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PSfev: ,• • .. --v/v*.:.1 •-~yv .•L-*, <3&g l£»WI*rff?\Vv r «; ttitiSl teHOMPS0N¥lLLE,?CONN!rrniTt£S®AY, t)HCEMKER 26, 1907. ISS£*2 Established 1880. - Z&r**. J*. £? 1, Fkyslelam and Surgeons, hl^But tto mt too proud to IVY®? whtt an' got down' on their: marra> charins: li compellhi' like the little let ohy w^n sefe it, An', to crown it bones ait' built the; fire* The bride she, r Forbes & Wallace's | Forbes & Wallaoe's | Forbes & Wallace's p aple, an' stf Lizzie rode away wid F.PABSON8.M.D., ;;Rory lift the place, an' nobody wor on her big" black .harse Giirge, an' him. Many young brides are beguiled E. Phtsicllh AND SimOXOH. te® kno#ed-where he wint. Pat. w^or ridln' near, ain* thln^ fwhat' away loike thot, spechully if they be and 6a<k No. 4S Pearl street, Whin. Lizzie promised her feyther he hadl donkeys an'' harses iocfe ihim an'* purty, wfd the ehdiantments. Ihonlpeonyllle, Oonn. Office hours, 8.00 to ».oo Inventory Follows Close oni Christmas' built heir a shtaiail house about two fwhat 'didn't walked: Alh' fwhat wid B'irst we wor all scared an' dared hot' a. m.; 8.00 to 8.00, and c.oo to 7.80 p. m. Orders 4 niile" from the widdy's farm,- on the fhe darkness an' thev confusion no ohe inotej ah' thin Pat he say, "A hunner may be left at E. N:^tt'sdjrhgst6i«P^^|Sg^ As tbe time is unusually short wcT edge of .the-highroad, to the valley an' tfad see his feily to ktiOW- him. An' ^Outad to him' as catches thim!". But * are th6 nixt town. He sold'his holdin's lia whin they kem to the deei^t shaddy who can catch a Leprechaun'?. NO ANNOUNCEMENT. ember 31, when inventory must be completed. Therefor© A JVetu year's Story^ the atild, platie an' all he had to move av the hills an' trees there kem In want. Feyther Francis an' the feyther to the; widdy's whin they wor mar? among thim a dark man on a big black an', mother kem just thin, an' the good Dr. John F. McHugh, former resident ..."By, OliOe Harper. v This Week Is a ' tied—all bat wan harse. Lizzie mad« harse, an' no one knowed who it wor, praste say go, an' thim as had holy physician at the Mercy Hospital in so much fuss over this an' cried so an' Garge, Lizzie's hairse, whimpered, relics" wor safe. But whin they go to Springfield, has opened an ofiBce in Mul- ~ P$M$ [Copyright, 1907, by C. N. Lurle.] harrud thot the auld spalpeen, av a an' so did the other wan, an', beln' get on their harses, sure, they Wor all ligan's block for the general practice of "$}i T wor just this wise, yis: Me feyther milted an' kep* it for Lizzlel tierce ain' mettlesome, they bc^in to his profession. Hours until 9 a. m., . tied together fasht Wid a bran new 8 and 7 to 8.30 p. m. Telephone 87-3: THE MUSSED, TBMp m 8BSPLED STOCKS aunt's sicond cousin, Rory O'llran-' It ha'dn't its aqnil in all Kerry, sayiiL' rare an' dance, ah' all the rest got rope thot wor nivver made wfd human xiiioughout the store have been marked at greatly reduced prices for quick clearance. , Among nigan, an' betoken it wor me wan, aq' thot wor he's full brother, a .away as fast as they cud, for the big hands. An' before they wOr untied it I great-aunt by metriage anr. not ' ihot b^Oiiged to a man far iip the vat rider av the other black harse niver wor too late; .for no one cud hear a Lawyers; them the following are of especial interest— * (%|f I me own blood f^'tiOn "at all, • ley,, where ROT^/wurtfeked sometimea said no Wurrud nor even - "God save sonn' from no direction. An' we all Handkerchiefs, i N^ckweltr, Linens,, Aprons, an' it w^r the ay the coitolyjlt; They' wor just 'is: black as a crow an' yei all," as a Christlaii otight, an' so knowed thot now Lizzie wor in the White Goods, Ifrasft Goods, Leather Goods, , V* the tim6 ar it, air titot's thrue for loike the'pictures av hatfees in books. wfe knowOd ;after th'dt it wor the Lepre- deeps av the bog beyant ah' no one Henry WHIIs Klngr^ tS an' it wor a Leprechaun^s done it. My, but their tails an' manes wor long dkaun. ' wOuid ivver See her ag'in. ATTORNEY Al? LAW, r ^ Books, Toys, Calendars. Lizzie McFgddei£$or hgr n^jge. Och, I an' floated in the wind soft an*1 free. • Leprechauhs;: