Congressional Record—Senate S7223
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June 23, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7223 Without objection, it is so ordered. Donald Rumsfeld, et al., he enlisted the sup- that immediately following the next port of the Project for the New American f votes, the Senate proceed to executive Century. session and votes on the following The plan hit paydirt with the election of 250TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE nominations on today’s Executive Cal- FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR George W. Bush. Perle took on the Defense Policy Board. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Feith endar: Calendar Nos. 592 and 609. I fur- Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, our Nation became one, two and three at the Defense ther ask consent that following the launches a 6-year commemoration of Department, and Cheney as vice president votes, the motions to reconsider be laid the 250th anniversary of the French took Scooter Libby and David Wurmser as upon the table, the President be imme- and Indian war. That commemoration his deputies. Clean Break was streamlined to diately notified of the Senate’s action, go directly into Iraq. and the Senate then return to legisla- is this year. As part of the celebration, Iraq, as a threat to the United States, was Members of the Senate and their staffs all contrived. Richard Clarke stated in his tive session, with no intervening action are invited to a special viewing of a book, Against All Enemies, with John or debate. handwritten autobiographical manu- McLaughlin of the CIA confirming, that Finally, I ask unanimous consent script of George Washington, which there was no evidence or intelligence of that there be 4 minutes of debate conveys unique insights of the war and ‘‘Iraqi support for terrorism against the equally divided prior to each of the young Washington’s personal reflec- United States’’ from 1993 until 2003 when we votes. tions on his experiences. Washington’s invaded. The State Department on 9/11 had a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there list of 45 countries wherein al Qaeda was op- objection? ‘‘Remarks’’ will be on display in S–127 erating. While the United States was listed, in the Capitol on Wednesday, today, it didn’t list the country of Iraq. The Senator from Nevada. from 12 noon until 3 p.m. President Bush must have known that Mr. REID. Could we have these votes, George Washington is most com- there were no weapons of mass destruction as are the votes preceding this, 10- monly remembered as our Nation’s in Iraq. We have no al Qaeda, no weapons of minute votes? first President and a Revolutionary mass destruction and no terrorism from Iraq; Mr. FRIST. We have no objection on War commander. Americans are far we were intentionally misled by the Bush ad- our side to 10-minute votes. ministration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without less aware of his activities during the Which explains why President-elect Bush French and Indian war. Washington sought a briefing on Iraq from Defense Sec- objection, it is so ordered. never wrote a memoir, but ‘‘Remarks’’ retary William Cohen in January before tak- f provides a firsthand account of his ing the oath of office and why Iraq was the early life, including his experiences in principal concern at his first National Secu- rity Council meeting—all before 9/11. When 9/ NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- the French and Indian war. TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR So I hope Senators will take the op- 11 occurred, we knew immediately that it was caused by Osama bin Laden in Afghani- 2005—Continued portunity to view this important stan. Within days we were not only going manuscript and learn more about The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- into Afghanistan, but President Bush was ate will continue the consideration of George Washington through this story asking for a plan to invade Iraq—even penned in his own hand. though Iraq had no involvement. S. 2400. Mr. President, in closing, I thank the After 15 months, Iraq has yet to be AMENDMENT NO. 3303 honorable Ned Rose of Charleston, WV, secured. Its borders were left open after There are now 2 minutes of debate for his thoughtfulness and his efforts in ‘‘mission accomplished,’’ allowing ter- equally divided related to the Corzine regard to having this displayed in S–127 rorists throughout the Mideast to come amendment. of the Capitol today, from 12 noon until join with the insurgents to reek havoc. The Senator from Nevada. 3 o’clock. As a result, our troops are hunkered Mr. REID. We yield back our time. down, going out to trouble spots and Mr. FRIST. We yield back the re- f escorting convoys. mainder of our time. WHY WE ARE IN IRAQ In the war against terrorism, we’ve The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Mr. HOLLINGS. Mr. President, I sub- given the terrorists a cause and created question is now on agreeing to the mo- mitted a column on how we got into more terrorism. Even though Saddam tion to waive the Budget Act with re- the mess in Iraq, which appeared this is gone, the majority of the Iraqi peo- spect to the Corzine amendment. morning in The State newspaper in Co- ple want us gone. We have proven our- The yeas and nays have been ordered. lumbia, SC. I ask unanimous consent it selves ‘‘infidels.’’ With more than 800 The clerk will call the roll. be printed in the RECORD. GIs killed, 5,000 maimed for life and a The legislative clerk called the roll. There being no objection, the mate- cost of $200 billion, come now the gen- Mr. MCCONNELL. I announce that rial was ordered to be printed in the erals in command, both Richard Myers the Senator from Kansas (Mr. RECORD, as follows: and John Abizaid, saying we can’t win. BROWNBACK) is necessarily absent. Back home the cover of The New Re- Peoples the world around have a history of I further announce that if present culture and religion. In the Mideast, the reli- public magazine asks, ‘‘Were We and voting the Senator from Kansas gion is predominantly Muslim and the cul- Wrong?’’ (Mr. BROWNBACK) would vote ‘‘no.’’ ture tribal. The Muslim religion is strong, Walking guard duty tonight in Bagh- Mr. REID. I announce that the Sen- i.e., those that don’t conform are considered dad, a G.I. wonders why he should lose ator from Massachusetts (Mr. KERRY) infidels; those of a tribal culture look for his life when his commander says he is necessarily absent. tribal leadership, not democracy. We liber- can’t win and the people back home The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ated Kuwait, but it immediately rejected de- can’t make up their mind. Unfortu- SUNUNU). Are there any other Senators mocracy. nately, the peoples of the world haven’t 2. In 1996, a task force was formed in Jeru- in the Chamber desiring to vote? salem including Richard Perle, Douglas changed their minds. They are still The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 49, Feith and David Wurmser. They submitted a against us. Heretofore, the world nays 49, as follows: plan for Israel to incoming Prime Minister looked to the United States to do the [Rollcall Vote No. 136 Leg.] Benjamin Netanyahu called Clean Break. It right thing. No more. The United YEAS—49 proposed that negotiations with the Pal- States has lost its moral authority. estinians be cut off and, instead, the Mideast Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask Akaka Dayton Kohl Baucus Dodd Landrieu be made friendly to Israel by democratizing unanimous consent that the order for Bayh Dorgan Lautenberg it. First Lebanon would be bombed, then the quorum call be rescinded. Biden Durbin Leahy Syria invaded on the pretext of weapons of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Bingaman Edwards Levin mass destruction. Afterward, Saddam Hus- objection, it is so ordered. Boxer Feingold Lieberman sein was to be removed in Iraq and replaced Breaux Feinstein Lincoln with a Hashemite ruler favorable to Israel. f Byrd Graham (FL) Mikulski The plan was rejected by Netanyahu, so Cantwell Harkin Murray UNANIMOUS CONSENT AGREE- Carper Hollings Nelson (FL) Perle started working for a similar approach MENT—EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Clinton Inouye Nelson (NE) to the Mideast for the United States. Taking Collins Jeffords Pryor on the support of Dick Cheney, Paul Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, as in exec- Corzine Johnson Reed Wolfowitz, Stephen Cambone, Scooter Libby, utive session, I ask unanimous consent Daschle Kennedy Reid VerDate jul 14 2003 04:02 Jun 24, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G23JN6.049 S23PT1.