuiiliii^. 1 will only t.iy on >mnlrr I li.ire tern much to admire ami emulate, difficult tn ascertain tlm prrcue moment of acklc.* mqpef of the real properly id jientlc elevation, the fir«t company ol the »< ! noaiin^ to uicite regret, and if mv j.rjrney IKS fall. The crimson orb sunk behind the Tlie conclusion of the whole matter, hour- septralelr. tiers of tliis Communwc.illh, a little mon- be atti'nded with no other result to in vie If. I urplc mountain*, (lie nky was flushed with a ver, was th'at they tbould unanimously with- The properly nnt to be conveyed until I than two centuries a^o, l.tid tlic lo-intlaiions lull lecl amply repaid, by vUiting this lair 'ch and rosy glow. Then mi"ht be percciv- raw their patronage from the paper, which pajmcnl of the parckstc monev. nf tho ancient colony of Massacliiuellt: ; and prosprct of hiiinin comfort; and by finding il the /.ealott, proud in their lalmudieil lore, ndced, mutt be a serious loss to thr printer! NICHOLAS BHBWER,Jr. Tnntn.1 upon thr hill on which we am now a>v:inhlcd, I thai, lumcvrr bi^n I hid ritcd thomioral and oMinj a skrin *if while silk in their htndt, >r they took a irhole one between them. How June 50. upon the very tpot on which wn now ituml, charncliT of thi' eastern portion nd iiniiouncini> Ihe approach of the Sabbath, le affair would have terminated, hid there f Baltimore American ami Oiti tin the 17th Junr, I77."i beneath the thunder ,if the Union. I had vrt to learn, that I had r their obtrrWion of ill shifting tints. keen two ditsentientt, I am not able to divine, Intelligencer, Richmond E*. of Ilic batteries from tlie opposite hei^liln of not donu it justice. I do not speak of Ilie Vhile the skein was yet golden, the forge of t is a question worthy of the most profound Daily Adverllter, and New Taf Itottnn, and from the head of the colmnni of kindness I liave met wild) I cannot. armorer stilt sounded, the fire of the conk nvcstigation; no judgment upon which could Courier and Knquirer will cnpjr thtibni the advancing army of five thousand chosen i |jul (iu. impretsion it on n.v heart, it will on- till blared, still the cavalry led their steeds forward their accounts immediately tadu »»-.-t_ ._--_.. /_ i.ll_ «i-_ _....„. ... _ _ ..r . . i . ... . •* e considered decisive short of that of the Krilish troopt; (while the entua town of me ulien lit'e departs. o the river, and still the buty footmen braced upreme court. lee. Cliarlestown was . vrranped in flain*«:aiiil eve­ I accept wild gratitude the interesting re- p Uier tents, and hammered at their pali- Hut misfortune seldom tnmet slone these ry steeple, roof, and hill top of the surround­ ics tou have presented to me. 1 am sum 1 ades. The skein of silk became roty, the re not all the mischiefs that bofal those who • NOTICE. ing country was crowded with aniinus spec­ >r.ik Ihe Si'iilimcnts of my fellow soldier* rmorer worked with renewed energy, the tlempl to please evcrj body. A gentleman HE creditors of the firm, of Jinn ' tator* of the dreadful drama,) rVe«cotf, lh< plains of New Orleans, when [ tay ook puffed with increased r.eal, the horsemen eclarcd in my hearing, a few days since, that liimton and Thnmit Swtns-W<, Stark, anil llirir gulliinl nssiicitte". that to be associated with tha mumory of that campered from tho river, the footmen cost an e should 'drop the paper,' if there waa lobe* TThomas Swann and Sarah II. Williie».*J biavelv luught, and Warren, with hit heroic Jan I of patriots, who fought with Warren, niious glance at the fading twilight o much in il concerning religion. Another, a notified |o exhibit their claims with pnr« comra-lei, nublr felt in (lie cause of Ameri­ when he sealed his principles with his lile, is The skein of silk became blue; a dim, dull, merchant, exprosed his dissalisfsction at the chert in the chancery offiee,wilhio fwraat can Independence. You, Mr. Secret-try the highest mreil of praise, which our coun­ tpnlchral, leaden tinge fell over its purity. dvertitenientt and ship news. A third svow- from the day of tale Cast, may well cherish tlir memory of that try could bestow. I sin sensible that we owe [*ho hum of gnats arnse, the bat flew in circ il that he would lake it nn longer, becaute N: BREWER, Jr. TrttlrV dav, for your father bore hit share in its pe­ t to a partial estimate of our services. It was ing whirls over the tents horns sounded'from ome amiable intiiicrttivn* had been exposed, June CO. ril* and ill glory, blark's regiment, where my gimil fortune, on eventful day, to (fad II quarters, the sun hail tel, the Sabbath had n tvhichliit conscience accused him of a par- The American Id Gazette, B«T»a»«V he fought, was utationed not very far from the an army composed of American citir.ent, op- ommenced. The forgn was mute, the fire icipation. And one pioos character, actually copy Ihr above where you stand. prcbiktni|t the value of the pri?,fl they contendr extinguished, the prances of the liorsct and rdered his paper to bMlincontinued, becaute """" 'ICE. We bid you, Mr. President, who, like those ed for, and determined upon exertions pro' .he buttle of tht men in a moment ceased. A te conceived him sell tn be timed at in a cer­ of our futhers have exposed vour life in the portioned to its m»gnitude;--«nd it was theirs deep, a sudden, and all pervading stillness tain communication, whlchhe did nut mean*Vi CAMP-MKeriNU of Iht cause of your country, ami mure favoured to expel a superior force, and to preserve an dropped over that mighty hott. It was night ike the trouble to refute, wisely concluding, _ _ Protestant Church, fur Ann'-An than they, have been permitted to enjoy the important section of the Union. lie sacred lamp of the Sabbath sparkled in hat if ho did not rea'd<'tne papers his mind Circuit, will be held on Ihe ISihof J»lj."J fruit of your toil* and dangers, we bid you Accept, Sir, for yourself, my acknowledg ttcry tent of the camp, which vied in silence would remit! uoditta by any farther pops Whiie-Mtrih Meeting Houte, dirrcilj °«J welcome to the precious spot. Most of those menU lor your personal kindness. and brilliancy with the mute and1 glovriiij at hit favourite foible/ '«||h thertcan be no public rwtd trading from Baltimore ' ''"j* who have preceded yon in tho chief magis­ icavent doubt if hit determly&o to bgrrow every Mprako Bay. one milt, from (lie hc'l '* tracy Washington, Adams, Monrne, and BEAUTIFUL EXTRACTS. Popping tht tjuctlton. <0h beautiful, oh uture nu sober. ' ^** Uodkin Creek, vrhereltrrre i«s p»clionat«ly intiled to scene of the Arst momentous conflict, ing paradise. The sky was tinted with n \je of man if the deep devotion of the soul o vay, lie runs'head vay after hit tail; tea fen I unite with us in the public worships' We have thought it might nnt bt unwel violet flush, t single star floating by the *up Alroy be deemed an offering meet for tht tump him te oter vay be runs tail v»0tfter cone to you to pone is some j lint memorial ol of the white moon, that beamed with a dim shrine of thy »arpstf ing loveliness, I worship bis head, and raein Ootl after follerm each N. .B. The hasfssge of our frienJ* »jl these two evenlfol days, and such on one I lustre, soft and shapely as t pearl. thee Schirene, I worship Diet, I worlhip tlie< otcr tlsh half hour, here ve are, as nearer te taken aud relumed to Ihe boats, (rw "" now hold In my hands; a grape shot dug from 'Beautiful!' exclaimed the pentive Schirene, Since I first gazed'upon thee since thy bean place ve cam* from ten van ve set oat' pea««. A. camntinJious boarding «f ! *)' the sod beneath oar feet, auu a caaoun ball at the gazed upon the star. K)h ! my Alroy ty first rsjse upon my presence 'like a tU church in case of. rain. - • • - ' • Js\> -A! _•-._**_ I y UamttV. Dulany. (*--• 1815: the dates ot, the fira| and list great Bagdad, wert only encompatted byaorae beao than Ilia quick gatherloa uf my tacred tribes, [h« above causo, b« rattled and eonl'»"J battles fueght under the- American standard. tiful ocean!' ' tiie rush of triumph and tht blkze of empire , •.•Putting. In if(nit." common lett eaute to the contrarYb* shewn < To designate, in all coining time, the place 'My heart, we life in a paradise, and are is tliis brief moment of. adoring .love, wherei phrase' Was used by a Hibernian, o/iiay or two fore the 94(h day of Aag\t nrxt, pr«'w of the first of thete eventful ooDtNtt, the lelJum dittdrbed.'fhanlu to Honaio!' I, poor the passion of py life! l«: < litice, io. rather«"|adicrou« cann^xio'n. 'l'«l tnpy of iM, or,|,r b« 1ns»rt\ in SOBS t |>*por once a week for three tVccWHW' rratitade of tbit gcnrratlon it rearing' a ma­ But the very conscloasnett that there arc Infatuation.—He thought o'f til net love, .wo* drivjng pigs in «s>well tt/eet, when Bar­ Tie' jestic mon«**«ot oa tbe sacred snot. We in­ any other person! existing but ourselven i and all her loveliness) he colled together a ney met him, and tftsr the usual Interchange Wjlctthe 24lh day of July i... vite yoa, sir, to ascend II, and behold from *lMr$ the smonnt of islet Io to me painful. Eeery one who tttii think the raarvelloas story of thtlr united fortune,!, of "How d'ye y« do;" and "Sore It's myself "1 ' its elevation a lovely scene of town aud outn- of you, turn* to rolrmtofa part ef you He felt that for htr. tnd her alone, he care that isllfcd to see you;" Barjgar pointett to **Mp hundred and eighty two dd try a specimen not anfavovrable of this por­ *« '»» ' to live) that without h^r auick tympathy, e one of Ihe quadrupeds, w'n 'y.MS cents. tion of the great rtpvbjic, whose interests Not leti oatanlly is d ib«d*the rapin ven Jfleoessseemed unenuurable. . jjis jud| that sow. Patrick;." "It Tr»ecopy. Teit,, have been confided to year care, as chief, mk- ing of an ardent mind for of o ratmHactulted in an eddy of fission an ney, which puts me in mind of 4t« United State*. W» rejoice ta-Mli Passion cqnqutr«4, He tiiimUieji wife, the tftlkuf is 1) — .*vj«*/.. THUlkBDAYV J0LY 14, 18*8. SIR?WALTER SCOTTS COM­ NB^ CHEAP3HEAP AND POPULAR, I AMD PCBIJrtaffcD Bt PLETE WORKS. PERIODICAL. JONA8 (1BI3BN, 8PLP.Nt>( D, complete iM tmlrorm tet of Ckurth-Street, JJhnapolfa A It the work* of thi* cetebrated writer'ever MLXaaHM '" L-ETTBES. yet published,, together with a biography of hia A MBW. AMD milK OHAKAOTIB ADBtO TO DOLLAIM PER ANNUM. CIRULATIV* J*IM*B- writingt'nevrr Wefcart JT. BowW : *r yet publiihed in thiiconnlry, I* I.IBRART. . He*qr Bastard The* nlrrninrfanH M "SAMUEL c. ATKINSON abtiot to'oe Issued In numbers by Meisrs. Con­ nrmR etrlktn'g f«»««re» of thli puttdlcarit*, lti»t rT^HR Proprietor of this work, anxiouito gn< S«r*h Borfe** John T. Barber. W LpjipnSES tota«« from the wfflei of* the ner and Cowke, of New York. The whole J. books irapabbtMd In Hint rbrnvklehtltov* EII**J.Hloodfood lof lew* tWthilewa i * tify hi* rattler* to a* treat an extent aa .,if Jo*, tfrewer, Jr. Siturday K'ening Post, in the month of work will bt comprised in 48 aumbeYsj each of their being cerried bt s**U,%nd at n<« M re*. 'means will allow, respectfully announce* to the laiS, the lit number of a monthly pnb- nrjmber wilt contain at irmch matter as two torob**, that avery hrt*ll(g*nt educated pcnon in xh. O community cm procure them. TW p«bjb>«r r*. public lhat the very liberal patronage he ha* Chsrie* Carron-J [. V entitled, The ' volim**, ind will be ferniiheii to lubtcribers received his enable*! him la add a new feature; WUtiam Cilem S it the Unprecedented low price of S7} cent* ccit« from Eaflmnd »fl the new booki «f Writ) tnd John Carter! John Collina J BOOK OF WATUBE, , from th«M. ulectioM ire nMde ham th« beeitlue of lo this periodical, which hebelievei cannot fail Devil Ctnlk Wm. Conoway each, payable on delivery, which will be eqoal Nmeh, llemoira. TraveU, Skttehet, Tile*, «nd B). to prove internting and valuable. Cha*. Clagett anb Ann Chewy i fa tn Aiwtialion of Seientt/lc Qtntlt- to only I8| centa a volomej an amoentleu by ofrmphr. Thete ire printed u rapidly » »n ett»h. David S. C.ldw.ll V mmof PHUadt^ia. Tun JOURNAL or BILLEI LxTrana, embnc- ' O*borp Conowa*. . one half, it ii believed, the*) they were ever it« printing olBce will cdnit. ind fonnrded by mil, ing three to four pages of idditionil new mat­ Wm. Curna Henry Colter. rtCII BOH""* Wilt COITTAiaV. > ' old, even at auction. urtfullf packed K> H to cirry te the inert duttnt pott office In the Union, uninjured. ter, will b* given every week si an accompa­ Wm. Dick* , EIGHT TO TEH FINELY MOWED Person* owning pirt of (he worki will be far- niment to the Circulating Library, and will * Olio* Ttilt periodical commenced in October, with the Vemon l|. Done/ L. Ditney QU4 RTOCOPPER PLAT«3» nixhed i luffieienl number of theie, if wished, popular Bortl of WaUatein, or the Awcdea ia contain! to mikr them complete. Prm(ve, Oeorgc Dun* I department* of Nateral Rkt*>J, e»ch which coat In London all dollini it ii eofltained en. I. Eirly reprint* of the review* and notice* Conaidering the low price it which the wov.k tire in twe numben and a half of thtCirailetaig U. t_._i.ln from.'rom four tto ten df of new bookjai,from the weekly and monthly William C. Eagle*-* . Jok* EQIUJ, f^, 501» 100 fijure* In etch number. Wilh i* furni'hfl, ind the meini Ibst have been tak­ brarjr, coatinf io imparting correct information Ul illnilrate each namberi wa* Ilkewitc contained in the lame apt*e and at the respecting » a one,) the subscriber hopei lo receive a liberal eaa>e price. The tilth nombet, comm«ircea th« tra. such new buok* a* are reprinted in America, JohnGlenn i CatberiM Oretei * 6. VXBMBS tl ZOO- hire of patronage. vele of Mr. Tigne, cottiag in London tis dolUni it and to convey literary intelligence in regard to Bllenor Gray Jane Ocat rarru, will bei printed entire in the Library" for at moat work* whi^htyrelv find their way across the Benj. Cailher Dr. Cnmner. 9. BOTAKT, thirty eenta! Thie enumeration of price* Ih. ptiblith- Atlantic. -A* great exertiona will be used lo "iiT"" Srt-h lhf f"'lii'r ** "»n'iw1MioB br ""j1- K 10. VBOBTABLX A- make thia slepartment inilrucliv* and enter­ Mr*. Hunter, (Walab. Hector Bemphreys-4 IfATOMT, rro^t'ua. tTui »oZ e^rtlonTo ."m^n.'eVcu! taining, the proprietor is confident lhat it will Poinl) km'U Henenn be David Hughea Edward BatBeld. tcpt, 11. OIOLOOT, Itllon of UM work in their respective) neighbour- coosideied an important addition, by mean* 18. MINXIALOOT. hooda, * , If encouraged hereafter a* he ha* ao far of which hii numerous inbicribers will fre­ ItltSl R. K. MOULTQN, been, il ii hit Intention to lay before the American quently avoid the espenae of purchning atich John L. Johnson Ann Jieobt pUta will be accompanied with afcrief but Agent for Scott'* worki. public in thit fora til ibe beet boeka which ietue from Leonard Iglehart Dr. Ed. JocnaeV on deacriplioc, of every tubjeca, or ftnrejt I book* ii ire printed on the calculation that N. B. Any nerton or person* who will pro- tbe London prea*. ilai«. 10 written *k to convey *if«xl idea of The price (i Avt dollar* for 59 number*, which will their titlea or the reputation of their- author* X. . tboul being either of tireaome length, core ten ktobacribera, and fur ward iheamount i>( enritain aa much matter at ISdfepegea, or three vo- sell the edition. Thii part of the Journal Matilda Leach Mr*, eiiih. Lewie Hy wrltien, but that all mty*e reail lubtcriplion to the underlined, free of pott luir-ca, of Reei'a C*clopa>di*. tfh volume will com- 'will embrace a coniiderable amount of extract* iletiitfe. Every drpartennl of tbe gretl fteld ike, ih*H be entitled either to one tci gnttii, prit« at Irt.t from tweniy-4)M tvtairty entire workt, from new book*of travel*, memoir*, biography, Gilbert Murdock 4 Janve* Miller i.rtl Ilitlory »ill be explored, iu beautieaand or the pioportionible amount in caih. Knur printed on good piper, asja£*Mi the tarn, accuracy novel*, and in Fact preient I bird'* eye view Wm. Murdock-A .limitie* unfolded..and the ihouaanJ charmi Wm, O. Mill* number* ire already pibliihcd each *nb*cri at book w-jrk. It will form two volume* of 416 ptget of new publication*, early dtffuied thrnugh the U. W. Marriotl-3 lliaabelh Murdoek , aitgre >o her votary yielaa," bf the power of each, wall worthy of pr*a*rv*tion for reference, and Jai.B. Millet Ann Mcrrlktn I a, Hie penell, ind the preat, will he laid before b^r will therefore ply 81 SO on mbtcribio g, a valuable addition lo every Union, by mc*ns of the facilities of nail trans­ the balance o*> each number a* delivered. A ll public and private libra­ portation. Janes-Mill*, P. M. 3 e of tba intelligent admirer of the great worki ry.* The publither feelt confidant in Mating, that the O _)i,i£e AKhiticU No collection of engraiinga communication! to the underiicned -In b« pu«t entire'5J nun>hen, when boond, will tell for more The; London Literary Qazette will be called aUr/bfltr Elizabeth Orme Ivaluible, we may confidently prowiiie, can for paid. R. K M. than Ibe uibacripiion price, at after a few more num­ for thi* purpose, while the "Critical Notice*," i vein be offereJ to the pubuo at ao dieap a ber* are iveued,no more will be printed than will tup- < ol the London Metropolitan, the Monthly, « litre tlun one hundred of tbe*e fine engrtv- NOTICE. ply ictuil paying aubtcriber*. New Monthly, the Gentleman'*, Utickwood'i, John'poitel 8mb Pkiraa Lill be given innutllyi to the man of Ufte,lhry HE Commiiiioner* for Anne-Arundrl Still further lo incrette the ftcilitiet of tebteribert, R frnitb .ubJccU which lie cm admire from year the publitber haa added another inducement forehtba Tiit'i, Edinburgh, Fra»er'i. end other Mag* county, wt^l meet it the Court ,Hnua« in line*, al ready regularly receive*! by the editor, Oapt. Stephen Robertfon Jaast* Vr, and preaeatwiib pltawre lo tut fnetklii the T lo loin together in their reptitunce. Twenty dorian Anthony liebenaon fandiii* itudtnl in Natural Ubiety, may confi- the cily of Annipolii, on TUKSDAY. the will be received in full fur tbe Mibacripllon of AVI in- will be freely used. I rcfT to them on alt occationi ot doubt i while third diy of September next, fur the purpo** ol dividual. Thit diduction will pay all pottage. i. Yarietiei, embracing literary anecdote*, ateuile portion of aociely will become acquaint- receiving (he returns o( the Aiaraior* onder ThoM who deiign to paironiie Ihli new and popu­ Shen'IT of A. Arnad«J J Judaon Itewirt new diicnverie* in science and the art*, ski-ten­ lUcbel Sullingt i the inhabiltnu of tbe air, the ocean, and the the act of Dfcrnmber leuion 1832, chapter lar mnde of publuhing good bookt, will oblige the et of society aod mincer* abroad, literary and Jno. Smiib, It. hcotrtpby can be learned only from m*p*or lubacriber by forwtnl'ma; their remittance! aa early a* Sichi. Slonettrttt . Louiaa Btincbeomb 159. BydMer. * learned transaclioni.ihort notice* of new buoki, Prtncit 9ummervill «li"Tb* Uook of Ntiure," without taking /K. J. COWMAN", Clk. practicable. A five dollar note depotited in the poet Mr. bhiw . j than the book-abelf or the cloael, will un- office will tupply good reading to a family and circle and every "necies of information Interfiling Sarah Shekella Leonard Sellman k». th« cottttiiiti curfetittea of ibe wl.ote June 87. **\ tm. of tcquiiniancefora,whole yeir. lo 'lover* of reading, with occaiiona! ipeci- T J Tbe incrtutd Ut Lewit Tatker i aeceitinly iaroltei great eapendlture, ami lice of the Orphani Court, of «aid county ami of bigh reputation po.Mifced by few) to Ik it he journal in America. Sarah J. Tiylor r will coiUilae gnat Toterest, accuracy and byO petition in writing nf Thnma* C. Uonalwn, adda a proper aent* of the cetpontibility be tet at-. w il property ill turned in catering for an extended and moral com­ 9. A regular list of the new book* published John II. of aaiil county, praying for the benefit of the act and in progrei* In London and America Wllliama IxMiiaa William* ibe lubjtcli emtirtce the whole range of Nt- for the relief uf sundry insolvent deblon.paiMd munity. The publisher therefore confidently rv.nnv Gideon While J alanba Weedon onveved natil Illi^ory, in order to make it a* complete aa poa- menda the Circuiting Library to lieada of famili.i, 4. Occasional original notice* uf new Ame­ Henry Weakca Henry R WuleU 6 licvcrklK«enti&* gentlemen have been engaged at November tesiion 1 805. aod the leveral aup aa a work which they need have no fear of introduc­ rican publication*, with exlrnl* embracing III Well. Mm. Win nnev. *---' elpcue to condu«l Ua* worki their united plemenl* Utereto^ schedule of hi* property and ing into any circle. ER,Jr. their prominent featare* of excellence or de­ David W. Whiting Philip B. Waela. it U believed, will reader lUu periodical i lilt of hit creditors, on oath, a* far aa he can The enaulng number will contain a highly popallr fect. CC/l'ertona appijing for any of the above Letttrt ascertain them being annexed thereto, and the novel, by the Cngliih Opium Eater. will pkaae tay they are advertised. erican intl > i great tource of tbe patronage anticipated by Mid Thoma*. C. Uonaleon, having taliififd me ADAM WALDIE, lTj"No additional charge will be made fur . J. OREEN, r. M. ichmonil opnelor ia from Khoolt and College*, and aa the Carpenter-«ir**t, near Beeenth, under Ibe Appren- this great increase of reading mailer. It will July 4. ___ E» riprTiealcd will be model* of elegance and by guod and sufficient testimony lhat he has ticea' Library, back of the Arcade, where tub- er, and Nf« ' renJed in the alale nf Maryland two v'»'» im be contained on the page* uf the cover of the kt driviag, il will foni. a work for coiiauluilon aeripliuna will be gratefully r*ceive I tad will be of inetliiuablc advtut.c;c in the tion, and thit he is now ia actual confinement receive their numbers by mail to nu additional ittcimen of the Work may be expense ol postage. Richard E«trp and Henry A. ityfo Surv'g. "wtfce of Ihcir practice. In tbort, K will bee- fur debt only, and having given security for his teen, at the office of the Maryland Ga- J to Ike capacity and Dltad fur the UM el* every appearance it court, it ia therefor* ordered A. WALDIK. AdmrV of Resin Kitep. '.'^il a la* ceaoHinily, fro-n the erudite naturelitt to xttte, where Subtcripticfht will be re> Several ipplicili^as having been nude to CE. '] begianer lor the one book of reference, ind adjudged by me, (hit the laid Thorn** C. Ann Sparrow, Joseph O. Hottoei, Atefleth firnwof Jina eill a tource uf pleuinr ttudj, amaaement Donalioo, Iw Uiscliargrd from Uitcoofioement, ceivtd. ascertain the manner in which the original de­ partment nf notice* of new books will be con O. Uullun, Enoch A. llutloo, aod William . Swin«-« W pUu, let. After the term of two yean, Ismentary on Tkp personal eitala of John pauper! lo ptaisr, when (he merits of (he work and confirmed, unlrat came to (he contrary bo ,VER, Jr. To**! 1 *iV ke greatly enhanced. Uiua making the legation* M may be road* ajaiaii him by hi* shewn before the 91 h day of September next, ***taeild*of tUuM who now come foiwud creditor*, and fvff\] with the requisite* of Peahe, Ule of SaVt Mary's cuunly, deceaard. do not warrant il; so that our readers may be All pcrion* hivlnBetaiins agaioil the laid de- provided a copy ef thi* order be poblitheil onco xette, Bill*"*.' i M uleneivi and novel eatcrpriac. ilia ioiulvent \f**Jo( thie *UI*. assured oC two thing*.- Virtt book* ihall tint ceiaed, are hereby i*Vned li> exhibit the Mine, be noticed the nrxl day after they are received; In'rich of three loccessive weeks before Ihu TERMS...... with the voucher! tnVeol, to the lubecriber, and, secondly, they shall not bs reviewed be Bth dsy of Auguil next, in one o( the Aooapo- > leek of Niture," will appear near tin firit FOR AN POLIS TA.MHJUl>Oli AND at or before the Zllt tWy of May next, they fure they have been read. We have nu my a I lit newipaper*. y Donih, with from eight to leu line ciigrated BASTON. ' may otherwise by law Bk. exclvded from all The report ilate* (he amount of *ale* to b* U of the 1 liatKh uunbcr, making abovo 100 citCravingi read lo pnfflnj, and will be tLo lei* likely, , whlcli willconlaio from Qvc hundred I'htktitMi Boat MA benefit of *all estate. OiVen under my hand therefore*, to fall into the crr»r of an unlucky 91083 371. . fur Anne-An DRYLAND, 'coqinenred ^ Tra« cnpy Teit, hel8ihoN.lj.««!| eparsU figure*. The price will be thii I lib da&il June I833.x wighi, who, in hi* snxiely lo be Ih* Dot to blow i per tnoum. Agenl* or club, remif.lnj ' k*r route on TUESDAY ELLEN PRAKK. Kx'r. the belTnw* uf criticiim, read the' preface only RAMSAY WATBR8, I be uiiOed taUv» copiaa. No aubacribcr lh«9lh ioib lejrting the uf a duodecimo, and gravely entered hi* ap­ Reg. Car. Can. [|J|*oal p«y*MOt In *dv*iic*T or *» lower cod ojVl)ug*n'» NOTICE. _ rum the hts'l tthnnm. Ibgb number. M eenta, te probation of two chapter* which, unfortunately with to ciamln. (he work previous to tub* Wharf, at 7 **elock. A. M. Tur^mpoli*. fllS^i* to gitre notice, thit subscriber of fur hi* critical acumen, hid been omitted, while Addraaa (alway* fre« of poatave,) ('Cambridge by C»*tle Haven,) ana Bii)t6t>, lod T Leonard I'uwo, Saint Mi _ county, Ma- the prefatory reference to them bid been, by annt- arunuel <$ ountg, IAMUEL . ATKIN80N, fhiladtlphla. return from the EMtern Share on *v»jrv Wed ryland.hath oblainrd from Urphin* Coufl mistake, raialrird! This predicament ** application to the judgn of Anne. mile* fr»m JaubtcripUon revetttdlof a^DorUr perleU neidiy and Saturday, leaving Ea*too at 7 A. of Sjint Mary'* couoiy. In ryiand, letter* Coueijr court, by petition, in wntlnr, ui'Jeremi. worse than that If the London editor, whu ah Merrill, praying lor. the benefit of the act for M. by Caalle Haven aud Annapolii. She will of A'lminialraliuii on the frsonal ealate of criticiied tome pasisgr* of Cuoke'i acting, and in* relief of Sundry Intolvenl debtort, p*a**d at commence her Cheitertown Trip on Moidaj, Thomit Mattingly, late of int .Mary'ieeun- found when h* rose next morning, aod hia pa­ November aeatlon 11)05, ind tb* aevsnil aappUttrnt* I/U April, leaving Baltimore a| 6")Tclock. and ly, deceaaed. Ail person hiving claim* *- per was all Over London, lhat the play had thereto, a a*he4i<)e of hit property, and a net ef hi* Mt*W the Mine day, leaving Choterlown *.l 1 gainst the Mud deceased, a hereby warned tl> been poilponed, creditor*, on oath, aa faraa h* can etc* r tain, them, oogh, we r . SVNDAY o*«rotk, calling at Cortica wharf, Tor Ibe Cen- exhibit the Mm*, with Ihd thereof, being tnnettd to hit petition, and the .aid Jvr>ntiah I T»y our frito* Th»*l*am boat MA Kor the rest, time urait develop* car ceen* Memll having tall.fied the court hy cmrpHf nl trit). Ireville paaiienger*. iu Ih* *»b*cribvr, at or the Ihiiurnth and our ctpabtlitleii in cates where the uiuil iu tiled to « RVLAND, will leave N. B. All >M(pi^ kt Ik* owner* ii*{(. day of March nexj, the _._< other*!