Codex Martialis: Weapons of the Ancient World
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Cod ex Mart ial is Weapo ns o f t he An cie nt Wor ld : Par t 2 Arm or a nd M issile Weapo ns Codex Martialis : Weapons of the A ncient World Par t II : Ar mo r an d Mi ss il e We ap on s 1 Cod ex Mart ial is Weapo ns o f t he An cie nt Wor ld : Par t 2 Arm or a nd M issile Weapo ns Codex Martialis: Weapons of the Ancient World Part 2 , Ar mor an d Missile Weapo ns Versi on 1 .6 4 Codex Ma rtia lis Copyr ig ht 2 00 8, 2 0 09 , 20 1 0, 2 01 1, 20 1 2,20 13 J ean He nri Cha nd ler 0Credits Codex Ma rtia lis W eapons of th e An ci ent Wo rld : Jean He nri Chandler Art ists: Jean He nri Cha nd ler , Reyna rd R ochon , Ram on Esteve z Proofr ead ers: Mi chael Cur l Special Thanks to: Fabri ce C og not of De Tail le et d 'Esto c for ad vice , suppor t and sporad ic fa ct-che cki ng Ian P lum b for h osting th e Co de x Martia lis we bsite an d co n tinu in g to prov id e a dvice an d suppo rt wit ho ut which I nev e r w oul d have publish ed anyt hi ng i ndepe nd ent ly. Vi ctor Ch ernyavskiy http:// vizael.blo for seve r al ph otos of arm or Michael Cur l fo r C hin ese F ire La nce Paul M . Am brose Antiques http:// www .am brosea ntiqu for seve ral phot os o f a ntique fi rearms Ali na B oyden F or he lp wit h weapons an d ar mor o f t he Isla mic wo rl d a nd g ene ral te ch ni cal assistance Len ny Z immerma nn for pr oo frea di ng an d be in g a fash io n mode l Mic hael Ede lson fro m the Ne w York H isto r ica l Fe nc ing Asso cia tio n w ww .new yorklongsw fo r pe r miss ion to use his photos and c ite the re sults o f h is fie ld te sts w ith ma il and te x tile ar mo r. Jake No rwo od for co ntinu ed i nspiration an d fri en dship . Lynx Swo rd St udy G roup lyn xswor m (Canada) an d Gaukler Medieval Wares http ://w ww .me die valwar fo r providin g ima ges of re-e nact ors in h istor ical ly a ccurat e r e plica armo r. Steve Thu rston, Rosa Mun di (UK) ht tp://w ww .d ur b.m.h od gson/r osamun di/ for imag es o f re-ena cto rs i n hist o rica lly accurate r epli ca ar mor an d k it . Ing o fr om Fe der echte r (Germany) http://ww w.fe der fe cht er .de / for prov id in g imag es. Matt Easto n of S cho la G lad iator ia for var io us corr ectio ns, photos of h is ar ch ery explo its, an d let tin g me use his clu bs for um as a sou nd in g boar d an d va rio us m emb ers o f Scho la G lad iator ia for um for d ive rse for ms o f assistan ce an d a dv ice An d t o a ll th e C ode x Mart ialis fa ns an d suppo rters who ha ve co ntact ed me from Bosto n, New Orlea ns, Miam i, Sa n Francisco , Aust in , Madr id , Barcelo na, Di jo n, Sar di nia , Ga l way, G dansk , Pra gue , Pilse n, Tabo r, Brist ol , Lo nd on , Trond heim , Au gsbu rg , Stut tgar t, Neu Ulm , Be rne , Base l, Pert h, Cope n hage n, Go the bu rg , on d uty in Afg han istan and e veryw her e else aroun d th e wor ld w here t hey lik e a g oo d gami ng n ig ht wit h a few g oo d fr ien ds an d a co uple of bee rs. “I love to see a lord when he is the first to advance on horseback, armed and fearless, thus encouraging his men to valiant service; then, when the fray has begun, each must be ready to follo w him willingly, because no one is held in esteem until he has given and received blows. We shall see clubs and swords, gaily col oured helmets and shields shattered and spoiled, at the beginning of the battle, and many vassals all together receiving great blo ws, by reason of which many horses will wander riderless, belonging to the killed and wounded. Once he has started fighting, no noble knight thinks of anything but breaking heads and arms — better a dead man than a live one who is useless. I tell you, neither in eating, drinking, nor sleeping do I find what I feel when I hear the shout "At Them" from both sides, and the neighing of riderless horses in the confusion, or the call "Help! Help!," or when 1 see great and small fall on the grass of the ditches, or when I espy dead men who still have pennoned lances in their ribs.” Be rtran de Born, A Poem o f Chivalry, 11th Century 2 Cod ex Mart ial is Weapo ns o f t he An cie nt Wor ld : Par t 2 Arm or a nd M issile Weapo ns Eras: Neolithic (before 3000 BC) Pre-histori c (3000- 1500 BC), Classical Bronze Age (1500 BC – 1000 BC), Classical Iron Age (1000 BC – 400 AD), Dark Age s / M igration Era (400 A D – 800 AD), M ediev al (800 AD – 1350 AD), Renaissan ce (1350 AD – 1550 AD ), Enlighten men t / Baroque (1550 A D – 1700 AD) , Early M odern (1700 AD – 1800 A D) These eras are designated for game pur poses, the actual historical eras were different and actually varied considerably from region to region. 3 Cod ex Mart ial is Weapo ns o f t he An cie nt Wor ld : Par t 2 Arm or a nd M issile Weapo ns Credits ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Part I: Armor ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Armor Works ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Glossary of some Armor Terms ................................................................................................................. 10 Aketon .................................................................................................................................................... 10 Arming Doublet ...................................................................................................................................... 10 Arming Jack ............................................................................................................................................ 10 Bechterets .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Bevor ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Bracer ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Brigandine .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Byrnie ..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Cap à pied .............................................................................................................................................. 12 Coat Armor ............................................................................................................................................. 12 Coat of Plates ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Chausses ................................................................................................................................................ 12 Coif ......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Corslet .................................................................................................................................................... 12 Cuirass ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Cuir Bouilli .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Cuisses ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Dō . .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 Dō-maru ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Doubled Mail .......................................................................................................................................... 14 Doublet ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Fauld ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 Gambeson .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Gauntlet ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Greave .................................................................................................................................................... 15 Gorget..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Gothic Harness ......................................................................................................................................