as yea kno#V are the' So we all stayed In the llMe" hoiise ttiere's a" gfeff- at fhe bbVtom av all \ iJiyver wor twd harses finer to look at wicked1 fairies thot Watch out anf 50 State St. Hartford, Conn. ^ -Small lots, broken lines and surplus stocks are also included There are Clearance Bar til! day, an' whin- we wint out all we Telephone 3497-2. things as gd^s wrong, to Be sure, an'! dancin' an' runnin', too, when let steal1 brides- away from" their 'hus- i gains in All Departments. cud fin' wor the' hoof prints av two 1 New King St., Thompsonvllle, Conn. she's name wor Elizabeth, after the! My; but they wor fine harses, an' it is .bands jurin' the dancin* or whilst they harses. - tp-V blissid saint, an' Rory wor he's name,| a pity* SQ it wor! are goin' to the new home. They carty Three months after Pat died wid a TBE CLEARANCE IN THE NEW CLOAK STORE an'-she's name wor Lizzie for short;, i Yis, I'm comln' to thot As I say, thim aff to the wild glins, an' they're sickness. He wor alius a hard drink LINCOLN W. MORRISON, Involves everything in the stoek of Women's Outer Garmertts. and the-reductions are great Lizzie wor a purty gell, wid two! Lizzie wouldn't let Garge,; the harse, > nivver'hleared av ag'in. er, an' now he done nothin' else sence eyes as. black as sloes an| hair so black! be selled, an' so he wor took to Kerry Lizzie sid nivver a wurrud to no Lizzie wor kerried aff by the Lepre Attorney and Connselor-at-Lawf enough to make certain a thorough-going clearance. ,! The bargjj&ihs are of extraordiri&ry interest an' shiny thot it wor like the gown] an' called Lizzie's harse. body, an' whin they wor in the darkest ! chaun till he kem to see awful visions NOTARY PUBLIC. to every woman. '• • * - • - . .Lady Morris wore to mass. An' the) So: whin her feyther wor merried! 1 spot the big black harse danced along! sint by the Bewitchments av the Lepre Main St., over Murphy's Clothing Store,. '^1 two cheeks av her! Oh, wirra, but' wid the widdy she wint for to live wid' be: the side scv: Garge, an' sonie sayis' chatms. they wor rid, ridder nor roses nor at thim, but she soon seen she wor un- they heard mutterln' talk, but this is Qp^hat hekem av Rory O'Brannigan? THOMPSONVILLE, CONN. , ^ robin's brist, an' her lips matched 'em.j 'wilcome, an' like a jutiful gell she say: not sure. Whin the piarty kem to the I Well, it wor nivver rightly understood, Oh, aye, , she wor a swate, purty gell,' she will marry Pat, so whinr the bit? av' house the big black harse wor gone, but he disappeared thot same noight W. Gibson Field, 1 ari' sassy f an' impeirent! . Her tongue' a house wor done an', pienished she; an' nobody seen him go nor heard him.; He had no call to come to the weddin', it wor hung in the middle an' loose' w6r cried in church three Sundays, an' But he wor gone. ; ATTORNEY AVB . ! for nobody axed him, an' he nivver spRineriELD, MASS. at both inds, wid honey on one ind an' thin she- say she; - would be .merried' Lizzie she say nivver a wurred to! seeked Out Lizzie to coort her, nor she COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, AM a sting in the other. j undher her own roof on New Year's or' nobody, but wint • in the house an'; didn't Shmoile at him nivver, but he OFFICK, 139 KNFIEI<D 8TBKET Sometimes she. would sting first ah'' not at all, at all. left Garge tied Wid the rist. She pat- 1 (Southwest from Post-Office), put the hoiiey on after," but mbft tifc^s" So, thin, seein' as she wor so detar- wor nivver seen in Kerry ony more . THE Superfluous Hair Killer he's head first an' whisper somethin' Some fought as maybe .the Lepre ; ENPEBLD, COiTasT. slie'd honey yez all up till yez t'ought mined, the rist they give in, an' all! to him. She know there wor no mate ? chauns done away wid. him. she wor all honey, an' thin yez'd gill. the intoire neighborhood kem to; the8 1 BUSINESS IN HARTFORD AND SPRING- With a few applications removes the for him in Kerry for the long stride, Did we ivver hear from him at all? FIELD PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. hair at roots and kills same. Just; try <it, the stiiig av it, an' it wud keep yezf little, new chouse tor see.