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Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU The Utah Statesman Students 5-24-1912 Student Life, May 24, 1912, Vol. 10, No. 31 Utah State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Utah State University, "Student Life, May 24, 1912, Vol. 10, No. 31" (1912). The Utah Statesman. 793. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Students at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Utah Statesman by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SENIOR NUMBER ~tuhrut lifr ljn/Jlishcd II eelcly by the Stndents of" the {//al, .dgricn//urnl College. VOLUME X. LOC1A~. UTAH. FR.TD,\Y, .\1.\ Y ~-1. 1!11:!. :--:l'HBEH :n. SALTLAKE COMMER- 1- ISENIORS fiET CIALCLUB SATURDAY , -+- : 6000JOSITIUNS WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR I lViOST OF CLASS OF 1912 COLLEGE PLACED. -+- Tot11on·1nr 11111ning n1 A:~<l !hi' I A. C. U. M-::-in Demand. ('01t1mPrt•ial C'l11h iii' ~all Lak1• ( 'i1\· 11ii I 11·,11·1•t ht• ( l. 1-:. L. dt· Thl' ( 'u lll'!.!,t' is lo hr 1·on~1·:it11- pot' l'nr Lo~c111 ai-ri\'111g- hl'l'l' al la l"d 11n t hl' llll'II and wornt•11 it 110011. Thr 1·01HJH:tny will Ill' 1·011 I ht!'ll8 01:t {' \ .l'l y )'(•a1·. This )"l'ar ,·rvPd fro111 tilt' !-.h1tion tn thP n,l. Jpg'p in KO 011tomnhill•~- Th1•y will li e llr111nnd for lfn lll(' E1·011on1il· fil'st i11sp,•,•t th, • l',11·111,ancl lin· ll'Hl'ill'!:-i lrns l'ar rx(•1'l 1 dt•d lltl ' GEO. B. CAIN VIVIAN HATCH sto<·k, pHHs tlnough tilt> nrni11 su ppl,\ ·. Thl' ~ame is tnll' ol' ...\g- - Pres. of Class o/1912 Vice President l:uildi11g-, \'isit th,, shops and tnp 1i,·ull11ral ,1nd ~lt•l'hani,· .\d for lun,·hron in tl-r ,·aft'lPrin al 1t>}ldwrs. ~P\'l.'l'al pt·•l ·t i,·al posi- l::J0 p. Ill. t ions h:n,• he1•n ilL'L'l'Jllt•tl and At ~ p. 111. thl'rC is to h,• a NINETEENTH ANNUAL COM B111Hl('n1H·<•1·t on the lawn. 11f't1·1· I :11Yr1nrn1 ·nt I o~i1 iu11s an• 111H'll t o whil'h the 1 ,,,tors will fi11ish MENCEMENTOF THE U. A. C. ~r•vrral ol' 1hr !.!l'adualps ol' thi s I hrir tour of ins1w..t ion hy dsit - ., ear. Thl' n•,Hline s with II hi,·h itLg- 1hr knHtrt U,v11111nsi11111and thl' rnn,iorily of' thl' ,-lnss hal'1' lfolll l' EN•onomir" Buildin~. PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED. PROGRAMME 'l'h,•1· will th<'n hr tal«•n ,tlrn11t l:C'l'II phH·NI g"Ol'S to ~ho w whaL tlH' ril,- antl to s11 C' thr Stc1tt1 !'ow tl11• Sl'hool is doing_ l'l' sit/ in Lng-nll ('an.von . PROGRAM C'nlll'g-e ( 'h,qwl. Those• who haw Hl'l'r ptl'd posi - It is <'Xpl'l'lt•d that 10(/1) l'isitnrs -+--- -+- tinu s are: will h,• in att,•ndntll'r. 