THE TORCHWOOD ENCYCLOPEDIA Author: Gary Russell Number of Pages: 192 pages Published Date: 09 Dec 2009 Publisher: Ebury Publishing Publication Country: London, United Kingdom Language: English ISBN: 9781846077647 DOWNLOAD: THE TORCHWOOD ENCYCLOPEDIA The Torchwood Encyclopedia PDF Book Whether this is your first pup or you are a seasoned dog-owner, the hints and tips in this concise guide are valuable and well informed. Contributions range from essays by renowned educators such as Pestalozzi, Froebel, Montessori, and Neill to the philosophical observations of Plato, Rousseau, Dewey, and Russell. Nanotribologicalpropertiessuchasroughness,friction,andadhesion are presented, as well as investigations of conditioner distribution, thickness, and bindinginteractions. Caring for Ties 12. Now that the government has been in power for more than 100 days, Black Gold Black Scorpion couldn't be timelier. This uniquely interdisciplinary study, located at the intersection of development economics, international investment law, and international human rights is written in an accessible language, and should attract the attention of anyone who cares about the role of private investment in supporting the efforts of poor countries to climb up the development ladder. Authors: Deborah Timmons (MCT, MCSE) came to the Microsoft technical field after six years in the adaptive technology arena, providing technology and training for persons with disabilities. Artificial Intelligence Methods and Tools for Systems BiologyThis book provides simultaneously a design blueprint, user guide, research agenda, and communication platform for current and future developments in artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to systems biology. Causey examines the elegiac nature of some of Lanyon's early work and asks to what extent his experience of war, death and physical destruction map onto his presentation of the imagery of western Cornwall.
1 Decision of the Election Committee on a Due Impartiality Complaint Brought by the Respect Party in Relation to the London Deba
Decision of the Election Committee on a due impartiality complaint brought by the Respect Party in relation to The London Debate ITV London, 5 April 2016 LBC 97.3 , 5 April 2016 1. On Friday 29 April 2016, Ofcom’s Election Committee (“the Committee”)1 met to consider and adjudicate on a complaint made by the Respect Party in relation to its candidate for the London Mayoral election, George Galloway (“the Complaint”). The Complaint was about the programme The London Debate, broadcast in ITV’s London region on ITV, and on ITV HD and ITV+1 at 18:00 on Tuesday 5 April 2016 (“the Programme”). The Programme was broadcast simultaneously by LBC on the local analogue radio station LBC 97.3, as well as nationally on DAB radio and on digital television (as a radio channel). 2. The Committee consisted of the following members: Nick Pollard (Chair, Member of the Ofcom Content Board); Dame Lynne Brindley DBE (Member of the Ofcom Board and Content Board); Janey Walker (Member of the Ofcom Content Board); and Tony Close (Ofcom Director with responsibility for Content Standards, Licensing and Enforcement and Member of the Ofcom Content Board). 3. For the reasons set out in this decision, having considered all of the submissions and evidence before it under the relevant provisions of the Broadcasting Code (“the Code”), the Committee decided not to uphold the Respect Party’s complaint. The Committee found that in respect of ITV the broadcast of the Programme complied with the requirements of the Code. In the case of LBC, the Programme did not a contain list of candidates in the 2016 London Mayoral election (in audio form) and LBC therefore breached Rule 6.11.
Reviews of the Financial Terms Payable by Classic FM and Talksport – Determination
Reviews of the financial terms payable by Classic FM and talkSport – determination 20 January 2011 Introduction There are three Independent National Radio (INR) licences issued by Ofcom under the Broadcasting Act 1990 (“the 1990 Act”). They are the licences for Classic FM (held by Classic FM Ltd), talkSport (talkSport Ltd) and Absolute Radio (held by TIML Radio Ltd). The Digital Economy Act 2010 (“the 2010 Act”) included provisions which amend the 1990 Act1 to allow the INR licences to be renewed for up to a further seven years rather than be re- awarded under a competitive auction. Each of the INR licensees has applied for a renewal of their licences. The INR licensees are required to make annual “additional payments” to Ofcom (in turn payable to HM Treasury). Licensees pay fixed annual cash bids plus a Percentage of Qualifying Revenue (PQR) applied to the appropriate proportion of their advertising and sponsorship revenue. As part of the process of (further) licence renewal, Ofcom is required to set new financial terms for each licence, made up of a cash bid and a PQR. Ofcom has now determined these terms for Classic FM and talkSport (Absolute Radio will apply for renewal at a later date and we will complete this review in April). How financial terms are set Ofcom set out the methodology applied in calculating the financial terms for each licence in the statement entitled Review of the Independent Radio Licences – methodology for review of financial terms published on 5 October 2010 (‘the October statement’)2. Our methodology reflects the requirement under the relevant provisions of the 1990 Act3 to determine part of the financial terms based on an assessment of the amount each incumbent would have bid were their licence being for the further renewal period granted afresh in a competitive auction.