** by mony ihit he hat retlded in the Hittr, ufiMafyltnil )lic worship 8' "Baltimore for AnnapoHi, cuurlety uf tbe trade ii not extended to Ibis two rear, immediately precedteg tha.llaae'ol hit ap­ Paatagwlo or from-Kailon or Cambridge, 08,50 law be excluded froea flll neht of i he said e«- journal, unlike molt of our colemporarle*, w* plicative, and that bait la ecletl cwnitvenwhl for every bnndar mvroioft, 1'attigc \t> or fiotn ^antpoli*, 1.30 late. Uiveu omlrr o*y >ind thi* *i*htcenth debt only, and having giving bond with areyrrty for of our friend' t nine o'clock shall buy what boot! we want, and give taiuch PiMii;e tu Cheiterlooo orCortirt, 2,00 day of June, in the yeai ighleen hundred aod aa deterv* it a careful peruiaJ. , bit appearance to anawcr aucb allegation, at otay be the boat*. ,~ ^-_ * l«»tr lad Uggan1* whirf, her usual Childieo nodrr Id. rear* uf ate half price, thirty" J filed again,! him, and the laid court having appoint* tw*,*^^" U*rtin*. md r«tornln the afternoon, DARQRR, Adm'r. The proipeclu*. *nd4*ome lechnicil difflcul- ad William Jenkini truitee tar Air- benefit of Ibe i AnnipoTU at 2 o'clock. Pe**ige to MAri'lNOLY. it* alwey* attending the But issue of* new creditor* of the Mid lerentlah Minill, «n4 the' tald poll* 8(. Children under* 12 ournal, m»k« the present number but a pMlial iruetc* havmf ftve* * trut', and Ike s»M,|Mr«*»l»h MAKING pecimeu uf ill future promiat, Meerill haviag executed a deed an Ik* Mid trweue of , 1 WISH TO PtntOUAIH, all hia property end debt* due »nd o«h% lU him, and «nU JgM-L. 0. TAYLOR^ Msster. 1OOLIKJBLY he aald truttee having certified lhati* kV U none*. HE awMtvlgncd tike* this ratthtyt of ln- ftiOO 4o« tf the a***,M, It .Iherrtore orvUrt*' and adjudged. ty Court, . v -,/ forwlnr hi* friend* and the public gene­ lUl tbe *»W Jaroaiak MerrUl kfJistharpiJ.^ hi. oliny ind o|l in ^ , March T«r«., 1M«. em« T AN AWAY from the farm uf Mr. John the .ale* ml rally, that he hi i taken the thou on Church conBMment, and. Mult* by c«f*(iif V <*fT of thi* «D, by the Court, That the CrellU Train 151 to «3 street, adjoining the store of Mr*. Leyrly,aod T> Hodge*, in Prince <}rorg*'* county, order t« be Inierted l« *om. MW«ce *j week LK. TluUny JJ W*»rd Spaldin*, a petitUiuer hi, »>* of eg*, Botar Upper pailborovgh, on -tUtarday evening for three wcc*e*ire akonthi beftr* *«N»* »«»*4ay |etl ind con' nearly opposite the store of Jeremiah Haghei, give nwlee to t^ft^IMM* ai>. *« efth* losulvent Laws ufthi* State, « Id hand* Ewjuire, when h*)inle«4«carry ing on the S9th iait. a oegro ma*) named inOotoberneat. i the Qwrt.. to b« held at also, mechanic* TOM, the properly of the lite pear Vnmd«;Co.aiy court o*> tbe fourth of every de- WUIata I. Hall, decciierf, of Per*(MJswJihl<.««w»a)ll,wll|dow«ll In (II It* «M, uitl g«nval ac* loo, a*tl«Jilll« ro.nd jl ' et. Any4(*j«)un(catioa In wrilisaV will quainUnc* {jrith IM bwain*** of kla prouuion, rtvMrJ wU4 «*> »Ue« he h*pM |^inset »H») lle.oai'vMg* and M. 70: KARRIS, ' 'K'vttl. Aom'rMll*.' IkyraLMcf pMr*Mc*4*UB> It.-Mary'i Cty. ."V, .**#£ tUNIEL DABRIBttT ,A. I'* .i»\"..'-.-: -' WoV 1«7i BHwbkA DnU w. OMM Coifirt tar* UM \ ii» an impreiwTo an« aafeUoeate farawelU r»mte of tht be« th* t«ow tal. ( . -,-...- pivtipittt of rock tnd to, Bt Fitm, it vraa with Too eotrtiivinoul tho decree of the Or- IU parting acknowled«fo the place of holding it it made. Centrtville, JtJxe Hift. 1833. management in rowing. The Serpent came the fuel hitherto untamed by thenr, comitt- They there fore give notke to tlie public, ilia' At a very ihort notice a number of the within an oar't length of the boa t,-- and with­ inR of email faggott of wood, brought upon PORTOfML. through; the poJittne** and al the rcijurat o friend* uf the Union and present National out appearing at all alarmed or uneaty, took the baokt of molea, over t brakea, rncky at- Advice* from Opnrto ire to (]w Mil Mr. Solomon Sparrow, the Fair will be beld adiinoiKtration at*cmulrd at Mr. Wilmrr'* a flight curve towinU the tteamboi'U and cent of 25 mi let from the valley belew. The Miy, ot which time the inaidrort if i at nit houtr, near Sooth River Cburr.h. Hotel to Uke into consideration the neceua- patted under her item within fifty or tixty retult hat been that tie whole tnppty of fuel Sirtorioa had juit arrived of the i Pfrtuni working for the Fair, are reque»t ry ttept preliminary to the approaching po­ fret, and thenn diHppeitred. We nnderttand beyond what wat needed for cooking, hat been the Deiro. It ippear* (hai^Dportt ed to aend their contribution! to the »*ic litical campaign, when Dr. It. Uiddlmrough it wat the opinionlinion of thoteI in the amall boat reaerved to warm their thiverinc or frozen 1 fered dreidfully from a tovere MM_ place on Monday previunt to Ihe holding o *enior wa* called to thu (hair, and T. W right. that he might eatily have been ttruck, bnt un- goettt, in Ihe "traveller** room*," while they which commenced at diy break oa OMI the lime, where the Committee appointed by 3rd appointed Secretary. The object of the fottunatelr there wat no harpoon on board. thernaelvet have ,Ueen content to pett tlteir ing of the 16th, the anniveraary the taid Society will tie to receive them. meeting having hern ttatol: At thin time hit motion wat not undulat­ livet in a freezing temperature within door* ttitationilutt' attempt in the year of!( ,* The Ualtiatece American, and Mart On motion of Urn. A. Spencer a commit- ing <-\ airf i tluu. ing, which committee compoied of Mrt»r«. there liave oven three or more of thr*e ttrange It pleating now to con template a warmer pic- a battary,. on the jQ«va ll'ill v«n _, W"m. A. Sprncer, Ucorge N.^Nrwman, Win. creaturtt tern lately, one of Which it tuppot- tare. terved and directed, that nearly trm^ SOUTH RtVKR PAIR. llacket. Rout. 1). A. Tate, ind Wm. b. ed to be ISO feet long. The one teen yester­ In the lurmner of 1830 a traveller from our and ihell told on that part of the citj tT ^aear thr tide of the road* trailing from Ilimblrion. rctirrd and shortly liter re-ap­ day, wan from GO to 70 feet in length. We city, during a ihort abode at the Hotpice, their range. ' The honaet were ttrj ( South Hiver Kerry to Calvert county ttand* peared in thr meeting and reported thr fol­ would recommend tome of our eportine whoce friendy walli relieved him and hit fa­ thattered, and the lost of life waiting ooe of ihe incut antii|Uitcd Churche* in thi lowing rriilntiuni, which were ttvenlly read f.-iemlt who are (killed in the management of mily jur.t in time to MV« them from one of derablo; tome account! lay at mat; i tale nf Maryland. The little vminenrr up and adnptril. . . whale boat, and u*e nf the harpoon, to make tlieir perilout mow itormt, hid tht good for­ hundred, betidet a great number t»_ on which it i* erected a* well a* the Cliurc! Rciolvrd, Tliat thi* meeting return* tin- an attempt upon the liberty of thit marine tune to light on the diacovery' that among the The hotpitalt tl»o came in for a \tui | itaclf, i* nearly obt cured by a unrounding fo cere think* to AlnugMy "-"I, tlint in lh« lair montter, and there it but little doubt he might mineral product* of the adjoining height, wai t firat of Uie injury inflicted by th*' ' real. Ju uoauuming tpire i* unnccn uoti difTicultiei which hu.e .i^ituled thi* country, br taken. on anchncite coil, thougii of very inferior ment. you approach it* very vicinity, wben it breik it hit pleaded Him in In* Providence to con­ Thr foregoing account it furnithed by t quality. Having no meant of burning inch The corrcipondeBii of th« Loadai I upon ttie mht in a manner which mig'it b tinue the bletHins* of life tu tint di*tinguiih- gentleman who wat one of the pattengen, i in incombuttile fuel, thii diacovery led to all acknowledge that fever and cbiliH well adapted tu increase the veneration whir ed 1'atriot, Andrew Jark*on. nd had a good opportunity to tee the terpent immediate direction! fur the erection of a. thinninjg the population thit forced it* ace and it! object are alike calculate*! t» , That we hail with delight the on- rom the (innll bnut, and whost certificate it grate for thit purpose, but, at it proved, with the order of the diy (hit individulik inipire. Tlie a< 'ingeinent "f the inlemr i* confidence which he continue* In tnneicd. Thii tlatement in itt material bear- partial tncceit; and inbtequently, on hit re­ money arp.aqneezed, fend tent to prim f Hill more calculated in rcmuvc tin- iiunJ uf mjny in the «lTccli'in« of thr people of thrje ngt it aUo corroborated by tcveral other turn* to the remitting to there better plant do not pay that iudividnalttiavin{ the brhuldrr to age* loni; gune ur. and tu .in­ United Stjte». ;enl!emen with whum wo have converted, who and raodelt, and eventually, through the libe­ are ttarving that deiertinnt are'o tonate hi* reflections with the,*pin!» uf tho*r Krtidtcd, 't'hat we firmlv believe (hit that were ua buard the, learner. The excuraion rality of a fe» to whom the atory wit told, corrence among Ihe tolJiert that i whotc green grave* rurmund the edifice, urrr cnnfidenrc will injure (o hii* admmiitralion of if yr«trnUr hat afforded a much belter op- to the trintportition to the Hotpice ittelf of ami mutiny are equally common ia« it not that the firit rmution* which are ncit- thiv government mch a iup]>'irl a* will add 101 (unity of trfing thit ttrange animal, than ooe of Dr. Nott'a admirable ttovr* of i large officer* and that the noly hope for iWJj . ed by Uie turmunding neglect and dtUpidi- permanency mid proiperity tu it* eiiitence. it* occurred lor yrart, and it II not incon- tize, witli all thing* appertaining to ill imme­ it a dHperate tally. Thi* hat been n tion call for a ligh, that the *un» of lbt>te wiio Ilrtolveii. Tlial we will on our pan leave. itlent with the whole trnor of the ttatenteott diate ute. The following extract* of lettert ly threatened but it often deferred, laboured to erect, lia»e nut had tuflicienl nothing undone end uUtrd tu co operate with hat have been made at different times by from the' Hotpice relate to the progrett of the the ipptirance of Don Pcdru'i i consideration—(we will u*e in»te*d of a *e- Ihr people nf thi: United SUtei in Riving tuch Humbert of pemont for the last fifteen experiment, and conclude with tho molt ta- much let* favourable, than our latt | verer exprettion) -to k»rp I'ruui ruint, the fa­ kupport, a»d that in order to erfcct it, we vrart, tince a moniter uf thit detcription wil titftctory ttatement of itt complete luccett, account* had led ut to believe. bric which the piety of llieir forefather* erect­ will u*u our utmost effort* to elect froi-i thii irtt announced in our water*, it it admitted and that "the joy of the brethren knowa no Tho Cholera continue* to'prevtil i ed and dedicated to the wonhip uf tlie £c- congrmtional dulrict a repretentative devot­ on all handa that the appearance of a marine boundary." malignity in Ltibon, rnKMK, the bountiful giver nf all the blet*- ed to the policy a* punued by him. animal of thit description would be ttill more ST. BaaHABD, July 19, 1831. A P»li»K General Of the nimetfl ingt we enjny. Tlie melancholy train uf re Ketolvcd, That we reprobate the doctrine extraordinary, if 10 many witnenet ihonld Dear Sir:—1 often think of your ihort vi- mide a pnpoaal to Don Pedro tak flection! to which Iheie object* irro»i*tibly of nullification a* advanced by a. portion uf *> grnttly deceived, at would be liMt cate, if til to our abode, and of the good initructiont hundrod of hi* countrymen; itiptan'bl lead Uie mind, will not be unpleasantly intci- Sjutli C.iroluiA, wliiUt no admire thetpiritnf no tuch animal hid appeared. One or the o- you give ut oa tho method of burning An­ tay* a London Corrrtpondeot, rnptrd by announcing' tint the ilanjhtrr* of conciliation that Ud to ihe compruniite of Ihe ther uf theie extraordinary difficultiet it ore- thracite. We continue life experiment*, and majie hit ippeirance at the elmta tt thi* venerable church, aiiocialrd with other ten'.ed fur Ihe belief of the public, and we we intend to pot up frreOiVooa. ai tlM firtt battle that j«' foujht vil, »lj induitrinut female* of the -n-i>;lil>ourhoo,l un­ Itetolvcd, That we recommend to the dif- are of opinion that it would not require to BAraRAi^, Vshao. Keg. probability, virtually decide tht taifj der the title of Tht ft male lli-.cooltnt .VjcirJty ftrent countiri Cumpn«ing thi* cungreitional great a ttrttch of credulity to believe in the ST. Bia»A«D, 3th September, 1831. country, and that'event cannot b* I oj jHl-lfaliowi faritf^h if pioml, unilertak- diilrirt, to unpoinl Delegate* from their rct- existence of tuch an enormout Sea Serpent, 5ir: I tcarcely know how to th«ak yoo, ed. «n tlic talk of raiting a funund, tutuflicienl to re­ peclivu countie* 11 merlin general convention at to believe thai w many pertont could be dear Sir, for the kind ind obliging letter with WAIUI«OTO», ft- Jil run r and lender comfortable, the plter for in the town of Crntrevillc on the '2JI!i of Ju­ *o greatly deceived. We letrn thit a gentle- which yon hive honoured u*, accompanied by On Tueidiy lail, Ci II) Patrick I holding their religiout attemblic*. Tuaid in ly, prntimn, loirlect a candidate torrpreient m^ fired at him with a mutket from ihe valuable deicription* and model* of grale*. Dent, about 17 yean of age/i thii pinut undertaking, they have determined tlirir district in the next cnngii-i*. tramer, bat without edect. The that wai that will be of the greatett ute lo ut: I bra; Witbioglnn College, fill from i cl to hold A FAIR, which will commence on UenoUcil. Thai thii meeting recommend to given before he had approached to near the you to accept our tincere thankt for them. in tbil neighbourhood about 17J frtt,! TUKIDAT the SOlh July intlaul, at the hmue tlio p«uplu uf the irvcml election diilnct* in tteimrr i* he did i fi\v minute! ifterwird*. According to the infraction you give u* a broke both hli arm*, and injured of Mr. Salomon Hfnrroow, near Hnutli Kiv- 1'ii* county tu call ineuUn^* in their ictpeclive The Rnl thing thit attracted the.attention of year ago, I had a grate put op in the parloar nally to it to f-iun hit d«aUi on ver Church) where it it hoped that the liberal ili-.liict-4, In npjMiint un v!d SntnnliT in July, thote who were in the tteimer, wai a pccoli- chimney| it ha* incceeded well) there are, about 11 o'clock. Tliil yohog Bin i ipirit for winch that neighbourhood ha* al- tun delegate* Iroin cac'n ili«(ritt tu it-p.c»rn ar appearancepnearance in the waterwa at a dittance, inp however, ilill lome improvement! to be made Ihe italk of Maryland, near tht D way* been dittinguiihed, will nut be »'4m- tin* cnuiity in ihe cnnvt-nlion uf Ihe cuni;rr* pnietltetl to be occaaionedoccnioned by a ahoat ot unall after your model, and thaoka to you we hope Columbia, and while a tojourner hen I xiuiul dittrict to be livid on Ihe 23th July; : : T oi'ined m vain. The I,udie«, nut only ol n>h thit he wai apparently purtuing. Three to tncceed in it entirely. dearth himtelf to all with whura tif -fl that vicinity, but of other pUcei, are invited and alto tu appoint three committee-men to dittinct *.ppetrencet of thii kind were obterv- A few diyt ifter your departure from our qntinted, by hi* friendly and to aid Ute enterprise. (t it by uniting rlfjrti nii'ct committee*' I'rorn other diitricti, at rd it the ajme lime afar off, and the iteamrr Hoipice a year ago, I wit in great danger of meanor. On yetterday, hit reauTat < by fathering the mito from every willing tho *an,e I line and pUcr, t" (elect four can nudr "or one of them, in puranil ol which the bein£ lott in a tempett on our mountain. tefred iji the burying (round ai" luml, that Templet arc tometiinat reared, and diUatu* lor the Ucnrrnl A«icmuly, lire ctndi irrpent appeared to be. It it therefore in­ Three penonf perithed it a ihort dittance town, attended br the Tru*tee*,..--r Munuatuti erected. Surely thii, though a dale for Ihr Levy court, and a candidate for ferred by tome of the pai*eogert that there from m*. God wai gracloutly pleated to pro­ Studrlnti of Wathington College,iWil Mcladed and humbla teatple, being dedicated SherifTatly. ' are three of the ttrange antaiali, at hat tfeen long my dty*| I ought to be very grateful to procettion of citiient of the place. *~~ t it itt to the wurthip of the I.IVINO UOD, H'fure »Uteendeiice, waa cclebrateu .liat we wcie in the aniall boajAvhich put off ST. TlitBBAHn, Febrnirr 90th, 1833. attached to that iniUtulion. Fair, and feed lor (heir hortei, will be provid­ in thia rily with all Ihe drinunilratuiiii of joy from the tteamboat, and anpoached within Much Honoured-Sin—The Hotpice of St ed. If the weather on the day appointed, ho and public rriuert becoming thr glonoui oc- ten feet of a Hia Montter,tf\\\c\\ patted un Bernird will ilwayt prtierve a lively remem­ TIIE cTlOLKBA. unfavourable, the firit fair day (hereafter tvill c**i»n. The Wathington Society aaiembled der uur bow at a wry ram/f rate. A* dear ai brance of the interett which yoo tike in itt Kanowha county, Va.— A ItUecHt be embraced for the object. at flAtJcHH.m's, on Charlriton Neck, at 3 we can judge from tluuffiew we had uf him, proiperity. I mare youftyl I beg you alto to itora of thelLynchborg Virginita.! * 1 Rtp. I'clnck, P. M. .And ul dow,i to in excellent lit head reienibled Ct£ of a pickerel. Hi* enure your friendi,Uj|tU)er* ii no member tidan In Kaoawha coonty, ditol )**]' dinner. The Hon. Jor.L R. Poimr.rr, Pre- iead only appeared or the lurface; a* to the of our eongregitiorljwno"fli not very grateful tayt: lident nf the Society, not having arrived (ai length oi it, it it ior^uetible to determine. for the benefit! which oar Hotptee hat receiv­ The cholera hai beea prtNilia; COURT OF APPKALS, June Term, 1833. wai expected) from tho North, the Hon. Thunday, July I Ith. Tlie motion wat n/t like that of a porpoite, ed, and it jet to receive,' by your generou* county for the latt two w«eki. VVi i WILLIAM DMATTON wai reqnrited to act ai Jut rctcmbled th/ft of a coinuifn anake. offer of a furnace to buro Anthracite: it will probably in the town (Chirteitoa) uj The court reverted the decree with et*U, Prrtident of the day. The building erected in Xo. jJ, Blrely el at, vt. John and Jn*iph llenj. H.Norton, JamciW lale, William be very nluible to u*, by euablinc ui to Work*, in all, fifty cite*, a tirg* " on Mr.'lliutouiLDT't lot wat la*i»Cully de­ Tewktbury, Jr., Samuel 3. George warm the lioute eeonomieally, aVI will be a qf which were of a mild characttf, Staley, and remanded the for further corated for Ihe occaiioo. On the front were proceeding*. W. Proctor. Paticngcrt. greaftSlief to aoStriag being*, for the dii- deatba. Some of the CMC* have likrneiir* uf WAIIUNGTO*, FnaxLLi.i and krcell, Jamet Oahag^n, Oiriracn. lance of five leagutt (£5 milet) trom the violent, terminating to ^e l»«r»fr«o* Afkrtin, J. delivered*- inion of the and (be Stir Spangled Banner, em court in No. 36, Wm. Cockey rC aL- Ltuet wooO»,"-%«ir icaroity, aod the difficulty of tack. No new ca*e( aad Mt oa« »». Kdward Harrit. blein of pur national uniuo and national pow­ THE llokiPICR OF ST. BERNARD. lrao»portation, oblunjd. ut to practice the the latt 24 hour*.' Judrl. Sevcntd and proeedtnilo atoardtd. er, Iwaved gracefully and proudly ovefr it The Our reiderl will b* ioleretted, we ire lurr, itricteU economy. The Anthracite, a* you MobUt Point,—Oat death by c T.he court affirmed tho decree of the Chan­ Vrctideut occupied a teat iu ih« centre ut the in Ihe cioimulication publithed to day rela­ know, it 10 ntir, thit it can be traniported U>« Ut init, cellor la No. 41, Elizabeth Clagett elal, vt. building, under a canopy formed of Ihe IT. S. tive to an Arulrican beuefictuin to thii inci- without expente but we were in- want of «re 15 Chart** Salmon. Flag and other Banner*, there being on hi* ent and aolitaVr atation the ditcovery, br meant to niake it burn. Thit furnace, then, the lit Utt f whit dlit**< i* I"K< Th« court overrated the notion torrinttate ri^ht hand a medallion bearing theinacriplion, an American traveller, ooe pf our fellow eiti- will bf a nfunament which wilt perpetuate lua THE CIIOLKKA. the appeal in the cite of Kotjke and wife et al, "hTA«K«," "BATTia OK BIXm»oTON," /.en«, of inthraj [ty coal, in the vicinity of generotity and the dev*lion of our frienda ia From tho rTUHamtport f&l* ) vt. Henry Ketnp, decided at Jane Term, "/youf we are going to biat the enemy, or thii mnni|tery, id the tubtequeot Lrinmit- America, to tlie poor traveller* acrot* the U3I. Molly Starke ii a wUow Ikit night," ind on aiun, from home/ »f one of Mott'i Stovu, in High Alp*,' by the great St Bernird. Gra­ The cholera among the laboatffllj THi argument of No. 15<4, Tboi. tod Jamet hli left hind, another, bearing the inicrip- which to coniuoH lit have b««n the meant, it titude, will owe th»*e bcneJHi to th«t piout Canal ha* gradutlly abaUd tinctiw Hontor vt. Bryton, Adr. . T. A. of tion "SAMUEL WARRKN°*>-"/nm or- will be perceived ' the letter* of the Senior MOtimeot, which to deopljr inter**!* the til now icarcely a c|ie remiloi- ' If eClrtMy, wai corfeluded by Meyer for the dently atttched to tht Union, and fought and Retideat," Barraa,' tecurkug the bletttng of friotkdt ol humanity ia the olurtunalr. tho MCliuni, however, hue beta Appellic, and Olll for the Appellant!. bled for it." Tho whole of the interior wi« abundant warmth i the piuttt brotherhood Tour humble icrvint, bandoBed, and the force .'ui other*' , No. 54, TW B. M. Duogao ute Elita tfoog ruund with evergreen*, the Banner* of who pait their lived imid eterulJ|now^BraalMno for BARRAS, Chin. Reg. the twenty-four Statet, with their motto*, the CUM Of pioua hltsanity. LTK Jlauri- ed by tbo fair of the di**»te. Doogao, n. John 8. Tf eon and othere. The ST. BnafAaD, April 80, IHS3, PlTTIIU*''! armatent of thii cat) wat commenced b» bannefett bearing illutioni to our numeroui t experiwnt made by Mr. Say- military and naval victoriet. A bind of mu­ con.Conmunicaitd for. tft^\ ^ete J'orA\JmTrVN. Since the report nf the Board < fjjojrditr the Appellant, and Johotoo and nltok, oo the burninf of the Anthracite in the inr Phyiiciani (oo the 9th iott.) lAf ni c wit in attendance, and 4 tpirit of toeial HtV Hoopice of Ihe Great^t. B«ro«rd av. ^ I* t a • X . a • • for (he App«l|««$. " , ' ' [ furnace (flat you hid tho kindnett to tend to it htve Ukta MIC*. '' * and patriotic hilarity animated lha company, mong the choicrit intareatto tlie Eu­ ut, waii crowned with the moil complttq «nc- One of the Vica-Preiidcntt gave the ful- ropean traveller. The unpaid laboari of Uie . ' Tho argument of the above ctie we* con­ cet*. We have now only to titaok y»u, aod During Ike month of June tkff» lowing toett: good monk* and their co-workiri, the noble beg^b tob« Uie interpreter of our tenttmenu cluded br Lloyd for the Av>p«llaat, Trie Hon. WM. Dajirro* Tho patri»t dug* of the hoipital, are familiar to all thote ventv deatht by cholera. ' The court affirmed the decree of the Or- of U eep cratitndr, to tho gtneroij» bonefic. OtoUra in fHultytille.