'l'he oh Tuesday, May 28th. Of 'Ihe 19th Annual Commence 11. \. l-i'l'E\' 1,::-,;;; .il•d or thl• t1·ip is "To R<'t' l 11ilh - +- First. ,t ruent of tho Utah Agri :\lill,nd ~takp ._\ nHll'my at llin l'k w .. ,·,ill tl11• ,1lt,·11ti"11 ol' th,• cultw·nl Cellegd. COMl'/IENCE~T SERVICE Ir.,·. l 'lah. 1ixi1orx tn th,• f,.l'I th:1t the work -+ Four llan,·, •s J'rnm La J<'l'lc ,l,· ()]~;;():-,; ('llln;;Ti,;:--;i,.:1,::-,; - ro,·whi,·h on,· "d,·:11· old .\. C'. BACCALAUREATE SERVICES !-:Prill<', ;\lnr,•hrtli l'ri111•iral o[ i-:mithf'i,•ld ll i_gh l"' ~tantls i~ that whi,·h !.!i\'t~~ to -+- l 'iah j1t•r ha1·kh1111P: ~\gl'ic·ult lll'l', ;;:j'.i,: 't',\'r•:. Or"11t•strn · :,,,-ho ol. ( 'at·he l'o11nt~·. l ' tnh. 1l1•rha11i1• .\!'fs. llonlt' l1:1•nH1HPi c•:,;. Sunday, May 26th, 1912, at 11 a.m fnvol·nt ion- Pt·t>s. ~l' r~l' Ji'. Ballif I. B. IL\ LL 'rea"11in:-r ...\ !.,tri- ,111d ('01111111•1·i·P :ire• thl' industri1•s -+- - (,.) ;; ..,illanos . , 111i11r1' and lliolo .c:,·. Urnnit, , 11. tl1Hf 11i:ikt• a :.;t..1tc•. ,\grit·11ltun · ~in~ l 'l11·isl our Lord ·s \\'ond - (d ) ;\hll'l·h ol' T,11·,•adors ~-- !-:alt L1k,• ('ount.v. h·a<'ht's u-.; to !!l'OW two hlad1 •s rro11s ~lor., ( F1·0111 ) l a:,..1'1\!.!'i ':-; .... On ·h,• t , a BYHO:--; .\1,DER 'J',•a,•hi11g 11f gTai,.;s wht'rt' 'hut 011r i,r1•pw h1· Noeial Pr ohlt 1 ms Rural l 'om l'avall,•ria Hu:-ili1·oni ) ( 'ol!,•gt> or Agril'11lt urr and :\fcehani ,· .\ rh . f'o1·1', th,• :lll' l'hani,• ,\1·tx l)pp(. nrnnit i.. , ... .. Byron F. .\ld l'r turns out 11H'll who .-11·" alJlp to dtoir. I '1·1•si1!1•nt ·, lfrport ]\[anti H. !s. ,rnrk at all thr tra,1,• . hnil,1 l11vot'afio11 l1c>v. Paul .Jorn.•:-.. l'r,• s .. fohn ,\ . \\ 'i,ltso,· .JOU:--: ,\1,DER , ,\ g-ril'nllnn• lioui,,r~. c•;11·1·ing,•s, 111akP m::whin- Brin~ ]i'Jowt'l':-i (From .J. Ma s- .\ddn •ss lo Un1dw-lks ~,Hl )l<•,·ha11il' 1\rl s. l'ri ,·r ll. S , 1•n·. shrn• hor~rs. 1·tH1strnd f11r11i .. \\'m. ;;p,·,, s11 1wl 's )l lill')' :\hq.rdalP1ll ~) Uou - C'arhon l'Ollnl,1'. t u·1·r. Pfr. ll'onu• E1·011nrni1•s t tt 1·ns I 'asq 11i 11nill' ., OSSl'f \' hi,· t1·io I .. 0111 tlH• modt>I hn1t!-irwi,-rs of 011r 'Laura l 'ow Jp,· lllW\'t:--: BUNDERRON C'olll• Ha1·1•ala111'Pal1• sp1•11u1n ..\pr c,:-.l- staf P. ,v onwn who know how to 1Jr i11Zl'i m:11·t1nehrn- Eilrnlwrg · rnrrcial ,rork at Box Eld er 11. S., work without. lwing-,·rs. 011r lt• ,f>1n11•E . 'J'ulnrn~ r. l'h. D .. Orl'hPxl ra Brig-ham, l ' tah. 1 1 1 Com1114•rr1nrad11:-ttl'~ nrc• arno11• H,•1Jl'tlid11s. ( <l. \\'. Thal<'hPr ( n111"1•rr·in~ (\•1·1ifi-·::ihis arnl l)p . ~L\lW.