v Issue 424 12 April 2021 DJ Tiiny Type of case Broadcast Standards Outcome Resolved Service Capital XTRA Date & time Various dates, 19:00 Category Commercial communications on radio Summary The presenter played music tracks in return for payment. The Broadcasting Code prohibits any payment that may influence the selection or rotation of music for broadcast. In view of the action taken by the Licensee when it became aware of the presenter’s actions, we considered the matter resolved. Introduction Capital XTRA is a local radio station providing an urban contemporary black music service for African and Afro-Caribbean communities in North London. It is simulcast nationally on DAB, satellite and cable services. Capital XTRA’s licence is held by Capital Xtra Limited, which is owned by Global Media & Entertainment Limited (“Global”). DJ Tiiny was a show broadcast weekly on Friday evenings. A complainant alleged that the presenter played some artists’ music tracks in return for payment. Global contacted Ofcom and confirmed the allegation, saying that it had been alerted to the matter on 27 January 2021 and that the presenter’s contract of employment had been terminated the following day. Ofcom considered the matter raised potential issues under the following Code rule: Rule 10.5: “No commercial arrangement that involves payment, or the provision of some other valuable consideration, to the broadcaster may influence the selection or rotation of music for broadcast”. Issue 424 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin 12 April 2021 1 We therefore requested comments from Global on how programmes in which the presenter had played music tracks in return for payment complied with this rule.
Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee CELG(4)-10-14 Paper 3 National Assembly for Wales Communities, Equality & Local Government Committee Written Evidence March 2014 1 Section 1 1 Introduction 2 Ofcom welcomes this opportunity to submit evidence to the National Assembly for Wales‟ Communities, Equality & Local Government Committee on our activities and regulatory duties. Ofcom is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across broadcasting, telecommunications, postal services and the airwaves over which wireless devices operate. Ofcom operates under a number of Acts of Parliament and other legislation. These include the Communications Act 2003, the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006, the Broadcasting Acts 1990 and 1996, the Digital Economy Act 2010 and the Postal Services Act 2011. The Communications Act states that Ofcom‟s general duties should be to further the interests of citizens and of consumers. Meeting these two duties is at the heart of everything we do. As a converged regulator, Ofcom publishes high quality data and evidence about the broadcasting and communications sectors in Wales, through, among others, its annual Communications Market Report, UK Infrastructure Report1 and Public Service Broadcasting Annual Report. The data in much of this submission is based on the latest iterations of these reports, published in 2013. Data for the 2014 reports is currently being collated. The Communications Sector In recent years, consumers in Wales have benefited from significant changes in the way communications services are delivered. As a result, consumer expectations have changed considerably. In the past decade since Ofcom was established, the UK‟s communications market has experienced rapid change: In 2004, most connections to the internet were through a dial up connection and broadband was in its infancy with a maximum speed of 1 or 2 megabits per second.