— Vfe b»' "without fear-ind without reproach,' Bill- who Uke pleasure in the recorUt of deedt of ton who luve united with you in klBUnei* to ISO, Caton aod McT»- mablr in private, illuttrioua ia public life-r- benevolence. ' It il pleating to learo by re­ ed BO lettert direct fro* Hhelbj et. W Int, Uie Mail not hiving b««» ' all Iht nult he aim* at or* Air'couiUru'*. cent advice* from that dreary region, Dial . Your »ery humble eervtnt, Afttr the enthaiiittic applauie with which th«*e pure h .LOUIS (Ho) July «. contain* tbe> official coMaeoicatiotk betweM fast eke tu the aatare of her diooaoe. IK: In ardcr to remove all *w*co*>cea4laM " ' Alton, President Ritera, aod the Brazilian Mtrthal, 8 that may aria* relative to DM 4th ttctioa hippened durini it* nreval'evalence Bareto, which led to tne above respite. The of the 1 at ehapttr of (ha iaitrectiow ItMed rrett, latter states the great anilety of the Govern- CHANCEBY, »t that of Dr. Samuel Bar Jel* Tern, Ittt. firMi t»i* Otca Khh J*ne, 1833, [ have thought of Ashby, Mats. Several deaths men t of Brazil to preserve ajaod aadentaad. Joseph Bran* tad Jam** Igl chart, proper lo furateh ike Acents with a fersa. be ,J at Lrfflon'* settlemeoti, between ing with that of the Oriental Republic:Mbli that the the Clvk'i corlllcat* therein Motioned, trWch Idee* te aceeokaaodote erth,rr Orien­ T*. .ad C.rrollton. Up to the 46*11, iit late irruption of the emigranta into the Richird ThomptoD and Hinild* Tydlog*. . ia to b* fltaJ by the Agint, Wno will refer BSJ oe) tko ecosaises for forlr bor***, e i there had been nine death*. On tal territory from Rio Qrande, had caused hit Thi object of the Bill in th'u late ia to ob- thereto a4 ollea at may b« oeoeaaary to s*ecr- goodlko;hooa«, billiard room, and al) other ' one'death atJacktonville. Government infinite nneatioets, and might tain , taln the correct**** of toe paper* certified by beildliM wocesoarj for carry tof on the busi- ,lirce 0«»« h»" °«urr«d * Montebello, (he magittrit* Mined therein. O*> aueh certi net* of th* hwa*. T»*rt are*l*u a T»rd, gar- I ock co.) one at Port Awards, and five pjre. unteis the explanation* on both tidei ftcate being filed with the Agent, the Cltrk'i dee, aed lot attached to It, including an '*tn> Inx at the «Slli»ge °f Koocuck, opposite were full and explicit: that the inhabitanta .of The bill states, tflat the complainant* whe certificate at foot of form B. */ be dispensed or more of groonJ, and affording sumcirni rfv Itebtllo anviii^st the latter was that of Rio Orande were in the greateit alarm, and a* fur th* benefit with. room for th* erection of additional bofliltnii, sue fur themtelvet, as well The rep*tattoo of i hi* ,-itabliOi- '-A.' Lu P*lcn, of the American Fur Compa- had taken op arm*; in consequence of a re­ of all other creditors of the Slid John Tydlogs Reipcctfally, Sir, your Ob*t. gerv'l. If necestaiy. I At''N»pl«»th8f* 'uve t)'e.n t*° c**** port that President Rivera intended to enter to the ex- J. B. THORNTON. ment, lu great and valuaM* ctitosa, sod thu 'ho shall come in and contribute fortune* ufilt furusr pro­ Lfwliiih W4» fatal. At MidilletouWill*, that province in a hostile manner,"a* a mea; suit, at Octotxr Term,1838, of ' Steend Comftntltr. rapidly accumulated met of thit prietor*, oJTir great ipdacemcnt* to purchasei*. Kieler. three cate* two of them fatal, aurere of revnnge. .... TAone Arundel County Court, recovered a .ureviiitcd Galena, with great violence: President River* replied to the above, ssy- judgment against the said John Tydingt, for Signature of the Magiuitte. ( ) Al the Mme time and place, will b- eiposeJ LI three dayi prevlou* to the 43d there ing. that the only object he had iu view in ai well tho sum of oinety-flv* dollara aod for- /MS, Putt. lo paajic ssle, all the ptrional prnperty btlonx* iog lo tl i eiublishmenl, coniitting of Kirni iii cues. J8 of which were fatal. It then coming to the frontiers with his army, was to l>-seven cents current money, a certain debt, STATB or secure the peace of the Republic, and to put COUKTT.5 8'1' lure, ituik af Wines, Liquor*, md valuabi* t.-Rtpub. , * one handled *nd ninety.dollars current mo­ NEORO SLAVES, and other article*. FRAKKLI*, (Loo.) June SO. down the anarchitU, to that they might npt a- ney Uanucet,and tix dollar* and tvreoty-eight I, Clerk ofMie Coirt. of gain diaturb the peace of their country: that the County and Stale aforeaaid, do hereby cer­ Alto, Williamioii aod Swann'i interest (*nr TUB CHOLERA. and a third cent* cntt*, damage*, tu be r«lea*- half) in contract fur carrying the mail between i i\itcate, we are sorry to see, still eon- thil wa* now accomplished, and that every er SAN JUAN. Ihe execution ol the aaid will, and potietied aod Paving North P.att and Hanover street*. tath or on a credit <>f fnar months, tlie parch*- The Provence of San Juan ha! latclv iuf- himself of the Mid John Tyding*' ptrtonsl June 10, 1833. ter giving bond with turety at for the rral pro-* BUENOS AYRES. fcred considerably from the Sratftt P-ever, estate Thit Ihe aaid personal eiule will o*t E it utabliihed and ordaintd by tht ifay or, perty, and'will be told together with or se(.a at thit port on and Hydrophobia. 'Ihe incet«ant rains, and be serflcivnt for psyment ol.the. Mid John Ty- Ricerder. Jlidcrmtn and Common Council, rttely from the real estate, i* m*> be deemed Ilic Wig Amazon, srrived The bill ilti prtyt for writ* of B tday e\eViing, we have received a file of eating unripe fruit, it wat luppoteil hail In a dingt'debit. of tht City of AnnapoKi, and by tht authority expedient. If told with the real properly, n» great measure contributed to the former. Jt bubpcen* igtinit the defcndant, and the writ of the tante. That Ihj City Comruiiiiooer* be, more will probably be required in nth lor the j British Packet .of Buenos Ay res to the of Subpoena igainst the said Rinalilo Tydings, |h of May. from which we haVe made the it the tame djsetse which last year made luili and they are hereby authorised, empowered whole, than would amount lo one fifth nf thn ravazet in Chili. having been duly iasoedandthe aaid delendinl and directed, *> soon it may be practicable, to purchate money of the re*l properly il told lowing extracts: hiving been returned nut lummoned at twu • BuBnot Araxi, May 18. The government of San Juan hat issued a cause such pirt* of North East add Hanover separately. decree, stating that they had taken every fftrcetiive termt. street*, aa in their discretion may be moil con­ The properly not lo b* conveyed uotil tho an Monilay evening lait, the Home ol Re It it Ihereup-in, th'u tenth diy of July 1833, |ieiitativei of the Province of .Buenos1 meaiure to counteract the effecli of the fever; venient to Ihe property holders in uid llreett, payment 01 tbe pure hue money. and although it had cauied the .tenth of a idjuilged ind oidered, Out Ihe eumpliinanti to be properly graduated, lo fir and eitabliih NICHOLAS BRKWKR, Jr. Truile*. Ire*, held a sitting, at the request of three by caniing a copy of thia order lo be inserted jnbert. Don Manucl H. Agnirre, preiided. number of pennna, yet it had not prevailed the breadth of the fwtwiyi, md .to csuie Kirb June SO. i*. the Ar- in one of ihe new«-papers published in the ci- stone* to be Uid on the outside thereof. Btlliraore American ami Oazeltrv [Business commenced b"* reading a note to such a detjree in other provinces of v >.. Annapnli* nncemeachof three lucceil ICTThe thauPamli of So- gentine Union: -but that another terrible AnA bt il titabiiihed and ordaintd by the ou- Naliunal Intelligencer, Richmond Enquim', i the Juilice of Peac* uf >B week* before Ihe tenth diy nf Augnit next, hun- (Peruiin Tocornal,) *wloi that Ihe mainly had appeared, the Hvdinphubiu! mil thortty nforemid. That the sum of five" Poulioo't Daily Advertiser, and New Vo.k ' Mvr notice to the laid Kinildo Tydini;t of the drcd Uollara U hereby ipproprialed for that Courier and Enquirer will copy Ihe above and in tbe said pariih, wat installed in the that it had become necessary promptly ,to re­ lubtiince and object of th* 4ull, that he may move the cause of it The government there­ purpose, (n b« paid by the 1'reaiurer lo the or­ forward thai: account* immediately to th* Irut - it uf a tumult, caused by person* whole u« warned tu appear in thit court in person, or ot the said commissioner!, moderation and or- fore ordered that no dog* should be permitted der of t mijorily lee. ce ought to have breu bv solicitor, on or before the tenth dav of No- out of any unappropriated fondi of the Corpo­ i Oiat ibtolute threats were nieil by Com- in the streets) that any of those found vrniberncxl, fmniwer uid bJI andahewcauie, ration. luint Nicolai Mirtioez, Pnnte, whu'waa at there ihould be immediately killed, and tlut if anr he hat, why a decree ihould not pill ai NOTICE. thote in the country ^litlrlctt mutt bo kept .Ind be it utabliihtd and ordaintd by tht au­ HE creditors of the firm of Jimtt Wil Ibiii) jf a battalion of officers, tcrgeanta, prayed.__ thority afortiaid. That il shall b. the duty of wrtli, ind even loldieri: that they bad strictly confined. True copy. Teit. liimtoo and Thomit Hw«nn aod uf rAIUI»OTO», Pi'I each and every proprietor of a lot or part o/ a TThomai Hwann and Sarah II. Willianaoo, in- ill, C: M. Patrick I threatening linguage and vocifera'jont, RAMSAY WATERS. MONTEVIDEO. lot fronting on nicf streets, to cause the foot notified toeihibit their claims with proper VMM- ear* of agty a sti tioula/lr lowirdi thoso citizens who re- Reg. Cur. Can. way to far as the tame ihall bind on his said headed llieir conduct aa being against pub-" W« received joarnali of the above city, IB Jw. chera in Iha chancery office .within funrmunilii p, fell from a «»< by tbe tchr. Adelaide. lor, lo be pared with good red paving brick, from Ihe diy of tale. xxl about 171 f**U I liberty: and that in the midtt of this up- from ill to llthinit and each and every perion who thill neglect pr, ftlie votes were tendered and received, They ttito that the troopt of the anarchitU IN CHANCERY, N» liRK'VER. Jr. Trnklre. ii, aail injured to pave the tame for Ihe ipace of thirty ilivi The AnwricinApd Uazelte, Bal'imor*, will kit Not* wat referred to Die proper cora- who had entered the Onental territory, from I3th July, 1833. Commiision- ehitdJaih on Peter H. Terme after being notified by the uid co\>j Ihe abov*< f Tbi» yokng ••»' Ittee, to report thereod. RioOrandr, had been entirely ditperiedj that er*. or mijorily of them, shall forfeit and Alter the above aHsir wat ditpoied of. Se 52 prisoners, with a qoanti'y or arm* and and, near the D M .tlhiw I'ticil & Virginia Paical. pay Ihe turn of twenty dollar* for every wem»i S. Alexander anil 8rmer- _hn.-Una deathaeaw b»uj proceeded thence to Montevideo in vry and allure to aaid ii carried so far, ihat no mi tailor*, udmitiUlralort ami a>tigns, the aaid piice 01 prize of IrWO viile Pinkney, Ihe trutleei, be ratified and 1 "o ptrmitted to attend the gillcry of the polacre Cooeepclon, and thence to Bu«- lo Ihe tnninry be -There wir« 13 parcel ol ground, and uid letiehold inlereit 5 prizes of 1,000 confirmed, unleis csute of Curamoni in uniform; and |q| n«t A/rea/m the fAvkei Pjor del Rio. and term uf year*. That mid Candulle trina shewn before Ihe 9th dsy of Heplembcr next, wint ai»t*«»u 10 prizei of 500 provided a copy of this order bepubliihed once B CUQtEOA. Jtr> matt, by law, be removed to » diatanee Terred ind *iii*nnl lo cocnplaininf, among uth urn the plaL»%f eloctlun, to do away with A few week* since, a North American nam­ er properly, the aaid piece or parcel of gruuud, 10 prize* of 400 in each of three tnccettive weeks before tho Uek Ui»t Hie ?i».litB4w?r« iq »W? of t»,t ed William Clark, wa* unteuced at Monte­ leasehold inlereit, and term of yeira, upon 10 prizes of SCO 8th day uf Auguat next, in on* of the Anna­ 19. Unry, __** to tuffer death fur killing a negro; but newiptper*. among the video, certain trestt iu th* deed in Ihat behalf »e 40 prizes of 150 polis AdAINBTTHB IN- there wa* a doubt whether provocation bad furih. That eomplainant i* sdviied saiil deet The report ilalet the amount of sties to bo been given fur the act. Buote communi- 10 ffriies of 100 84015 00, a ca«a rtmdoi. UIANS. nut from aaid Matthew mil Virginia ii inforroill; [Ttii tootlnpiitof the Province of Rioja, cftti»n» have appeared in the Univertal .upon eiecuted, taaicknowleilgmcnt therenf net be 56 prizes of 60 Trak cob*. Test. irever, bare beea one of which states, that If u>y 40 4fc RAMSAY WATERS, IB force :m other* the escort of the Oencral-in-«hief, the subject) ing according to the act* of Aii*mt>ly ** mad 56 prise* of iroca,) marched from San Juan the begin- duubt ex'nti, the pritoner ought to have' the ami jirottdeil in cue t of cnnvtyaocrt from 56 jirites of 30 ____J^_____^*«-Cur. Csrl. the diieate. beneftt of it; another juttifiei the lenience. PiTTiauafli l>g of April. Th*y art to form a corps of nona^iWent grantor*, and in tne ei*c*tlon 1158 pruesof 90 Farmer?Bank of Maryland, l*erve. . ' Tue affair, however, remained undecided. by reaio rtof the Beard * thereof I* otherwise defective, t,240 prizes of 8 iBthe9thinit.)tkrc«« I It > taid that th* right diviiion, under the whereuf the coratliinanl i* not vetted with th Annipoli., June I9lh 1835. Nnund of Aldao, ImJ penetrated perfect legal.titate ia th* premiiej. The bil 5,400 pritcn of 4 |"N compliance with the Charter ot Ihe Par- Ukrn |aca. >to Ui« cirap of the Cacique Yamide'trui.and OBXTTJAAT. alioatatei, Ihit thi drfeudaata rctide out o QLtnert' Biok of MsrylaodK *nd with a supple­ ment thereto eclabliihing a Branch (hereof at nth of June tken J-Ukin the families and booty which the In- ^.^_, ,r.J..JU ,»phobia.on Friday the 28th of I lie Stal* of Maryland, 8,040 Prizes, ai had taade in thtir last incursion iu th* June. AH**, dauehter of Robert Mitchell, of (t ii thereupou ordered, that tho complain Frederick Town, Notice it bertuygiveA In the cholera' stockholder* on the Wtitero Shurr. ihat in*- «%* //«. We W Jiace of Curdova. • St. Jouo's Jfrck, in Kent county, Del. in the ant by causing a copy of lliii ordir to b* in TiekHt 81 . r»« left diviiion, under the order* of Oen. 10th year.Jf her age, The family never sui, serleo, once in esch of llireeiucceniv* week*, Uction will be held at the Banking H;«M in reel from Unelb the city of Annapolis, on Ib* Brit Mnn-.'ar in it not having beta ; wai, on the 2d ln*.t., at Sauce Chita, pecte'd tbe nature of her disease, until the in loeae news paper, before the SOlh dsy u to be had at agues 8. E. of atahia Blanc*. morning ef the day upon which the. died, August next, give notice lo the ttid tb*«nl d Aunst nest, between Ib* buers of 10 o'clock tine through M W when, opoo being nsked by one of them if ihe Diidanlsof Ut« substance and object of th* bil A.IB. and S o'clock P. M. far ihe. purpose of o/ re.pectab replied, Uf they may be warned to appear in th choosing from snon^tl lh* (tockkolden Mleen Uth_We received y.aUrday, by tlie had not been bitten by a dog, v LOTTBRT AND EXCHANGE OPFICE, Bank at Anniuulit; and nipo nd who e*ja* journals Ahaihat'the had ourt in person, or b/ a solicitor, en or befo Director* for the Aguila Secnndi, Montevideo that ih* hid not been bitten, but (OrroiiTB TH» Pear Bank st f r«d*riek « to M«rfr*« ' Mth i-tt. the object of the Pretident'* allowed a little dog. -*>icH had subsequently je 13th day ul December nexl,(io shew caui July 18. Dlroetor* for Ib*'Branch enaioing in the Town. i, uot more ' *J» * "«y to tho .-fontlers, leemt to run ofT aod been killed a* mad, to lick a imsll ' any they hav*. wby a d*wta"skould not ' Moo Uly iccumpUibedj and tho*a who sore, produced by a scratch, npon her heel. pasted at pratttl, • A CARD. Byy ordtaerdta, had Ixen « THEundirtianed hat Mverat 1100 +3L*. - arm* tgiiail hia authority, are^ a* f«r Medical aid wa* then reported to for Uio first TrM COM^ ; Tttl, Wf ' R ibelbyville. go, com . dow«»» at

    '**•» -

    ...M? « *g *.. -^r * te ««f nliM tpfa to |M*TI UkrWl V fr. JOM rf * o-t oWp fmvtrt, k*d tk Ukk mpM ttk. «0icr*ik« ,i-r*- attmptod Vdl by tfeMM.-** M ttilk M thlir m XcWdlof gnkt re- fcto WtJ, tarf dw taO mlctri^s. Cikd tto MlMtof teMWM UM* are fro* th« •"• ******. •** >««t«f If Mch u* th. cVkketltiee, kkd the Acovr Ttoi flt7bU*ti*f> MnofUrarfVtkit)*. Wmtr«.a»4*H» id- ,1W drtiet, the fcMlJvee, k»4 ktktkV TW kre «e drweeat t» her lather, <* . Adkir, of Ky. Ikte m M y b« M bMf h«ri«l fn* _-_ tTtettWn wtoftra ireTtbror free. gtmo into the CM OwtaiHH «f that Mat*, kod ( prnent k Ma­ kk wciii*. Mr. Btr»o«f ttM 4mriu tkt that ttuM Md trait, h«w intperiooi the* the beck. She wu kd ker oi Dohgrttt. obUfktiM aeon every enlightened citrus who er to er where the remained ____ /vThk* fUtod IkttY keeo»M»ie» H»w hktbknd, teeod cwmbct betwixt tfce ud UM bkll to ktkkk bit ktfcapt to a trik tint Uy know* and locli the valae of tack men to kid owns than kU the negree* wki klfklfl the pJantk it wu ucertkined thkt the had '4* H*k Jeeepb M. White, of Ftorfak,.on a near him, blown downby tHe indjknd walk­ them, to cheer then, and to honour them. tiooo_____ of Ihe whole___._... tlavo tUtet. A tingle far- Wave, ud embarked OM Ve/tM to Kerepe, for tbe ben«tt of her Bet let aa not be content with barren boo- m«r*t boy, hardy and with an t&ifeilih educa for the eait, having left, ( Midi The betl wiihee ami oanieit pray- ed e*t oo one of the horiton likabk k law feet from tbe. ground he wtt obliged tbto itand oer to boned merit. Let at prove oar grtti-. tien will bring More to pete, more into exitt- coQottrul ucurUy, k fine on of *. wide circle of frimd* kcfemneni oa the limb. It wa* to low, thkfc if he had tade to the dead by faithfelly endeavouring to enct, than thirty t|tv«o on k cotton or rice boy, about one month ttraddled it, the ball coeld have reached him. elevate the action, to enltrge the ktefelneee, plantation. I tm not certain that he will not U doing we}l, hat already tkli Far »«B talk**, tad of my birth! The ball ran to and fro under him* whiUt and to raiie the character of the SchoolnwU- do at moch labour at k dozen (nd then he friendi in bit behalf, and wilt, a* a**k^ TVMf> I tear* tbf« to wander afar. tor amoogit ut. Thaa thalfwe beat lettlfy hat bit wit*, knd hit adacation to kid hit of thete day* be tofficiently able t* ^ Then art dwrrr to «* Ikaa tk* reat of tk* earth he wa* fearfully balanced on k thaking Aye! dear a* my owe natal alarr, limb, knowing that intrant death kwaited hi* oar gratitude, to the tef chert and gaide* of band*. for the deficit ocektiooW ry the iae« AarfIkontfc I trmald ae* tkee MI,'oven for > can (all. or own youth, that beat terve oar coantry, The Cineinnktitni are forming the nnclew oet exit of kit unnatural mother, at < | (hall ihink of tke* alway*i and often in Kara. Pretence of mind !* the Itit thing k pod and thai molt effectoklly difftue over oar land of a literary circle, promiiiog, by knd by, the female might be that wa* ie Farewell lo th**! land of my *ir«! hauler lotcti and Mr. Strong in hi* periioai light, and troth, and virtue.* to make thu the Atheni of the Wett Thej inch k ttep. DeJrot- f_>ttrur. Abo-1* of the brevr and the free, litaitino, managed tort-load hitgan, and fir­ are now draggling to tranifer the teat of It- II «f rr nua ch*ri«h'd a patriot 1. Rr* A GALLANT EXPLOIT. « firary empire acrota the mountain*, and to And voi-hippcd hilcoqoltjr '! « kti ing down en the ball, w he patted unrler, OW»w emitd I p*n frwn h» lov'd I»VM« (hare, . broke hit back net r hit hip*. Tbia abet Napoleon'* famoat expedition into Italy enthrone Apollo and the Mete* on the bank* ' '.JTAGB brought hit hinder parte to the ground; bat wat laid oat with actual reference to tlie ac- of the Ohio. Bat Botton end Philadelphia Early yesterday morning the ttagi If I fmnckd hi* arma would^enMd me no more. ... _...... , ___. .._ ?,__.: hu we*l aewwof my molber! larewell! he propped up hit fore part* by planting toil exittence of a toramunication between are too itrong for them. That public it an ing to thie Botton a;.d Albany liac _ At Hit I rrcallr.l lUee *ilh pride fore feet before him, and held op hit hhead Prance and Lombardy by the Simplon, and'old public k reading matured body with thia place, wat overact ind broken U { A* ffariMch fond thought, on my meerary IV*!!, fiercely at hi* dtstrjver, roaring with rage in May, 1800, General Betheneeart tet oat, tociety formed farm cultivated and hence in Eadbaro, There were fi That atlrnncffchoik. with their ti lady, had . _ If Ibe UmtfU of htr only tbut thrill* Uiroagfa my head, and the dying bull dropped hia awful eight niece* of cannon, to teek a new route think. Not *o with Ohio at yet, even with broken, and tome of the ether* were iaji heart, CouU I M* her one* mor* ibould I ever depart. front to the earth. over the Alp*. The adventurer* of thit for­ her million of toule. Her aettlertkre hardly though not teverely. The driver wui*h Bright « * > of my childhood! adieu/ "And now Ihe hurly burly'* don*. lorn hope of the Simplon are detailed by Dit- at home yet. There i* now an abundance of hart that mother took hit pljcr, bet WJ Uweel hiunU of my btlf open'd mind. And Ih* battle loM *nd man." jon»il, accood in command of the expedition, wildtrnei* aronnd. There It qeite excitement able to "ride to thit town, and ii not And ye .port.' Lo«« ino Youth, conwcraled by you, . Mr. Strong next called hit cowardly com­ m a deipatch to Berttiier, and never wat a^ enough and book enough here in the battle, live of terioai injury, The ara.Vi uli! now aKall I le*v* you b«hind' panion*, who were ttill afraid to come near itory more French or more interetting. At the change, the novelty of every thing about ed inconaeqaence of the breaking*, To pirt ihui with brother. frooi *i*«cn 'ran one place in the midit of the mountaint, they one to give the leiture necettary for a literary the reini of the leader*. The team a*t| friendi the ball | but having aatiified themtelvea that Ii ihrrc aught iipoa earth th*t can male me amend*' he had aank to that deep aleep that know* no found that the rude bridge over which they I public ander control of the driver, tamed tt< c. New fork, 70. June, 18J3. waking, they begin to handle and admire had to pe«a had (pen iwept away by an ava-1 There it,, however, Bach talent and grrtt M far oat of the road, u to ran it of u In* curly head and pninleii hornt, which a lanche. The chatm wai tixty feet broad, with ' ambition- «-=«^- And enterprtte in Cincinnati. Judge bridge, when it apeet, knd wat From flu Sporting Magmrint. few minute* before, they feared to look anon. perpendiculir lidet, and a torrent roaring at Hall't magizioe, it 1 km told, taeceeding piecet inttantaneoukly. BULL-HUNTING IN \\ASHITAW. 8. II. the bottom; but Gen. Berthencoart only re well. Some book pabliihing i* done here, r Perry Point, Mitt. Dec. 8, 183*. mlrked to the men that they were ordered to which will probably increate vvery year, now An attempt to rob the Wathiegn* jj Mr. Editor, The wild ball inhibit* the THE SCHOOLMASTER. *v crot*, and crote they matt. A rolunteer it i* began. There i* in tociety alto that thirtt ttage, on itt way to Baltimore, wu atfe foreit of Wa»hit*w, which lie* on the In the volume of Discourses by G. C. Ver- opeedily pretcnted himielf, who, clambering for knowledge which when there it time from Tuetdar evening Utt When sM tide of the Mia»inippi river, extendjn plinck, just published, i« one occationed by to th* bottom of the precipice, eyed delibe-, the accumulation of tufficient property, and a miles tbia tide of Wathingtoo, th« the territory of Arkans.ii into the the I'eatli of I). II. Barnea, a diatinniihed rately the gloomy gulf before him. In vain distribution of occupation*, wilt and malt ta­ felt k tndden cant of the tUge, whick i 1-oniiiana three hundred mile* in te.icher of youth in the city of New 'York. the "angry tpirit of the watert ihriekfd;" for li »fy itaclf. ed him to think all wat not right) IM Crnm north to loath, and one hundred mile* in The conclusion it a jutt aod appropriate en- the veteran » mountaineer^ perhape, him- Cincinnati, I have omitted to lay earlier dtktely itopped, and upon examination L width, from e*«t to wetL The wild tract o.' coniiam on the profession of which be wa* a elf taw thit the foundation* of the bridge, than thia, it 'watered* from the Ohio at Phila­ that the itmp. of the boot behind bri I the hunter, and no other, ttrike* the Wa*hi- member. -Jllbany Jirgut. w,hich were nothing more than holei in the delphia it, from tlie Schaylkill. The water cat, for the purpote of obtkiaing Uw river In the middle of thi* primeval for­ At the recent general election in thit State, bed of the torrent to receive the extremitiei fro m the Ohio it drawn op by iteam, forcin g _the passenger's trunks, Ac. The boot, k eit, flowing in Military grandeur from it* the vote* of above three hundred thousand of th* pole*, which had lupported a trtnverte up into k roervoir, from whence front k hilll 'ever, containing nothing but a few or luarce. abate the Hot Spring*, in Arkansas, perioni were taken. In thirty year* the great pole above, were alill lell, not many feet un­ it rant into all parta of the city. Thit wa­ bag*, two of which fell off and wera i to it* rooatli at Black river, into the ilite of majority of thete wil'. have pane.I awav; their der the inrface-'-'lle called to hi* compani­ ter when ,iced, at it aioally it, it delicioui, rably cut, No person wtt teen by Iked Loaitiana. right« will be e:ercited, and their dutie* *« on* to faaten the fend of k cord to the preci­ or in the morning when it ha* been under the night being very dark. Pat. The wild ball of the wood* ii never to be turned by thoie very children, who** mind* pice above, and fling down the reat of the ground, it it more thu patuble even with­ teen in the field* or prairie*. Hi* progenitor*, art now open to receive their earlieit and coil to him. With thi* burden on hi* thouhf- out ice. Ttcenty four Tktutend Old for teveral generation*, if not for, have m'i»t durable impression* from the ten thou- ert, he then ttepped boldly, bat caatioatly, tppean by the correct tchtdnle of (hi been bred in the forest Unlike the time tanil ichoolma*tert of thit Slate. into the water, fixing hit lep in the f innda- PROGNOSTICS OP THE WEATHBft. cental of the United States, that U I bull*, they are of a deep black colour, and What elit it there in the whole of our 10- tion hole* of the bridge. At he tank deeper Red cloudi in the wett, kt in mat, etpeci lection of the country, except Hew 1 the cow* general)r a dark iron grey. Thi* cial *ytlem of turh exttntive and powirful and deeper in hit progreit through the roanng ally when they have k tint of panic, portend the free mtlea oat number the fit* fact makea tome of the hunter* think that they operation nn the national character? Itiere il .ream, bending up againit the current, teem­ fine weather. The rekton it that the air, The exeeii 6f free female* otrfi have not deicended from the itnck of the tanir one other influence more powerful, and but ing to grapple with it a* a human enemy, it when dry, refracti more red or heat making male* in Ne* Eozland, -J4.638. Istml bull, but are i diitant variety of the lame one. It i< that of tlie Mothtr. The form* of, may be imagined that tlie ipectacle waa view­ raya; anil u the dry air it not perfectly tram- free matte in the Middle Hlates 5S&II species. It it not my object to itltle, but a free government, the proviilont of wite le ed with intenM-intercit by hi* comrade* a- parent, they are again reflecting in tne hori­ Southern Slates, 10,336) Ditto in***] merely to leggett trrii doelit. Perhap* wild gitlation, the ichetnet of the ttate*mar : the bove. Sometime* the bole* were far apart, zon. A cupper or yellow aanaet generally ern States 181,027, Ditto in the Dotndu animal* when dumeiticatid, aatume a Variety acnficet of the patriot, are at nothing com and itriding from one to the other, it teemed foretell* rain, but a* indication of wet weath­ Territoriet, 8,972-mnking an eictudet of colour*, which they have not in a (late of pared with thete. If the future cit'vzent of a miracle that hawtt not awept awayj lome- er approaching, nothing it more certain than over femalet (in the Middle, BoaUKrt,Wri nature.