The Manassas Journal 1913 12 19
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VOt XII. No. 80. MANASSAS, VA.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1913 ONE DO;.LAR A YEAR BH^ tsgss STATE m \mm-m^ TO PLANT SMAU TREES 0L1> TIME DRILL MCBT AT NEW PRINCE WIUIAN MR. EGGLESTONm SPEAK SElffi RILL TO A.SSFJiMY td^raled by Union MM*n« «f Wnter off EzperiaocA Urg>a* Stadenls of ManaaMw Higb Town Offidak Have Jolly Good ^UQ-irWoti BnuBerdand Others'~ramcri f/raft BulGiving3chooi Local Teinp«ran6« Workon. FanMn Not to B« Afraid to Scbool WinLaurabJn Conner^ Ti— — Guests of Mr. F Virginia Ce» Tryitai the Rigbt to Levy "Staft-SauJI Trew. Opora Hooso. Roger W. Payne. Growers' AMOciatioB. County School Taxes. On Wednesdajr of laat veek^ ffhen arranging for new plaztt- Mr. Jtogor W.Payne.tbegeulttr The corn show and convention The committee on legislation, eoinmittee of 1,000 aQti>«aloon ings^ mqrt people naturally pre- onic talent of the students of the pr<^«»tor of the New Prince of the Virginia Com Growers' ap|)ointed by^ the Northern Vir. n\i HsMssiis-InsUiulkjuut=^g tmm J&ijpaarTwra1^oT^*Bft&ieet Association, which wlJi be hek! ginia .1 ;« WaaKSwgt/Yn ttnH imflr<.hf.^ high, whifh anyt^'ur "'Jf a4nii< High a..tww>l />f tAAuy ire'^^IalSja^," which dnnra last Friday evwiiag in earn in Lynehbufg en'Jan. 6 and?. aessioH here to-day, biy to the capitol of the United are good trees for plantinif, pro was well demonstrated by theplimen t to the mayor and town offers a magnificent array of adopted a resolution advocating a States, singing ''Onyard.Christ- lix thfy are thrifty, and not effective staging in Conner's cguncjl in appradatifm of their priaea to the amount of several ian Soldiers." That a«ninittee bill to amend and re-€Metiec^" over one or two years old. Many Opera House of th« "Old Time part in the grefit Undalide for hundred dollars to the many ex tion 8S3a of the Code of Virgima. was made up of delegates from wttliiesitate to plant smaller,ex- Drill Night," a combined per- local improvements. charches, temperance societies, hibitors who will participate in a^ enacted by the General A*- pecting that, with the growth fo^nanee of many features of In Mr. Payne's ^vate parlors, this big event In addition to'stimbly of Virginia March 11, labw unions and other organiza already made, they will gain a the pleaorable ratertainments of away from the .crowd of guests tions all over the United States. this an unusaally attractive pro- 1908. This bill, which will be year in fruiting. But according the past that have swarmed. ,tba.,boteL gauxt^rfWeggspeakCTS has been ] introdiiced hy H«n r f, Mpctie At the same taae 1,000 women, to my experience, this idea is Thfi original eharactars of yea- during the past few weeks iMl- the officers and delegates of the prepared, which includes some of' at the coming session oftfaeHmnr— misleading, and then is no ad terday brought forth the same deut to opening the l>ids-fer the the best posted mori in the eoun-j of Delegates, will practically Women's Christian Temperance vantage in planting the larger api^use accorded them in tbe three improvement systems, the re- iJnion in every state, met afr^he^ try ati'V. assny racoesBiitr growcrw^ 'orsc pcriormancv aiMr cne auQt> -of- luwn offldalB move the power of the county Hot^l DnaiioR and joined the choose large trees, Iwt I betieve ance felt the added pleasore of gave tbe hours from 10 to 12 to Among the speakers will be j sntervisors in the matter oTlevy^ antl-Mimbn uwa El the Baatfiout this Is mure » malUtt Of tdwlee wf-TwnfntecencB:—NHW laui^ uuadokBiaiwl liu^uymBnt—Boa? W. K. Brainerd, professor of, i ng the county school taxes. The of tbe capitoL than of prc^t. crcHnn the brow of every other queta flew the rounds of the dairy buBbnudfy uf ilm Vifaiuia HiiiBudm'iit siilkea uut thc- Senator Shepherd, of Texas, Do not get the idea now that I participant. - guests, each giving totHFother Polytechnic Institute, who will words, "or so much thereof as it apeak on 'The Value of Com may allow," following the lines , aad:/^^oog?