California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment / Final Environmental Impact Statement for Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System
CALIFORNIA DESERT CONSERVATION AREA PLAN AMENDMENT / FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR IVANPAH SOLAR ELECTRIC GENERATING SYSTEM FEIS-10-31 JULY 2010 BLM/CA/ES-2010-010+1793 In Reply Refer To: In reply refer to: 1610-5.G.1.4 2800lCACA-48668 Dear Reader: Enclosed is the proposed California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment and Final Environmental Impact Statement (CDCA Plan Amendment/FEIS) for the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System (ISEGS) project. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) prepared the CDCA Plan Amendment/FEIS for the ISEGS project in consultation with cooperating agencies and California State agencies, taking into account public comments received during the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process. The proposed plan amendment adds the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System project site to those identified in the current California Desert Conservation Area Plan, as amended, for solar energy production. The decision on the ISEGS project will be to approve, approve with modification, or deny issuance of the rights-of-way grants applied for by Solar Partners I, 11, IV, and VIII. This CDCA Plan Amendment/FEIS for the ISEGS project has been developed in accordance with NEPA and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976. The CDCA Plan Amendment is based on the Mitigated Ivanpah 3 Alternative which was identified as the Agency Preferred Alternative in the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement for ISEGS, which was released on April 16,2010. The CDCA Plan Amendment/FEIS contains the proposed plan amendment, a summary of changes made between the DEIS, SDEIS and FEIS for ISEGS, an analysis of the impacts of the proposed decisions, and a summary of the written and oral comments received during the public review periods for the DEIS and for the SDEIS, and responses to comments.
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