* Colour makra the only perceptible our republic are to be worthy of their rich in­ limea they were too ihallow to afford suffi­ the halo around the moon, which U produced ern and South We*tern State*, Disti^a difference betwixt them and the tame bull, «x heritance, ther mutt be made *o principally cient purchase, and at ha stood iwiying aqd bv the precipitated water) and the larger the Territories) of 196,175 and in la* rrpt what it produce* by their wild habits. through the virtue and intelligence of their tottering for a moment,oment, aatmothtred cry barat circle the nearer the cloadt, and eonteqaeut- United Statet of 171,4.8. In Nee ' Ther are almott a* thy and fleet a* the deer, Mother*. It it in the tchool of maternal ten- from Uie heert* of the ipectatort, converted ly the more ready to fait. When the twal- the free nvalet exceeded the fair tax by I and nave bottom In itand a long chaie, and dcrne** tint the kind affection* mutt be firtl into a shout ol triumph and applause,' as he lowi flv high, fine weather i* to be expected 806: in Ohio, by 51,068: ID Ptfln»yl»ana| when overtaken defend themielvei by fight routed and made habitual thn early icnli- suddenly iprung forward another ttep, jjkng- or continued) bat when they fly low and cloie 30,5>fl) and in Kentucky by 10,856. ing the hunter* and d»gt. The dog* by ttiem- menl of piety awakened and rightly directed ed hit body into a deeper crevice, and remain­ to the ground, rain it almoit in rely approach­ Mtiaachotetti the females exceeded thu t.lvM are nevrr a match fokthe bull, and »el- —the if me of duty and moral responsibility ed iteady. Sometimet th* holet were too ing. Th'u it explained at followa: Swallowi by 14,313: in N. Hampthire by ( dom attack, but hnld him aLoay until the liun infolded ind enlightened. But next in rank deep, a ttill greater danger^ knd otree or purtua the Diet and gnaU, and diet and guatt Connecticut by 3,136) and In Wwde ter *hoota him. Thit tpor&i dangeroui, for and in efficacy to that pure and holy tource twice there waa nothing vinble of the adven­ delight in warm itrata of air) and M warmer by 3,431. if a hunter wound* the bull\r hlk rifle »!* ol moral influence i* that of th* Schoolmai- turer above the turface bat hi* arm* and head, air it lighter, and usually moitter, than cold et fire, the bull ruihe* at him. and the dofc* ter. It i* powerful already. What would it hit wild eye. glaring like thote of a water de­ air, when the moisture bciug thrown down SINGULAR'WEDDING. that attempt to arrett bin are ictttered and be if in every one of thoae achool district* mon araidtt the spray, and hi* teeth icen firm- from them by the mixture of cold air) bat A curioa* wedding took place frequently killed itliicli we nnw count by annually increasing IT clenched through the drippingig and di*or- I when the warm and moitt air ii clote (o the Taxley, in Suffolk. It alt/acted tke itt The manner of hunting the wild bull can­ thouunda, there wcrr U be found one teVch- ilerly muitachio. The wind, in ththe meantime, ground it ia almott certain that it the cold ante of more than 500 pertont. Tne k not be better explaiued thnn by itating the er well informed without pedantry, religioni increated evei*f moment, at it iwept, moaning air flow* down into it, a depoiition of water m wai John Wood*, i Ud of If, tMt particular* r.f a hunt that tnok place near the without bigotry or fanaticitm, proud and fund through the cavern; whenever it I truck tne will take pUce. Edin. tftuPHiL Jour. C* a blind old woman, who hul b«n" Wathitaw river. At innriae in the month of of hit profettion, and honoured in the dil- water, tbe black water rote with a bunt and than 30 Te*r» in that liloitioo. Tk« i November, 1830, Mr. Strong itarted on a charge of iu dutie*? How wide woald he the t shriek. The tpirit of human daring at Iktt From tkt Dttawtrt Oczrtte, ceremony wu lucceediii by a merry p"*' hunt in the fared with three companion*, nei­ intellectual, tbe moral influence ol aech a bo­ conquered, and the toldier itood panting on the btllt,and a large band of rough anw.n «' bull at bay. ^Th« hunter* then demounted, precariout. He may indeed be, and he ought The terror of the Austrian post may be con­ and waa alarmed at finding it drenched with wl__.1 « - I ! -. 1 . Y. . . r 1 medial* payment, and tho«a haviaj'"' " and leafing their lionet in charge of one per- to be, animated by the coniciouine** of doing ceived, when they taw k thousand men raid­ blood, He immadiatal^r atarted forI home, the inn, the reit proceeded to the ipol un foot. ing down upon them from the Alp* by patu- blood fromfrom hit leg continuing to incrtate,i and rains! said ealates are disireU " good, that bett of all coniolationa, that no- lor icltlement. NVhen they came up they taw the bull facing blett of all MOtivei. But that too mutt be of­ gei which uatnre henelf had fortified with after hit arrival -proceeded To try vario'aa re GKUROE MORTON, AdaitUlrtl*-. the dog*, with a cover of green briar* in hi* ten clueded by doubt and uncerUintv. Ob- eeoiiogly inacceuible ramparts! The tamoa* mediet for ttopping it, without effect.. After rear. The timid companion* of Mr. Strong, icure and ioglorioot at hit daily occupation battle of Marengo took place immediately af­ trying almott every remedy without aacceti, Jalyl|.-» quailingng at the fierce looka and may appear tolearued pride or worldly ambi­ ter; and the construction of the military road and detpeirine qf ttopping the blood, with hornt of Die bull, could not be on tion, yet to be truhr luccettful and happy, ht of the Simplon aliortened the distance from the lo** of which hit ilrenglh waa fait watt­ lo approach within point-blank iho f Ihe en- mu*tbe animated oy the tpiril of the time Parti to Milan by nearly fifty leaguet. ing away tool wat applied, and, to the tar- N applicalion lo Ilia wbtcr^bef, i» raged beast- Mr. Strong proceeded alone, great principle* which inipired the mott illu*- pnte of every one, the bleeding wit itopped O Orpluni Cuart of Anne-Arundcl en keeping a tree betwixt him and the bell, and almoit instantly. Aud what ia itlll more sin­ tillun In vriiinf, uf Willum Wilbfnu". trinu* benefactor* of mankind. If he bring from tht cofTtipondent of tht Portland Daily . nindel county, lUI'mf that be U fto« >" - .* discharged hit rifle at his head. The gun tu hit U»k high talent and rich acquirement, Advrtti'tr. gular, the pain, which wai very tevere, al­ «nen*nt..ndpniyinr for Ih* bencll of lk»<"" hung fire, and the bull pawing the ground, and he mn«t be content to look into dit tan t yeart THINGS IN CINCINNATI. mott at toyi abattd, and be it now in k fair AM*mbly of Maryland. talrtM. *\* throwing down bis heid at the instant the gun for the pruof that hi* labour* have not been Mty 13. It it interesting topi about thU wky to recover. ,' Ib* rajief of nndry inauUcnl d«klor*. ttmtt * we'it off, the ball passed over it aud wounded watted) ^lil tl>0 8°°^ '"^ which he daily city with k fntnd who hat keen almoat evtry ctinWr *mton 1KO5, ud th Ihertlo, on lb« Itrroa Uiercio him in the neck. tcatter* abroad doei not (all on atony ground houte grown up, and hear hi* ttory of tbe BATHING. The bull, who kept hit eyet fixed oh Mr. hi* property, *».d • ll»« o/ Mt cre«liion, and wittier tray, or among thorna^o be chok­ rite and proarcti of thit ttreet and that, The advantages of thit luxury, we are per­ *o &r u be on >K«ntin th* , b«u>( Strong all the time ne approached, kt if ex­ ed by the caret, the delutiona or we vice* of thi* block ef building* and that the price of suaded, are not generally appreciated. Noth- hii p.nli.n, and Ihe uid WUli.m WiU<|W<« pecting k talate from hit ran, kt 'loen kt he the world. (If muit aolice hit toil* with Ilia thi* property in 1816 and the price of it now. '»~" C».B be more refnsh'ing at this season than d me by ro«neiVJ contempt of hi* own time* to regard himielf Cincinkkti la regularly laid «*.'s tytum, elaittclty to th* tpiritt, promote* per- «'nJ *c» prtwribcj tor .h« dclitetiAg up art """ him and their matter, aa if th*y had been a a* aowiiig the teedt of trath for posterity and ttreeti nearly parallel to the riv<- r erotted at iwarm of flirt. Mr. Strong called in Vain ipiration, aud consequently revive* from iau- and given iufllcicnt KCurily for hit pr.K"" the care of Heaven. He mutt arm himtelf right anglea by yet other it.e^u, named at goer and debility. Due atUotio* to cteanli- no. alth* oounly court of Aunc.Arundel npon hit companion* to fire. They were too again*tt diiappoiintment and mortlflcativn with in Pbil.delpfcia, flrai, HQon.., third, &c. The neaa, to .keeping the pore* open, are put' nivertucb iiitcmi(alaru>«od allrp1 '01 . far off, knd would have been afraid to de it-if a portionion of tnat tamt noble confidence which quay, a boat landing, is ptved to the wateHa nud* i|thul him, and Kjtiof ppoinlfJ J'^ they had been nearer, knowing that the bull down among tbe beat preventive* afkinil Icrhli Iruitcr, >lm b» given boeJ "' ~ toothed the greatett ol modern poet* when edge a ipacir*Ai* area of immenio value, long the di*ea»e* of the teaaon. BetSaet Dr. Wet- eri.eil from tald Wlllnra Wlllifnun a (way* tarn* upon th* Ittt gun that it dit- weighed down by care aod danger, and pover­ conleited, but now aetlled a* belonging to the charged. In the mean time tome of the dog* ley afflrmi that, "'cleanliness it God- o.| powexlon of all hi. pnipenjr re>l, ty, old agt., and Minduei*, still oit». laart3 psjre. eopv of ikli order to kejntened In •°mt ficulty knew when their land* ii thein or "K'en from tlie body's parity, the mind publith.d In Ann* AraVMel counlr. OIK< . *' wore on the ground, at the »am* diitance TO- He must knew and ht matt love to. teach when it belong* to tome other perioni, Receive* a secret, sympathetic aid." lag ap and down like tbe bell* of a Juggler. Ihr. raonthi, tnfbr* tti* fouril> Uu'"l*f '" lua pupil*, not the meagre elemcnti'of knowl­ Cincinnati ia full of manufactorift-not 'the There kiw certain rules it ik well to ob- " at, lo app«w b»IW* (k* aald cuunlji <*«n The uogt were loon teat tend, and belore Mr. edge, but the Mcrot and the ate of their own Birmingham of Ihe wett,' like Pitttburg, bat «.ur» KOUM of mid eovnty. at *» ",e Itrong coeld re-load tke piece 'the enraged ferve ia bathing. , Never bath directly after Intellectuil itrength, ettitiag ami eoablinr yet it* manufactories are important. I knew a, meal nor on we contrary when the itoraach formooon of thai 4ur. for lb* p»rp«t ' ball wai upon him) but he evaded hia horoi them hereafter to raiie for theiuelvea the veil net hew many aleam Mill* there are, bat there, lMrkMM«f.^*d U (J kevertl times by dodging behind tbe tree. it empty. The beat time for the cnU bath it any they hav*. «hy tin laid WllUaaa Win which coven the mtjeatic form or Truth. He are many at one can tee from the train of early In the mornhiA or late at evening: an fat h*T* th* bf rnfll of Ike *aW *« wl While Mr. rlthmg and tht YW were thai mutt feel deeply the reverence duo to the imoki. There are cotton factoriea, tUam' hoar er two before dinner, for ti>4 wara^eth, i»H» doubt of h. Mill will th«jr)pi beiof Uft lo yoqthfal mind fraught with mighty though.un- engine ftctoriit.floor millitaw, mill*, brewl* which ii at thit aeaton andenlaWj-Uh* ntat- d«y of >*«r.M.V. In ih*ih. ynr vf. uur Lora developed energiet and affections and myi- «^i ml .hi.1j.ikr**. br»«J In iumstrio«*d nature, beyond th* eare and enet,kc. I went into type a foundryounry inwbleb/ ett laxory. It U *mpl*T«d In warm' lalittdet oipeo eeetrol of ratn, mum* uniform calourf terioat and ftynal dei(tniit. Thence he muit type* are picked out of Ula mV)ted le»d, u In prel'eronco to inj otfier» ffw«rk '•"" 0 .•f-'. .^-..-.VX' ^jStL'J'S!* , JULY t5, 1888. NO.**. SIB WAWER SC50TTS A NJJW, CHEAP A^DVOPULAB TttJE JOURNAL ,. D. PLFTJE WORKS. - ' ' ' 'or ' . . '. . late eetefal B00« SPLKNblD, compfeleand uniform set of BELLES LETTBE8. " UM wiNjks of tin* celebrated writer ever JAMBS P. BftfOi., )liahed,i together with a biography df hia SF1LECT OlRiTIiATINCe A XKx.f Aif9 tTHIKIKO OII41tACT.I.i «%DAkD T0 IBM. - > • ft, Uis correspondence and miictll»neoo» WALDIE'S ^' ' writings oexer yetpubliahed in tbiscoanliy. I* CIRCULATING IJBRART. ' OP ANNAPOLIO. al»iut.)o be Issued tu numbers by Metirs, Con- rTltie atrikinf features of ihli perjoilic*! are, that IIK Prnprielur uf this wurk, aniiuus 10 gra­ A BY LAW te ajrwrifie for the OrenHntiMg oeriiul Cooke. of New York. The. whole - book* are published iu it In n form which alloen T tify his readere Inaagrell an extent as hia and Paving North Bast and HeaoteretrexU. wurk will be compriaed in -IB numbers) .eacli f their bains; carried liy mail, ami il n r*»« eo rea- mesns will allow, renpectfully iiinoincen to lhe Paa«e«l Jeoe ID, IS99k aonabl*. Hut «t*ry iMcriber« community can procure ibem. Tba publiahtr re> lisa, entitled, The , > re,., i, caifei from UnjUnil ill the new baokl of n\*riliaml received has enabled him lo add e it«w feature ** Rtctrrder. ^/uVrlaun eaid Common Ooworr/, t the unprecedented l« priming office will adnil, and furwarded by owU. inj; three tu four pages of additional new mil' and directed, as soon ai may be pricticaMe, ii> wcu »«Mrt* wilt. obirr»i» *' auld, even at auction. , t carefully packed M aa In Carry lo tbe aaott d'utMil irr, will be given every week ai an accompa­ cause such parts of North Kajt and Uastever Person* owning part of (lit works will be fur- puat offlc* in the Union, nnlr-jored. EIGHT TO tKH' Thi* perialical commenced in October, with the niment lo the Circulating Library, and will street*, as in their diuretroo may beeteet con­ pikheil a sufficient number uf Inese, if wished, popular novel of XValdiUln, ortha^wedei in Prague, contain: venient to the property holders laj eaM itreeU, U in4ke ilium complete. i dep-nnxnu of N.inr.1 UMtorjr. each wbicli cott In London ii» dotlani il II contained en- I. Karly reprinta of Ihe reviews and notices tu be properly graduated, to *t aod eeeaMish 'CoiiMilerinj the Inw price it which Ihe work llrw an two nuaabera and half of tbo CircuUlina; Li­ , et/'ii rnm four lo leu Julinet lignrc», of new b»ik.», from the w/eekly and monthly the breadth of tbe foolwajs, and te caeae aUrii frwa JUlo l*j gfiirci In <«cli number. Willi Is furniahH, and the ineana that have been tsk brary, conmj Hib«erib«n leu than twenlt-fi»a cent*. atonea lo be laid on the outside thereof. .' periodical pressuf London, Sic. Fhese review* en lu enatiB) utmost every family to be furuiah- I'l.U wu iuccaed« tlia Uemoire of U»»ll« will Ue cerefully aelected with reference both Jind tt it titMitktd and oraWaMa! et/Me ew< ed with them, ("which will be explained lo any which ctwt the publiahcr to import eight tlollanit Ihorlty s - wu Irkewiie containet] in the aamo ipace and *l the 'o imparting correct information respecting ffortuU, That the MM ef ive rea* ,rj . ^ one,) the attbacriber hopes to receive a liberal aamepriew. The liitb number' commence* llie'lra. such new bouki ae are reprinted in America, dred dollars U hereby eppropriated for that . 9- ZbO* -share- of patronage. ell of air. Vi([ne, eoetlnf in Ixiodon its dollat snd to eonvey literary intelligence in regard to purpose, to be Mid by tbe Treasurer te tke ot> «id Specimens uf the work can be teen at tlie will be printed entire in the "Library" foe at mo. worka which i airly fltd their war across the der of a majority of the said cofaeaisaioiiere,, thirty ceata! I hia enumeration of pricei tli* pub JIU1A, Lucaa. 110. Ball more Allsntic. As great exerliuni will be used to out of any unappropriated funds of lhe Corpo­ A- street, and tt K. J. Cnale and C". Calvert it reel, er tru«la, with Ihe facility of trajatporution bjr m>i ration. Mti, III ba wflciant tu induce Ibo-e who receive this wake ihia deparlmeul instructive and enter­ iibposite Barnuni's Hiltel. 'fue endersjgned taining, the ICITACtA, pro*p«clui, lo OM *O*M eiertioe 10 eilend Ihe circu- proprietor ii confident that it will 11. GcoLoor, cm be seen every day^frnm 9 lu 3 O'clock, at lalldn of the work in llirir reapeclii* nei(hb«uf. b« coniiileicd an important adtliiioo, by meana lAorily o/er*»aid, That it shall be live tloiy «f (CTt, bis residence, Barnom** Hotel. hood*, ai, if encouraged -hereafter aa he !>* 10 fa of which his Burueiuus sub»cribers will fre­ each and every proprietor of a tut or pert of ' B2UJ, tt. K. MOULTON. been, il is his inlealion lo lajr before the America quently, avoid the expense of purchasing aech lot (rooting en tatd streets, to cause th« foot­ pbu ( piper, and with the eajBe accuracy novels, and in fact present a bird's eye view en, or a majority of them, ehall forfeit aaat klimitio uni'otded, anil the ihvnaend c.harma auiubers ire already published each sebscri- aabook »T«k. tt will form two lolumeiof 416pa(ri of new publications, early diffused through ike pay Ihe lorn of twenty dollars foi every week a Miure 10 her votary yields'* by Ike power of each, well worthy of preservation fur reference, and thereafter that tlie saane may remain tinpav- ,10. ilic pencil, and tb* preu. will l>« Unl beforw ber will tberefore pay 81 50 on subscribing. a valuable dtt^A lo every punlic and prif ate libra­ Uoiun, by means of the facilitiea if mail trans­ 7 e of Ibe InuUigtnt admirer of the great workj the balance on each number as delivered. All ry. The peaaJeeav (tell coeatdeut in atating, lha.1 Ihe portation. *d. ef O. CLAUDE, Haver. . Divine Architect. No collection of inrravinga communications to the ondiraigned to be post entire il iwiaben, when bouod. will **ll for move The London Literary Qazelte will be called July I8-3W.7J; ______' I .ilu.blr. we may, confidently promt**, c*o lur paid. H.K.M. thai) Ihe uibecriptlon price, a* after i few more num­ fnr this purpose, while the "Critical Notifca," yean ba uiTered to ike pubbo at M> cheap a ber* *rc iaaucd, no fiiore will be printed than will sup* ul the Lonilun Metropolitan, lhe MootUv, CIRCULAR. ' Uwo Ibtn one hnndred of iheae nn« engrav- pi/ actual p*>ing aubtcriben. ' New Monthly. Ihe Gentleman's, Blickwootl'*, rill bt giten annually) lo Ihe asan uf Kite, they UB CotnniMiQqer^ fur Anne-Anindrl Still fnnKer tu incrra** the racifiiici of wibacriNeri, TREASURY DBFARTMKNT, urniih lubjecll whicb be can admire from )rar lie publhjier haa idded mot her inducement for club* Tail's, Edinburgh, Kraser's. and other Maga count r will meet at llte Courtjllnuiei in r.ines, And CoMrmoLLaji'a Urnoai, jr. and pre* plea«or« lo hi* iri*nd*i.llM Tthe to join tojetuer in Ilieir ramltttnc*. Twentr Julian already regularly received by Ibe editor, I, *ad the Kudcnl in Natural Hiatory, ouy cunti. city of Annapolis, on L'KSnAY, the will be received in full fur the *ub*criullun of ftve in­ will be freely used. July Utb 1833.^ f refer to ihcoi on all wcwion* oiVJfoubii while third day uf September mil, fur the purjuir ul dividual*. Tlii* tleduction will pay all puatagc. 1 Varieties, embracing literary anecdotes, fht Jlgtnt for Paying.Ptnrimti * , renile portion c/aociety will becom* acquaint- receiving Ibe returns of (he Asieaiort under Thoan who dr%i(;n to pltronijo ibil now atxl popu­ new diacnteries in icience and Ihe art*, sketch­ "' J I ike inhabitant* ef the air, Ibe ocean, and Uw ihi! ict ot December* tesslqu 1838, rlujiler lar mod*- of publuhinir |nod book*, will oblige Ihe es of society anil manners abroad, literary and CIR: In order lo remove all an»eettc«p(Uww nptir can be learned only from map* or 139. flroijler. tibacriberhj futwinllnr their remitlaneeiu early a* learned lransacliona,nhorl nnticraofoewbuoka, ^ that may arise relative to tke 4th section |invtl|"rtie Book of Nature," witbW. taking _ J. COWMAN, Clk. practicable. A fi>c dollir mile drpuailcd in the pott Ptktr than IB* book-thai/ or Ibis cloact, »dl uu- oAeej will uipply (fxxl mUinf lu a firailjr ami circle and every species of information Interesting nf lhe 1st chapter of the inalrucitona iituetl > M Ike timimtled curimiliA of the wtola June«r. of acquaintance fura whole )e«r. lu lovers of Trading, with occasional speci­ from this Office lOlh June, 1833,1 bate thi.ueht The iacreateil lade for Ihb *tudr, which the Tlie xenileiruii wliu n^kea lire aeleciioni Toe Ihia mens of lhe humourous departments of the Koper to furnish the Agents with a funu for : Kate of Ulc year* evinced, induce! tbe pub- anne&ilittoel Countp, periodical, lu htcrtr/ lute and education, haa, from London press, which sre wilhm the bounds uf lhe Clerk'a certificate therein mentioned, which > lu bop* lor ciiciuiva patronage for a work, N epWicetion t» me lhe sabncnbrr, a joe iii, tituatiuti, f.cilKle* for knowing what it popular good tule, and are now published in nu ether i» to be filed by the Ageot, who will refer aecnuhlr involve* great eipenditurr, anrf lice If tlie Orphans Court, of taid county nd of high reputation poweued by few ( to ihia he thereto as often aa may be necessary tb ascer­ u'l cwabin* (real interest, accuracy 'ami ail ib* wbjecti veabrace i!i« whole raege of Na- muniiy. Tke publither therefore cunhdently rrcum- and in progress In Lunduit and America the magistrate namrd therein. Un such certi­ * ~* laiUe luiaiMiiiiity, fruit the erudilejiialuraliil to zette, where Sujatriptiont will be re­ Several applications having bren made to uly bt|inner fur roc one a book of reformer, and adjudged by mr, the! «e said Thoaiis C. lhe County and Stale aforesaid, do hereby cer­ I he all i aauner uf plculna; rtuJjr,-amusement Dona I ton, be dudurged frvn hiaconfteefaent, ceived. ascertain the manner in which Ihe urtjinal de­ tify that U a Justice of the ^-HlncllM. . anil that he by cauiing a copV of this order lo partment nf noticea of new books will be con Peace in and for sarld County, Julv commit- 4 eark i* not cut up with a view lu temporary be iiuerteJ in oneuf the nawfbtpen in Anna- ducted, we Iske the |.re*ent early opportunity sioned il AT the it^scribe-r ul 'il. Miry 's_cuunly aod qualified i that hre conimwaiou waa Ih"**e lu a aubacnntiuu uf IWQ year*. Vn about piilit, ones'a week lor three eukessif e monlb* nf italing that, at lent (hey shall must une dated on the day of IS , tad ltd a will bath ubmm front the OrpAana Court uf before the 4th Mondi/ioOctobtV neit. togivt T ' " " ~ noi.ocilly be-UNUOUOIIT. The pcesenla will expire on Ihe ilay ef 18 , M "*ft be >u compiled a* iu tw valuable as St. Mary's count' Maryland, tetters lea Hun uf a cnpy by Ihe publisher shall nnt be a |" tW pate* kaat. After thej term of iwo yean, notice to his cr^dlilor*, andHoaowrer aucli al- ind that his signature above written bgvnuiee. le^tions a< may be made againsuim by his tamenlary un raonal eslateiuf Julm passport lo praise, when the merits uf lhe work I be evtally enhanced,' tkui nuking Ihe ary'u coenly^leceasrd. Oiven ender my hand, asnftheeesl uft« llxtfcla of ilioac wwuiierar uuix foiw«rd credil'irs, ajaj^umplr witli lhe rlbuiiUea ef Peahf, late of du nut warrant it; lo tail our reader! miy be ft- s.1 of aakl County, this eUy ao ulctut'i and of this stale. All persona having c ' is ^glirttt the said de* at lured of two things: First bxxju iM" nut ef 18 . OlftKON WIVTB. ceased, are hereby wi ' to exhibit the saiue, be noticed the next day after they are received) CUrk. TERMS. with Ihe vouchee* then i took of Katun-," tu the eabecriber, and, secondly, they shall not be reviewed be­ Pul ULla CAMUHIUO AND at or before the 21st dayVf Mar next, they y axmfli, wilb from eight lo ten no* KASTON. fore they have bren rest). We hsve no royal N. B. EuTTovTof nipera throeghout the tf- 1 " "en number, iqnkinf abv»e lUUengravingi may otherwise by law tie excluded from all road tu puffing, anil will .'be the leu likely, nitetl Slatea will eo'ilT a faveer en the oame- ^ loluar, which will contain/rum «V* liuodrtnl . The Steam Boat MA beneRl nf said estate. UiveA^ioder my baud therefore, lu fell into ike err«r uf an unlucky HYhANI), cnuimencetl cstbe pensioner* of tne gereernj«ent by i laonund tepanlo flgvrei. Tbe price will bt this Illhday ot June 1863. \ wight, who, in his anxiety lo be the drat lo blow em the above io their rcspcclite papeiOi remitting berrnute.onTUKSDAY the ab ELLEN PE/KK, Kx'r. the -bellows uf criticiam. read the preface, only Juuly 13 '" ba eirtnlul to five cwple*. Ku aub*etit> i»e *«ek prevsaua le atib- NOTICE fur his critical acumen, had bevu omitted, while anne-anmoel Count?, ftc. ^ ifreeof noriaue,) (Cambridge by Castle Hives);) and Ksiton. and HIS is to :i«e notice, that e subscriber of lhe prefatory reference to them had been, by 4 ipplieation lo Ihe judgca of Anne Amabel f a.iMUK.1. C. ATRlXSON, Philadelphia. return front Ihe Kastecn SWore 6ei every Wed­ T Leonard I'nwn. Hair.t N r'a county. Ma* mistake, retained! This predusment was Cuualy court, by p«lH»n, in wtlliajr, of JeremU oaabKrlullon reo«lf ed for a alturter exrloJ nesday and Saterday, leaving Kaaton at 7 A. ryland.halli obtained from I Uruhans Court worse than that of the London editor, who afi Marrill, pn>iag tor lb« benefil pf the) act for M. by Castle Haven attd Annipulii. bfcr will uf y*iot Mary'a cuuniy, iu wyland, letter* criticised aome pasaagea of Cooku'a acting, and tbe lCti*f of lundry. Inaolaent debtor*, paawd at commence her ChesUrlown Trip tin Meoday. NeJVambet aeatlan lt»J, ind tka >«>eral aupBUaynl* of AdmintatrAliun on the rsunal ealale of found when lie roaa pent mnroiag, and his pa thereto, a aebedule of hi, urou«rt>, »pd a UaiO^ hia YM April, I eat ing Baltimore at G oUock, and Thoniei Maltipgly, lato uf (aim Mary's coun- per was all over London, that llie play had crediton. one«lh, ai fae a* he can axcriain them, return the same day, leaving I ft, deceakcd. All person hiving claim been postponed beinff anneied to nt« p*illk>n,*ft.l Ibe >al MY o'clock, calling at Corsica Merrill hi>ln( laiUflnl Ihe court by cuiJ. V. .' whAf, fas1 tbe Cen- gahiit t&*a«Hl deceased, hereby warned tu Per the rest, lime must develops oer course I" lent Ktti. . The^Htraiu boat MA- Ircville paseaen|ers. 