Service Review of Network Music Radio (Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3, 6 Music, 1Xtra, Asian Network)
Submission to BBC Trust Service Review of Network Music Radio (Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3, 6 Music, 1Xtra, Asian Network) from November 2014 INTRODUCTION This paper should be seen in conjunction with a submission to the BBC Trust from Classic FM’s parent company Global and also from RadioCentre. It focuses on BBC Radio 3 and its exceptional role in broadcasting and commissioning classical music. BBC Radio 3 holds a unique position in the British broadcasting landscape. Its strength in the past has been in its ability to use this unique position, with the safety net of generous public funding, to create bold, distinctive, brave programming, unfettered by the need to deliver audiences to advertisers. With a guaranteed income from the Licence Fee, BBC Radio 3 operates in common with other BBC services, without any fear of commercial failure. The position of BBC Radio 3 in the marketplace means that the BBC occupies a potentially market-distorting role in terms of the commissioning, broadcast and promotion of live classical music in the UK, either on radio or via digital online broadcasts. SUMMARY The BBC must have greater regard for the impact of BBC Radio 3 on the market place and on the classical music eco-system in the UK. In future, the BBC should enforce far tighter content requirements on publicly subsidised services such as BBC Radio 3, with far greater regard to the overall competitive broadcast marketplace when programming changes are made. Alone among any BBC radio or television service, it can be argued that BBC Radio 3’s uniquely guaranteed funding, along with the concentration of power in the hands of the station’s Controller, is unprecedented in any other area of broadcasting or the arts in the UK.
BBC Trust: Service Review of BBC Network Music Radio Annex: Radio 3 content analysis About this analysis The Trust analysed two weeks of output from Radio 3 and Classic FM, from 22 September to 5 October 2014, in order to test how similar Radio 3’s music is to Classic FM’s in peak listening periods. This analysis used a log of music played on Radio 3, which was provided by the BBC. Classic FM’s repertory was taken from its playlist, which is published on its website. (Note we substituted a small amount of content for Classic FM from a later week, due to some gaps in the published data at the time of sourcing). For the purposes of the analysis we considered only Radio 3’s primary classical music output, so excluded Jazz, World Music, and programming that only provides short excerpts of music alongside speech (such as CD Review or Music Matters). The analysis included all of Classic FM’s music. The Radio 3 data supplied to us by the BBC included detail on the length of each piece played. As this was not available for Classic FM’s repertory, we estimated the average length of track on Classic FM using the published start times of each piece, then subtracting the estimated amount of speech content. We listened to six hours at different times of the day to provide an estimate of the proportion of speech/advertising to music. Based on this listening, we have estimated that around 20% of Classic FM’s output is not music, which we estimate increases to around 25% during its breakfast programme.
INTRODUCTION TO ASCENTIAL OUR INVESTMENT CASE Clear long-term vision. Helping leading global brands connect with their customers in a data-driven world. Structural growth. Demand for information, data & analytics driven by growth of digital commerce. Market leaders. We are leaders, with a unique blend of specialisms, in the high growth areas in which we operate. Robust business model. High recurring and repeat revenue, with more than 50% revenues from digital subscription and platforms, across diverse global customer base. Attractive financial profile. Track record of high single digit revenue growth, strong margins and cash generation, supported by sound capital allocation. Introduction to Ascential 2 OUR CUSTOMER PROPOSITION Our information products and platforms support our customers to do three simple things… CREATE THE RIGHT MAXIMISE THE OPTIMISE DIGITAL PRODUCTS BRAND MARKETING COMMERCE IMPACT Know which products Know how to get Know how to execute the consumer wants maximum creativity with with excellence on the tomorrow. optimised media. winning platforms. 1. 2. 3. Introduction to Ascential 3 SEGMENTAL OVERVIEW –2019 Segment Revenue % Revenue1 Growth1 EBITDA2 Margin Business Model Advisory 10% Digital Subscriptions Product £86m 21% +8% £36m 42% & Platforms 90% Design Digital Subscriptions Advisory & Platforms 11% Marketing £136m 32% +9% £51m 37% 37% Events 52% Advisory 6% Digital Subscriptions & Sales - Platforms 94% Digital £90m 22% +21% £13m 15% Commerce Sales - Digital Subscriptions & Events Platforms 4% Non Digital £68m 16%
LEED V Living Building Challenge: Critical Evaluation
LEED v Living Building Challenge: Critical Evaluation Vera Straka1, Lilia Sousedova 2 1Associate Professor, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada 2Graduating Student, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada Abstract LEED is entrenched in North America as one of the most prominent green building certification standard. LEED is not without flaws. It is developing to address some of its shortcomings, namely related to the building performance over building’s life span. New emerging green building rating systems such as Living Building Challenge (LBC) are much stricter and go beyond the building itself. LBC does not only consider actual building performance rather than the predicted one but it addresses its context. It encompasses humane scale, universal access, social justice, health and urban agriculture. It is much closer to the concept of net zero energy and it is thriving for net zero environmental impact. LEED Gold and Platinum buildings are reaching high environmental standards and number of certified b buildings is increasing exponentially. In this paper, four case studies of the top rated LEED office buildings in Southern Ontario are investigated. Common categories of LEED points scored by these building are described and their comparison matrix is presented. The summary of the case studies is used to define a typical LEED building. This building is then evaluated for compliance with LBC and imperatives not met are investigated in order to determine what strategies would need to be adopted to improve the LEED design. The projects which are candidates for LCB designation are studies to assist with identification of differences. Paper concludes with the findings of this comparison and discussion on their implication.