\Hl~'l' llOl ' L'l'():--:- Do th,· lw:-;t huJrn·~ . mt•n i 1hr ·~ 11 fjnal'ft>l ll-. ~rC'Ps lllt' f--tit• :--;c-il•ll1·r. ~now .\ eadC'my. of l'tah. 1 Hr111•,li.-tion l'rt 'S. ,Jost•ph ('Ol'lllli\tion ar,ll'r•h. _,_1<·,,·;;;.c'.\',';.'~1 tra Eph1·ai111, l llah. >1o ti·,. l' .. \. C'. sta11cls for th~ I l~uimwy. 1 ) , D · 1·olsi11g-nf till' [nod. 1h11 lirst mrt h llt•111•,lidio11 ... Rt'"· l'anl ,Jnne, ELEDA :-,;1~LS(>< - 0111rs!1t· Pds of 1·nokin!.! thf' samr. the ma Sacred Band Concert , 9 to 10 _ • --- Scicmr and Dom rst ic .\rt s, Onei , •·him•ry nst•cl in !hr rn1·in11s pro P- m.-Campus EUGENICS cln Rtal«• ,\ t'acl,•n1,L Pr esto n f l'ssrs of growing and rooking -+- rrhp fir~! C-0111'!-i(' in En t,?t'lli(s t o Idah o. thP food. and f01· rom111rrc·e in Monday, May 27th. 111' !!i\'1'11 as fl rr~ulnr c'1ll"l'.!!l' roo,l st ufT. -+--- ,·onrst• "·as gil'<'ll th,• past si•mr - ,JOll:,.; .\ . ;\IOlHUi-:0:--: - Ag-ri- This_yt'fll' th(' (T.• \. r. -~1'::lfl- .\di1•11 ln Builtlinc:, anti ('alllJllls, tp1· in the. ,\. ( '. \ '. h.,· 1)1·. Tih ;;. ,-ulturt•, ( 'h,•111ist1·." Hnd Hiolog-,1', 1rn11's .,~ st11llPnt·,. who will ten<l 10 "· '"· -C'amp11s 1111· h,Js _g11·<'na l'l'r.,- _,nt,•n•l111;,-I011l'ida 1-:tnkt> Acadrrny. tn mold th(• industrial >1ffni1·, ofl Base Hall <:anll'. l ::lO ,. u1. i••otn·s." ." 1 lr·llll'l's 011 tills suh.wl'I .. Yfff.\:-,; Jm ,lC'SO;\' - lfom e E e- this stat,, p,•rhaps 111111·,,thn,1 m1y I C I show1110' H !.!l'1~nt tlN1l of lho11~ht . nthrr 11111' ho,ly or p,•oplr. It is . .amp11.s. I .. 11(1wo~·1~ o;1 his part. :\Px1 YL''lr c nomil·s. P,1." on ]I. :,.;,1 Utah 1Ja111·1llg' :\la1Hlf't'. ,{ tn 11 p. Ill. cl • ' \ • • • • to 1hl'St' g-raduat<•s Hn1l othC'rs ('l;iss HIJ<l Fril •t:ds . I 1111 1•0111·s1• will hr ('Ot~t_11111c>d 1111C0llll1). • . who will follow and hal'e 1 'f'homa, Smart <i\·iunasilllll 11«• ,r·lw,il th,· prt•-n·qnis1t<' suh- ,\LJ('E l)\':-SFOHD-Jlm11,•st1 c "·ho 1 (ContinueJ on pa!?e three) ('1::is~ fhn Ex1•1·ri;t'"i. ~ n. 111. .i1•d:-; !wing- Zoolo!.!y 11 mu! Ill. I (f'nntinnrcl on Pn!!f' fi) EVERRBODY OUT TO ALUMNI DANCE TUESDAY NIGHT l'J\Ug TWO STUDENTLil'E 1ug an in,·pntory of the work ,Ju11iors eseorlcd tlwir fnir roNls A6RICULTURAlCLUBdo rw h1•11• at !-whool. Wt' fiud that home after the president's rcccp• fll We make a specialty c1ln•ads 1111rre111enillC'ra11t·t~ o[ tlw tion. Purt·hase an alarm t·loL:k ~ to satisfy our patrons. :-;eoiurs so you will wake up be Give us a trifu. l':11·1s tanglit in the clas:-. room are fol'I' tlw day of rcsuned ion.