'exhibit the aaa«. witli I uuchera Ikeieof, mony Ibil ho baa reakleil in ik< am* of Marylamt ,1 - .ftYLANU, will leave sod uur eaoabillliest in csara where Ihe anual iwu yaarfioMkadiauly nrtccdinf lb» lim» i^>- N. U. All befgage at tbe owners ilak: lo the Muecriber, at or e Ihe thirteenth court»«J*BT.the-irooVie nut eiUnded te this Baliitnore fur .Annapolis, Pjsaage to or from Bsaluo or Cambridge, day uf Mirch urif, (bey ir other wi*e by that b« » in actuAl . atwKMPMa.^ lor every buoday nmrniog, juuinal, rfnlike most of our coleetperariee, we dobtonly, and h*« ing gt< inf bond, witb aecuriir for ;:, Paaaage tu or from .Silalpoli*, 1.30 law beeicluded from all! fit of thusaiil ei- shall bey what Uxiks w» want, and give lesaeh bUapp annca to.-----<- anaweiaiteii alregao'ofii . ------aa luajr --be) atarliw^ U nute i/cluck l'*»»4j;o to Chealcrlitwn or Corsica, 2,00 tale.. > the l«vr(r ,ad UHgan's wharf, her usual kel>i'l>- 81. Childien under.U ournil, m»ke the present number but derlial I (u| parfurvMneeof hie treat, and the a*U JrrcrunU Ti ATTINOLY. I .Merrill bavi«( «»*»e4»d~a deed to the aaid uwter ol' • w «lci. Ji. B., Alt bauja^e June 17. 4w prchntn of It* future ptomise. July*. ' I' alt his property a«t efebu due and nwinr to turn, aixl a, .1 niun TOiu rvaivauiwn Ibe aaid truitew hethit; eefiified t hat we b k» -|>va>«s> CBBY. alon of the *a**e, tt i* Uurifoe*ordered and lidiud^o*), too UKJELY NBOCIQE^ 8lh Jily, 1833. thai Ibejaaid iinmu* Merrill >f djackarard frum hia connneaieW. aed that b.'by cwnwaaf a cop. ol tlua oV.both RDKBKO. That thi site of ll.e real es- lAN.A>VAY.frotnlh« firm .f Mr. Jokq vr . . . . . 'natV, I tale ul Juhn bkaw d, as mule and ^.0^;. ..J^tJ&i^^ reported by Thomas 8. rule'and 8ou>tr- M O«tat>*' a«j|t, gl»« nolle* w.hie *re4iter»«j ap. ville Pinkney. 'the trual be fetiQed MM) man oamtd, I Aruadel Cmjoyr «««? o»i>a)eifourth cnnflrmed, «uleu cau«o cnnlrary be I bey >hewu befure the Olh day pttmber neit, pruvided a, copy of lliia order ublished once m ca.c.h of tbtec sacoeisive before the 8tb u>r of A t oeift. ilt«m the Anni- olis dt»»p«i AIB; cu«ev.pic^i^ in .wrillng lei (o be. True &%* J can «t ill timea fn* «<*m,*. o)«»of »P*ett UieiMcv on/* bnr, for MMiiolbjftct* 4«Wg Ik* ensning yesr :' t %w*a |k«clt>co«nty ia the State, tho tf AM 0*t*j» br*«k<*JMtr Mltow* at hU fet." FoeoWStnwMftieMt least two quarts, te h* prefaced on or bsfbrs l«t 8«- ietttesowit. ln'u_ m . ICTWe are aatborited by the Manigor* catfsUate* being reqnirtd to preienl satitfac- My heart thrilled with rtpUre. white I tor.ry ttstisBunials.___.___.. ot-- good moral character. stood under the shady branches of this rene- tsnlaypf Jsse ' the btsjM of the IbAt \*\ .of tno."Vernale Benevolent Society of All- rable Best Eospberries, three qisrts, 3d 8*Ur- bichhsftob.blyf^Via J*1 Hallow** Parish," to ttate. that as n more snd of inperior abilities. This noble bene­ tree, and behold St. John's College fit which tlie Stale hss placed at the disposal tUnding w its beautifully .sloping eminence. day In J«or, was not known u be In kk i oitaojo {place than the one first contemplated far school-boy Bestdttsseberrict, tix tsrts, one pint wdu sioo-be hid converted into a saw. nM for koUlng the FAIR, has of the Board, will increase the nsnttxr of day* are looked Hack* to by*ll been obtained, that Beneficiaries at the college, to Jtoe/ily-nfna, with fondness. Oppressed with the caret of Best Cherries, four sorts, one quart he released himself from his chains, n ehsnee in the pltcc of holding it i* made. life, wo contratt our worn and harratted OK-; ash. these matters all arranged, wflW (V« They therefor*, ajve neUce U the who will thut be enabled to obuia a liberal ed­ public, tlia ucation without my charge for attendance ob ittenco with that sweet prUae free from ao»5e* Best Apricots, two sorts, half dox. of each, retired, dough took his candle, t«4htnij thronjh (no politeness a^d at the request o tf end fragrant with innocence. 1 approach­ Best Pear*, sit sort*, half dozen of each, way a portion of a window sill. ** * Mr. Solomon Sparrow, tie Fair will Lecture*, or. for instruction in the highest be held brtnches pf learning. Applications art to be ed it, and at I wandered round ill classic Best Foreign Grape*, fouf Sorts, tiro '- lien frame by which h«. torsi t his bouse, near Sooth \J«r Chnuk. walls, it called back th* swsetiiesi of the clutters of etch, _ opening of tix Persons working for titownir, ar^lvqeett- made to the tte >. H. UuxrHUTs, the Pretl- dent of the College. paaU sty memory stroggled through the mitt Betl Native Grape*, fuar sorts, two clni- ten, ihr«egh whkli lie c*c*o«d. ed to tend their contriknOoM toShe taid of many years I thought of each. before **T break, J"» placo on Monday prsvions to the holding of The friendt uf "in Marvlanct, of the many plea- have now the t*ti*fxr teeing St. John'* tint hour*, I had spent together'win?, dear Beat Plumb*, fjor sorts, ons'doz. of each, HittAfe deacisat to tht yard, «u tho sntnn, whore tko Committee appointed by plsced op»n standing with the mpects- companion* within its wall* To the purtuit ol Bctt Apples, (early) four SOT.IS, half pock by mraat of bit blanket, which be at*1 'i the said- Sorvetr will be to receive them. ble Collrjrr* in uor si»tcr State*. The fol- knowledge, and what pain and deep regret, of each, on or before 3d Saturday of into slipa, and converted into a rope, ' I / Tho Baltimore American, and Mail- the arrival of that period brooght with it which July, in (lie yard, be procured two boajtjLv Mj Amrongh Banner, and other paper* publish­ liiwins; ProfcMiirshipt ate filled, namely, one «»f Moral Hcienet, one of Chtmiilry, Mine- wit to trver the fond associations by [which Bett Applet, (late,>six sorts, half peck of the 8hjtri«rto cover celery bedt,ialv ing tho notice, will plraae make this altera­ ralo/ry. Geology, one uf .Indent JLaigiicyft*, we were united with our Alma Mater. I pic­ racli, after the lit of February, ing a kind 'of bridge, be IFM enabled te. tion. one of Mathenintic* and Cicil finginetring, tured her to my mind in the dayi of her glort Bett Peaches, (early,) 3d Saturday of Au- th* high wall. one of Modtm Jjiiigvagcn and, one nf /.f- and prosperity, when nurtured and cherished gutt, four torti, one dozen of each, Hit etcape WM iliscoverml 'tf||.i BOOTH RIVBR FAIR. Lilfratiire. 'llie apparatus for A'ntural by tne State, and how amply she requited her Dett Peachet, (Ute,) after 3d Saturday of light, and the Jail bell being Near the lide of th« road leading from fostering care, by sending forth «om> of whom September, (oar sorts, one dozen of rung a targe, number of citij.em, «QNI| . South River Ferry to Cilrert county «tainl« "Pbilottpny anil Jlifronmny. ba* received ve­ ry large addition*, during the present yr*r< any Imitation, and any Country might well , each,, pernapt tit fire hundred in all, ' on* of the most antiquated Chnrche* in the he proud. While memory Bett Fin, two torts, one Oozen of each, and itirted in pvrtait. Kvery blra state *f n'nd the Clashes have the benefit of a full fondly dwelt or) the Maryland. The little eminence up- Coarse of Lecture* l>y the President, on all former prosperity of St. John's, with what Best Quinces, two tort), half peck of each, building in the neighbourhood wit vn which it ia erected as well a* the Church tho topics of these two important branches. pain and profound sorrow did it recall tlut llett Nectarines, two aorta, half dozen of and the country fur .mitea roonrl nco itaelf, i* uesrlj obscured by a turroonding fu- each, rett Its uniMaming tpire it-unseen until The f'ollegiate con fit, extends through tour act of cruel injniticr, and violated faith, on «ntil ereni«|, without tuccca*. The JK year*; ami. a Cinmnmr School it connected the part of the Slate, by which her energies tion wti taken to gu»nl all the oatIm, M| Joe ipproakh its very vicinity, when it breaks Belt Cauliflower*, two at If tit, to hi pre­ upoo the sight in a manner with the College, nt uliirli. uoyt are prepared wrro paralyzed, and her uicfnlnrs* impaired. very direction from the town, to at to r I which might be sented on or before 2d SaUirdar in well adapted to increase the veneration which far sdmiKion into the f'rcthman Clan, t'tu- When I heard of it, I blushed tor my cistivo hi* capture, toon or later, certaifi, Its age and its object are alike calculated to dent* from nbrotd, may be ailmittcd tn any State, I felt that her plighted fnith wat vio­ April, Cloogh wat fint teen by a colot/t*1 inspire. Th* arrangement of the interior i* (Uniting in tliu icn-rjl r)o»*r», by undergo­ lated, and the porr rrmine of juttice stained. Bttt Atparagoi, [forced,] two bunchet, in a ewamp, on the Haacocai rivtr, ibttt| still more calculated to remove the mind of ing the prescribed rinininttions, which, in It affords me heart-felt gratification to know, fifty italks in each, 3d Saturday in milo wett of Mount Holly. It irai th* beholder to age* long gone by, and to *_»- their extent nnd tevriity, do nut f.ill short of that the last Legislature .of Maryland were March, dotk of the evening, and at the faghin «A>cist* hi* reflection* with th* spirit* of those the examinations required in the College! of awakened to a proper tense of tho justice of Bett Meshmom*, half peck, ta bo produc­ an untatiifiictory answer to the urn, I, whose green graves rurround tlie edifice, were New EngUnd. the claim* of tin* lu*titutiun,and »tie hat been ed before the end of April, soonded the alarm. The lodit idaali { it not that the first emotion* which are excit­ t%nin taken under the fostering care of the Belt early Cabbage, [York kind,] tix rived firtt were Joel Hnlllnphead, aae* ed by the turrourMing neglect snd dilapida­ / For fit Marylitml Gaxrttf. State, and that niil again extended to her head*, Milvine, the loMer retident of Moutl tion call for s sigh, that the toni of thote who .'Afiera l»p»« of thirty yean, I find my»clf which for yeart put, hat been to wrongfully Bett Sea Kale, two bunches, twelve in sixd well aeauainted With Cloegh. Ttf| laboarcd to erect, have nut had turBciont Ante more in Annapolis, the tpot whtro I first withheld. The cloud* that h*ve to long por* etch, oner denied hi* name, did he w*t t*J coimitltralion—(we will us« initead of a se­ awoke intu the tomb of my father*, 4entous1y lowered around her, begin now to Belt Hhnbarb, for tarts, two bonchet, Philtdelphia.bat allowed aim*e|f t«Vj verer e/ipresVion) to keep from ruins, the fa­ the *ccne <>f my youthful gambol*, and where ditappear, and St. John'* will again, 'ere long, twelve in each, retted, withoat olering retiitaacr, t bric which the piety of their forefather* erect- hive been »petit the r*i liett and happiett day* hold a proud and lofty station among the Best Beets, at least on^e dozen before Itt had an axe in hi* poeeeealon. He hid ed snd dedicated to the worship of the Su- uf my life 1 remember a* well an yr*lcrd..<, Temple* of Knowledge. It give me inexprc*- Jane, tame drett that he wore in the prisoo! vatun, the tiuentiful giver of all the bleu- when with tearful eyes I bid a long farewell sible pleasure in taking a parting farewell of Bett Carrots, two bunches, twelve io each, On the day prcvioet to hit ttctft, I ings we eojoy. The melancholy train of re­ to reltiive* nnd fricniit, tnd how eagerly 1 mv old Alma Mater to be able confidently to Snd Saturday in Jane, had pnrchated a pound of cnckert, flection* to which theie fjbject* irresistibly watched my native ciiv \>ilh it* glittering aufdrei* her in the language °fflfc* Poet Belt Lettace, [forced,] four headi, lit were found in bit pottesiion when Itsd th* mind, will not be unpleasantly inter- tpirt* gradually kinking Ir.un my »iow, and "Haply thy ran emerging j«l I Saturday in March, It appear* he had tecreted hi«Mlfiij by announcing; that the daughter* of ivheu tlie luit object th»t 1'iid of homr »*tnn The* io imtluic with meridisn nyt Drtt Lett nee in open ground, tit headi, twanp during the whole day, and vhetfa longer liniblc. Hour* iplrmlid the p*u m*y mill b« thine, Beat Onions, from seed in one season, one he wat about punaing hi* joarnty by thi* venerable church, **»oeiatrd with other what a terrible «rnmatio i ot de­ Aod bleti tlijr future u Ihjr runner cl*v." indailriou* fcnale* or the neighbourhood un­ solate and dnulating wretchedness cumootcr peck, He appeared to be roach fatigued witaks'J der the title of TTie female Btntaolent Society me. Here I innit conclude. The hoar for my Bett Cape Broccoli, four heads, ertions. In tht eariy pirt of yesUrtV,! departure h«» arrived, and I mutt now bid a- of AU-IfaUotei Pariik,k»it pioudv uuy.crlaL- I *'So loath we part fri > ill we tnre, Bett Bgg Plant*, at leatt two. wat tracked in tlie vicinity of tha ip«t en the talk of raiting a fond, (efficient to re- i Krnnt ,,11 (Hr litifci ...' bin,'. ti*i l inn dl\>ipii- d li, il.f Milendid creation of day at least in my native city. In the lan­ Offered by an IntlrcidnaJ. f to the bottom. way* -been di*tingui»hcil, will nut be mm (iri^hl and cheering vi«uiu«, which imagina­ guage of a di*tinguithcd authoress, '-It xral For the best Potatoes, one bushel, a/silver tnuneil in vain. The LaJie*, not niily ul tion coiijurui up tn illuu.iiir the dark and un approached with emoliont of deep and lone- cup, / 810 CURIOUS EFFECTS OF LIOL that vicinity, but of other plicei, are invited pcnvtruMc viita nf I lie future. The vigour by cherished intere't it wat quitted with tentl- For the bett Sweet Potatoes, one/bnshel We learn from Walthim, list during if to aid the enterprise- U i* by uniting effort* which the spirit recovers from the depth* nf menl* of profound regret, axociatrd with all do. / 10 vere thunder styrm on Mnod«y (ft* 1th by fathering th* mite from every willing uieluftt regret, and enter* upon new prospect* that make* remembrance pleaunt, and con­ Each matt bt accompanied win a tUtement in the afternoon, th* Wiltktsl Fictor; i hand, tint Temple* are unmetunet rcaret!, and willi ils acca*ti,med ardour, I* only subdued nect* the link* of memory with the tiet of tho showing the kind of teed uted/ind how cut) struck with lightning. The laid px»s«ii*i Monumeiil* erected. Surely llii*. though a by time. After encountering the cares, and heart." ,8. R. the quality of the soil, whet/er mtnnred or the rod on the small Factory uatil it rt tecluded and humble temple, being dedicated triumphing over the difficulties, to which we not, the kind of manure, and4iow applied, the the part of the roof, to which tht f* at it it, to the wormhip of the I.ivmu OOD, arc ill mure or lus* exposed in tin* life, how From the Bolt. Republican. teasoo, whether favourahloJor otherwiie, in a pump U attached. It then separated, 11 and intended to thelter nonhip|>ert around pleating In tlie »cene* of our childhood, FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. word, the entire process uccci*, / Bett do Rote*, do 5 ground to tb* large. Mill, to cuaitj above diitrict. We pretame we ihall receive well graded, curbed, and handsomely pjved. Mr. McKim'n commer^al knowledge qu«li- Belt Pclargontumt do 5 This pipe end* nesr the furnace. them, when we will lay them before oar rca Many old dilapidated buildings have been Bet hirelri a peculwrVleiree to perform tlie du- Be*t llyacmthi, do S patsed down the pump plpt, ii dert. razed to the ground, and new one* erected tie* of a Repfetentatiye in Congreii from a Be'it Tulip*, do 3 lx>iler, snd knocked off nomtwsf Oi« n their Headland handsome and commodiuu* commercial dit'trict) 4nd having heretofore re- Belt Cirnatinni, do J [tatted along the steam pipe to tb* I«T 8T. JOHN'6 COLUJpE. dwelling* now (land where formerly there pretented a pnrt of,.(\ie **medi*trict, the cua- Belt do Oahliat, o 3 went an the furnace snd smoke "if«-F An Rxomlnation of the*T?veVal Claitei io were nniie.4 Thoie itately mansion*, former- raclrr and influ^fice which hi* talent* and rV»t du Cliryiinthemamt, do along the hot air pip* on the floor if^1"! thi* Inilitulion, will be held, on H'tdntiday. y the retidtsc* of wealth and tplandid ho'<*_f nurilay, and frulay, uf thi* week, in'ahe jiulity, though they have changed occupant*, niihei all theyeNidence that can be deiired For the fineit and nrett Kxolic Plant, 3 and *plit the cap on tlie top of A* r fullowtng ' ' . isve been kept in so complete repair, that that he will/igain be a highly valuable and For tho bett conducted Qrtcn-uoute, £0 shtft, and paited down the *»>" ORDER: hey shew not the effects of time, isvo that uteful memker of Conereii. By Individual. Buth mill* wero io operation st the u<"<' Sajiioaa. £«u>i of Nation* and Corufi/u. their wallt look somewhat more ancient. But The diilrnt for »hi oil he hta now been no­ for the belt tqd rsrett Tropical Epi­ no person wss in the least injsrsd! rion of Ikt Uaittd Sltltt, (Kent'* Commenta an almott entire new population hat sprung minated, i«c\mpoted, it i* true, of diijointed phyte, or Air-plant, (orchidetrai) in rie*|) Optic*, (Olm*tc4't Pniloeophri} 'VdicA, ip in Annapolis since I lift there. I felt that portion* of terntory, but there it an identity flower when exhibited, with account (Select Trigeditt. ) I was a stranger in my own native city. A of interett tmbnc the people compottog the uf native coontrjr, habit and mode of MKLANCHOLT SUICIDE. JimioB*. Orrca ifajora, (Plato, Arii- Tew year* make inch a havoc in human gene­ diRerent parttV>« i^ which will enable them treatment, .' . gio Wo Irani that an inmafr totle, L«nrinui and Tneocritnti) TatUut, rations that we soon tee our*elve* deprived to act logetherVilh harmony of feeling, and Best collection of Bricss or Heath* in cipat boarding house* in the tower }•• (Uiateryj) Conic .Veciioru, (H«tton|) Punch, of thote with whom we entered the world, concert nf pardpM. Theie it uothing which flower, at let*t lix kinds, (K. Medi- Broadway, N. V. wai yetterdty «*""»; (Wect fragediee.) and whom the participation of pleasnret >>r can advanre the intereit of one portion of the lerranca and nbra excluded.) with covered dead on tlie floor of bit «*> /' AoraoMoama. Greek, (Honer't Iliadj) fitiguei had endeared to our remembrance. diatrict, which will nut have a eorreapandlpg aecMDt ol colUro and tr«atroent, 10 out hit throat with, a penknife, £ *<», rjnrtnal'* Satlretj) French, (Qntn- Where now ar* thote whom I left behind io eOect in promotmg the interett of tho rrtt^ Best down sorts of Auriculas in bloom, S which w«» fjand broken «ff and rtsisi ar and Kierciaet,) the full enjoyment of health tod happinrts, Wa may thertfona venture te preiame that, Competition9br the*e premiums free to all hit neck, snd the haft lying by kit ««« nM L*U*j Algtbra; and every comfort tnd pleasure which Vreallh knowing the worfi of Mr. McKim, and hi* citixen* of Maryland, and of that portion uf deeeiMd who is about 40 yesrt of «« ' could purchase? Time hi* iwept^hun from ability and dUptolfion to be u*«ful, which the District, north of Potomac. gentleman of wealth from the Isli>" , Ho*.rt of Examination, from 9 till 12 face of th* earth. How do the fatcini- knowledge i* furmihed by bit pait cendtct, Pnbliabed by order ol the Crranoit, malca, whence he arrived is thit cilj ' A. II. aed from i till 0 f.. M.. tioBt of exalted rank, and wealth disappear, he will receive a eprditl and zealout tuppoit II. F. OICK.EIIUT, Aec'ry dsyt ago, hiving been induced* byjii*.' IMterarr and Bcientine Oentle«en, and the when it it teen that they afford no protoction from ill pTkft»«*lH\Tlti'^JHr4et. To whom apply for further information. to take a Rra voytgv is a mem* <' friendt of the College, generally, are invited against the infirmities of tlie meanest tnd We cannot coo lude our prevent remark* Creditors throughout the itate ar* re­ mental suffering occasioned by S t» attend. lowest of crektcd beings. Where now are without eipre*»in an admiration of the dlt. quested to Insert the above. severe domestic sOHclion. Si HBCTOU HUMPHREYS, Prte. the companion* of my youth, all 'thote who interetted and ho >urable course pursued by hi* arrival he had remained elieerf*' Bt, John»« Cellrgt. participated in rot ^ pltaturts snd ' m/ csres? our friend* in AnnVpolit and Anne Aruodel BBCAPK AKD RBCAPTUBK OF JOEL afternoon previous to hi* death, * 1143. How few bsTe been^onersjd to greet***, on my coanty. upon the QAasiont anrl.remarking that CLOCQH THE MUgDEHKR. sppesrtd to have become oxcittd, »»•* rsturni while it hat afforde'rl u* tincere pleasure to set Cloogh. trrs Murderer of Mrs. Haiollton, ed tu dwi-ll on |iii ojitfurtune*. Inv idiots vaUstta* them thut mtnifetiincj their dispotitioo, to sa­ MOlsncW to be hunt on Friday next, mide count his compauiun proposed s *>< 8T. JOHN'S COLLEGE. UM» niibu, >! crifice all minor c/mderition* to the great hi* esquM from the Mount Holly itate prison, A n»ee«ing of the newly organized Board ««MU blo't garden, and by tliit and blKir, and paramount pblkct of securing tnceest to belwoM Saturday ami Sandsy morning. T))* had, be (knutlir, svocerdcd in 4T TroaUwt of Bt John'*, waa held, on tht t cahnoMiprcM the with wl«i«b t the. came in wHicWwe are alike engaged, it particulars, at we have ascertained (hew fnitu lOtt Inet at which the J«dg*e of the Cwirt etind, and left him late M nigh gain rubied *nt < ,._ 'oll*te Green,_ __ . and..__ Matt prodace a eMnilir feeling upon that por­ * memjber of the Sheriff* family, are tulmUii- appannt traaquility; but «f Apfievlt, appeared and took their teat*. In w|tU what r*f4er% I gaied oti the tarroondiM tion of the peopjp of Ualtimore who have bren tially *S fallow. Upnji the di tovery of _ . i of the Iste act of «i* Eigitla- in an-" '**-ita lovelineet' " befaf*«- --.- connected wlttr them in the divltiun of th* .Cloagh'sjftrlsu* ittosspl to esc*pe, he wsa t»r», tko Board, pr»c»*«»*d to esWrfJakaTro- kcneatk &»& Pom- Kate Into dlejncti, *rhi«h will diipUy (tielf remevedto a"de»f«o«, where be remained «n- ~ " y, Mtntrmbgy*)* green on atl'VlUabte occatlpnt. tf there ever has til a few days *g«. Hevenl foronns who vi- WMriant foliage"., keen 'afcr ttaloo*iet and want of cordiality of tiud him, combUhMd that this oNingeon was ftebWnSg^ feeling berreen thb people ttt/npoiing tlie dif­ an unfit plate lor a man to remain in, who vertl ferent jprtionajtf the diitrict, the ice hat had but a few dare to live, and the Bherrff, Brat' - ka*« rolled over ever publi been e»ctnalle\5kokert| and w* cannot doufit, willing (n set M.hasstMiy ss 0*t lew weald ed in and iisptitU "1 WM, the/element* that hofeafter, we shall witnet* among them allow, offered tn remove dough to n lama whi*u,by«»4ks«itT,»|l[ km Wetoa tbo* >UII ttand- thai Hbity of feeling which ah Identity of in- room, provided ho wottd content Ink* chain. kr Christopher Bsk«f. ktfr th« «*1M U <*jfi *T jror«, ng thy vigorovt abovld always prod, ant) * au» . " *_ __ I by cbotera io that ajxtictftd town, eg wWtet,