Addition of Heart Extra to the Multiplex Is Therefore Likely to Increase Significantly the Appeal of Services on Digital One to This Demographic
Radio Multiplex Licence Variation Request Form This form should be used for any request to vary a local or national radio multiplex licence, e.g: • replacing one programme or data service with another • adding a programme or data service • removing a programme or data service • changing the Format description of a programme service • changing a programme service from stereo to mono • changing a programme service's bit-rate Please complete all relevant parts of this form. You should submit one form per multiplex licence, but you should complete as many versions of Part 3 of this form as required (one per change). Before completing this form, applicants are strongly advised to read our published guidance on radio multiplex licence variations, which can be found at: licensing/digital-radio/radio-mux-changes/ Part 1 – Details of multiplex licence Radio multiplex licence: DM01 National Commercial Licensee: Digital One Contact name: Glyn Jones Date of request: 15 January 2016 1 Part 2 – Summary of multiplex line-up before and after proposed change(s) Existing line-up of programme services Proposed line-up of programme services Service name and Bit-rate Stereo/ Service name and Bit-rate Stereo/ short-form description (kbps)/ Mono short-form (kbps)/ Mono Coding (H description Coding (H or F) or F) Absolute Radio 80F M Absolute Radio 80F M Absolute 80s 80F M Absolute 80s 80F M BFBS 80F M BFBS 80F M Capital XTRA 112F JS Capital XTRA 112F JS Classic FM 128F JS Classic FM 128F JS KISS 80F M KISS 80F
Quantifying the relative risk differences between FTTP and FTTC Prepared for BT Group plc 14 January 2021 Final: public Final: public Quantifying the relative risk differences between FTTP and FTTC Oxera Contents 1 Introduction 2 1.1 Summary of main findings 2 1.2 Structure of the report 3 2 Ofcom’s proposals on WACC and relative systematic risk differentials 4 2.1 Theoretical support for differences in systematic risk 4 2.2 Overview of Ofcom’s analysis and proposals 7 3 Income elasticities and asset betas 10 3.1 BT consumer experiment and income elasticities 10 3.2 Calculating the relationship between income elasticity and asset beta 12 3.3 Predicting the asset beta wedge between FTTC and FTTP 13 3.4 Conclusions 15 4 Conclusion 16 A1 Details of consumer choice experiment 17 Boxes, figures and tables Box 2.1 Illustration of the relationship between operating leverage and systematic risk 6 Table 2.1 Summary of Ofcom’s proposals 9 Box 3.1 The field experiment commissioned by BT 10 Table 3.1 FTTP regression coefficients 11 Table 3.2 FTTC regression coefficients 11 Table 3.3 Projection of income elasticity for copper 12 Table 3.4 US panel regression’s results 13 Table 3.5 Estimated asset beta wedge due to income elasticity 14 Table A1.1 FTTC’s products summary statistics 17 Table A1.2 FTTP’s products summary statistics 17 Table A1.3 Respondents’ income in FTTC survey 18 Table A1.4 Respondents’ income in FTTP survey 18 Final: public Quantifying the relative risk differences between FTTP and FTTC 2 Oxera 1 Introduction Oxera has