*w°>*Q Hobaoa,-of istend to eond(|mn the good-sized From the time of the appear- tbe lion's share of the praisB for anri Cnrn Prndu^tn for Dajryj''siiffieicnt to raise' the eujuunt Alabama, and otaer reprcacnt-j^Be^ ance of the Irttte white-^^fiecF bis efforts in tbeintieraitof prog- C»ttle." Prof^_Brainerd is a recommended bv the coffmy ativ^ln.CcetgTess~met the jomt Hut 1 wish to vindicate the' value girls in the fairy drill to the cur^ nww. student of—bis work' school txwnt in tfteirTIHfiiat^ parade an? presented foXbn- oftfaesmaH tretf^tha Juno-bud- taiuon^be gruesome gbostamoyr Brief nHHrpgnog t^niing with and has bad wide exDerience_inj for county school pnr^wses," rih«if petitions from all and. 12 to 18 ioebas long fw fall i procceoion, the audi congratulaUun to coaneii; dtlafea both the practicadeal and theoretical" '—-—^ tor district scbooPipur - puts af the Union ence respMided tartfagcttH of tbe gnd^Mmuaity were~TBaae by sides of this important phase of' poses. national prohibition,by eon^titij:! la. digging up aiidLtr»)splantr actor and tbe i^plause sIsKilLSii Messra. Hynson,, Lion,.. Brandy ine bU6ijtte©8» biviniLbeen con-l Jibe au«lilU£UJS]fi~: tional amendment. ing a small tree, the root system building. IfSt: Ck«mCT and Brown. The smoker nected with the agricultural de» Iowa:— '„ ,'i A. ' . Tslturnttlelnte^riipiif.'wliff^ li^iiddSSMi to tbe varied proi. closed with rcfrcgbmcntB and partments of four of the leading j A bill lo amend aiid iait^ •£». it in tnnch mutilated srnun there woro three vocal the institutions of learmng in thel.^f,«n ggga of thc.Code uf Vii. their State Red Letter Day by and dimiaished. Hence the smalL nm calling a uniontaeeting of ail de- tree grows off more readily and Moran, Helen I^&yne aqB^ Etose tbe host. nominations to consider this new Assembly ^Virginia Maich11, rapidly, and gets well stMrtedj Rice in'The Thr^ Little Sistfers" JEbazxfaBen-indDdedMayoEJS!: President J. Egglesten. of ^ofta phase of temper while the largw one is repairing reflected much cre<Ut utxm Miss Hill Rrown.Town Attorney Thos. the Viijginia Polytechnic fostj-| Section 833a. Boards of So- ance work." It-- has long been eut and fadK^en Toot& My ob n. Lion, Sergeant Robert M. tute. will speak on "Ilitchiug Uy'pervisors to fix and order county urged by many that prohibition servation has been that the Jnne the occadon; Miss Mary Lee Weir, Town Clerk G. Raymond Rural Schools with Life." a man and school levies: will not be..complete until the iHidi|?|l| catch up with the larger Chapman again held her audien<;« BatdiffQ and the following coun- so wdl known in Virginia as to The Board of Supervisors^of- BwnuftieUire of intpxica^ || ^1^ in two or three years. with the old song, "At Rve dlmen: Messrs. R. S. Hynison. heed no furthef words coneern- each county shall have po.wer, ahnltshfid and their ^JiatribuMoBi • Tt i« tnift that a twh.yftar.nlil C. E. Nath, E A. Brand. C. B. Ing hiffrat thjg rimg- —— Mmail uiid express forbidden. and if fihall ha thmr Aafy n» »^ tree is full of fmitiQg buds, and As iss Marie Leachtnan sang with _. Jdtosoii, E. R. Conner, Wm. Dr. S. W. Fl^teher, directw of regular^neeting in (be month of lte»e sewna to be a general if set j>ut in ndvember it ma^^ her own appropriate gesiu: M. Wlieeler, Albert~IS^eld^ and tbe Virginia Agricultural Efpsr- Aprfl in^ each year, or as^soon onanimi^ of sentiment tfoding pessiU^ bear a few'spedmens part of tbe man and this giril in D. B.gE>iMcottr iment Stetipn ?it BlacksburgiwiU hereafter as pradacabie: —" mthisltuiictifHs, and tJie larga, 4lie /fUowing season. But thiat two of tiie popobur songs of the r^fesi^ntativeaudiencethat met amounts to bfifc littla and will be address the convention. His j First To fix and ordei^Mty day.' large experience in matters agri-1 levies. To^ the amount of the Sunday 6igl4 gaT9 proof of tbe ft still further diedE to thegzowtii it is impossiUe to single oat IRS. asn^ PARALTO jenTTftn«-^<g^M« in OUT tOWn. ofthetrea. — .'••':• • cultural hag fitt^ him tn fill with iuuuty Ie»j«« for lb«t fcurrent «*-_-^i ^,,.^1-^^jfag^gqg'HQa o^-i^^ to uiJi.1 tbu iBTj uu Rev. Mr-Hoadr,ofihe Metiio- 15onot] iiHid and OmA «»- merit the givates^ amount ol 3w«ai^««»f»|i„iity-^rtucb be now holds. f property ass^sedwith tax with dist Episeopal church, ja^aded^ expect-Jt- to- g»w aud tluivg praise. To the great wholft Manrt I iftter—Sister of llfea. Wm. M and-introduced thtiiee ^eaicer^e^er% f amo^ ^e ^radds ^nd grass, btA ifc T. Q. Plunkett director in the eouttfy and oto tbe capital ths success and toth e united dra- •.of of fanh improvement wwk of invested, used, or empk>yed in Dr. H. U. Eo<^, HOT- C. J.Meette manure the ground, i| po<H- soil, matsc representation we Extend auu ueorge tj. itounu.—A lorgu and Cttltivirte welL-^ If -yoq do 1^ Southern Railroad, will ad- merctotije business; moneys and co>ngnitul8tion8r~ Tn MisK dreaa the ff»mvention^^^^t^Ja>e lar^ta activBly usied and em- choir from th«>rtiffprpnt«hii«ihfli> this I believe you will dedfle that [ Rbitod, IfiBB^Emly Jc^maon-and Mis.