    .Ottf CBgNtyMdwlt of have Oc*«fvw|,U tfcb t»«* «f • Ar lWye*re18» . eaejkt * Nicholas I.WatkUts, tlw*»*»*. ta wit: •. tKat we>h*v»j Iwd to J4e«d«y owing, Mjr 1. Tbt Mr. BTSMW L«wie iess J te««» MV, U to dfa.fft.iuc, U-«Atfc. U- Aim** */ lematt. E*. Ow^ con U»«' 4n.mll a BUZASITB SrooYarrr .habitant* bav, OM yrt c5vMM»T«toviH John VlckmotU, F«. JufyiB. b»ck.—n« wtjr few wbo h»*« reain.»*1 hem AnAttwan, FrorUtnce. art ia twad'heajthl Andmeei, Awtrew p,rt if rUwwrd'a Met ef *«• 4T, .tolerable* anxiety kaa bMi caaaed brj from the cOmx*tnoenunt . 8«e»*« DlMowy, !!.7tbe Cholera had exrdhittd itaalf though w* have amkrnNM th* txaaat fatin, Name onknown, of th« Warm Spring*, -we riot* **4 tardihlp. IndaaeT that* ar*> etvetaj^im will *«Vir at Pobtic' Sale, '. 1 * ."I, I»M», ...__.., the trth day of A«g«M ^Barnee, fUUlui Part of Inrawont, lickal i tit* BttWio the i^for- k*r« wboM name* thaald be BMwJio** ' Brewtr, Oaiwah 4« world at tK^champW* ol httinMity, . the Far* ntw* which h* at preaeart to. Snilh'e Fornf, 40 aUee, Tteqaalitietaf thin llnd it la 4Wpatt r*irtof Haoover. Wm. Mcdte, Thorna. Philips J»ha T. ew*, ValeatiaVt hair* llama, D*w«on Gutarage, David M. William, nwceatary « reoMPMnd, bring too'well Part «f Brown'* Fomt aad part of, ftlklty, kapwnu ne**l It. There it In -the tract ' Ba/rei«.J*«*ph A. Hoeae i»4 Lot in ' ,Tmpt««i of Ch«rera,in the Cow pa«- Henry Thomneoo, Capt. W. B. Watklna, Cola, WlllUe* Beaver Da**, ,,r have Willy disappeared, and tlie Cnpl. John DineitaV and R. WeUVnn, Btq. S9« ACRES. , C»ert,- WUIIan_^ - opinion now ia, tlut it wa* uot the Thev hav« laid oat «nd buried while end It ha* •poo H • eomfWtabU DWELLING, CMoXW5lllemefW«'».hilrf. Name ..fn .1 wliicll carried off the l*Un«rer» on th* black, male and female, under the «wtt try­ Twt, TOBACCO HOU8K8, and Croetwell, Randt.lhvf -- p.ft Of Cni Lkr. Tfcie ire nearly Uireo hand rod ing circ.ioiuncc*. Some of them have com­ imry oehe* mccwNry bvilaMeg. It Cromwell ft it the White Sulphur, and contidvra- paratively- no interest here, aod have bejai !U* aJvanUgen a* to Iftrittat. u- Unwell llbert «t the other watering place*.' prompted only by the cuntuleration ofhaaMXt- hwf *Hnat*dradj..ining Ollfcrd Fac­ D«r*» I Allcfhanitn atate* Uutt the CboterA ia- ity. Language indeed fail* in nttering their tory, owned by Mr. Jamt« Uwem. tnd imme­ Dim IjiulUnawlu county. praitc. Our Doctor* who tonrtved deterv* diately betw«*w the firm* of Mr. Joha O. l)unn much credit. Thet« thing* are true. I have PrMd and Dr. Charlet Q. Worthingteo, two Elliot I HOSPITAL REPORT', been an eye witnett from tie beginning ta thi* and a half mile* abov* the S«vag* Factory on Greev July 10, IW3, 9 o'clock, A. M. moment.' the WithlngtMi Turnpike Road. It I* alto Hall. to day, watered by fine tpriujp*. llfwillb* *«td I Jont*, (m*n of coluur.) admitted By reference to our obituary head well HodRet, Henry. Sen. ' Part of Hammood'i Retreat, 1 75 t'lai iu Uiimond alley, recently from it will bo wen that two more of the pawn* if delirrd at private tale; The lermt will be Hiniinond, Larklo ' Part of AdditUn to Timber N»ek, aod part t Ala., «3 J"M of age, Cholera Aa- gert of th* (team-boat Reindeer died ol Cho­ made known nn (he diy of tale, 8tl* to com­ « of Polecat Olade, U. cunvaleteent. lera, in thit town, latt week* W* alto learh mence at 2 o'clock P.'M. on the premite*. HDCM|, Jotrph '*' Part of FlndUod, i Millf, *irn»Ut«daa per former re- that another a negro woman, belonging to Mr. KDWARD DORflBY, of RichM. Huyhet, Clirlttopher Htll'a Patece, Juhn Drew, of i\tv Cherukt. Nation, died en t«. Hancock, John MOM* and Lot in Anauolit, i Murphy, remaining. board of her. of the aame di*ea*e, after ihe Jehnaon, Eliubeth Jartof hOrtl.h.rrv i in llwpital. Mr*. .Horr, Strawberry ^atud an, in 7 or 8 hoar* after the attack. •flOO REWARD. Janet, line LCbaUriue, cunwlcacent. Ilitt nmkcs nine of the namenger* and crew AN AWAY on the 8(h inif. Trnm the Juhntnn, Zicharith Hou*e and Lot in Annepoltt, 1 , July 16, IMS. et the Meinj|eer who have been cot off by thit : totHcriber, rettilin^ at the hud of gmuh Kelly, Caplet Part of Young'1 Locuit Plaina aad Haa* ' iliieate tince th* left New Orleana, or rather River, in Anne Arundel county, ttate nf Ma­ dertoo** Meadow*, ' . ..' • -Wirtiio our knowledge, bat teven lince ahe left Vicluburg, where it U thought ryland, about right mllet from the city of An- Luctt. Rath Part of Holland'a Chance, (ru« Cholera havo occurred within die it wat contracted from paiiunger* taken on napollt, a joung Nrtro Man, MeDaniet.Thnmu Lot at Pig Point, f till city daring the latt week end- board at that place, among whom it flnt de­ t*enly-two year* of aj{», of McKJotey, William Part of Hopkioi'Choice, Mctiatey'i HQI*. daik complexion, about 3 f,et truing, ititkii.g, io all, 39 deatlit veloped ittelf, and MctCintey** Pleaaure, 04 (the eommmcemetit, (Jurfe llth.) The*e death* prodaced tome lit'.le alarm 4 or i inchee in hriiht, of ttout McDonald 4- Rldgelv Pirt of September 14th. IT54, I, Jvho D., 1'rtt., J. Agnew, M. D., among our citizent, at flnt, but it tht iliaeaae frame, who eallt Htmmond ton of John, wa* born, "* Ticilcrt, M.»)., J. R. Speer, M. D. ha* not tpreid, it Ua* entirely anbtlded, and Horace Gibson. McKim. Alexander Part oC Hmover, . , our town reroaiot at tnVtthy aa utu«l. I will give Frfly Dnlltr* to any penon who Medfurd. Jamet Hnute and Lot in Annapnli*, , Ay. July 13. Little RotHf (Arkantat) OK. of July*. will 4^pretxnd MXl Negro to ihil I get him t Morgan, 'Hiomit Hunt* and Lot io Annapoli*, f ft feeliM* of the profoomlrnt (ratitude CHOLEttA. tiin. If he it taken oat of the Ditkict of M'lnlock. Oilbetl' Houte and Lot in AnnapolU. ' ' W'IM Tri'«id*nce, vro can now tint* > Froro Salem, in thia ttat* we learn, by a Columbia, or alate nf Mtrylanil, 1 will ply One Owingt, Jnthoa Part of Fredericktburgh, f act that onr city' .hia again bccgtno ta- gentleman of thii town who patted through Hundrrd Dollart, If h* 1* Mcarcil to that I get Phelp*. Matthew Part of Portltnd Manor, * r healthy. There i», at tliia time, jin jp that pltre on Monday lut, that the inhabi­ him, anil will pay til reasonable travelling ex- Pennincton, Welthy Part of Mountvill* tnca of that dreadful aconrge, ««tli wlncli tant* had fled to the country with the excep­ peoicl if brought hnme In me. Peacn, Jame* Part of Walker'* Inheritance, i>e been in tercrely viiiud, in any part tion of a few facniliet, aad that about forty THOMAS 8NOWDBN. U»bloion, John Gtorge'a Luck, h«ciiy. The la>t death tlut'occurred, deatht had occurred. Several of the moat The editor* of the Examiner, in Frederick- Risby, Ateneth Hont* and Lot in Annapolii, table citixen* of th* town were labour­ Town, end Whig. Batlun, will intcrt the a- Smith, Cap). William Lot il Pig Point. oa Wedneada; e»ram« or ui((ht la»t, a rupee Juhn |iot woman o( Major Juhn Titfurd. ing under the difteaae. The paper in Salem bov* adrtrtitcMrnt tit llmta and forward Snider, Part of St. Jamet' Park, Acw Orltani, July 6. hit ceated to bo poblithed. Indiana Demo­ thfir acciiuot* to thlt office (or paymtnt. Spant,er. Qtorge V. Tf«m* unknown, i* joantty by tj crat. /July 85. 6w Snowden, Uertrd H. P«rl of Trutty Frieed tod Mount Vernoo. f*lig«e« unknown, art of yetUnir.l lor the information of oar abient frlenda UNION CANAL LOTTERY OF Trott, Henry Soldier'i Delight, ityof theiptt town«nten we ttate, that the Cholera, a* Uroio, Jamee Name unknown, • -^ I. He wort h, Lpidemic IIM cea*«d tpexitt in tlija city; PENNSYLVANIA. Vanlillir, Jeremiah Name unknown, iir*« he took tm I kaf e not heard of a tingl* ctte for a noia- LATER FROM PRANCB. •CLASS, No 13, /-ORlSJS. Wood. Uenry Part of Beaver Range. the d'ealha that now occur are The packet ihlp Solly at New York able in Icf dayt; To be drawn at Philadelphia, on Satorday Water*, Edward Part of llammond OUt, D. i rinoas diieaiei, and the wijority are from Havre, bring* Pan* paper* to th. 3d i among the coloured population. The ac- June. An extra aheet from the office of the Jurytf, I8JJ. NOTICE: IB HEREBY GIVEN, we at with th* fol­ pti trom every part of the tute, are, New York Courier, tupplict Sutjr-«ii Number tolltry Tea Driwo Btllott. lhat unlet* the County chtri;ei afureuid are piid within thirty dtya after Ih* publica­ .ippr to obKrre, rrpreaent it to bo on lowing intelligence: tion of thit notice. tStt Ih* aaid Laodi, or aucli pant ih«reof at will b. Mfficimt to pav iho IdetliM, and we are In hopet that it will Under date Of the 3lit May, the correi- SCHEME. Tax and Ull* thereon, will b. told lo Ih* highlit bidder, iRreeabty in the direction! of lh« tly be in oar pover to announce ita entire ponJent of the Journal da Havre write* a* t prize ol* 13.500 act of alterably, entitled, "An act fur tfce more effectual col lection of the cuunty charte* iu from this region, ' foltowa; I prize of 6,000 th* icveral countiet of ihit tine." J ° OP LfOL.. " It it not without caute that the govern­ 1 p.ite of e,«00 By order, . R. J. COWMAN, Clk. him, tlwt during i J THE ment! of Germany and Italy fear a general 6 priret uf 1,000 CemmV*. A. A. Co'ly. rtooday Ih* Sth "iV/inmiyxjrf, Md. July 80. ixplution in their retpectivo countriel. The 10 prize* nf 500 R. 4. Vtltnein Ficterrt ICtiei of cholera among the canal hindt adminittratran* there, intteid of exerting 10 prize* o( 400 Editort of (he Americio, Biltimorr, will pobliih the above once a week fur funr Th* luid pxtttd * |ve occ>tioD*lly occurreu itnce our lad; but themtelve* to allay the general ferment that 10 prize* uf 300 clary nntil it ru »ork uny now b* laid to be quite clear of exittt, and acting op to the opinion! of the 80 price* of COO IN CHANCERY, IN CHANCERY, a which tht fur uiicate. It* fluctuation! depend very age, teek only, in a tyitem of pertecution, 61 prize* of 100 hen Mptrato), i thtt revolution 50 13th July, 1833. July Term, 1833. < i upon thvie of the weather, and the care the meant of inpprMiine; SO prize* «f Peter II. Termc igh the tW, i which i* ready to break oat. A traveller who 56 print iif 40 Jotrph F.ftni tnd Jamei IgUhart, [ inittentiun of thoae to whom U ha* yet , a vt. ptmp pipe.' At we cenHntd. ha* jott traveraed til Ih* coontrie* bordering SA prize* (if Matthew Pucil & Virginia Pitcil. i roil nntil it { on the Rhine, ha* given a* tone delaili on > 113 prize! of Richard Thompton and Rinaldo Tydingi . Kanmcha County, Va. HK object of th* bill fllrd in thia caete It The...... _,.nbject . ...i>f th«.... Bill ... inlhit...... »cue « it to, wob*. ow, where Ike |Tlic C'huleiton Banner of the lUh givea (hit tobject, which thow the height public 3.240 prize* of of the real eitate of upon tbejpitj tip 19,400 prizel of T in obtiin a derree lor a conveyance to the tain a dtcree for the tale F account of. the cholera, which ditcontent ha* attained. Th* ideaa of inde­ complainant by the defendant! of the properly John Tydintt late of Anne Arondel coontv. i breaking Unp« ftnilcd In that town and ill vicinity. From pendence prevailing among the ixople, and h.«,n.r..,hereinifirr mmentioned..«,u«.^ dceraard, for the payment of hi. drblt. uf the pitxi' 18.0HO prize*, traouniinj (o gl J,*,^80. md lit tu the 9th July, there were 9 deatha even the peaaantt, are manifett in the elec­ The bill ttatea, that Andrew Candolle, now The bill ttitet, intt the compliininlt who patted into mi ; tlit Kiatwha Saline* «t Charleeton 3. tion of membore of the liberal party f*r the decea«cd, heretofore contracted with Matthew aa for the benefit it a pipe *tia *ue for themirlvet, at well e i (o which, tome death* havo oc- Ir^ialative bodtea now again called together. Titktlt 84 W*jrU reeovernl a ill, tu cuatrj i If «ujtnable to tUtc with pfeelie accura- been held at Frankfurt for the purpoee of inlrretl, ami term nf year* thcrelnfnre vetteil Judgment agalntt the uid Juhn Tyding*. fur .f > furnace. 0> * I ftt etVt of confirmed cholera, which had cotuidering un the muni of giving military LOTTERY AND KXCIIANGK OFFICE, in taid Virginia, tnd then belonging to **ii| at well Ihe Mm of ointiy-ftre dulUr* and for- [> pipt, iC ttn IcBrrtd in th* cuuntyi bat It pretend the aid to Baden and Wurlemburj, in cite thote (OrroiiTk TMB Fotr Urrtoa.^ Matthew in right of hit tald wifr, in and of t>-te«en cent* cernnt munry, a ceitain debt. tora*^*f tlii ^ Iporli uf the phyticUn*. a* far at it had col- government* thoutd think it necettary to dii- J»'ya3-____,______all that piece or parcel of gioond tiloate In at one handled and nincly dnllart current mo­ pipe to lb* lirf hW them. Dr. Patrirk report* 13 eatet tulve the Ch%mber* which are now in teuton. Hie tily nf Rtllimorr, which laid CamfoUa ney damage*, and lix dulltrt and twenty-eight u amoke In that rime the Diet will Itiue a decree, not IN CHANCERY, by deed, bearing litkin the week, but no death! thoae remain- 8 July, 1833. convrytd In taid Virginia and a third c* nil eottt, damaget, in be clean­ n the ADO . J»S»riconvilr»cent. Dr. Rogers, 7 c*»e% ordering, it it true, an nrUlmlted tntpentinn date the I3lh of Mty l8«4_Th»l ttld Can­ ed on paymrnt of interttl un the tatd debt ilton w«U-*Uvi If «S:ch 1 died, 3 have recovered, 3 conva- of the Conititutiontl Le^ialalure of the dif­ Richard Rttep anil Henry A. Mall, Surv'g. dolle paid and tali*fled taxi Alatlhew and Vir­ from the eighth day of March eighteen hen- a top of At i TMcett. Dr. Patney, 8 catct and « deatht. ferent German italet, bat giving each govern* Admr'*. of Ktxin K%t«j>. ginia the ttid t- PKI of premonitory diarrhoea, I have no The tituttion of th* Italian ptnintult ap­ and conflrmed, unlrit caute tu the contrary be biled with the bill, and which purport! to con- all hit property, rrtl' tod' p«r*un*l. (uhucuoMn reilerdty nw1* MM of itailng with exictneinj TO I ftud, pear* morn pec.trioa* even than that of Uer- thewn (Kfiire tlte 9lli day of September nut, vty and Mi»r. to Mid Ctndollr, lui executort, th* taid Richard I'huiupton, and hi*h*irt, but or of liii rooe),' Nt itmvit greatly exceed that number. 1 many, fur, judging by th* ditcontent which provided » copy uf thit nrdtrbe publiihed unco adwinlalralor* and a««ign«, tlie ttid piece ot in cat* of hjt dttlh b«fur* marriage, all tb*j eoknifr. the V)» ii.»« found nit difttcolly in arreatiog the dil. prevail! in Savoy, a general explotlon wilt tn'eacli uf thrc* tucceitiv* w*eki before the parcel ol gruund, and taid leiMhold interett taid real and pertontl properly to b* lung to it o(f and re *»»« in thil itaRe, with Dr. Palteraon'* Prei thortly tAko place. In that country, no ex- Bih diy of AnftU«t next, in ontul th* Annipo- and term uf year*. That uid Cimlulle Iraot- th* taid Kintluo Tydin^i,, and hit heir*,, foror lying Oy kit Jjcnption. S)'S of Ca- euie hiving yet been (bund for TO* introdffc- tbj new»p«peri, ferrtd anil titijned In complainant, among oth­ ever, aodd appointed tUr taid Richard Tlmrun- lOyetrl of « ' |l»mcl, and 1 grain of 8ul. Morphea, er 1 opi. tion of Auttrian troop*, King Albert haa hith­ 'llie report tute* the) amount of talet to be er properly, the aaid piec* or parcel of gruund, _tun csec.tu_c.tur,_... uf bit taUl will Out tin- tr» the IiUM * erto had tu depend on hi* own reaoorct* a- gJ083 37|.^ leateKold )nlrr*»U tin) tirm of yeari, npon Richird Thoa{»on haiU Uk,i>. up»n biruVcK iato a powjer or bulua and Uktn, I •'* ' . . ' m»de .?__* .L_^»r * I .f.l.'fll id in thii citJM | ollewtd in 0 or » hour*, with a dote gf oil. lunt, tnd he haa mantgad *o to dltpleat* th* ^ copy—tMt. Lthat . > t._.L._llatbalf ttt the execution of tht ui4 (ill, and . .duciil by W» ,* I "*»* telJom foi»nd i^neceteary to repeat th* army, that a general matiay ha* occur*.1 In u:\M8AT WATBRS. furVJi. OTbci cnmpliintnt i* adtiied laid dwd htmtctf of the Mid John a, meani of rtlw the Sartlinian regiment*. In conte^nence .of Rrg. Cor. Can. (rum Mid Mallhcw and Virginia it ipfuratally eitile Thil "llr^ t«id pet»entl nial* wilt n't «ed by I rectal' tetioBt gmtinued.' tht* military contpiracjr nameroa* arretU executed, lb« ackqoitl* Hubpowii ugainu Ibe defendant, and tht writ JO, 3 Dew c*t«i only have be*tr reported io in the exeellioii of Sulinrcna «nin«t the taid UioaUlo Tydlng*. .death, when. !* lh« lut 48 hour»~n0 death*.' from Chambery and Turin, annoane* that AnnepnU*, 19th I»3J. nonroident grantor*, and ic excited, »'*l tliW inhabitant* are in Motion, and Mime citi­ N compliance with the Chirter ol th* Far- thereof U olhtrwli* defectiff, by reatnu having been duty iatutd tnd Iheaaid defendant !.) Ltwi»l»orK AlleghtniaM of the t2th inert' Dink uf Mirytarid, anil tviih a tepple- whereof the coaplainant it not vtittd with the having been 'rtiu>n«d nt>t lommoned *t twu jrtunet. »r neil. to the* ctotf, v?|«U*n«W;>.n*irr;-- ^ =^---- ititled "T»« SUBtBVTtiLR, TBNN. , IfaVriajl, on Tvcaday evening J.Iy the J8th ' ~,MATNARD,Ca»h; If *»y they na,vi-, why a decr«* th«»ld not h. If anr he Mi, whf a t »t, who write* at froatShel- 0»o»o» VT. patatd u pr*)cd. Tr».C»py. T««t. - - .. - k«4h*fjtv, t* By th'o fta'v. John Bawjin» Mr. ,. R " h.r BaVtr.i in , le.enderdauof, '. ""»»» 01 T.e,d«y,.Julyrve^oay, Ju y 0,9, ,t.1 QoWILL to Mil* MAaoAkat, daughter of Ma, ', ami American Baltimore, will 'o o'clock A. M,f«inH»he. «tli li,to?J«th. Gilbert IreUud| deceaifrf. Week*. t*.

    ,-;™.'*>..•.*-%-..% ' t k i f'** •• .# * \. i- :,:•• :• - •.r,>,,;,.,?r>• ; ,;.:&&;"••. •;•::-...• "'• :f

    •••t dMbntCMnoiaUtt UnirtraUr of ad Vofty bfsnohtt «st t»ai wide in «vefy di­ IIORTiCUi/TURA*, SOCIETY rection, as if in scorn And. derision of their -, EYLAND. ilarytaod, and that this arnwgeojenfVflll not ^' Jvii 10, 1*35. •tarfare witk hi* dntiet, at Frofeuorof Che- ucntts. Thus inayst Uum e*ud to the end of time* firm and tasnuTeabtc, lik* mount Tb« Cofnoil in tho ntmo of the Society, . '* tttti Iftttitation. oftf the following prtml««t to b« awarded ANNAPQLISI The Bowd, alto, noted a resolution, to AtlM. athsH Ii)to tho College, fret of tuition, one ••Wlten atom* a for (Mcitevbjocts doting tfc* eosolng year:' .»Mnd Oceam break jWir billows al Fot*eH8tr*wb«Tr1e*vtt least two q«arts, ii. atfttont fyoiq (reck, county ia tho State, ths) to be proceed oit or before IM'W; bteolet before !t, in aadldstet being required to present satisfac­ My heart thrilled with rapture, while I tho beams of the |C>*Ws are authorised by the Managers tory tettlanunialt ol godd moral character, stood under the shady branches of this vene­ tordaycf Jene -of the "Female Benevolent Sociely of All- rable tree, and beheld 8t. John's College Best Eatpberritt, three quarts, 2d Satur- Hallow's Pariih," to state, that at m more and of superior abilities. This noble bene­ S land which was no* koow'n to bo In kiTi fit which the State hat placed at the n /nor, tliUbit place than the one flnt contemplate* Onr school-boy days ore looked back to br«lt Best Gooseberries, sis isrtt, one pint etch, 4 kion-be had converted into a taw, <, of the Board, will increase the number »l he released himself from his cluioaT for holding the FAIR, has been obtained, tha Beneficiaries at the college, to twenty-runt, with fondness. Oppressed with the cares of Bett Cherries, four sorts, ono quart of » chance in the place of holding it 'ia made life, vv« contrast our worn and harrsssed et- eaeh. these matters all arranged, wh'en tKs,' who will thus be enabled to obtain a liberal ed­ retired, Clough took his candle. They therefore, jive notice tai the public, tlia ucation without any charge for attendance on istenco with thst sweet prijke free from anxie­ Bett Apricot*, two sorti, half doz. of etch, through tho politeness atad at the request o ty and fragrant with innocence. I approach­ Bett Pears, six, torts, htlf dozen of each, I way a portion of a window i Lectures, or^ for instruction in the highest den frame by which Mr. Solomon Sparrow, tn* Fair will be belt branches pf learning. Applications art to be ed it, and" n I wandered round its clinic Best Foreign Grapes, four torts, two t hit boose, near Booth sVver Chouk. made to the Iie>. 11. llfMniaeri, tho Presi­ walls, il cslled back the iwseUism of the clusters of each, _ e, making an opening of sis !,£,! Persons working for tlioWair, areWeqaert past, any memory struggled through tho nrtst Best Native Grapes, four sorts, two clov ten, thro«gh whkh lie otcttxd, t short t dent of the 6olleg> before day break. cd to tend their contribution* to^lho sun The friends of Et ,n Maryland, of mtny years I thought of the many plea- of etch, place on Monday previous to the holding of htvr now the ssti»f,\ seeing St. John's tint hours, I had spent together'wist dear Bett Plumbs, finr sorts, one doz. of etch, Hit safe descent to tin yard, wat the saute, where the Committee appointed by placed upon standing widi the r*»p*ett- companions within its walls In the pursuit ol Best Applet, (early) four sorts, half peck by mean* of hit blanket, which the said Society will be to receive them. blc Cnllrgri in our sinter Stater. Tlte fol- knowledge, and what pain and deep regret, of e»ch, on or bifore. 3d Saturday of into slips, and converted into a root, ',» The Baltimore American, and Mail- iiwing I'rofesaiirships aic filled, namely, one the arrival of that period brought with it which July, 3 in the yard, be procured two boaiift saJy Jjoroogh Banner, and other papers publish­ f Moral Science, one of Cheniiilry, Mine­ was to sever the fond asto«iations by which Belt Apples, (late,>six torts, htlf peck of . the 3h.erisT to cover celery beds,7iiu,T,7i ing the notice, will pirate make this altera­ ralogy, Geology, one of .Ancient I we were united with our Alma Mater. I pic­ each, after tho 1st of Febnitry. i ing a kind of bridge, he iwu enabled t»i tion. one of Mnllifinnlici and Civil AV _ tured her to my mind in the dtyi of her glory Best Peaches, (early,) 2d Saturday of Au­ the high wall. one of Afodrrn Language!) and, one of r.n- and prosperity, when nurtured and cWnihed gust, four torts, one dozen of each, S His escape wo* discovered too* after > SOUTH RIVBR FAIR. plith Lilrralnre. The appitratm for A'nlural by tne State, nnd how amply she requited her Dest Peaches, (late,) after 3d Saturday of light, and the Jail bell being ima^ Notr the side of the rnad leading from I'liiloiopfiy and .litronmry, has received ve­ fostering care, by sending forth son" of whom September, loor aorta, ono dozen of rung a large number of citir.ent, *mMI< t South[River Ferry to Calrert county stanilt ry Inrge addition*, during tU present yenrj any Institution, and any Country might well . each, * 3 perhaps fci five hundred in all, i ' one of the most antiquated Churches in the and the Clashes line the benefit of a full be proud. While memory fondly dwelt on the Best Figs, two torti, one Ooien of each, 2 and stsrted in pursnit.-«Cvery ttate «f Maryland. The little eminence up- Coarse of Lectures l>v tin: I'retidci.t, u'.ating vcietcbrdnex camcoter peck, : He appeared to be much fatigued • ''' Here I mutt conclude. The hour for my der the title of Ttit female Benevolent Society me. Best Cape Broccoli, four heads, i ertions. In the early p»rt of . departure h» arrived, and I must now bid a- of Jll-ffalloiei Pari$h,k»ic piounlv uif'.i'rt.iL- i "So 1'i.ilti we i:»rt fr. n all we love, Beit Egg Plantt, at least two, t was tracked in the vicinity of Uittpetiis] dieu to Annapolii, peihaps forever. Desti­ en lue tisk of railing a fond, sufficient tu re- j frinii hH (hi- In Best and largest^ Tomatoes, one oozen, 2 he was afterwards found, lie won itu ny hss csst my lot in a diitant state, state pair and render comfortable, the. place for Su turn iiur hcafl, Best Cucumbers for pickling one hun­ tsed pumps, and the court* he took fit* i endeared to me by adoption, by warm, faith­ holding their religious sssemblict. To aid in Tu llnw w,'> dred, ; Jtil, was plainly observable in ttital t ful, and much valued frietfla, and by the sa- this pious undertaking, they have determined But the mih I r the dark and un approached with emotions of deep and long- cup, / £10 CURIODS EFFECTS OF LlO that vicinity, but nf other placet, arr incited vi»ta of Ine lu''ire. 'I*he vigour by lerithrd intercut it was quitted with senti For the best Sweet Potatoes, ono/ bushel We learn from Wallham, taat doriniij to aid the enterprise. It i» by uniting t'Hurt* which the Kjiirit rrcovert from the drptha of ents of profound regret, tnociated with sll do. / JO vere thunder storm on Moo jay the 1th a by gathering tha mite from every uilli:ig utelir«t regret, and enter* upon new prospects tat makes remnnbrsnce pleasant, and con- Each must be accompanied wj* a statement in the afternoon, the WiltkeM Fictsrt i hand, that Temples are aomeliinei reared, and vriili its accuttunicd ardour, it only tubdued ectn the linkt of memory with the ties of tho showing the kind of seed used/and how cut| struck with lightning. Theiuid pas Monumeiili erected. Surely tliin, though a by lime. After encountering the caret, and cart." S. R. the quality of the soil, whedfer msnnred or the rod on the imall Faeiory until it secluded and bumble temple, being dedicated triumphing over the difficulties, tn which we not, the kind of manure, and+now applied, the the part of the roof, to which the as it is, to the Morahip of the I.ivixu OOD, arr all mure or leu exposed in tlin life, how from the \Dnlt. RcpubKceut. teuton, whether favourable-**- otherwise, in a pump is attached. Il then separated, 11 and intended to shelter nonhinjiert around pleating tit revi»it llietcenet of our childhood, IFTII CONGUES3ION.U, DISTRICT. word, the entire process uf culture and mode tion of it passing through the raof, HIS altar, can be ssved from ruin? to mark the changet which '.iioe has wrought The Delegates appointed to nominate a can- of treatment, otherwise f» award. quite a hole, nn to the psrap pipe. ' An Refreshments for periont attending the in our aim- me, to go back to by-gone davs, idat« for Congrett, friendly to the nreient The committees on fait and vegetables are portion patted along the rod ontil ii Fair, and feed tor their lionet, will be piovid- when we were strangert to the corroding in­ ational ndmiuiitration, for the fifth Con- prepared to receive foCfexaraination any thing the dressing room window, wberttae' ed. If the weather on the day appointed, be fluence nf care, and the deep blight ofturrow niionnl di*trict,memblcd, agreeabiy^to ap- that mar be sent if deposited at the Farmer pipe was retting alraoit upon tlie unfavourable, the first fair day thereafter will and affliction. I cannot detcribe the exalted _ ointment, at Annapolii, on Saturday Mast, Office, No. 16, 8. C/vert street, on Satur. ed through the window, breaking leaf be embraced for the object and thrilling emotion! that agitated my bosom, when the Hon. Iiaxo MolCiM, of Ihu city, davs, between the/ i of eight and nine in glass, and melting the end of the piw|< [.Wi/. Jitp. as 1 agnin traversed this ancient city, where a* unanimnmly nominated. 'I he utinnsl the morning. Thi will report accordingly, inainder of the charge patted iototM" every spot it hallowed by the recollection of nrdialily of feeling and tcnttment prevailed and a record will/* kept of erery thing pre­ near the picker. There ii pipe ) t IPTII CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. tome youthful incident. The city itself pre­ pon the occasion; and sachfwss tne spirit sented. from the forcing pump at the boUo* \Ve have not received the proceedings ol sents a much more pleasing spectacle to the uplayed by the Delegate/ composing tho Or tal Department, size room, to convey watrrt and sn the Convention, by which Mr. McKitn was eye of the vititer than it did thirty years s^o. "'onvetitionj that we feel on Jiundant assu­ Btit collettii ot Camellias in flower, 10 leads from the boiler in a woxxlen Mi nominated at a candidate for Congress, in the The principal streets have since that time been rance of locccst, / Belt dodo/ Rotes, do S rroand to the large, Mill, tu tootrj ubova district. We presume we tkall receive well graded, curbed, and handsomely paved. Mr. McKim'a commercial knowledge quali- Belt do/ Pelargoniums, do 5 This pipe end* near the furnace. ^ them, whet we will lay them before oar rca Many old dilapidated building* have be en ies himln a peculinr'devee to perform the du- Belt Hyacinths, do 3 passed down tho pump plpt, it «tno Beit ders. razed to the ground, and new ones erected ies uf a Representative in Congress from a J Tulips, ^4 do 3 boiler, and knocked oil igm««f Us n their stead (and handinme and commodious omroercial Jutnctj a^id having heretofore re- Belt /« *f following lave been kept in to complete repair, thai hat he wilUtgjin be a highly valuable and For the best conducted Or«<:n-lioutt, £0 thsft, tnd paned down the wsttr ORDER: hey shew not the effects of time, live thai uieful member of Congren. By Individual*. Both mills were in operation st tbt "" ' Stations. Jsnei of ffationi and Constitu­ heir walls look somewhat more ancient But The diitrrat for whioii he his now been no­ Por tho best snd-rarest Tropical Epi- no person was in the least injsrtd! tion of tki United SliUt, (tent's Comment* an almost entire new population has sprung minated, it cynpoted, it is true, of disjointed yte, or Air-plant, (orchideons) in riest) Optic*, (Olmsted't Philotophyi) French, up in Annapolis since I left there. I felt that Hjrtiotu of territory, but there is tn identity e wer when exhibited, with account (Select Tragedies.) I was a stranger in my own native city. A of interest among the people composing the uf native coontry, habit and mode of MELANCHOLT 8UICIDF. JVSUOBS. Orcca Majors, (Plato, Aril- rew years make such a havoc in human gene­ different parts *pf it, which will enable them treatment, .' glo Wo learn that an ina»a(r ofooi"fl!l'lll toljt, Lenrinus and Theocrituti) Tacittu, rations thst we soon tee ourselves deprived o act together harmony of feeling, and Best collection of Ericas or Hettht in cipal boarding houiet IP the lower < History i) Conit fliaioni, (Huttooi) /Venc/i, of those with whom we entered the world, concert nf pur Thete is nothing which flower, at least aix kindi, (K. Medi- Broadway, N. Y. was yestefdiy «wo (SeUct tragedies.) and whom the participation of pleamrci i>r can advance th interest nf one portion of the lerranea and mbra excluded,) with covered cl«sd on the floor of tii< roeo\ rWttouofcM. Greek, (lloner's Iliad)) fatigues had endeared to our remembrance. district, which ill not have a correapoodlpg account o| eolturo and troatment, 10 out his throat nith peuknifr. the Lmtin, (Juvenal's Satires;) French, fOram- Where now are those whom I left behind in effect in promoti the interest of the. rett Bett down torts of Aoriculas in bloom, S which wtt fjund broken «(f aud rto t»a»and Biexclae*.) the full enjoyment of health and happiness, Wo may therofofo venture to presume that,' CompetitionJfor these premiums free to all his neck, and the hsft lying by Uis rastHMBi^-Orni «na< Lmllni Algtbrv; and every comfort and pleasure which wealtl knowing the worfi of Mr. McKim, and his citizens of Maryland, end of that portion of deceased who is about 40 yeari of if* jfrtiMfcfu. 4.*. tft. could purchase? Time has swept^thum from ibility and dlapbsition to be uieful, which lha District, north nf Potomac. gentleman of wealth from the III;"1 * •t* Hosirs of Eiamissatioo, from 9 till 18 the fsce of the earth. How do the fascms- knowledge it furnished by hit post conduct, Published by order ol the Council, males, whence he arrived i* tliis '''J A. M. and fron i till 6 P. M. tions of exalted rank, and wealth disappear lie will receive a aprdial and zealous support II. F. DICR.EHUT, 6«'rj/. dtys ago, having been induced" by kit. TUtVrarv and Scientific OentletMn, and the when it ii seen that they afford no protection from all parCtflsVvflTlN^htriet. To whom apply for further information. to tare a sea voyage as a meani ofrtl*1' friends of the College, g«i)er*Jljr, are invited tgtintt the infirmities of the meanest and We cannot conAudo our present remarks (Creditors throughout tho state are re­ mental suOerinpfoccatloned by t " t» attend. lowest of crested beings. Where now are without expretiiny tn admiration of the dis. quested to insert too above. severe domestic sflllction. S»bs HBCTOR HUMPHREYS, PrM. the companions of my youth, all "those win internled tnd honourable course pursued by his arrival lie had remained clieerfw 3». . 8t John's College. larticlpaled in my pleasures and m/cares our friends in AnnVpolis and Anne Aruodel ESCAPE AND RECAPTURE OF JOEL afternoon previous to his death, wfco ' JM3. low few bayc been spared to greet-too on m; connty. upon the oJeaiiopi and. remarking that CI.OUOH THE MUHDKUKR. ppoared to have become oKCtted, *v return] while it has alfordeM us sincere pi enure to tee Clough, thw murderer of Mrs. Hamilton, ed to dwell on hit misfortunes. 1 "VrmpM edit return, .Hip* Invldloas vsbsttai tbera thus manifesting tlieir disposition, to sa­ aenttncod to DO hong on Friday next, msde count hit compauion pmpoted a ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE. OannUU«iin)U *illauov«o«nlibtift aivl crifice all minor cipiiideritjons to the great his escape from the Mount Holly state prison, bio's garden, and by this and bth*rf A mooting of the newly organized Board Piabtita Iftukcomumiiia vronia mortt." and paramount obUct of securing success to between Saturday and Sondsy morning. Tlie had, be tlrauKhf. soccerJed Inin /»ert41' 4f Trustees of Bt John's, was held, on the I cannorVtprets the fMliaga with which I t the came in which/we are alike engaged, it particulars, as we have ascertained them fnuu nind, %nd left him late at nightiihl lar 1 . on all tflrtah^e occasions, tf there ever has til a few days ago. lltvenl Mrsona who vi- eleetion, Protector Uxuriant fo iafe been 'th» ! atontiei and want of cordiality of sitsd him, connltlMd that thra doogeon was was from the burmSg nji of'*r,ii: '.ye. feeling I 'een thfc people, svnpotinr Ufavdif- an unfit place for a man to reatain in, who veral volumes uea ! the* stenM«t cre«t*d for eternil lerenifere lit joruons tiona^of n methe ontrici,diltrict, "tiu^i/emo^fe liashat runhad outbut * lewfew oaysdays to /tve,live, amiand tne HherriT, ever publishej'ln Kn«!and, It W»i hav« rolled over thy k/ad, thaQ1igh|n1si{ o been eflfctnaltsx^oken)el and we cannot duufrt, willing to »cl aa hu»ine4y at

    J* * */' ^ tlj 1. '^^B ' ' f ' ' ± "'"- 4 ' 1 >__ ' * * ^[ W™ ^ , - I* eMer* lj> tb»t afflicted town. 02 TUB V- bUe**-49» . couurf r» sot1. .Our corVtMwadtt bto h«T« 6cc*ma, U tbU to** itoe* of th«*MM* to wit; that w* tow !»<» to ffmm «/ P thtti a»otJ»»Ei..I4«tT8 STOOXBTT .habiunta *•*(•• tti,.r. b«ck.— Anderaon, John Provid«nc«, from the comwenoeoient art ia |o«d h*mllk, Fart tf Howtrd't RmU«i*ti ao* ,,ider*ble'anxiety htt been camd bl jPtTBHC SAitVB* Second Di*co«*ry, ...... iht< tho Cholera had exhibited it*«4 though wi h*ve nndernaa th* itaiawt fat%«* Btubem. ' .KinilY »f the Warm Spring*, we rleeo and htnlahip. lod»*4 thar* tr» Mvetaj *MB |«»*«r»ber will offer at P*bli« • Sale, «« Htsrdiy, the irih da/ of August B*rnt*,Bl Jrunt t* 1*7 b*fore ihe publia the in/or here wbow BatMt ihontd IM aM*tioo4d Brewer, Qinnah icooliinel itt tho followingextract*! a world at tip champion* of humanity, vixt-~ nett, the Vtm which he at prevent t* Win. McOee, Tliorna* Philip*, John T. Wil- lidet. The qealitiMof thU land ifl* ri«emeil •nneceiMrj U recoeiniind, brini IM'well . n'» Pore* aid part «f tdklrf, 1833. liamt, D«wion Gutaraje, David M. William*, BwreM Hoete and IxK in Anntpoli,; • . iTmpt«nii of Confer* in the'Cow pot- Henry Thompion, Capt. W. B. Watkina, known t* u*»4 It. The** i* In *h* tract ' Beaver Damt, 3t r .ix lacO, [iri-r have totilly dinippeared. end the C»pt. John Rink*!** and H. WeUVnn, Btq. SOft A^RES. Ce«rt, William Lot at Pit Point, ,', »,'' ,~ ;« ; '• t »* M» than i A upiniou now U, Out it w*» not the Thev ha.v« laid, out and borieii white and Ithaavpon It a comfortable DWELLING, Childa, William of Wm'a. htJlt Name, ••known. *' V ';'.••• -:*•; a which carried off the Iabouper»«ra ih* black, male and female, norler th* asoit try­ Two TOBACCO HOU8K8, *nd Cromwell, RamMph : / P«rt of Cramweir* Inheritinct, *".'.'** *; bike- Tlleie »re nearly Uireo Impdred ing circuiotUncct. Some uf them have com- i«**ry other necetaary bvil4iag. h Cromwell. Oilet " .'- * ," ' :-1> Ptrt bf Cromwell'* liibehtiact, .'* ^ ' •'' •••- ?,: purativelr no interest here, and have been which h it the White Sulphur, and cooiidvra- 'ha* advantage* at to location, Q, Uowell, Willitiu .' "! ": I/ot at Pig Point, ., .. ; • luberi *t Oi«-other watering place*.' prompted only by (he consideration of human­ log sri«ai»dr*dj»i*ing Oilfcrd F*o- so I into t D«ra»r, John of John '».'.* Name unknown, HI3. I AHeehaniin elate* tliat the Cholera is ity. Language indeed fail* in uttering th«ir torf, owatdby Mr. lames Uwens. and imme­ Du»ill,Marf ;.. >- Part of First Discovery, I* iu tviotwlu county. praise. Our Doctors who larvlvcd deserve diately between the firm* of Mr. John G. Ounn, Jamta " " " ' HOUM and Lot in Annipolii, I3 Pitl*ttrK. July If, much credit. These thing* are true. I hare l»roud ind Dr. Charle* G. Worthincleo, two Elliot!. Daniel Ntme unknown, &s HOSPITAL REPORT, been an eye witnett from the beginning to thit and a half mile* above the Sivig* Factory on Gree»y, Henry Ptrt of LUlUworlb, w» July 10, 183i» 9 o'clock, A. M. moment.' th* Wathington Turnpike Road. It i* alto Hall, Warfiela'i heir. Part of Hampton Court, Jones, (man of colour,) admitted By reference to our obituary head to day, well watered by fine ipriuj*. llwillb* »« t ia Uiimond illej, recently from it will bo **en that two more of the p*t**n* if detired *t privtte sile. The terms will be llaninood, Larkln Part of Addition to Timber Neck, and pact ,' All., W J"r* of »«*« ChoUra ger* of the tteam-boat Reindeer died ol Cho­ mtde knnwn on the dty of tale. Bale Io com­ • of Polecat Glide, to ir , convalescent. lera, in thit town, IttL week* We alto learh mence at 2 o'clock P.'M.nn the premise*. Hood, Part of Flndlind, i Miller, admitted « per former re- that nnothor a negro woman, belonging to Mr. . KDWARD DORflBY. of Kich'd. Hu»het, Cliriitopher llill'a Pilace, IS 8 43 ftliimioed. Juhn Drew, of tlw Cherukve Nation, died en July 95. . t«. Hancock, John HOUM and Lol in Arinapolit, I 03 , Murphy, remaining. board of her, of the tame diseate, after the Johnioo, Elizabeth Part of Wbonlebcrrj Fomf, ;1 ST ; in HoipiUl. Mrfc-Kcrr, Strawberry fwi».ed up, io 7 or 8 hour* after the attack. $1OO UEWARD. Janet, line Uividson's Reserve, AN AWAY on the 8th intt. from the V .-A convaleicent. (Via ninkct nine of the panengtr* ind crew Johnlon.Zjchariah HOUM ind Lot in Annapolis, 1 JO July 1C, IMS. ot the Reindeer who have been cutoff by thi* tiibicrioer, milling at Ihe head of Suflili Kelly, Caplea Pirt of Youn^i Locutt Plaini and lien- R Anne Arundel cnonty, atate uf Ma­ iV: iti fVrTio»*w. Eiq. diieate ainee th* left New Orleant, or rather River, in derton'* Meadow*, 3 2-J l_Wi«bi* oor knowledge, bit seven tince the left Vicktburg, where it U thought ryland, about eight miltt from the city of An- Lnrtt. Rtth Part of Holland'* Chance, napolii, joung Nctro Man. 80 4 fro* Oolera havo occurred within the it was contracted from patsunger* taken on McDaniel.Thnmu Lot at Pig Point. 61 \ tf thii city during the latt week end.- board at that place, among whoa it first de­ t«»enty-twn yetr* of a*,e, uf McKJQkey, William Put of Hnpkioi'Choice, Mcktintey's Hill*, about 3 f«*t ' rniiig. makii.g, in all. 39 death* veloped ittclf. daik complexion, and McKintey*! Pleasure, 4 04 4 43 c6f*ineucen\eDt, (June llth.) These death* produced tome little alarm 4 or 3 inchti in hrighr, of tlout McDonald 4- Rldgcly Pirt of September 14th. IT54, I, John frame, who ealla himself , M. !>., Pre*.. J. Agnew, M. D., among our citizettt, at first, but *« the diteui Himmond son of Juhn, wa* bern, 9 73 l/icltcts, M. »., J. H. Speer, M. D. hit not spread, it ha* entirely inbsided, and Horace Gibson. McKim. Alexander Part oC Hanover, 3 99 our town remain* at bfalthy tt utual. I will give Fiflv Dollin to any perton «ho Meilford, Jame* Haul* and Lot in Anotpnlia, 3 60 itxtngto*. Ay. July 13. Little Rock, (Arkaniai) Gar. of July S. will apprehend uxi Negro «o that I eel him a Morgan, Thomaa House tnd Lot io Annipolii, 93 f ft feetinf* of the prafuundmt gratitude CHOLERA. ( in. If he it taken oat of the liitkjct of M'lnlock. Gilbert's heir* House ind Lot in Annapolii, 1 90 \ t\\ wise Providence, wa can now state > From Salem, in thit slate we learn, by a Columbia, or oltte nf Maryland. I will pay One Owing*, Jnshna Part of Frederickiburgh, 21 «9 act th>t oor cily has »(pin bccomo en- Centlrmao of lltii town who .patted through Hundred Dollars, (f he it aecureil to that I get Phelp4, Mmhfw Part of Portlind Manor, -v ft 74 r htillhy. There 11, at tliii time. Jtn ap that plare on Monday lait, that Uie inhabi­ him, ami will pay all reatooable travelling ex- Ptunintton, Welthy Part of Mountvllle 8S jat« of Ihit dreadful scourge, with winch tant! had fled to the country with the excep­ penicl if brought hnme in me. 1'eicn, James Part of Walker'i Inheritance, S 9T ive been in severely viiiud, ill any pait tion of a few familiet, and that about forty THOMAS SNOWDEN. Robinion, John George'* Luck, .1 4r i 61 fcecitv. The (art death tint'occurred, deathi bad occurred. Several of the most The editor* of the Examiner, in Krt Of rick- Ri^by. Asvnelh House and Lot in Annipolii, i «r or iiiujit latt, a rcipec table cilizeoa of the town were labour­ Town, and Whijt. Batlun, will iniert the a- Smith, Cant. Williim Lot tl Pig Point, 56 61 on Wednesday evening Juhn | jot woman uf Mtjor Juhn Til lord. ing under the dkteaie. The puper in fiilera bov* advertiiemrnt tix lime* and forward Snider, Part of SI. Jtmet' Park, 42 48 6. hat ceased to be publiihed. Indiana Demo­ (heir acciiBQt* to Ihil office (or payment. Spinner, George V. Ntme unknown, 3 13 3 45 crat. /July S3. ______Gw Snowden,Uerard H. Purl of Trusty Friend and Mount Vernon, U 99 CHOLF.RA. Spurrier. Williim'i heir* Nim* unknown, or the information of oer abtent friendt 50 UNION CANAL LOTTERY 01- Troll, Henry Soldier'* Delight, • 41 j townsmen we itite, tint the Cholera, a* Urjin. Jaroc* Nimt unknown, a so kpidemic hit ceased to exitt in this cityt PENNSYLVANIA. Vanlillir. Jeremiah Nime unknown, m»ve not heard of a lingl* case for a nnm- LATER PROM FRANCK. C/~1SS, iVo 13, /•fJWUJS. Wood, Henry Part of Deaver Range, / at N«w York i so Icf dayi; the Jeathi that now occur are The packet ahip Sully To be drawn at Philadelphia, on Sitnrdty Witeri, Edward Part of Kamroond Giat, B 30 i viriooi disease*, ind the majority are from Havre, brings Km pi pen to the 3d Julyar, !8dJ. i among Ihe coloured population. The ic- June. An extra ili*tl from ihe office uf the NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, paft of the aute, are, we New York Courier, lupplict ut with th* fol­ pttlrom every Si>i]T-«ix Number Lottery Ten Drsoa Billots. 1 hat unlet* the County chari;ei afureiaid are paid within ihirly day* after Ihe publica­ hippy tu observe, represent it to be on lowing intelligence: tion of thi* notice, t'nt (he said Laodt, or tucli parts thereof as will be •efficient to;,»» ihn iltcline, tnd we are In hope* tint it will Under date of the 3lit May, the corret- SCHEME. T»x ind Co»t« thereon, will be told to the highd! bidder, itreeebly Hi Ihe direction, uf the kly b« in 01 r power to announce itt enure pondent of the Journal du Havre write* at 1 pril« of 12.300 tcl of tiierebly. entitled, "An ait fur the roore effectual col lection of the cuumy chircet in f pnearance from this region. follow!.' I prize of 6,000 the several couotiei of ihii Kite." " [t it not without caune that the govern­ I p' ire Of 2,400 By order, R. J. CdWM AN. Clk. ' TIIBCHOLKRA. ment! of Germany and Italy fear a general 6 prizes uf 1,000 Conim'r*. A. A. Co'ly.' It illiamiport, Md. July tt. exploaion in their retpective conntriet. The 10 prize* uf 500 R. 3uet of cholera atmwig the canal handl adminittrationt there, inttead of exerting 10 prior* of 400 Editori of the Americto, Btltiroorr, will publilh the above once a week for fonr re oceaiiooally occurred lince our l*tt| but tkemnlve* to *lt*7 the general ferment that 10 prize* nf 300 week work uiiy now be slid to be quite clear of exittt, and acting up to th* opinion* of th* 80 prize* of 200 IN CHANCERY, IN CHANCERY, diteaie. Iu fluctuationi depend very age, teck only, io a tyttera of persecution, 61 prizel of 100 the meant of *appr«iiint; thit revolution 36 prize* of 50 13th July, 1833. July Trrm, 1833. , ttcli upon thoie of the weather, and the care Peter II. Termc Joirph Rvant and Jamei IgUhart, \ iDittentiuii of thoie to whom it hat yet which it ready to break oat. A traveller who 56 prizel uf 40 -10 » vi. fen conBnid. ha* jutt Inverted all the coontrie* bordering Jfl prize! "f Matthew Paicil Si Virginia Pa»eil. Richard Thompion ind Rinaldo Tydingt. fanatefta County, Vf the Dill in this case it to ob- height public 3.240 ptilin <•!' rTPHK ITbc CKuJetton Bauner of th* ll'h give* thit tubject. rvhich thow the _B_ in obtsin a decree for a conveyance to the Itin a decree for the ule of ihe real eitate of |ptrticaV account of. the cholera, which ditconten'. ha* attained. Th* idea* of inde­ I.MOO pnie» <>f compltinint by the defendant! uf Ihe property Juhn Tydingt lat« of Anne Arnndel county, trailed in lh»t town tnd itt vicinity. From pendence prevailing among the people, and hereinafter mentioned. - dccrttrd, for the payment of nil drbls. \ lit to the 9th July, there were 9 deilhi even the petmnti, are mtnifett in the «lec IB.040 prit**, aroouniipj to BU.V-tO. The bill tttlet, that Andrew Candolle, now The bill tttlei, ihil the compliiiunti wha th« Kiaawha Saline* at Charleiton 3. lion of member* of th* liberal parly for the decea«cd, heretofore conlncied wlih Mltlhew lue for- ihemielvet,. ai well... at for Ihe benefit I ulilitiuii to which, tome dettlii havo oc- Ir^ialutivo bodie* now a^ain cattiled together. Ticked W—ffulcet ZZ—Quarttn gl. Paicil, anil hii wife Virginia, fur the sale, i.f all other creditor* of Ihe taid John Tydingt Irrrit imong tho blick* «t the Saline*, nut The parliamentary oppoiition expected oy the ennteyinee ind itiunnce, for ihe i«m nf se­ who thai) come in and contribute to the ex- V«oing, however, according to the btkt io- High Diet from thi* tource i* considered to licked an9 ihtr** foritte at ven hundred dollirtis iheconiideratinn there- pentetuf tbit tuit, it October Term I8U. of kiution we can obtain, 4 or 3.' The Ban tttngtroui, that deliberation! have already fur, to him taid Candulle. of all the leaiehold, Anne Arundel Cuonly C'Hirt, reeoveretl a r»ii|nab|e to lUtc with pfeciie accur*- been held at Prankfurt for the purpose of interest, and term nf year* tlicrelnfure veiteil Judgment *g*tntl the taid John Tydin^*. fur \ *« efcs of confirmed cholera, which had considering on the meant of giviu; militarr LOTTERY AND RXCIIANGK OKFICK. in laid Virginia, and then belonging to said at well th* turn of ninety-five dollirt (nil for- ItomJ in the countyj bat it present* the aid to Baden and U'ortemburp, in caie thote (OrroiiT* THE Posr Onto*-) Mltlhew in right of hii nicl wife, in and of l)-»eveo_ ceot*...... cerrent mimry, ,. a.__...._ certain _..debt. •"•'U of the phyiician*, t* far at it had col- government* thould think it Decenary to dil- ill Out piece or parcel of gioond tilnale In ii one hundred and ninety diil'lir* current mo- I them. Dr. Patrick report* 13 eate* tolve the. CrArnbers which ire now in lettion. the tily nf Hillimorr, which Hid CindolU ney damage!, and aix dollirs and twenty-tight In that c»«e the Diet will Itiue a decree, not CHANCERY, be r«le**- •iron th* week, but no death*—tho** remain- B July, 1833. conveyed to said Virginia by deed, beiring and a third cent* coin, damage*, In fir* convalescent. Dr. Rogers, 7 catet, ordering, it i* true, an unlimited tiitpeniinn date Hi* I3lhuf May 1824. That said Cart- ed on payment of ioier*«i mi thr ukl debt I *V:ch I died, 3 hive recovered, 3 conva- of the Conititutional Le-iilalure of the dif­ Richird E.tep mil Henry A. Hall, Surv'g. dolle paid and uli.Ued S*M| Matthew and Vir- from the eighth day of March eighteen han- icctt. Dr. Patney, 8 cases nud 9 deathi. ferent German tUtei, but giving each govern­ Admr's. of Kcxin Hitej). glnia the ind coniideralinn «b..»e dated, and drrd ind iwealy, & co*l» That nn part of 'r.'Minn report* at Coalbndj;e, 3 catet, no ment the power to-adjouru that action of the a ilut ihereopno. in order Iu Ihe conveyince to the ssid Judgment hn been ptrtl Thit the Dr. Street report* *t the K. SaAjoet, national rrpretentative* now to much requir­ Ann Sparrnw. Jmeph G. lluttnn, Aimelh laid Cindnlle by them uf laid piece or parcel tald John Tydingt died seized iu f*« imnl* ef be oambrr of marked catet at 42 of nLht ed by tho intereit of thoie countries Thi* O., Knocli A. Uuttun, and William of ground, and teatehold inlrrett ind term of • h**teaad lot IroatingonDakeof Gloeceelrr Owning diirriioe, 4ic. CO, of cholera^wrorWis project, before been presented it Frankfort, t. Hutli»n. vein, lha Mid Matthew and Virginia then b* alrect in the rily ^f Aaoapoli*, U*vinc the MO ipe.modie ch»Jic« 4 dealht 4. Dr. Bn- had been diteusied at Vienna and Btrlin, and UDKRKD. That the tal* of the teal rt- Ing and retiding, at they now do, in Ihe Re- tald Hinatdo TyiAng* of th*cily of Baltimort, JLY 8UICIDF- I»« report^l «l pMienti with tpMtnodic the High l)'*t will tike it into consideration _ late made and reported by Horoerville public of Cdlorobit. executed to the laid Cao- hi* brother and heir *l liw That lh***M John nmt'e of oni nfli'r'l IMItn, 7 of who* died. «riie number of on the return of M. Munch Bellinghauien. t'nikney. Ihe trUitee in Ihil cue, bo ritifled dolle th* deetl of Inurnment of writing, tiht- Tydingt by hit lait will *ndle*umenl devised in the lp«rr fix* uf premu'iitory ditrrhuca, I have no "The tituation of th* Italian penintula ap­ and confirmed, onleit ciuie tu thitconlnry be bilid with Ihe bill, and which purpnrla to ctm- ill his propeily, retl tod per*un*l. luhiicuoMn i yetlerdiy mwnis' e«n« of lUtlng with exactnen; TO I ftud, pear* more pvoirlout even than that of Ger­ ihewn btfnre the 9lh diy of September ueit, vey and Mm* (<> tiid Ctndolle, In* executor!, Ihe said Richa/d rhumpfon, and bin hrin, but Boor of bit ro«» ititmiiit greatly exceed Out number. 1 many, for, judging by th* diicootent which provided a copy uf thi* nrdtrbv publiihed unco atlniin'ilralnr* ind attigni, the nid piec* 01 in eis* of hit detth txfur* mirriage, ill Ilie peuknifr. are fouml mi di(Scul(y in arrettiog the dit- (jrevailt in Savoy, * general exploilon will in'etcli of three tuccettive we*ki before Ihe parcel ol ground, ind tald leauhol'l intereit taid real and per*onil prvpeny.lo twlutig to if n of/ and "* "i thii ttage, with Dr. Pattert.m'* Pro. thortly tako place. Io that country, HO « Bih day of Atygott next, in on* of the Annapo­ ind term of year*. That MM! Candolle Iraot- the taid Rinildo Tyding*, *nd hit heirn, fur I lying by Itii 30-grains-Rhei, (Rhubarb) 5 of C*- cute having yet bcin (bund for Ae introduc lii newspaper*. ferred anil turned Io complainant, among oth­ ever, anil appointed the taid Richird Thump- t 40 ye*ri of «" fl «n,|1 ' '-i of Sul. Morphe*, ur| opi- lion of Auttrtan troop*, ting Albert htt hith­ The report ttitct the amount of sales to be er p{rO|i*rty, the laid piece or parcel of ground, ion execulnr of hit said will lh»t Of Hid from the III;* "J urn, made into a powijer or bolut and Uken, erto had to depend on hi* own resources a- 21083 371. lea>ehnld inter*.t, and term of vein, upon Richird Thomson ha>b takrii up< ptttunil it * meant of r*M* law, which wott||| b* necetury, it the wa- the Sardinian reglnxvnt*. In coniequtnc* .of Rtg.Cur. Can. frum laid Mallhtw and Virginia it infixmally eifale Thit tbf Mid pertentl rstale will not iloncJ bjr t r»e«t«' |<*fy«lej«etioni cpntinued.' -'-> • -.- thi* milittry coninirtcy nnmerou* *rr*lt» July «1 .^N^L...... ^ A executed, Ib* acknowledgment thereof not be- be loflicienl for payment ol Ihe **ld John Ty ing *ccnrding (o Ihe acti of Aswmbly ai made dings' debt*. The bill alto prays Tor writ* of Th. B,nner add* for 'Wedwiielay,' 'July have been made withoit any interftrence on Maryland, iained clieerf«fi"l'l the part of th* people, but the lilt letter* Bsut&flf and provided (n eaita of conieytncet from Mub|>ODni «i*init Ihe defendant, aad Ihe writ iu, 3 new c«te* only have been reported in nonresident grtnlur*. tnd in th* exeelliou tg«in»t Ihe laid Uinildo Tvdlngi. hit inhabitant* ire in motion, end M>m* citi- N compliance with the Charter ol Ihe Fir­ thereof la otherwise deOctive, by reaanti having been duly itiued and ih* si id defeodint sfurtunei. "" ** - rhe Lewiiburg AtUghanian ef the 12th mer*' Bink uf Maryland, ind 'Vllh a inpple- whereof tho compliinint iinot vetted with ihe hiving been 'returned not inmmoned at iwu - that th* choUr* was ibatinc oa the rvni have been arreited by the Strdinitn po­ I lice. The court of Turin, alarmed by the nient thereto eitiblitluni; a Uranch thereof at perfect legal entile in Ihe preonitn. The bill lucc'nive teroit. < hii aod bthtrj ... - >*—«nd that it had not appionihed Frederick Town, Notice it hereby given to Ihe ilin ititei. that (h* defendant* retid* out of H i* (hereupon, Hilt (cnlhday of July 1833, |n«rlr to LewUborg thanjthe Kanawha Liak^ lurn thing* have taken, would have DO objec­ Mirjlind. ;eedcd tion to receive *ome An«trian aotiliaric* in tiockhuldtri nn the Wtiicm Shurc, that an «- ih* Stale of adjudged and ordered, that Ih* ctwnpfiliunl* Hlliburg, July 10. lecllon will be held at tho Banking Hin one of the ne*« p*p«ri publlihed in the ci but og lie Blh ...... received information that aegotittiont were oti ea*hof IhrettuceiMiva wetkt. ty of Annipoli* once In etch ef three (*c«e*t K, fo>- - - , ; foot for thi* purpose, had strnn*ly opposed it August next, between the hour* of 10 o'clock Krted,in tome oncain new»n*per. befor* the SOlJi d*y ef ' ' ' ' ' ' ----" -' -" - ofjife cow*'*' intl. lh*r«wer« 8 deilbt of cha­ A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. fer la* purpoie of i'v* wteki befor* (he tenth diV of Aouat nrlt, in* citvi and from the la*tn.*meil day, snd declared t'ut France would lend into the Auiuit neil,g(v*, notice to the tiid abtent d«- to the Mid Rinaldo Tydlifgl of the territory at many troop* at they thoo»ing from tmonctt the itockknlner* hlieen glv* notice Hfjda*,- at 10 o'clock, A. M. one Sardinian Director* for Ihe Bink it Aniiapolii; itnd nine ( rtdaniaefthssubttanc* nndobj«cl*f the bill/ tubstince tnd object *f the Mil. chat he wiy The bidtnti in *i* hotpitat have all received there from Anilrit." Director* for the Branch Bank at Frederick ih*t they, may be warned tu appeer in ihltV^jkc. warned to iMXtr In Ihil court in person, or nd DQM* application* lor Town. court in perinn. or by a lalicitor, on or befote %iolicitor, ew or before the tenth dav of No- !«nd, ltw»«« ; HYMENEAL. OIB 13th i/iy ot IWcember next, to thew caott, . (oa*»wrr*aldb»U*•<(«*«»caa»», .utitM "Tfc« I ttdrritd, on Tnettlay evening July the Jflth, ,MAYNARD,Ctih; if any they liavr. why a decr«« ihould not b* , *rhjr a 4|cr«« »%t«U *c4 pat* M wrire. ««rro«i8h«l. W. patacd a* prajed. Tru* C»»r- T««t. bT the R«v. John Baw^ii, Mr. Oioao» R ^ i% gpher Bdter V>'l*rvt!*Uof T«e.d«y, July 0. at UOWKLL to Aliit M*ao4m«Tt daughter of M*. TlnOiMltc, ami Americio B*llimor»,nill .' •*.' '. I0&Y W4TSB8. >: V* »ck A. M,furnlihe* ut t»i li.t of death t ' Car. Can. »lh'» prlajer." \k« ihovc boci a wtck tit week*. : . : .'-'^K

    v- **a&** tie outh'M'AloCfSMSn'ctniia *c4re<|jj.«rto*a* mart ./*« Botlift Mertantiii' Jdumat. l It wtt' forWrd ,?*** bMh u re (A bat* bli, liok'ftiin this great own lo. Ma plait) bla *OV 'TIIP SfiA SKRPK^T. ' _ ._ - _.__. _____ . I The city »' *JI -i* eseitMMW - TPheiiirTi'e'sl ntwrant of *h anita»l-of this' I den«t eseaa to tay that th«JPr«da««tlii»'| well a>oo jn«.pf t**othi ;ioa i* lurnlsTiml by Panteppi- alar no; h»f (hat wiMHd | loon Bat P>A« uRrrtovYM ti 1n Norwaf, and author ton tod in the first edi­ be a s*4 «l«viatlon from tht custom of retm ct the serpent. of an. ox, tnoVthtrt lie*. 1%'ero.hasjbeen against him, at kgaifl ien recently ,._. -ppetnheo Whita Ik* bltnctt pui**o+«r hcv h«a*' ajl others, a party, whose opposition has, arc'aUo In town. Tfirefc*_.._ ...... doubt- bnnotf over it oo «aeh %id« i Juri racked to lb* toskcf tU* bore. * .*, '• * .-u ' '' rendered the soclsmstions of his Van Burcn, is alto a toJoittaeyxrWutf tome of .._ .j ..It rapid motion tlirough the aolmal did tiftt ippnr a A rook full of tnnoctic* Ml ' •, • more load anil .appireht .Their the Secretaries of lh»n»pertraenU, ««d yw- __.. lf« wy*. It lay on tlie water, whtn it veisel, and hi* motion w*t • Vroa het mo«leit and pretty blue «yet,- ,'' .ft Urdsy I ran ngaiost a fen tie matt, w»o, upon wa* calm.}' and when it moved,- pirt* of the that of any whale. He JUlbt ttid.'I have mttcbet lo tell, • . * . watch-word it "hurrah for Jtcksoo!" There have been »een by Beverly, And bop» you art willing tu bu). it not a little curly-pated imp of three yeart a closer view, I recognised u Washington back wire to be *««ri in the line of the head. The colour wa* dfrkybrown, variegstcd with mariner*. A horse mackerel •A p«nny a bunch i* tht pricet , : •' • old, bet will fling up his little tattered hat Irving. and th« deuce kitows what else ther« I tbink you'll notflndil too mu«Ji| , , . and cry out "hurrah for Jackson!" For years is to ferment the population. What did old light .pots or streak*. The animal appeared Bottnn party, which cast tome They're lied up to *«en and ni«, tad years this has been the stitte of tlie city Mother Trollop* mean by saying tlie Ameri­ regularly many year* off tht Manor of Nord- believert in tlie real Srrpeat. And rcsily lo light with a touch.' in reference to their present President) awl cans had no enthuiiaaa? Wbr, they are tin­ land. In July and August, where all the in­ 'ilie most distinct affldatttt wtn 1 aakeil, 'whal't your name, Kill* (irV many meaKurct.of. hit administration have der. liter burn spontaneously. Eight or ten habitants were ftmilttrlyaeqniioteil with him, 181 B, by the most c red I bin " I'ta Mary,' the Mid, 'Mary Uow,' tended tu overflow tlie cup uf hia popularity, thousand of then assembled ye.terday on tlie though the Bishop doubted the whole story for appearance off Cape Ann, and we *,. Ami c»re\ei'ly totted off a «ml, Battery tu see a balloon aacead. 1/m a great- a lung time. He represented the length to etpecislly those poblisbtd in tk« " That play'd o'er her deltcato brow. already full. The fact that, under his direc­ tion, a danjierous question, which threatened frieod to balloons they are so elegant, and have been 600 feet, and the size that of two Qazett* toil Advocate. •lly father wailoat in Ihe dtop, hogtheads! a statement which famishes ra­ 'lTi< Centinel of August 28,1819, i lit* thi» nsver got toth* tltnrti the dissolution of the Union, has been amica­ airy, and caralet. like a fine nntfemu, or "*.--v. My mother It tut tod will we«p, bly settled, bus elevated the general cnthu- a poet, or a Ixlle, or a butterfly. They tell ther cufious food for dixcuuion. It wat at a long statement nf a similar apectat When the hrtrt I|M wind blow and tea roir. (iuru anil curiosity beyond sM bounds. Be­ ard and Ret chip«, the office and the service* of lh« man. Hence hi* fate for three or four boors, ho heard hit he bait wounded ft. The head, he relalea, a moderate rtte tcros* the bty, bats* Uilt then ll will nuke me loo aadi you may judge, on the day of his expected little 1 1 02 somewhere near him barking in lli\ waa like that of t hone and of a gra'yiih co to occasion a foam in the water. My To tet m«n (here bnildmtf the thipa. arrival, the >trcet about_i*...** six.i» feetr^.i distance.t:.i H n<*^ other««k..« tpectaton. * * moved* on and' - kept- \\ .iL my bonnei ihat'< put up lo weir from one another. This letter . To Meeting nnd Sund»y-«liool cL««. ward tho place where the cFlrbnleil toldier pUce in a fort (now converted into a public was sworn tu abreast uf him. Iliad teven diitinct ._ ice-cream garden,) 01. the khore of the bay. before the Merged magistrates. of him from th* long beach, tod il-imjj I lo«c le flu 'here where I'm taught and venerable statesman was expected to land. Of One, whu'l M witc and ad tjuoil, The Hiciic Mat imputing, gnU'J. -< 1 tublimc. The place itself i» generally filled, and ilto In 1804, Atden Bradford, Esq., then of them the animal wit not mure than lOun tie. knuwt oery action and thoughl, it will probably live on the |n: •( hittory, j the surrounding stream, walks, streets, &c. Maipe, addrcascd a letter to I. Q. AdaTOi, distant. On patting the second beicb, i And girrt e'en the ra>cn hU fi.oJ. us one of the must inipp'<-.,>i- v > 'nnunlic with boktt, pedestrians, carriages, and all the then Secretary of tho American Actilemy, wcr« again gratified beyond even whitvtn Tor He. I am wire, who can taka events of the time*. Ki.ncy, my .n:«r U. a et ceteras. Imagine a delicious sunshiny af­ transmitting document* to »how that a large in the other bay, which 1 concluded IK | surli fttherly ore ef t bird, proud, great city ' ! , 'UI!I»IM fr-•< • - fences ternoon a toft Italian air a heaven with sea serpent had been seen in and about Pu- left in contequence of the number ol U \\ ill never for Ret nor furtakc alkswarmed i-il!i uril'.ljdi's, ail uf.MoUttn scsrccly a cloud alt blue and transparent nobtcot Bay. The Academy laid th«m asidt. the offline in pursuit of him." The d Tlie children vhoirutl in hit word. get a glimpti* at tlie )i>:m '>•< lie |>.i»..rd from tho thronging thousands waiting arouod. At and they first appeared 40in Billiman's Journal, Oizette furnished tome irlditiooal doca And now if I only cm tell the tu|KTb allure. On I i-. I..,4 lie V,M . ., rctv B was lei authenticated by Mr. Bradford. Tin nulchct I brought out to-i!iy, length a little balloon a pioneer, ascends, 1 think I th>l| do very v-tll. cd by Major Morion, at II,i. Lead < f and is borne off rapidly by the light breeze, Mr. Camming* of Sulivan, Mo., dsted Aug. W* will add to thi* history a And njotlier'll rejoice n the piy.' hit column, a ^entleiua:i uf ll.c uM ou, a:i-l uitii Mluitt* globe of brown silk loom* «p above the edge« animal was seen by Mr. Cummings, his wife, "Tho coast in our immediate vicinity kui Vly h'.mc lull nf joy lo ymir ne«'i' nci|uaintitncu I am greatly pleiuvii. lie ail- of the wall with a beautiful motion swing­ daoghter, and another lady, a* they were on lilt received a viiit Iron the far fimed 1'url limit ill tlir m.icliri >lic i.rixi^lil, ilremi-d tin- I'rr^ulent in un appr.,|iii.iif. cuu- ing, floating, and displaying all the at|iriog their pataage to Belfast, between Cape Ro«ui Serpent He was aeen by three men, ., Aud Mar) may tell )uu :h« rc»t. caK, and pointed tpecch, and Ihe li'iu ol u.trch impuliM of an eagle eager for tit* flight^ and snd Long Island. It was in the month of Ju­ were fisMng a few miles from tb* thwr,, was taken up through thu city. The ilit- scarcely retainable on tvrth. ly; the sea was calm; there waa very little Tuesday alternoon last. Tiro of tht i THE PRKSIDKNT. tin^uHhi'il visitor rodu thruiigh the must Tho arrangements within are at length com­ wind; and the Gist appearance of the t;rp«nt were to moch alarmed at hit nearness u L HIS RECEPTION AT NK\V YORK. nn^nificciU street on thi> continent lo ins ho­ pleted. The huge mt«s rises slowly, clear was bear Long Itland. Mr. C- supposed it boat, that they went helow. The third htm tel. and free, into the tir. The car, with its ad­ to bo a large ahoal of fishynkh a trai at on* cr, Mr. Guocb, a man whose statemtnt i_ From the fftu> I'ork Mirror. The Itatlery a lirqc area wst a living venturous pilot, is greeted with mu'.titudinofc end of it: out he wondered (he seal should be-relied on, remained on deck and retcnril [The following letter, from the ptn f an mnn* of hum.T.i l)-'i,i^<-troop», horie mil foot, eheni, and off they Qoat upward and aw>y> rise out of the water so much higher than u- the glance* of his lerpcntlhip fort conniia»| accomplish"! dime"", w.-u mteinli;il nuirl)- and thoutaiuU and in^uiamlt ol citiicni thi* upon the gale flsgt waving huzzaa ming­ saal|Sl lie drew near, they discovered the ble length of time. He gives the folloi for the perusal of a Lomlon friend; but liat bir covered witn slcnn-boaU and other Yes- ling cannon firing hortes prabciug and whole appearance to be one animal in the account of (lie interview. -The Gib »u I l>4en politely banded us fur publication.] »e(« fla^s lloaliii^ camum roaring music tlic lonely vei*rl tmonthly gliding into the form of at serpent. He had not the horizon­ seen at a short dittsnce from them, *odi twclliii^ on t'lir win I b'jr>t.« jfrom toe I rum blu" and high distance till it fudet to a tpcck. tal, but an ascending and descending serpen- ly afur came within tix feet of tlie boat, n i A riltlHD f I.ONDO.4. pet tlmt tnudf t'ic pulti-t wilil, anil, over the \mong the spectatort df this tc,ejie wer* tine motion. This account alto refen to the looked directly into the boat, to rra I with you were in thu country, my tlear whole, the cheers a:ul loud iccUnution* of Ulaclc Hawk and hi* party. Thete Indians description given by other persons of similar cd for several minute*. Mr. Gooca MIJ V., you would have much tu learn, mil tu un­ tlis crowd. I wat well accommodated with -. were Krett curiukitiet to me. Nothing makes animal*. him attentively, tod thinkt be wit air; tet learn. You would be turpri»ed anil ilrtight- si-at at the hotel, which it littuted, (or ai the ne mure strikingly realize that 1 am iu Ame­ A letter of March, 1751, from Capt. Lit­ in length, and about tix in circumlmau," rd, although you would urns »om? uf your Amoiicant »*y, locatoil,') in the widett pirt rica that a broad ocean rolls between yoo tle, of nor Navy, to Mr. Bradford, states tic. accustomed luxuries. I have not mytell for­ of tho street, where the throng, ctrriagei, anil inc. The *iv«ge* who infctt the frontiers that in .May, 1780, aa he wta lying in bruad The reader will find farther.d*Ulltii9nj| gotten you, nor our friends, nor our merry cirtt, tta*ct, gi^t, hortei, and foot patten- .if the republic have no idfi'tJiat the whites Bay, (Peoobscol,) in a public armed ship, he and Dowen'i edition of Baloo. We irtb old England i and hallowed in my memory u gen, Binountcd to »u(Tocalinn, and furnithcd, romprUe mure thin a handful of men. and discovered a large serpent, coming UOWQ the to lay that they have little u>ubt oa our i the recollection of thit tpol, cert.iinly, one of the mutt imprenivc tighii« fjnc.Y they may be conijueicd by perseverance. bsy on the surface of the water. The cotter mind of the exiiUuce of a Sra Serpent 1 Where 1 h«met i» t*r n that 1 over beheld. Thu,wide tneet, through Several of Jliem were conducted on a tour was manned and armed; ha went himtelf io the pretent our beliif matt be singular, Gliding between liiiu..itk.» of green. which. Tor liuurn, the tide uf Imrkin bein^a 'drouth the country tome yean tincc, tnd of the boat; and when within 100 feet of the ser- recent additions remain! to be dltcusled. While ri«*l tillu, 011 each tiile, had been rutlnng tt*adily with Jhc heavy Vrrp fni*n their bi wen tu woo hi, tide, rnurio were atlnnishwl. On going back tu ueot, the marines were ordered to fire on him, And like a Turk betwrcn two rout lOuni! and mutioa of a ttrong currenl, wat at their people they dttailed tho wonders they gut before they could rntkttf eady, he plung­ WATER COLOUR FOR ROOM?. OF harem btiiiliet, on h«go«, length filled and dammed up completely, >^ Imtl teen) but such monstrous sturies gained ed into the water. Ho w»s not less than 4i Take a quantity uf potatoes tnd boil I A IIHT r, Iove4 for e'en ibc far it the eye could rcji-h. Winduwi, up to no cKMltt they were fur toino time the ob­ to 30 feet long; the largett diameter of hit then bruise tnd pour boiling water upon \Vilh vhich he tUdct from their embnct." the fouilli ttuiy nay, the very liuuie t»p« ject* of ridicule and persecution, till at length body wat tuppoteU to be 15 inches; and his until a pretty thick mixture it obtained, tkidi but her* are iceilet, although strangely dif­ and the n>"U uf the churchvt, and all the in iclf-defence, they recanted. It il the de- head, nearly tlie six* ot that of a tntu, be it to be pasted through a_s!ere. With tui-J ferent, yet of wonderful munificence, and a public building*, were crowded. They wrr« lire of the government that the present chief carried four or five feet out of water, lie ing water then make a thick mixture of t people wh i have been much mitrtprctented by well behaved folkt, and waited patiently, till may tec and judge for himtelf of the exten£ wore every appearance of a Black Snake, lie tciiing, and put il tu the potato mixture, foreign book makers. I am now in New- a troop uf hortr rode through the vatt deruc of the people with whom they presume to was afterwards pursued, but they n*ver came give colour, if white it nut wanted, add Of\ York, tttying at tho Mantion-houte, kept by aitembly, in order to make way for the prin­ war. nearer to him than a quarter of a mile. A lercnt coloured Ochres, tautphlacjL tic. it- a Mr. Bunker. It is in llm lower part of I cipal object of interest, uhot« arrival had al­ The Pretident wss also on the ground at Mr. Joseph Kent, of Marshfield, aayt Capt. cording to circumttancet. Fliit^tir' '*" Broadway, a large bvildiag not uolike , ready been announced bv the cannon. The the hour for the itciniion of the balloon. Ho Little, aaw a like animal at the same place in quickly, i* very durable, hat a good ; trhere, you remember, we put up together. trumpeter blew hi* bli,!, long and loud the was, as before,ever greeted with acclimations, the year 1751, which waa longer and larger nee to the e*yr, and is moreover ver; Thlt Broadway ia really a fair street, te»cral houfi of th* hone* rai'ie.l over the itone* a and continues to be the victim of repsrts. One than the main boom of his tloip, of 8J tont. London fje.., ilet in length) and, tlthough not remarkable passage win at k:.^'!i olfire'l, only wide e- paper tart, 'a ttorirrfca* becom* very cnrnnt, He observed him within ten or twelve yards Tor any tpieudul building!, (the City Hull itj noegn for (wuor llnoe iioncnien sbreait. The Hint IVetideot Jaclckton intondi uniting him- f the vetsel. LARGB-VAMII.Y. a clever thing, surrounded by a smtll enclo­ Prrsidenl hid been mucn .I'j'iicd hit face, self to a very amiable and accotnplithed lady The declaration ofEleazer Crabtree { then The are now living at Lyunt ftrit,!*^ sure, Usrmed "The Park;") bat throngs of furat, und health, Imd bee'i caricatured tod in Connecticut, and that the nuptials are. to pvrn, who lived at Fox Utand, in the Bay ther, mother, and twenty-one ch"" well-t'ressed people alwayt occupy the tide-1 mitrepretented. He had been termed a fee­ be celebrated daring hi* present viiit. We of Penubscot, in the year 1777 and 1776. He enjoying good health. Ratiieay .1 walki, and give it a fathiooablu and hippy ble, tickly, dyin^uld man. and by tome, an preiume the story, like many similsr reports, had frequently heard of a tea-monitor fre­ look. There is, at a southern tcrainition of old woman,' nuDcriiig under Ihe \iejknrts of i* without the lent fouudation in troth.' A- quenting the waters near the shore; and doubt­ Broadway, a piece ol laud fenced oil' divided ige and imbecility, and incapable of tcling nolher ai.nouncet, that 'among olhtr taken* ing the Tact, he went down one dajr upon re­ IKRSONS indebted to the estate* of ;«*f|k integral* plot*, and tnailetl with pleasant I'ur hiin*«ll°. Tlie excitement at l!m moment of respect which will be shown to Ihe Presi­ ceiving information from a neighbour, that he trees. It conuaandt a view neat to the bay was really intcnte, and il was iiuialUyed by Morion, late of A. A. Coumir. JKCSK<| dent and Vice-President, about five thousand wa* theo in the sea near his hous*. lie taw snd George Crscrofl, (ale of Priuce ["Tin Book of N of Nsples. It is, indeed, i«rpri»ingly beau­ umor. wl)ich flew from lip to lip, that, in of the fairett of the fair, unmarried, and a large animal in flic form of a Snake, lying [ "try aooib tiful, anil provoke* continual exclamation! of rotsing front a fort a lilt I a out in the bay to cnunly, deceased, are rrqtfcttdl 10 Bnk«"'l tin » eieh youug, elegantly dieticd in white, will join almott tnotionlott in tho water, about 50U feet mediate payment, and ihotu Itavinj ilai«»»' delight from citizens as well it ttringcr*. Be­ 10 main laud, the) bridge had given way, and in a pr-Ketiion to meet and greet them on from the bank where he.stood. 11 it head was 'olamt fore it and around it, stretches the broad bay, Itu a covered arch, bearing scortt of people, uainil said estates are de»ircd to * tbttiurK their arrival io Lowed, in the mate of Mas- about four (eet above the surface; ho appear­ f P« OolUr, pcr studded with islands, and bounded with a single moment after lot Prrsident had pass­ sachutettt.' ed 100 feet long; and he tupunsed him, to be >» »ill b« bright shere, steam-boMs, vessels of war, ed from beneath it. All the great men in com- GKUHGE MORTON, Here it a apecimen of t'to eothetoiasm with 3 feet in diameter. Manyorhtr inhabitants, .II. ' U W rtc.i packet ship*, sloopt, and 1 great variety of tany with him had been precipitnted, with apou whose veracity he codd dapend, had de­ KKtory. smalt, tr» forever gliding over it, giving umbera of others, into the water and, in which hit word* are observed and reported, , irtow from one of the newtpjperi; clared to him that at other times they hud k*»i- the scene n ttrik'mg character of animation. he confusion of tho moment, tt wat aaiil that tee a such an animal; anne«atunDd Count;, fee. Hero the military parade, fire works are ex­ nany were dangeroiily wounded that tomr When th« President appeared on the bit- N application to lll« aubacriber. a jtittltl^ *J A letter from 'Captain Crabtree' (probably Or|ihant Court of Annc-Arunilcl eouaij, >! f hibited, t)allo«ni attend, and a thousand o- vcre killed and the ctcape uf the Pretident cony ol thr city-hall, anil witneaied the cusnt- the tame person as above) wat p»bluhed in O lett multituilet uf well-drrtted, orderly citi- litian In writing, of \Tdlitm Willi|nTverinr up hi> 'trtanett tad decUion a atatetmad, prompt, mfhihis horto with the air of an accomplished lift forgetfuloess of self, and his tingleiiets wfaslenvn, Uepond; on Mtli« Ui»t at flnt it and C'««n tufljcirnl t««iiriiy ftr hit prtvjut! fettleis, tnd doirgttk. Hit coming to New rider,>r, and waving hi* hit continually, and of devotion to the common weal, were never abowotl t leugth of about .thirty fcit) but,, in anc« at the county court ol Aiui»-Aru"d«l « 1 Yo/k has been for some time a tonic of news- jawing to thousands and thousands, who, a more ttrikingly diiplayed than in tlie half un- turning, about h»l( a mile off,'it dbplaytd at uuwir tuch iolctrojalotict .pd llexa|!'on""l"L 1 will tlff I papeT cemment and coogratuUtion, and o Iwve, oelow, and all around, were greeting his consciout renark which fell from hit lip*, as made tf alnil him, and lu> Inu ap|iuinlcd Jtm"JJ least one hundred fiet. It afterward* cittie ler hit tnutec, who haa giren honO at tothi' liM i|n>rchtnil ' dr*wir)g-roor», a* well at pot-home and U course with thundering cheers. Do you not the migniflrent tcene presented itwlf before oetrer, when it (tupped and lay entirely mo- l*>Mdf h« i ' Tern dttcUsiion. Thtre it not, piubablv llv him. rurnina; to Uovernor Marcy, with a ecltrtU tVom tald William a ~~ remember a passage in Shakspeart exactly ap­ lionlen on the tarlact f«r five minutes, or and poM*nlon if »U» hia proptrtjrnal, Iworowi, or tl tn|, a man so popular a* tht* aged chief) t\ii plicable to thitP quivering lip, but a brightening eye, he laid, nor*, '^h* iprxtnoc* wi* like a itriny.of ralatd.l duhtnby order and ..Ijmlg*. Mndrtil Unlli i* io evtry body's tnonthj hi* 'picture*, 'Mounted upon ahot • fiery Herd, ' 'Nullification will ntotr (oJr* r»ol Acre." Ev«u b«ay*, thirty or forty of which, of ibout the Willitm Willi^nuiibw tlttchargtd from uT»|inf«-7- i Pn, tnd will file., hare, for many years, crowdii \Vhich hit ««|iini\K ruler tecnwd to know, It that moment, the urgudeit and dtarett to >ml tlwi he jl.« notice to hit creditor", bj '""'', *nitt If brou Wkh tlow bmxaioly n»c« k«pt onliitemin*. tiz* of a barrel, were exhibited. He was it and.priot'Shopt, windows, parlors himself. In 'ill hit life time, -lie could only t**n by Kinney anil other* again toon uftcr. cop/of tlilt ordtr lo be Interled III totp« "* barber etax, t»,»ern|, «tc. fcc. «lc You woald bate Ihoufnl the v«ry nimlowt tpeSM, think of hit country and iU -welftr*,' ^ In'Aiine Arnfwtf! cotiniy, 80 wua\y fn«l) loolul of touiij tnd old. • ' ; IB Awgntl, 18 IT, h« frtqttfutly vitiud b«for« Id* fwirtli >d( m otrUin publlq ocoatipoi, he has beei "PiroufbctacnMntadtrtW lUeir d«>irln|r cret \t for mytelf 4 have uitnttseit the entrahoe Gloucester. Thott pvraoni, who uw 00, 70 lo appear iaf to theV^lng oniiorstjon Upon lm> tiug*! aji^lkal all the w.lli Into citi** of victorious general!, and tlie co-. or W.fett of aU length all meutioa his jotatt, cona bouM of Mul .county. IV tvit Q»4 «y*nl»^Qij ah. flloa With piintcd lou|«nr, ftad Saul at once, ronations of kings, but I n*v«r *aw a tight ring*, bupck<*t or *w«ll*| tud ono gentleman torcnnpi^ of that o>y, for ill* purp»t« ariikeMa*! resiin •J»tu preterte tbeel1 Wetcom., Holingtimk*!' Incainitteofcr tb*lr beotnl, ami to «